Aries born in the year of the cat is a woman. East zodiac horoscope: Cat - Aries. Well compatible signs

Like a true cat, Rabbit - Aries is cunning and rational. All his aspirations are aimed at achieving his goal.
At first glance, Rabbit easily blends in with the crowd. A little closed, he is always calm and reasonable, he likes to be alone with himself. Rabbit (cat) - Aries will always prefer action to conversation. His frantic determination may seem cold-blooded, however, he is still not able to go over the heads. Ignoring minor difficulties and worries, he will always come to the rescue first when it is really needed.

Rabbit Man - Aries

Career. Highly qualified specialist and confident businessman. The successful combination of the Rabbit with Aries gives a great leader. To command is his vocation, the career of a military man or a deputy will be excellent.
Personal life. "March Cat" is definitely about him. His graceful compliments and expensive gifts will end in disappointment for the ladies. He is a real hunter, and women are just trophies for him.

Rabbit Woman - Aries

Career. Painstaking and assiduous, she can be safely entrusted with an important matter and not worry about the result.
Personal life. Only a real man can reveal femininity in this powerful person.

The most mysterious sign of the eastern horoscope is a two-faced cat (rabbit). Nature endowed him with a multifaceted and contradictory nature. He can be calm and indifferent, but at the same time he knows how to sincerely and wholeheartedly sympathize with others. A female cat (rabbit) is a unique personality that every man admires. By nature, she is endowed with wonderful qualities that help her in life.

Woman cat (rabbit) personality trait

A cat (rabbit) woman is not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. She has a pleasant appearance, she is light, sophisticated and feminine. The cat rewarded her with grace, excellent taste and charm. Catwoman will make a free mother who will always put herself first.

Her grace and sophistication are simply not made for a family hearth. It attracts people with inner mystery and magic. The cat is not accustomed to depend on someone, logic is alien to her. She does not like to make decisions based on inference. The cat is used to trusting her inner instinct, which often guides her on the right path and helps her through life.

The cat is used to the fact that the main place in her life is occupied by harmony. She does not like to shout loudly and sort things out. The female cat (rabbit) characteristic suggests that the owner of this sign is very wise and calm. She knows how to properly behave in society. The Rabbit is used to surrounding others with kindness and fine manners.

A female cat (rabbit) at first glance may seem like an ideal partner. She does not like to argue and practically does not make scenes. Always soft and obedient. But this person only seems harmless. She has great willpower. There is a real predator lurking in her soul.

To achieve her goal, the girl cat (rabbit) is ready to make even the strongest sacrifices. She is not afraid to be cunning and she does not care at all for someone else's opinion.

Despite the complex character, the zodiac sign of the cat (rabbit) woman does not like conflicts at all. For life, she does not need adventure at all, she loves peace and quiet. Her diplomatic gift and the ability to model situations helps her avoid conflicts.

Catwoman may not make a good mother, but she is a born mistress who values ​​the comfort of her own home.

How to win a woman a cat (rabbit)

According to the horoscope, the cat (rabbit) characteristic of a woman is very multifaceted. And it will not be so easy to win such a woman, even though she is respected among men and often notices indifferent looks in her direction.

Usually a cat (rabbit) zodiac sign woman does not like to rush things. She will carefully consider everything and only then will she look closely at her boyfriend. This girl may seem timid and indecisive, she will not attempt to seduce her partner.

But if a man decides that this woman, born in the year of the cat (rabbit) should belong to him, then you should show your best qualities and take the initiative. A chic restaurant is perfect for a first date. It's not worth it to trifle, because you need to impress this timid person. If the first impression is positive, then it will be much easier to develop relationships further. And the girl will be more disposed towards you.

The restaurant is an ideal place not only for a first date. A female cat usually loves to cook and therefore is well versed in this matter. She will like it if you decide to discuss with her the peculiarities of the national food of exotic countries, wine tasting or a beer festival. But if during a conversation or a meal you allow yourself too much, then there will definitely not be a second date.

If you are fond of music or play in a band, then you definitely should not be silent about it. Rabbit likes people who understand musical subtleties. But you shouldn't lie. Because this girl herself knows all the nuances of this case.

