Who are Belek, Zelenets, Khoklusha and Serka? A detailed summary of a collectively drawn up plan Belki love to be stroked


A walrus swims over a muddy bottom, digs mud with its fangs. I dug a bed, loosened it, let's rub the clods with flippers. - You, walrus, should only be a gardener! - The garden has nothing to do with it: I get shells from under the ground. Seashells, they are now delicious!

Ice. In the ice of the ravine. The fish walks in the ravine. The bear climbed into the gully. He makes noise, pushes the water with his paws: boom - on the water - boom! This is how he catches fish. Stun the fish, hook it with its claws - and into the mouth. Delicious!


A herring is prowling the sea, poking its nose back and forth. - What, herring, are you prowling the sea, do you think who? - I am looking for relatives, relatives. I think to count them. - And how many, herring, do you have them? - A little, a little. Sprat - one, herring - two, salmon fish - three, black-backed - four. And also - ivasi, sprats, anchovies. And there is more. - Uh, herring, you will never count them!


White lies on the snow. The snow is white, the white coat is also white. No one will see him. Only the mother seal will see him. Now she will come out of the polynya, she will feed her son.


The halibut floated above the very bottom. Spotted a sandy place, hit the bottom, froze. A cloud of sand rose, sat down, as if covering the halibut with a blanket. - Are you lying? - I am lying. I'll guard the prey. Ts-ss-s! There the gap is floating!


A beluga whale swims in the polynya - a white whale, breathing heavily. - What, white whale, are you sighing? - Life is not easy. While you are chasing fish, just look, the ice will close the ice hole, there will be nothing to breathe. You will start guarding the polynya, the fish will leave. Uffff!


A sea otter surfaced, rolled over, lay back on the wave, crossed its paws on its stomach. - What are you lying about, sea otter? What paws folded? What are you thinking about? - I'm not just lying down, I'm going to have dinner. And I hold two sea urchins in my paws, I found them at the bottom. I wonder where to start?


An ice house floats on the ocean. Full of people. At the top, the Fomka skua sits, below the seagulls settled down, and near the water - penguins. Look how they stand - in rows, evenly, like sentries. In the water - no one. In the water, their enemy - a predatory killer whale roams. - And we are on the ice! We are fine here too!


The crab walked along the bottom, rearranged its prickly legs, did not notice the pit with silt and bang - fell into it. It covered the gills with silt, it became difficult to breathe.


The seal people are worried on a rocky beach: some growl, some grunt, and the smallest - black kittens - bleat: - Be-ee-e! This means: “Where is mom? I'm already hungry! ”Here she is, your mother, got out of the water, she’s coming to you.

The whale hunted for small fish, for black-eyed crustaceans. Run up, open his mouth - up! - full mouth. That the prey is small is good: the whale has a narrow throat. - Dive, whale! - I don’t want to, I’ve had enough. I'll lie down on the water.


Narrow rocky beach. Expensive place on the shore. Two sea elephants collided on a patch. Trunks filled with blood, eyes bulging. Get away yourself!

To view a presentation with pictures, design, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
seal 1) Seal. - Marine pinniped mammal 2) Seal. - About a clumsy, clumsy man A seal lies on an ice floe, As if on a feather bed. He is in no hurry to get up: Fat accumulates under the skin. Title the text The ice floe is covered with snow. White pups lay on the snow - a seal cub. The snow is white, the white coat is also white, fluffy, like a hare's mitten. Only the nose and eyes are black. In the morning, the mother came to the seal. She fed the baby with milk and swam away again. Seals always leave their babies on the ice. Belek. The ice floe is covered with snow. White pups lay on the snow - a seal cub. The snow is white, the white coat is also white, fluffy, like a hare's mitten. Only the nose and eyes are black. In the morning, the mother came to the seal. She fed the baby with milk and swam away again. Seals always leave their babies on the ice. Answer the questions: - Where did the seal lay? - Who is called that? - Describe the seal. - Who and when swam to the seal? - What did she do? - Where do seals always leave their babies? 1. The ice floe is covered with snow. White pups lay on the snow - a seal cub. 2. The snow is white, the white coat is also white, fluffy, like a hare's mitten. Only the nose and eyes are black. In the morning, the mother came to the seal. She fed the baby with milk and swam away again. 3. Seals always leave their babies on the ice. Divide the text into parts. pok…rmila d…yonysh…stop…for…whose…l…com sv…ihl…sting m…lyshagl…for push…stayasn…gu…na and o a i e o o e o e o a Write answers to the questions :- Where did the seal lay? - Who is called that? - Describe the seal. - Who and when swam to the seal? - What did she do? - Where do seals always leave their babies? Use words for reference: Mother (she), pup (cub, baby, he), in the morning, fed, sailed away, ice floe. Write the answers to the questions: - Where did the seal lay? - Who is called that? - Describe the seal. - Who and when swam to the seal? - What did she do? - Where do seals always leave their babies? Use words for reference: Mother (she), pup (cub, baby, he), in the morning, fed, sailed away, ice floe.

