The secret of the noun: concrete, abstract, collective, real. abstract nouns

Of particular stylistic interest is the use of abstract nouns by writers to enhance the effectiveness of speech.

The psychology of creativity distinguishes two types of thinking: visual and theoretical. The first is characterized by the emergence in the mind of a person of representations that reflect reality in single concepts, which are expressed in specific names of objects of reality; the second consists in the creation of abstract concepts fixed in nouns of an abstract meaning that are not reflected in concrete images. Abstract thinking is characteristic primarily of scientists, it manifests itself in the abstraction of various language tools in scientific presentation, in particular, in the preference for abstract nouns to concrete ones, and also in the fact that specific words in scientific texts usually used in an abstract sense. However, in scientific style there is no expressive halo around nouns, since they perform only an informative function.

The fundamental difference between the stylistic use of abstract nouns in artistic speech is to activate their expressive possibilities. Under the pen of artists, abstract nouns can become a strong source of speech expression, although their aesthetic function is sometimes underestimated, which distorts the idea of ​​the stylistic resources of morphological means.

Russian writers have always attached great importance to the development of abstract vocabulary in artistic speech. Abstract nouns were involved in the system of expressive means by poets - to reflect spiritual world lyrical hero, designation of sublime moral and aesthetic categories. For example, A. S. Pushkin: But I'm not made for bliss...; And the heart beats in rapture, and for it the deity, and inspiration, and life, and tears have risen again, and love.

Poets II half of XIX in. expanded the repertoire of abstract nouns, giving the style an excitedly pathetic sound. So, N. A. Nekrasov often uses the words: freedom, Vera, shrine, sorrow, poverty, despair, fight, violence. To enhance the expression of abstract nouns, which acquire a political connotation in the context, the poet used a special graphic technique - he wrote them with a capital letter: Through the dark abysses of Violence and Evil, Labor and Hunger she led me... [about the muse].

Among the classics of Russian prose, abstract nouns were a means of depicting the rich spiritual life of heroes. Many words of this lexical and grammatical category were introduced into artistic speech by M. Yu. Lermontov, who skillfully clarified their meaning with expressive epithets: Cold anger took possession of me; immeasurable despair, violent courage, deep contempt, sweet delusions, inexplicable pleasure.

In the legacy of every great Russian writer, one can point out those characteristic of his style, which have a deep philosophical and aesthetic value abstract nouns, often put into use by the same artist: in Goncharov - Oblomovism, at Turgenev's nihilism, at Chernyshevsky - emancipation, patriotism.

In our time, abstract nouns are perceived for the most part as stylistically neutral, but often they still retain expressive shades, which are associated with the idea of ​​literacy, a sublime way of expression, and therefore the scope of their stylistic use is reflections, philosophical searches of heroes. Making up a significant part of the "intelligent dictionary", abstract nouns are used to speech characteristics heroes-intellectuals:

He [Sergey] was looking for threads that connected the past with an even more distant past and with the future ... Man, he said, will never come to terms with death, because he has a feeling of the infinity of the thread, of which he himself is a part. It is not God who rewards a person with immortality, and it is not religion that inspires him with an idea, but this encoded, gene-transmitted feeling of belonging to an infinite series ...

(YU. Trifonov.)

It is also important to emphasize such a feature of the functioning of abstract nouns in a literary text: in speech they often receive a specific meaning: “ First joys"(Fed.); " long goodbye"(Trif.); Death seemed to be flirting with the Cossack; ... Spilled anger in a fight with Peter(Shol.); ... Life raged in him. She rustled in the blood, like a May thunderstorm in the bushes of a spring garden.; Health flowed out drop by drop, like sap from a cut birch.(Laurel). At the same time, the abstract semantics of abstract nouns is transformed as a result of metaphorical rethinking, expanding the boundaries lexical compatibility, updating their value. This manifests the most important feature of artistic speech - the subject-figurative concretization of what is described.