When communicating with a rabbit, you need to evaluate your capabilities in advance and make plans. If a man is not serious, then you should not even try. And if your intentions to start a family are real, then be sure to discuss everything with the rabbit. Tell her about a future together, a big cozy house by the sea with a beautiful garden. This two-faced sign will definitely not resist!

Horoscope women cat (rabbit) career

The year of the cat (rabbit) characterization of a woman never ceases to remind us of her complex and changeable disposition. A girl can be soft and supple, but if something goes wrong, then she is ready to release her claws and scratch her opponent in the most sophisticated way.

High intelligence and inner flair make the rabbit an indispensable employee. She will not stop there and will always strive to improve her knowledge.

Usually such ladies do not need anyone's financial help. They can earn money themselves and they do it very successfully. They get along well with colleagues and partners, know the approach to everyone and are even ready to make concessions. Clever cats make excellent diplomats or politicians.

But you should not be limited to only one area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity. This zodiac sign has a huge inner potential. Good manners quickly make an impression on superiors and moving up the career ladder does not require a long wait.

Such a girl can not only build a good career herself, but also influence the career of her husband. The authorities will like her, organize a good reception and will shine with her erudition. Her ability to keep herself in society will quickly attract the attention of others. Moreover, the sharp mind of the wife will help to make the right decision even in the most difficult situations.

But she will not get hung up on someone else's success and will try to realize herself to the fullest, even if she has to literally gnaw at the granite of science. Fatal cats make excellent business women. And this is not surprising! It is very easy for them to enter into contracts and deals with men who are simply crazy about them.

It is no worse to manage the activities of others. Especially if you like it. Rabbits can be restaurant administrators or event organizers. It is not difficult for them to achieve a positive disposition, they always take into account the opinions of others and want everyone to be happy.

But a stunning success awaits the rabbit woman in the trading field. She thinks and plans everything. He will do in a day what others spend weeks and months on. And an intuitive instinct will help to consider faithful people as partners, or vice versa, to find someone who will betray.

But as a rule, a rabbit woman does not at all strive to occupy a leading position. She puts her family first and is happy to help her husband.

Woman cat (rabbit) in love and in the family

Horoscope cat (rabbit) woman says that she is a wonderful hostess. She is good at home. And it doesn't have to be in a hurry. She loves to receive guests and spoil them with various goodies, which she also usually cooks herself.

Guests often favor a rabbit, because she always receives them with an open heart and a pure soul. And people love to reciprocate her feelings, even though she rarely visits them in return.

The year is a cat (rabbit) and a woman starts a family, everything else fades into the background. She even forgets about her career. She will not compete with her husband, but rather will make every effort that he was the main one in the family. She appreciates her loneliness and likes to be alone with herself sometimes.

From relatives she always needs to receive as much love and affection as possible. She will be glad to shine in front of them and smile broadly. The cat likes to dress up beautifully, spend hours in front of the mirror and get ready for a long time.

Although realization in life plays an important role for her, this animal is sure that love and only love rules the world. She does not require love for herself, and so everyone loves her without exception. The Rabbit reciprocates with everyone and always treats them with special attention. And if this girl is lucky, and she finds mutual love, she will be infinitely happy. She will always carefully clean the house and make sure that harmony and comfort always reign in it. The hostess loves carpets, warm blankets and fireplaces. But most of all she is pleased with fresh flowers. She will not spare money to equip her corner, as she wants. She usually likes antique furniture and other decorative elements. But if something happens to her favorite vase, then it will be difficult to keep a calm and restrained cat from hysteria or scandal.

Having calmed down, she will make a decision, but for a long time she will remember with bitterness about an unpleasant incident. To quickly resolve the conflict, it will not be necessary to spend a lot of money. This person is very romantic and she is always driven by feelings, although her brain is not devoid of a sharp mind.

Rabbit women should carefully weigh everything if they decide to tie the knot with their loved one. But it is better to trust the call of the heart, if it is silent, then the marriage breaks up sooner or later. Such a girl is used to putting feelings in the first place and following only them.

After marriage, many rabbits decide to give up their careers and become great housewives. They love spending time with their kids and husband, cooking delicious treats, and making up entertainment for the evening.

