Hungry childhood, boycotts of classmates and other little-known facts from the life of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Legitimate husbands of the actress

Lyudmila Gurchenko was born in Kharkov in the family of Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko and Elena Alexandrovna Simonova-Gurchenko. Parents worked in the Philharmonic: my father played the button accordion and sang, and my mother helped to hold holidays and extras in schools and factories.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's abilities for music and acting skills appeared very early. She recalled: "In the cupboard on the top shelf in a vase, there were always sweets. I received them for my" performances ". And I spoke to everyone who got into our house." During the war, when her father went to the front, and the future actress stayed with her mother in occupied Kharkov, speaking to the Germans helped the family not die of hunger.

In 1944, Gurchenko entered the Beethoven Music School, impressing the admission committee with her performance of the song "About Vitya Cherevichkin".

After graduating from school in 1953, Lyudmila Gurchenko went to Moscow and entered the VGIK for the course of People's Artists of the USSR S. A. Gerasimov and T. F. Makarova. Three years later, she made her debut in Jan Fried's film The Road of Truth. In the same year, the comedy Eldar Ryazanov came out on the screens, which glorified the young actress throughout the country.

However, after the release of the film "Girl with a Guitar" in 1958, Gurchenko was assigned the role of an actress of the "light" genre, and devastating articles began to appear in the press. Only years later did it become clear what was the true cause of the persecution. In 1957, Gurchenko recruited the KGB to work at the World Festival of Youth and Students. "I could not believe it. I refused, and it destroyed me for many years," the actress admitted. And although Gurchenko did not stop acting in the next ten years, she did not have really interesting roles.

A new stage in the work of Lyudmila Gurchenko began in the mid-1970s. By that time, she not only successfully played in musical comedies, but also revealed herself as a dramatic actress. In 1976, Gurchenko starred with Yuri Nikulin in the film by Alexei German, and in 1979 she received the main role in the film by Nikita Mikhalkov. At the same time, Andrei Konchalovsky's film "Siberiada" with her participation was awarded the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival.

In 2009, the film "Colorful Twilight" was released, where Lyudmila Gurchenko not only played the main role, but also acted as a director and composer.

Lyudmila Gurchenko performed in a duet with many famous artists. In particular, she recorded songs with Andrei Mironov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Alla Pugacheva, Uma2rman, Boris Moiseev. Shortly before her death, the actress starred in the video for Zemfira's song "Do you want?".

Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko died on March 30, 2011 at the age of 75. She was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Personal life

Lyudmila Gurchenko was married six times. She got married for the first time at the age of 18. The last husband, Sergei Senin, was with the actress until his death.

Gurchenko's relationship with his daughter Maria caused a lot of rumors. The yellow press did not miss the opportunity to delve into the dirty linen. Lyudmila Markovna herself spoke about it this way: “Frankly, I’m not a mother. An actress cannot be a mother. Everything must be given either to the profession or to children. I never understood how to combine work and children. it might be cruel."

  • After the triumph of Carnival Night, Lyudmila Gurchenko became one of Eldar Ryazanov's favorite actresses. But he twice did not approve her for the role - neither in "The Irony of Fate", nor in "The Hussar Ballad".
  • The success of "Carnival Night" did not bring money to the actress. After the release of the film, she rented a small room, which she called the corner.
  • Lyudmila Markovna was very proud that she did not join any political and artistic organization. She was the only one who became a People's Artist of the USSR without a party card.
  • Even after the first resounding success in the cinema, Gurchenko was short of money for quite some time. The actress had to sell her first concert dress, which her father had returned from the war, to pay off her family's debts. However, a few years later, friends gave her an almost exact copy of the outfit. Lyudmila Markovna kept it until her death.
  • Gurchenko was never offended if fans called her Lucy. On the contrary, she was proud that even after becoming a star, she remained her own for millions of people.
  • The actress adored her two dogs - Pepa and Gavrik. In the last years of her life, Gurchenko even took them with her on tour and shooting.
  • Lyudmila Markovna herself wrote songs and performed them on tour. But she openly admitted this only after the release of her directorial debut, the film "Colorful Twilight", in the credits of which she was also listed as a composer. In 1965, at the All-Union Music Festival, the song "Victory Holiday" written by her caused a real sensation and won first place. But critics accused Gurchenko of speculating on people's feelings, after which the actress did not admit that she was writing songs for more than 40 years.

