What is animal science. Zoology is the science of animals. specialty "Primary education"

Zoology- the science of animals - at present is not a single science, but a system of sciences that study the animal world from a variety of points of view. The structure and vital functions of animals are studied both in the adult state and in different periods of development, the composition of the fauna of a particular region and the features of the geographical distribution of animals, the relationship of animal organisms with the conditions of existence, and, finally, the laws of the evolutionary development of animals.

In addition, species of animals that are useful to humans in economic activities are being studied in order to increase the production of wild and increase the productivity of domestic animals, as well as harmful animals in order, on the contrary, to develop rational control measures.

In zoology, on the one hand, the sciences that study certain aspects of the life of animals - their structure, development, vital activity, distribution, connection with the external environment, etc., stand out; on the other hand, the sciences that study individual, largest and practically important groups of animals (private zoology). The first group includes the following zoological sciences.

Morphology- the science of the transformation of form, i.e., the structure of animals depending on changes in the functions and conditions of existence of organisms in individual and historical development. Morphology includes a number of more specific disciplines: anatomy - studying the structure and ratio of organs; comparative anatomy - studying changes and transformations in the form and function of organs of various animals by comparing similarities and differences in the organization of both modern and fossil animals; histology is the study of the microscopic structure of animals.

Embryology- the science of the individual development of animals and the laws of this development.

Physiology- the science of the vital functions of animals, i.e., the processes taking place in the body (digestion, respiration, excretion, blood circulation, transmission of nervous excitation, reproduction, etc.), and the metabolism between the body and the external environment. Animal biochemistry is a special science that studies the chemical composition and chemical processes that occur in the animal body.

Ecology- the science of the interaction of animals with the external environment, both inorganic and organic, and the patterns of dependence of the life of aggregates of individuals (populations) that make up species, and the dynamics of their numbers under various conditions of existence.

Hydrobiology- a science that studies the patterns of life in water bodies, adaptations to the conditions of existence of aquatic animals and plants, their distribution in water bodies and develops measures to increase the productivity of water bodies, as well as issues of their sanitary condition.

Zoogeography- the science of the geographical distribution of animals and the patterns, both modern and historical, that determine this distribution.

Paleozoology- the science of extinct animals, their structure, geological distribution, historical development, origin, as well as the relationship with modern organisms.

Genetics- the science of the laws of heredity and its variability.

Systematics- the science of the diversity of animals, their classification and its laws. Systematics uses the data of all zoological sciences and builds a natural, evolutionary system of the animal world.

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Zoology is the science of animals that deals with the study of representatives of the corresponding genus (Animalia). This includes all types of organisms that eat food containing protein, carbohydrates and fats. Such species differ from plants in that they constantly synthesize the necessary for life from certain sources.

Many representatives of the genus of animals are able to move independently. Mushrooms have always been considered plants. However, it has been observed that they have the ability to absorb from external sources. There are also organisms that synthesize starch from inorganic molecules. However, they do not have the ability to move. In other words, it is impossible to give a general concept and identify alternative criteria between animals and plants, since they do not exist.

Division into categories

In this case, there is a division into many directions, which are differentiated depending on what kind of object is being studied and what problems are being studied. Zoology is a science that is divided into two main areas. Namely, the study of invertebrates and vertebrates. Also, these areas may include such disciplines:

Protistology. In this case, the study of the simplest.

Ichthyology is the study of fish.

Malacology is the study of molluscs.

Acarology is the study of ticks.

Entomology is the study of insects.

Carcinology is the study of crustacean organisms.

Herpetology is the study of reptiles and amphibians.

Ornithology is the study of birds.

Theriology is the study of mammals.

How important is zoology to mankind?

Let's consider this point in more detail. This science has a rather peculiar history of development. Animal zoology has always played an important role in human life. Looking at these individuals, their behavior, skills, we better understood the environment. After all, mankind had to independently learn how to hunt birds and animals, how and where to fish, how to protect themselves from a predator. And all these skills could be learned from animals. Zoology is a science with ancient roots and an interesting rich history.

For the first time in the IV century BC. this science became known from the books of the great scientist - Aristotle. This is a true fact. In his books, he described the origin of about 500 species of different animals. Some of them had red blood, and some were without it at all. Also in the works of this scientist, the meaning of each type of animal, as well as their development and structure, was outlined. Such a detailed description has become a real encyclopedia.