Cats (rabbits) are attracted to men by the inner core. She needs someone who will provide her with support and relieve unnecessary nervous stress. She loves constancy and demands the same from her man. She does not like lovers of free relationships, she will not even go on a date with such a guy. If he does not provide stability for her and future offspring, then such a husband is definitely not needed.

The fate of the cat woman develops in a variety of ways. She can successfully marry, or she can get tired of waiting for the prince and marry by calculation. Often there are marriages when a girl does not follow the call of her heart, but becomes the wife of someone who is ready to protect her from the aggression of the world.

The cat girl will not take the initiative. Even if she cares about a young man, she will wait for his actions. You will have to be patient to conquer this beauty. But if you stubbornly stand your ground, then one day she will reciprocate.

Eastern Horoscope - love, health, money and business...

This is an amazing combination of opposing qualities, which also looks very natural. Love of freedom and energy is combined with the caution of the Rabbit and his laziness, love for the hearth and the eternal search for adventure are combined. woman or Aries cat man represent a set of contradictions that make representatives of the sign successful.

This sign is characterized by a consumer attitude to life and others, and the ability to seek their own benefit in everything. They are little passionate about the affairs of loved ones, and are focused on their lives. Which does not prevent them from helping even barely familiar people, if the request for help seems logical to Aries-Rabbit.

Aries Rabbit woman: characteristic sign

Women of this sign love, first of all, themselves and have an amazing sense of purpose. They protect their freedom and, without going into the theoretical justifications for gender equality, do not allow a partner to take the reins of government in their own hands. But such a woman does not want to manage someone herself.

The egoism of this combination of signs is expressed in the fact that they:

- do not allow other people to command them;

- for the sake of their own benefit, they are ready for any decisive action;

- capable of intrigues, actions behind their backs.

Wherein Aries cat woman recognizes every person's right to their own opinion. She will not restrict her husband's freedom, although she will not allow him to be windy. She defends her rights with impeccable courtesy and admirable calmness. She rarely resorts to extreme measures.

In love, these women are distinguished by passion and emotionality. Her partner can only admire the playfulness, sexual activity of her beloved, her ability to make surprises and equip life. At the same time, the motives of the woman herself are far from the concepts of care, guardianship or adoration. She loves only herself.

Another property Aries Rabbit Women is the desire to avoid deep internal dialogues, experiences. The property of all Rabbits in this case scares the typical Aries, and therefore they focus on everyday issues and love to feel admiring glances on themselves.

Such women often avoid marriage ties, or create partnerships that are far from the stereotypical notions of husband and wife. They keep a distance from their children, although they know how to show affection, care and some sensitivity.

Aries Rabbit male: characteristic sign

Men of this sign are a dream for many women. They are successful in external life, ready to make their way to the heights with their perseverance and fearlessness. At the same time, they do not like monotonous work, but if necessary, they bring it to perfection. They do not give up either to themselves or to others.

In love, they are simply adorable. They can be romantic, their speech is surprisingly fluent, and their actions are full of generosity and attention. However, do not be deceived by them, this is nothing more than a game. The hunt for the "victim" is carried out with true feline grace and composure, and stubbornness of Aries.

Aries Cat, characteristic which is primarily built on egocentrism as the main character trait, meanwhile a good family man. He rests at home, enjoys spending weekends and evenings with his family, maintains order in his home and is always ready for men's work.

However, next to the representative of this sign there should be a woman who is ready to adore her man, listen to him and be his reliable assistant. And match the bright.

Interestingly, having achieved freedom, a great Goal, or having solved a serious task, Aries Rabbit Man may suddenly stop its activity and plunge into idleness for a long time. This is his normal state, which he needs to experience from time to time. However, he cannot live long without new serious tasks.

Both men and women born under these signs admire their determination, endurance, and ability to achieve their own. And their love for themselves rarely harms others. Quicker Aries Rabbit does not allow himself to be harmed. They are good friends, demanding but reliable allies.

Most people born in the year of the Cat are exceptional selfish people. This cat is no exception. He puts his needs above all else. And if something interested the Cat-Aries, then most likely he saw this as his own benefit.

Horoscope of the sign Aries, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit)

But do not rashly think that such a person will never come to the rescue. Cat-Aries is ready to do a lot to help a loved one out of trouble. Yes, and anyone else can count on the support of the Cat-Aries, if necessary. Despite the fact that the Aries Rabbit tends to behave selfishly, he has a very sensitive nature and can react sharply to the needs of outsiders.

