Dormouse from the squirrel family. Rodent - forest dormouse: description with photos and videos, interesting facts about the life of forest dormouse. hazel dormouse lifestyle

Rodent dormouse is divided into two types - woody and ground. Ground ones look like little mice, while arboreal ones look like squirrels. But today we will talk about the forest dream, about where she lives and how to keep her at home, and we will start the article with a description.

Description of the forest dormouse

Sonya stands out for its small size. She has an elongated body, brilliant fur and big black eyes. Ears rodents are large enough, the shell is open, the tips are rounded. Vibris - long sensitive mustache located on the muzzle. Movements are made due to the contraction of the subcutaneous muscles, and for dormouse this is an organ of touch, which allows her to feel the environment. Paws small and thin, each of which has four fingers, five on the hind limbs. Wool the animal is thick, but very thin, and forest dormouse color brown-gray-white: brown-gray tint is on the head, back and part of the tail, while the muzzle, sides and belly are white . body length dormouse about 20 cm, and body mass 100 gr. Lifespan 3-5 years.

Forest dormouse habitat

Dormouse most often lives on trees, in earthen burrows, in hollows. On the ground, she digs a mink under stones, under tree roots, in rock crevices. In the daytime, the rodent sleeps sweetly, in the evening, it gets out of its house. It is for this reason that the animal got its name. And with the onset of the first frost, dormouse falls into hibernation, can sleep through the whole winter, at this moment, the body temperature drops, the metabolism slows down. But a rodent can wake up to feed on its reserves during the thaw period, and some do not store at all and survive only on their accumulated fat. Inhabit dormice northern part of Africa, Altai, China, Japan, Asia Minor.


What to feed the dormouse

Sony diet:

tree fruits






Bread once a week

Herbs once a week

Per day, sleepyhead it is enough to consume 40 grams of food, but you definitely need fresh water in a drinking bowl. By the way, this rodent is not prone to overeating, and the content is simple.

Of course, it is better to bring into the house not a wild animal that will never become tame, but to purchase it in specialized stores, in a nursery or from a breeder. The first thing you need to do before buying a rodent is to buy a cage that doesn't have to be round. The approximate size is 100X200X50, so that there is enough space for installing ladders, ropes, houses and other toys, like a squirrel wheel. As dormouse an active beast, she needs a lot of space and space, and at first, she will be frightened of everything, any sound and rustle, therefore during this period, it is better to manage only by feeding the pet and a clean cage, which will often be done, because dormouse has specific smells. It’s still not worth it to freely walk around your house, there is a chance that you won’t catch the animal, or it will crawl through some kind of crevice and run away. And of course, you have to clean the cage two or more times a week, because the dormouse is not very clean.



Description of the forest dormouse

The small dart frog forest dormouse has much in common with mice and squirrels, and at the same time. Features of appearance, namely color, size and behavior depend on the place of direct habitat. Depending on the place of residence, the coat color of the forest dormouse may be darker or lighter, the contrast between the shades manifests itself in different ways.


Dormouse are small animals with a slightly elongated body. The total body length is from 60 to 120 mm. The flattened tail, separately, can be the same length, with longer hair. The tail is not just an ornament, but an important vestibular tool. It helps to balance on the branches, playing the role of a kind of steering wheel. Also, this part of the body may indicate the mood of the rodent. If the long hair on the tail lies smoothly, the animal feels safe. Rearing hairs in this zone indicate an unfriendly attitude. In anticipation of danger, the dormouse raises its hairs to appear larger for its opponent. Cats do the same.

It is interesting! The long narrow head ends with a sharp muzzle, the eyes of the rodent stand out noticeably against the general background, they are dark, round and shiny. On the head of the animal are prominent rounded ears, they are quite large.

On the muzzle itself, like in most rodent species, vibrissae are located. These are additional "tools" for orientation in the space of the animal. With them, they capture the smallest fluctuations in the air, as a result of which they can navigate in space in conditions of relative darkness. The length of the vibrissae in relation to the body size of the forest dormouse ranges from 20 to 40%. The antennae, each individually, can make movements due to the contraction of the subcutaneous muscles of the face. Such an organ of touch helps to better navigate the world around the rodent.

It is interesting that the dormouse's hind legs have 5 fingers each, and the front ones have 4. The legs are thin and short. The coat of the rodent is short, of uniform length throughout the body, except for the tail, soft and silky to the touch.. As a rule, on the chest it is painted in grayish-yellow shades. The coat of the same color is also on the chest with the throat part. The back of the forest dormouse is brown-reddish. On the muzzle, these two colors are separated by a contrasting stripe of dark black-brown.

