What foods contain vitamin D. Why do you need vitamin D and how to take it correctly. Symptoms of deficiency and excess

Calciferol, better known to most people as vitamin D, is needed by the body on a daily basis. He is responsible for ensuring that the human skeleton remains strong and develops properly, and the teeth are strong. Of great importance is the substance for the elderly in the prevention of osteoporosis. It is also no less significant for young children: vitamin D ensures normal growth and development of infants. If you choose the right food and walk more often in the fresh air, you can quickly make up for the lack of vitamin D and prevent the occurrence of many serious diseases.

Vitamin D performs many different functions in the body. Its main purpose is the regulation of the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Thanks to calciferol, calcium and phosphorus from foods can be completely absorbed. Further, the body uses these elements to build bone tissue. It is also able to normalize the functions of the nervous system, protein metabolism, helps to quickly mature red blood cells and improves immunity.

It is vitamin D that helps to increase the absorption of elements inside the intestines.

The properties of this vitamin are not limited to this. Its importance for the body is simply enormous.

  • It contributes to the prevention of chronic forms of diseases (such as diabetes, cancer, pressure problems, heart problems, osteoporosis).
  • At times reduces the likelihood of prostate cancer.
  • Reduces the possibility of cancer in the mammary glands.
  • May increase the body's resistance to disease and infection.
  • Controls the growth and function of body cells.
  • Takes part in the production of certain hormones.
  • Provides protection for bones, teeth and hair.

There are several types of vitamin D:

  • D2 - ergocalciferol;
  • D3 - cholecalciferol;
  • D5 - sitocalciferol;
  • D6 - stigmacalciferol.

Any of the presented forms of calciferol has its own significance for the body. However, vitamins D2 and D3 are most significant for humans.

Vitamin D3 contributes to the complete absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the intestine. And the balance and concentration of minerals in bone tissue depends on vitamin D2. Both elements work together, so it is important that the body receives them on time in the required quantities.

In childhood, vitamin D is essential for children to strengthen the immune system and prevent rickets.

Women need calciferol to maintain a healthy bone structure, normalize the functioning of the heart muscles, nerve fibers, regulate metabolism and proper coagulation (blood clotting). A long-term deficiency of vitamin D in the body can result in premature old age and loss of beauty for a woman:

  • nails begin to break;
  • hair falls out a lot;
  • gums bleed;
  • teeth quickly decay and crumble;
  • there is frequent pain in the limbs;
  • frequent fractures of bones are possible.

With a lack of calciferol, the concentration of phosphorus in the body also decreases, which leads to skin rashes, deterioration of health, pain in the limbs and metabolic disorders.

Similar problems with a lack of vitamin D are observed in the male body. In addition, a deficiency of calciferol leads to hormonal imbalances: the amount of testosterone produced decreases, and female sex hormones increase their effect on the male body (which, in turn, leads to new health problems).

Vitamin D can be secreted in the body on its own. This happens with frequent exposure to direct sunlight. Naturally, the body will produce much more vitamin D in summer than in winter. Therefore, when determining how much vitamin D the body needs, one must take into account not only the age, condition of the person, but also the time of year. The dose of vitamin D for each day is calculated in the international unit of measure, abbreviated as IU).

  • The norm of vitamin D for children

Newborns and children under three years old need 400 IU of cholecalciferol per day. At preschool age - 200 IU per day, and in adolescence (when rapid growth and development of the body begins again) - 400 IU per day.

  • Vitamin D for women

From 19 to 50 years old, a woman needs 400 IU of vitamin D per day.

  • Male norm of vitamin D

From 19 to 50 years old, men, like women, need 400 IU of the vitamin per day.

  • Norm during pregnancy and lactation

If a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, then the dose is increased to 800 IU per day.

  • The norm of vitamin D for the elderly

The norm sharply and significantly increases in old age: after 70 years, 1200 IU of calciferol per day is needed (due to increased bone fragility).

The need for calciferol increases under the following conditions:

  • when living in high latitudes;
  • with poor ecology (for example, if people live in industrial areas with highly polluted air);
  • when working on a night shift;
  • while following a vegetarian diet;
  • in old age (due to the risk of osteoporosis);
  • with dark skin (the darker the skin, the worse it synthesizes calciferol);
  • with reduced immunity;
  • with severe diseases;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in this case, the absorption of nutrients decreases significantly).

It is important to remember that this vitamin must be taken strictly in accordance with the norms prescribed by the doctor.

When taking vitamin D, patients with certain diseases should be observed by a doctor:

  • with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • with kidney disease;
  • with sarcoidosis;
  • with hypoparathyroidism.

In no case should the dose of vitamin D be exceeded in the following patients:

  • with autoimmune diseases;
  • with epilepsy;
  • with tuberculosis;
  • with asthma;
  • with high cholesterol levels.

Therefore, the patient should always check with the doctor whether he can take vitamin D in the presence of any disease.

Symptoms of deficiency and overdose of vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency

Such a diagnosis is usually found in residents of large cities, who have to work indoors almost all daylight hours. In addition, dirty and dusty air in megacities conducts the sun's rays much worse. Calciferol is found in the skin, therefore it is easy to destroy it when the skin interacts with chemicals, soap and household chemicals. Therefore, those people who are too scrupulous about cleanliness are more likely to suffer from hypovitaminosis. It also occurs more often in children, women and the elderly.

In most cases, the reasons for its shortage are:

  • excess weight;
  • complications after medical interventions;
  • dark skin color;
  • disruption of the liver and kidneys;
  • inadequate intake of foods high in vitamin D;
  • lack of vitamin E in the body;
  • the use of drugs based on anti-tuberculosis, laxatives, barbiturates.
  • lack of direct exposure to sunlight.

The symptoms of vitamin D, or rather its deficiency, are very easy to recognize. Vitamin D deficiency usually results in muscle weakness and bone pain. People are more likely to suffer from depression, irritability, neurotic disorders, memory problems. The work of the liver, increasing myopia, caries, reduced immunity may be disrupted. It can also cause many diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • osteoporosis;
  • Alzheimer's syndrome;
  • rickets and osteomalacia;
  • oncology;
  • obesity;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • diabetes mellitus type II.