There is one interesting feature in the character of the Cat-Aries, such a person is used to solving a problem without delving into the reason for its origin. Most likely, this is because his inner world is very vulnerable. Such a person is constantly afraid to do something wrong or say something because of self-doubt.

Outwardly, the Aries Cat behaves very calmly, balanced and decently. He does not show willpower or endurance. But inside, a serious volcano of passions flares up. Such a person has irrepressible energy. And, despite his self-doubt, everything that Cat-Aries achieves, sooner or later turns out. And even with a certain degree of selfishness, he is capable of much for the sake of his family.

Cat-Aries man

This man is on his own. He is more selfish than the woman of this combination of signs. The Cat-Aries man loves the attention of the opposite sex, but even more he likes to win this attention. Cat-Aries man likes the very game of seduction. He cannot ignore a beautiful and interesting woman and will do a lot to achieve her location. But we must remember that such a man will never put anyone's interests above his own.

Cat–Aries woman

A woman of this combination of signs can combine successful career growth and family well-being. The family is very important for her, the Cat-Aries woman appreciates any achievement in the circle of people close to her. In such a woman, energy boils, she is very active. Due to the fact that every day she tries both for the benefit of the family and for the benefit of her professional activities, she is in constant emotional and nervous tension. But it should be noted that this state of affairs is most likely to her liking. In such
the constant internal struggle, the Cat-Aries woman feels very comfortable.

Somewhat late, but still let me congratulate everyone on the New astrological year, because on March 23 the Sun entered the sign of Aries, which is the first sign of the zodiac and opens a new annual cycle. Today we are starting a cycle of notes on the cat's horoscope. In itself, the question may seem surprising: what is the relationship between astrology and cats? Meanwhile, the answer is obvious - cats are living beings and, therefore, the same forces act on them as on humans, including stars.

Cats are nocturnal animals, therefore, it can be assumed that of all the planets (of which there are 9 or more, depending on the astrological system), the Moon has the greatest influence on cats. Meanwhile, we are accustomed to understand the position of the Sun in the signs of the zodiac as a horoscope. That is, when we say that a person (or a cat) is Aries, or, say, Taurus, this means that the Sun at the time of birth is in the sign of Aries or Taurus.


Let's talk about what traits an Aries cat will have, what kind of owners it will be psychologically close to, and how optimally you need to communicate with a cat born under the sign of Aries. First, let's characterize a cat whose birthday fell approximately between March 21 and April 23. Such a cat will have a stubborn freedom-loving character, it will be moderately affectionate, but not intrusive. Aries cats always try to be in the center of events. If something comes to their mind, then they will again and again try to achieve their goal. They also have the ability to tricks, lend themselves well to training. And if you want to surprise your friends and loved ones with the unusual abilities of your pussy, then this is quite feasible.

Aries cats feel especially good in freedom - in the yard, in the country, where they can realize their natural inclinations - there they can really be a real "cat". And it is here that they cannot miss the opportunity to fight with their fellow tribesmen, because Aries is controlled by Mars - the planet of the god of war. So often, after such walks, the brave Vaska and Barsika return home in a very disheveled form, marked with scars, and sometimes with more serious injuries. Therefore, try not to let your Aries cat go outside in disadvantaged areas in order to avoid accidents - Aries have no fear of larger animals. They fiercely defend their territory from any intruder and are ready to stand to the last.

Thanks to their activity, Aries cats always feel hungry. Therefore, do not be surprised if for your pet the main thing is not the quality, but the quantity of food. It is unlikely that such a cat will be particularly attached to food, she will not become a gourmet, rather, she will eat what is given, however, she always follows the iron rule: everything she eats must be absolutely fresh. If she waits too long for the piece she wants, then she may refuse it altogether.

