Transparent frog. Glass frog Transparent glass frog

The glass frog, mostly brown-green, is quite ordinary - if you look at it from the side. However, the skin on her abdomen is completely transparent, and through it you can see the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract and even eggs in females. That's why the frog

The glass frog, mostly brown-green, is quite ordinary - if you look at it from the side. However, the skin on her abdomen is completely transparent, and through it you can see the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and even eggs in females. That's why the frog is called the glass frog...

Otherwise, she is a completely ordinary frog. The glass frog was first described back in 1872, based on specimens caught in Ecuador. Later it was found that the frog lives not only there, but also throughout the North-West of the mainland on the isthmus, in Central America(on the isthmus connecting North America from South to Mexico) and in a few other places in South America.

Yet historical homeland glass frogs - in the north-west of South America, where this species, according to experts, was born and only later settled as far as nature allowed.

In total, there are 60 species of glass frogs in the world. Glass frogs are usually small, from 3 to 7.5 centimeters. They are mostly woody. They descend to rivers and lakes during the breeding season. And the rest of the time they live in mountain forests. Although some species are found on the Amazon coast and in tropical forests.

Glass frogs usually leave their eggs on the leaves of trees or shrubs hanging over the water. Although one of the original species prefers to leave them on rocks near waterfalls.

Be that as it may, as soon as tadpoles are born, they immediately fall from a height and fall into the water.

glass frog (lat. Centrolenidae) has a brown-green color, in appearance it does not differ at all from common frog until you see her belly.

Heidi and Hans-Jurgen Koch

The skin on the abdomen of such a frog resembles glass, because you can see through it perfectly internal organs frogs - liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract, and sometimes even eggs in females. For this reason, the frog was called the glass frog. Apart from the transparent skin on the abdomen, such a frog is quite ordinary.

The first mention of the glass frog appeared back in 1872, while the first specimens were caught in Ecuador. Subsequently, scientists found that the habitat of the glass frog is not limited to Ecuador alone, this unusual animal can be found in the northwestern part of South America, in Central America (on the isthmus between North and South America, all the way to Mexico) and in a number of other areas of South America.

However, according to scientists, glass frogs initially lived only in the northwestern part of South America, after which they significantly expanded their habitat.

PUCE Martin R. Bustamante

In total, 60 species of such species have been recorded in the world so far. transparent frogs. Glass frogs are usually not very large, ranging in size from 3 to 7.5 centimeters. Such frogs live, as a rule, on trees in mountain forests and only during the breeding season reach the water. I must say that some species of glass frogs can also be seen in the rainforests on the coast of the Amazon River.

PUCE Martin R. Bustamante

Glass frogs lay their eggs on the leaves of trees or shrubs growing directly above the water, although one of the species is more attractive for laying eggs on stones near waterfalls.

One way or another, as soon as tadpoles hatch from eggs, they immediately fall into the water from a height and continue to live and develop in the water.

Frogs are considered one of the most interesting views amphibians that live on our planet. However, they are no different from their counterparts. For many, they are simply disgusting: cold, slippery, wet. However, as a species, they are quite interesting, and behind their seeming unremarkable lies a lot of curiosity. People who are not indifferent to these types of amphibians and have been watching them for a long time have made many interesting discoveries about their habits, lifestyle, habitats, etc. In this article, we decided to reveal the most interesting things about frogs to you. At the same time, we will try to tell in more detail about some types of these animals, and about those that do not even exist in nature. What, intrigued? Read and you will understand everything yourself.

frog species

These amphibians inhabit almost all parts of the planet. They can live in lakes, and in rivers, and in swamps, and on the ground, and on trees, and even deep in a meter thick clay. Depending on this, there are three main types of frogs: frogs, tree frogs, toads. The first are amphibians, which have smooth but slightly bumpy skin, with webbed hind legs and teeth that are located on the top of the jaw. They can be very small, but also quite large. The largest representative is the goliath frog. Interesting facts about her arouse the curiosity of many naturalists. For a frog, she is just a giant. Its weight can reach up to three kilograms. In length, it can reach almost a meter (90 cm). Thanks to her strong limbs, she is able to jump 3 meters. In addition, these creatures are completely dumb. They never even publish faint sound resembling a croak. But the smallest live on the island of Cuba. Their body length is about a centimeter.


