Risen 3 quests. Quest: Dangerous shadows. Legendary Items on Misty Isle

Yes, they opened, they say, the door - as soon as the inquisitor opens the door, a stream of bloodthirsty Saurians will rush out of the temple. The guards placed by the inquisitor as they exited the temple would only stop a few. It is them that you need to destroy now. To get the maximum experience, try to make it your last blow for the enemy, then the experience will go to you.

When all the lizards have been destroyed, return to the hall of fire: along the way, you will surely meet another saurian offspring. In front of the hall you will see the master Ignatius and the defeated enemy. He will ask you to issue decrees to the magicians so that they gather in the hall of the sacred fire. Thus, you will have to delay the main passage of the Risen game and help the monastery.


(+Defeat the invaders,+ Library Items,+Defend the Gate)
- Master Illumar. Located in the writing room. There are practically no enemies. Just send him to the hall of fire. Opposite is the pantry of artifacts of master Cyrus - clear it of the invaders.
- Master Vitus is fighting on the approaches to the library. He will give you a task to kill a strong warrior - a lizard, which is located in the cemetery.
- Master Cyrus is sleeping peacefully in a room not far from Master Vitus.
- Master Pallas was killed, and now lies dead under the bed. Be sure to search his corpse and take his notes about ice ball. Now you have the opportunity to search and open all the boxes in the upper temple without fear of being caught.

After you find Pallas, go clear the library from the invaders (quest Defeat the invaders). There will be 10 of them in total, some of them you will find a notebook with notes and alchemical components. After the library has been cleared, enter Master Abrax's laboratory through the breach in the wall (using the nautilus spell). In it you will find a frightened assistant Abrax, who locked the door so that the invaders would not get him. Exit the laboratory and meet Master Abarks, who should also appear in the hall of fire. Also give him the things you found in the library.

Move to the training yard, there will be a few dead and a few survivors. William will ask you to find out how the soldiers around the gate hold the defense (Defend the gate quest). You can go straight to the gate. They are guarded by Santyago and honestly fulfill his duty, unlike his assistant Kalib, who is located in the western corner of the monastery. For a full-fledged passage of Risen, find this cowardly beast (Caliba) and send him to the gate.

Also drop in to the crypt in the cemetery, there is a "Devoted Lizard Warrior", which is nothing special. Now you need to bypass the entire monastery and clean it from the remnants of the enemy. Tell Master Vitus and Master Ignatius about your progress. Don't forget to give Master Ignatius the notes about the ice crystal found at Pallas. Now you can return to the inquisitor and continue the passage of the game Risen in the temple of the Saurians.
Reward: Experience (500+500+100+750+400+50)+5 healing potions


(+Open the big gate,+ Tunnel, + Search for the map, + Invasion of the lizards,+ Search for the map, + Passage to the crypt, + Release Ursegor's spirit, + Lower the great drawbridge+Trap for the titan)

The Inquisitor will order you to continue exploring the temple. Go down with everyone and fight with the enemy squad. A closed door will appear before you, which you simply cannot open. Mendoza will order you to go to the right passage and find a way to open the door. In the corridor you will have to fight with a cricket. Now you need to climb up the ledges. But there is no further passage - for a person. And for the nautiluses scurrying around, just right. Turning into a nautilus, climb through the small passage leading to the cave. Through the gap you need to go into an adjacent room with a couple of ghouls.

Move along the corridor, and then, with the help of jumps, climb through the gap to the floor above. Turning around the corner, be careful: there will be a trap in the floor that will drop you to the first floor (a slab divided into 2 equal parts). Jump through this trap should be a little in advance. After jumping over the trap, you will encounter several lizards and fall into a large hall, from which, it would seem, there is no way out, but there is a trap in the floor (a plate divided into 2 parts). To prevent your Risen walkthrough from ending prematurely, make sure your health is at high level and boldly step into the trap.

Below you will find a bronto, which is quite tenacious and aggressive. Now you can easily find the gate that you need to turn without any problems. You can return to the inquisitor in two ways: either by jumping out of the window near the gate, or by pressing the switch nearby and returning along the path that the previous passage of Risen took.

The Inquisitor will be pleased with your progress, but Rufus, sent to turn the second gate, has not yet returned. Discarding the feeling of danger, move into the left passage. Troubles will not keep you waiting. At first you will have to fight with a ghoul, then with a scorpion, and now there is no direct path in sight. No problem. Reach the dead end and look up and to the right - you should see columns behind which there is a room and opponents. To get there, you need to climb to the opposite side (either by pulling up on the adjacent ledges, or by climbing up a small passage, the entrance to which is on the left). To get to the opposite side, you need a scroll or rune of levitation. But before moving to the opposite side, try to reduce the number of opponents with the help of crystal magic, crossbow shots or bows.

When at least a couple of opponents are dead, boldly levitate and finish off the rest. The main thing is not to step on the grate in the corridor, because you will immediately go to the barbecue. In the middle of the room you will find the dead Rufus - the poor fellow obviously did not calculate his strength.

When the enemy is killed, on the right side of the room, press the lever - turn off the barbecue in the corridor. In the corridor, inspect the wall on the right: a few hits with a pickaxe and the passage is open. Press the lever again and kill the opponents. Find an old bust at one of the guards. Put it on a stand and get access to the gate. Now with clear conscience and another successful piece of passing the game Risen behind you can return to the inquisitor. Read the inscriptions on the column near which the inquisitor stood. Finally, the gates are open, but it's not worth flying forward headlong. Not far from the gate you will find a crusher, which should be turned off by pressing the lever on the left with telekinesis.

And now you can blow off some steam and kill all the lizards you meet on the way. Do not rush to search the houses - soon a halt, the passage of the game Raizen will depend only on you and you can return here. In homes, probably, the most valuable stone slab will be, which increases wisdom. The Inquisitor's attack stopped. Then begins a well-fortified fortress. The bridge to the fortress is lowered, so you will not be able to move the entire squad to the opposite side. First you need to use levitation to get to the gate on the opposite side.

With this gate you will be able to lower a small bridge, but this is only the beginning. Now you need to go deeper into the mountain (the passage is on the same side as the gate).

You will go down a small passage until you meet a worker, Brent, who will talk about his life, about a certain Jorgensen - a big lover of mushrooms, and about a map that will VERY help you. Now there are several options for passing Raizen in this area.

You can follow Brent's advice and move down to the swamp, killing a few opponents along the way, BUT you can arrange a bloody mess if, after going down a little, turn left and get into the city of lizards and wander there, go down to the swamps.

The second option is not for the faint of heart: there are a lot of opponents, you will have to lure them out one at a time, use spells, cunning, but pleasure, experience and values ​​​​(including a scroll of turning into haze, a potion of life) are guaranteed when searching the city.

A great way to deal with the enemy is to turn into Mglor (if you have this scroll, of course). This is truly power. The main thing is not to mess with several opponents at once. Carefully monitor the state of health, after the reverse transformation, your health will remain at the same level as it was before the transformation.

Having gone down to the swamps, look under your feet: it is likely that you can find a rune sword - a fairly good weapon. And then there's Jorgensen. Talking to this character will add some humor to the Raizen walkthrough.

You need to climb up the paths. Here you will meet several guards, before going to the surface, free the ogre Drok (he will be in a cage if you already freed him when you were looking for the Eldric priest during the previous chapter of the Raizen game walkthrough). He agrees to help you, which is tantamount to a death sentence for opponents on the surface. Now feel free to go out into the fresh air.

