What is happening with the abandoned microdistrict “Tsaritsyno. Unfinished. What is happening with the abandoned microdistrict "Tsaritsyno" Residential complex Tsaritsyno 2

For those interested in the pros and cons LCD "Tsaritsyno", as well as the history of this infamous long-term construction, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the opinions of our portal over the past years. Everything is said there. Now in essence and only about prospects. They are generally reassuring. After the completion of the residential area in 2018, "Mosotdelstroy No. 1" (the company is controlled by the city authorities), there are more positives. Of course, not all apartment buyers are satisfied with the pace at which work is being carried out (this is especially true for the second stage, designated on our portal as the Tsaritsyno-2 residential complex). You can read about this in Vkontakte groups and on Internet forums. However, the main thing is that the process is underway and can be controlled using the official website, supported by Moskomstroyinvest.

For the remaining houses of the first stage of the Tsaritsyno residential complex (buildings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.4, 11, 12), progress is obvious. On November 30 last year, a schedule for the completion of these houses was posted on the official website. For all of them, work should be completed in July 2019. As of the beginning of June, all buildings have been built and outwardly look almost ready. Builders are finishing finishing the entrance groups, installing elevators and engineering equipment, working in the parking lot and landscaping the area next to the houses. As reported, in June, Mosgosstroynadzor will conduct a final inspection of buildings 5.2 and 12. And buildings from the first to the fourth and eleventh are announced for inspection in July. Given the general practice, it can be assumed that some time will be required to correct the comments. But be that as it may, during this year the new settlers have a chance to get the keys to their apartments. As for the buildings of the second stage (), work is also underway on them, a number of houses have already been built, but they promise to start facade work only in the summer. The exact dates for the completion of the second stage are not yet known, there were some delays. Nevertheless, as stated in Moskomstroyinvest, the money allocated from the budget to complete the entire project as a whole is enough. So it will definitely be completed.

Sales in the residential complex "Tsaritsyno" are not conducted. There are currently no other new buildings in the immediate vicinity. Within a radius of three km from the residential complex there are a number of options that you can pay attention to. These are residential complexes “Orekhovo. House near the park" and "Grilyazh" from the developer "Hotel complex, residential complex in microdistrict No. 7B, residential complex "Happiness in Chertanovo" from "Leader-Invest" (developer rating "A") and residential complex "Zagorye". All these new buildings have been put into operation, so there is no risk when buying an apartment in them.

Update date May 25, 2018

So much has already been written about this noble long-term construction on our portal that it makes no sense to repeat it. All the pros and cons of the project were considered by us in the previous opinions of the portal. Now, just like a year ago, we will focus on the prospects for resolving the most difficult situation that equity holders find themselves in. LCD "Tsaritsyno". I must say that they do not let themselves be forgotten, regularly organizing actions, reminding the city authorities about themselves. And in the end it gives its results.

Over the year that has passed since the last opinion of the portal was written, the events around Tsaritsyno developed as follows. In 2017 ("MKH") no longer even indicated activity around his project. The city authorities were looking for an investor who could finance the completion of construction. Among the options were called, as well as one of the foreign banks. At the end of the year, it was planned to conclude an agreement between the MKH and a new investor on the assignment of rights to the Tsaritsyno residential complex. However, in 2017, the issue could not be resolved. The case with attracting an investor dragged on until the spring of 2018, since the owner of the MKH, I. Pinkevich, who was in custody, according to media reports, refused to transfer a power of attorney and documents for the continuation of construction. The solution to the problem was to be a court declaring the developer bankrupt, after which the project could be transferred to other hands on completely legal grounds. The court was scheduled for March 2018, meanwhile, the city authorities announced that 3.5 billion rubles would be allocated from the city budget for the completion of Tsaritsyno and promised to complete construction and transfer apartments to deceived equity holders in 2019-2021. In March of this year, the Moscow authorities decided on an organization that would take over the functions of the new Tsaritsyno developer. She became controlled by the city JSC "Mosotdelstroy No. 1" . In the same month, work began on the conservation of unfinished buildings. In April, the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region recognized "Moscow Combine of Bakery Products" bankrupt and this, to some extent, became the point in a long history that began back in 2006. Recall that the "MKH" promised to hand over "Tsaritsyno" back in 2012, and in the yard of 2018. Now the prospects for the residential complex have cleared up. The Moscow authorities undertook to complete it at the expense of the city budget, which means that the main thing is the source of funds. The rest is a matter of time. "Mosotdelstroy No. 1"- the structure is proven, there is no doubt that it will cope with the work. The builders intend to start the work in June. They will have three and a half years at their disposal - the commissioning of the last buildings is scheduled for the end of 2021.

