Capricorn family horoscope for November

In November 2016, Capricorns need to show modesty and prudence. Incredible successes and achievements await you during this period. In order not to miss the opportunity to improve the quality of your life, you need to be attentive to even the smallest details. The stars favor you. Take the bull by the horns. Try to always be in the center of events and not lose sight of anything. Yours has come finest hour. Surround yourself only positive people with good intentions, avoid greedy and conflict personalities. Now Capricorns need to turn on observation, dream less and do more. There are all opportunities to realize the most daring plans and dreams. In the first half of November, collect as much information as possible and prepare the ground for future achievements.

Gain experience from successful and wealthy people, he will help you in the implementation of your plans. Be patient and indulgent to the desires of others. Respect their choice and right to vote. In the second decade of November 2016, an excellent opportunity will present itself, which will largely affect your worldview and attitude to life. Perhaps you decide to adjust your plans for the near future. Don't stop evolving and improving. At the end of the month do detailed analysis the work done, work on the mistakes, draw the right conclusions. And enjoy your success.

The beginning of November 2016 under the influence of Mercury is a great time to start in professional activity. Perhaps it will be the opening of your own business or the beginning of a new large-scale project. All undertakings during this period will be crowned with resounding success and will become excellent ground for financial independence. Those Capricorns who already have their own running business will be especially lucky. They will meet with potential investors and partners who will invest a lot of financial assets in their business. Capricorns who work in submission are likely to be offered an important contract or take advantage of their brilliant idea, for which they will later be generously thanked. The professionalism and pedantry of Capricorns this month will bring success and increase authority in the team. In the second half of the month, you can safely go to the authorities and ask for an increase in salary. The main thing is to arm yourself with undeniable arguments. Accept Active participation in collective life, listen carefully to what they say, draw conclusions. Do not brag about your own achievements and relationships with superiors to prevent envy and a wave of disapproval. You now need like-minded people and allies.

The personal life of Capricorns in November 2016 will be smooth and measured. Representatives of your zodiac sign will be interested and comfortable in the company of their soulmate. In the first half of the month, under the influence of Venus, Capricorns will especially need warm and deep feelings. Try to devote as much time as possible to your loved one and demonstrate your sincere feelings for him. Share with your beloved your plans, dreams, experiences. But do not burden him with your work affairs and problems. Do not forget to be interested in the desires of your soulmate and make her small pleasant surprises. Remember that your family is your fortress. And it is only in your hands to make this fortress so strong that all your pressing problems will seem like an insignificant trifle against the background of the family.

Don't forget about your friends and loved ones. Take time to visit your parents. November 2016 – beautiful time to do something new, find a new hobby and passion. Try your hand at different areas. You will be pleasantly surprised by your own abilities and a bunch of hidden talents. It is possible that one of them will become an excellent and inexhaustible source of income. Lead an active lifestyle, show courage, be open to new achievements, and success is guaranteed to you!

love horoscope

From November 1 to November 10. You will show your leadership and organizational skills, infect others with your inspiration, original vision. The period will be extremely rich in communication, meeting with friends. In amorous communication, due to the isolation of Venus, you will want solitude from the rest of the world alone with your beloved. A long-term partnership will continue to strengthen due to more communication, increase common themes for conversations, meetings with mutual friends.

From November 11 to November 20. From November 15, your feminine charm will be the bait for men in search. November 15-16 is a particularly good time for flirting and first dates. On November 16-20, there is a chance of flirting with a colleague or exchanging gazes with a man from afar. November 17-20, a spark can flare up on dates. Moral support, tender friendship in addition to your love can inspire your other half to an extremely generous gift. A sensual night would be a very appropriate response from you.

November 21st to 30th. A period of good luck in life endeavors, some hopes may come true. It is important to develop friendly relationships and do your favorite things. On November 25-27, the search for a serious relationship is more likely to succeed. Also, these days, dates will be just wonderful.

Family horoscope

Household chores will be a source of trouble and family tension. However, there will be good news and opportunities: for example, improving housing conditions or completing paperwork for real estate. Children will have to learn how to express themselves harmoniously. From November 15, it will be important for them to try themselves in something new. The spouse will begin a very interesting and dynamic period.

