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No matter how hard the parents try to protect the baby, it is impossible to completely eliminate viral or bacterial infections. Moreover, the child sometimes needs to be sick in order to familiarize the immune system with viruses and bacteria, train it and develop an adequate immune response. But it is important that the disease proceed quickly and without complications. Parents are especially anxious in the first three years of a baby's life, when the immune system has not yet fully formed, and the body does not have much experience in fighting infections. In order to try to reduce the duration of the disease and prevent possible complications, as soon as the child begins to get sick, you need to actively act.

Child 1 year old: how to treat?

The greatest concerns of parents are caused by any illnesses of babies who are barely a year old. At this age, children begin to walk, actively explore the world around, their social circle expands significantly. They spend a lot of time outdoors, playing in the sandbox and communicating with their peers, some of them start attending a nursery in their second year of life. Naturally, the chance of catching a cold or other infections increases. Toddlers do not yet have personal hygiene skills, sneeze or cough without closing their mouths, and thus spread viruses or germs around them. Many children put in their mouths the hands they used to touch the toys of cold babies. In addition, a child can become infected from sick adults who come to visit, or while traveling in public transport, staying in crowded places.

If a child at the age of 1 falls ill, what should parents do? First of all, don't be nervous. If the temperature is high or the baby is very ill, call a doctor! Regardless of the severity of the disease, you need to provide the baby with peace and sufficient sleep. If the child does not want to eat, you need to adjust his diet according to his appetite and be sure to give him plenty to drink. It is important to ventilate and humidify the air in the room where the child is located, and to clean regularly. All medicines that you are going to give a child without a doctor's prescription, you must definitely check whether they are allowed at this age.

Child 2 years old

Older children, starting from 2-3 years old, actively contact with people, so the risk of a cold becomes even higher. Most children at this age start going to kindergarten. Long stays indoors, the presence of sick peers, hypothermia during walks, the stress of early rises and changes in the regime associated with the start of kindergarten - all these factors weaken the immune defense and contribute to frequent colds. If a child begins to get sick at 2 years old, you need to leave him at home, give him more to drink. In a word, the child's body needs to be helped to actively fight the cold.

First aid for a child at the beginning of a cold

The first natural question for parents who understand that the child is starting to get sick is sneezing: “What should I do?”. You should not immediately run to the pharmacy with the intention of buying as many drugs as possible that will eliminate all symptoms and ensure a quick recovery. Self-medication is not only not useful, but in many cases can be harmful. Indigestion, drug poisoning, allergies, and other side effects are possible. But in anticipation of a doctor who will make the right appointments, of course, you need to take some measures:

    regularly ventilate the room in which the sick child is located, humidify the air;

    use essential oils;

    make sure the child is properly dressed;

    keep drinking regimen,

    clean and moisturize the mucous membranes of the nose and throat of the child.

Any medications used at the first sign of a cold should be age appropriate and safe.

All actions of parents should be aimed at alleviating the condition of the baby and speeding up his recovery.


If a child began to sneeze, how can parents prevent him from getting sicker by stopping a cold in the initial stages? You need regular access to the room for fresh air, frequent ventilation (every 1-2 hours) and humidification of the air using special devices or towels moistened with water. Be sure to thoroughly ventilate the room before going to bed, if the weather permits - leave the window open at night. Diffuse essential oils in the room. They will help in the disinfection of the air and the destruction of bacteria and viruses.

Dyshi® Oil

Also with essential oils, so-called passive inhalations can be carried out. When a child starts getting sick, they should definitely be on the list of things to do. Good for passive inhalation. It contains essential oils with antiviral and antibacterial properties. Dyshi® oil can be dropped onto paper napkins and laid out in the children's room and at the head of the bed, it can also be applied to the child's soft toys and clothes. The use of passive inhalations helps in the fight against the onset of a cold, facilitates breathing and improves mood.


If the baby is naughty, feels lethargic, unwell, his temperature rises, often the parents wrap the child warmer, put him in bed under a warm blanket so that he sweats. But such actions are not always necessary. If the baby is cold, he has chills and the temperature rises, the hands and feet are cold and dry, it will indeed be useful to dress the baby in a warm suit or wrap him in a warm blanket to keep him warm. Against the background of an increase in temperature, peripheral vessels narrow, heat is concentrated inside the body, actively fighting viruses or microbes. As the fever reaches its peak, the child becomes pink, hot to the touch, begins to sweat. At this time, the baby becomes hot, he tries to open up, and caring parents wrap him up even more. It is not impossible to do this so that the body temperature decreases, it is necessary to create conditions for heat transfer. Sweat and light clothing, cool room air allow the body to cool down faster. Therefore, during the period of illness, when the baby sweats, he needs light cotton clothes, which should be changed often as they get wet.

