Air temperature from 14 to 20 September. General forecasts for central Russia

Many people really like this month, as there is already no exhausting heat and nature is gradually starting to prepare for the winter cold. From this, the leaves on trees and shrubs are painted in yellow and crimson-red hues. This period is also characterized by unstable weather parameters. Therefore, many are interested in what the weather will be like in September 2018 in Russia.

Preliminary weather forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center

Russia occupies a vast territory and therefore the weather conditions in different regions differ significantly from each other. However, in September, a turn towards a colder season is felt everywhere. If in the south there is still very warm, almost summer weather, then in the central part of Russia there is already quite cool weather, especially at night. In the northern regions, autumn is fully within its rights. There are often cold and rainy days.

Specialists of the Hydrometeorological Center, based on data from previous years, made a preliminary forecast of weather conditions in September. According to their predictions, the weather in September will be quite unstable. Some days the weather will be fine. Although, it is possible that it will change to the opposite during the day.

In many regions, the first of September will be rainy and cool. This will complicate the life of schoolchildren and their parents, since it is on this day that school classes begin and school lines are held right next to educational institutions.

The first uncomfortable days do not mean that the whole month will be like this. Somewhere in the middle of the month, "Indian summer" will come, which will pamper everyone with summer weather. In some regions, the thermometer will reach +27 degrees. This truth does not apply to the northern and central regions of the country.

In the north it will be about + 10-12 degrees during the day and +5 at night. In the central part - about + 15-20 degrees during the day and + 10-12 degrees at night. The velvet season will take place in the south of Russia. This is when daytime and nighttime temperatures almost reach the same mark. The water temperature in natural reservoirs tends to the same indicator. It should be noted that the swimming season will continue on the Black Sea coast and in the Crimea.

The end of the month will no longer delight us with fine weather. In many regions, the rainy season will begin, and with it the mushroom season.

In general, September will be the most pleasant month of autumn in terms of weather. In addition, nature will dress in its brightest outfits. Everywhere there will be a riot of colors from yellow to burgundy.

In September, late varieties of fruits and vegetables ripen, so there will be no lack of vitamins. People will enjoy the last warm days.

If you are planning a long trip to other regions of our country in September, it is better to inquire about a more detailed weather forecast a few days in advance. This can be done on popular weather services:

  • Gismeteo;
  • hydrometeorological center;
  • Phobos.

To have at least some idea of ​​the weather conditions in various regions of Russia, we present data on the average September temperatures in various cities:

City Average daily temperature, °C Average night temperature, °C
Arkhangelsk +12 +6
Murmansk +11 +5
Surgut +12 +6
Yakutsk +13 +4
Adler +26 +18
Astrakhan +26 +14
Volgograd +22 +12
Vladikavkaz +23 +12
Sochi +26 +19
Velikiy Novgorod +16 +9
Vologda +13 +7
Kazan +15 +8
Eagle +17 +9
Voronezh +18 +10
St. Petersburg +15 +10
Kaliningrad +18 +12
Yekaterinburg +14 +6
Magnitogorsk +16 +8
Orenburg +20 +11
Irkutsk +16 +5
Mound +16 +8
Omsk +17 +8
Tomsk +15 +6
Krasnoyarsk +14 +5
Ulan-Ude +17 +6
Chita +16 +5
Ussuriysk +21 +12
Komsomolsk-on-Amur +18 +9

The listed temperature indicators are compiled on the basis of data from the Hydrometeorological Center in recent years.

Weather for the whole month in Moscow and the Moscow region

Weather conditions in September in the capital and the region will differ little from the weather in the Central region of the Russian Federation:

In the first ten days of the month, the daily temperature will be in the range of +14-21 degrees. Nighttime indicators will fluctuate around: + 8-13 ° С.

After the tenth of September, the daytime temperature will decrease to +12-15 °C, and the night temperature will become + 6-10 °C.

The last week will be marked by a further decrease in temperature indicators:

  • night - up to + 3-7 ° С;
  • daytime - up to + 7-12 ° С.

It should be noted that the weather in Moscow will be somewhat warmer, due to the exhaust gases of numerous cars and the abundance of asphalt pavement.

To understand what the weather will be like in September in Moscow, the following table from the Hydrometeorological Center can help:

Average daily temperature: +13°С
Average night temperature: +11.1°C
Number of sunny days: 12
Number of cloudy days: 13
Cloudy days: 4
Rainy days: 1
Prevailing wind: Northern, northeastern
Average moisture content: 81%

The average temperature of the month for the entire period of observation varied within: +9.9 - 13.8 °C.

The coldest September was in 2000, and the warmest in 2009.