Carls are waiting for you outside, as always with a bag of tools, and thunder lizards. Judging by the corpse, a detachment of lizards recently passed here, after which you are chasing in search of a map. After crossing the bridge, you will find yourself in a cave in which you can climb either up or down.
According to Raizen's main walkthrough, you should now move down and continue chasing the lizards. But they will not go anywhere, but at the top you will find a passage into the volcano, on the way to which there will be ogres. Dealing with them with the help of Gorse will definitely be easier than trying to fight alone. Do not forget that for each killed ogre you get 300 experience points. If there are problems that Gorse will stand still and wait for you, then simply lure the enemy to him. Another incentive to play Raizen in this way is that there is a chest from the second level locks nearby (code AADDAD), which contains a fragment of the Soul Drinker sword. If you have found the first part of it (see Disc 5, Treasure of the Great Pirate in Risen Part 2 The Inquisitor's Plan), you can forge a very powerful weapon.

After you deal with the ogres, you can continue chasing the hunters. On the left you can find the crown of the hero. You will also meet with a dangerous mist, so watch your health. Following the path, you will soon meet Eldrik, who will report that you have almost caught up with the hunting party and that they went to the hunters' hut (Jasmine, Henrik and the wolf Rufo live there).

So it is: when you get to the hunters' hut, the battle will be in full swing. The hunting party consists of 4 hunters and one leader (no special problems should arise). The card you are looking for is with the leader. At this point, Drok will leave you, and part of the further passage of Risen will take place in splendid isolation. It's time to return to the Inquisitor. Mendoza will look at the map and begin to study it. Now you need to follow him. In the hall where you will find yourself, do not miss a chance and read the inscriptions on the column. The Inquisitor will lead you to the wall and assure you that this is weakness in the fortress and will send you for Ethan (located nearby), who should punch a hole for the offensive.

While Efan is pounding the wall, talk to the inquisitor who will give you a golden bust. It is necessary in order to open the door in the hall, where there is a column covered with inscriptions. A secret door will open, and you will have to tinker a little with opponents. And again the column covered with letters will appear before your eyes.

It's time to return to Efan, who was able to gouge a small hole in the wall. Having understood the hint of the developers, turn into a nautilus and continue the walkthrough of the Risen game inside the fortress.

It won't be easy here. But before you rush forward, search the room you are in, you can find a lot of interesting things here. Your goal is to pass to the second floor, for this you need to destroy the guard in the middle of the corridor and get to the stairs, which is located on the opposite side of the corridor, a little to the left. And again, a secretive or aggressive and reckless passage of the Risen game in this location is possible.

A secret passage involves climbing to the second floor, killing interfering opponents, finding and killing the gate keeper, receiving from him and lowering the finally cursed bridge.

But again, you have the opportunity to gain experience. If you have a spell to turn into mist, then it's time to use it and destroy all life around. Experience and great feeling guaranteed. But, perhaps, there will not be enough haze for everyone, and the remnants will have to be finished off already in human form. Now you can start searching rooms, crypts, opponents. On this level you will find 3 closed doors with a "Place a bust" type lock - don't worry, you will be given the opportunity to open them a bit later.

In the meantime, clear the floors and go to the left side of the corridor on the first floor. Turning right in front of the dead end, you will pass into the tomb of Ursegor - the spirit chained here by the gods, he will tell you information that will shed light on what is happening on the island. To free the titan and save humanity, you must first free Ursegor. To do this, you need to find 3 crystals and 3 skulls, which are located with three guardians. In order to be able to open locked doors, Ursegor will give you a bust of a lizard. Now it is possible to open those doors, which were mentioned above.

If you have not let the inquisitor into the fortress so far, then it would be time already. The Inquisitor will want to know more about Ursegor and will go to question his spirit. You, meanwhile, have to do the dirty work. As already mentioned, there are 3 closed bars with a "Bust" lock. It is necessary to consistently place the same bust and thus open the bars. The order doesn't matter. One of the bars is in the hallway opposite the room you entered with the nautilus spell. After opening the grate, you will encounter a creature resembling haze, but without skin - Zel Zeret. It is convenient to fight with him at a long distance, or by cornering with a skeleton partner (Fred). Take the skull and crystal from the corpse.

Another grate is located one level lower - you can get there through the passage in the corridor (to the left of the first grate). Your opponent will be Zul Utur. You should be careful when fighting him, so as not to fall into the cliff in the center of the room. When you search it, in addition to the skull and crystal, you will receive a rune called "Hell", but you can use it after the opening of the fourth seal.

To the right along the corridor, behind the passage to the 2nd floor, there is a third dungeon - the dungeon Zal Zaran. And again, you need to pick up the skull and crystal.

Now you need to head to Ursegor in order to free his spirit. The spell will be elementary. After Ursegor is free, he will tell you to put the skulls on special plinths in front of the gate leading to the shackled titan. But there is room for 4 skulls. From the sarcophagus, in front of the spirit, you must pick up the skull of Ursegor.

Risen walkthrough requires placing 4 skulls in right order in front of the gate. You can understand that the skull is in its place if you do not have the opportunity to pick it up from the pedestal.

When all the skulls are in place, a huge door will open, and... Fire, flames and a conversation with a crazy inquisitor. A worthless man, he thought. that can control a titan. Even if he succeeds, the island and all its inhabitants will disappear under the yoke of incredible storms. After all, only the magic of the titan protects the island from their destructive effects.

Mendoza will run away, closing the door behind him, setting his henchmen on you. The fight will be tough. It is noticeable that Kato has significantly improved his skills, but your opponents use only melee weapons - the advantage is clearly on your side. It is enough to kill the opponents in front of the gate, and then go to Ursegor.

Now the fate of the island depends ONLY on you. Only you can find pieces of armor with which you can defeat the titan and save the island.

Five pieces of armor are scattered throughout the island in the tombs of the Saurian priests. You will have to visit these graves and find five pieces of armor. To get there, you need to use a special rune, which lies in Ursegor's sarcophagus (in the same place as the skull). This is where the third part of the passage of Risen ends - new adventures, traps, riddles await you ahead ...
Reward: Experience (1000+500+100+200+750+100+1000+1000+200)

  • Buddy teaches skills: "Monkey Trainer", "Safe Cracker" and "Master Thief".
  • Quinn teach skills: "Daggers" and "Critical Strike".
  • Cunningham teach skills: Silver Tongue, Merchant, Potion Making, Alchemy, and Ritual Master.
  • Harry teaches skills: "Piercing", "Swords", "Cutting" and "Bulletproof".
  • Colby teach skills: "Strike Back" and "Blade Dance".
  • borbor teaches you the skills to: "Liquid Courage", "The Drunkard", "Skinning" and "Taking the Horns".
  • Tadashi teaches skills: "Skinning", "Plucking Teeth", "Plucking Claws", "Taking Horns" and "Getting Trophies". In order for Tadashi to start teaching you, you need to complete his task.
  • Tenya teaches skills: Healer, Talisman Crafting, Spell Crafting, Voodoo Magic, Master Mage, Battle Mage, and Concentration.
  • Ixil teach skills: "Potion Making", "Alchemy" and "Ritual Master".
  • Buse teach skills: "Distiller" and "Intimidation". In order for him to start training, you need to complete a task for him.
  • Hirutu teaches skills such as: Vision of the Alchemist, Vision of Blood, Vision of Death, Vision of the Warrior, Vision of the Traveler, and Indestructible.
  • baraka teaches the skill: "Spider Catcher".

Skills teacher in Tacarigua.

  • tanner teaches skill: "Curse of the Undead".
  • Rodriguez teaches skills: Guns, Gunsmith, Bulletproof, Magic Resistance, and Distiller.
  • Jose teach skills: "Liquid Courage", "Healer" and "Predator".

Skill teacher on Thieves Island.

