Recreational resources and their types. Describe the main types of recreational areas Natural recreational objects

Natural and recreational resources - objects and phenomena of nature that can be used for recreation, tourism and treatment.
Recreational activities of people, including recreation and tourism, sports, going to summer cottages and gardening plots, are becoming increasingly important. There is a process of formation of a new branch of the economy, which is based on a certain combination of natural and anthropogenic factors. In the most developed countries, the territories used for recreational purposes occupy the third place in terms of area after agricultural and forest lands. The rapid development of tourism makes this type of land use promising in almost all countries of the world. In a number of places, special cultural landscapes have emerged - resort lands, forest parks, beaches, for which recreational use is the main one.
Recreational economic activity is understood as the organization of purposeful spending of people's free time in health, educational, sports, cultural and entertainment areas in specialized areas, outside the place of permanent residence of people.
Recreational areas include recreational forests (zones of parks and forest parks, green areas around cities, suitably landscaped), recreational forest areas in national and natural parks and landscape reserves; noteworthy natural monuments with protected landscapes (lake, grove of rare trees, etc.) or individual protected natural objects (waterfall, cave, etc.).
Traditionally, recreational areas with an organized infrastructure for recreation, treatment or tourism include mountain resorts (for example, the Alps, which are visited annually by up to 40 million tourists and skiers), areas with medicinal waters and springs, sea coasts, which have a whole range of therapeutic factors, such as as sea air, healing water, coastal and sea landscapes, favorable climate (for example, the world-famous Cote d'Azur of the Mediterranean Sea, stretching for 180 km, with the seaside resorts of Nice, Cannes, etc.) -
Natural and recreational resources can be divided into climatic, water, hydro-mineral, forest, mountain. In recreational nature management, the resources can be the beauty of the landscape, the exotic nature, the landscape diversity of the area - all the factors that can have a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of people, contributing to the spiritual comfort of vacationers.
Natural and recreational resources have an essential property - they are practically inexhaustible.
However, ways to optimize recreational nature management should include the calculation of permissible loads on recreation areas, which would guarantee the preservation of the quality of natural complexes, provide the possibility of their self-recovery.
Sometimes recreational resources are understood in a broader sense, referring to them, along with natural components, territories with cultural and historical sights (monuments of history, archeology, architecture, art). Suburban artistic ensembles of St. Petersburg (in Peterhof, Pavlovsk, Tsarskoye Selo) can serve as an example.
As a rule, recreational nature management focuses not on one, but on several types of resources.
The following types of recreational use of territories are distinguished: sanatorium-resort (climato-, balneo-, mud therapy); health-improving (walking, bathing and beach); sports (sports tourism, mountaineering, hunting, fishing); cognitive tourism (excursions to historical places, cruises to other countries with the study of monuments of art and architecture); gardening activities and recreation.
Recreational geography deals with the problems of recreational resources, which studies the geographical patterns of the territorial organization of human activity outside working hours (the number and direction of flows of tourists, their impact on the territory, the forecast of the number of tourists in different regions, etc.).

More on the topic Recreational resources and territories:

  1. Lecture 17
  2. Factories (resources) of production, their characteristics. Resource fee. Exchange of economical resources
  3. Lecture 15. Geography of world natural resources: mineral and land resources



Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of the issue of the legal concept and composition of natural recreational areas that has not been studied in domestic legal science. The legal literature of Russian and Ukrainian authors, geographical, architectural, legal and other literature of Belarusian scientists in this field, which shows the lack of unity in the definition of the concept and composition of natural recreational areas, is being studied. An analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus is carried out, which indicates an insufficient regulation of these issues: the term natural recreational areas is used in regulatory legal acts with a different semantic load due to the lack of a definition of its concept; the composition of natural recreational areas is not clearly defined. The experience of legal regulation of these legal relations in foreign legislation is given. The legal concept and composition of natural recreational areas are proposed, which are recommended to be enshrined in the environmental legislation of the Republic of Belarus for the purpose of their uniform interpretation and application.

Introduction. For recreation, various natural territories are used, which have received the name of natural recreational territories in the scientific literature. Despite the widespread use of this term in geographical, architectural, medical and other literature since the 70s of the XX century, there is no definition of the concept of natural recreational areas in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. Their composition is not clearly defined, sometimes contradictory.

Main part. The term recreational areas is used in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus with different meanings. So, in the "National Program for the Rational Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection for Years", recreational areas, on the one hand, include the territories of resorts and recreation areas, on the other hand, they are considered as independent concepts. These territories are called by the specified document areas of recreational value, which is much broader in content than recreational areas.

A number of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus operate with the term landscape and recreational areas, including green areas for common use - parks, boulevards, squares, forest parks, meadow parks, short-term recreation areas near water, as well as green areas for special purposes - nurseries, green areas of sanitary protection zones , water protection zones or water recreation parks, sports, zoological, botanical, entertainment, children's, quiet recreation and walks for pensioners, new landscaping facilities and landscape and architectural complexes. Such an interpretation is contrary to the Law “On Architectural, Urban Planning and Construction Activities in the Republic of Belarus”, according to which the above-mentioned territories should be called recreational zones.

In relation to the area of ​​forest use for recreational purposes, the concept under study is defined as a territory intended for recreation of the population.

The legislation of foreign countries, as a rule, also does not contain the concept and composition of natural recreational areas. However, in the Law of the Republic of Lithuania “On Tourism”, a recreational area is defined as a territory with natural or cultural properties of the environment and conditions for organizing a full-fledged physical and spiritual recreation of people without determining its composition.

There is no single approach to the definition and composition of natural recreational areas in the scientific literature, moreover, some authors use a different term to refer to this concept, for example, recreational areas. Petrov names natural or cultivated areas of land or water space intended for organized or mass recreation and tourism of the population. It includes areas of urban territory (gardens, parks, squares, sports complexes), suburban and green areas, forest parks, national and natural parks, botanical, zoological gardens, dendrological parks, tourist routes, territories of houses and recreation centers, in in some cases - certain areas of nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries set aside for visiting by the population. Petrova shares. The same term is also used, indicating that the formation of the environment of the recreational zone is served by lands intended and used for organized mass recreation and tourism of the population, without specifying its composition.