In the expressive function, abstract nouns also appear in journalistic style of the modern Russian language, replenishing the composition of the socio-political vocabulary, which has estimated values: activity, atmosphere, struggle, friendship, campaign, slander, peace, public, stronghold, politics, potential, cooperation, start, tactics, escalation etc. Such abstract nouns play a leading role in the structure of the newspaper's vocabulary: distinguished by a special breadth of semantics, they characterize a variety of circumstances, events, phenomena, accompanying them with a sharp assessment.

  • See: Kozhina M.N. On the specifics of artistic and scientific speech in the aspect of functional stylistics. - Perm, 1966. - P. 162. According to this study, abstract nouns in the scientific style make up 65.6% versus 34.4% of specific ones, and in artistic speech the picture is exactly the opposite: abstract nouns 35.9%, specific 64, one %.
  • See: Solganik G. Ya. Newspaper vocabulary: Functional aspect. - M., 1981. - S. 64 et seq.

To the question What are abstract nouns? given by the author ღ Torunyaღ the best answer is attracted nouns denote various abstract concepts, qualities, actions, states in abstraction from the carrier of the sign and the producer of the action: beauty, dexterity, courage, development, enthusiasm, mowing, elasticity, slush, whiteness, cold, warmth.
Grammatical features of abstract nouns
1. Do not form number forms.
Can only be singular or only plural. In other words, these are nouns that do not change in numbers.
Only ed. numbersOnly many numbers
laughter, noise, silence, fear
shine, fight, fuss, run
community, goodness, captivity
elections, holidays
twilight, weekdays
2. Do not combine with cardinal numbers.
3. Some abstract nouns can be combined with the words many / few and at the same time stand in the form singular: a lot of attention, a lot of joy, little grief.
Many, many restless
He will bring it with him.
(P. P. Ershov)
Derivative suffixes of abstract nouns
1. Abstract nouns formed from adjectives and verbs with the help of zero suffixation.
Adjective → noun
green - greenØ, blue - blueØ
bitter - bitternessØ
Verb → noun
translate - translateØ, go -
transitionØ, sign - signatureØ
2. Abstract nouns formed with the help of special suffixes.
courage, bravery, wisdom
boasting, arrogance
realism, heroism, patriotism
-providing-pleasure [j]e
kindness, generosity
whiteness, curvature, novelty
patience [j]e, imagination [j]e
-anij-punishment [j]e, knitting [j]e
development [j]e, events [j]e
orientation [j]i, nomination [j]i
Unmotivated nouns make up a small part of the abstract ones: sadness, passion, sadness, misfortune, comfort, torment, grief, mind.
To denote specific manifestations of abstract qualities, plural forms can be used: cold - winter cold, depth - sea ​​depths, beauty - the beauties of nature, reading - Pushkin's readings, joy - the joys of life.
Valgina N. S., Rosenthal D. E. and Fomina M. I. believe that at present, abstract nouns tend to expand the scope of the use of plural forms: agreement, reality, heterogeneity, givenness. This also applies to verbal names with the meaning of action: sales, watering, shooting, emissions.

Answer from MANECHKA FEVRALYOVA[newbie]
Nouns used to denote abstract concepts of quality, action and state are called abstract, or abstract (whiteness, mowing, beauty, shooting, development, slush, warmth, enthusiasm, cold, etc.). Grammatically abstract (abstract) nouns are characterized by the fact that their predominant part has only singular forms (brilliance, noise, fuss, silence, community, patience, good, evil, etc.). Only a few of the abstract nouns can be used in plural when concretizing the meaning (the joys of life, the beauty of nature, noises in the heart, etc.). Some abstract names have only plural forms (more precisely, they are grammatically designed as plural nouns): holidays, twilight, etc. Currently, there is a tendency to expand the scope of the use of plural forms for abstract nouns (such as reality, givenness, agreement, heterogeneity). The range of words that can take these forms has increased significantly. This partly reflects the desire of the language for greater accuracy and concreteness of the statement. This is especially noticeable in a special language (for example, acclimatization of fish). Another group of words that actively take on plural forms are verbal names with the meaning of action (watering, emissions, sales, shooting). Distributed in the field of industrial, agricultural and military activities.