Vitamin D is especially important for children. If it is not enough, then a disease such as rickets develops. Rickets primarily affects the bones. The bones that make up the chest, limbs, become much softer. Because of this, their softening occurs, their fragility and fragility increase. In infancy, this is manifested in the long overgrowth of the fontanel. Changes in the nervous system also begin: the baby becomes whiny, restless, his coordination of movements and sleep are disturbed. At the same time, there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood (anemia), immunity becomes weak and therefore susceptible to various diseases.

You can also accurately determine the lack of this substance using a blood test.

Excessive content of calciferol in the body is just as dangerous as its lack. Due to the large amount of the vitamin, the release of calcium into the blood can increase, which can cause the following conditions:

  • weakness, fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • frequent and painful urination;
  • weight loss;
  • the formation of kidney stones;
  • impaired kidney function;
  • the behavior of a person changes, he is confused;
  • orientation is disturbed;
  • calcium begins to be stored in soft tissues (lungs, heart);
  • headaches;
  • children stop growing.

This is especially dangerous in childhood and old age, since excess vitamin can lead to death.

Causes of hypervitaminosis:

  • additional intake of drugs with vitamin D;
  • the presence of sarcoidosis;
  • the patient has some types of lymphomas;
  • lack of food in the body rich in phosphorus and calcium (or one of the elements);
  • hyperparathyroidism.

It is important to remember that excess vitamin D is not possible simply by eating certain foods and prolonged exposure to the sun. Almost always, hypervitaminosis is the result of enthusiastic use of drugs with its content in high doses. Therefore, taking medications and vitamins should always be agreed with the doctor.

Which vitamin D is best?

The best vitamin D is the one that is produced by the body on its own. It is the most useful, affordable and can definitely be absorbed in the body. It is synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight. In order for the body to always have enough calciferol, regardless of the intake of vitamins and diet, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • walk outside every day for at least two hours;
  • in summer, open the surface of the body as much as possible (as far as possible);
  • at any time of the year on sunny days, be sure to go out for a walk longer, to harden.

Ultraviolet rays cannot pass through fabrics and glass, therefore, with a long stay near the window, a person will not be able to receive any dose of the vitamin - it is the direct rays of the sun that are needed. But do not get too carried away and stay on the beach for too long. In order to get the daily norm of the substance, several hours are enough. And it is better to do it early in the morning (before ten o'clock in the morning) or already in the evening (after four o'clock), in order to avoid the harmful effects of the sun. It is worth knowing that calciferol is not able to form under the skin if it is treated with an agent that protects it from ultraviolet rays.

Excess accumulated vitamin D can be deposited in the liver, which means you can stock up on them for some time.

In second place in terms of "usefulness" for the body is calciferol, which a person receives from ordinary products. It is of natural origin, which means it can be better absorbed by the body.

In third place are preparations containing calciferol and multivitamin complexes. They are the least useful, as they are of synthetic origin and cannot always be absorbed by the body.

Foods with vitamin D

An important quality of the vitamin is its resistance to high temperatures. Therefore, after the heat treatment of products, it will retain all its properties. Thanks to vegetable and animal fats, it is completely absorbed by the body.

Most of this substance is found in products of animal origin. There are very few plant sources, and they are hard to digest. These are just some of the mushrooms: champignons, porcini mushrooms and chanterelles.

What is high in vitamin D? Of course, in products of animal origin. This is first of all:

  1. liver (beef, pork);
  2. sea ​​fish (flounder, herring, mackerel);
  3. milk fats (any dairy products with a high and medium percentage of fat, such as butter, sour cream, cheese);
  4. egg yolk;
  5. Cod liver;
  6. fish fat.

Unfortunately, the more vitamin D in a product, the more cholesterol it contains. There is a lot of calciferol in animal products, but the concentration of cholesterol is also high. There is practically no cholesterol in plant foods, but vitamin D too. Therefore, people who decide to be vegetarians rarely suffer from atherosclerosis, they have no problems in the work of the heart and blood vessels. But therefore, often among vegetarians there are those who lack vitamin D in the body, and therefore their body is prone to rickets, osteoporosis. In this case, long-term exposure to direct sunlight and the inclusion of mushrooms in your diet will help replenish its reserves. They have a lot of cholecalciferol, have a high nutritional value, but they are low in calories.

True, not all mushrooms can be useful. This vitamin in the body of the fungus is produced only if it grew under the sun (just like in humans). Therefore, it is useless to buy mushrooms that are grown on special farms - there they are deprived of the opportunity to receive natural nutrition and lighting. It is better, if possible, to collect mushrooms on your own in the forest or in meadows and fields.

Also, this substance is found in vegetable oils. There is a lot of calciferol in olive, sunflower and linseed oils, but only when they are unrefined and first pressed. A little vitamin D is found in nuts, dandelion, parsley, potatoes, nettle leaves, oatmeal.

The best vitamin D supplements

It may not always be possible to compensate for the lack of a vitamin in a natural way. Then you should use drugs. Usually they are prescribed by a doctor for very strict diets, the inability to stay in the sun for a long time, or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The main advantage of such medicines is the complete absence of cholesterol and other dangerous substances. Medication intake should be strictly controlled by a doctor.

Buying the best vitamin D is easy, but for each person, depending on many factors, it is selected individually. Vitamin D can be found in pharmacies in a variety of forms. It happens as part of multivitamin complexes (tablets), water-based solutions, capsules with fat inside, ampoules for injection into the body with a syringe.

There are a lot of drugs with calciferol. The price depends on many factors. As a rule, preparations with vitamin D2 are much cheaper than their counterparts with vitamin D3 in the composition.

