MCC train. A new type of urban transport: how does the MCC differ from metro and trains

Georgy Malets made a circle around the MCC and told what awaits Muscovites at the new ring road. We have nothing to add - we publish Georgiy's report and congratulate the townspeople on the fact that the travel time to work will finally be reduced.

What is MCC? This is not a subway or train - it's something in between. Many cities in Europe have long had urban commuter trains combined with a metro system that originate from cities and take passengers to the suburbs. So, the Moscow Central Ring, formerly called the Moscow Ring Railway, is precisely the city train. On City Day, September 10, a new transport line was launched in the capital.

(Total 26 photos)

In the morning the movement was opened by Vladimir Putin and Sergei Sobyanin. Already in the afternoon, an event for journalists was held, which was attended by Maxim Liksutov and the head of the subway, Dmitry Pegov.

Closer to two in the afternoon, rather suddenly for the press and bloggers, Patriarch Kirill appeared. Together with him, everyone entered the new "Swallow" and went around the ring.

For the first time, 24 out of 31 planned stations are available to passengers - construction works continue on the new ring. According to Marat Khusnullin, the work will be fully completed only in 2018.

The history of the Moscow Ring begins in 1897, when a decision was made to build the Moscow District Railway, and on July 20, 1908, regular train traffic was opened. The small ring turned out to be not quite round, in the northwest it stretches for 12 kilometers, and in the south it runs 5 kilometers from the Kremlin. 14 stations were built on the road - unique examples of Moscow Art Nouveau at the beginning of the 20th century.

Until 1917, the ring road transported workers and employees of the enterprises adjacent to it around Moscow, although there were always not enough passengers. By the end of the 1920s, the areas through which the MOZhD route passed received reliable tram and bus service, and in 1934 passenger traffic along the ring was closed.

Electrification and reconstruction of the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway for passenger traffic began in 2011. According to the plan, the MCC will become a new interchange circuit that will unite the metro and the radial directions of suburban railways, which will make it possible to remove transit flows from the center.

Each of the 31 MCC stations will operate as a transport hub. For example, here is a shot directly from the platform of the Luzhniki station, where you can see that it is only 1-2 minutes to walk to the Sportivnaya metro station.

At the MCC, 17 transfers from 11 metro lines, including those under construction, and 10 transfers to 9 radial directions of the railway will become possible.

Each car has Wi-Fi, sockets, shelves for hand luggage, hooks for outerwear and a board that displays the date, time, train speed and temperature in the cabin.

On the door in each of the five cars there is a special button that must be pressed to enter and exit the car.

The train runs a full circle in 75 minutes, the length of the line is 54 kilometers. The first month of the MCC will be free of charge.

The green color is not a mistake with the colors in the photo. One of the unusual stations of the MCC was the stop "Business Center", made in green colors.

From it you can go to the Mezhdunarodnaya metro station without going outside at all.

I drove the whole ring, leaving at many stations, and I can say that exits and transitions are organized quite conveniently everywhere, there are signs and navigation.

Trains operate daily from 5:50 to 00:30, with an interval of 6 minutes during peak hours and 12 minutes at other times.

The distance between the metro and MCC stations is rather small almost everywhere. For example, a transfer from the Vladykino metro station to the Vladykino MCC stop is very close by.

The shortest transition was the transfer from the station " Leninsky Prospekt to the Gagarin Square station. You must have noticed the empty staircase leading to nowhere. The fact is that this transition has been conceived for many years as a transition to the station of the Moscow ring road.

The station of the Moscow Central Ring "Gagarin Square" is the only underground stop. Transferring to it is no different from the usual transition to the subway, it takes just a couple of minutes.

To travel to the MCC, city tickets for the metro, Troika cards, and travel cards for surface transport are valid. The cost is similar.

In total, 33 Lastochka trains, already familiar to passengers, will run along the Central Circle. The compositions are designed by Siemens, last years gathering in Russia.