  • Caan teaches skills: "Healer" and "Creating Talismans".
  • Nanook teaches the skill: "Merchant".
  • Mimak helps to learn skills: "Safe Cracker", "Master Thief" and "Silver Tongue".
  • Malik teaches skills: Blade Dance and Dagger Throwing.

Skill teacher on Skull Island.

  • Kane teaches you the skills to: "Piercing", "Swords", "Slashing", "Retaliation", "Blade Dance", "Swordmaster", "Swordmaster", "Crossbows", "Critical Strike", "Rune Magic", " Big Game Hunter", "Shadowcatcher", "Curse of the Undead", "Predator".
  • Kidlat will teach: Intimidate, Liquid Courage, Drunkard, Alchemy, Talisman Crafting, and Ritual Master.
  • Rodas will teach you skills: Gunsmith, Burning Barrels, Safe Cracker, Master Thief, and Silver Tongue.
  • Nero teach skills such as: Blade Resistance, Bulletproof, Magic Resistance, Healer, Master Mage, Battle Mage, Potion Crafting, Spell Crafting, and Shadow Eater.

Skill teacher on Isle of Mists.

  • Venturo teaches you the skills to: "Big Game Hunter", "Skinning", "Plucking Teeth", "Plucking Claws", "Taking Horns" and "Getting Trophies". In order for Venturo to start teaching you, you need to complete two tasks for him.
  • Hull teaches skills such as: "Liquid Courage", "Healer" and "Drunkard".
  • Gonzales teach skills: "Muskets", "Shotguns", "Pistols" and "Daggers".
  • Nathan teaches you skills: Thrusting Weapons, Swords, Slashing Weapons, Counterstrike, and Blade Dance. In order to start the training, you will have to kill the nearest soul eater.

Skills teachers in Antigua.

  • Ramon willing to teach you skills: "Piercing Weapons", "Swords", "Slashing Weapons" and "Retaliation.". Before you can start training, you must complete the quest associated with Ramon.
  • Emma teach skills such as: "Making Potions" and "Alchemy", but first you must complete her task.

Legendary items in Risen 3: Titan Lords.

As in the previous part of the game - Risen 2: Dark Waters, there are legendary items scattered throughout the game world, and while some of them are quite easy to get, then you will have to work hard to get others. There are 27 of these items in total, and each of them increases the skills and abilities of the character as soon as it enters the inventory. You can learn about their existence and whereabouts from books, which are not necessarily located on the same island as the legendary item they talk about.

Legendary items in Antigua.

There are three legendary items on the pirate island of Antigua: "Glass Sword", "Bone Finger" and "Damaged Cuirass".

Damaged Cuirass (Indestructibility +10):

  • You can learn about its existence from the book "Pirate Tales", which is located on Tacarigua, in a broken box, to the left of two graves with crosses.
  • After reading the book, you will receive the quest "The Treasure of the Happy Pirate", as a result of which you will find a damaged cuirass in a buried chest on the island of Antigua

Bone finger or knuckle (dexterity +5):

  • You can learn about this legendary item from the book "Legendary Thieves Part Two", she is in the house of the commandant Sebastiano on Tacarigua, in the room to the left of the entrance.
  • The item itself is located in Antigua in the house of Admiral Alvarez in the room on the right on the first floor, right on the shelf.

Glass sword (melee +5):

  • The book called "Secrets", from which you will learn about this subject, is located on the island of Kila in a wrecked ship.
  • In Antigua, in the water under the pier, next to the tavern.

Legendary items in Tacarigua.

On the island of Tacarigua, which is the stronghold of the Inquisition, you can find such legendary items as: "Target", "Golm the Great Plan" and "Vial".

Target (shotguns +10).

  • You can find out about it there, on Tacarigua, in the house of commandant Sebastiano, from the book "Rifles and Pistols" which is located on the second floor in a room with a balcony.
  • And the legendary item itself is located on the roof of the commandant’s house, so you won’t have to go far. After examining the walls of the house, you will find a vine, which you can climb up or use the Parrot Flight spell.

Plan of Golm the Great (agility +5).

  • The book from which to become aware of the subject is called "Legendary Thieves", and be located on the Crab Coast, south of the hero's grave.
  • And again, the location of this legendary item is Commandant Sebastiano's house. Room on the second floor, in a chest.

Flask (magic +5). Quest "The Treasure of the Nameless Captain"

  • Taranis Island. In the house of magicians, on the second floor in the book "Magic Legends".
  • This is one of those items that requires reading the book to find, as it is in a buried chest. Tacarigua Island, north of the landing site along the shore. A flag on a stick will serve as a guide for you.

Legendary items on Taranis.

Taranis, a practitioner of crystal magic, is the proud owner of seven legendary items: Stone Tablet, Bloodstained Rag, Vague Promises, Small Crimping Tool, Gilded Sphere, Sun Crystal, and Blue Feather.

Stone tablet (rune magic +10).

  • Her location can be found in the book. "Traveler's Diary", which is located on the island of Kila, in the camp of the natives a little up the small stone stairs on the ground near the sunbed with a candle.
  • In the house of magicians on the second floor of Lambrock. He gives this legendary item as a reward for completing the Gourmet quest.

Bloodied Rag (Resist +10).

  • On Taranis, in the southwest direction from the landing site, there is a cave, in which you will find the book "Dry Diary", from which you will learn about this legendary item.
  • The object itself is located in the same cave, you just need to go a little further.

Vague promises (influence +5).

  • You will learn about it from the book. "magic books and scrolls", which is located on Kalador, on a pig farm.
  • In the house of magicians on Taranis, on the fourth floor in Lambrock's chest.

Small crimping tongs (pickpocket +10).

  • On the island of Antigua last home on the left side, just behind Grace's house, there is a book on the nightstand "Theft Part Two". From it you will learn about this legendary item.
  • At Blacksmith Gordon on Taranis. He is always at home during the day, and spends the night in a tavern. To get the item, you need to catch him in the tavern after midnight and beat him in a drinking competition.

Gilded sphere (pistols +10).

  • In the house of Admiral Alvarez in Antigua, from the book "Professionals", which is located in the right room on the first floor.
  • In the city of magicians, at the merchant Agil, who stands at the tavern during the day. You can either buy this item from him by laying out two thousand gold pieces or by stealing it, after beating him unconscious.

Solar crystal (crystal magic +10).

  • You can learn about it from a book called "The Power of Crystals", which can be found on Calador in the Citadel on the ground floor, in the room to the left of the entrance.
  • On the island of Taranis, in the chest, which is located at the very top of the tower in Zachariah's house.

Blue Feather (Speech +10).

  • On Tacarigua, west of the landing site, at the end of the beach between the commandant's ship and a small river that needs to be crossed. There you will find a canopy under which you will see the book "Libertines", from which you will learn about this legendary item.
  • On Taranis, in the southeast direction from the generator, under the bridge connecting the house of magicians and the tower of Zechariah, turning left at the end of the path and walking a little along the mountains you will find a broken chest, inside of which the desired item will be located.

Legendary items on Calador.

On the island of Calador, which is family nest Demon Hunters, there are eight legendary items such as: "Tuning Fork", "Broken Lock Pick", "Unyielding Creeper", "Dull Ritual Knife", "Drink of Accuracy", "Diamond Bar", "Crankshaft" and "Designed Belt".

Tuning fork (spirit +5).

  • "Rituals and Ceremonies", which is located in Antigua, in Emma's house, on the second floor, in the room on the left side.
  • This legendary item is located in the graveyard near the windmill, behind the largest grave next to the ghost of Hannah.

Broken master key (picking locks +10).