According to the opinion, natural recreational territories are territories suitable for organizing recreation for the population, renewing human vitality and energy, recognized as such in the manner prescribed by law, the regular use of which is possible in the implementation of recreational activities. She refers to them as:

recreational, resort, health-improving zones, regardless of their location;

lands of health-improving, recreational, historical and cultural purposes;

land plots for nature protection purposes with a regime of recreational use;

separate plots of lands of the forest, water fund, suitable for recreational use;

separate plots of land of settlements with recreational purposes (parks (culture and recreation, regional, sports, children's, historical, memorial, etc.), squares, boulevards, embankments, forest parks, meadow parks, hydroparks, gardens of residential areas, etc.);

other territories suitable for use for recreational purposes.

A number of authors consider recreational areas that are places of mass organized recreation of the population. In their opinion, from the very beginning of their formation, these territories should be considered as a complex production-territorial complex with a land structure that includes forest, agricultural, road lands, as well as areas that can accommodate recreation facilities, service personnel settlements, and outbuildings. Agriculture should be oriented here to meet the needs of recreants in food, forestry - to the recreational use of forests and their protection by a series of buffer zones from the impact of industrial facilities, highways, etc. Thus, recreational areas can consist, firstly , from the actual recreational lands and, secondly, from economic lands, i.e. lands of various types of activities, but specializing in servicing recreants. Actually recreational lands, which form the basis of recreational areas or are part of multifunctional areas, occupy mainly forests and water bodies in the forest and forest-steppe zone, in other zones and in the mountains it can be various lands and inconvenient for other types of land use.

and consider recreational areas as lands acting as recreational lands, occupied by tourist complexes, infrastructure enterprises and communications related to their maintenance, having resource potential, but do not clearly define their composition.

From the point of view, recreational areas should be considered as an integral part of a single system of protected natural areas, including: specially protected natural areas - nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, wildlife migration corridors, protective areas (water protection, road, soil and wind protection plantations, sanitary protection zones and etc.); territories in which nature protection and recreational functions are combined - national parks, green areas of cities; recreational areas - resorts, long-term and short-term recreation areas, tourist centers and trails

According to the opinion, natural recreational areas in the Republic of Belarus are represented by: resorts of republican and local significance; recreation and tourism areas of republican and local significance; national parks.

After analyzing the above definitions and the composition of recreational areas, it seems that a more acceptable general term for designating places intended for recreational use is the term natural recreational areas, rather than “zones”, “lands”, etc. Preference for using the definition “territory” is confirmed by the analysis of legal literature, as well as legislation on specially protected natural areas, urban planning legislation, in which it is widely used. Thus, according to the Law “On Architectural, Urban Planning and Construction Activities in the Republic of Belarus”, a territory is a limited space that has one or more elements of the habitat and is intended for architectural, urban planning and construction activities, and zoning of a territory is the allocation of territorial zones of a certain territory during urban planning. functional purpose with the establishment of regulations for urban development and use of territories. Habitat - formed and purposefully changed as a result of architectural, urban planning, construction and other activities, the space of human life, the elements of which are natural objects, objects of material and spiritual culture, settlements and inter-settlement territories with objects of social, industrial, transport, engineering and other infrastructure . In accordance with the Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories", such areas are recognized as land plots (including atmospheric air above them and subsoil) with unique, reference or other valuable natural complexes and objects of special ecological, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic and other significance. withdrawn in whole or in part from economic circulation, in respect of which a special regime of protection and use has been established.

In the legal literature, the term "territory" is considered by most authors as a natural-anthropogenic formation. Thus, he believes that territories act as a spatial-territorial basis and include natural complexes consisting of the earth's surface, underlying geological masses, waters, forests, air spaces adjacent to these natural objects, as well as objects of anthropogenic origin: underground communications , asphalt or concrete pavements, buildings, structures, structures, etc. . He adheres to a similar point of view, which considers the lands as the natural resource base of the territories, and the territories as natural and anthropogenic formations.

An analysis of environmental and other legislation shows that certain areas of the territory (resort areas, recreation areas, tourist areas, forested parts of green areas, recreational areas of settlements, recreational areas of national parks) have a recreational use regime.

The resort zone, according to the Regulations on Spas, is one of the three zones of the resort, in which there are natural medicinal products, devices and facilities for their use, sanatorium-resort institutions and recreation and cultural institutions, as well as entertainment enterprises, catering, trade and consumer services, designed to serve persons arriving at the resort for treatment and recreation. The assignment by some authors to the recreational territory of the entire territory of the resort, in our opinion, cannot be considered correct, since the other two zones (the zone in which there are residential buildings, public buildings and facilities for the population permanently residing in the territory of the resort and the zone in which centralized economic and technical services) are not actually used for recreation purposes.

A similar conclusion can be drawn for national parks and suburban green spaces. In accordance with the legislation in the national park, the recreational use regime applies only to the recreational zone intended for tourism, recreation and health improvement of citizens, within the boundaries of which a procedure is established to ensure the protection and sustainable use of recreational resources. The rest of the zones are a protected zone designed to preserve natural complexes and objects in their natural state, to ensure the conditions for their natural development, within the boundaries of which all types of activities are prohibited, except for scientific research and measures for its protection; a zone of regulated use, intended for the preservation of natural complexes and objects, ensuring the conditions for their natural development and restoration, within the boundaries of which a regime of protection and use is established, limiting certain types of economic and other activities and the use of natural resources in accordance with the regulation on national parks; the economic zone intended to ensure the functioning of the national park, within the boundaries of which economic and other activities are carried out using environmental technologies that do not interfere with the preservation of specially protected natural complexes and objects, tourist and recreational resources., have a different purpose.

In the suburban green zone, only the forest-park part of the green zone of the city is used for recreational purposes, which is a part of the green zone of the city used to organize mass recreation for the population with an economic regime aimed at preserving, creating and shaping sustainable forest landscapes and creating favorable conditions for recreation of the population. The forestry part of the green zone of the city has a different purpose - its economic regime is aimed at ensuring the environmental protection and environment-regulating functions of the forest, the development of forestry production and the creation of a reserve for expanding the forest park part.

