The girl is sitting in the car on the ava. Pedestrian boys. Do girls need guys without a car

It is not surprising that many guys it often seems that when meeting a girl, first of all, they pay attention to the financial situation of the prospective partner. For almost every girl, it is important that a guy has a personal vehicle. The girls themselves sometimes do not even understand why they need it. What is the fear of public opinion? After all, if the guy is not in the car, friends and relatives may begin to reproach the girl for contacting the beggar. Or is this circumstance really important for the girls themselves?

Of course, how many years guy. The higher it is, the more requirements for its financial situation. If an 18-year-old guy can still be forgiven a lot, then a 25-year-old guy will obviously not work with such a trick.

For some girls is real the wildness of being in a relationship with a guy who doesn't have a car. After all, there are a lot of minuses, for example:
1) Can't nowhere to go, you have to order a taxi or use public transport, which is very inconvenient. Especially if you meet every day and actively spend your leisure time. If a guy has a car, you can, without planning in advance, go to nature, to the cinema, a restaurant, and even another city, which, of course, cannot be done if it is not there. That is, for girls who argue their requirements with such words, comfort is first of all important.

2) Chat with guy who does not have a car is considered shameful. How is it that they will come together to their mutual friends in a taxi, while all her friends will be with guys in private cars? Such girls are highly subject to public opinion and influence. And even if at the beginning of communication, she may not pay attention to your peculiarity, then as soon as someone tells her about how she can date such a guy, she will immediately change her point of view. It is unlikely that you will be able to convince her that the absence of a car is normal, most likely, this will lead to quarrels and misunderstandings. The easiest way in this situation would be parting. Or you will have to urgently look for a means of transportation.

3) If the guy doesn't have cars, many girls have a question in their heads, because of what this could happen. Of course, situations are not taken into account when a guy in the family has a difficult financial situation. For example, he is raised by one mother who barely makes ends meet, and your lover hunchbacks at two jobs to provide for himself and even younger sisters. In this situation, he does not even dream of a car. But it is possible that he is saving the money that he will someday spend on such a large purchase. If everything is fine with a guy in the family, he has not been a student for a long time and is working at a good job, the absence of a car can lead the girl to the idea that he does not know how to save money, but constantly squanders it. Of course, the girl would not want to see such a reckless and unreliable man next to her, so she begins to constantly point out his flaw, thereby pushing him to decisive action and some kind of movement in life.

Although the girls having a gentleman without a car, it is not known what problems await those who have other young people. After all, the presence of a girl is not always a plus. And this circumstance has many pitfalls.

1) All guys are very strongly tied to their cars. And often girls feel in second place after a soulless car. After all, if suddenly something happens to their favorite, for example, she breaks down or starts acting up, the guys become gloomy, angry, and it seems that apart from this problem, they are now not interested in anything else. Even my girlfriend.

2) The guy will pay a lot to the car time. Indeed, for men of all ages, it is an incomparable pleasure to spend time in the garage, poking around in your favorite car and modifying it in every possible way. And this, of course, takes a lot of time. And often the guy will prefer you to the car. This is not the most pleasant news.

3) If a young man constantly driving, respectively, he will not be able to drink strong drinks. And that's not always good either. After all, if you go to some kind of celebration, your boyfriend will sit sober and angry all evening. And perhaps make you drive at the end of the evening, then you will be sober and angry. It is rare for a person who has his own car to agree to go somewhere by taxi, because he considers it terribly inconvenient. It is because of his whims that you will have to puzzle all day over who to put behind the wheel.

Availability or absence car should not be the decisive criterion when choosing a partner. After all, a car is a business. Today it is not, tomorrow it is. And if a guy does not have a vehicle at the moment, this does not mean that he does not have money for it. Maybe he just never needed it.

To make a photo session of a girl with a car elegant and stylish, you need to carefully consider the female image, choose the right clothes and poses, and also decide on the location of the shooting. An expensive car and a seductive woman next to it are perfectly combined in a photo, so there can be many topics for an unforgettable photoset.

The idea of ​​a photo session with a car can be borrowed from the plot of an exciting blockbuster, and the streets of a big city can become the main background for shooting. In this case, the model can wear a red dress and stylish glasses, which will create an image of a femme fatale. You can also get unforgettable photos against the backdrop of retro cars or country-style photos in summer in nature.

How to prepare for a photography project?

If you want a photo session with a car to become a dream come true, then it is better if the pictures are taken by a professional photographer. A real specialist will be able to meet your expectations from the photoset, because he works in a team with stylists and decorators.