    On the island of Kila, in the direction to the south from the landing site, there will be a path, move along it strictly to the south, without turning off. Thus, we reach a small swamp, near which there will be a native Azali, going further in the same direction, to the south, we reach a tunnel, a fallen tree, we pass through it and meet another native - Mandara. on the right there will be another swamp in which the Dangerous Alligator lives, turn left and left again. We pass another tunnel, leaving which we will meet the Evil Warthog. Turn left again and before reaching the dead end we will see a book on a stone called "Legends of Kalador", from which we learn about this subject.

  • This legendary item is located on Kalador, on an abandoned farm, just above the mill. Near it there is still a hill with three graves.

Unyielding creeper (slashing weapon +10).

  • You will find a mention of this subject in the book "First Expeditions", on Kiel, in a wrecked ship, which is in the southeast direction from the landing site.
  • Walking along the shore, you will quickly stumble upon a wooden fence, behind which the magician Tyrion is going to sacrifice a girl, behind this fence is our legendary item.

Dull ritual knife (daggers +10).

  • The book called "Traditional Cults", which mentions this subject, is located in Antigua, passing northeast of the city along the path, passing Zak and sitting near the fire of Griffith. Then there will be a squad of shadows, after which you need to climb two stone ledges on the left, then forward, a little before reaching the dead end, you will find it lying on a box.
  • You can get it as a reward if you beat Henryk in arm wrestling. He is located in the Citadel, although it is not so easy to catch him. You need to wait for the moment when he sits down at the table, and only then you can challenge him to a duel.

Accuracy Drink ( critical hit +10).

  • You can learn about it from the book "Battles of the last century" that is located on Tacarigua. Near the cave in the form of a skull, we climb up the stone ledges, turn left and cross the bridge, there will be a cave, we pass it to the end and our book will lie on the left.
  • Finding a legendary item is easy. It is located in the Citadel on the first floor to the right of the entrance on the table.

Diamond bar (stabbing weapon +10).

  • On Kiel, in a hut on the shore, which is located on the right under a canopy, there is a book "Blacksmithing", from which we learn about this legendary item.
  • On Kalador, in the Citadel, in the room to the right of the entrance, at the blacksmith Wilson. He will give it back after two quests have been completed: "Message for Wilson", which will give you on Antigua Grace and " Wedding ring", which you will receive on Calador from Wilson himself.

Crankshaft (crossbows +10).

  • You can learn about it from the book "Ordinary Weapon", which is located in the house of blacksmith Gordon on Taranis.
  • In the eastern part of Calador, on the other side of the lava river, at the lighthouse. It will lie on the table in the place where you light the green fire.

Patterned belt (stamina +5). Quest "John's Treasure".

  • This legendary item can be found in the book "Faded Diary" located on the island of Taranis. There is a cave in the western direction from the landing site, Sharpe will stand by it. Entering the cave, turn left at the first turn and it will lie in a broken wagon.
  • On Calador. Since this item is in a buried chest, reading the book is a must. The chest itself is located in the center of the western peninsula on the edge of the cliff between the three towers, in front of John's grave.

Legendary items in Kiel.

Qila, home of natives who practice voodoo magic, has seven legendary items: Black Cat's Paw, Pestle, Old Bow, Pirate's Flag, Tirimai's Monocle, Frayed Scabbard, and Glass Eye.

Paw of a black cat (voodoo magic +10).

  • You can find out about him on Calador, from a book called "Moldy Book". She is in the tavern on the second floor, the first bedroom on the right.
  • The item is located in the natives' camp at a merchant named Bahati. In order to get it, you need 2000 gold, or you can take it from an insensible body.

Pestle (alchemy +10).

  • book "The Art of Alchemy", which refers to the subject, can be found in Antigua, on the second floor of the warehouse.
  • You can find it at east beach islands of Kila, in the southernmost edge, behind a cave, guarded by the leader of the gorillas.

Old bow (muskets +10).

  • On Kalador, in the Citadel, in the room of the blacksmith Wilson, there is a book "Vintage Stories", from which you will learn about this legendary item.
  • You can find it on the eastern beach of Kila, in a cave with spiders.

Pirate Flag (Intimidation +10). Quest "Captain Finch's Treasure".

  • On Kalador in the fishing hut, there is a book on the bedside table "Modern Pirates", in it you will find a mention of this legendary item.
  • In the northwest direction from the landing site near the settlement of the natives. The item is in a buried chest, so reading the book is a prerequisite for finding it.

Monocle of Tirimai (astral vision +10).

  • Item mention appears in book "Tales of Antigua", which is located on Kalador, in a hut located in the south-west direction from the mill.
  • On Keel at Buddy, however, to get it, you need to beat him in singing in throwing daggers.

Worn sheath (swords +10). Quest "Treasure of the sword master".

  • You can learn about the existence of this legendary item from the book "Master of the Sword", which is located in the house of magicians on Taranis. Second floor, second bookshelf, from the stairs - to the right.
  • Qila, the small island where Patty was. On the hill, in front of the grave with the cross. Reading the book is a must, since this chest is buried.

Glass eye (ranged +5).

  • "Rotten Diary", a book that mentions the subject, is located on the island of Antigua, in a tavern, on the second floor, first room on the right.
  • On the island of Kila, in the cave of the Oracle. After you defeat Margolot and talk to her, you need to climb to the very top of the cave. The chest with the legendary item in it will be guarded by the golem.

Legendary items on the Crab Coast.

On the Crab Coast, or the island, as you prefer, the place where everything actually begins, there is only one legendary item, and that is: "Crab Shell".

Crab shell (impenetrability +10).

  • On the island of Kalador in the northwest direction from the mill, in a cave with skeletons on the left, on a box, there will be a book called "Encyclopedia of Alchemy", from which you can learn about the legendary item.
  • On the Crab Coast, east of the place where the hero was buried, there is a small island, there will be a chest on the hill, in which the legendary item is located.

Legendary items on Misty Island.

The misty island, on which the small camp of the Inquisition is located, is the line between the worlds of the living and the dead. He has only one, but perhaps the most useful legendary item: "Freddy's Shackles".

Freddy's Shackles (Premium Fame +10%)

  • On the Misty Island in the house of commandant Carlos, on the table will be open book, in it you will find information about this subject.
  • Like the book that tells about it, the legendary item itself is also located on the Misty Isle. After going ashore, move in a southeast direction, and near the broken ship, a little further, there will be a hut in which this legendary item is acquired.

The location of the teleport stones in Risen 3: Titan Lords.

Fast moving around locations in Risen 3: Titan Lords is carried out using teleports located on almost every island of the game world, with the exception of the Crab Coast. Initially, all teleports are not active, and in order to use them you need to find teleportation stones. It is worth considering that there are more teleportation stones than the teleporters themselves, so there should not be a particular problem in their shortage. But just in case - a sign to help you.



Blood Oath Square

In a cache in the northern part of the island. You can get the stone only with the help of a monkey.

In the house of Admiral Alvarez.

Hunting lodge in the forest.

At Bran's farm.

On the island with the golem in the northeastern part of the map.

At the mill, next to Ernesto's farm.

Fishing village.

Chani's hut in the Forbidden Valley.

Leonardo's hut on a desert island.

On an island in the northeastern part of the map.

Pirate camp.

Temple in the Forbidden Valley, first room.

Eastern beach.

Next to Damak's body in the Forbidden Valley.


Inside the lighthouse and in the cave below it.


On an altar southeast of Puerto Sacariko.


Tower in the mountains.

Cottage by the lake in the center of the island.

Cottage to the west of the mage camp.


One of the buildings in the harbor.

In a chest among treasures, on an island in the northern part of the map.

The quarter of the dwarves in the camp of magicians.

Near the large circle in the camp of magicians.

Beach next to the harbour.

Near the northwest monolith.

crab coast

Island in the east.

Skull Island

Central camp.