According to the Law “On Architectural, Urban Planning and Construction Activities in the Republic of Belarus”, recreational zones of settlements are territories intended for organizing recreation places for the population and including parks, urban forests, forest parks, beaches and other recreation and tourism facilities. The concept of recreation areas is not fixed in the legislation. In the industry standard “Use of forests for recreational purposes. Terms and definitions, a recreation area is considered as a territory allocated for the organization of mass recreation of the population. In the legal literature, they are understood as territories used to accommodate general health, tourist facilities and equipment for places of short-term recreation. It seems appropriate to develop a special normative legal act regulating the procedure for the creation and operation of recreation areas, the termination of their activities, to define their concept, status, tasks, goals, etc.

The Law "On Tourism" defines a tourist zone as a part of the territory of the Republic of Belarus with precisely defined boundaries, on which one or more tourist resources are located, included in the state cadastre of tourist resources, created in order to develop inbound and domestic tourism, the tourism industry, protection and rational use tourism resources.

According to the author, the composition of recreational territories can include a recreational zone in the structure of a biosphere reserve, which, in its legal regime, differs significantly from a traditional reserve. The biosphere reserve, firstly, is characterized by functional zoning of the territory, which is completely excluded for ordinary reserves, and secondly, monitoring and control over the state and changes in the natural environment is carried out on its territory in accordance with the UNESCO International Program “Man and the Biosphere”. However, it should be noted that at the national level there is no legal basis for their activities.

Since the 1970s, the opinion has been expressed in the literature about the need to create landscape (landscape-tourist or nature-recreational) parks as specialized natural-recreational areas in order to optimize the territorial organization of tourism and form the spatial basis of the tourist economy, as well as recreational reserves. The purpose of creating recreational reserves is to preserve recreational resources through the restriction of agriculture and forestry. The main goal of creating a landscape park is the organization of rational recreational nature management by limiting the recreational load. In this regard, it seems necessary to supplement the Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories” with norms on recreational reserves and landscape parks. At the same time, recreational reserves should be fixed as reserves intended for the conservation of natural complexes of great recreational importance, and landscape parks - as territories declared with the aim of preserving and sustainable use of natural complexes and historical and cultural values ​​for recreational, environmental and educational purposes. As a result of the inclusion of these concepts in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the scheme of specially protected natural areas will comply with the standards adopted in neighboring countries (Poland, Lithuania, Russia), which will help to partially resolve the issue of inconsistency between various regimes for nature protection and nature management in border areas. This is one of the problems hindering the formal entry of Belarus into the European ecological network. In addition, the allocation of new types of natural recreational territories in the composition of specially protected natural areas corresponds to the classical idea of ​​a hierarchical system of protected areas as a “tree” of a functional-targeted classification of specially protected natural areas, the crown of which is crowned with protected areas for recreational purposes.

Conclusion. Based on the above, it seems possible:

to formulate the concept of natural recreational territories as areas of the natural environment identified in the prescribed manner, possessing natural recreational resources, intended for recreational use, with a limited mode of economic activity;

determine the composition of natural recreational areas, including recreation areas; tourist areas; resort areas; recreational areas of settlements; forest park parts of green areas; recreational areas of national parks; areas of biosphere reserves used for recreation purposes.

With all the variety of tasks of organizing and protecting natural recreational areas, the unifying feature is the possibility of using them for recreational purposes. Therefore, if the need to create landscape parks and recreational reserves is recognized, they should also be included in the recreational territories.

It seems necessary to determine the place of natural recreational areas among natural objects subject to special or special protection in Chapter 9 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Environmental Protection". The legal concept and composition of natural recreational territories for the purpose of their uniform understanding and application should be enshrined in a specially developed regulatory legal act - the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Natural Recreational Territories".


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All types that can be used to meet the needs of the population in recreation and tourism. On the basis of recreational resources, it is possible to organize branches of the economy specializing in recreational services.

Recreational resources include:

  • natural complexes and their components (relief, climate, reservoirs, vegetation, wildlife);
  • cultural and historical sights;
  • the economic potential of the territory, including infrastructure, labor resources.

Recreational resources are a set of elements of natural, natural-technical and socio-economic geosystems, which, with the appropriate development of productive forces, can be used to organize a recreational economy. Recreational resources, in addition to natural objects, include any types of matter, energy, information, which are the basis for the functioning, development, and stable existence of the recreational system. Recreational resources are one of the prerequisites for the formation of a separate branch of the economy - the recreational economy.

In the modern world, recreational resources have acquired great importance, that is, the resources of natural areas as recreation, treatment and tourism areas. Of course, these resources cannot be called purely natural, since they also include objects of anthropogenic origin, primarily historical and architectural monuments (for example, the palace and park ensembles of Petrodvorets near St. Petersburg and Versailles near Paris, the Roman Colosseum, the Acropolis of Athens, Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China, etc.). But the basis of recreational resources is still natural elements: sea coasts, river banks, forests, mountainous regions, etc.

The growing flow of people "to nature" (recreational explosion) is the result of the scientific and technological revolution, which, figuratively speaking, unloaded our muscles, strained our nerves and tore us away from nature. Every country in the world has some kind of recreational resources. A person is attracted not only by the beaches of the Mediterranean, Tropical Africa and the Hawaiian Islands, the Crimea and Transcaucasia, but also by the mountains: the Andes and the Himalayas, the Pamirs and the Tien Shan, the Alps and the Caucasus.