Health Horoscope

Your state of health will be relatively stable, and the care shown for it will be enhanced by favorable astrological aspects. Chronic ailments will require preventive action until at least November 10th. From November 1 to November 12, a decrease in the level of immunity can provoke an attack of viral diseases.

Horoscope of work and money

The period may be filled with serious reflections regarding employment prospects. Probability financial losses increased from November 1 to November 10. Until November 11, sending resumes and meeting with potential employers is somewhat premature.

Horoscope for November 2016 for Capricorn men

Love.In November, it will become easier for him to be active, to demonstrate his feelings. Your Capricorn will want to meet friends in the company of his beloved, so that she is aware of his mindset.

Tone. Impulsivity can be replaced by periods of concentrated inactivity. Most of the vital energy will be spent on solving financial and domestic problems. But he will be inspired by new life prospects. In November, Capricorn will be more prone to injury.

Finance.Despite the surge business activity from November 5 to 13, there is a high probability of sudden financial losses. Some sources of income may become irrelevant. However, caution and foresight will help to stay afloat.

Work.His views on work will change significantly, which may lead to a change of workplace. Work in large team will require the development of tolerance. From November 5, efforts to career growth are more likely to succeed, however, a promotion will not necessarily guarantee an increase in salary. It is easier to gain patronage for Capricorn in mid-November.

Friends. Friends will occupy an important place in his life, support him in many ways, help solve a number of problems. His attention will be attracted by brothers in mind and simply colorful personalities. In November, joint trips with friends, expanding the circle of acquaintances are favorable.

Leisure.It is advisable to travel in November. Information and communication will be of particular importance, so it is worth meeting more with interesting people, immerse yourself in the world of books. The resumption of sports activities will be timely.

love horoscope for 2016 has prepared a lot of events for Capricorn. Many representatives of the earth sign will decide to propose to their soulmate. Lonely Capricorns will experience strong love in the year of the Monkey. It is highly likely that the relationship will develop into a marriage union. The horoscope of love warns: do not be jealous! A small feeling of jealousy will sharpen desire and help diversify your sex life. But don't overdo it. Otherwise, instead of having a good time, you will alienate your soulmate forever. Why do you need a painful breakup if there is an opportunity to build strong and long-term relationships?

Toward the middle of 2018, the situation will stabilize. Harmony and complete mutual understanding will come in relations. The Capricorn man will fulfill all the desires of the chosen one. The Capricorn woman will give her beloved tenderness and warmth.

For men

A family Capricorn man will devote a lot of time to his wife. The wife will reciprocate. However, no one is immune from mistakes. Jealous of your beloved, you can make a scandal. A love horoscope advises you to reflect on your own behavior. Remember that the second half has the right to privacy. Your woman has her own hobbies, desires, plans. Be attentive to her. The chosen one will tell you how to improve relations.

For women

For married Capricorn women, a quiet time will come, filled with harmony and romance. They will gladly devote themselves to their husband and life. Any conflicts will be resolved quickly and quietly. Love horoscope warns: will be announced ex-lover a spouse who will try to destroy your union. Do not succumb to provocations, behave calmly, because her husband is indifferent to her.

For single men

Lonely Capricorn men are waiting for a significant meeting. You will be fascinated by your lady and will soon think about marriage. The love horoscope warns that if you hurry, you won’t get what you want: for the chosen one, relationships may mean nothing. In any case, 2016 is not the best time for marriage. Make time for work. AT professional field Many projects and career growth are foreseen.

For single women

Single Capricorn women will meet many potential partners in 2016. Love horoscope warns: some men are not interested in serious relationship and have selfish motives. Get to know the person better. Short-term romances can lead to pregnancy, which is not followed by a marriage proposal.


January is a quiet month. Relationships will be stable, full of tenderness and romance. For Capricorns who are in a long-term relationship, it will be time to propose to the chosen one. The love horoscope advises you to make sure your intentions are desirable. Spend more time together, go to visit, visit exhibitions, let yourself relax. Lonely representatives of the earth sign in January will be surrounded by attention from the opposite sex.