Skull Island

Canyon in the central part of the island.

misty island

Camp Mortimer.

misty island

Camp Nathan.

misty island

Camp of the Inquisition.

misty island

Near one of the treasures in the northeastern part of the island.

misty island

Ruins in the eastern part of the island.

misty island

AT highlands at the northern end of the island.

misty island

A broken ship in the southwestern part of the island.

island of thieves

An island to the north of the landing site.

island of thieves

East Goblin Camp.

island of thieves

Western Goblin Camp.

Tip one: Do not go through the whole island at once, it is better to play gradually going through 20-30% of each island in turn - do not immediately go where the coolest mobs are, otherwise you have a chance to get the most best sword or a rifle for 30% of the plot and you will run with it until the end of the game.

Tip two: It is advisable to bring all the characteristics in the game to 45-55 for fame points, and then pump in alchemy and make potions, as well as look for legendary items. Thus, you will be developed from all aspects, but I can’t even pump it over when it becomes uninteresting to play.

Tip three: First of all pump up to 50-55 Influence, this is actually the most important skill in Risen 3. It also makes sense to buy clothes that increase this characteristic - jackets and boots.

Tip Four: Hold off on pumping Stamina and increasing Health, it may turn out that you will become indestructible and it will not be interesting to play. It is also best to play on high difficulty.

Tip Five: Clearly Decide on the Faction: Personally, I'm now replaying half the game due to the fact that the Mages turned out to be completely different from what I expected.
Mages: Only have about 10 tki magic spells of which almost half are the same, and the rest is rarely used and comes across in scrolls at every turn. But the most important thing is that they do not fit with the concept of the game - theft, swords, pistols, rifles, etc. Play only if you are ready to run with the same spell throughout the game. Of the benefits - a powerful AOE, mobs die in batches.
Demon Hunters: A good choice for those who really like swinging a sword and want to get through the game faster, as there are OP skills like actual immortality and super speed in combat. The rest of the skills are very dull: repulsion - apparently for those who will play with firearms, as well as the summoning of two rather weak shadows - a dog and a minion. Play - if you want to go faster and crush everyone with a half blow. From the pros - Skyrim-style armor: )
Voodoo pirates: In my opinion, the most interesting choice, as they fully fit the concept of the game - ala crazy pirate with a sword and a gun, has a very beautiful pirate set, as well as the most interesting skills: raising the dead, instills chaos - makes them fight among themselves, weakens damage, etc. Pros - In this faction, any weapon does not lose its meaning, you can curse the target, and then hit with anything, it's much more interesting than hitting with the same magic of Mages or only weapons of Hunters.
I advise you to play as a Voodoo Pirate, since mage spells can be easily bought, they are not so in demand in the game, runes can also be bought, although it will hardly be interesting to play with immortality or super speed, and raising the dead completely replaces the call of just two useless shadows.

Tip six: If someone didn’t notice in the task interface, you can choose to show the goal, sometimes this thing is indispensable when it’s really not clear where to go. Also, if the cross is there, but there is no goal, it’s probably underground.

Seventh tip: Don't forget to buy a monkey as early as possible, with its help you can climb into any gap and get valuable things.

Tip Eight: Who slows down the game around fires, waterfalls, etc. :
Go to ConfigDefault.xml and change: Effects_Large="17500.0" Effects_Medium="12500.0" Effects_Small="7500.0" , to Effects_Large="0.0" Effects_Medium="0.0" Effects_Small="0.0" - if set to ultra, if lower then change parent Effects_Large , Effects_Medium, Effects_Small.
In the same way, you can make little grass with normal rendering - Ultra ViewRange="15000.000000" Density="1" Enabled="True" - on Ultra ViewRange="15000.000000" Density="8" Enabled="True"> - and set ultra in Game.

Tip nine: In the game, it's better to completely cut off anti-aliasing and put sweetfx with SMAA anti-aliasing (clean, without LUMASHARPEN, etc.), the crazy bloom will disappear in the game.

That's all for now, I might add more later.

In this article I will try to consistently and in detail describe my walkthrough of Risen 3: Titan Lords. I will describe the islands in the order in which I went through them. Tasks are marked like this:

*main task



At the beginning of the game there will be short course character control and training in fighting techniques. You will find yourself on a ship attacked by minions and you will need to defeat them by coming to the aid of your comrades. The training is simple, everything is easy to remember.

crab coast

You will wake up in your cabin, your sister Patty will wake you up. After a short dialogue with her, you will need to find the key on the table and open the chest. From the chest you will take things and equipment. Get dressed and stomp to the exit. You will find yourself on the Crab Bank, where you will see rats. Wet them and stomp on.

*Dead Pirate's Treasure- after a while you will stumble upon a bird, very aggressive. We wet the bird and see a dead pirate on the bank of a small river. You can take a treasure map from him, which will give you an additional task to search for treasures. You can do it right away or later.

We go further along the path. On it, you will see a glowing dude who will appear and disappear. After his disappearance, go further and come across a temple. There will be a weak enemy that is easy to kill. You can then search the area for useful mushrooms, plants and more.

* Drawbridge- we go to the shore, we cut down the tree and cross the gorge. You will come to a ruined village that needs to be cleared out. After clearing and collecting trophies, go up the stairs and see a clearing with a fire, around which there will be pirates. Kill them.

*ancient temple- after that, go down to the river and go right until you see a ghost on the ledge. After the ghost, go into the temple and go through the rooms, clearing them until you get to the room with the mask on the floor. Insert the mask and hole and the bridge will be restored. Petit will join you. Move further along the temple, searching the rooms and the urine of the enemies. In one corridor you can fall down. Don't be scared, just pull the lever on the wall and the door will open.

* Get off the island- After leaving the temple, you will encounter demons. After them, go into the cave and relax, you will be hung with cradles, after which you will switch off. Here follows a short video with your burial.


After the burial, a little time will pass and the shaman will resurrect you. There are already two options here. You can dump right away, or you can search the island for weed and other goodies. If you no longer have things to do here, then you can dump on a small boat with a shaman.

*New allies- upon arrival in Kalador, talk to the locals and take tasks for monsters. Upstairs, you can find a guy with a book that contains a quest for a legendary item. I learned how to throw knives well from him.

**Treasure- after taking the card, we go back to the shore, find the magician and wet him. Then we see the cross, under which the treasures will be buried. The mage is holding the hostage we freed by killing him. Now she will go home, and we will complete the task.

**Bone situation- the next quest is to return human species Burke. To do this, we go to the bay, or rather, to the recess to the right of the bay. There will be a skeleton and a bunch of spiders. We speak with the skeleton and take it with us to the fortress. On the first floor of the fortress there will be a merchant from whom you can buy and steal a formula that returns the human form. After receiving the formula, return the human form to Burke and the task will be completed.

**Curse of Love- The task with the amulet was one of the easiest. I just took the quest from the soldier in the tavern, bought the amulet from the girl who was hanging around nearby, took it to the cemetery near the mill and gave it to the ghost. This task was completed.

**Wedding ring- Next, we take the quest for the ring from the blacksmith. He will give you a ring for his bride, which you will have to take to her. The bride herself is in a pirate town. It won't be hard to find her. Give her the ring and the quest will end.

**Carved candlestick Ernesto- the task will be more difficult. You will be asked to find the missing candlestick, which has disappeared to no one knows where. You can find it in the north of the cemetery, coins will show the way. At the end of the path, you will fight two enemies. After the victory, the candlestick can be found at the threshold. Take it to one of the three you took the quest from.