Abstract nouns ABSTRACT, -th, -th; -yon.

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  • - funds of enterprises, companies withdrawn from circulation for purposes not directly related to production activities ...

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  • - Section 78...

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  • - Section 79...

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  • - see proper nouns...

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    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - SPECIFIC, -th, -th; -ten, -tna. Really existing, quite precise and materially defined, in contrast to the abstract, abstract. specific concept. K. example. K. subject. Talk specifically...

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  • - ...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 thoughtful ...

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"Abstract nouns" in books

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4. Compound nouns

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4. Compound nouns large groups: 1) with the meaning of a person (nomina personae); 2) non-personal names (nomina inpersonalis). Personal names make up a significant part compound words, this group was relevant

5.1. Nouns

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5.1. Nouns in late XIX- the beginning of the XX century. a small number of compound names have entered the Russian language, which can be semantically divided into the following areas: 1) sports, musical terms, concepts: jiu-jitsu, lawn tennis, two-step - "American


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2. Abstract constructions

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Verb nouns!

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Collective nouns

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(CO) author TSB

Abstract funds

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (OT) of the author TSB

6.12. Indeclinable nouns

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Indefinite nouns

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9. Select nouns from the text

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Hello, dear students of Argemona! Did you get to this lecture? Glad to see you all!

Today, the topic of our lesson, perhaps for some, will be quite difficult, because about our own and common names Everyone often hears nouns, but those that we will talk about today are heard very rarely and, in the end, they are forgotten. But the magic of using specific words directly depends on the existing knowledge about these words. Therefore, let's be patient and proceed to the joint study of the names of concrete, abstract, collective, material nouns. In fact, the topic is not so difficult.

specific nouns are those that can be combined with quantitative (collective) and ordinal numbers. I hope everyone remembers what it is? Cardinal numbers are the number of items: one, two, two hundred, one hundred, etc. Collective - two, three ... Ordinal - first, second ... Therefore, specific nouns are the names of objects (leaf, tree, table), specific actions (jump, flight), facts and phenomena of reality (lesson, duel). Most of these nouns have the forms of both numbers. The only exceptions are the names of paired items: trousers, scissors.

Abstract (abstract) nouns - these are the names of abstract concepts - properties, qualities, actions, states: mind, joy, wisdom, compassion. Such nouns, as a rule, do not form a plural form and cannot be combined with cardinal numbers. However, some of them have the ability to combine with indefinitely quantitative words: a lot of joy, little wisdom, a little happiness.

Collective nouns denote a set of homogeneous in some respect persons (youth), objects (furniture), animals (young animals), insects (midges), plants (leaves, raspberries), etc., presented as a single whole. They are used only in the singular form and cannot be combined with cardinal numbers, but it is possible to use them with indefinitely quantitative words (little leaves) and with fractional numbers (one third of the youth).

Nouns similar in semantics to them such as "regiment", "flock", "grove", "pile" are not collective.

Task 1. What nouns are "regiment", "flock", "grove", "pile"? Prove it.

The sign of collectivity is indicated by suffixes: -j- (linen), -stv- (wealth), -nik- (spruce forest), -nyak- (birch forest), -ur- (professorship), -itet- (generals), -v - (foliage), -n- (relatives), -ot- (poor), -hedgehog (youth).

Real nouns include the names of substances that are homogeneous in composition: food products (flour), materials (cement, chintz), minerals (coal, gold), chemical elements(uranium), drugs (aspirin), plants (wheat, potatoes), berries (raspberries) and other homogeneous divisible masses.
They can be used either in the singular form (water, cabbage) or in the plural form (ink, pasta, perfume).
They cannot be combined with quantitative numbers, but they can be combined with words denoting a measure of quantity: a liter of water, a gram of gold, a bed of cabbage, a pack of pasta, a bottle of perfume.
When it changes lexical meaning real nouns can be plural. For example, mineral water(implying different types water), sand, snow (occupied space).