In the Middle Ages, the history of this science continued to develop. Zoology has moved a step forward every year. Some important information about animals, which became known in ancient times, was forgotten. Scientists focused their attention only on reproduction, hunting and keeping animals. The lost interest only rose again in the Renaissance. At that time, attention was paid to navigation and trade. Thanks to this, numerous expeditions were carried out aimed at studying new species of plants and animals, about which nothing was known before.

Carl Linnaeus also played an important role in the development of zoology. It was he who classified the animal world and gave scientific names for each definition in it.

However, the history of development of this science does not end there. Zoology improved significantly in the second half of the 19th century. This is after Charles Darwin published a book on the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. In his work, he proved a certain fact. It lies in the fact that the world around is modified due to natural selection. That is, new individuals also spend survival, and only the strongest remain. Thanks to this basis, zoology - the science of animals - began to develop rapidly. These successes will become known in systematics. There will be a description of the appearance of new species of animals.

Also, the history of the formation of zoology will become known in Russia after expeditions to the east and north of Siberia. They were carried out by A.F. Middendorf, N.M. Przhevalsky, Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. Also, scientific expeditions were carried out in Central Asia in embryology by I. I. Mechnikov and A. O. Kovalevsky, and in paleontology - by V. O. Kovalevsky, in physiology - by I. M. Sechenov and I. P. Pavlov.

Zoology today

This may include the totality of animal sciences. Here certain directions are taken into account. Namely:

As stated earlier, zoology is the study of birds, mammals, and insects. For a simpler perception, this science was divided into special sections. This will be discussed further.

The main sections of zoology

This includes:

In general, zoology is a science that is directly related to other disciplines and areas. For example, it has a very close relationship with medicine.

Diverse world of animals

It is very large and versatile. Animals live everywhere - in fields, steppes and forests, air, seas, oceans, lakes and rivers.

There are many individuals that benefit not only nature, but also humans. For example, these are bees, beetles, flies and butterflies. They pollinate many flowers and plants. Birds are also important in nature. They carry plant seeds over long distances.

There are also animals that harm plants, destroy crops. However, this does not prove that their existence is meaningless. They can be the main link in the food chain of various individuals. This all determines the importance of zoology. Zoology in this direction is an indispensable science.

Domestic and wild animals

It is very important for every person to get proteins and carbohydrates from meat. Previously, there were no shops and supermarkets, this product was obtained through hunting. Then people learned to fish and acquired skills in its breeding.

Also, mankind has learned to domesticate wild cattle and use it for their own purposes. Its breeding made it possible to obtain products such as meat, milk, eggs, etc. Thanks to animals, people learned how to extract wool, down and skin and used it for their own needs.

About 10 thousand years ago, a man first domesticated a wild wolf. These were the very first ancestors of the dog. Now these animals are considered the most faithful and devoted friends of people.

But animal husbandry began with the domestication of horses. They were indispensable in the economy.

Differences and similarities of animals

All individuals of this species are usually distinguished by type, structure of respiration, reproduction, development, and so on. Animals differ from plants in that they do not have a hard cellulose shell. They feed on ready-made organic matter. Animals are characterized by active movement. As a result, they can search for their own food.


All of the above indicates the versatility of this definition. Zoology plays an important role in the life of every creature on our planet. This was discussed above. Everything is interconnected in this world. And zoology is life itself.

Zoology (from the Greek "zoon" - animal, "logos" - teaching, science) is the science of animals, a part of biology that studies the diversity of the animal world, the structure and activity of animals, distribution, connection with the environment, patterns of individual and historical development. Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary Dictionary

Fill in the table “Similarities and differences between animals and plants” Common features of living organisms Distinctive features of Animals and Plants cellular structure; the ability to feed, breathe, excrete, metabolize, reproduce, grow and develop cells do not have a hard cellulose shell; feed on ready-made organic substances (consumers); able to perceive stimuli and respond to them; active movement; there are no chloroplasts, vacuoles are organ systems; cells have a hard cellulose membrane; they themselves create organic substances in the process of photosynthesis (manufacturers); respond to stimuli with chemicals; incapable of active movement; have chloroplasts, vacuoles, pigments