Stylists will be able to make the right make-up, choose the necessary clothes (dresses, suits, lingerie), as well as carefully think over ideas for a photo shoot with the car. The photographer will suggest the theme of the photo shoot, tell you how best to pose. For pictures against the background of cars, an exit photo shoot of a girl with a car is carried out, for which you will need:

  • professional camera
  • an expensive stylish sports car, an old car model, special equipment or an old car (depending on the topic of the upcoming photo shoot with the car)
  • pre-selected attributes for shooting

You can independently choose outfits and make up to your taste, so that a photo session with a car turns out to be original and unforgettable.

How to pose correctly?

A photo shoot of a lady with a car can be done from different angles. In this case, the model can:

  • be in the car in the back seat or driving (if you have a pet, you can take a picture next to it)
  • stand near the car on the road or sit on it (roof, hood, spoiler), taking a seductive pose
  • be in front of the car, looking straight into the camera lens
  • pretend that the transport is stuck, and she pushes it
  • depict repairs with an open hood

Photos with a car are interesting (ideas can be very diverse) in the nude style, including in winter in nature.

Black and white collage

Images in black (monochrome) are unusual, while the idea of ​​​​a photo shoot with a car can be very diverse (for example, everyone’s favorite film “Only Girls in Jazz” will help you choose the theme). The decor can be city streets, an old garage, a road free from traffic or a snow-covered park in winter. You can create an unusual collage of black and white photos of various subjects.

Retro style

Pictures of the girl can be taken near old car models. In this case, the lady can be photographed in a pair with her boyfriend or spouse. Suits for a couple must be selected corresponding to the era in which the car was popular.

For filming, you can use a black Cadillac or a red Porsche Roadster (you can take pictures both in the cabin and next to outdated masterpieces). Near "Victory" or "Seagull" (any color), you can bring to life the images of a girl (or a couple) in the style of Soviet youth of the 50-60s.

Elite foreign cars

If you want to take an interesting photo shoot with cars, then you can do it using expensive foreign cars. Near the sparkling chic limousine, you can take a picture in evening dress (including in winter), while using stylish accessories (glasses, clutch, expensive jewelry).

In racing sports cars, the girl can be in a leather biker suit or in a T-shirt and shorts. Interesting shots are obtained, for example, if a girl imitates changing wheels, carrying out repairs or taking pictures while sitting on a square. You can also use convertibles as props for a photo project, while the girl can pose both inside the salon and on top of it.

car wash

Stylish shots can be obtained by simulating a car wash. This type of session can be done topless in summer, in swimsuits or in short shorts and T-shirts. The pictures are spicy, they emphasize the beauty and charm of the girls.


Interesting country-style photos are obtained near pickup trucks, which may contain fresh hay or even pets. For pictures, you can pose both in the back and near it. Cowboy boots and a hat are perfect as an outfit, as well as jeans and an oversized shirt. Also, a light flying sundress, loose hair and a wreath of wild flowers will perfectly fit into the rustic theme.

Special equipment

Pictures in which girls pose near special equipment can turn out to be funny and unusual. It can be loaders, excavators or tractors. The main thing is to connect the fantasy.

Do not be afraid to experiment with pictures, and then any photo session of a girl with a car will become a real masterpiece, because you, dear ladies, will be its main decoration.

And I decided to repost, because I didn’t find it in the search on the kadabra. Maybe someone will be interested or who will share what works and what does not.))))

"Czech motorists have developed and described 13 positions in which it is possible to do THIS.

NEVER DO THIS IN A CLOSED SPACE (eg garage) WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING! Suffocate tightly, you won't even notice. ( well it is clear) And in general, it is desirable that there was one of the adults nearby. ( The comment killed me)

Pose: I suddenly wanted

Judging by the surprised eyes of the girl, the guy threw the steering wheel and attacked her.
Pros of the position: The spontaneous decision to have sex spices up your relationship.
Cons of the pose: If you forgot to put the car on the handbrake and it rolled downhill - there will be even more piquancy
(Have you ever tried to suddenly jump into the passenger seat, also with a coup?)

Pose: Driving School

Put the girl on top and behind the wheel.
Pluses of a pose: To combine business with pleasure - both sex, and study.
Disadvantages of the position: Do not get carried away with one thing - otherwise you risk being left either without an orgasm or without a car.

Pose: Let's get in the back seat

You are lying on your back, the girl is on top.
Pros of the position: Comfortable, pleasant, the guy does not tense up.
Disadvantages of the position: Judging by the guy's face, the girl is strangling him with her boobs. Don't allow it. There is a risk during an orgasm to break through the roof or squeeze out the door.

Pose: Dog in the window

Doggystyle or doggy style
Pros of the position: All the pros of the regular doggy position.
Cons of the posture: Judging by the expression on the girl's face, your car is not tinted, and her mother was passing by.