It is also known that the construction of a polyclinic, a school and a kindergarten as part of the Tsaritsyno residential complex was included in the targeted investment program of Moscow. 2.5 billion rubles were reserved for them.

It is worth rejoicing for the equity holders - the question is “what to do?” finally resolved. But at the same time, you can sympathize, because the expectation of your apartment is still stretched for another year to three. In the event that the city does not fail and does not postpone the deadlines, which is theoretically possible. Let's add that some chance for compensation of losses is given to equity holders of those buildings, whose participation agreements were insured in case the developer fails to fulfill its obligations.

Considering that the way out of the crisis with this residential complex has been determined, buying an apartment here no longer seems to be as risky as it was before. Therefore, if before we could recommend buying housing only in completed buildings, now it is also possible in unfinished buildings. The only thing to keep in mind is that the condition of houses that have been unfinished for a long time may not be the best.

To date, the residential complex "Tsaritsyno" with low expert estimates remains in the top five in. Among the nearest alternative options in this part of the city are the Leader Invest (B) companies under construction, from, as well as those commissioned (the developer Hotel Complex) and from the PIK Group (rating "A +").

Update date 20 April 2017

“Construction started in 2008. At the moment, all 15 houses (600,000 sq.m.) have been built. About 3,500 families are already settled and happily living in them, ”says a very strange and downright mocking description of the Tsaritsyno residential complex on the official website of the project. Seven houses of the microdistrict have not been commissioned so far, and the dates for their commissioning are constantly being postponed.

The situation around the long-term construction is under the control of the Moscow government. Promises that the houses would be commissioned a year ago were personally given by Mayor Sobyanin. A new general contractor was found for the projects, and investor banks announced their readiness to issue loans for the completion of houses. After all, the project's shareholders are constantly in the media field, drawing the attention of the public and authorities to their problem. "And nothing has changed".

The photojournalist of the site, who visited the construction sites of the Tsaritsyno microdistrict in mid-April, on a weekday during working hours, recorded only a few workers engaged in the construction of houses in the Tsaritsyno residential complex and. In most buildings, work continues to idle. According to the co-investors of the project, the developer promised them the resumption of shock work on April 17, but then this event was also postponed, saying that work would begin no earlier than the end of April. Apparently, it is worth waiting for further postponements of the deadlines for the delivery of unfinished houses in the Tsaritsyno residential complex. So far, most of them, according to the design declarations, are planned to be put into operation in July this year. But it's hard to believe.

Where the deadlines were broken, could alert potential equity holders "Tsaritsyno-2", but, as you know, everyone learns from their mistakes. A good location and an attractive price at which he offers his apartments have become a determining factor in this case. The result was another very resonant long-term construction. To solve the problem of deceived equity holders began at the level of city authorities. After numerous appeals from people, in 2016 the case seems to have moved off the ground. The banks lending to the developer (and) announced that they were taking his financial condition under tighter control and also expressed their readiness to provide new loans and restructure previously issued ones. The general contractor has changed - now construction will be carried out by SK Strategy, a subsidiary of such a solid structure as. Is it true that this debt, if there is no money to pay for her work?

As of March 2016, there is no particular activity at the construction site. The official website of the project is limited to uninformative photo reports (indeed, which of the equity holders may be interested in how the builders shovel snow at the facility?). Live cameras installed at the construction site do not work on the official website, so there is no way to see the construction site in real time.

The situation is saved by up-to-date information, which is regularly updated in the VKontakte group of equity holders. Here are collected initiative people who actually voice the problems of buyers of apartments, turning to the authorities. The group's page constantly publishes fresh photos from the construction site. It is difficult to say that here you can see something encouraging. It is positive that after a long downtime, workers appeared at the construction site, but work on some buildings is still far from completion, on others they are generally at the stage of excavation. Considering all this, the intention to surrender the first eight buildings "Tsaritsyno-2" in the first or second quarter of 2017 looks very ambitious. In our opinion, it is impossible to exclude a further postponement of the delivery of part of the buildings. Moreover, even judging by the project documentation, the construction of the facility more than once got up for a very long time. This is evidenced by the fact that the amount of debt indicated by the developer in project declarations for different periods practically does not change. Of course, the pace of sales also slowed down. After a fairly brisk start, they noticeably slowed down. Of the 1,404 apartments sold by the developer since 2014, only 113 sales are in the current year.