Classification of recreational resources in balneology

  1. Elementary resources: climate resources; natural landscape components (landscape types, degree of landscape comfort, etc.); temporary (seasons of the year); spatial-territorial (geographical latitudes, solar radiation and ultraviolet radiation zones);
  2. Hydrographic elementary resources: water; monuments of nature - open reservoirs, springs, etc.;
  3. Hydromineral elemental resources: healing mineral waters; healing mud; healing clays; other medicinal natural resources;
  4. Forest elementary resources: state forest fund; natural reserve fund, etc.; urban forests (on the lands of urban settlements), forests - natural monuments, etc.;
  5. Orographic elementary resources: mountainous areas; flat areas; rough terrain; health-improving areas and resorts;
  6. Biological elemental resources:
  7. Socio-cultural elementary resources: components of the cultural landscape (ethnos, folk epic, folk cuisine, folk crafts, museums, art galleries, panoramas, cultural monuments of various forms of ownership, etc.); range of recreation facilities (clubs, palaces of culture, discos, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, casinos, bowling, slot machine halls, etc.);
  8. Road transport elementary resources:
    1. air transport: the presence of the nearest major airport, a convenient schedule for the arrival and departure of aircraft;
    2. rail transport: state of development of the rail network; convenient schedule of arrival and departure of trains;
    3. road transport: state of development and quality of the road network; availability and convenient operation of gas stations, service stations, catering and consumer services;
  9. Labor elementary resources (medical, technical and service personnel, provision of departmental housing and hostels, home ownership; mortgage lending for the purchase of housing, etc.)
  10. Communication elementary resources (the state of development of communication services, radio, long-distance pay phone, polyprogram television, relay stations: Internet, cell phone);
  11. Elementary health resources: the development of the municipal and private health care systems to provide emergency qualified medical care; obligatory and voluntary medical insurance services; the level of professional training of medical personnel of sanatorium-resort organizations, the required composition of medical specialists; availability of a license, etc.;
  12. The level of development of elementary resources of the banking system and its availability;
  13. Energy elemental resources;
  14. Elementary service resources: hairdressing and beauty salons, beauty salons; atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes; dry cleaning; laundry; shops, etc.;
  15. Elementary resources for sports leisure (gyms, sports halls, sauna with a swimming pool, sports grounds, etc.)

Service industries

Imagine modern life without schools, hospitals, demand for services. A theater cannot exist in a village or town. Perhaps the only service industry with large regional differences is recreational economy.

In the field of tourism and recreation, recreational resources are important, therefore, in order to determine the possibility of using the territory for recreational purposes, it is necessary to study and evaluate the tourism resources that the territory has.

Recreational resources are all types of any resources that can be used to meet the needs of the population in recreation and tourism. On the basis of recreational resources, industries can be organized, specializing in recreational services.

Recreational resources include:

  • 1) natural resources (climate, water, plants, animals);
  • 2) cultural and historical sights;
  • 3) the economic potential of the region, including infrastructure, human resources.

A recreational resource can be any place that meets two criteria:

  • 1) the place is different from the habitat familiar to man;
  • 2) represented by a combination of two or more naturally different environments;

Recreational resources can be classified in the following order:

  • 1) by origin;
  • 2) by type of recreational use;
  • 3) by the rate of exhaustion;
  • 4) if possible, economic replenishment;
  • 5) possible replacement of some other resources;
  • 6)Possible self-healing and cultivating;

Participation in recreational resources during recreational activities can be different in nature:

  • 1) perceived visually - landscapes, sightseeing objects;
  • 2) use without direct costs;
  • 3) directly consumed in the process of rest;

By origin, natural recreational resources are divided into physical, biological, energy-informational.

The resources of physical recreation are all components of inanimate nature, classified as physical and geographical resources: geological, geomorphological, climatic, hydrological, thermal.

Energy-information recreational resources look like fields of noospheric nature, which serve as factors of the attractiveness of the area or landscape and positively affect the psychophysical (emotional and spiritual) state of a person.

Biological recreational resources mean all components of wildlife, as well as soils, fauna, flowers.

All natural recreational resources - in combination with each other and inextricably linked with each other, the flows of matter and energy, form complex recreational resources of natural-territorial recreational objects;

Against this background, types of natural recreational resources are distinguished: geological, morphological, climatic, etc. Each type of natural recreational resources has signs against which there are types:

Where possible use (direct and indirect).

  • 1) depending on the degree of attractiveness;
  • 2) on health - useful properties;
  • 3) on historical and evolutionary uniqueness;

Tourism resources - a fusion of components of nature, socio - economic conditions and cultural values ​​that act as conditions for meeting the tourist needs of a person. Tourism resources can be divided into groups

  • 1) natural (climate, water resources, relief, caves, flora and fauna, national parks, scenic landscapes).
  • 2) cultural and historical (cultural, historical, archaeological, ethnographic objects;).
  • 3) socio-economic conditions and resources (economic and geographical position of the territory, its transport accessibility, level of economic development, labor resources, etc.).

It can be emphasized that recreational resources are a broader concept than tourism because they include components of nature, socio-economic conditions and cultural values ​​as a condition for meeting the recreational needs of all rights, including medical ones.

Climate plays a leading role in biomedical assessments. The analysis should determine the comfortable conditions determined by climatic and biomedical characteristics, but the concept of "comfort" is relative, because for some types of recreation (for example, skiing), comfortable conditions can be considered typical for the winter season and for the middle band of transitional seasons.

The psychological assessment takes into account, first of all, the aesthetic qualities of the territory - exoticism and uniqueness. Exotic territory is defined as the degree of contrast. Scholars have proposed a number of provisions designed to measure the aesthetic territory. So, the most attractive are: water, land, forest, meadow, hill-plain.

Ecological assessment of natural recreational resources necessary for the economic justification of investments in the reproduction, protection and improvement of the use of recreational resources. This assessment is largely related to the type of resource and its quality, location relative to areas of demand, technology of use, environmental qualities. Communication can be expressed in a system of qualitative and quantitative indicators. Quantitative ones include the availability of recreation and tourism, their consumption of medical resources per person per day, the level of comfort of people in recreational areas, etc.

Efficiency is determined by the ability to relax a combination of different activities, which will require an integrated approach to resource assessment.

There are various methods for assessing natural recreational resources, but the most common and most appropriate analysis of the recreational complex of an area is the assessment of the simplicity of certain parameters of recreational research. When considering natural resources, it is advisable to apply a pro-factor integral assessment of the resource depending on the type of recreation or sport in which this resource is used.

Also, for the development of the tourism industry, accounting standards for the anthropogenic load on natural systems are very important. Thus, a necessary condition for the suitability of natural and recreational resources is the ecological well-being of the environment.

In solving modern problems of allocating areas for long-term country holidays, there are three main trends: 1) the development of "urbanized" recreational areas based on resort settlements or entire resort agglomerations; 2) development of recreation in inter-settlement areas through the creation of recreational parks; 3) development of intermediate recreational areas - recreational areas in rural areas.

Among the territories of the first type, coastal recreation areas, medical and sanatorium individual resorts and resort areas, ski tourist complexes have become widespread throughout the world.