Pose: 69

Pros of the pose: All the pros of the regular "69" pose.
Cons of the pose: Neither the guy nor the girl can see anything around except one. So be sure to lock your car before you lie down in this pose. And then they will break the purse.

Posture: on the side

Pluses of a pose: A pose for lazy people, it is very convenient.
Disadvantages of the posture: It is very difficult for people with a waist circumference of more than 60 cm to fit in 1 seat.

Pose: You to me - I to you

Pros of the pose: You can do this while your parents are driving.
Disadvantages of the posture: Hands get tired quickly, clothes get dirty.

Pose: Overhaul

Pros of the posture: Pretty comfortable.
Posture Cons: Pretty comfortable if you're in the woods. If the girl weighs more than 80 kg, you will have a visit to a car repair shop to a tinsmith.

Pose: Breathe into a tube

Pluses of a pose: All delights of a blowjob.
Disadvantages of the pose: If you get carried away too much, you risk putting your backside on the horn and then everyone will know what you are doing here.

Pose: Trolley

Disadvantages of the position: At the moment of orgasm, the girl can push through the roof - you have to cut the hatch.

Pose: CO2 test

Pluses of a pose: It is possible to look in windows.
Disadvantages of the pose: Your ass also looks out the windows. Not recommended for non-tinted cars
You can press on something with your feet.

Pose: Safety Buffer

Pluses of a pose: The girl from above.
Disadvantages of the position: You can push through the roof, the second time you will probably break the back of the chair.

Pose: Helicopter

Pluses of a pose: Deep penetration.
Cons of the pose: If after such a pose you can pull your legs out from under the front seats - you can safely send David Copperfield to hell with his tricks!
(Be careful, from such a pose, traces of heels may remain in the ceiling, verified by my friends) "

The main thing to remember is that sex in the car can be traumatic, be careful.

In the development of the topic, I dug deeper and found it on the women's forum car sex rules.

Sex in the car: the pros
* Extreme and unforgettable, spurs the imagination, excites the nerves and generally diversifies the sex life.
* This is a great form of fitness, as the most bizarre poses will have to be taken;)

Sex in the car: cons

* Harmful.
* Threaten with a fine and stress if you are caught by traffic cops.
* Contraindicated in older people: there is a danger of dislocating something, breaking it, and stress can lead to heart problems. Who wants to be grabbed by a kondrashka in some bizarre pose?!
* Contraindicated in overweight people: there is a danger of getting stuck somewhere.

Basic rules of autosex

Purity. The interior of the car should be clean, and it would not hurt to additionally cover the place where you are going to sit with a pre-prepared sheet. It is convenient to use disposable diapers, they can be found in children's stores;)

Full serviceability of the machine. This is especially true for the handbrake and battery.

No alcohol, especially beer. Firstly, you may want to go to the toilet at the most crucial moment. And secondly, the traffic police is on the alert! Being fined after sex is stupid and unpleasant, believe me.

Supply of water and food. Clean water should be a must - you can drink it and use it for hygienic purposes. Well, after sex, you always want something to eat. So at least you have cookies :)

Don't leave the engine running and the windows closed when you're having sex in the car.. You can get carried away and poison yourself with carbon monoxide. It's better to either turn off the engine or open the window. In winter, everything becomes more complicated: you will have to periodically warm up the car and slightly open the window.

Lock the doors, even if you are standing in some remote place. You never know what can get in the way: traffic police, hooligans, homeless people, curious animals and other evil spirits...

From mosquitoes. In the summer, be sure to keep mosquito spray in the car: it will come in handy 100%

And most importantly: on busy streets - no sex!!! Only blowjob. Otherwise, you can earn problems. Sex in the car should be done either in the field or in the wasteland. A desert road will do, but not at night.

Cars suitable for sex

The best car for sex is, of course, a large foreign car with an automatic transmission. It is spacious, the seats fold out, and you can do almost anything your heart desires.

Least Comfortable Cars- old models of domestic production: they are crowded, there is a chance for something to catch on, break, tear off.

Positions for sex in the car

And finally, let's move on to the most important part of our sex educational program - to poses in the car.

On the front seats

Unfold the front passenger seat as far as possible. And here there are options: either you are below, or he is. Watch out, don't break the seat! It is better not to touch the driver's seat, so as not to hurt anything.

By the way, some manage to carry out the pose sideways in the front seats.

And this pose is designed just for the driver's seat. The man is on top, and the woman can be located both facing him and with her back. In this position, a man can even drive a car ... however, this will not lead to anything good.

In the back seats

If the rear seats fold out, then you get a full-fledged sexodrome, in which all those poses that you like to take in your bedroom are quite feasible :) It's good to have dark tinted windows for this option.