**The night Watch- task with the port. Walking with him at night, you will complete the task.

**Toll- Another simple task that can be completed by beating the brawler in the tavern.

**Real farmer- there is also a task to find the missing girl. You can take it in the north of the location from a dude named Fen. In the north after the caves there will be a girl. Take her alive and unharmed to the tavern, return to the dude and get a reward.

** Honor the dead- This task requires caution, so often has a tendency to bugs. Therefore, I recommend that you save before completing the task. So, take the task from the soldier to search for things. There are five in total. We need to find five bodies and take these things from them. The bug is that the bodies sometimes disappear. In this case, loading from a save before the task will help.

** Iron— a quest to find the missing apprentice. Given by a blacksmith. You will have to go down into the mine, where you will find the body of an apprentice. After finding the body, return to the blacksmith and get your reward.

**Curse of the fathers- the next task is to go with one dude, arranging evil genocide along the way. After the dude reaches the destination of the journey, the task will be completed. Collect trophies from enemies and return. The dude giving the quest can be found to the west.

**The price of life- you need to accompany the magician to the final goal, while protecting him and not letting him die. Mage can also be found in the west.

** Hunting with Bronach There is a hunter in the west who wants to hunt with you. After the hunt, a reward awaits you.

*Rite of the Spirit- Now there is one central task in the queue, consisting of several chains of tasks. If you do everything right, you will receive the help of the faction leader. To start this task, you will need to talk with the head of the faction on the island, in a conversation, ask him for all possible tasks so that you can start the rite. In order to perform the rite, you will need the help of certain people on each of the islands involved in the chain. Here an important plus is that after completing the task you will be able to break portals. The quest is called Rite of the Spirit.

*World of Shadows So, let's start with the first task in the chain. It consists in destroying all portals on each island. To do this, you need to go through the storyline on each island. After completing the story, you will be able to break the portals. It is better to start from the first portal on the Crab Coast.

Before you dump on other islands, you need to complete additional tasks here. Let's start by driving all the guards to the fortress. After all the guards are in the fortress, talk to the chief and he will ask you to activate the portals. After the portals are activated, return to him and chat with him again. After the conversation, you will teleport to the other side of the lava river.

After teleportation, search the ruins and find the book of wisdom. Talk to the boss and go to the height attack. We take the height and close the portal. We deal with the lich, return to the boss and give him the book. Quest submitted. After that, Guildmaster's name will be removed from the list of candidates for the ritual. After closing this quest, you can already get off the island, or you can continue to complete secondary tasks for other goodies.

Let's run through the secondary tasks and swim further along the main plot. So, quests.

**Bon appetit- a guest in the village, located across the lava river, will ask you to complete a task for him. You need to bring him 9 turnips, after which you will receive a reward for your efforts.

**Green flame- the task will be easy. You will need to cross the lava river, collect logs in the swamp, and then climb to the very top of the lighthouse and set fire to them. Return to the one who gave the task and collect the reward.

**Witch-hunt- A major assignment will be on books. You will need to collect 5 books and take them to the blacksmith in the citadel. Here are the places where I got these books:

  1. On a grave on Kalador. You can follow Mick from the tavern at night, or you can just leave the tavern and head west until you come across a grave.
  2. You need to talk to the farmer and Logan at the pig farm several times, until Logan gives you the treasured book. The farm is located on Calador.
  3. We'll have to go to Antigua, find Zach there and give him consent to help. Then come at night and follow him. Soon, enemies will appear on your way, which you need to kill. After the massacre, you will receive a book.
  4. Let's go to Taranis. We are looking for a building to the right of the guild, go in and talk to the blacksmith. We learn about the chest and buy the key to it. We are looking for a chest, open it and see one page. In order to get the whole book, you will have to talk to the owner of the chest and buy the book from him.
  5. In Taranis, find the head of the port, for a fee, he will agree to help you find a book, but he will find the wrong one. After that, he will send you to the island, on which you will see a shabby type. Give him mussels and he will give you a book in gratitude.

All books collected, you can return to Kalador and receive a reward.


**Escort the Guard- upon arrival in Antigua, you will meet a guard who will ask you to escort him to his destination. On the way you will be attacked by hounds that you need to exterminate. At the end, a reward awaits you.

*Report for Alvarez- we are looking for Alvarez, we talk with him and agree to exterminate the hounds in the city and complete several tasks. Upon successful completion, you will receive a task to find Morgan and create alliances. After completion, we bring down on Kalador to the head of the guild. We enter into it. We go back, we perform additional. tasks and destroy the portal.

*Chaos in the port– it is necessary to clean the island from vicious dogs.

** Minor sins of the past- we take the task from the dude who is in the house on the shore. To do this, we need to sail to Quila, find a pirate on the beach there and take some of the weapons from him.

**Emma's infernal mix- we go to the beach, we look for the girl lying on it. It will be on the right side of the city. The girl will ask you to find mushrooms for her, 7 pieces. It's easy, they are all lying around her.

** Spawn shadows in the jungle- we go to the tavern and find a drunkard behind the counter. He will ask you to go hunting with him and kill a certain number of enemies. You can get drunk in your team by talking to him and going together to Kalador. To do this, you need to go with him to the field located on Kalador, soak the creatures and reach the ruins. We return to the fortress and talk with our companion. After the conversation, chat with the soldiers, one of whom will tell you the whole story. After that, find the treasure by the mark, take the bill of sale and give it to your partner. Congratulations, you have a new addition to your team.

**Hunting with Zach- on the road to the village you will meet a dude who will ask you to go hunting with him. Agree, go with him and kill the dogs. Your reward.

**Pirate issues- in the northeast of the island, find a fire, and next to it is a guy. He will give you a quest to collect items. To do this, you need to go to the city and collect items according to the marks. Save before accepting the quest. I had bugs with this quest, I couldn't find the bag.

**Message to Wilson- go to the forge, there will be a girl who will ask you to take the letter to the blacksmith in Calador. Deliver the letter to the addressee and get a reward.

*World of Shadows- now you can break the portal. To do this, we bring down into the cave-skull, in which there will be strong enemies. It is necessary to deal with them, and then break the portal. It will be difficult to kill them, because there are a lot of them and they are strong. You can try to lure them out and kill them piece by piece. And you can pump and return the court later. The reward for destroying the portal will be given by the admiral.


**Talk to the native Borbor- after landing on Kila, you can take the quest to talk with Borbor. It can be found by going deeper along the road into the interior of the island. There will be a fire, near which sits Borbor. Talk to him and then follow him. He will take you to the village.

**Dopey Booze- Find the leader of the pirates and take the quest from him. Chat with his subordinates, who will offer you to replace the ingredients for the boss. Agree, go to the island and find three marked eggs. Take them to the boss and go to bed. Return in about a day, give the rum to the marked people and go to the fire. Now you can recoup and properly pile on the booze.

**Conflict due to waste water - Find one pirate on the shore. According to his quest, go deep into the island until you find a lake. There will be a girl with whom you need to talk and persuade her to let you take some water. After her consent, return to the pirate boss and report to him about the success.

**Delightful meal- in the village there is an altar, near which a native hangs out. You can take the quest from him. To complete, you need to take food and take it to a dude named Baraka, who will be at the gate. After finding the dude, talk to him and tell him the truth that the wrong person sent him. After that, Baraka will ask you to deal with the traitor. Give him the amulet, after which he will fall out of the camp, and you follow him to the end and kill him. Return to Baraka and collect your reward.

**Human sacrifice- near the bridge in the village there is a prisoner who can be saved. To do this, you will have to work for a shaman, dragging her everything that she asks. After you get some of the ingredients for her, you can win over the leader to your side and save the captive.

*Mark of the Ancients- a difficult quest is given by the shaman's passion in the village. She will ask you to bring her 4 ingredients.