Titles and awards

The best actress of 1983 according to the poll of the magazine "Soviet Screen"
People's Artist of the USSR (1983)

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (2000)
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (2005)
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree (2010)


  • Legend. Ludmila Gurchenko (2011)
  • Motley Twilight (2009)
  • Goldfish (2008)
  • First Home (2007)
  • Carnival Night-2, or 50 years later (2007)
  • 1st ambulance (2006)
  • The highest measure (2005), TV series
  • Gorynych and Victoria (2005), TV series
  • Watch out, Zadov! (2005), TV series
  • Get Tarantina (2005)
  • ATC-2. In power (2004)
  • 12 chairs (2004)
  • Shukshin stories (2004), TV series
  • Women's happiness (2000)
  • Old nags (2000)
  • Prohindiada-2 (1994)
  • Listen, Fellini! (1993)
  • Love (1993)
  • Midshipmen-3 (1992)
  • White Clothes (1992)
  • Farewell Tour (1992)
  • Sex Tale (1991)
  • Forgive Us Stepmother Russia (1991)
  • Vivat, midshipmen! (1991)
  • Inhuman, or Hunting is forbidden in Paradise (1990)
  • Our dacha (1990)
  • Imitator (1990)
  • My sailor (1990)
  • Road to Hell (1989)
  • Was it Carotene? (1989)
  • Young man from a good family (1989)
  • Burn (1988)
  • Pretender (1987)
  • Applause, Applause (1985)
  • Prohindiada, or Running on the Spot (1985)
  • Love and Doves (1984)
  • Recipe for Her Youth (1984)
  • Trunk (1983)
  • Shurochka (1983)
  • Station for two (1983)
  • Flying in a dream and in reality (1982)
  • Vacation at own expense (1981)
  • Beloved woman mechanic Gavrilov (1981)
  • Ideal Husband (1981)
  • Mission of Special Importance (1981)
  • Siberiada (1980)
  • Knowing White Light (1980)
  • Leaving - go away (1978)
  • Five Evenings (1978)
  • Handsome Man (1978)
  • Feedback (1978)
  • Mom (1977)
  • Family melodrama (1977)
  • Second attempt by Viktor Krokhin (1977)
  • Twenty Days Without War (1977)
  • Sentimental Romance (1977)
  • Strogoffs (1976)
  • Sky Swallows (1976)
  • Crime (1976)
  • Step towards (1976)
  • Diary of a Headmaster (1975)
  • Straw Hat (1974)
  • Old Walls (1974)
  • Children of Vanyushin (1974)
  • Open Book (1973)
  • Dacha (1973)
  • Circus lights up (1973)
  • Door Without Lock (1973)
  • Karpukhin (1973)
  • Tobacco Captain (1972)
  • Summer Dreams (1972)
  • Shadow (1971)
  • Crown of the Russian Empire, or Elusive Again (1971)
  • Road to Rübetzal (1971)
  • One of Us (1970)
  • My Kind Dad (1970)
  • White Explosion (1970)
  • No and Yes (1967)
  • Blasted Hell (1967)
  • Bridge Under Construction (1966)
  • Workers' settlement (1966)
  • The marriage of Balzaminov (1965)
  • Bicycle Tamers (1963)
  • Walking (1961)
  • Nowhere Man (1961)
  • Baltic sky (1960-1961)
  • Roman and Francesca (1960)
  • Captured Monk (1960)
  • Guitar Girl (1958)
  • Carnival Night (1956)
  • Heart beats again (1956)
  • Truth Road (1956)

Filmography: Director

  • Motley Twilight (2009)

“One day in 2000, I leave the office, I see a woman walking along the corridor of the school in an elegant coat, hat and gloves. Turns around - Gurchenko! I'm just speechless! And Lyudmila Markovna calmly says: “Are you the director here now? And I studied here for 10 years. Do you want me to show you what desk I was sitting at? Thus began our acquaintance and our friendship.

Lyudmila Markovna then came to Kharkov several more times, and we met with her and talked. She recalled her childhood in Kharkov with pleasure, - says Lesya Zub, director of the Kharkov gymnasium No. 6.