Character and lifestyle

Deciduous thickets and forests are considered favorite habitats for forest dormouse. She is a fan of the thicket with dense undergrowth, places of hollow trees. But at the same time, you can meet her in a garden or park area. This funny animal is widespread in the middle lane and in the west of the European part of the Russian Federation. For housing, dormouse chooses natural shelters. It can be hollow trees, old abandoned nests of all kinds of birds. For example, forty. If a suitable vacant place was not found, the dormouse will not be embarrassed by the presence of the "owners" in the nest. She can settle in a hollow or birdhouse, driving the feathered owners out of there with a bang.

This rodent can make a home on its own. The most commonly used material is the bast of trees and other vegetable small "garbage". These are grass, fluffs, dry leaves, a wickerwork of flexible branches is used as a frame. It takes about 2-4 days to build one dwelling. Dormouse manages to build their homes in the density of thickets of thorny bushes. Thus, they make it safer, preventing predators from getting close. Forest dormouse is an economic rodent, they devote most of the construction time to arranging the interior of the housing. Sonya fills it with fluff, wool, dry grass, which makes it not only warm and cozy, but also perfectly masks the chicks grown in it from prying eyes.

Therefore, if you happened to see an untidy translucent nest without litter, this is a bachelor's dwelling or a temporary overnight stay. In such a house, the animal will not stay for a long time, it could serve as an overexposure point, then the dormouse will go to build a new nest. On the territory of residence of one individual, you can find up to 8 such dwellings. The rodent can change apartments, even if they are clogged, in order to comply with sanitary standards. There is no separate passage to the nest. Dormouse enters and exits through any suitable gap between the bars. This structure also makes it a difficult prey for predators.

It is interesting! Forest dormice are also careful about the cleanliness of their own bodies. They can spend hours combing every hair of their own tail, carefully sorting them out.

Winter apartments are built deep underground in heaps of brushwood or thickets of the root system of a tree. Close to the surface, the soil freezes too much, not giving a chance to survive, so they settle with the onset of cold weather at a distance of 30 cm below ground level.

The forest dormouse is a climbing animal. It moves perfectly along the branches of trees and shrubs, while being active both during the day and at night. During the day, even most of the species spends in a dream. Sharp curved claws and special "corns" allow her to easily hold onto the branches without falling down. And vibrissae help to navigate well in dense thickets.

The cold puts the animal into a stupor. In this state, the forest dormouse hibernates all the cold days of the year. Such numbness lowers the temperature of the body of the rodent, slowing down the course of metabolic processes, allowing the economical use of vital resources. For this period, some dormice stock up on food, which they eat with pleasure at the moments of awakening during periods of thaw. After that, with a repeated decrease in temperature, the dormouse can fall asleep, having refreshed itself, continue its hibernation. The rest of the representatives of the species consume only the fat reserves of their own body, accumulated in the warm seasons.

How long does a forest dormouse live

In the wild, forest dormouse live from 2 to 6 years. This animal can be tamed if it was caught in infancy. During fishing, you should not take them with your bare hands, dormice do not like this.

Range, habitats

Forest dormice are common in the forest zone from Central Asia to Kazakhstan and European countries. They inhabited the northern part of Africa, China and Japan. The Dormouse family has up to 9 genera. The number of their species is 28. They can be found even in Asia Minor and Altai.

The diet of the forest dormouse

Various insects may be present in the diet of forest dormouse.. However, animals choose plant foods as their preferred type of food. They are happy to eat the seeds of plants, fruits that come across on the way, and do not disdain the seeds of berries. If on the way the forest dormouse meets a bird's nest with small chicks or laid eggs, she will eat them with pleasure.

It is interesting! The very process of food intake by animals deserves special attention and tenderness. Like most rodents, they take food in their tiny paws and then bring it to their mouths. It's nice to watch how deftly these kids straighten their tiny fingers with seeds and berries.

Class: mammals.
Squad: rodents.
Family: dormouse.
Genus: The classification includes 9 genera.
Habitat in nature: in nature, there are 28 species of dormouse, most of which live from North Africa and Asia Minor to Altai, Northwest China and Japan, some species of the genus Graphiurus are isolated in Africa south of the Sahara, and are distributed in Europe to Southern Scandinavia. Most dormice are forest animals that prefer broad-leaved and mixed forests; they can be found in forest-steppe regions and in the mountains, where they settle at an altitude of up to 3500m. In Russia, there are 5 species of these rodents.
Lifespan: in nature 2-3 years, at home 4-6 years.
Averages: body length 8-20cm, tail 4-17cm. Weight depends on the type of animal, but does not exceed 70g.

