Xenia Delhi married an Egyptian millionaire. a photo. video. Xenia Delhi Moldavian model married an Egyptian billionaire

Moldovan model Xenia Deli, who lives and works in Los Angeles, shared a video with her fans about how millionaire husband Ossama Fati Raba Al-Sharif congratulated her on her first wedding anniversary. “A real pink fairy tale - created by my husband, my soul mate, my love in honor of our first wedding anniversary,” the 27-year-old girl signed the video. The husband congratulated his young wife remotely, since he himself still lives in Egypt, where he has a large development and logistics company Amiral. The couple will live together after the birth of a child, on the appearance of which they are now working hard, says Ksenia. The wedding of the Moldovan model, who collaborated with the Victoria's Secret brand and filmed for PlayBoy, Vogue, Maxim, Harper's Bazaar and others, took place on June 4, 2016 on the Greek island of Santorini. The bride herself was preparing for the celebration, which cost her 63-year-old the chosen one of 1 million euros.

26-year-old model of Moldovan origin, Playboy star and ex-girlfriend Xenia Delhi became the wife of 62-year-old Egyptian businessman and millionaire Ossama Fathi Rabah al-Sharif. Recall that a year ago, Ksenia and Justin were seen on, in addition, the model in Bieber's candid video for the song What Do You Mean?.

A luxurious wedding celebration took place on the Greek island of Santorini. According to The Sun, the girl began dating the Egyptian tycoon, who is 36 years older than her, in 2015. Diamonds, expensive gifts, private jet travel - all this preceded their wedding.

150 guests came to congratulate the newlyweds, who settled down in the open air on white chairs. And the bride and groom were sitting under a canopy of fresh flowers.

On this day, Xenia was wearing a lace dress with a train from designer Zuhair Murad and Jimmy Choo shoes. Five bridesmaids were dressed in pale pink outfits.

Ksenia Deli shared her wedding photos with the subscribers of her Instagram diary.

Photo from Instagram Xenia Delhi

Photo from Instagram

A wedding cake

Xenia Delhi and Ossama Fathi Rabah al-Sharif

The biography of a businessman from Egypt, who attracted the attention of the world community after marrying a young beauty, is full of mystery. As a true workaholic, Osama Fati Rabah al-Sharif devoted most of his life to increasing his own capital. And only the young wife was able to show the world how romantic a serious entrepreneur can be.


The future president of the Amiral Holdings Limited group received his higher education in Alexandria. The man graduated from the Arab Maritime Academy, where he studied shipbuilding and business project management. Osama successfully used the knowledge gained at the university to build his own business, which he organized after a long work for the largest representatives of the maritime industry.

In 1992, the man became the head of the American President Lines Company (“APL”), a world-class shipping company that entered the maritime logistics market in Egypt. And after 5 years, the businessman organized his own transport company "ISTCO".

The brainchild of Osama delivered goods using containers. This kind of logistics enterprises in Egypt (except for the incoming "APL") practically did not exist. Thanks to the work of al-Sharif, the Ababiya military port was transformed into a trading enterprise. Such changes had a positive impact on the Egyptian economy.

The leaders of the American President Lines Company noticed Osam's success and offered the businessman a contract under which the al-Sharif organization became the exclusive agent of the shipping company.

The man did not stop there, the businessman's fortune grew. In 1999, Osama announced the founding of Amiral Holdings Limited, a group of companies operating in several fields. Al-Sharif's new organization has interests of its own in the oil business, shipping, information technology and the improvement of commercial ports.

The first goal of the Egyptian was the port of Ain Sokhna. The Egyptian government without objection entrusted the management of al-Sharif, who had already established himself as a professional. The tactical decision turned out to be correct.

By 2002, the unremarkable port has become one of the main state-owned enterprises that cooperates with global private companies and constantly brings tangible income to the country's treasury. By 2005, thanks to Osamu, Ain Sokhna attracted foreign investment in the amount of $ 1 billion.

On March 1, 2005, al-Sharif joined the board of directors of Magnesium International Ltd, an organization specializing in the mining and processing of magnesium and other innovative alloys. However, the Egyptian businessman lost interest in the company already in 2007, leaving behind a block of shares.