February is the month of spiritual cleansing. You will repay debts, rethink your behavior, visit those who need you. The second half will understand everything and support you. He/she will arrange for you to be comfortable. But remember that the partner needs attention and affection. Leave your search for a while and do something interesting together. February is a great time to strengthen relationships.


March 2016 will please Capricorn with pleasant warm days spent with the family. You will feel more comfortable than ever to be next to your soulmate. Capricorn will be surrounded by love and care.

The love horoscope advises lonely Capricorns to cast aside shyness and indecision and take the first step in a relationship with the person they like. March is a good month to start a romance. The chosen one / chosen one will reciprocate. Relationships will be full of warmth and sensuality. The main thing is to think over a plan of action and choose the right moment.


April is a period of creative upsurge. Energy will appear due to the fact that Capricorn rested in March. Harmony will reign on the personal front. Do your favorite things together: go to nature, watch a movie, play football. In April, you will easily overcome any difficulties. Remember that a lot will depend on you.

The love horoscope advises Capricorns to pay attention to the sexual sphere in April. Try something you've been wanting for a long time. Do not be shy and openly tell your soulmate about your dreams and fantasies. The chosen one / the chosen one will support you. Such frankness will significantly strengthen the bond.


May is the period when it is worth pampering yourself and your loved one with a long-awaited acquisition: a car, a summer house, a large household appliances. Relations will continue to please with stability and tranquility. In May 2016, Capricorn will realize that he and his partner are the perfect couple.

The love horoscope advises to be attentive to the beloved / beloved. Petty grievances accumulate and can result in serious scandal. Eliminate misunderstandings promptly. Remind your loved one what he/she means to you. Make sure you can overcome everything. Talk frankly about what hurts. Understanding and love will save the relationship.


June is a good time for a joint vacation. The second half of Capricorn will choose the date of the trip and the country for the rest. Don't resist. Your chosen one / chosen one will not lose.

Lonely Capricorns will conquer a potential partner with some unexpected act in June and start an affair with him / her. The horoscope of love warns: do not be too demanding of a person. The ideal does not exist. Accept your lover/beloved for who he is. Most likely, you met your fate.


July 2016 is the month of scandals. Stubbornness will wake up in Capricorn. It will be impossible to convince him. Representatives of the earth sign will forget for a while that relationships involve joint work, the search for compromises and mutually beneficial solutions. The love horoscope recommends Capricorns to think about what connects you. Look at old photos, remember your joint past, and it will become easier for you to hear what your significant other wants to convey. The main thing is not to make hasty decisions in July.


August will allow you to relax after violent quarrels. Relations will gradually be restored. Capricorn will realize that the past month has been stressful due to troubles at work, and this is not the fault of a loved one. August is an excellent period for a joint trip. The trip will strengthen the bond as a couple. Passion and love will flare up with renewed vigor.

For unmarried/unmarried Capricorns, it will be a great time to get married. Lonely representatives of the earth sign will meet their soul mate. The love horoscope advises not to put pressure on a potential partner. Make sure he likes you too.


September 2016 will bring with it trouble: relatives and friends will try to intervene in Capricorn's relationship. They will tell you something bad about your partner. Do not rush to conclusions. Subdue your emotions and think soberly about what you want in the future from your loved one. Maybe what you've been told doesn't matter? Either way, listen to both sides. September is a bad time to break up. Try to keep the relationship.


October goes by pretty smoothly. You will settle all disagreements. The love horoscope warns: do not be frank with outsiders about your personal life, otherwise gossip will creep. You must resolve your own conflicts within the couple. Do not forget that even though you are together, you are different people. In October, be attentive and patient with your partner.


Those Capricorns who managed to improve relations in the previous month will enjoy the caress and care of a partner in November. You will eliminate all disagreements, equip your life, get a promotion at work. No unpleasant surprises are expected.

November 2016 is the period when single Capricorns will start an affair with a person who does not correspond to their ideas about the second half. The horoscope of love advises not to make hasty conclusions. Take a closer look at your partner and discard prejudices. It is likely that you will get married and live a long happy life together.