To be honest, I did not think that there would be so many people on the very first day of the MCC. The cars became full from the first minutes of the official launch!

Since the system for citizens is completely new, there are still many questions about the operation of the ring. To solve problems, metro employees work at all stations, who informatively explain to people how and what works.

Even if your daily route does not run along the Moscow Central Circle, I advise you to just ride one lap - an extremely unusual experience.

So, I decided not to shelve this matter, and yesterday, after work, I joined. I didn’t drive along the full ring, there was no time, but I mastered three quarters of it - from Vladykino to Izmailovo.

Well, what can I say? So far it is obvious that this is an attraction clean water, roughly, like the Moscow monorail immediately after its opening, officially working then "in a tour mode." Only the monorail was paid, but the MCC was not, which is what the vast majority of its passengers use. But first things first.

What we liked: Trains! You can laugh at me, but yesterday I rode the "Swallow" for the first time. Very smooth acceleration and quiet, in terms of sound, movement. On the move, you hear not the sound of traction engines, not the howling of gears, not the knock of compressors - but only the grinding of the wheel flange against the rails in curves. Well, even at high speed, the wobbling of the wagon is felt. But, by and large, in comparison with those ER1 ED4M, which we ride - heaven and earth. In general, comparing Siemens Desiro Rus and crafts from the Demikhov factory is like comparing black sturgeon caviar with capelin caviar.

Navigation at the stations is fully present (however, in some places they did not replace the plates with the original names, which were changed during the construction process). But, in general, everything is clear and intelligible:

Escalators work at all stations where I have been - which is important, considering that the route of the District Railway, historically, is located on high embankments for almost its entire length.

What did not like: The whole MCC is still very, very raw. It’s good to finish it for at least another two months - but we have assault and window dressing at the forefront, so ... Many stations have not completed the actual exits to the city - for me, for example, to get to the platform from Dmitrovsky highway, I had to walk past the Okruzhnaya platform, because the entrance to it is open only from the inside of the ring, and walk to the next Vladykino station. There is a transition to the outer side on Okruzhnaya - but it has not yet been completed, and is closed. The "wild" crossing that used to be here was blocked with fences - however, the citizens have already made holes in them ... you have to cross the piece of iron, but go around a kilometer - no fools. The same thing happened at the exit - and I went out to Izmailovo: direct access to the Partizanskaya metro station is still being completed, so citizens are forced to use the only exit towards Tkatskaya Street, and make a detour under the overpasses of the MK MZhD and the fourth ring. Three hundred meters in a straight line, and six hundred along the existing route - there is a difference.
Secondly, as many have noted, there really are not enough informant announcements on which side the platform to which the train arrives is located. On the MCC, the platforms are mainly coastal, but about a quarter are island ones. Until the train pulls up directly to the platform, it is not visible. As a result, getting out rush from one side of the car to the other. Over time, of course, they will remember where everything is located, and they will get used to it - as they are already accustomed to pressing the buttons on the doors so that they open - but now this is noticeably lacking.
The third is the name. What means Moscow Central Circle? And where is the Moscow non-central ring? There was a normal name - the Moscow District Railway, historical, and understandable to everyone: BMO is BMO, it is in the region, and Okruzhnaya is in Moscow. But no. EM CE KA. The Central Committee of some EM. The combination of three consonants is terrible.

Well, the fourth thing I don't like about the MCC - but this is my personal IMHO: the organization of a purely ring traffic. MK MZhD has a connection with all radial railway lines of the Moscow junction, including those that do not have a through diametrical passage: Kazansky, Kievsky, Paveletsky and Yaroslavsky. Nothing prevents some of the trains from these directions from running not to their dead-end stations, but in transit through the ring to another radius. Part, not all - let one train out of five - ten. Especially considering the desire of the Moscow Region authorities and Russian Railways to increase the pairing of suburban electric trains under the slogan of turning them into some kind of "light metro" (the term, in this case, is absolutely illiterate, but I will use it, in relation to the situation). Yes, this will complicate the scheduling, make it necessary to match the schedules of different directions - but nothing is impossible. After all, the New York subway has been operating on the same route pattern for many decades. Of course, someone will object to me that this is a utopia - my dears, about ten years ago, passenger traffic itself along the Small Ring was also considered a utopia. However...