Attached files

205. Read.

      Speech winds nearby ..ka-river,
      Small .. what a river is me .. more than a stream.
      Neither swim .. nor dive ..,
      Then .. I’ll dip my legs ..
      (E. Blaginina)

  • What letters are missing in the words? What sounds are represented by these letters?
  • Write by inserting the missing letters.

206. Read. Choose a single root for each word.

Fire - lights, perch - ..., stem - ...;
furniture - furniture, school - ..., power - ...;
december - december, april - ... .

  • Write the words in pairs. Underline the soft sign in the words.
  • How to split selected words for hyphenation?

furniture e eh

Remember! A soft sign when transferring words from one line to another is not separated from the consonant: boy, finger. steps.

207. Read.

      Neater than fashionable parquet
      The river shines, dressed in ice.
      Boys joyful people
      Ice skates soundly cuts ice ...
      (A. Pushkin)

  • What did you imagine while reading this poem? How did you understand the first sentence?
  • Write down the lines. Test yourself.
  • Find words with the letter "soft sign" (b). Which of them cannot be transferred from one line to another? Why? And how to transfer other words with a soft sign?

to about nki

208. Read.

The ice floe is covered with snow. A baby seal was lying on the snow near the ice block. He was still a bad swimmer.

The white coat is white, fluffy, like a hare's mitten. Only his nose and eyes were black. Belek lay and looked at the world with round, like beads, eyes.

In the morning, the mother came to the seal. She fed the baby with milk and swam away again.

(S. Sakharnov)

  • Determine the topic of the text. Title it.
  • What was white? Read.
  • Write answers to the questions:
  1. Where was the white?
  2. Who is called that?
  3. What does white look like?
  4. Who and when swam to the seal?
  5. What did mother do?

209. Read. What is the meaning of the first sentence?

1. Do not argue (?) over trifles! 2. Nel (?) zya brother (?) other people's things! 3. The number (?) ts has no end (?) ts. 4. Burning corner (?) ki into the corner (?) ke of the furnace. 5. At the woods (?) ki eats (?) steps (?) ki. 6. Wings (?) have a pole (?). It has a six(?) gal(?) chat.

  • Write down any three sentences, inserting a soft sign (ь) where necessary.

On March 15, many countries around the world celebrate the International Day for the Protection of seals (baby seals or seals), established at the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare IFAW. On this day, various actions, demonstrations and pickets are held against the killing of these small animals for the sake of valuable fur. Due to uncontrolled fishing at the end of the 20th century, seals were on the verge of extinction.

AiF.ru picked up 10 facts from the life of seals.

Squirrels - baby seals

Puppy fur is white for only a few weeks

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

The skin of a newborn pup is yellow-green in color. The reason for this is the long exposure to amniotic fluid in the mother's womb. Therefore, a newly born cub is called green. After a few days, its fur turns white, and the little seal becomes a pup. It remains a fluffy white lump for several weeks while it feeds on mother's milk. Then the female seal leaves the cub. After that, his white fur begins to shed: the pup turns into a khokhlusha. At the end of the molt, the skin of the cub becomes smooth and gray, like that of an adult seal. Now he is considered a young individual and is called a serka.

The fur of pups is not at all soft

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

The coat of pups is fluffy, but only seems soft. In fact, she's pretty tough. Like polar bears, it consists of transparent hollow hairs filled with air, which let the sun's rays through and warm the black skin. But despite this, the baby seals tremble all the time. The fact is that they still do not have a thick fat layer, and constant trembling serves to regulate heat in the body.

Squirrels can't swim

Seal cubs are born on ice floes, where they are forced to spend the first few weeks of their lives. During this time, they cannot submerge in water: their fluffy thin fur gets wet instantly. They will be able to swim only after molting, already in a new gray fur coat. And until that time, hiding from walruses, polar bears and, especially, from humans, they can only hope for their stealth among the snow and ice.