130 thousand Worms (flat, round, annelids) > 40 thousand Arthropods > 1 million Fish > 20 thousand Animals about 2 million Coelenterates 9 thousand Birds about 9 thousand Others (Sponges, Echinoderms) Mammals > 4.5 thousand Reptiles 6 thousand Amphibians" title="(!LANG:Mollusks >130 thousand Worms (flat, round, annelids) > 40 thousand Arthropods > 1 million Fish > 20 thousand Animals about 2 million Celiacs 9 thousand Birds about 9 thousand Others (Sponges, Echinoderms) Mammals > 4.5 thousand Reptiles 6 thousand Amphibians" class="link_thumb"> 15 !} Mollusks >130 thousand Worms (flat, round, annelids) > 40 thousand Arthropods > 1 million Fish > 20 thousand Animals about 2 million Celiacs 9 thousand Birds about 9 thousand Others (Sponges, Echinoderms) Mammals > 4 .5 thousand Reptiles 6 thousand Amphibians about 2.5 thousand Protozoa > 40 thousand 130 thousand Worms (flat, round, annelids) > 40 thousand Arthropods > 1 million Fish > 20 thousand Animals about 2 million Intestinal 9 thousand Birds about 9 thousand Others (Sponges, Echinoderms) Mammals > 4.5 thousand Reptiles 6 thousand Amphibians "\u003e 130 thousand Worms (flat, round, annelids)\u003e 40 thousand Arthropods\u003e 1 million Fish\u003e 20 thousand Animals about 2 million Intestinal cavities 9 thousand Birds about 9 thousand Others ( Sponges, echinoderms) Mammals > 4.5 thousand Reptiles 6 thousand Amphibians about 2.5 thousand Protozoa > 40 thousand "> 130 thousand Worms (flat, round, annelids) > 40 thousand Arthropods > 1 million Fish > 20 thousand Animals about 2 million Celiacs 9 thousand Birds about 9 thousand Others (Sponges, Echinoderms) Mammals > 4.5 thousand Reptiles 6 thousand Amphibians (flat, round, ringed) > 40 thousand Arthropods > 1 million Fish > 20 thousand Animals about 2 million Celiacs 9 thousand Birds about 9 thousand Others (Sponges, Echinoderms) Mammals > 4.5 thousand Reptiles 6 thousand amphibians"> title="Mollusks >130 thousand Worms (flat, round, annelids) > 40 thousand Arthropods > 1 million Fish > 20 thousand Animals about 2 million Celiacs 9 thousand Birds about 9 thousand Others (Sponges, Echinoderms) Mammals > 4 .5 thousand Reptiles 6 thousand Amphibians"> !}

Resources used Pedigree of the animal world, unicellular and multicellular animals, main signs of animals, chalk. Electronic educational edition. Biology. variety of living organisms. 7th grade. Multimedia supplement to the textbook by V.B. Zakharova, N.I. Sonina, Drofa LLC, Kingdom Animals, multicellular animals, marine life, plankton, annelids, insects, birds of prey. Library of electronic visual aids. Biology grade 6-9. LLC "Cyril and Methodius", Colorado potato beetle, subcutaneous bovine gadfly, taiga tick, karakurt, kestrel, fieldfare, dung beetle, earthworm, migratory locust, guanaco, moor frog, toothless common., portraits of Darwin and Aristotle. Educational electronic publication “Laboratory workshop. Biology» 6-11 grade. Republican Multimedia Center, Cows in the pasture, hummingbirds on a flower, horses. Educational electronic edition "Ecology". Methodological guide for the teacher. MIEM, Coral Island. Complete interactive course "Open Biology". LLC "Fizikon", Poultry farm. Virtual School of Cyril and Methodius. Biology lessons of Cyril and Methodius. Animals. 7th grade. LLC "Cyril and Methodius", Kitten and puppy. Electronic encyclopedia “I want to know everything. Animals". Hysteresis LLC Bobr. Electronic lessons and tests. Biology at school. Genetic variability and evolution. CJSC "New Disc", 2007.