Will they use: Definitely, they will. First of all, those who work or live within walking distance of the ring stations. I myself, if I still lived on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, would absolutely use it - my native home stands directly opposite the platform:

With transfer trips it is much more difficult - so far, convenient transfers to the MCC can be counted on the fingers of one hand - "Leninsky Prospekt" - Gagarin Square, "Kutuzovskaya", "Vladykino", "Cherkizovskaya" - Lokomotiv - well, perhaps that's all. With transfers to trains and ground transport, it is even more difficult. Perhaps, when all this is brought in accordance with the plans, the passenger flow will settle down. Again, using the ring for travel is convenient only if the route that runs through it is a quarter, a maximum of a third of the length of the ring. If more, then it is much more convenient to drive in a straight line, especially since there is almost always such an opportunity. Well, now 80-90% of passengers are exclusively curious citizens. Including transport freaks - freaks, loudly, for the whole car or platform, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of electric trains of the ES2G class compared to trains of the ET2M series, for example :) But someone has already fully appreciated the innovation, and uses it in a direct - transport - destination:

True, it’s mostly young people who are seven miles away from the transplant - not a detour :) Interestingly, I noticed that on trains following inside ring, there are much more passengers than in those that go along the outer one. Well, and - for me personally, the MCC is neither to the village nor to the city, at least at the present time.

About the views from the train window: Let's be objective: since the construction of the District Railway in 1908, it has been the center of attraction for industrial zones that have been built around it for seventy (I repeat: SEVENTY) years. And overnight they, and the entourage that accompanies them, will not go anywhere, even though they try to bashfully cover them with fences:

No, I do not argue that the railway also passes by quite beautiful places in Moscow: in Luzhniki, for example, this is the Novodevichy Convent, and the Luzhniki sports complex itself; in Izmailovo - the hotel complex of the same name, and the Izmailovo Fair, with its popular Kremlin; post-war development in the area of ​​the Oktyabrsky field; from bridges across the Moscow River open beautiful views, the Belokamennaya station is generally located in the forest, and not just in the forest, but in the National natural park"Elk Island"; and someone likes the skyscrapers of the City:

But, in eighty percent of cases, the surrounding landscape from the window will look like this:

So if you love aesthetics ebeney- industrial zones, garages, and multi-level transport interchanges - you will certainly enjoy a trip around the MCC. Just hurry - with the current pace of Moscow urban planning, they will soon be exhausted for the most part.

My impressions. Of course, I liked it more than I didn’t like it, judging by a five-point scale :) Already one thing is to ride a train along the legendary Okruzhnaya railway, on which passenger trains have not run for more than eighty years - it is worth a lot. Of course, the jambs are very striking. But there is no doubt that they will be corrected. The main thing is not to forget about the little things.

It is good that the ring was not turned into a purely passenger one, a complete analogue of the metro, as some radical comrades suggested: after all, the original purpose of the District Railway - to connect all Moscow railway radii - is a strategic thing, and should have remained untouched. Again, variety for the railroad fans ;)

More from what I've seen. The MCC has its own Moscow time:

Business center station, with its vigorous green color:

The canopy over the platform is connected to the walls in such a way that during rain, water will be poured into the station. Is that how it's meant to be?

When I was at the Kutuzovskaya station, two hard workers dragged, right across the tracks, some hefty electric box, and threw it onto the platform, in its narrowest place. A minute later, the Swallow arrived on the same path, disembarking passengers who had to step over this box, or squeeze between it and the wall. That is, with the security of both employees and passengers at the MCC, so far, complete seams. I would like to hope that this will not lead to serious consequences.