In 2017, it became known that Gulf Capital was eyeing Osama's projects. An investment firm from Abu Dhabi intends to acquire a stake in Amiral Holdings Limited and invest $ 25-30 million in al-Sharif's business.

Personal life

The only wedding reported by the world media was the marriage of a billionaire with a model. The wedding itself took place in June 2016. The history of the couple's acquaintance is unknown, but the young wife happily shared stories that Osama literally filled up the girl with flowers, jewelry, and also provided the opportunity to use private jets and houses.

The girl planned the solemn event on her own, the groom did not limit her beloved in finances. As a result, the ceremony cost Osamu € 1 million. The piquancy of the situation is given by the difference in the age of the newlyweds. At the time of the important event, the newly-minted spouse turned 62 years old, and his wife - 26 years old.

The family met the first anniversary separately. The businessman could not leave Egypt because of work, so he organized Xenia's holiday at a distance (the girl lives in the USA separately from her husband). The man gave his beloved a serenade performed by a professional singer and hired people who filled up the house with flowers and balloons.

Osama Fati Rabah al-Sharif now

On May 5, 2018, it became known that the couple were expecting a baby. Before pregnancy, the billionaire lived permanently in Cairo, and his young wife spent most of her time in the United States. After the official confirmation of pregnancy, the wife announced that she would also move to Egypt.

In June, the al-Sharif couple completed renovations at their beloved country house. The couple organized a children's room, which is not shown to journalists, so as not to accidentally declassify the sex of the unborn child.

Condition assessment

The billionaire, unlike most of his colleagues, tries not to focus on his own income. The man owns a private jet, a yacht, real estate in the US and Europe, as well as a large fleet of vehicles.

Xenia Deli and Osama Fati Rabah al-Sharif in their home

One of the latest acquisitions of the Egyptian businessman was a red Maserati - a gift from his young wife, which Ksenia showed in a photo on Instagram.

Al-Sharifa, based in Cairo, has 1,200 employees. According to unconfirmed information, the fortune of the owner of Amiral Holdings Limited may reach € 25 billion.

The heroine of our today's story, Ksenia Delhi, is only 26 years old, but by this age she has managed to achieve almost everything that girls can dream of.

Her modeling career turned out to be extremely successful: Ksenia signed a contract with Playboy magazine, was the face of Victoria's Secret shopping and even starred in Justin Bieber's video! It remained only to find happiness in his personal life.

The beauty of Xenia conquered thousands of hearts, but only the 62-year-old Egyptian billionaire, Ossam Fathi Rabah al-Sharif, managed to achieve reciprocity. So how could an elderly man win the favor of such a beauty?

According to Xenia herself, first of all, she was captivated by her outstanding intellect, a great sense of humor and the incredible charisma of Ossam. In addition, despite the more than respectable age, the man is in excellent physical shape!

Envious people whisper that the model married a billionaire solely for the sake of money. In just a year of courtship, he showered Xenia with many gifts, which include diamonds, a red Maserati and even a private jet!

The wedding of the model and the billionaire was arranged on a special scale. The cost of this holiday exceeded one million dollars! However, for this, no money is a pity.

A significant event took place on the romantic Greek island of volcanic origin - Santorini. The wedding ceremony took place on a terrace with a breathtaking view of the Aegean Sea.

150 guests were invited to the celebration. And so that each of them got a piece of wedding cake, it was made just huge!

The bride showed off in a luxurious Zuhair Murad dress with a detachable fluffy skirt, and Ksenia's legs were decorated with shoes from Jimmy Choo.

After the wedding, the newlyweds spent a few more days in Greece, and then went on a romantic cruise, during which they visited Switzerland and Malaysia, and also visited Paris and Lisbon.

In her Instagram account, the young wife regularly posts photos from joint trips with her husband. And to all the caustic remarks of envious people he answers: “Who are you to judge the life I live?”

I would like to believe that Ksenia and Ossam married for love, but still doubts torment. And what is your opinion on this matter? Write your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to get the point of view of your friends.

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