Squirrels gain 2-3 kg in weight daily

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Female seals feed their cubs with milk containing up to 50% fat. It is thanks to such nutritious food that the whitefish gains 2-3 kg per day. During feeding, small seals suck milk, smacking loudly like children. And, like children, puppies become hungry again after a couple of hours. They squeak, attracting the attention of their mothers. It often happens that mom is not around: she can be on the hunt. And the cub begins to look for her, crawling up to all the female seals that are nearby. But each female recognizes her pup by smell and feeds only him. The rest she drives away, not succumbing to the pitiful squeak. Thus, a hungry cub can rush about until his mother returns. She will not lose her child: having stuck her nose into the surface of the ice, she will crawl along the trail of her pup, moving in short jerks and completely not working with her limbs.

Belek starves for several weeks before becoming a serk

When a female seal stops feeding her cub with milk and leaves him alone on an ice floe, the white seal begins to molt. During the molt, the khokhlusha does not eat anything, making do with the accumulated reserves of fat. The molt lasts two to three weeks. Having become a gray seal, a small seal can already hunt on its own. Its first prey is usually crustaceans.

Belki cry not from sadness

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Large black eyes of pups are constantly watery. But this does not come from sadness, hunger or pity for relatives. Seals are marine mammals. They spend most of their time in the water. But, thanks to the unique ability of the pupils to expand, these animals can see well both under water and on land. The only thing is that on land, the seal's eyes need additional moisture. This function is performed by tears. The same is true for seals, although they cannot swim.

In front of the mother's eyes, it is better not to touch the pup

When people approach, the female seal usually dives into the water and carefully observes what is happening from the hole. However, young mothers behave differently. They are ready to fight for their pup to the last. The situation becomes especially dangerous when a person stands between a female and her cub. In this case, an angry centner of weight with powerful jaws and sharp claws, having lost visual contact with the baby, can attack, injure and even kill a person.

Babies react differently to people

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

The only possible option to calmly approach the seal is to find a cub whose mother has sailed away to hunt. Seeing people, puppies behave differently. Some aggressively yelp and try to clumsily crawl away (due to the structure of their body, they cannot bite or scratch a person). Others stare for a long time, then, full of curiosity, crawl up and sniff. However, most often, realizing that it is not their mother in front of them, they creep away in disappointment.

Babies love to be petted

Belki happily squint when they are stroked. They may even roll over onto their back to expose them to scratching their tummy. But it is important that the hand was in a glove. A bare hand at low temperatures seems piping hot to them. Such a touch is a strong stress for the body of a small seal. Experts also do not advise taking baby seals in your arms. These animals are quite shy and can easily leave half their meal on the ecotourist's overalls.

Belek On the snow near the block of ice lay a white pup - a seal cub. He was still a bad swimmer. The white coat is white, fluffy, like a hare's mitten. Only his nose and eyes were black. Belek lay and looked at the world with round, like beads, eyes. In the morning, the mother came to the seal. She fed the baby with milk and swam away again.

Belek seals are a newborn baby of a harp or Caspian seal, covered with snow-white fur. Seal pups - pups - have very soft and fluffy fur, it will immediately get wet in water. Therefore, before molting, the cubs do not go into the water, they remain on the ice. All seals are semi-aquatic animals, they cannot do without land. On the ground and on the ice floes, they breed, molt, just rest. In the water, seals only feed. On land, these pinnipeds are quite helpless. They move on their belly. They don't know how to walk and run - their limbs-flippers do not allow.

Questions Vocabulary 1. Who was lying in the snow near the ice block? 2. How did he swim? 3. What kind of fur does the pup have? 4. What was the nose and eyes like? 5. What did the belyok do? 6. Who sailed to the seal in the morning? 7. What did she do? white pup – baby seal, still bad; white, fluffy, like a hare's mitten, only black, lay, looked at the world with round, like beads, eyes, mother, fed the baby with milk, sailed away again.

Sources Baby seal Baby seal jpg Baikal seal fotki.yandex.ru/get/5408/valenkonst.7/0_5171a_1701c171_XLhttp://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5408/valenkonst.7/0_5171a_1701c171_XL Caspian seal Nerpa/content/uploads harpse003p4.jpg http://advocacy.britannica.com/blog/advocacy/wp-content/uploads/harpse003p4. jpg seal

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