Lyudmila Gurchenko in the movie Girl with a Guitar. 1958

I remember one story I really liked. Once in Moscow, a man approached Gurchenko and quietly said: “But you and I stole together ...” Lyudmila Markovna was taken aback, but then she guessed what he was talking about and invited her fellow countryman to a cafe. The episode was meant when Gurchenko was not yet six years old - it was then that the war began. Her father went to the front, and she and her mother - Elena Alexandrovna - remained in Kharkov. They did not have time to evacuate - there were not enough seats on the train. In October 1941, the Germans entered the city. Round-ups, arrests, executions, food problems, curfews... And know that Lucy was running around the city with the boys - just as hungry as she was. Once she was offered to stand "on the nix" in the market - the booty was then divided. It was from this company that the boy was, who, having become an adult, after many years approached Gurchenko on the street in Moscow.

Lucy is five years old (right)

Her mother, having learned about what Lucy had to do that day, simply locked her daughter at home. But there was something she needed ... Elena Alexandrovna herself was 24 years old at that time, she did not know how to earn money - she got married early and before the war she sat at home, raised Lucy ... When her husband went to the front, Elena Alexandrovna, finding herself one is completely lost. Fortunately, Lucy already sang so well then that for her “performances” no, no, and they cut off a piece of bread, poured a bowl of soup. Well, who had food in Kharkov in 1941? The Germans. So Lucy went to the German unit, sang songs. And in German. Since German films were playing in cinemas at that time, Lucy simply learned the songs from them by ear, without going into the meaning. The homesick soldiers were delighted! Earned enough and Luce, and mother. So they lived for almost two years of occupation.”

Luce was boycotted for "treason"

“Lyusya and I were eight years old when we met,” says Gurchenko’s school friend, Nina Sweet. - It was during the war. Life was hard, but the House of Pioneers resumed its work, and Lucy's parents came to work there. A recently demobilized father is an accordion player, and his mother is a mass entertainer. In Elena Alexandrovna, a subtle upbringing was felt - as we later learned, she came from a noble family. Unlike Lucy's father - Mark Gavrilovich, who was a very simple man: with a frank Kharkov dialect and an eternal button accordion on his shoulder. It is even strange how these two completely different people could love each other so much! For those harsh years, it was rare to express their feelings so passionately, as Lucy's parents did to each other. It seems to me that then, all her life, Lucy was looking for exactly the same love as her parents, and did not find ...

Lyudmila Gurchenko with her parents Elena Alexandrovna and Mark Gavrilovich Photo: RUSSIAN LOOK

They adored their daughter, especially the father. Mark Gavrilovich told her almost from birth: “You are the most beautiful! You will be a famous actress!” And Lucy was completely akin to this idea.

That's really who did not feel any embarrassment, going on stage. She did not need to be persuaded - Lucy herself was looking for an audience. I remember how she kept running to the hospital to sing: there the wounded were waiting for her, praising her ... Perhaps only dad could stop Lucy when she started to sing or dance. She loved and knew how to be noticeable! To be friends with such a person meant forever being in the shadows. But I was never going to become an artist - so we were friends with her. What was she then? Skinny, wiry, sharp-eyed. Skin and bones. In those days it was considered ugly. A thin girl is an unhealthy girl. By the way, when I later heard about Gurchenko’s aspen waist - they say, the actress had some secrets, some diets - I grinned: “The secret, guys, is in the war!” Lucy starved at the age when the child should grow up, be formed. And because of this - painful thinness for life. Not from a good life!

“The secret of Gurchenko’s aspen waist is in the war! Lucy starved at the age when the child should grow up, be formed. And because of this - painful thinness for life. (Lyudmila Gurchenko is 12 years old. Kharkiv)

I remember how Lusya appeared at school number 6 - she didn’t have a dress or stockings. She walked around in trousers and in a jacket made from a flannelette robe. The war is not over yet, poverty is all around. There were not enough desks, notebooks, chalk in schools, and the textbook was one for five. And already in 1944, several classes of the school were taken to a pioneer camp. And there - about a miracle! - fed four times a day. They even gave us a "dessert" - a piece of refined sugar once a day. By September, evacuees began to return to Kharkov, their children went to school. It was then that we all - those who survived the occupation - began to hear contemptuously behind our backs: "German Shepherds!" And Lucy got it in particular: she sang in front of the Germans, which means that she was a “traitor” doubly. The girls in her class (at first we studied with Lyusya in parallel) even announced a boycott to her. They didn’t talk to her, didn’t take her to play, it happened that they even pushed her painfully in the corridor ... But gradually the situation was resolved: before screenings in cinemas they began to show newsreel, where the atrocities of the Germans in the occupied territory were shown in all details. And gradually the evacuees began to sympathize with us - those who survived the occupation. That left Lucy behind.