Something like that. Of course, I plan to drive around the MCC more thoughtfully, and during daylight hours. And then in the dark around you can’t see anything at all :)

In the meantime, I voiced my first impressions from his visit. So all of the above is just my personal subjective opinion.

Yes, and: a note for those who are in the subject;) In my passport in the column "Place of birth" is written "city of Moscow". And on my father's side, I'm a Muscovite in the third generation;)

Five months have passed since the opening of traffic along the Moscow Central Ring. Comfortable red electric trains have already ceased to be perceived as exotic, but have become a familiar mode of transport for many. But still, not all Muscovites and guests of the capital managed to ride around the entire ring. I had some free time, and I decided to make a full circle.

2. The height of the working day, there are not very many people, but you can’t call empty platforms either. , transition to the metro station "Avtozavodskaya".

3. "Swallows" go often.

4. Who ordered a taxi to Dubrovka? Today we will go by train.

5. Basically, the route of the MCC passes through industrial areas. There are unexpectedly many hypermarkets and shopping centers along the way.

6. A new Zilart quarter is being built somewhere around here.

7. Promised hack:
Previously, it was possible to travel around the MCC with a free tour. I'm sorry I never got around to getting out. For those who could not take a ride with a tour, the management of the Moscow Metro promised to launch an audio guide by the end of 2016, unfortunately, I did not find it. I suspect that the audio guide was never made.
But, having searched for information on the net, I found a page with a good amateur audio tour. The tour consists of 30 fragments, carefully divided into stages. It is very convenient to go and listen to what is outside the window.
The audio tour is a bit outdated, since several previously closed stations have opened since the recording, but the information is still useful and interesting. Thanks to the authors!
Link to audio tour of the MCC:, make yourself comfortable by the window and enjoy. That's exactly what I did.

8. Shopping complex "City".

9. Do not forget that the MCC is the brainchild of not only the metro, but also Russian Railways. Therefore, fans of diesel locomotives and other trainspotting will find a lot of interesting things for themselves. If only the windows were cleaner.

10. Some more railway equipment.

11. Hotel "Izmailovo", the MCC station of the same name is located very close.

12. Note to non-residents.

13. Izmailovsky Kremlin. There is a good view of it.

14. Somewhere in the area of ​​the former Cherkizon.

15. It is interesting to observe not only the city, but also the people.

16. "Moose Island".

17. Another shopping center.


19. "Swallow" rides very quietly and smoothly, you can take a nap. At the same time, at times the electric train accelerates to almost 100 kilometers per hour.

20. Snow is removed.

21. We arrived at Vladykino.



24. We pass by the Botanical Garden. From here you can see perfectly.

25. We pass the Swallow's Nest.

26. Platform "Sorge", named after the famous Soviet spy.

27. CSKA Stadium with a building in the shape of the UEFA Cup.

28. We are approaching Moscow City. Station "Business Center".

29. This station was nicknamed the "Emerald City". An amazing and absurd architectural solution.

30. We drive away from the City.

31. Moscow is always somewhere.


33. We are moving. We see the center of Moscow, Crimean bridge and a monument to Peter the Great.

34. Moscow city graffiti.

A little more and I get off at the same station where I landed. Travel time is approximately 80 minutes.
This is such a spontaneous tour. There is an idea to ride again when it gets warmer, you will need to prepare and wash the window in the train.

By the way, the Museum of Moscow conducts official tours of the MCC.
Ticket price - 300 rubles, the schedule is on the museum website.

If you go on your own, then the tour will be very cheap, remember that the transfer from the metro to the MCC is free, and the audio tour is available on the Internet. Great option for walking and getting to know the city, even for those who live in it. You can start and end the tour anywhere, without depending on anyone.

(today - 24 operating MCC stations) - a new Moscow transport designed to make travel in Moscow even more convenient. The first stage was opened on September 10. On the this moment Twenty-four out of thirty-one stations are open for passenger use. Five stations have a covered subway passage, six have a subway passage across the street. By the end of October, 6 more stations will open.
24 open MCC stations - see the list below...