  1. "Aquadetrim". The most popular drug. Most often assigned to weak and premature babies. Often pediatricians prescribe it to all babies 1 drop a day as a prevention of rickets (especially if he was born in a "non-solar" time of the year). "Aquadetrim" can be given to children from 5 weeks of age. The dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the time of year and the condition of the child. In order for the substance to be better absorbed, it is necessary to give it to the baby before meals and preferably in the morning. One drop of the product contains 600 IU of the vitamin. It can be used by children and teenagers of any age.
  2. "Calcium-D3 Nycomed". Available in the form of large chewable tablets with different fruit flavors. The advantage of the drug is that it contains both calcium and vitamin D in the optimal ratio. It can be taken by adults and children. Reached the age of six. Desirable dosage - one tablet a day after meals (it can be chewed or sucked).
  3. Alpha D3-Teva. It is produced in the form of capsules containing an oily solution of vitamin D inside. It can be taken by adults and children from 6 years of age. Take it every day, 1-2 capsules with plenty of water. Capsules should not be chewed - it is better to swallow whole.
  4. "Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3". The main function of the remedy is the prevention of osteoporosis. You need to take one tablet twice a day. You can drink the drug both before and during meals. It is desirable to swallow the tablets whole, without chewing.
  5. Van Alpha. The tablets contain an artificial vitamin D substitute - alfakacidol. It is used to treat rickets, strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. "Etalfa". Danish tool. Release form - drops and capsules (based on sesame oil). It is used to treat osteoporosis and rickets.
  7. "Natekal D3". Available in the form of chewable tablets with calcium and vitamin D3. The tool is aimed at enriching the body with useful substances, normalizes the hormonal background. Take no more than two tablets per day after meals.
  8. "Calcemin". This is BAD. In addition to calcium and vitamin D, it contains manganese, copper and zinc. You need to take 1 tablet daily. The action of the drug is to replenish the deficiency of minerals and vitamins.
  9. Vitrum Osteomag. The action of the drug is aimed at the treatment of osteoporosis and the rapid restoration of bone tissue after fractures. Contains vitamin D3, boron, copper, zinc and calcium.
  10. "Tevabon". Available in the form of tablets and capsules. Used in the treatment of osteoporosis. Contains alfakacidol - an artificial analogue of vitamin D.
  11. Complivit Calcium D3. Can strengthen nails and hair. Accelerates the absorption of calcium by the body, prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis, normalizes blood clotting. Daily you can take 1-2 tablets of the drug. It is better to chew them.

When it comes to getting your vitamin naturally, you just need to get more sun exposure.

Instructions for use

Indications for use.

The drug with calciferol can be prescribed for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as:

  • osteoporosis;
  • rickets in childhood (thinning of the bones and a violation of the shape of the skeleton with improper calcium metabolism in the body);
  • poor immunity with impaired functioning of the respiratory system;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • oncology or predisposition to the occurrence of tumors;
  • skin diseases (such as psoriasis, eczema, etc.);
  • calcium deficiency (hypocalcemia);
  • renal tubular acidosis.

Vitamin D is often prescribed when recovering from corticosteroids and anticonvulsants.

In order to prevent vitamin D should be taken at least once every three years.


Like any drug, vitamin D should never be taken more than the prescribed dose. It is forbidden to use calciferol with:

  • drug allergies;
  • renal osteodystrophy;
  • urolithiasis.

With caution, the drug is used for tuberculosis, pathologies of the heart, kidneys, liver, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

During breastfeeding and during pregnancy, you should drink calciferol only after consulting your doctor.

Calciferol overdose and side effects

In the event that a person is not allergic to vitamin D preparations and takes them according to the instructions, then side effects are very rare. Only occasionally the following reactions are noted:

  • headache;
  • violation of the kidneys;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea.

In the event that a person has an allergy to the drug, the following conditions are possible:

  • weight loss in a short time;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • calcification;
  • high blood pressure;
  • dehydration.

It often also happens that a person takes drugs with calciferol, and the tests still do not improve. This means that the reception was performed incorrectly.

There are many preparations with calciferol, and each of them must be used according to individual instructions. There are no universal instructions and dosages for medicines containing calciferol.

To improve the absorption of drugs, you can use the following recommendations.

  1. Different vitamins and preparations must be taken separately, not in one meal.
  2. It is best to take vitamins in the morning, with meals (but do not deviate from the prescriptions in the instructions if they say otherwise) or between meals.
  3. Vitamin D is fat soluble. Therefore, it is better absorbed in the intestines if taken with any vegetable oils.
  4. You need to drink the drug with plain water, in no case with tea, juices, coffee or herbal infusions. But you can drink milk - it will contribute to the absorption of the substance.

Vitamin D analysis

This blood test is not included in the list of mandatory. Many people may never experience it in their entire lives. It can be prescribed by a doctor in order to accurately determine the amount of vitamin in the blood.

It is desirable to take the analysis in special endocrinological centers. There, a blood test for vitamin D will be performed faster and more professionally.

Who needs this procedure?

Usually, blood sampling is arranged for the following symptoms of vitamin D deficiency: lack or decrease in appetite, tearfulness, poor sleep in a child, irritability and increased fatigue and fatigue.

If the concentration of the element in the blood is too high, it is also necessary to donate blood for vitamin D more often (to control the level of the substance). This happens with too long exposure to the sun, vitamin intoxication.

Overdose signs are:

  • vomit;
  • polyuria;
  • muscle weakness and pain;
  • demineralization in the bones;
  • lack of weight;
  • hypercalcemia.

Blood sampling can also be prescribed for the following diseases:

  1. Whipple's disease, Crohn's;
  2. chronic pancreatitis in combination with insufficient work of secrets;
  3. enteritis (radiation);
  4. gluten enteropathy;
  5. chronic gastritis;
  6. lupus (which affects primarily the skin);
  7. hypocalcemia;
  8. hypophosphatemia;
  9. osteoporosis;
  10. kidney disease;
  11. kidney problems;
  12. avitaminosis D;
  13. hypovitaminosis D;
  14. hyperparathyroidism or hypoparathyroidism (together with osteolation).

This analysis is given in order to determine the degree of concentration of a substance in the blood. This will help to identify hypervitaminosis or hypovitaminosis of calciferol in the body. If a patient suffers from metabolic disorders in bone tissues, then he needs to take such tests (as well as an analysis of the amount of calcium in the blood) for the entire period of treatment of the disease, and also at times after recovery for prevention. This will help to adjust the treatment and dose of drugs.

It is necessary to prepare for the study in advance. In no case should you eat in the morning - the analysis is performed on an empty stomach. At the same time, after the last meal, at least eight hours (and preferably all twelve) must pass before the analysis is taken. You can drink plain water, but no more: juice (especially sweetened), tea, coffee are prohibited.

Blood is taken from a vein, the procedure itself is not very painful.

Normally, the noomal concentration of the substance ranges from 30-100 ng / ml. A substance deficiency is considered to be 10 ng / ml. An insufficient content of a vitamin is considered an indicator from 10 to 30 ng / ml. Human intoxication is possible if the indicator has reached 100 ng / ml or more.

A blood test can also be measured in other units (for example, nmol / l). Then the indicators of the norm and deficit will look a little different.