What to drink?

During the onset of the disease, the body needs more fluid to speed up metabolism and activate the immune system. Babies up to three years old can be given to drink warm boiled water, dried fruit decoctions, compotes, berry fruit drinks and juices diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3.

From 2-3 years old, you can give non-carbonated mineral table water, milk, herbal teas with honey (if there is no allergy) or sugar, lemon or ginger. Children from 7 years old can be prepared with linden and chamomile extracts, as well as vitamin C. It is important that the drinks are warm, but not scalding, drinking very hot drinks increases body temperature, may worsen the condition, there is a risk of burns.

Do you need an antipyretic?

At the first sign of illness, if a fever occurs, many parents immediately try to give the child antipyretic drugs to reduce the temperature. But this is the wrong tactic. An increase in temperature is a protective mechanism that allows you to activate the immune system and create an unfavorable environment for viruses and bacteria to reproduce. Therefore, pediatricians recommend that if the temperature does not exceed 38.0–38.5 ℃, do not knock it down with drugs, but let the child fight the pathogens on their own. However, this rule does not apply to everyone. It is necessary to reduce the temperature at any of its values ​​if the baby has previously had febrile convulsions, he has problems with the nervous system, especially the brain, the child does not respond well to temperature, has chronic diseases.

In all other cases, you need to drink plenty of water, light clothing. Antipyretic drugs should be taken only on the basis of paracetamol or ibuprofen, strictly in the age dosage and in compliance with the intervals between doses. The goal is not to bring the temperature down to the coveted 36.6 ℃, but to reduce it to safe values, enabling the immune system to fight the infection. If the temperature has returned to normal, it is not necessary to take antipyretic courses, they will only harm.


In the early stages, it is sometimes very difficult to recognize and "catch" the very moment when you can prevent the further course of your baby's disease. Therefore, it is necessary to have in your arsenal a couple of trouble-free and effective methods, and then, if the child starts to get sick, you will already be “fully armed”

So, let's start with drugs. Now there are a large number of drugs that can prevent the disease in the early stages, or at least alleviate the course of its course. These drugs for children include: Anaferon for children, Oscilococcinum, although this is a homeopathic medicine and it is better to use it in extreme cases, but the effect of it is very good.

Antiviral drugs will help the child recover faster

Also, one of the newest drugs that can effectively prevent the onset of the disease is Kagocel. It can be taken by children from the age of three. This antiviral remedy is used for influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). According to the instructions, this drug effectively protects against ARVI and influenza pathogens when taken prophylactically for the next 30 days. You can also drip Vibrocil drops into the nose if the nose is blocked. Aqua Maris is good enough for washing the nose. This preparation is made on the basis of sea water (saline solution) and effectively cleanses the nasal cavity.

To facilitate breathing with a stuffy nose, the asterisk ointment familiar from childhood and the Nozzle-patch for inhalation also help well. It sticks to clothes. The nozzle-patch contains essential oils, which, in turn, evaporate, help relieve the symptoms of a cold, and help your baby fall asleep more easily. Oxolinic ointment also has a similar effect. Licorice root and some of the children's syrups like Nurofen are great for coughing.

To maintain the immunity of the child, you should also immediately increase the intake of vitamin "C". Immediately it is worth remembering about Ascorbic acid and about Aflubin drops.

Do not forget about folk remedies. The only thing is that they should also be treated with caution and without "fanaticism", considering it a panacea for all diseases. During the manifestation of the first symptoms of a cold, children should be given plenty of fluids. You can brew herbal infusions of linden, mint, chamomile, thyme, or tea with honey or raspberry jam.

Herbal tea cures colds

Such tea increases sweating and improves thermoregulation, which means it contributes to the rapid removal of the virus from the body. Vitamins are also needed to maintain immunity, so it is useful to give tea with lemon, cranberry juice, blackcurrant, rose hips, which contain vitamin C in its natural form.

The room in which the child sleeps should be ventilated as often as possible so that the air is clean and fresh. You can also put a plate with chopped onions or garlic to kill all germs and disinfect the air. If your child does not like the smell of onion or garlic, then eucalyptus, lavender or cedar oil has the same effect.

But if the effect of the above measures is not particularly noticeable after a couple of days and the child is still feeling unwell, naughty and lethargic, the symptoms of the onset of the disease do not go away, or even worse, intensify, then you should already seek qualified help from a doctor.

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