For many, a toad is big frog. However, this is not at all the case. They differ from each other not only in size, but also in some other features. For example, toads have no teeth, and their skin has pronounced bumps. Compared to frog skin, toad skin is darker and drier. Behind their eyes are parotid glands. They are well developed. And toads live mainly on land. In reservoirs, the process of their reproduction takes place. The biggest toad in the world is aha. She is venomous. But the smallest individual of this species is 2.5 cm long. These Interesting Facts about frogs have 100 percent certainty.

Surely many have heard of the three-legged toad and think that such a toad lives in nature. special kind. However, this is a mythical animal, and it exists only as a talisman made from various materials. Further in the article we will give interesting facts about the three-legged toad.

The three-legged toad is a symbol of wealth. It is made with a coin in the mouth. They say that it attracts not only material well-being, but is also able to make a person successful and prosperous. This talisman is either metal (gold, silver, bronze, steel, etc.) or made of some grades. semi-precious stones. From her name it becomes clear that she has not four, but three paws, and her eyes are made of bright red crystals. This toad, as a rule, sits on a stack of coins or a bar of gold. Sometimes, instead of a coin, she holds a pearl in her mouth. Legends are associated with the three-legged toad in Buddhism. According to one, Buddha turned a villain-robber who robbed people into a toad. On the way to the Buddha, he lost his leg, God saved his life, but turned him into a toad, which must spit out the money it stole for the rest of its days. Here are some interesting facts about frogs.

tree frogs

Compared to toads and even frogs, tree frogs are the smallest. Them hallmark are extended discs on the fingers, with which they climb up. Some of their species even “fly”, or rather, plan. Thanks to this property, they are saved from their enemies.

In this chapter, we present to your attention interesting information about these amazing animals. And the first thing we want to tell you is connected with their anatomical features. So, the list “Interesting facts about frogs” begins with the information that their organs of vision are arranged in such a way that frogs can simultaneously look in different directions: forward, up, sideways. Frogs almost always leave their eyes open, only occasionally closing them during sleep. Another fact is related to bactericidal properties frog skin. Despite the fact that it has an unaesthetic appearance and slippery to the touch, it is able to disinfect. For this purpose, our ancestors also threw frogs into containers filled with milk so that it would not turn sour. Frogs live on average for about 20 years, although there are some that live up to 40. Since frogs have many enemies, some of them, such as the hairy frog, keep eggs in their mouths, and snub-nosed frogs in their stomachs. These amphibians do not drink water. Moisture enters their body through the skin. Here are the frogs. The most interesting facts about them are yet to come. Some frogs sing like birds and are specially bred in homes for this purpose. Is it really interesting?

Most most

It turns out that one of the types of frogs, namely coco, which lives in the jungles of South America, is considered the most poisonous land animal in the world. No cobra can compare with it in the degree of poisonousness of the poison. It is several thousand times stronger than potassium cyanide.

good luck symbol

Interesting facts about frogs are varied. For example, in Japan, they are considered a symbol of happiness and good luck. The ancient Egyptians associated frogs with the resurrection from the dead and even mummified them. The Egyptians probably noticed that some frogs “die”, that is, hibernate, and then “reborn” - come out of hibernation.

Pregnancy determinant

There is such a type of frog - clawed, with which you can determine whether a woman is pregnant or not. To do this, a woman's urine is injected under the skin to the frog. If after five hours the frog lays eggs, then the answer is yes.

Frog oddities

Have you heard that Small child was larger than its parent. “Unless in a fantasy movie,” you will probably answer. However, in some species of frogs, this is par for the course. Some tadpoles can reach a length of 25 cm, when large individuals are no more than 6 cm.

Glass frog: interesting facts about this type of amphibian

Unlike the three-legged frog, such frogs really exist in the world. Why were they named like that? Here's why. They have a completely transparent abdomen, and therefore all internal organs are visible. They live in South America in trees. They descend from them only during the mating season.