List of operating MCC stations:

  • Okruzhnaya (SVAO and SAO). Transfer to the same name railway station(Savelovskoye direction of Moscow Railways), and in the future - to the new metro station "Okruzhnaya". There is also a transfer to the city ground transport - the bus.
  • Baltic (SAO). Provides a transfer to the Voykovskaya metro station or urban ground transport. Baltiyskaya station is connected by overpass with shopping center"Metropolis", and on the other hand, next to it, almost right next to it is the Pokrovskoye - Streshnevo park.
  • Streshnevo (SAO and SZAO). Transfer to tram, trolleybus, bus. According to the plan - a transfer to the railway line of the Riga direction (a new stopping station). P. S: by the way, we have a topic about.
  • Shelepikha (CAO). Provides a transfer to the railway platform "Testovskaya".
  • Business center (southwestern part of the Central Administrative District). Major station on the MCC. Transfer to the metro station "Mezhdunarodnaya". It is located within walking distance from the railway station "Testovskaya". According to the plan - parking and underground passage to Moscow City.
  • Kutuzovskaya (CJSC), next to Kutuzovsky Prospekt. It is possible to transfer to the Kutuzovskaya metro station and to ground transport: a trolleybus and a bus.
  • Luzhniki (CAO). Station with "coastal" platforms and a vestibule. Provides a transfer to the metro station "Sportivnaya" or to a city bus. According to the plans, it is the Sportivnaya MCC station that will be the most in demand during the event.
  • Gagarin Square (CJSC). Connected to the metro station "Leninsky Prospekt" (through an underpass). Transfer to buses, trolleybuses and trams. This is the only MCC station that is underground.
  • Crimean (South and South-West). Transfer to the Sevastopolskaya railway station and city transport - bus.
  • Upper boilers (YuAO). It is located between the Nagatinskaya and Tulskaya metro stations. Connected with city buses, trolleybuses and trams. And also - through a new platform with the railway of the Paveletsky direction.
  • ZIL (northern part of South Administrative District). Access to the Ice Palace on the inside of the MCC and to ground public transport - on the outside of the MCC.
  • Avtozavodskaya (YuAO). Here you can transfer to the Avtozavodskaya metro station (along the street) and to ground transport (bus, trolleybus).
  • Belokamennaya (VAO). It is located within the boundaries of the Losiny Ostrov National Park. Transfer to ground transport - bus. And by bus to the nearest metro station - Rokossovsky Boulevard.
  • Botanical Garden (SVAO). It is connected to the metro station of the same name by an underground pedestrian crossing. You can transfer to land transport - bus.
  • Rokossovsky Boulevard (VAO). It provides for a transition to the metro station of the same name (Sokolnicheskaya line) and transfer to a bus or tram.
  • Likhobory (SAO). Connected with the railway, with the NATI platform ( Leningrad direction). You can transfer to the bus.
  • Lokomotiv (VAO). Transfer (warm) to Cherkizovskaya metro station (covered passage). It is possible to transfer to a trolleybus or a bus.
  • Nizhny Novgorod (YuVAO). It is connected with the railway station "Karacharovo" (from the Kursk railway station) and the city bus. In 2018, a transition to the Nizhegorodskaya Ulitsa metro station will be available.
  • Novokhokhlovskaya (South-Eastern Administrative Okrug). It is possible to transfer to a city bus and from 2017 - through a new platform, you can transfer to the railway (Kursk direction).
  • Okruzhnaya (SVAO and SAO). Transfer to the railway station of the same name (Savelovskoye direction of the Moscow Railway), and in the future - to the new metro station Okruzhnaya. There is also a transfer to the city ground transport - the bus.
  • Ugreshskaya (SEAD). From the station you can transfer to a bus, tram or trolleybus. With the help of ground transport (bus or tram) you can get to two metro stations - "Kozhukhovskaya" or "Dubrovka".
  • Izmailovo (VAO). It is connected with the metro station on the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line - "Partizanskaya". It is possible to transfer to a bus, trolleybus and tram.
  • Rostokino (SVAO). Transfer to the railway station "Severyanin" (Yaroslavl direction). Transfer to ground transport is also available - tram, bus, trolleybus.
  • Vladykino (SVAO). Transfer to the metro station of the same name through the elevated passage. You can transfer to a bus or trolleybus.
This was a list of working MCC stations.