Dormouse is a small and medium rodent, with terrestrial forms more like mice, and arboreal ones like squirrels. The muzzle is sharp or slightly rounded (depending on the species), the ears are small, rounded, the eyes are bulging, round, large. The tail, as a rule, is densely pubescent, although there are species with a semi-naked tail. The coat is thick and soft, but short. The color depends on the species.
The coat on the back and sides may be gray to buffy-brown, the abdomen and paws may be lighter or white. Long, up to 20 percent of the body length, extremely mobile vibrissae, growing like a fan near the nose, are the main tactile organ for the dormouse.

Dormouse are very sociable, lively, active and social animals. They prefer to live in the company of relatives, but at home they are best kept alone or in pairs. These rodents are very cautious and shy, afraid of loud or unexpected sounds, sudden movements. Hazel, African and dormouse-dormouse quickly get used to people, taming other species requires more attention and patience.

Relationships with other pets
Dormouse that has left the cage can be dangerous to smaller rodents, small birds and lizards. Cats, dogs, ferrets and large birds are dangerous to dormice.

Attitude towards children
Sony is not very suitable for children as pets.

Dormouse, which appeared in the house at an early age, quickly get used to the person, will expect your arrival with food and can get used to taking food from the hands. They can be taught to go out for a treat when called, but they most likely will not become completely tame.

For all types of dormouse, a diet is suitable, including sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, pine and walnuts, melon seeds, watermelon, pumpkin. It is useful to include apples in the diet of dormouse (an adult animal can eat a whole apple overnight), grapes, buds, branch bark, wild rose, dried mountain ash, viburnum, dry apricots. In summer, it is useful to reduce the number of oil seeds. Forest, garden and African dormice need animal food. They are suitable for mealworms, butterfly pupae, crickets, May beetles, snails, large cockroaches, sometimes they can be pampered with raw meat, cottage cheese and eggs.

Care and maintenance
Of the species that live on the territory of Russia, at home they most often contain hazel, garden, forest and dormice. The African dormouse, which is called the pygmy dormouse because of its very small size, is also well suited for keeping as a pet. Hazel and African dormouse are well suited for cage keeping, dormouse can be kept both in a cage and in an aviary, but garden and forest dormouse are best kept in an aviary, where they can create a landscape reminiscent of their natural habitat.
When keeping sleepyheads in a cage, it is easier to communicate with them, it is more convenient to observe, they make better contact. It is advisable to choose a small-mesh, spacious and all-metal cage in order to avoid the unpleasant odor that impregnates the wooden parts of the cage, and various infections. They are well suited for squirrel cages with a spinning wheel, as these rodents have a very high need for movement. Existence in a cage of the sliding pallet considerably facilitates cleaning and cleaning. Sawdust, dry sand or small shavings can be used as bedding. It is necessary to put heavy bowls for food, a drinking bowl, preferably automatic, place various ladders, hollow pipes, a hammock in the cage, fix the ropes and the wheel and attach houses to the grate where the dormouse will make a nest. To equip the nest, they can be offered hay, straw, unpainted strips of paper, small twigs. Every day it is necessary to wash the food bowls and the drinking bowl, remove the leftover food; two, three times a week, the bedding should be changed, twice a month, a complete cleaning and disinfection of the cage is required. Disinfection can be carried out by spilling the cage with boiling water.
Dormouse do not like temperature differences, drafts and direct sunlight, so the cage should be placed at least 40 cm from heating appliances and away from windows and doors.
Dormouse are nocturnal animals and can disturb you with noise. However, often communicating with a person, dormice gradually move to a daytime lifestyle, especially if you feed them only in the morning and evening no later than 19 hours.
With properly equipped housing, dormouse does not need to walk. If you decide to get the animal out of the cage, then be prepared for the fact that it can easily arrange an escape.
In summer, in dry weather, the animals can be taken out to the balcony during the day or put the cage on the table near the house in the summer cottage, shading part of the cage from the sun's rays so that the animals can rest.
Dormouse living in nature fall into hibernation in winter, which can last 6-7 months, but at temperatures above 10 ° C, dormouse can be active all year round.
Outside the city, these rodents can be kept in an aviary, where you can recreate a piece of wildlife: make a litter of moss or peat, put stumps and snags, fix strong branches with hollows, put grass and oats in pots, plant bushes of currants, gooseberries, blackberries. Dormouse kept in an aviary are less tameable, because when a person appears, they hide in various shelters, do not make contact, retain the behavior characteristic of them in the wild, and are not given into hands. Many owners are happy to talk about their observations of these lively, funny, active animals living in an aviary. It should be borne in mind that all species of the dormouse family in winter in an aviary can survive only in a properly made shelter, arranged in the ground in the form of an artificial hole, well insulated and covered with a layer of sawdust from above. Before wintering, dormouse gain weight 3-4 times higher than usual. However, you should carefully monitor the awakening animals: a sleeping dormouse that has awakened can eat a fellow sleeping nearby.