How the average temperature of a month can change is shown by the following statistics:

  • 2000 - +9.9°С;
  • 2006 - +13.4°С;
  • 2008 - +10.9°С;
  • 2013 - +10.4°С;
  • 2015 - +13.2°С.

Signs of September

Previously, there were no meteorological services, and people predicted the weather according to all kinds of signs that our ancestors had accumulated for centuries. Here are just a few of them:

  • Thunder during the month to warm autumn.
  • An abundance of mountain ash for a rainy autumn.
  • A warm September portends a long winter.
  • High flight of cranes to a good autumn.
  • If the cherry leaf has not fallen, there will be no snow.
  • Lack of mushrooms and a large harvest of nuts for a harsh and snowy winter.
  • If the birch begins to turn yellow from the top, then this means that spring will be early. Yellowing underneath by late spring.
  • Rare clouds portend clear and cold weather.
  • Cobwebs on plants mean warm weather.
  • High flight of migratory birds towards snowy winter.
  • Abundance of cobwebs during Indian summer to dry autumn and harsh winter.
  • A large harvest of acorns indicates that the winter will be severe.
  • If the Indian summer begins with a clear day, then the whole autumn will be warm.
  • Late autumn mosquitoes mean a mild winter.
  • Hoarfrost means dry and sunny weather.
  • Harvest dogwood for a cold winter.
  • Aspen falls leaf up for a frosty winter.
  • If the third day of September is clear and sunny, then the weather will be like this for another four weeks.
  • Rain in mid-September to warm weather.

What weather forecast for the fall of 2018 was prepared by the Hydrometeorological Center for the inhabitants of Russia, we propose to find out in the review prepared by the specialists of the Moscow Meteorological Service.

General forecast for the Central regions of the country

If a decade ago, the Russians met the autumn season in September, today this month can be safely called a continuation of the summer. And this is not surprising, because the average daily air temperature in the European part of Russia rarely drops below +15 / +17°C.

According to the specialists of the Hydrometeorological Center, the nature of the autumn weather in Russia will remind of itself in the first ten days of October. At this time, a slight cooling is expected in the Central regions. The temperature will vary depending on the cyclone coming from the Arctic. During the daytime, the average values ​​of the temperature column will fluctuate in the range from +7 / +9°C. At night, meteorologists predict a drop in temperature to +2 / -1°C.

Cold weather and prolonged precipitation in the form of rain and sleet will fall on Russia after November 15th. In general, the autumn of 2018 will not bring unexpected surprises to the inhabitants of the country, and the temperature regime will be almost the same as last season.

The preliminary weather forecast for the Center of Russia, compiled by leading weather experts, is as follows:

  • September: comfortable mild weather with minimal precipitation. Air temperature during the day will be +16/+17°C, at night: +7/+8°C;
  • October: changeable weather with moderate rainfall, average air temperature during the day: +8 / +11°C, at night: +3 / +1°C.
  • november: fogs and rains, in the second half of the month - frosts and precipitation in the form of snow, daytime temperature: + 7 / +1 ° C, at night: -1 / -3 ° C, in the North and North-East: up to -11 °C

Weather in Moscow and the Moscow region

Given the general forecast of weather forecasters for the Central regions of our country, autumn 2018 in Moscow and the Moscow region will be almost the same as in the 2017 season.

In early September, moderately warm and quite comfortable weather is expected with minimal rainfall. The temperature bar will fluctuate from +13 / +17°C during the day to +5 / +8°C at night. The short-term rains that will come to the capital after September 20th will spoil the overall “picture”. During this period, Muscovites and residents of the region will feel the first vagaries of autumn weather.

In October, autumn will make the residents of the capital seriously think about changing their summer wardrobe. A significant cooling is expected throughout the month in Moscow, which will be accompanied by cloudiness and prolonged rains. There will be few sunny days, and only in the second half of the month October will once again delight Muscovites with a clear cloudless sky. October will end with windy weather with an abundance of precipitation. Daytime temperature in the last decade of the month will drop to +7 / +4°C, and at night it will drop to 0°C / -1°C.

Despite the capricious nature of November, in the early days it will be quite restrained. At the beginning of the month, Muscovites will enjoy cloudless and clear weather, then cold weather will return, rains will return, and the temperature will periodically drop below zero, reminding of the approach of winter.

Weather in Saint Petersburg

Cloudy skies, precipitation and wind are the usual weather for the Northern capital in the autumn season. However, “not everything is so bad”, because despite such a severe weather regime, the temperature in the city is unlikely to drop to minus levels even on the eve of December.