Primorsky recreational areas are perhaps the most rapidly developing of all existing recreational areas. It is hardly possible to be mistaken if we say that in terms of the number of arriving recreants, they take the second place after the capitals of the world, which are intensively visited by tourists. The rapid and often hasty development of sea coasts is the product of a tourist boom that began in the 1950s and continues to this day.

The development of recreational activities in inter-settlement territories in its scope, taking into account both suburban and long-term country rest, has recently come to the fore. This is due to structural shifts in recreational activities, expressed in the growth of the activity of recreation, its centrifugal and nomadic character. One of the forms of organizing vast territories for recreation and tourism is the creation of natural recreational parks.

"Natural Recreational Park" is an entity that combines the interests of nature protection and the interests of organizing recreation. These are areas of slightly transformed nature or areas of unique natural and cultural values. In world practice, there is experience in using the so-called “national parks” *. According to international definitions, natural national parks are predominantly objects of protected nature, and the organization of recreation and tourism in them is limited.

Approximately 100 countries of the world have national parks. National parks have the following main tasks: 1) protection of the most remarkable natural (or poorly cultivated landscapes); 2) organization of a base for scientific research in natural conditions; 3) creation of conditions for educational tourism; 4) nature protection educational work.

Recreational activities in national parks, although important, are not the main of its functions. Therefore, in the inter-settlement territories, in our opinion, recreational parks should be created, where the tasks of recreation and tourism would be considered the main task. In contrast to the existing forest parks and suburban forests, recreational parks should resemble national parks in organizational structure, and forest parks in terms of recreational functions. Forest parks are called the part of the forest intended for the recreation of workers. The territory of the forest park is organized using the techniques of landscape architecture and landscaped on the basis of the project to ensure a comfortable rest for visitors. Growing marketable wood in forest parks is a secondary task, although with a large forest park area, it would be possible to obtain such an amount of wood that, when used, would give an economic effect.

The third type of long-term recreation areas are intermediate recreational areas in rural areas (between urbanized resorts and recreational parks). These areas are used for the purpose of organized tourism in rural areas by individual tourists, organized through tour operators and travel agencies. This type of tourism is called rural and today it is a separate, formed branch of specialized tourism.

anization, industrialization, development of new areas.

The notion of the selectivity of a group of vacationers to natural and socio-economic tourist and recreational resources, to cycles of recreational activities.

To cycles: A stable combination of repetitive recreational activities over a certain period of time was called the "recreational activity cycle" (Yu.A. Vedenin, 1975).

It is known that one of the conditions for the existence of living systems is the rhythm of biological processes inherent in living matter. Circadian (circadian) rhythms are a biological rhythm, an integral property of living systems and form the basis of their organization. Therefore, the daily cycle of recreational activity, as a certain combination of complexes of simultaneous activities or activities performed over short periods of time, can be considered as a primary cell (Fig. 4).

Daily cycles can be repeated many times over a certain long period of time. It is possible to single out vacation cycles, a life cycle, a cycle characteristic of a certain age gradation (childhood, adolescence, maturity), etc.

The vacation cycle consists of daily cycles, but does not represent a repetition of the same daily cycles. For example, spa treatment is divided into unequal periods: adaptation, treatment, excursion. Each of the periods has its own more or less stable daily cycle. Rigid daily cycles, called the regime of the day, have sanatorium treatment, qualifying tourism, and less rigid - self-organized forms of recreation (Fig. 5).

The life cycles of recreational activities are manifested in the alternation of types and forms of recreation, geographical areas, etc. The cycles of recreational activities can also be distinguished by their social function and technology (Yu.A. Vedenin, 1975): medical, health, sports and educational.

Diversity, combination and cyclicality of recreational activities are directly related to the properties of recreational areas and their organization. A variety of activities should correspond to a variety of recreational resources, both natural and socio-economic.

Combination and cyclicality are also possible if there are a variety of resources in a certain area.

To resources: In the regional planning, the functional diversity of the recreational territory (the choice of natural complexes, the recruitment and placement of engineering structures, etc.) is achieved on the basis of the recreant's time budget, i.e. indicating the set and duration of classes. The cycles of amateur recreation have been poorly studied.

The manifestation of the properties of recreational cycles at the global and macro-territorial levels can be regarded as a task of the territorial organization of the recreational industry as a whole, i.e. as providing a variety of offers.

It is necessary to note two main trends in the evolution of recreational activities, reflecting changes in the structure of recreational needs. The first trend is manifested in an increase in the relative importance of recreational, health-improving, sports and cognitive activities, on the one hand, and in a relative decrease in therapeutic activities with an absolute increase in all types of activities, on the other. Especially noticeable is the trend of increasing popularity of recreational types associated with the use of natural (untransformed or slightly transformed) landscapes. The second trend is the emergence of new, or rather, previously unpracticed recreational activities. Let us consider in more detail the structure of recreational activities, based on the above theoretical foundations. In the scientific literature there are various classifications and groupings of recreational activities. Most often, they are based on: the purpose of the trip, the nature of the organization, the legal status, the duration of the travel and stay in a certain place of the recreant, seasonality, the nature of the movement of the recreant, his age, the activity of classes, etc. (Table 1).

Therapeutic recreation differs according to the main therapeutic natural factors: climate, mineral springs, therapeutic mud, etc. In accordance with them, it is divided into three main groups: climatotherapy, balneotherapy, mud therapy. Depending on their combination, the following can be distinguished: balneo-mud therapy, balneo-climatotherapy, climate-balneo-mud therapy. The conditions of medical resort recreation must strictly comply with medical and biological standards. The territories allocated by balneology for the treatment of people correspond to a strictly specified set of properties.

In the former USSR, in accordance with the natural landscape zones, all resorts were divided into the following types:

1) lowland coastal climates with a predominance of a Mediterranean climate, a steppe climate, a desert climate, a humid subtropical forest climate, a forest climate of temperate latitudes, and a semi-desert climate; 2) flat continental resorts, including taiga, forest, temperate zone, forest monsoon climate of temperate latitudes, steppe and forest-steppe, subtropical forests and semi-deserts; 3) mountain resorts, including foothill, low-mountain (from 500 to 1000 m above sea level), mid-mountain lower zone (from 1000 to 1500), mid-mountain upper zone (from 1500 to 2000 m), high-mountain (above 2000 m).