  • Norm - 75-250 nmol / l;
  • The disadvantage is 25-75 nmol / l;
  • Deficiency - 0-25 nmol / l;
  • Excess - 250 nmol or more.

The blood test is evaluated by an endocrinologist, an endocrinologist surgeon, or a pediatric endocrinologist. Higher doses may be present in the blood of patients with hypoparathyroidism who receive vitamin D at a normal daily dose, but in this case the figure will be in the order of 1250 ng / ml.

The price of the analysis depends on which medical center the blood was taken and in which region. The cost depends on the price of the actual blood sampling (usually about 100-200 rubles) and the blood test itself for the content of the vitamin in it (from 1000 to 3500 rubles). You can donate vitamin D (blood for analysis) only at the medical center itself, and the results of the study can be received directly by e-mail.

The analysis should be taken not only when there is a doctor's indication, but also to detect many diseases at an early stage.

For the body is very large. Vitamins regulate the work of all organs and systems, supporting normal life. For each vitamin separately there is a concept of daily requirement. If a person receives the daily requirement of vitamins every day, then his body works one hundred percent. If this condition is not met, then deficiency states gradually arise, which manifest themselves in functional disorders of the organs and systems of the human body.

Unfortunately, no matter how much we would like it, vitamins are not able to accumulate for the future. It is important to comply with the conditions of daily intake of the required dose of a particular vitamin into the body.

Among the many substances called vitamins, vitamin D plays an essential role for a person. The daily requirement for this substance is: for children and adults - 10 mcg / day; for the elderly, pregnant women and for various diseases - 15 mcg / day. This vitamin is unique in that a person is able to synthesize it on their own and get it along with certain foods. Let's see where vitamin D is found?

Sunlight is a source of vitamin D

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the substance we need begins to form in the skin. Moreover, in different and under different environmental conditions, vitamin D is formed in different ways. Light skin is most prone to vitaminization. Dark skin needs much more time and sunlight to form the same amount. The state of cleanliness of the city's air also plays a big role. In polluted cities, it is more difficult for the sun's rays to break through, and vitamin D is formed in the skin at a slower pace. The most favorable time for sunbathing: morning until 12 o'clock. At this time, the sun's rays are the least aggressive, and the air is still clean.

How to get vitamin D from food?

But what if it's cloudy and there's no sunlight for weeks? For many regions of Russia, this phenomenon is very common. The answer is obvious: in conditions of deficiency of sunlight, it is necessary to include foods rich in the substance we need in the diet. A reasonable question arises: where is vitamin D and other useful substances found?

There are products in which the content of this element is able to satisfy the needs of the human body. These include:

After reviewing this list, you now know where it is. Be sure to include these foods in your diet and stay healthy. It is important to note that this vitamin is quite resistant to heat treatment, but is destroyed in the light and in the air.

What about vegetarians?

Vegetarians who exclude all animal products from their diet should also consider where vitamin D is found. Vegetarians should look out for walnuts, mushrooms, parsley, oats, nettles, alfalfa, and dandelion. But the content of vitamin D in these plant foods is very low, and it will be difficult to make up for the deficiency by eating only such food. For such a case, it will be necessary to include fish oil in the diet, which contains vitamin D in large quantities.

Why is vitamin D useful?

Let's see why vitamin D is so important for our health. Functions of Vitamin D:

  • Composing a complex compound with calcium, it promotes its absorption and assimilation in the body. It makes bones, teeth and nerves strong, hair and nails beautiful.
  • In children, this is the only way to prevent the occurrence and development of rickets.
  • Prevents a dangerous autoimmune disease leading to the development of multiple sclerosis.
  • In combination with vitamins A and C, it strengthens the immune system, providing powerful antiviral protection for humans.
  • Fights against cardiovascular and oncological diseases.
  • Significantly improves the condition of the skin in its diseases.
  • Helps absorb phosphorus and magnesium.
  • Normalizes the blood clotting index.
  • Promotes the excretion of heavy metals, including lead, from the body.
  • As a precursor of testosterone, it is necessary for all men for normal life.

How many functions does this vitamin perform! Now you understand how important it is to know where vitamin D is found and to make up for its deficiency.

Is vitamin D important for children?

It is especially important for a child to maintain the level of vitamin D in the body. This will warn him against a dangerous disease - rickets. Let's find out what vitamin D contains for a child. Breastfed babies get it from the mother's body along with milk. It is very important for a nursing woman to eat foods that contain a lot of vitamin D, to spend enough time in the sun or to take special vitamin complexes. The baby also needs to be in the sun daily in the morning.

Children who are on receive a mixture that contains vitamin D. Carefully study the composition of the mixture. If the necessary vitamin is not found there, then it is necessary either to change the mixture, or to ensure its supply in other ways.

With the introduction of complementary foods and the further transition to "adult" nutrition, you can safely add something that contains vitamin D to your baby's diet.

Can I take vitamin D supplements without a doctor's prescription?

Often, pediatricians prescribe vitamin D supplements for children under three years of age. This is either Vigantol (oil-based) or Aquadetrim (water-based). The method of application and dosage are prescribed only by a doctor, based on the condition of the child, the region of residence and the type of nutrition of the baby. Do not start taking vitamin D without your doctor's advice. An overdose of this substance can cause serious disorders in the body.

In many regions of Russia, where there are no more than sixty sunny days a year, the population is experiencing a lack of vitamin D. This deficiency must be replenished for the full functioning of the body and the prevention of dangerous diseases. Measure the level of vitamin D in all family members and go for a consultation with a doctor. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment.

Vitamin D combines a number of substances, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. Among them are ergocalciferol (D2), contained in food, cholecalciferol (D3), which is produced in the body when sunlight hits human skin. To consume vitamin naturally, you need to know where and what foods contain vitamin D.