According to weather forecasts, the first month of autumn 2018 will give St. Petersburg residents a large number of clear and warm days. Short-term precipitation in the form of rain is expected here only in early September, in the second half of it they will be replaced by a clear cloudless sky. The air temperature will be quite familiar to the residents of St. Petersburg. During the daytime, its indicators will be +13 / +16°C, at night the thermometer will drop to +8°C.

In October, the sky will be covered with rain clouds, and the winds will become their frequent companions. The second decade of the month will also be cloudy and rainy. The sun will please the townspeople only on rare days. However, October will be remembered for a week of dry and relatively warm weather. Its maximum values ​​during the day will be + 7 / + 8°C.

The last month of autumn will also be warmer than normal. The lowest temperature predicted by weather forecasters for this 30-day period is +5 / +6°C during the day and 0°C at night.

Kuban and Krasnodar Territory

In the southern regions of Russia, warm, but at the same time changeable weather with an abundance of precipitation will be established. The warmest and most comfortable period of September is its second decade. The temperature bar will reach +25 / +27°C. The autumn season will end with November cooling down to +6°C, which will be accompanied by gusty winds and heavy showers.

Weather forecast for Siberia

In terms of weather, the first half of September will be fairly even. The average temperature range will fluctuate between +20°C during the day and +9°C at night. As October approaches, it gets noticeably colder. It will rain, and the daytime temperature will drop to almost zero. Frosts down to -17°C will strike in Siberia in the second decade of November, and the autumn season will end with a cooling down to -22 / -24°C.

Forecast for Crimea

According to information received from the Hydrometeorological Center, instead of the expected heat, the weather on the peninsula will present an unexpected surprise. Already in the middle of the autumn season, namely, in the second half of October, the temperature will drop to + 12 ° C, and the precipitation will fall much more than the norm. As winter approaches, the thermometer will drop to +4°C. The first night frosts in Crimea are expected only in the last days of November.

Sochi and Adler

By analogy with most of the Russian regions, autumn in Sochi and Adler will be quite warm and sunny. In September, the indicators of measuring instruments will show +23 / +28°C. After thunderstorms in the middle of the month, the temperature will gradually decrease. In October, the air will warm up to +21°C, and by the end of November it will get colder to +5 / +6°C.


Today, in order to find out what the weather will be, it is not at all necessary to guess it by signs. To do this, it is enough to get acquainted with the forecasts of weather forecasters, which can be found on various thematic sites. Thanks to the information provided, you can easily plan your autumn weekend so that the vagaries of the weather cannot become an obstacle to an important trip or a good outdoor recreation.

The preliminary forecast, correctly compiled by weather forecasters from the Roshydrometeorological Center, tells in advance what the weather will be like in Moscow in September 2018. The information voiced by meteorologists sounds more than optimistic. It is expected that at the beginning of the month from 1 to 3 in the capital and the Moscow region it will get colder to + 11 ... 13 ° C, the sky will be covered with clouds and it will start to rain. From September 4, the situation in Moscow will improve dramatically, the mercury column will strongly rush up and reach +20°C. According to the hydrometeorological center, the grace period will last until the end of the second decade. In the last days of September, the Arctic cyclone will cool Moscow and make residents and guests of the capital remember the inevitable onset of the cold season.

Weather in Moscow in September 2018 - the most accurate forecast for the first month of autumn

According to the most accurate forecast from the Russian hydrometeorological center, the weather in Moscow in September 2018 will delight you with pleasant, unobtrusive warmth, minimal rainfall and mostly clear days with partly cloudy.

The hydrometeorological center informs that it will rain only 4-5 times in Moscow and will be evenly distributed throughout the month. The beginning of the first decade and the final ten days will be cooler. The period from September 6 to 19 in Moscow will be remembered for high temperatures, complete calm and fresh, crystal clear autumn air.

Accurate daily forecast from the hydrometeorological center - weather in Moscow for September 2018

A detailed and accurate daily forecast from the hydrometeorological center tells you what the weather is planned for in Moscow in September 2018. According to forecasters, surprises in the weather situation are not expected. The traditional for Moscow cooling at the beginning of the month will quickly give way to mild, moderately warm weather, called "Indian summer". The hydrometeorological center says that this wonderful period will last about two weeks, and then the temperature in Moscow will drop by 5-7 degrees and the weather will become truly autumnal.

Data of the most accurate forecast of the hydrometeorological center for every day about the weather in Moscow in September 2018

According to the weather forecast from the hydrometeorological center, September 1 in Moscow will be rainy and cold. The sky from morning to the end of the day will be covered with clouds. The air temperature will not exceed +11°C even by noon, and at night it will drop to almost winter levels (up to +7°C). On the 2nd and 3rd, there will be no precipitation in Moscow, but the sun will not be able to break through thick clouds.