Health-improving and sports recreation is the most diverse. Swimming and beach holidays are very popular all over the world. Recreation by the water and on the water includes various recreational activities: swimming, sunbathing, walking along the coast, playing ball on the beach, water skiing, etc. picking mushrooms and berries, sea mollusks, corals and other gifts of nature.

Cognitive aspects are inherent in a significant part of recreational activities. However, purely educational recreational activities associated with the informational “consumption” of cultural values ​​stand out, i.e. with an inspection of cultural and historical monuments, architectural ensembles, as well as acquaintance with new regions, countries, and with ethnography, folklore, natural phenomena and economic objects.

"Natural Complex" (PC), due to the cyclic nature of natural processes, imposes a number of restrictions on the "group of vacationers" on the contrary, they are completely prohibited (fishing during the spawning period, hunting outside the established deadlines). Thus, the seasonal dynamics of natural processes requires an appropriate rhythm of tourist flows. This property of the TRS can reflect the recreation calendar, which is compiled during the technological assessment of the natural complex and contains information about the possible set of recreational activities and their duration in certain seasons, determined by environmental and technological criteria.

61. Medical-biological, psychological-aesthetic and technological types of assessment of natural resources.

To use natural conditions and resources, their assessment is necessary. Procedure

The assessment consists of the following mandatory steps:

1. Identification of the objects of assessment - natural complexes, their components and

2. Identification of the subject, from the position of which the assessment is carried out;

3. Formulation of evaluation criteria, which are defined as the scale and

the purpose of the study, and the properties of the subject;

4. Development of parameters for evaluation scales of gradations. scales show

evaluative relationship between subject and object. Each step is

an indicator of the intensity of interaction of a property of a given object with a state

subject. The five-point scale for assessing the prerequisites for recreation includes

the following gradations: the most favorable; favorable; moderately

favorable; unfavorable; unfavorable.

There are 3 main types of natural resource assessment: biomedical,

psychological, aesthetic and technological.

MEDICAL-BIOLOGICAL TYPE reflects the impact of natural factors on the body

people, their comfort. The leading role is played by the assessment of recreational

climate resources.

CLIMATE - the long-term weather regime characteristic of a given area. His

impact on a person can manifest itself through specific weather, under which

is understood as a complex of interrelated and interdependent meteorological

phenomena (the state of the lower layer of the troposphere at a given time at a certain


The complex assessment method uses a system of conditional (effective)

temperatures. They characterize the complex impact of meteorological

elements: air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed,

solar radiation and long-wave radiation. complex index,

characterizing the effect of temperature and humidity is called effective

temperature (ET); temperature, humidity and wind speed - equivalent to

effective temperature (EET); temperature, humidity, wind speed and

solar radiation - radiation equivalent temperature (RET).

The concept of "comfort zone" is associated with the concept of conditional temperatures.

which for many people lies between 17 and 23°C. Outside of it, a person feels

cooling or overheating. The comfort zone for active recreants lies in

within 12-16° EET.

Another effective method of biomedical assessment of climate resources is

method of integrated climatology, based on the influence of the entire complex

meteorological conditions on the human body, including the "weather of the day",

"weather of the moment", the contrast of weather changes. Using "weather of the day"

motivated by the daily rhythm of the functions of the human body, depending on the daily

the course of the weather.

The whole variety of weather is analyzed using a classification that distinguishes 16

weather classes, which in turn form three groups: frost-free weather

(8 classes), weather with the transition of air temperature through 0 ° С (2 classes) and

frosty weather (6 classes). All classes are most favorable for a person

weather, when there is a lot of sun during the day, the arrival of visible and ultraviolet rays is great,

good lighting and surrounding landscapes are especially attractive. AT

according to the value of contrast variability, the following modes are distinguished

weather: very stable (up to 25%), stable (25-34%), changeable (35-50%),

highly variable (more than 50%).

When assessing the impact of weather conditions on the body, much attention is paid to

body heat exchange with the environment, since, ultimately, the state

body is largely determined by heat sensation. The search for an objective assessment

the influence of weather on the thermal state of a person led to such a criterion as

the degree of tension of the body's thermoregulatory mechanisms, which is determined

either by changing the average weighted temperature of the human body, or by

change in the amount of sweating. Depending on the weighted average temperature

taking into account the heat sensation, the encountered types of weather were divided into 9 categories -

from extremely cold to very hot.

COMFORTABLE STATE - the most pleasant thermal sensation when a person is not

feels neither hot nor cold - occurs at a weighted average skin temperature

31-33°. In hot weather, the tension of the body's thermoregulatory mechanisms

characterized by the amount of sweating, and in cold weather - by the amount

weighted average skin temperature. The method of polling the group is also used

subjects about their subjective assessment of various climatic factors.

In the psychological and aesthetic assessment, the emotional impact is examined

distinctive features of the natural landscape or its components per person. Speech

It is about the emotional reaction of a person to a particular natural complex. So

Thus, areas of high aesthetic value enjoy increased

AESTHETIC VALUE depends on the morphological structure of the landscape,

variety of landscape elements. The term "landscape" is often used.

diversity", which is made up of the internal structure of the natural complex

and external relations with other such complexes.

INTERNAL LANDSCAPE DIVERSITY is determined by the internal morphological structure of the landscape (relief, vegetation cover, hydrography, the nature of the relationship between landscape components).

There are such indicators of internal landscape diversity as the degree of mosaicity of the landscape - the ratio of the number of contours of tracts to the area

studied landscapes; the degree of diversity of landscapes - the ratio of types of tracts to

landscape area; the frequency of occurrence of background dominants and structural

route determinant, etc.


indicators, such as: the degree of forest cover, the completeness of the forest stand, the layering of the forest,

abundance of undergrowth and undergrowth. As a dominant feature for the plains

forest areas, the degree of forested space is usually taken. AT

Depending on the percentage of forest cover, open, semi-open and

closed spaces. When assessing, the highest score is given to natural complexes with

semi-open spaces (alternation of forested and non-forested areas).


landscapes, revealing on a variety of neighboring natural complexes. External

landscape diversity is characterized by a combination of different landscapes and

relationships between them. Among other methods of psychological and aesthetic assessment

natural complexes have recently been developed such as measures

exoticism and uniqueness.