What foods contain vitamin D: table

Human health depends on many factors. A huge role is played by useful elements, vitamins, among which are substances of group D. Vitamin has a major impact on the stable functioning and vital activity of the body:

  • Participates in the processes of formation, nutrition, development and regeneration of bone and cartilage tissues. It resists their softening, the occurrence of pathological processes. An important role in these processes is played by the interaction of calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin helps in the absorption of the main substance for building and nourishing the bone;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes, promotes the natural removal of toxins and toxins. Stimulation of metabolic processes allows you to get rid of not only decay products and harmful substances, but also extra pounds;
  • It has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis, helps to absorb and maintain the required level of calcium in the blood;
  • Significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular pathologies, the formation of malignant tumors;
  • Prevents and helps cure serious skin conditions (psoriasis);
  • Strengthens the body's defenses, increases resistance to infectious lesions.
Vitamin D deficiency contributes to the development of a number of diseases, regardless of age:
  • Violations of the cardiovascular system;
  • Lesions, inflammatory processes of the skin (up to cancer);
  • Pathologies of the digestive tract and urinary system;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Overweight, up to obesity;
  • Children develop rickets, a delay in mental and physical development is manifested.

To replenish the level of vitamin D in the body, it is necessary to eat foods that contain the maximum amount of the substance. What foods have the highest concentration of the vitamin? The substance is present in marine fish, dairy products, mushrooms.

Foods richest in vitamin D:

The largest amount of vitamin D is found in fish.

Contrary to popular belief, a much smaller percentage of the substance is present in milk. The “sunshine” vitamin is found in small amounts in fruits and vegetables that ripen in spring or summer. The substance is found in any variety of cabbage, corn, greens (dill, parsley).

What fruits have vitamin D? It can be found in small amounts in citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon), apples, apricots.

Does fish oil contain vitamin D?

If you are wondering: “is vitamin D fish oil or not?” these substances need to be considered in detail.

Fish fat

The name "fish oil" combines a whole group of substances contained in fish. It contains: vitamin D, A-groups, omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids. Therefore, fish oil itself is not vitamin D, the substance is contained in it in the maximum possible amount.

In the largest amount, the substance is present in marine fish: in mackerel, cod, salmon, chum salmon.

Fish oil is a natural product that contains substances that are unique in their benefits to the human body, complementing and enhancing each other's properties (Wikipedia).

Benefits of the product for humans:

  • Prevention of pathologies of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems;
  • Strengthening the immune defense of the body;
  • Prevention of oncological diseases, the formation of tumors of a different nature, the development of diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the urinary system;
  • Participation in the synthesis of serotonin - the hormone of "happiness and good mood.

Vitamin D

What are the main functions of a substance in the body? The main tasks of vitamin D (wikipedia) are:

  • Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal, articular apparatus by improving the absorption of calcium (the main "building" substance of bone tissue), activation of metabolic and regenerative processes in hard and soft tissues;
  • Participation in the processes of hematopoiesis, cell renewal;
  • Strengthening immunity;

Vitamin D is mainly present in marine fish (the maximum concentration is presented in cod species). How much vitamin is contained in cod liver? Here the substance is presented in an amount of 250 mcg and covers the daily human need for the substance by more than 2000%. The pollock liver of the "solar" vitamin contains much less. A sufficient amount is present in herring (fatty), salmon, chum salmon, mackerel.

Omega 3

Omega 3 is a complex of fatty acids that are not produced in the body. Despite this, acids are necessary for a person every day, since they participate in the most important processes, ensure the normal functioning of all systems and organs. Is there vitamin D in omega 3? No, D is a separate element, it is a complex of D-group vitamins, while omega 3 combines a number of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The main functions of omega 3 are:

  1. Fatty acids are necessary for the creation, nutrition, renewal of cells. They saturate tissues with energy at the cellular level. On the basis of omega3, substances are produced that are involved in the most important processes that ensure the stable functioning of the body;
  2. Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. A sufficient concentration of the substance prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the vascular walls, improves their tone and elasticity, preventing the occurrence of blood clots;
  3. Fatty acids, as well as vitamin D, contribute to more efficient absorption of calcium. Destruction, softening of bone tissues, inflammatory processes in the joints and cartilage are prevented;
  4. The substance has a special effect on the activity of the nervous system. A long-term deficiency of Omega3 provokes disturbances in metabolic and communication processes between nerve cells. As a result, a number of pathological conditions arise: schizophrenia, chronic fatigue, prolonged depression, bipolar disorder.

The lack of a substance immediately affects the external attractiveness: the hair loses its luster, density, begins to split; nails become brittle, begin to exfoliate; the skin loses elasticity and healthy color, rashes are possible.

The main sources of omega3 are:

  • Marine fish;
  • Vegetable oils (the substance is found in linseed oil, olive, mustard);
  • Chia seeds, flax.

These products contain the largest amount of fatty acids. Which fish has the most omega3s? The maximum concentration of the substance is present in cod species, more precisely in cod liver, where 19.3 g of the substance is contained per 100 g of the product. In other fish species and their waste products, a smaller amount of omega3 is concentrated:

  • Mackerel contains 2.7 g;
  • Fresh salmon contains about 2.5 g;
  • In red, black caviar, 6.8 g is concentrated;
  • Anchovies = 1.45;
  • Fatty herring contains about 1.5 g.

If you love fruits and vegetables, you are wondering if they contain omega 3, you can be sure that it is present, but in very small quantities. The substance is found in strawberries, avocados, raspberries.

Omega 3 and vitamin d3: compatibility

Omega 3 substances and vitamin D3 are perfectly combined. The elements are present in one natural product - fish oil and mutually complement each other. Vitamin D3 is fat-soluble, so its absorption is more effective when influenced by fatty acids (omega 3). Does omega 3 contain vitamin D3 and vice versa? No, each of the substances is separate and belongs to different groups of elements: D3 - cholecalciferol from D-group vitamins, omega 3 - a complex of fatty acids.

The ideal ratio of substances is contained in fish oil - a unique product that has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Important! If you are taking fish oil, you do not need to supplement with omega 3 or D3, this can lead to an overdose of substances and negative symptoms.

Solarium and vitamin D

Is vitamin D produced when visiting a solarium? Yes, this device increases the synthesis of a substance. It is necessary to know that it is recommended to visit the solarium for medical reasons (psoriasis, dermatitis). In all other cases, exposure to a tanning bed can be no less dangerous than exposure to direct sunlight.

This is due to the fact that the operation of the device is based on exposure to UV rays (UVA, UVB), which have oncogenic properties, resulting in a high risk of developing melanoma (skin and eyes are affected) and carcinoma (skin cancer).

Less serious consequences include early aging, burns, scarring of the skin, inflammatory eye lesions (conjunctivitis, keratitis).

Are you getting vitamin D from tanning beds? Yes, the substance is produced, just as when exposed to direct sunlight. However, when receiving a vitamin, the risk of developing cancerous skin lesions is high, so the solarium does more harm than good.