The position of the Moscow authorities in all this is encouraging. developer "MKH", at the suggestion of the Ministry of Construction and Investment, the prosecutor's office became interested. And the deputy mayor of the capital, Marat Khusnullin (he oversees construction and urban planning policy), told the media that there would be no deceived equity holders in Tsaritsyno. Thus, the main path is marked. And whether there will be delays and stops on it - we'll see in a year.

In fairness, it must be said that the apartments presented in "Tsaritsyno-2", have good functional layouts. Living in this microdistrict, especially after the previously announced social facilities appear here, will be quite comfortable.

Currently there are not many alternative options for buyers. In the neighboring LCD "Tsaritsyno" sales have long been closed. You can also consider the apartments in the complex of the Southern Administrative District closer than the rest are the complexes under construction "Marshala Zakharov, 7", "Varshavskoe shosse, 141" and "Yasny". If there is no way to wait, then you can pay attention to the apartments in the already commissioned, "Chertanovsky" and LCD in the 7B microdistrict.

Update date February 19, 2015

The main disadvantage of new buildings in Tsaritsyno is the proximity to the industrial zone and the Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya and Tsaritsyno railway stations. The quarters are surrounded by the railway, and trucks from the industrial zone drive along Lipetskaya Street.

The situation is somewhat mitigated by the proximity of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve - thanks to this green zone, the air is noticeably fresher. But the reserve is not very suitable for daily walks - it is still far away.

It is easier to get to the center of the capital by car, although the public transport network is well developed here. To avoid traffic jams, you need to choose the right routes and avoid the "ant trails" from the Moscow Ring Road. Quarter "Tsaritsyno-2" is being built with all the necessary infrastructure, but the neighboring residential areas already have the necessary minimum of educational and medical institutions.

The architecture in the complex is rather unpretentious, but the layouts are very pleasant: spacious rooms and kitchens, small hallways, comfortable balconies - all this is quite consistent with the ideas of comfort among the middle class.

With the name "Tsaritsyno 2" - this is a new microdistrict located in Vostochny Biryulyovo of the South-East Administrative District of Moscow on Elevatornaya Street, next to the residential complex "Tsaritsyno 1". This is a major construction project offering buyers economy-class apartments.

general information

During the construction of Tsaritsyno 2, the construction of a whole microdistrict was envisaged. It will include:

The total number of apartments in houses under construction is 2267. The developer is the MHK company. Buyers will be offered a wide selection of housing from studios to 4-room apartments. The area of ​​apartments varies from 37.77 to 127.12 square meters. The apartments in Tsaritsyno 2 deserve special attention - during the construction of the thirty-fifth building, all 3 sections of the building will be allocated for them.

Convenient transport interchange, developed infrastructure and improved layout have already attracted the attention of new residents and investors.

Internal infrastructure

At the design stage of the residential complex "Tsaritsyno 2", the developers provided for the smallest details that will help make the microdistrict comfortable for permanent residence.

The first floors will be occupied by a concierge room and offices of commercial organizations, including:

  • bank branches;
  • Beauty Salons;
  • specialized stores;
  • many other service organizations.

On the territory there will be underground two-level parking, above-ground and guest parking.

Yards are planned to be closed. The territory will be improved here (green spaces, children's and sports grounds, paved sidewalk paths).

What happened during the construction of "Tsaritsyno 2"?

According to the plan, 12 multi-storey buildings were to be built and put into operation in several stages. The commissioning of the first and second stages was scheduled for 2016 (IV quarter), the third stage was supposed to be put into operation by the developer in the IV quarter of 2017.

Several times the company made announcements about the postponement of delivery dates. As a result, according to the data at the end of 2017, the construction of this facility is considered frozen.

At the same time, it is rather difficult to call the developer of the MKH project (Moscow Combine of Bakery Products) a typical developer. There are no other construction projects under his leadership, he never participates in tenders for land. Moreover, representatives of the company were not seen at industry exhibitions, round tables, conferences and other professional events.

Reasons for delays

On the Russian market of new buildings, delays and postponement of commissioning are not a new phenomenon, but most often the developer actively contacts buyers. Moreover, the reasons that led to the current situation are clearly and clearly stated.

The MKH chose a slightly different path, because neither the developer nor real estate agencies, for example, TsNN LLC, can provide intelligible information about the progress of the construction of Tsaritsyno 2. For reference: LLC "Center of New Real Estate" is an organization that is the official representative of the developer for the sale of real estate of this complex. In general, the company names several factors as reasons. At first it was a crisis that affected the economic situation and construction in particular. Then the work at the construction site was slowed down by the relevant authorities working with permits.