Task 2. To understand how you understood these nouns, give 3 examples for each type. Make up sentences with them, illustrating the application of the knowledge gained.

Now let's try to understand the magic of these nouns. Here's the text for you:

Helmet, yes armor, yes saddle, bandage, balm, lotion.
There is such a craft - a lone knight.
Travel here and there, help someone out.
And all the time act yourself - that's the whole work.

The right, if you think about it, is folly.
Beating the butt with a whip - what kind of quixoticism?
Then you will leave as a mortal - no sense.
Only you will perish for nothing - that's all for a short while.

Task 3. Find nouns in this text and determine what they are. What role do specific nouns play in the text? Which lines resemble phraseological units? Which?

And here is another text:

From here I can see a low house with a gallery of small blackened wooden posts going around the whole house so that during thunder and hail you can close the shutters of the windows without getting wet with rain. Behind him fragrant bird cherry, whole rows of low fruit trees, sunk cherries and a sea of ​​plums covered with a lead mat; spreading maple, in the shade of which a carpet is spread out for relaxation; in front of the house there is a spacious yard with low, fresh grass, with a trodden path from the barn to the kitchen and from the kitchen to the master's quarters; long necked goose, water drinker with young and tender, like fluff, goslings; a palisade hung with bundles of dried pears and apples and ventilated carpets; a wagon with melons standing near the barn; the unharnessed ox lying lazily beside him - all this has an inexplicable charm for me ...

And now for this text. It will be big.

Task 4. Select nouns from the text and indicate those that help paint a picture. What category do they belong to?
Then write down the nouns with diminutive suffixes. What is their role in the text?
Find metaphors and comparisons. What part of speech are they?
Now point out the nouns that paint the picture. Remember that nouns can explicitly name a color, or they can simply be associated with it.

And finally, here is a thought that completes our topic:

“The category of a noun is of great importance for our thought. Without it, no knowledge, no science would be possible. It would be impossible, for example, to talk about light, or heat, or electricity, or life, or the state, or language itself: after all, none of this exists separately.

Task 5. What category of noun is being referred to here? Do you agree with this? A few of your thoughts on this.

Love, hate, admiration, friendship, jealousy... "These are feelings," you say, and you will be absolutely right. But there is something else: all these words denote states, concepts that cannot be reached, touched and cannot be counted. In other words, these are abstract (or abstract) nouns.

And the last - real nouns, which denote substances that are homogeneous in composition, in mass, and even if they are divided into parts, they retain the properties of the whole. Usually they cannot be counted. Just measure. For example: beef, water, dough, sour cream and others. Accordingly, they do not change in numbers, they are not used with cardinal numbers.

Language level

We continue the discussion about the role of abstract nouns in the language, in reflecting reality. Many linguists believe that the four categories of nouns listed above are, in fact, four levels of reflection of reality in the language: linguistic, philosophical, natural science and cognitive. On each of them, only one category appears exceptional and is opposed to the other three.

For example, it has already been mentioned above. In this plane, concrete nouns are opposed to abstract, material and collective ones, since only they name countable objects and are freely used both in the singular and in the plural. The rest are uncountable objects.

But since this article describes an abstract noun, we turn to the philosophical level of reflection of reality, since this is where its undivided reign begins.


At the philosophical level of reflection of reality, all existing objects are divided into ideal and material. Accordingly, an abstract noun, which names ideal, abstract objects, stands on the opposite side of concrete, real and collective names. After all, this trinity denotes in its bulk something material and sensually perceived.

Consequently, abstract nouns (examples follow) are a unique category, the exclusivity of which lies in the fact that only it gives a name to such intangible substances as: 1) an abstract property, a sign of an object (ease of flight, running, being, bag); 2) abstract behavior, action, activity (acquisition of a father, teacher, scientist; acquisition of a house, book, real estate); 3) an abstract mood, feeling, state, appearing in different situations(hatred for the enemy, for the world, for a friend; stagnation in relationships, in the country, in work); 4) something speculative, spiritual, which exists only in the human mind and cannot be visualized (unscrupulousness, justice, spirituality).

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