The weather in Moscow will start to improve only after September 5th. The hydrometeorological center promises that the daytime temperature will jump sharply from +15°C to +20°C. All the clouds will leave the sky and the bright sun will dry up and heat up the streets and avenues of Moscow. On the 11th, the rainbow picture of the weather drawn by the hydrometeorological center will be disturbed by wind, cloudiness and light rain. But the meteorological turmoil in Moscow will end by nightfall, and on September 12 the weather will return to normal.

The next break in the weather will begin on September 19. The hydrometeorological center warns: the air temperature in Moscow will drop to + 12 ... 14 ° C during the daytime, and at night the mercury column will drop to + 3 ... 4 ° C. Sunny and moderately cloudy weather will be replaced by cloudy and damp, and from September 25 to 27, Moscow will be washed by heavy September rains. According to the forecast of the hydrometeorological center, in the last three days of September the weather in Moscow will stabilize, but there will be no very high temperatures either in the morning or at night.

Weather forecast in the Moscow region in September 2018 - what the forecasters of the hydrometeorological center promise

Knowing what the weather will be like in Moscow in September 2018, you can roughly understand the general weather situation in the region. However, the Moscow region is large and its different parts will reflect their own specific moments. In the southern and southeastern parts, the forecast of the hydrometeorological center predicts high temperatures at the beginning of the month and a slight cooling by the end. Indian summer in these places will last until the end of September and even catch the first week of October.

For the north and northwest, the forecast of the hydrometeorological center promises a very short warm period in the second decade of September. By the end of the month, it will rain heavily here and the mercury columns will stop rising above + 8 ... 10 ° C during the daytime. At night, the air will cool down to + 1 ... 3 ° C and the first frosts will appear on the soil, as harbingers of the approaching cold weather.

Residents and guests of the region will be able to learn everything about temperature changes, precipitation in Moscow and the Moscow Region with the most accurate forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center. We have collected all the information from weather forecasters at the beginning and end of the month: they will tell you what the weather will be like in Moscow in September 2018.

The most accurate weather forecast in Moscow for September 2018 - data from the Hydrometeorological Center

According to the most accurate forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center, the weather in Moscow in September 2018 will change smoothly. At the beginning of the month it will be quite warm, but the last weeks will be marked by intermittent rains. In general, the weather forecast for Moscow for September 2018 differs little from the weather forecast for previous years.

What weather does the Hydrometeorological Center predict in Moscow for September 2018?

Coolness in Moscow, according to the Hydrometeorological Center, residents and guests of the city will notice only from the second half of September. The temperature will gradually drop from +17 to +11. According to weather forecasters, storms are not expected in September 2018 in the capital.

What will be the weather in Moscow in September 2018 - forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center for the beginning and end of the month

According to the service of the Hydrometeorological Center, cool and rainy weather in Moscow will be established only at the end of September 2018. But at the beginning of the month it will be warm in the capital: sunny weather without precipitation in Moscow will allow citizens and guests of the city to comfortably take walks.

Weather forecast for early September 2018 for Moscow

The beginning of September in Moscow will be quite warm and sunny. The temperature will average +15 degrees. According to the Hydrometeorological Center, only occasionally in early September it will be cloudy in Moscow, but without precipitation.

What will be the weather in Moscow at the end of September 2018 according to the forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center?

At the end of September, the weather in Moscow will worsen somewhat. The air temperature will drop to +11 degrees. According to the Hydrometeorological Center, the last weeks of the month in Moscow will be cloudy and rainy. At the end of September 2018, air humidity will also increase in Moscow.

What will be the weather in the Moscow region in September 2018 - forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center

According to the service of the Hydrometeorological Center, the weather in the Moscow region in September 2018 will differ little from the weather in Moscow. Therefore, when planning your vacation in this region, you can rely on weather forecasters for the capital.

Accurate weather forecast for the Moscow region for September 2018 from the Hydrometeorological Center

According to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center, the weather in Moscow and the region will be quite similar. The first half of September will be warm. But from the middle of the month, both in Moscow and in the region, cooling is expected. True, for cities located north of Moscow, the temperature will be a couple of degrees lower - about +10 or +9. For cities located south of the capital, the temperature at the end of September will be the same as in the metropolis.

At the beginning of autumn, residents who have rested in resorts and cool autumn weather return to the capital. According to the most accurate forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center, the weather in Moscow for September 2018 is expected to be approximately the same as in previous years, which means that this year one should not expect a warm and sunny start to autumn. The weather in the Moscow region in September 2018 will also be typical for this time of year - fogs, heavy rains and increasing winds will contrast with the warm calm August. You can find out more about what the weather will be like in September this year in the capital and the Moscow region below.