Rules for using the solarium

If you still want to visit artificial ultraviolet "baths", you need to minimize the harmful effects of the UV radiation apparatus. To do this, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • Choose a tanning studio with qualified staff. Do not pay attention to cheapness and inviting advertising moves, remember - your health is at stake;
  • An important point is the intensity of radiation in the studio equipment. Find out what is the strength of the rays that will affect your skin. Please note - the high intensity of artificial lamps often exceeds the power of direct sunlight and will not bring anything but harm;
  • Check equipment expiration date. The use of expired equipment can lead to serious consequences;
  • Eyes during the session must be protected. Ideally, use sunglasses;
  • The first tanning sessions should be as short as possible;
  • The number of visits per week should not exceed 2 procedures, per year - 30.

Is vitamin D produced when rays hit glass?

Can you get vitamin D through glass? When natural light enters through a window, such a small amount of a substance is produced that it will not affect your health in any way. However, there is a risk of negative effects on your skin.

Does sunlight pass through glass? It depends on the type of rays. The 2 main types of UV exposure are:

  • UVB rays that penetrate the upper layers of the skin can cause burns in large quantities. Laminated machine glasses, high-quality plastic in an apartment can prevent this type of radiation from entering, ordinary glass will not stop it;
  • UVA rays, the negative impact of which is carried out on the middle layers of the skin, causing significant damage. This type of ultraviolet rays cannot stop any kind of windows.

Is it possible to get serious exposure through glass? Of course, you will not receive serious exposure, but there is a negative effect on the skin and there is a risk of its diseases. At the same time, the positive effect on your body is minimal - vitamin D is produced in negligible amounts.

A great way to get vitamin D is to stand in the sun for an hour or two. How about doing this daily? Not possible, right? That is, then we turn to food. There are many natural sources of vitamin D, but most of us don't even know about them. But then why are we here? In this article, we will just tell you about the most useful and healthy foods with vitamin D. Keep reading!

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble mineral that is formed in the skin when it is exposed to direct ultraviolet rays. It is a unique vitamin that is essential for the maintenance of a number of functions: healthy bones, muscles and teeth, control of cell growth, proper immune and neuromuscular function, and overall health. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets, when bones do not develop and function properly.

UV rays are nature's best source of vitamin D. They convert a chemical present in your skin into vitamin D3. It is transported to the liver and kidneys and then converted to active vitamin D. However, prolonged sun exposure can increase the risk of skin cancer.

The lack of this vitamin is that it is not found in many foods. We've compiled a list of the 29 best vitamin D foods that are readily available.

Top 29 Foods High in Vitamin D

1. Sunshine

Good news for all sunshine lovers!

A regular 30-minute walk in the warm sun can provide you with plenty of vitamin D. Now we are talking about direct contact with the sun, not the rays that scatter through your windows.

All this happens quite simply, especially during the summer. When the sun's rays reach our skin, they stimulate the production of vitamin D in the body. The more it is exposed to the sun, the greater the production of vitamin D. Remember that for the rays to penetrate, the skin should not have clothes on.

2. Salmon

Salmon is high in fat, making it an excellent source of vitamin D. About 100 grams of salmon will provide you with 80% of the recommended amount of vitamin D.

3. Additives

Another way to include vitamin D in your diet is through the use of nutritional supplements.

There are two forms of preparations containing vitamin D - these are D2 and D3. The former, also called ergocalciferol, is synthesized from plants and yeast. This type of additive is the most widely used. Another form is vitamin D3, scientifically known as cholecalciferol. Since vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are not active in the body, they must be metabolized by the body itself into an active form called calcitriol.

Mushrooms are, in fact, the only plant source that contains vitamin D.

During the growth phase, they actively absorb sunlight, making them an excellent source of vitamin D. Mushrooms are also rich in B-complex vitamins such as B1, B2, B5 and minerals such as copper.

The amount of vitamin D in mushrooms depends on the type and species. Shiitake mushrooms are considered the best.

Advice. Before cooking the mushrooms, cut them up and expose them to the sun. This will further increase the dose of vitamin D.

5. Mackerel

Mackerel is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Just 100 grams of mackerel can already provide you with 90% of your daily vitamin D requirement. Thus, people who consume enough mackerel will be able to get all these essential minerals and vitamins that the human body cannot synthesize on its own.

6. Halibut

Tender white meat and pleasant aroma of halibut made it a favorite among fish. It is a nutritious food and contains important minerals and vitamins such as phosphorus, selenium, vitamins B12 and B6 and omega-3 fatty acids. Halibut is also one of the best sources of vitamin D - 100 grams of halibut contains 1097 IU of the vitamin.

7. Herring

Herring contains a significant amount of vitamin D because it feeds on plankton, which are filled to the brim with vitamin D.

8. Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil has been a popular supplement for many years and is extremely rich in vitamin D, vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Regular consumption of this fat will promote healthy and strong bones, prevent osteoporosis in adults, and improve brain function.

Advice. Cod liver oil is also available in capsule form, which is the best option for those who don't like its strong flavor.

9. Caviar

Caviar provides 232 IU of vitamin D per 100-gram serving.

It has a pleasant taste and is an excellent snack. It's a storehouse of nutrients - it contains minerals like selenium, iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, as well as essential vitamins: vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B6, folate, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid.

10. Sardines

Sardines are becoming more and more popular due to their amazing health benefits. They are one of the best sources of vitamin D.

A very small amount of sardines will already provide up to 70% of the daily value. This fish contains 270 IU of vitamin D per 100 grams. They are also an excellent source of vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, protein and selenium. The high content of omega-3 fatty acids promotes bone health, lowers cholesterol and reduces inflammation.

11. Catfish

Catfish, like herring, constantly feeds on plankton and tiny marine life.

It is low in calories, vitamins, proteins and "good" fats. Just one fillet will provide you with up to 200% of your recommended vitamin D intake, and 159 grams will provide you with 795 IU of vitamin D.

12. Canned tuna

80 grams of tuna provides 50% of the vitamin D your body needs.

Fresh tuna is the most nutritious.

13. Flounder

One flounder contains a quarter of the daily required amount of vitamin D.

14. Beef liver

Beef liver is a good source of vitamin D; 80 grams of beef contains 42 IU of vitamin D, about a quarter of the daily required amount of vitamin D.