Situation at the construction site

Now the construction zone is surrounded by a high fence, and access to the territory is closed. Given this factor, one can only guess about the progress of the construction of Tsaritsyno 2. On the other hand, according to the overflight video available online, you can see that there are several tower cranes on the site, and there are some other construction equipment. However, not a single worker was seen.

As for the houses themselves, many of them are at the initial stage of construction, that is, only a few floors have been built up. Even if intensive work starts today, it will take at least six months to complete the project.

Hull readiness

The progress of the construction of the microdistrict. "Tsaritsyno 2" has not changed much over the past year. The situation at the end of 2017 completely repeats the situation at the end of 2016. Not a single building has been put into operation during this time.

During the construction of the twenty-fifth building of Tsaritsyno 2, several sections of the building were erected under the roof, but they remained in the same state. No work to complete the construction and commissioning has yet been carried out.

Buildings 24 and 23 are located in the depths of the block. At the end of 2015-beginning of 2016. the developer and managers of real estate agencies actively assured that these houses are at the stage of construction of underground and first floors. As is known from the master plan, it was planned to give underground levels for parking, and on the first two floors there should be a commercial zone with company offices. At the end of 2017, the situation did not change - the buildings remained at the initial stage of construction.

Building 35 should consist of three sections (it was planned to build apartments in this building). At present, the foundation and several floors have been laid in it.

Buildings 28, 29, 30 and 31 make up the lion's share of the entire microdistrict. According to the plan, these buildings should consist of sections of different heights (from 9 to 24 floors). In a 2016 report, the developer assured that work on these sections is being carried out at the level of underground floors. For 2017, the situation remained unchanged.

Arrest of Igor Pinkevich

Dissatisfied equity holders have repeatedly written complaints and went to rallies in connection with the disruption of construction deadlines. Finally, they managed to draw the attention of law enforcement agencies to their problem.

On August 19, 2017, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow issued an arrest warrant for Igor Pinkevich, the head of the MCC. The reason is the suspicion of fraud and the delay in construction. extended until October 2nd.

Forecasts of the construction of the residential complex "Tsaritsyno 2"

Already after the arrest of Pinkevich, an interview was given by Arseniy Mesitov, who holds the post of communications adviser to the Nastyusha group of companies. He stressed that the current situation with the company should in no way affect the equity holders.

He recalled that all equity holders are protected at the legislative level, because they have agreements on equity participation in their hands. The apartments will still go to their owners. He also recalled that the readiness of "Tsaritsyno 2" is 40%.

At the same time, several investors expressed their readiness to complete the construction of this long-term construction. Among them is the company SK "Strategy". However, a change of developer is possible only if the current developer gives permission for this.

Banking organizations are ready to play a significant role in the construction of Tsaritsyno 2. The GVSU construction company (acting as the general contractor of this project) bought the company's construction debt from Promsvyazbank and is going to complete the work as soon as possible so that the equity holders receive the long-awaited apartments. Promsvyazbank is ready to finance the construction in the interests of equity holders and the city as a whole.

Residential complex "Tsaritsyno" was named by the vice-mayor of Moscow as a super-risky construction site. Most houses have been regularly rescheduled since 2012. Today the city is ready to help the developer to hand over the object.

Reading time: 13 minutes

View of the residential complex "Tsaritsyno-2"

Problematic asset: developer's case

View question: design and finishing

JSC "TsNIIEP" (Central Research and Design Institute of Residential and Public Buildings) worked on the architectural project. Colored monolithic facades contrast sharply with the rest of the area. Layouts can be called convenient: right angles allow rational use of space. There is enough natural light: even studios with an area of ​​22.7 sq. m has two windows, and the studios from 26.6 sq. m - three windows.

The buyer needs to take into account that some windows - this applies to buildings 28, 29, 30 and 31 - offer a view of the railway. Elevatornaya Street is being expanded: if it drags on, the residents will watch the construction site for a long time. However, while there is a choice of apartments: you can take square meters overlooking the courtyard.

Apartments are rented without finishing. Communications are brought in, meters and heating radiators are installed, but no screed is made. Those who want to shift the issue of finishing to the developer will pay from 12 to 15 thousand rubles per square meter. This amount includes labor and materials. There will be no finishing on the loggia: only a screed on the floor.

According to the manager, the developer will offer several finishing options. One of them can be viewed in the CNN showroom located in Tsaritsyno-1. The rest can not be seen even in the pictures. "It's still a long way to go," says the consultant.

Is construction going on?