  1. In the south there is a cave in which spiders live. We need to find the fattest one, bang him and take his paw.
  2. We must kill the panther and take her heart. To do this, find the altar, read what is written on it and mark the place where the panther hangs out. Then go there and deal with the beast.
  3. On the left side of the lonely island there is a cave, near which lies a fragment of jade. Take it and carry it to the girl. Before performing, also read the altar with the message.
  4. In the bay in the north, you need to find shells. Here it is important to save first, and then open them, because I had a bug, the necessary pearl did not fall out. After saving, open the shells until a shimmering pearl falls out. Take it to the girl. This will complete the quest successfully.

**Measure seven times- find the girl on one of the islands connected by stairs. She will ask you to deal with the drunken captain. Figure it out, then talk to the dude on the hill, his name is Harry. You will need to bring your wife to him. Go at night and bring him a girl from the tribe, talk to him again and go in search of a flower. The flower grows on a platform, not far from the native settlement. Take it and bring it to Harry.

**Martyshkin labor- in the village there is a small gnome who will give you a task for which you will need a trained monkey. If it is, proceed immediately, if not, you can go to the pirates and learn from them for gold. The dwarf will lead you to the cave, after which you will need to use the monkey and collect goodies at the end of the cave. After collecting, talk to the gnome.

**Great white hunter- in the rocks, not far from the camp, there is a dude who will give you a quest to kill two boars and an alligator. Before this, it is better to save, because a bug in the game is possible in case of your death. After talking with this type, go to the mark and wet the animals.

**See, the darkness is near- it is necessary to take Hawkins to the corpse of his assistant, listen to the nonsense that he will carry and give him a drink. Then talk to him and help him find out the truth.

** Birdus sapiens- there is a scientist on the wrecked ship who will ask you to collect weed for him on a cut off section of the island. You can get there by turning into a parrot. Collect the weed and take it to the scientist, he will reward you.

*Alliance with Pirates- your brig is in the bay. Talk to the captain, who will refuse to help until the natives join. To do this, you need to complete the quest with the shaman and bring her the rest of the ingredients. After that, the pirates will be on your side.

+ Replenishment of the team- you need to lure Saddek into your team. To do this, you need to complete the task about the drugged booze.

**Meaningless existence- on the island on the north side lives an unfortunate person who will ask you to get his belongings from a cave on the water. It is located near his island.

**Warpath- In Makato's bed, you need to find a hair. To do this, select in the option not a dream, but a search. When you take the hair, take it to the shaman. She will make a doll to be used on Makato. After that, we chat with the shaman, then with the leader, who asks to talk to three more people. This is a shaman, a merchant near the bridge and a hunter who can be found by crossing the bridge and reaching the stone at the entrance.

You can exit through the gate if you say "wisdom" to the guard. You can take this wisdom from the book of the necromancer, which is in ruins, across the lava river on the island of Kalador. After the guard lets you in, you can go further through the story quests and additional ones.

Find a shaman named Chani who should help you with the ritual. For her consent, you will need to complete her tasks. After you do everything, she will give consent to the ritual.

**Lost in the Forbidden Valley / Warriors of the Oracle- you need to find the corpses by the marker. To do this, you need to go far to the north and from there climb to the corpses. Be careful with spiders, it's better not to run into and aggro little by little. After you find the corpses, go back to Chani, she will ask you to soak the spiders. Go back and kill the bastards. After that, you will have her consent to participate in the ritual.

*Correct place- We bring down the pyramid, not forgetting to stock up on medicinal herbs, swill and grub. It's even better if you can swing. On the way, search the temple, there will be statues of monkeys that you will need. At the end of the path there will be a boss - the spider Magolot. I tried to go through the caves, there is an entrance, but the spiders got me, so I still went through the pyramid.

*World of Shadows- after defeating the spider, stomp to the other end of the cave and kill the lord of the shadow. After that, you can break the portal. You can go to it to the right of the th place where the spider was. To the left of the spider there is an exit.

*Alliance with Pirates- return to your former ship and tell the captain that you are from a witch. After that, he will join the fleet.


**Bloodsucker- On the banks of Tagarigua there is a river that flows into the sea. There is a person sitting next to her, from whom you can take the task. You will need to go to the cave marked on the map. There, take the things of the chela from the chests and stomp back. It is better not to take things from the second chest for now, otherwise you will fail the next quest.

**Kick ass- upon returning to the shore, you can take a task from the first dude you meet. It will be necessary to go to the mill and hang a boorish lyuley, and then drive him ashore. Another one needs to be exposed, it is located near the cave where we searched the chests. If you have previously searched all the chests in the cave, then this quest may be bugged. After exposure, also drive him to the shore.

**News from Puerto- talk to Jake, then go to the city and find out how things are going there. When you find out, return to Jake and talk to him.

**Rodriguez problem- in the village there is a workbench, near which the type hangs out. He will ask you to steal an order from the governor's desk. This order is located on the second floor in the governor's house. Steal the order and give it to him.

**Treasure of the dead lands of Tagarigua- the treasure map lies in a mill, not far from the coast.

**Vasco's items- on the way to the island you will meet a pirate who will ask you to bring him a package. It is marked with a marker on the map. Go to the tower, take the package and bring it to the pirate.

** Give mooring lines- There is a farmer in the north of the island who will ask you to find the thief. To do this, you need to leave the city and go to the cave, climb it. there will be a person, after talking with whom you will find out that it was he who stole the gold, turning into a bird. To the right of the road there will be a bag of gold itself.

**Commandant Tagarigua- in order for the commandant of the fortress to let you in, you need to tell him about the body that you found in the mill.

**Trap Di Fuegro- on the road to the city there is a tower in which you will find the corpse of the governor. We need to investigate, but very carefully. First, tell the new leader about the corpse. After that, talk to the soldiers and the night watch. Go to the residence and steal from the chest on the second floor of the evidence. After that, you can blame the new head for the death of the governor. After that, leave and do other things, and the head will fall down. Then you will meet him at sea, but this will be a different task.

*World of Shadows- now you can close the portal, since it is poorly guarded and it will not be difficult.

**Death to deserters- We need to solve the problem with deserters. It's up to you, but I felt sorry for them, and I did not kill them.

**Indescribable wealth- there is a small island nearby, where you will meet a guy who will ask you to dig up something. Follow him and dig up everything he asks. The next quest will be from him. Follow him, he will dig up something again. The spirit will immediately appear and bang the guy, and he will ask you a question. Answer - "I myself." After that, he will give you an interesting stone.


**Port thieves- upon arrival on Taranis, talk to the storekeeper, who will complain about night thieves. Take the task from him and sleep off until night, then go to the boxes. You don't have to wait long, the event can be launched by selecting the appropriate item on the boxes themselves. Goblins will appear, which need to be soaked, and then report the success to the storekeeper.

**Talk to Baker- there is a guy on the hill who will ask you to take a walk with him. Here, walk wherever you want.

**Paola hears sounds- The cook in the village will ask you to find the source of the noise that is bothering her. An armadillo makes noise behind the house. Kill him and get your reward.

**One succeeded- The fisherman in the village of magicians will give you a task. We must follow the mark and find the dead girl in the hut. After that, you need to take the guy off the island and return to the fisherman.

**Private shop- Now you will need to steal the crystals. To do this, you need to talk to Zakir, who will send you to Vitranio. Talk to Vitranio and return to Zakir, who will now give you the key to the chest. You need to return the keys to Zauri after you steal the crystals. To make this easier to do, you need to remove the guard. This can be done by talking to the head mage and convincing him that guards are not needed. After you take what you need, give the magician the book he asked for, otherwise you will be suspected.

** Herbs and tinctures- the magician in the basement will ask you to bring him some bushes of grass. Bring 5 bushes and the task will be completed.