Resources Used C. Linnaeus. B0%D1%80%D0%BB P.S. Pallas. 5%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80_%D0%A1%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BD A. van Leeuwenhoek. The adaptation of animals to life in water, soil, on land, in the air. Natural history. Library of electronic visual aids b59-366d-f5d1e7a13043/118888/?interface=teacher&class=47&subject=27 =27 Child and kitten. %D0%BA%D0%B8%20%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8%20%D0%B8%20%D0%BA%D0%B E%D1%82%D1 %8F%D1%82%D0%B0&pos=267&uinfo=sw-868-sh-581-fw-765-fh-448-pd- 1&rpt=simage&img_url=http%3A%2F%2Fru.fishki.net%2Fpicsw%2F042009 %2F08%2Fkids%2F038.jpg %B E%D1%82%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B0&pos=267&uinfo=sw-868-sh-581-fw-765-fh-448-pd- 1&rpt=simage&img_url=http%3A%2F%2Fru .fishki.net%2Fpicsw%2F042009%2F08%2Fkids%2F038.jpg Child and puppy. 0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0 %B5%20%D0% B8%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8&noreask=1&pos=7&rpt=simage&lr=66&ui nfo=sw-868-sh-581-fw-765-fh-448-pd- 1&img_url=http %3A%2F%2Fbasik.ru%2Fimages%2Fpets_and_kids_23%2F14.jpg 0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%82% D0%BD%D1%8B%D0 %B5%20%D0%B8%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8&noreask=1&pos=7&rpt=simage&lr=66&ui nfo=sw-868-sh -581-fw-765-fh-448-pd- 1&img_url=http%3A%2F%2Fbasik.ru%2Fimages%2Fpets_and_kids_23%2F14.jpg

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See the section of the site on biology, for schoolchildren, applicants, students. Also universities and faculties for biologists.

animal science

Information from the history of zoological discoveries, their significance in the development of biology, about the features of the structure and life of many interesting animals, their relationship, role in nature and in human life.

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Animal science is zoology. This science studies all living organisms belonging to the Animal Kingdom.

Zoology- This is a science that is a branch of biology that studies the diversity, structure, life of animals, individual and evolutionary development, their relationship with the environment, distribution, significance in nature and for humans.

From the definition of animal science, it can be seen that this is a complex discipline, as it studies various issues related to animals. Therefore, zoology can also be defined as animal science system. This system includes such sciences as animal morphology and anatomy, physiology, ecology, paleontology, ethology, etc. It should be understood that most of these sciences are part of botany that studies plants, as well as other branches of biology that study other forms of life. Therefore, one speaks, for example, of the ecology of animals or the ecology of plants.

  • Morphology studies the external and internal structure of organisms.
  • Physiology studies the processes of vital activity in cells, organs, organ systems, the whole organism.
  • Ecology studies the relationship of organisms with each other and with inanimate nature.
  • Paleontology studies the fossil remains of organisms, their change in the process of evolution.
  • Ethology studies the behavior of organisms. This science is mainly characteristic only of zoology, since only animals have a nervous system.

Animal science is divided into sections and according to a different principle. The fauna of the planet is very diverse: from the simplest unicellular forms to mammals. Insects, worms, fish, birds, animals and others differ from each other in many ways. Therefore, in zoology, sciences that study individual groups of organisms are distinguished. For example, birds are studied by the science of ornithology, insects by entomology, mammals by mammology, etc.

There are both similarities and differences between plants and animals. Therefore, the sciences of animals (zoology) and plants (botany) have both common and their own specifics. The general properties of life (cellular structure, metabolism, growth, development, reproduction, etc.) are characteristic of all living organisms. At the same time, animal cells have some differences from plant cells. Animal cells lack a cellulose membrane, plastids, and a large central vacuole. Animals, unlike plants, feed on ready-made organic matter, usually by swallowing it (and not by absorption, as happens in fungi). Animals actively perceive irritations and react to them, usually they can move.

Currently, more than 1.5 million species of animals live on Earth. In terms of the number of species, there are more of them than plants. However, the biomass of plants on Earth (land and water) is greater, since it is they who produce the organic matter that they themselves need and which serves as food for other organisms, mainly animals. Among animals, by the number of species, insects are the most (more than 1 million species).

Animals are distributed almost all over the globe. They live in the depths of the seas, where plants cannot live due to the lack of sunlight. Animals are found in the polar zones, where plants do not grow due to the presence of permanent snow cover.

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