If the seats do not fold out, then either you are very thin and will be able to do everything the same as in the bedroom, or you will have to limit yourself to doggy style. Although the poses here directly depend on the convenience of your car.

Between the seats

A wonderful and beloved position. The woman is positioned like a dog between the front seats, and her fifth point is at the mercy of the man who is attached behind.

Positions for oral sex in the car

For a car with an automatic transmission, a pose is very successful when everything is in its place: a man is driving, and a woman's face is at his fly;) Unfortunately, in this position you can only do a blowjob - cunnilingus is uncomfortable. But some manage to do a blowjob right on the go!

The option is when both a blowjob and cunnilingus are possible: the receiving party is located between the front seats, the doing one is in the back.

And the third option - with an open door. In our life, full of dangers and surprises, the pose is recommended for execution only in our own garage :)

Well, for the pleasure of the female part of the population, the following was invented:

There are also poses for sex on the hood, but we will not consider them - everything is clear there without;)
Author - Olga Sympaty, site - Beautiful and Successful

P.S. Treat it as a positive, and not as an incentive to action))))))

But in the end we agreed to check it out. And now, about a week later, on Saturday evening, everything was ready. Since shining a wallet at night is quite dangerous, we decided that a car would be the best indicator of wealth.

Idea: The principle of "Change places". We take a guy who does not understand anything in communicating with a girl, and put him in an expensive premium car. And we take a walker and give him a car that will not attract the attention of a girl. Through a social survey of the beautiful half of humanity, we settled on the fact that it will be a BMW X5 and Renault Logan in the old body with a roof rack, respectively.

Task: meet the maximum number of girls from 00:00 to 06:00. The main thing is to use the car.

Scene: city, saturday, evening.

Rules: All means are good, except for assault. And further. Do not take fat people. If the girl got into the car, then this is a test and she can go further. Well, of course, we bring her up to date after that.


  • Igor - 23 years old, works as a security guard. He had almost no long-term relationships, and, in principle, short-lived ones too. Likes to play online games. Dating experience is below average.
  • Artem - 24 years old. Well… Sociable.


23:48 - all assembled on the main square of our city. Igor put on a T-shirt with the inscription "sex instructor" so that they could immediately see that he had serious intentions. Logan we were looking for a long time, found a second cousin. We discussed the rules again, and exactly at midnight, the pumpkins got into the carriages and the starting whistle blew.

00:06 - Igor stopped near the nearest club, Artem drove towards the city center. Everyone has different tactics: it seems to the “major” that calling girls from the window of a black behi is the height of coolness. Artem decided to act according to the situation and just drove towards the city center.

00:08 - First luck! Igor met Sveta. But Sveta was the size of a planet, and therefore she cannot count. And besides, these leopard print leggings ... Mmm, luxurious.

00:36 - Artem stopped by for a bite to eat.

00:59 - Igor realized that due to the beard, he is somehow remotely similar to the inhabitants of the southern regions of Russia. Counting on a colossal success, he turned on the lezginka. But still, the music from the club attracted girls more, and Igor decided to return to listening to Petliura's work.

01:07 – Artyom took more french fries. This is the third batch. This time the sauce was cheese.

01:45 - Igor realized that he needed to somehow attract attention to himself. He signaled to two beauties, but in response he saw the middle finger. “And yet I succeeded,” said Igor with a satisfied face.

01:46 - Artem was driving along the alley and saw walking students. He decided that these three were just right.

02:01 The students refused to go anywhere with a stranger. Everything is correct. But one of them left a phone number, just in case.

02:15 – Artem invited a charming brunette to drink coffee. Showing your car is a prerequisite, but Artem managed to charm his companion so much that she no longer cares what he moves on.

03:09 - Waking up, Igor realized that he was wasting his time and went aimlessly.

03:32 - It turned out that the night is not yet so deep, and there are still a lot of people in the squares. But Igor, apparently, decided that there were too many people and began to shout “Hey, baby!” or “Beauties your moms don’t need a son-in-law?” to every girl who passed by his polished treasure on four wheels. For the sake of interest, I decided to approach one of them and ask what she thought about such behavior. “I think he is a maniac,” said Anya with such red hair the color of a sunset. They were so beautiful that... So, I digress.

03:40 - Artyom's companion agreed that he gave her a lift to the house. Artem doesn't mind, because it makes him a leader. However, there is not much time left, and the gap is small.

04:13 - Gentlemen prefer blondes. Igor noticed two pretty girlfriends in a white Opel in the stream. We stopped at a traffic light. Making contact with gestures through the window, Igor realized that he and his iron horse had been challenged in a race in a straight line. But when we hit the green with all 306 horsepower, the girls' faces spoke of other intentions. At the next traffic light, Igor stopped to their right with a satisfied face. But in response, he only saw a finger at his temple.

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