EXOTICITY is defined as the degree of contrast between a holiday destination and

permanent place of residence, and uniqueness - as the degree of occurrence and

uniqueness of objects and phenomena.

TECHNOLOGICAL EVALUATION includes issues of technique and technology of use

natural and other resources for recreational activities in general, this or that

other type of recreational activities, assessment of the possibilities of engineering and construction

development of territories for the creation of recreational institutions.

62. The concept of the recreational capacity of the territory.

Recreational capacity of the territory - characterizing the possibility of simultaneously conducting any recreational activities on a given area by a certain number of people without violating the psychophysical and hygienic conditions for conducting these activities for each of them.

Recreational capacity - the degree of direct influence of vacationing people (fishermen, tourists, hunters, etc.), their vehicles, etc., on natural complexes or recreational objects (scenic places, architectural monuments, etc.). It is expressed as the number of people or man-days per unit of area or recreational facility in a given period of time (usually a day or a year).

The tourist and recreational capacity of the territory is the maximum allowable number of recreants who can simultaneously stay in this territory without disturbing the sustainable natural balance and thereby worsening the conditions for recreation. In the case of a tourist route, this concept is defined as its throughput without violating safety regulations. However, it should be pointed out that there are some other approaches to the definition of the concept of tourist and recreational capacity. This is due to the fact that the use of natural areas for recreational purposes is becoming more and more intense. Therefore, some researchers believe that when determining the tourist and recreational capacity of the territory, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the object of tourist and recreational activities is the tourist and recreational potential, which is understood as the totality of natural, cultural, historical and socio-economic data that create the prerequisites for organizing and recreation and tourism.

63. Give a definition of a recreational area and name its characteristic features.


Growth of recreational activity accompanied by deepening of territorial division

labor in the recreational industry, leads to the specialization of a number of territories in the performance of certain

recreational functions. The concept of a recreational area in recreational geography as a public

science is based on the theory of the territorial division of labor - an integral part of the theory of social

nogo division of labor, developed by the classics of Marxism-Leninism. Therefore, recreational

tuyutsya as a territorial system of servicing recreants.

In the most general terms, a recreational area can include a territory where recreational

This activity is so developed that it acts as a branch of specialization. In the economic

geography, most often, as you know, territorial specialization is expressed through interdistrict

exchange of commercial products. Similarly, in the recreational industry, the provision of services to vacationers

can (and should) be regarded as "export" from the area. Mass migrations of the population in the rivers

rational purposes lead to the territorial redistribution of monetary, material and labor

resources, the quantitative expression of which shows the involvement of the recreational area in the territory

torial division of labor in the economic sense.

The opinion of some researchers that the recreational area

there can only be such a territory where tourism in the national economic complex has a dominant

meaning. Although such areas exist, they are very few.

Based on the theory of zoning of Soviet economic and social geography, a recreational region belongs to the class of industrial regions. This approach does not exclude, however, that a major

recreational area, where recreational activities and the complex of industries associated with it are sharply dominated

determine and determine the development of the territory, can be regarded as an economic region in the sense of in-

tegral region, of course, not of the first order

We define a recreational area as a territorial set of economically interconnected

established recreational enterprises specializing in servicing vacationers, allow

best to meet their needs, using existing natural and cultural

tour-historical complexes of the territory and its economic conditions.

Recreational areas have a number of characteristic features.

1. Recreational area - social in nature and end product education.

Its products are recreational services that provide expanded reproduction of physical and

spiritual forces of the population.

2. Unlike other possible industrial areas; both production and non-production

natural spheres, where reproduction processes take place in separate stages, for recreational areas

they are characterized by a four-unit process of social reproduction: production, exchange, distribution

distribution and consumption. In recreational areas between the two extreme phases - production and

consumption - as a rule, there is no time gap. This applies to the main product - recreational

services that cannot be accumulated for the future.

3. To accommodate recreational areas that perform the functions of a long-term (annual)

recreation, is characterized by a pronounced focus on resources, this is their similarity with the industry

areas of mining, fishing, forestry and partly agricultural areas

onami. Unlike suburban recreational. areas, the formation of which is determined

transport accessibility, recreational areas, international and national importance with

other equal socio-economic conditions arise on the basis of unique combinations of recreational

ny resources, distributed is limited.

4. Many recreational areas are characterized by seasonality of functioning, due to

both natural rhythms and a number of aspects of the organization of social life.

64.Methodological techniques and methods of the main types of assessment of natural and recreational resources. According to the definition of L.A.Bagrova, N.V.Bagrova and V.S.Preobrazhensky (1977), "natural recreational resources" are natural and natural-technical geosystems, bodies and natural phenomena that have comfortable properties for recreational activities and can be used for some time to organize recreation and improve the health of a certain contingent of people. ”The transition of natural complexes to the class of tourist and recreational resources occurs according to the following scheme: 1) natural complexes exist as natural formations, due to the lack of tourist demand, they have no character resources; 2) the emergence of tourist demand requires the study and appraisal (assessment) of natural complexes; 3) due to the action of social needs and the investment of living labor and funds, the most valuable natural complexes are converted into resources; 4) an increase in the volume of tourist demand leads to the transition of less favorable natural complexes in terms of properties to the class of resources after their reclamation.

Three main types of recreational resource assessment are used:

1) medico-biological (physiological), when the degree of comfort of the natural landscape environment for organizing recreation is revealed;

2) psychological - aesthetic, when the nature of the emotional impact of the natural environment on vacationers, the attractiveness of natural and cultural - historical objects are analyzed;

3) technological, which determines the suitability of resources for organizing various types of tourism and recreation, the possibility of forming specialized and complex territorial and recreational complexes.

The complex nature of recreational resources requires a combination of three types of assessment to determine the integral value of resources, forms of their rational use. Methods for the economic evaluation of recreational resources are also being developed, taking into account the mechanism for the formation of differential rent, comparing the volume of operating costs for the development of resources of the same type, the concomitant economic effect of recreational services obtained in the field of material production, the volume of services provided and the profit received from the exploitation of recreational resources.

Methodological approaches to the assessment of recreational resources

When considering tourist and recreational resources, two types of assessments are most often used: qualitative and quantitative.