A bit of history
Unlike many other rodents, dormouse came to the homes of animal lovers directly from the wild. In the 20th century, the number of dormouse began to decline rapidly due to the destruction of the natural habitat of these rodents as a result of human activity. Many species of dormouse have been listed in the Red Book, and programs have begun to be developed around the world to restore the livestock of these cute animals. In the wake of this popularity, Sony first got into living corners with youth circles, and then into apartments, where they feel very good.

Under natural conditions, the dormouse prefers wooded areas, preferably oak, wild fruit trees or beech. He feeds on the fruits of these trees, and in their hollows he makes a comfortable dwelling. It does not cause sympathy among southern farmers, as it harms the vineyard.

hazel dormouse

Rodent characteristics

There are several types of them, but they are divided into two groups - terrestrial and woody. Woody ones resemble small ones, and terrestrial ones are more like mice. All species adapt well to life in captivity, but there is an important requirement - frequent cleaning in the cage is necessary. These animals, although small, very quickly pollute the home, causing unpleasant odors.

Sonya polchok

Characteristics of the animal:

  • Hazel dormouse (arboreal) has an orange fur coat, dormouse dormouse (ground) is gray. That's right, squirrel and mouse;
  • Body length - up to 20 cm. Approximately the same length of the tail;
  • Weight - no more than 100 grams;
  • Ears are round;
  • Lifestyle - nocturnal;
  • Life expectancy - no more than 5 years, but more often no more than 3.

Tree dormouse jumps very dexterously, and are able to fly over the tops of trees up to 10 meters.

Buying Sony

Buying a rodent dormouse is not difficult, it is a frequent pet in any pet store. Probably, there are specialized nurseries, but animals of this class can also be bought on an ad or in a bird market.

baby dormouse

When you buy, move your hand carefully. Perhaps this individual was caught in the forest, then a bite cannot be avoided. Wild rodents at home will no longer take root, and there is a high probability of becoming infected with all sorts of sores from a bite.

If the animal is just shy (this is normal), but not aggressive, then this means that it was born at home, which means it will be tame, you can take it.

The price for the animal starts from 1000 rubles and above.

Even before buying an animal, you must prepare a cage for it. Dimensions are approximately 100x200x50 cm, so that there is enough space for installing ladders, houses, ropes and other game elements, as in the photo below. You can install a squirrel wheel.


Sonya is a very active rodent, at first they will be a little scared and hide, but over time they will get used to it, and running up and down with obstacles will be their main entertainment. It’s not worth letting them run to the floor, then it’s difficult to catch them, but if you are confident in your abilities, then let them go for a walk.

Round cages are not suitable for rodents, they do not feel well in such! Only square or rectangular.

We have already mentioned that they are not distinguished by cleanliness, and a couple of times a week, or even more often, you will have to carry out a complete cleaning of the cage. It will be necessary to clean the bottom covered with sawdust or sand, wash the rods and all decorative elements.

Rodent nutrition

The diet consists of:

  • seed;
  • Orekhov;
  • tree fruits;
  • Vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • Insects.

Be sure to keep an eye on the drinking bowl, and change the water daily to fresh.

fruit lunch

They are not prone to overeating, you can limit yourself to 40 grams of food per day.

Sometimes, a couple of times a week, you can feed them with bread, various herbs (this is for gray dormouse), or eggs (this is for tree dormouse).


Puberty occurs within a month of life. They give birth once a year, usually in the spring. Pregnancy lasts a month, and the female gives birth to up to 10 babies. This is a mammal, and they will drink mother's milk for up to three weeks. Next up is self-catering.

Both mother and father are involved in the upbringing of children, this is a full-fledged family.