Beef is also a good source of vitamin B12, iron and protein.

15. Ricotta Cheese

Ricotta stands out as the only source of vitamin D among all milk by-products. It contains five times more vitamin D than any other cheese.

This cheese contains a relatively high amount of vitamin D, about 25 IU per serving.

16. Carp fish

Carp fish are also a good source of vitamin D. Did you know that 100 grams of carp fish contain 988 IU of vitamin D?

Besides vitamin D, this fish also contains vitamins A, D, E, and K, niacin, riboflavin, and minerals such as zinc, copper, magnesium, and sodium.

17. Eggs

Eating one egg a day will provide 10% of the recommended vitamin D intake. In addition to vitamin D, eggs are also a good source of vitamin B12 and protein.

18. Salami

Note. While salami, ham, and sausages are good sources of vitamin D, they are high in sodium and can raise cholesterol levels. Excess consumption of salami and ham can increase the risk of stroke, hypertension and heart attack.

Some forms of cereals also contain vitamin D.

Before buying cereals, check the nutritional information on the label to find out how much vitamin D they contain. Choose those that contain at least 100 IU of vitamin D.

20. Milk

One glass of milk will provide 20% of your daily vitamin D requirement.

Boiling milk will remove vitamin D from the formula as it is fat soluble. So always choose whole milk. However, nowadays skim milk is also fortified with vitamin D.

Keep in mind that dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream do not contain vitamin D. Only liquid milk and whole milk products contain it.

21. Oysters

Oysters are one of the best foods rich in vitamin D.

Raw oysters contain 320 IU of vitamin D per 100 grams - a whopping 80% of our daily requirement. In addition, oysters are also a good source of vitamin B12, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium, and copper.

Although raw oysters have a higher nutritional value, they should always be properly cooked before eating to kill harmful bacteria.

Note. Oysters are high in cholesterol and should be consumed in moderation, especially by people suffering from cardiovascular disease.

22. Orange juice

A glass of fresh orange juice is the best way to start your day. You may also consider packaged juices if fresh fruit is not available for some reason. This is perfect for those who don't like dairy.

Orange juice contains a good amount of vitamin D. One cup of orange juice contains 100 IU of vitamin D and 120 calories.

23. Soy products

Each 79-gram serving of tofu offers 581 IU of vitamin D. One cup of plain soy milk provides 338 IU of vitamin D, while soy milk fortified with calcium and vitamins A and D provides 297 to 313 IU. You can also try soy yogurt as it offers 161 IU of vitamin D.

24. Shrimps

Each 85 grams of shrimp contains 139 IU of vitamin D. They also contain moderate amounts of omega-3s, protein, selenium, antioxidants, and are low in fat. You can indulge in this seafood without worrying about weight.

25. Margarine

Margarine butters are fortified with vitamin D, which makes them delicious.

It's a healthier alternative to regular butter because margarine contains 65% less saturated fat. It also has moderate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, making it a good breakfast option.

26. Vanilla yogurt

Having a pack of vanilla yogurt is the perfect option for those who don't want to eat any meaty treats. Yogurt is good not only for your taste buds, but also for your health.

As you know, each serving of vanilla yogurt contains 115 IU of vitamin D.

Note. This product may not be suitable for weight watchers given that each packet of vanilla yogurt contains approximately 208 calories.

27. Oil

Good news for all oil lovers! While any diet says it's a "fatty" food, it's been known to contain small amounts of vitamin D.

Butter is a saturated fat and aids in the absorption of vitamin D from other sources.

Don't overdo it with oil. When consumed in moderation, it can actually be a healthy addition to your diet.

28. Sour cream

Sour cream, in addition to its great taste, also contains vitamin D. This can be found out by looking at any table of products with vitamin D.

Sour cream is a rich source of essential nutrients such as protein, vitamin A, potassium and calcium. What else? Each tablespoon of sour cream contains only 28 calories.

Considering how many fish there are on this list, only the sun's rays can compete with them in terms of vitamin D content. Swordfish is another addition to the list.

100 grams contains 566 IU.

So, that was all about which foods are rich in vitamin d. Keep reading to learn more about vitamin D and the factors that affect its production.

The recommended daily intake (RDA) of vitamin D is measured in international units (IU). According to data published in 2010, the RDA for vitamin D is 600 IU for people aged 1-70. On the other hand, infants are advised to take 400 IU of vitamin D per day. Pregnant and lactating women should take 600-2000 IU daily, depending on their health condition. Similarly, for people over the age of 71, this RDA changes to 800 IU and above.

Factors Affecting Your Skin's Production of Vitamin D

The amount of vitamin D your body produces depends on more than just the type of food you eat or the amount of time you spend in the sun. This process is very specific and depends on factors that are not related to our diet or behavior.

1. Skin color and tan level

Have you ever wondered why fair-skinned people are more susceptible to UV radiation and skin cancer? This is because of the melanin content in their body. And this fact is also important for the production of vitamin D.

Those with pale skin reach their zenith of vitamin D production after about 15 to 20 minutes of sun exposure. Any further contact could be harmful.

This period of time doubles or even triples in the case of dark-skinned people, of course, depending on the level of melanin in their skin.

So, if you fall into the first category, then go out in the sun for only 15 minutes or even less. Using a tanning bed is also an option, but it's best to avoid it.

Those who fall into the second category may be outside for longer periods of time. But don't overdo it.

2. Time spent in the sun

An important factor is also the time spent directly in the sun.

Those who spend relatively less time outside are more likely to be deficient in vitamin D than others. But, as explained earlier, it depends entirely on your skin type and color. Do not stay in the sun more than necessary. This can cause burns and even lead to skin cancer.

Your body is not a machine. It will only produce a limited amount of vitamin D per day.

3. Weather conditions

The weather also plays an important role in determining how much vitamin D your body can produce.

Cloudy days, although relatively cool, are very deceptive. You may not know it, but even on cloudy days, sunburn can occur. This is because although clouds block infrared rays, they can only filter some of them.

In addition, snow, sand and water reflect UV radiation, increasing its intensity, whether the sky is transparent or not. UV penetration is reduced to low levels in areas with air pollution, such as cities surrounded by hills.

4. Latitude and height

A little geography for you.

I assume you know that solar radiation is strongest at the equator and decreases as you get farther to the poles. Therefore, UV radiation in areas falling on the equator is 4-5 times greater than in the Antarctic and Arctic circles.