Weather in Moscow for September 2018 - the most accurate long-term forecast

About what the weather is expected in Moscow for September 2018, the most accurate forecast states the following: from the first days of the month, residents and guests of the capital will experience a significant cooling, and prolonged rains will not be rare in the first two weeks. Warm nights will end with the summer, and at night in the capital the air temperature will drop to +12..14C. During the day it will be somewhat warmer, but due to constant cloudiness and gusty winds, people will still have to hide light summer clothes far away.

According to the forecast of weather forecasters of the Hydrometeorological Center and other reliable weather stations, in general, the weather in Moscow in September 2018 can be described by the following averaged characteristics:

  • The average temperature during the day is 15C
  • The average temperature at night is 12C
  • The prevailing wind direction is south, west
  • Average wind speed - 3.5 m/s
  • Monthly rainfall - 65mm
  • Number of clear days - 5
  • Number of days with precipitation - 9
  • Cloudy - mostly overcast
  • The average air humidity is 78%.

Weather forecast in Moscow at the beginning and end of the month

In early September, according to a long-term forecast, the weather in Moscow will not please residents and guests of the capital with warmth and sunshine - rains are expected in the first week, and at night the thermometers will drop to +12C. Toward the middle of the month, the maximum temperature drop to +13C during the day and +7C at night is expected. Also, starting from the 10th, the winds will begin to intensify, and the warm south breeze will be replaced by a penetrating northwest breeze.

But at the end of the month, the capital is waiting for "Indian summer". According to forecasters, after September 17 there will be warming, which will last a little more than a week. In the period from 18 to 25 day the air temperature will rise to + 25C, the nights will also be warm. Unfortunately, this warming will not last long - in the last week of September, autumn will finally come into its own.

Weather in Moscow for September 2018 from the Hydrometeorological Center for every day

Forecasters of the Hydrometeorological Center have been observing the weather for many years, therefore, based on data on weather conditions in similar periods of previous years, they make a fairly long-term accurate forecast for a month for every day. And the forecast weather in Moscow for September 2018 from the Hydrometeorological Center practically does not differ from the forecasts of other synoptic stations. The hydrometeorological center claims that with a high probability the beginning of September will be quite cool and rainy, and towards the end of September, a short warming is expected.

Weather forecast for September 2018 for Moscow by day

The table provides the weather forecast in Moscow in September for every day. Since this forecast is long-term, its accuracy is about 80%.

Sat 01.09


Mainly cloudy

Sun 02.09


Partly cloudy

Mon 03.09

Partly cloudy

Tue 04.09

Mainly cloudy

Wed 05.09


Thu 06.09


Fri 07.09

Mainly cloudy

Sat 08.09

Partly cloudy

Sun 09.09


Partly cloudy

Mon 10.09

Mainly cloudy

Tue 11.09

Mainly cloudy

Wed 12.09


Thu 13.09


Fri 14.09

Mainly cloudy

Sat 15.09

Partly cloudy

Sun 16.09


Partly cloudy

Mon 17.09

Mainly cloudy

Tue 18.09

14° /12° Overcast

Wed 19.09

Partly cloudy

Thu 20.09

Rain at times

Fri 21.09

Sat 22.09

Partly cloudy

Sun 23.09


Partly cloudy

Mon 24.09

Partly cloudy

Tue 25.09

Partly cloudy

Wed 26.09

Partly cloudy

Thu 27.09


Fri 28.09

Rain at times

Sat 29.09

Rain at times

Sun 30.09



Weather in the Moscow region in September 2018 according to preliminary forecasts

According to the preliminary forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center, the weather in the Moscow region in September 2018 will be cool and humid. About 70 mm of precipitation will fall in the region in a month, and most of it will fall in the first half of September. During the day, the average air temperature will be +16C, and at night +11C. At the end of the month, a significant cooling is predicted in the Moscow Region, and at night the thermometers will drop to + 4 ... 5C, and in the daytime they are unlikely to rise above + 12C.

The weather forecast for September claims that autumn will come into its own from the beginning of the month

When asked what the weather is forecast for in Moscow and the Moscow Region in September 2018, weather forecasters unanimously affirm the following: from the very beginning of the month, autumn will come into its own and bring coolness, rains and gusty winds to the region. The most accurate forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center promises residents and guests of the capital a cold snap from the first days of the month and a large amount of precipitation. And only in the second half in September 2018, warming is expected in the capital and the region, which will last about a week.

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