Quantification includes:

1) indicators of the volume of reserves necessary to determine the potential capacity of territorial recreational systems, optimize loads;

2) indicators of the area of ​​distribution of resources favorable for recreational use, establishing the boundaries of sanitary districts;

3) the duration of the comfortable season for the use of recreational resources, which determine the seasonality of the use and development of tourism.

A qualitative assessment of recreational resources includes the degree of favorable properties for a certain type or cycle of recreational activities: expressiveness, contrast, majesty, the ability of natural recreational resources to evoke positive emotions.

65. Psychological and aesthetic aspects of the assessment of natural resources.

Psychological and aesthetic type. The aesthetic principle in the human psyche or the need for beauty

those are one of the strongest manifestations of the spiritual world of man. In this regard, when assessing natural

recreational resources it is essential to give them a psychological and aesthetic assessment, since beauty in any of its manifestations ennobles and educates a person. It is no coincidence that territories with

of great aesthetic value, with other properties being equal, are in high demand among rivers

In the psychological and aesthetic assessment, the emotional impact of the distinctive features is assessed.

natural landscape or its components per person. The methodology for this assessment is extremely

complexity and poorly developed. It boils down to determining the emotional reaction of a person to a particular

other natural complex.

Until recently, ideas about the aesthetic value of the landscape were based on

tastes and traditional ideas of landscape architects. In recent years, psychologists

sociologists and geographers have proposed a number of indicators for measuring the aesthetic properties of landscapes. So,

in the United States, a study of the distribution of tourists by sections of National Parks showed that the most

edge zones (especially in flat areas) and focal points have a very attractive effect. Under

marginal zones are understood as boundary strips between two heterogeneous media: water - land

(high effect), forest - glade (medium effect), hill - plain

66. Methods for determining recreational loads on natural complexes.

The continuously increasing process of involving an increasing number of people in the cycles of recreational

occupations determines the constant expansion of territories covered to varying degrees by recreational

one activity. The process of intensification of the use of

territories, which leads to an increase in the level of impact of recreants on natural complexes.

In this regard, the problem arose of optimizing recreational loads on natural complexes in

in order to prevent their degradation and maintain comfortable conditions for recreational activities.

The essence of this problem is reduced to the substantiation of the environmental load on natural I complexes (not

exceeding the limits of their natural restorative abilities) by establishing a standard

recreational impact on them.

A large literature is devoted to the standards of recreational load on natural complexes.

us and abroad. But since field studies are still carried out on a case-by-case basis, mass

its material (especially long-term observations) is still very small and many standards for recreation

load loads are based either on the data of single observations, or are derived purely empirically

based on experience in design and operation. Regulations should be "zoned",

ensuring the balance of natural components of specific areas and functional zones, taking into account

intensity of exposure and mode of use.

In the world practice of recreational use of natural complexes, there are large

differences in regulations. For example, the norms of beaches per 1 recreant in different countries range from 5 to 15 m2.

At the same time, in crowded resorts, these norms are not observed during the peak season, and per person in

as a result of crowding, sometimes it is up to 1 m2 or less.

There is also a large amplitude in the building norms of resorts. In the USSR, a general resort norm

building area is from 350 to 500 m2 per bed. The famous Bulgarian resort "Golden Sands"

ki" has 150 m2, the Romanian resort "Mamaia" - 85 m2, the English resort "Bron and Mor" - 53 m2 per

bed. The accepted standard for the use of the Adriatic coast of Yugoslavia for beaches is 1 m

coastal strip from 10 m inland (10 m2) per one recreant; area for walking - 0.5 hectares per person

tourist; hunting ground - 2 hectares per hunter.

In the United States, the following conditionally developed standards are used (Table 11).

In addition to the allowable capacity, determined by the stability of the natural territorial

plex, there is a psychophysiological capacity of the territory, characterizing the possibility of simultaneous

carrying out some recreational activities on a given area by a certain number of people

without violating the psychophysical and hygienic conditions for conducting these classes for each of them

Natural complexes and their constituent elements differ significantly in their potential

al resistance to recreational loads. So, the Polish geographer A. Kostrowicki (Kostrowicki,

1970)1 who determined the resistance of 400 plant species to trampling experimentally,

the maximum weekly attendance for dry boron is 46 people per 1 ha, for fresh boron -

50-90, for a fresh meadow -124 - 196, for a pasture - 300 people, etc. The sustainability of the natural

complex depends not only on the phytocenotic component, but also on the nature of the soil, the slope of the surface

and other properties of natural complexes that are still poorly studied in this respect.

According to A. Marsh, in a territory with a slope of 2 to 6 °, the effect of the steepness of the slope on the speed

trampling is small, it becomes significant at a steepness of 6 to 12 °. When the surface is tilted

more than 12 °, the process of destruction of the grass cover is especially intense, therefore, slope natural

rhetorical complexes with a steepness of more than 12 ° in flat conditions should be excluded from recreation

rational use. The mechanical properties of soils also affect the magnitude of the allowable load.

For example, the effect of recreants on sands is more destructive than on loams.

Soviet geographers V.P. Chizhova and E.D. Smirnova (1976) provide such standards for

the allowable number of vacationers in various types of natural complexes of the middle zone

European territory of the USSR (Table 12).

This discrepancy in relation to load norms in domestic and foreign literature is explained

not so much by local conditions, but by the poor development of the methodology for determining sustainability

natural complexes and their elements. The stability of the natural territorial complex against

recreational loads is its ability to withstand these loads to a certain limit,

after which there is a loss of its ability to self-healing.

Permissible load A. Kostrovitsky is defined as maxi-. a small number of people who, moving without moving

tearing for 8 hours per 1 hectare of a given, natural territorial complex, lead the grass cover to the beginning of degradation. A. Marsh

(Marsz, 1972) clarifies this definition, noting that an acceptable type of degradation can be considered one in which

on the entire trampled area in Zm2 there is at least one area of ​​1 dm2 where the grass cover is completely destroyed.

The load is understood as attendance (the observed number of recreants in the territory for

a certain period) units of area of ​​the natural territorial complex per unit of time. On the-

load that causes irreversible changes in natural complexes is called critical; load,

close to critical, but not causing irreversible changes, is called quite acceptable; load-

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