December is rest time. Much will depend not on Capricorn, but on circumstances. Don't resist. Soon you will take matters into your own hands. If your significant other requires you to do something that you don't want to do, talk frankly with him/her about it. Do not get excited, otherwise the holidays of December spend in splendid isolation.

Stories from our readers

For those born under the Capricorn zodiac sign, November promises to be a stable month. During this period, achievements in the professional field come to life. There will be great chances to earn more than usual. Most representatives of this sign will be able to earn the recognition of management and climb up the career ladder. And also many Capricorns will be able to go to romantic trip along with your soulmate.

This is not to say that November will be a passionate period. You will feel insecure and constrained in a relationship with your partner. But the next period promises to bring more love joys into the relationship. The middle of the month is a favorable time for. Lonely Capricorns will have great chances to find their love. couples will be able to refresh and renew their relationship. And some couples in love will be able to go on a romantic trip. Capricorns will have a need for romance. It is highly likely that you will have a secret admirer.

November is an active period in terms of work. Although in the second half of the month are not excluded big problems but in the end you will get over them.

Thanks to confidence, many Capricorns will be able to solve the ambitious tasks set by the leadership. This month you will see achievements in the professional field come to life. Most representatives of this sign will be able to earn the recognition of management and climb up the career ladder.

In the second half of the month, you should carefully and deliberately make decisions. You can also highlight your leadership skills in a collective.

In terms of finances, everything will turn out well. Last month autumn portends good income. There will be great chances to earn more than usual. But still, spend your money wisely.

At the beginning of the month, no health problems are expected. You are full of energy and charge vitality. But in the second half of the month there is a big risk of getting sick. Therefore, the stars advise representatives of this sign to avoid overexertion, relax more and lead an active lifestyle.

Stars advise Capricorns, focus all your efforts on important tasks! Only in this way, you can achieve tremendous success in all matters.

Most auspicious days in November for the zodiac sign Capricorn: 4, 5, 23, 27, 30.

Less favorable days in November for the Capricorn zodiac sign: 8, 14, 17, 28, 29.

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Inga Polonskaya.

The horoscope for November 2016 advises Capricorns to undertake major reforms in all spheres of life without exception. Free yourself from the yoke of old problems, eliminate everything that prevents you from enjoying peace. Drive away your blues and indecision, because these feelings will not bring you anything but the strongest dissatisfaction with your daily reality.

The personal life of Capricorns in November will develop measuredly and leisurely. Of course, it is in your power to take it and give it a faster pace! In a number of issues, it will obviously not hurt you to show pressure and determination. So if you long time some person liked you back, at the end of autumn 2016, take a step towards your mutual rapprochement. The future of this relationship depends only on you! While you sit and timidly hope that your sweetheart will take the initiative, this novel will remain just a fruitless fantasy. Gather as much information as possible about this person, find out what he likes the most, and then organize an unforgettable romantic date for your secret passion, during which you can completely open your heart. If you are a family man, in November your marriage will resemble a silent movie. A silent atmosphere will settle within the walls of your house, since neither you nor your marriage partner will find common topics for conversation. Each of you will be interested only in your personal life, and the word "we" will disappear from your vocabulary for a long time.

Finances and a career for Capricorns in November will become perhaps the most paramount task. Provided that you drive away your natural laziness and become much more proactive, you will have a great chance to noticeably advance in the service. The key to your November success will be a professional tandem with colleagues. Immediately decide which of these people you completely trust, and who you would not like to see among your new associates. Capricorns employed in the field of entrepreneurship are also advised to take the time to find new partners. Your business will continue to grow steadily if you surround yourself with smart and decent people ready to invest in your projects. In general, throughout November, you will be deprived of major problems in the field of business.

Seeing off the fall of 2016, Capricorns will be happy to notice that their health has become much better. You will get rid of everything that in the recent past poisoned your peace of mind. Gradually, dizziness, weakness and general malaise will recede. How can you beat the symptoms of chronic fatigue? It's simple, you will relax more often and learn to find the positive in your daily reality.

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