“I’ll become an actress - I’ll have a thousand like him!”

All school years we studied under the system of separate education - boys and girls were united only in 1954, and we graduated from school in 1953. Occasionally, school evenings were held together with the boys, but this was clearly not enough for the boys and girls to get used to each other and learn to communicate. We could communicate with the boys only in the House of Pioneers. Here Lucy fell in love there - with Vova Serebrisky. We all studied ballroom dancing with Lucy's mother. Vova was the most handsome guy - we all liked him. But only Lucy decided to somehow fight for his attention - to approach, to speak. For us it was unheard of! Mother, Elena Alexandrovna, apparently noticed Lucy's childish feeling, because she often paired them with Vova. It was immediately obvious: Lucy was trying very hard to please him: she looked expressively, and laughed melodiously, like a bell, and kept telling some funny stories ... But nothing worked: Vova led her in a dance with a bored expression on his face. And in the end, he completely chose another girl as his girlfriend, who was considered the most beautiful in the House of Pioneers. Lucy shed a lot of tears because of all this. I remember how she no-no and yes, she will sing another sad song from some movie. Or suddenly he will say: “I will become an actress - I will have a thousand like him!”

“The news that Lucy was in Kharkov spread among her friends, and we gathered at school. We sat and listened with open mouths to her stories about the filming of Carnival Night. After that, Lucy disappeared for a long time. (Lyudmila Gurchenko and Yuri Belov in the film "Carnival Night", 1956). Photo: MOSFILM-INFO

The cinema was like a magnet for Lucy, she simply adored cinema. And almost the same - theater. From the first desk near the window, where Lucy was sitting in the classroom, the Kharkiv Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Shevchenko was clearly visible. Probably, this theater played a significant role in the fate of Gurchenko. There they began to prepare the play "Yaroslav the Wise" and did not have time with the costumes for the premiere. They asked the principal of the school to help the schoolgirls to sew. The girls got down to business, and as a reward they got the opportunity to come to performances. As a result, Lucy learned the entire repertoire by heart. Her memory was incredible: she could reproduce any monologue from anywhere, including all the "um" and "apchi". Gurchenko only did what she imitated one of the actresses she saw. I remember how she celebrated her 13th birthday and performed a melodic recitation to an oriental dance, which she learned from the film "Indian Tomb" (dad, Mark Gavrilovich, accompanied her daughter on the button accordion). At the birthday party was also our class teacher, whom we all loved and called Zebra for the striped sweater.

“At school, everyone discussed Lucy’s behavior when, having bitten off someone else’s donut by mistake, she said to the angry hostess: “Yes, you will still be proud that Gurchenko herself bit the bagel!” (Lyudmila Gurchenko, 1950)

Klara Abramovna understood art, especially poetry. But she resolutely did not like Lusino's performance - the dance and outfit looked too defiant for a Soviet girl. Well, Luce, all these conventions were incomprehensible. The main thing is to be in the spotlight, to perform, and at the same time she looks Soviet or not Soviet - what does it matter? I remember how Lucy was bored at the lessons - she was sitting on pins and needles, she could not wait for the call to change. And here is the call.

“After Carnival Night, we didn’t see her again”

I knew that since my friend dreams of becoming an actress, sooner or later our paths will diverge. But as much as possible, we were friends. I remember how they celebrated the New Year, 1953, at her house. On the table were compote, vinaigrette, potatoes ... Not a gram of alcohol! None of us even tried smoking. We sat, Lucy sang for us, then after twelve we went into the yard to go sledding. That's the whole program ... And six months later was our graduation.

“If they spit in your back, then you are moving forward!”

“Shortly after the dizzying success in the film Carnival Night, Lucy began to have big troubles,” says Konstantin Sherdits, a countrywoman of the actress.