It should be noted that for guaranteed offspring, the animal must hibernate in winter. To do this, you need to equip the cage with a warm house, filling it with dry sawdust, wrap it with rags, and transfer the cage with the animals to +5 degrees. There they will sleep for 3-4 months, and in the spring there will be offspring almost guaranteed. Be sure to pay special attention to nutrition before and after hibernation, it should be varied, healthy and natural.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Dormouse rodent, cute creature, video

At night, the dormouse in search of food silently moves among the dense foliage of trees and shrubs. Why is this brisk animal called dormouse? Because the animal falls into a long hibernation in winter, which lasts seven, and in cold regions - all eight months.


The mating season for dormouse begins in June and ends in July. The female generally brings offspring once a year.

The male dormouse takes care of the female in a peculiar way. He pursues the chosen one, making a loud squeak. Three weeks after mating, the female gives birth to 4 to 6 cubs, for which she builds a nest of leaves and moss in a hollow tree or in an empty bird's nest.

Dormouse babies are born blind, naked and completely helpless; they are completely dependent on the mother. After three weeks, their eyes open and fur grows. The mother takes care of her offspring for a long time, she has to get food, often moving a considerable distance from the nest.


Sonya regiment first lived in deciduous forests. Today it is also found in alpine forests and gardens, if fruit trees and shrubs grow there. These animals are active at night. They look for food on trees and shrubs, deftly climbing trunks and jumping from branch to branch. If the intended fetus falls down, the dormouse flies after it, keeping the limbs and tail parallel to the ground. Animals usually do not move far from the nest. They return to their home with the first rays of the sun. Dormouse's nest is covered with dry leaves and twigs and is usually located in a hollow tree, in a gap between stones, under the roof of a house or in an empty bird house. Dormouse can simultaneously use several living quarters, which are located at a short distance from each other. Dormouse spends 7-8 months in winter shelter.


Dormouse is a herbivore that only occasionally eats insects, bird eggs or chicks. Nuts, acorns, chestnuts usually predominate in the diet of the dormouse. At the end of summer, she prepares for winter, accumulating fat reserves. At this time, the dormouse raids warehouses, storages, cellars, where she finds plenty of apples and other delicacies.


The ancient Romans specially bred and fattened regiments, the dishes from which were considered one of the most exquisite at the feasts. Since dormice feed almost exclusively on plant foods, their meat is very tender. In some European countries, the dormouse is called the "edible mouse". Nowadays and still people continue to hunt the dormouse. This animal is considered a garden pest, because it damages the trunks and branches of young trees with its sharp claws and teeth.


Watching a dormouse that leads a nocturnal lifestyle is really not an easy task. Sonya can be found in his tent by a climber or a tourist who, having stopped to spend the night in the park, is located on the lawn under a chestnut or oak. Sometimes she rustles in the pantry and leaves "material evidence" of her presence in the bird feeder - heaps of excrement, and gnaws bark, branches and buds on trees. to such a trick: hang a jar with a small amount of jam on the bottom from a branch.


  • One owner of domestic regiments said that in 10 weeks three animals ate 272 cherries, 92 pears, 64 apples, 42 apricots, 25 grapes, 58 plums, 526 gooseberries and several hundred pumpkin seeds.
  • The ancient Romans prepared gourmet dishes from dormouse. To do this, they raised animals in special gliraria cages, and received especially tender meat for the holiday by feeding dormouse with acorns and chestnuts.


Head: the dormouse has large, rounded ears and a pink, hairless nose. Eyes with black border.

Meal: the dormouse eats sitting on its hind legs, and holds food in its front legs, while its tail lies on the ground - unlike the squirrel's, pressed to its back.

Limbs: claws and soft pads on the paws are adapted for climbing trees.

Wool: short and soft, brown-gray or smoky-gray with a silvery tinge on the back, white on the belly.

Tail: length equal to the length of the body, fluffy, covered with long hair. This is a vulnerable part of the body - dormice without a tail are often found.

- Habitat of dormouse


Sonya lives in most of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, Asia Minor and the Caucasus. In 1902 it was acclimatized in Great Britain.


Dormouse in Europe is found only in isolated areas of its range. To preserve the species, it is necessary to prevent the felling of old deciduous forests, as well as shrub thickets.

Dormouse dormouse / Glis glis. Video (00:02:08)

We met him in a hunter's house in the Caucasus Mountains, he peacefully but very noisily ate a one-year-old piece of bread. This funny animal was not even scared when I started filming it with a flashlight on it!

Dormouse / Edible dormouse. Video (00:00:23)

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