The construction site, unlike the showroom, is closed to visitors. "We don't have helmets," says the manager. He suggests visiting next week. To my remark that other developers are taking potential clients to construction sites, the consultant suggests going up to the 15th floor and surveying the process from above. From there, you can clearly see the 24th and 25th buildings, which are being built at the level of 7-17 floors: brickwork has begun in them. It can be seen that in place of buildings 30 and 31 there is reinforcement, concrete blocks are being built up on it.

However, nothing happens at the construction site: there are no builders, the cranes are motionless. Meanwhile, the time of my visit is the very height of the weekday. However, a little later, four builders were seen on building 23.

For life: ecology and infrastructure

The ecology is affected by the "sights" of West Biryulyovo - CHPP-26 and Waste Incineration Plant No. 3 "Ekotekhprom" on Podolskikh cadets street. The latter, by the way, was fined for the fact that the company did not dispose of waste properly. Industrial zones and a meat processing plant located south of the residential complex are also not the most pleasant neighborhood.

The manager says that she has been working at the facility for several months, but has never smelled an unpleasant smell. However, the residents of "Tsaritsyno-1" said that they periodically feel it at night. What kind of smell, they found it difficult to say.

At the same time, it is included in the list of the greenest districts of Moscow. Nearby are the Biryulevsky arboretum and a large-scale forest park. A little further, a 25-minute walk, is the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. The developer decided to plant the space up to the railroad with trees.

In terms of infrastructure, the Tsaritsyno residential complex has no problems. Many shops, nearby children's music and art schools, colleges, the Five Stars cinema, gyms. There are already two kindergartens in the complex. There will be a clinic, two schools (one for rent in 2016), two more kindergartens and two shopping centers.

It is quite convenient to get to the center of Moscow: the return journey from the complex to the metro took 12 minutes by bus. The Biryulyovo-Tovarnaya platform is not far from the residential complex: the train takes an average of 25 minutes to the Paveletsky railway station.

Whether all these factors balance the proximity to factories and industrial zones is up to you to decide.

For those who are interested in getting the keys to their own apartment as quickly as possible, the Tsaritsyno residential complex is unlikely to become an object from the "first choice" category. The complex can be recommended to investors who have a free amount of money and do not depend on time periods. In the future, by reselling an apartment, it is really possible to win on the difference in price. However, whichever option you choose, you should carefully study the documentation.

LCD "Tsaritsyno 1" is a large-scale development, which is being carried out by the trust "Mosotdelstroy No. 1" on part of the territory of the enterprise, in the Biryulyovo Vostochnoye area. Previously, the developer was the Moscow Combine of Bakery Products.

Project characteristics

The area of ​​the residential microdistrict is more than 420 thousand sq.m. The construction of 15 brick-monolithic multi-storey houses, designed for 800 thousand sq.m., is planned here. residential real estate. Some of them have already been built and put into operation.

The territory will be divided into 2 districts. In the first one, a sports and health center, a public center with an exploitable roof and 2 preschool institutions will be built. Residential buildings, 2 kindergartens, 2 schools, a functioning college, a polyclinic and a multifunctional center will be located in microdistrict No. 2.

apartment house

For sale apartments from one to five rooms with a full fine finish in one of the styles: "country", "Mediterranean" or "classic". The repairs carried out are:

  • wallpaper on the walls;
  • laminate on the floor;
  • in the bathrooms, ceramic tiles are laid on the walls and floor;
  • installed imported plumbing.

Ceiling height - 2.7-3 m.

The first floors are reserved for commercial premises with a total area of ​​500 sq. m. Each building has a two-level underground parking.


The perimeter of the quarter will be fenced and provided with round-the-clock security. About 60% of the area will be landscaped, parks, squares and gardens will be equipped here.

In addition to residential buildings, social infrastructure facilities will be built:

  • polyclinic;
  • sports and recreation complex with a swimming pool;
  • 2 schools per 1000 students;
  • 4 kindergartens for 410 places;
  • detached garage.

Zoning will be carried out in each yard. Children's playgrounds, recreation areas and sports grounds will be equipped here. For transport, multi-level ground and adjacent parking lots will be arranged on the territory.


Near "Tsaritsyno" there is a general education and music school, several kindergartens, a supermarket "The Seventh Continent", a furniture store, etc. Within walking distance of Tsaritsyno Park and Biryulevsky Arboretum.

2 km from the quarter - st. Metro "Tsaritsyno" You can get to it by public transport - by bus, fixed-route taxi or trolleybus, the stops of which are located directly near the residential complex.

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