Do all frogs croak?

As we have already said, goliath frogs are dumb, and some Japanese frogs can sing like birds. In addition, there are frogs that cry "ribbit", others snore, cluck, grunt, grumble, ring, etc. So croaking is not inherent in all types of these animals. At the same time, females are silent, but males are much more talkative.

As a conclusion

As you can see, frog facts are very interesting and sometimes funny. After all, no one imagined that the animal that we call a frog could turn out to be dumb, Or that frogs, like birds, live in trees, and moreover, they can perform bird trills and simply burst into beautiful singing. But the fact that there are frogs, which are the most poisonous in the world, makes us take a different look at these seemingly harmless animals.

Glass frogs (lat. Centrolenidae) - the family of tailless amphibians has 12 genera, including 60 species.

The first to discover and describe these amphibians was the Spanish zoologist Marcos Jimenez de la Espada. And in the 50-70s of the 20th century, frogs living in Central America (Costa Rica and Panama) were described, a little later - in the Andes, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru. Some species live in the areas of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers.

Cochranella pulverata

Cochranella pulverata, ventral view.

Initially, they lived only in the northwestern part of South America, after which they significantly expanded their habitat. Glass frogs nest on trees in tropical and semi-deciduous forests. Closer to the water, they move only during the breeding season.

The skin on the abdomen of such a frog is translucent and through it you can see the internal organs of the frog - the liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract, and sometimes even eggs in females. For this reason, the frog got its name. Except for the transparent skin on the abdomen, the frog looks quite normal.

Outwardly, the glass frog is somewhat similar to the tree frog from the tree frog family, but it is distinguished by its eyes. At tree frog the eyes look in different directions, and the glass one looks forward. In addition, in some species of glass frogs, a kind of cartilage is located on the heel.

Cochranella albomaculata

The sizes of glass frogs are small, from 3 to 7.5 centimeters. Separate parts of the body, such as paws, are almost completely transparent.

Glass frogs are small and have translucent abdominal skin through which internal organs are visible.

Nymphargus anomalus. Ecuador

Frogs lay their eggs on the leaves of shrubs and trees located above flowing rivers and streams.

Male glass frog (Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum) next to the eggs. Ecuador, Esmeraldas province.

One species lays its eggs on rocks near waterfalls. After maturation and birth, tadpoles have to jump into the water. A strong current, into whose arms they immediately fall, is not a serious obstacle. Thanks to their powerful tail and low fins, they can easily cope with it.

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Glass frogs (lat. Centrolenidae) are a family of tailless amphibians.

Mother nature in all its diversity never ceases to amaze us. Another of its inhabitants can be called a real miracle of nature. It would seem that what could be more common than a simple frog? The fact is that glass frogs are transparent. True, it was not for nothing that they were combined into one family, since different types these frogs are transparent to varying degrees. If you look at it from the side, then the frog is even quite normal, brown-green in color. However, the skin of her abdomen is so thin that internal organs become visible: the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver, and even eggs in females. Therefore, the frog was called the glass frog.

In total, 12 genera inhabit the planet, including 60 species. These amazing frogs are very small: their length is from 3 to 7.5 centimeters. Most of them are woody. The main habitat of these small "glasses" is Ecuador, but it can also be found in the northwestern part of South America, in Central America (on the isthmus between North and South America, right up to Mexico) and in a number of other areas of South America.

Glass frogs nest on trees in tropical and semi-deciduous forests. Closer to the water, they move only during the breeding season.

Glass frogs usually leave their eggs on the leaves of trees or shrubs hanging over the water. Although one of the original species prefers to leave them on rocks near waterfalls. After maturation and birth, tadpoles have to jump into the water. A feature of glass frog tadpoles is a powerful tail and low fins. Therefore, they are excellent swimmers. fast water. Due to this body structure, a strong current, into whose arms they immediately fall, is not a serious obstacle for them.

The choice is so unusual place for laying eggs brings its advantages. The glass frog thus increases the chances of survival, since up to its caviar predatory fish won't get there. Although, when tadpoles enter the water, they can also become prey for fish.

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