*Visiting rights“Magnus will ask you to do something for him. The request must be fulfilled, otherwise the chain of passage will be interrupted. After everything is done, you will have access to the magicians in the building. To complete the task, you will need to do a few things.

  1. In the mining village, go to the mine and chat with the guard. Bring 5 crystals from the cave for him.
  2. You need to find the main gnome and complete his tasks. They are quite simple, so I will not expand on them.
  3. It is necessary to clean the ruined mine from evil spirits.

After all this is done, return to Magnus and report back.

*Lord of the Shadows of Treason- you need to kill the lord of shadows. It won't be difficult, because he has weak security. You can find it by marking it with a marker.

+Take Jaffar to your team- find a dwarf in the camp of mages and talk to him. Then with his apprentice. Then arrange a fight with the cadet in front of the general and report back to Magnus. He wants to take the gnome to the team. The dwarf will come when you get a bigger ship.

+Magic Efficiency- you can listen to a new companion and take a task from the magicians, but this is not necessary, it does not affect the plot in any way.

**Gourmet- The next task is to find 4 gourmet dishes. There will be no problems with three, they are all in sight, and you will find cheese in Zachary's house. But it will be possible to get there only after you activate every single mechanism on the island.

**Treasure in the deadlands of Taranis- in the south of the city there is a house in which there is a treasure map. On the way to the treasure, many enemies are waiting for you, some of them will be very dangerous.

**Mushroomer- near the southern teleport there is a dude who will ask you to bring him mushrooms. You can collect these mushrooms in the same place, in dusk forest. You need 5 pieces, no more.

+Inquisitor- your first partner in the dialogue has a task, according to which you need to follow the mark to the ship on which the fragment of Mendoza's soul is located. He can be persuaded to follow you to fight the reptiles.

**Destroyed camp- a certain Walker is coming to the city of magicians, who can give you a quest. We must go with him and arrange mochilovo for the goblins. After the mass genocide, continue the task and kill a particularly vile creature. Quest completed.

*Activate Portal- Find a cave and go into it. There you will see a magician who can activate the portal if you talk to him. After that, feel free to go inside.

*Reactor Now there is a serious task left. We need to talk to one of the magicians in the village. You will need to find three special stones that are inserted into the holes on the pillars. Two stones are located at Kasim, and one of the satellites seems to have been. There is info about it in the magazine. After completing the task, talk to the magician again. After that, the mechanism will work. Talk to Zachariah, who will refuse to help, but will give you a task, according to which you will have to follow him to the mechanism. Go through the cave to the end, after which you will be shown a video from the world of shadows. After the cutscene, you will be brought back to reality just in time for the start of the fight. Enemies will trample on you, which must be destroyed. After the victory, we chat with Zacharias again, only this time he will already agree to participate in the ritual. Now we break the portal and bring it down to the port, where we order the captain of the ship to go to Antigua.

**Lost Dwarf- We need to find the missing gnome. It's easy. You just need to jump into the well next to the house of magicians. There will be a gnome. Talk to him, then to the overseer and again to the dwarf.

**Housing for the homeless- on the south side of the port there is one bum who will ask you to clear the cave so that he can live there. Kill all the creatures and take the reward.

*Continuing the story- We bring down the citadel on Kalidor and speak with the leader who will allow you to take the ship of the Inquisition. Now you can sail to their ship, which is next to yours. The captain of the ship will put you in charge, and you will go in search of those who did not want to serve with you without a large ship.

*Sea battle- now you are waiting for the battle on the water. First, wet the infantry with a cannon. It is important to bend down in time so that you are not hit by return fire. In total, you need to kill 10 enemies. Then the admiral's turn will come. We go on boarding and wet the rest of the infantry and the admiral himself. Then you will have a fight with a sea creature. The main thing here is to keep your distance and do not forget about the volleys from the side guns. Ritual queue. Swim to Quila, where you will be shown a video with a ritual. From there we go to Kalidor, where we get the title.

*Last rank- chat with Drake, then with Wilson. We dress up in armor and stomp on the ship, on which we will sail after the traitor. Here we are waiting for a battle with a boss named Crystal Titanite. After defeating the boss, kill the traitor.

Time to replenish the fleet. We need to find Morgan and his ship. When you find it, someone will warn you and after that you will fight Morgan. Here is the tactic. First, the barrels will start dropping. We wet a few enemies, after which we run to the barrel. Then, on a new one, we wet and run until we can jump onto an enemy ship. Here you will have to sweat. We cut out the team, and then Morgan himself.

We sail to Antigua and report to the admiral about everything. We are waiting for the battle with the entire Crow fleet. Before sailing, I recommend that you stock up on supplies and everything useful, you will need it. The battle will remind initial education. It will be a bit tight if you haven't learned how to fence properly. After the victory, another swim awaits you, which will end with a battle with another boss, Giant Fish. After the victory, swim to the opened Skull Island.

Skull Island

**Clear warehouses- immediately upon arrival, clear the place near the camp. After that, find Drake, he will be near the pier, take the quest from him to exterminate the monsters near the ammunition depot. After that, in the center you will find the commander in chief, who and the same order for 4 more warehouses. Clear everything.

**End of story- after I went to bed, a ghost appeared to me and gave me a task. I had to blame Keela and there at the altar to say what the ghost asked. After that, a figurine of a monkey and skeletons appeared. Now you can return to Skull Island.

**To victory- Kane will ask you to go with him to the two towers and fight on his side. Go with him and deal with the enemies.

*Minion Weapons Storage- Kane will ask you to clear 4 minion warehouses. You'll have to sweat, but the task must be completed.

**Resistance weapons- the storekeeper will give you an order to kill a certain amount of undead. Follow the marks and kill as many as you need. Return to the storekeeper for your reward.

**Dead zone- At the first mark, you can take an additional quest from the guy near the fire. It will be necessary to go to the hill and find the demon lord there. Kill him and go back to the guy for a reward.

**Crazy Mage- at the second mark, you will be given the task to free the warehouse, which was captured by the crazy magician. Before doing it, it is better to save, because in case of an incorrect choice of dialogue, the quest will be screwed up.

**Immortal Reward- the last mark is in the north. We need to figure out how to kill the immortal spirit. Take the nested task, go to the camp and take the amulet from the commander that removes immortality from the spirit. After that, go back and kill the reptile. Go to the Indian for a well-deserved reward, and then back to the commander in chief.

  1. Zachary is the easiest to find. It is located in the south, tied to the bridge. He has a weak guard without bosses, so it will not be difficult to free him.
  2. Chani will be difficult. The main thing here is not to get confused and do everything right. She is being held in a prison, not far from the building and the tower. You must first unlock the gate with the lever located on top. Then we climb up the broken beam and pull the lever, we leave to the left. We pass the bridges and pull the lever, we go back, where the chatter of the guard we killed lies. The grate next to him will drop. We go lower and to the left, we pull the lever. We return, go over the bridges to the tower. In the tower we pull another lever that will open upper part. We don't need to go there. We go along the level of the lever to the tower, which is on the bridge. We see the passage on the left, we go into it and down the stairs to the next lever. We pull it and go down the tower down one level, we see a passage with a rat, kill it and go to the end, where there will be another lever. And so he unlocks Chani's dungeon.
  3. The next mage is Eldric. We go to the east, there will be an island. You have to climb to the very top of the fortress. Find a ladder and go down a little lower. There will be guards, and behind them the magician.

After all these adventures, return to the soul and reunite with it. Now we have to prepare well, because we are waiting for the fight with the last boss named the Embodiment of Death. After defeating the boss, the game will be successfully completed. That's all I wanted to say. If I missed or forgot something, write in the comments, I will only be glad.

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