The fact is that the whole country already considered her a movie star, which means that she was a rich and prosperous girl. Lucy received many letters asking for money. Meanwhile, she was a poor student, had a single coat and rode a trolley bus. The scholarship was not enough. Naturally, Gurchenko wanted to earn extra money. And then they just began to invite her to all sorts of concerts and for the song “Five Minutes” they put money in envelopes - in addition to the official fee. This fact has surfaced and been blown out of proportion. They say that the Minister of Culture himself then said: “There will be no such surname - Gurchenko, we will wipe it into powder!” And so, at first, notes about a dishonest, greedy artist appeared in Moscow newspapers, then ours, Kharkov ones, joined in. Well, of course, after all, they commanded from above: “Face!” One can only imagine what it was like for Lyudmila Gurchenko to read in the Kharkov newspapers about the “upstart from Klochkovskaya Street” (it was written that way!), Who became arrogant and began to behave like a star. Well, the last straw was a letter that someone sent Gurchenko: “Why did you disgrace us, countrywoman?” It was then that she vowed not to come to her hometown again. After all, her parents themselves visited her in Moscow - so who was she to go to? She was proud. She said: “If they spit in your back, then you are moving forward!”

Well, then, already in 1996, when I, being the head of the Kharkiv Department of Culture at the mayor's office, created a club of fellow countrymen, I called Lyudmila Markovna and invited her to come. At first she - in any! I barely had time to say: “They are calling you from the Kharkov City Hall,” and she already went on the attack: “What-o-oooo? Kharkov remembered me? Oh, just don’t need these big words: “We are countrymen”, “We love you”. I won't believe it!" And she hung up. But I called her a few more times. In the end, Lucy relented. And arrived! And she even confessed to me: “You know, Kostya, I have been waiting for such a call for many, many years!” It turned out that she even dreamed of the city, and Gurchenko woke up in tears, with the thought: “Lord, will I really die without visiting my homeland?”

I remember we met her at the station with bread and salt. And the bread was black, freshly baked. Lucy broke off a piece, sniffed it and said: “Well, the smell! What is Dior! She survived the war, the occupation. And bread for her is everything! Lucy later told us: “For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to eat!” We treated her to fame: she loved fish dishes, waffle cake. But everything in moderation! Blew the figure.

The climax was her entrance on stage. Gurchenko was terribly worried. And later she confessed because of what: “I kept thinking: what if some idiot shouts from the hall: “Upstart from Klochkovskaya!” After all, I could not stand it - I died of shame! Forty years later, already being a famous actress, she was still vulnerable and fragile ... And she had no psychological protection. But no defense was needed - when Lyudmila Gurchenko entered the stage, the audience rose and applauded her for about ten minutes. And she just stood there and cried. Yes, it was a reconciliation! After that, Gurchenko more than once came on tour and just for a walk.

Each time she occupied the same hotel room. And we tried to ensure that the room was free by the time she arrived. Sometimes I had to ask the guests: “Excuse me, but could you move? Gurchenko is coming." She also liked us to meet her with a bouquet of wildflowers. That's all her requirements. She and I walked a lot around the places of her childhood, and Lucy talked about everything: about the occupation, how we survived, how we were saved. She did not like to talk about her Moscow life: neither about her husband, nor about her daughter. Although the fact that with her husband, Senin, everything was fine with her was immediately evident. But something didn't seem right with her daughter. I once asked Lucy about this, but she stopped: “Please, let’s not talk about this!” She could talk about her childhood endlessly - and as if it were a very happy childhood ... But no wide-brimmed hat helped - Gurchenko instantly recognized everyone, and she never managed to calmly walk around the city or take the subway. But most of all, Lucy loved to walk along the paving stones on high heels. So she clicked her heels! It turns out that she, as a girl, dreamed of how, having become a famous actress, she would walk, elegant, on this paving stone - and everyone would admire her. And so it happened ... "

Many believed that Lyudmila Markovna knew some kind of magical “Macropolus remedy”, thanks to which the years had no power over her. But in fact, everything was different. About how Gurchenko fought for her youth and beauty and what it cost her, tells on the birthday of the actress. Gorgeous Gurchenko Lyudmila Gurchenko, archival photo. Source: Personal file

Gurchenko Lyudmila Markovna Lyudmila Gurchenko - Soviet, Russian theater and cinema, pop singer, screenwriter, director, composer, writer. There were legends about the plastic surgeries performed by Lyudmila Gurchenko. Like the famous Lyubov Orlova, the actress really wanted the audience to see her as exceptionally young and beautiful. She was imitated, admired, millions of women dreamed that they had the same slender waist (as they said, only 44 centimeters), the same almond-shaped eyes, the same chiseled cheekbones, the same sensual lips ...