This effect can be observed in areas located above sea level, since there is much less atmosphere, i.e. fewer UV obstructions. It may seem absurd, but you are more prone to sunburn in the mountains than in the plains.

5. Season

This is by far the most obvious factor associated with UV radiation. Summer means more sun, which means more vitamin D.

6. Time of day

The optimal time for sunbathing is between 7:00-9:00.

This is a great time, as even a short exposure to UV rays can provide you with enough vitamin D for the whole day.

Small warnings

An overdose of anything can cause side effects, and this vitamin is no exception. Its overdose can cause nausea, poor appetite, constipation, weight loss, weakness, and kidney disease. This usually occurs when you consume vitamin D in excess amounts.

Do not exceed 4,000 IU per day, whether through sun exposure, food, and/or nutritional supplements.

It was all about foods rich in vitamin d. So, go and bask in the sun to get your dose of vitamin D.

Stay fit, stay healthy!

There are many vitamins from the D group, but a person needs only D2 and D3 to maintain health. In addition to eating foods rich in vitamin D, you need to be in the sun as often as possible. It is the ultraviolet rays that help the vitamin to be produced independently.

Find out all about vitamin D deficiency, foods with a high (high) content of it, which ones have the most of it, where to look for the nutrient to restore balance in the body.

Health impact

Vitamin D important for young children and pregnant women. It strengthens bones and teeth, helps the correct formation of the children's skeleton, muscular and nervous system, and prevents serious illnesses.

These nutrients help the body better assimilate, vitamins A, C, E, and. The inclusion of foods containing vitamin D (calciferol) in the diet reduces the risk of childhood rickets or osteoporosis in adulthood.

This vitamin regulates the growth and division of body cells. Regular consumption of foods containing it, significantly reduces the risk of cancer. A sufficient content of calciferol in the body normalizes, improves immunity and stabilizes blood pressure.

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, regulates the production of thyroid hormones, improves skin condition, and increases efficiency.

For more information about the functions of the vitamin, see the video:

When to Eat Foods Rich in It

It is necessary to receive about 5-10 mcg (or 200-400 IU) of this substance per day. Insufficient amount of it can greatly affect the well-being of a person.

The first signs of calciferol deficiency in adults:

  • destruction of tooth enamel and their premature loss;
  • partial loss of vision;
  • depression;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of appetite;
  • muscle weakness;
  • deformation (thickening) of the joints;
  • burning, sore throat;
  • fragility of bones, frequent fractures.

The appearance of at least a few of these symptoms is a serious reason to reconsider your diet.

For children, lack of vitamin D3 is even more dangerous.. It can lead to rickets, cessation of growth and development of the child. Symptoms of such a shortage will be:

  • prolonged non-overgrowth of the fontanel;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sweating;
  • irritability, tearfulness;
  • deformation of the bones of the spine and ribs;
  • loss of appetite;
  • curvature of the lower extremities;
  • long teething.

Young children are prescribed preparations containing vitamin D3, since with a significant deficiency it is impossible to obtain the required amount from food. But in the case of cholecalciferol, both its deficiency and excess are equally dangerous.

Signs of an overabundance:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • headache;
  • fever;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • deposition of salts in the heart and blood vessels;
  • skin itching and rashes.

If the symptoms of deficiency or excess are pronounced, then you need to adjust your diet and see a doctor to prescribe special medications.

Content Leading Sources

During heat treatment, all the benefits of this substance are preserved.. The main condition is that when cooking, put food only in boiling water and prevent overcooking.

Frozen food thaw slowly, naturally, without soaking in water. The best way to cook is in a double boiler or oven. Food that has already been cooked cannot be reheated.

Find out what, what foods contain a lot of vitamin D, where its content is high, how much you need to eat from this table:

What foods contain vitamin D Quantity (µg/100 g) How much product per day should be consumed, g
Cod liver200 7
halibut liver2500 1
Fish fat230 5
Halibut27 37
Herring30 33
Mackerel15 67
Carp25 40
Trout16 63
Acne23 43
Pink salmon13 100
Keta16 63
Tuna3 400
Black caviar8 125
Butter1,5 800
2,2 454
Raw egg yolk5 110
4,5 150
Lamb kidneys0,5 2000
Lamb liver1 1000
Cod1,3 850
Sprats in oil20 50
Salmon12 65
Red caviar5 200
Sardines in oil9 135
Acidophilic powdered milk formulas16 63
Margarine10 120
Bifidolact dry17 70
Fatty sour cream0,5 2000
Cream 30%0,2 3000
Hard cheese1 1000
Whole cow's milk0,2 3000
5% 1 1000
Butter3 170
Powdered milk0,3 2600
or ryazhenka2,5 450
Ghee butter1,8 560
vulture mushroom63 16
Chanterelles8,8 130
Morels6,3 150
oyster mushrooms2,6 400
Cocoa6,6 150
Ice cream0,2 3000
Lemon and juice0,1 6000
, dill, wheat0,1 6000
Alfalfa, horsetail, dandelion, nettle3 170

If you include all these products in your diet every day, you can provide the body with vitamin D and other micro and macro elements.

More about products with this substance:

What substances and products reduce its level

With regular eating of junk food, for example, fast food, the level of calciferol can drop sharply. Products that reduce the content of this substance:

Taking medications can also significantly lower the amount of cholecalciferol in the body. These drugs include:

Often calciferol called the "sunshine" vitamin. With regular exposure to the sun for at least 20-30 minutes, the need for additional intake is reduced by 2-3 times. But it is desirable to be in the sun only in the morning or evening hours. Do not shower or swim before and after sunbathing.

Additional intake of any vitamin preparations must be prescribed by a doctor. And in the case of cholecalciferol - especially.

To find out what level of this vitamin is contained in the body, you can conduct a test. After special training, a blood test determines the amount of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. If its level is below 20 nanograms per ml, then there is a serious deficiency. The norm is readings from 30 to 74 nanograms per ml of blood.

In young children with signs of rickets, the amount of calciferol in the body is checked by urine analysis.. Children born in autumn and winter are prescribed vitamin D3 supplements or fish oil.

To avoid many health troubles, you need to eat right, regularly include foods containing vitamin D in the menu, spend more time in the sun and give up bad habits. Subject to all these recommendations, additional intake of cholecalciferol preparations is not required.

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