Cats and cats of this zodiac sign are very sexy, so the owners must be prepared for the fact that it will be almost impossible to keep uncastrated animals within the "four walls". Such a cat or a cat will periodically notify you with piercing cries about the desire to get a "piece of freedom" when they need a partner. It is better to bring an Aries cat to a cat on the very first day of estrus, and preferably to the same cat. She should get used to the new place well, and only then it will be possible to introduce her to the cat. It is better not to mate a young Aries cat with the so-called "difficult" cats, since he, most likely, will not "persuade" the bride for too long. And although Aries cats show themselves in love as conquerors, yet they will not waste time on too long courtship. Aries wants everything at once.

As true representatives of the fire element, these animals are active, temperamental, sociable, have a changeable mood of the choleric type, today they are affectionate, tomorrow you cannot approach them, and the day after tomorrow they prefer to sleep all day. But, in general, cats, of course, will need affection, and sometimes they really need it. Aries cats are very sensitive, they are gentle creatures, they do not tolerate any violence. They are loyal, cheerful and cheerful animals, capable of standing up for their owners under certain circumstances. Frequent punishments should not be applied to these cats, loud cries, harsh noises and sounds should be avoided. With them, you need to be emphatically calm and unflappable. Such cats need to be taught to exhibitions from the age of three to four months - then they will subsequently be easier to perceive a new environment.

All Aries cats are very mobile animals, for them it is desirable to equip a "playground" in the house where they could climb, jump, play for their own pleasure. Kittens are very playful and mobile, sometimes beyond measure, they will not know how to hold back, it will be difficult to accustom them to something, especially at an early age, but then they will obey discipline, but not imposed by force. Such cats must know the firm hand of the owner, otherwise they will begin to dominate the house, establishing a dictatorship of disorder and freedom. Therefore, if you take an Aries kitten, he should not feel any relaxation in the rules of behavior, but in no case should there be violence and cruelty either.

In general, a cat born under the sign of Aries will have a freedom-loving, fairly light and unobtrusive character, and if you need an animal with such character traits, then your choice is obvious. With what owners, from the point of view of astrology, these cats will be optimally compatible? Firstly, these are the signs of Leo and Sagittarius - compatible with them in terms of a common element - fire. Secondly, these are the signs of the cardinal cross: Libra and Capricorn. Relations with Cancers are complicated - Aries will get on Cancer's nerves with their too active behavior. And, thirdly, I think that such a cat is very suitable for Aquarius, who himself loves humor, optimism and vitality, characteristic of this sign. In conclusion, we note that the sign of Aries is a sign of vitality and uncontrollable primordial energy, and these traits will be characteristic of both cats and people born under this zodiac sign.


On April 23, the Sun entered the sign of Taurus, and we will talk about what traits the Taurus cat will have, what signs of the zodiac it will be compatible with. This is a calm, balanced animal, it will bring peace and comfort to the house. Very leisurely and thorough, it will become the center of heat in the house. Such an animal needs very good and high-quality nutrition. There should be plenty of food, this cat needs careful care, she will not tolerate that there is no food in the bowls or the toilet is not cleaned on time. Kisa is extremely affectionate and caring, this cat will make a wonderful mother, and if you are going to breed these animals, then it is impossible to think of a better candidate than a cat born under the sign of Taurus.

Animals are not evil, not touchy, they tolerate familiarity and therefore, if there are children in your house, then such a cat is a very good option, however, it must be borne in mind that, unlike Aries, the Taurus cat will not have such an irrepressible life energy that wants to get out. She will prefer a measured rest on the couch or a delicious meal to long active games.

On the other hand, the cat is extremely patient, so it will be easy for her to withstand the games and endless attention of children. It is unlikely that she will be aggressive if she doesn’t like something, rather she will prefer not a fight, but a calm, self-respecting departure. Such a cat is for those owners who need a truly affectionate and responsive animal, she will really need your attention, so if you decide to get a Taurus cat, you should be ready to give her a lot of love and affection, and in return she will answer you the same, purring in your lap for hours. With what owners will such a kitty be most compatible?

Firstly, these are the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra and Pisces, to a lesser extent it is Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn. Such a cat is not very suitable for the signs of Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, and also Aquarius. The first three - due to too strong and mobile temperament, the last four - due to some lack of warmth and coldness. In conclusion, it must be said that the sign of Taurus is a sign of home, a sign of accumulation and comfort, and for anyone for whom these qualities are very important, the Taurus cat will suit as an ideal partner and a kind, sympathetic friend.

L. Erstein

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