Frame from the film "Carnival Night", 1956

In the Soviet years, Lyudmila Gurchenko was a client of the famous Beauty Institute on the Arbat. According to rumors, for the first time Gurchenko went to plastic surgeons back in the 70s - it was then, as they say, that the shape of her eyes changed. The star liked the result. Also, some believe that in the early 70s, the actress could slightly correct the shape of her nose.

Frame from the film "The Straw Hat", 1974

Then, as they say, in the 80s, the actress, who did not want to look her 50 years old, underwent a circular facelift, as well as an “age-related” blepharoplasty. In the late 80s, many noticed that Gurchenko's cheekbones became clearer. They also said that in the 90s Lyudmila Markovna turned to foreign plastic surgeons, but she did not like the results, then the star tried to fix everything more than once - already at home.

A shot from the film “Beloved Woman of the Mechanic Gavrilov”, 1981 Source: After “Carnival Night”, when she fell into disgrace and did not act, Gurchenko was very afraid that this would happen again. Once the star admitted: “I had a very difficult period of oblivion. I don't want this anymore."

She was very worried about changes in appearance, which, alas, are inevitable with age. I did physical exercises daily, went on diets, periodically drank drugs that remove excess fluid from the body and promote weight loss. At the same time, the actress was a man of incredible self-discipline. Colleagues said that Lyudmila Markovna worked out daily on simulators so as not to “lose” her magnificent figure.

Frame from the film “Vivat, midshipmen!”, 1991. Forever young

more on the topic

The price of Lyubov Orlova's youth: gossip, secrets and plastic surgeryMore than anything, the #1 movie star of the Soviet era was afraid of old age and until her last days portrayed a "young girl" using numerous tricks. Lyudmila Gurchenko herself never hid that she was doing plastic surgery. But she didn't go into details. Her ex-husband Konstantin Cooperweis once said that once the actress did blepharoplasty without anesthesia: she was afraid that swelling would appear due to anesthesia, and she would soon have shootings. And the yellow press wrote that the actress's eyelids stopped closing from numerous blepharoplasties.

Lyudmila Gurchenko, 2006 Source: There were legends that in recent years, when doctors refused to operate on a star who had already been operated on more than once, fearing complications, she demanded that they do what “she said” and explained: “I should be beautiful."

According to some sources, the ageless Lyudmila Gurchenko went through 8 plastic surgeries, according to others - through 17. But no one knows the exact number. The plastic surgeon of the Beauty Institute on the Arbat, Sergey Kulagov, said that Lyudmila Markovna had her own surgeon, a grand lady, with whom the artist had several operations. Then, after the death of her doctor, she turned to him with a request to “get rid of wrinkles,” but the doctor refused. According to him, he “could not find a solution for Gurchenko to remain the same”, her face at that time, due to constant braces, was already “difficult”.

Lyudmila Gurchenko, 2007 Source: The doctor tried to dissuade the artist from further surgical interventions, but could not. The star turned to other surgeons. At the same time, Kulagov noted that Gurchenko received incredible courage from her “updates”, they added drive to her and gave her self-confidence. The price of youth and beauty

more on the topic

Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gurchenko: a love storySergey Senin and Lyudmila Gruchenko lived together for 20 years. Despite the big difference in age (the artist was 25 years older than her husband), it was Sergey who made all the decisions in the house. The famous plastic surgeon Alexander Teplyashin said that one of the luminaries of domestic medicine, an academician, pricked Lyudmila Gurchenko with cell extracts taken from human embryos. In the 90s, rejuvenation with embryonic stem cells was at its peak, everyone admired its incredible effectiveness, people really looked younger before their eyes.

Lyudmila Gurchenko, 2008

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