Several more stations will be opened at the end of October 2016

List of currently closed MCC stations:

  • Panfilovskaya- complex from an engineering point of view, the station due to space constraints. It is removed from the metro station (Oktyabrskoye Pole station) by about seven hundred meters.
  • Zorge street
  • Koptevo
  • Falcon Hill
  • Dubrovka
A few more numbers. There are 28 Lastochka trains on the train. Their speed can reach 120 kilometers per hour. MCC - travel time, a full circle around the Moscow Central Ring will take 75 minutes.

Average moving speed passenger trains will be 40 km/h.

According to the head of the Business Block Management Department Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Schneider, the average speed is determined taking into account acceleration-deceleration and stop times. In addition, freight traffic will remain on the Moscow Central Ring. "As before, it will be served by a depot" Likhobory ”, equipped with diesel locomotives 2M62 and ChME3. However, after the launch of passenger electric trains, freight traffic will be carried out mainly at night.

Passenger traffic along the Moscow Central Circle will be launched in autumn 2016. In the first year of operation, it is planned to transport about 75 million people. 31 transport interchange hubs will appear on the Moscow Ring Road, and all stations will also have the possibility of transferring to public transport.

/ Thursday 7 July 2016 /

Topics: Public transport MKZD MCC Russian Railways

It will be possible to drive a full circle along the Moscow Central Ring in 84 minutes, the head of the business block management department told reporters Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Schneider. He is quoted by the agency " Moscow ". According to the official, the average speed of the trains will be about 40 kilometers per hour, taking into account acceleration and deceleration and stop times. Passenger control and screening of passengers at the stations will be carried out by Russian Railways employees, for which screening zones with metal detector frames will be created.
In turn, the Deputy Head of the State Unitary Enterprise Moscow subway on strategic development and Investments Roman Latypov reaffirmed that the launch of the ring will not affect the fare. The cards will operate on the line “ Troika ”, “Single ”, “90 minutes" and all kinds of metropolitan benefits. And in August, new schemes will appear in the subway, where the Moscow Central Ring will be indicated as the 14th metro line, the launch of the line may be scheduled for the first ten days of September.
According to the calculations of the city authorities, the ring will gain popularity among Muscovites and guests of the capital in two years after the launch of passenger traffic on it. In the first year of operation, the road should carry approximately 75 million passengers, and by 2025 the expected passenger flow will increase to 300 million people a year, which is comparable to traffic on busy subway lines.

Wherein average speed will be about 40 kilometers per hour, reports the City News Agency “ Moscow " with reference to the Head of the Business Block Management Department Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Schneider.

Also, trains on the Moscow Ring Road will be synchronized with the metro. Thus, the trains will not run at night from 1:00 to 5:30. The opening of the ring railway is scheduled for September 1, 2016. There will be 31 stations on the ring, passengers will be able to make 17 transfers to 11 metro lines and 9 transfers to the radial directions of the Moscow railway junction. All city tickets and benefits will be valid for fare payment, and transfers between the metro and the Moscow Ring Road will be free.

The launch of passenger traffic on the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway will actually create another ground ring of the Moscow Metro, which will reduce the load on the subway by about 15%, and in 2020 - by 20%. The load on the critical sections of the radial metro lines will decrease - these are two or three stations in front of the ring, where the maximum number of passengers gather at rush hour.

A full circle along the Moscow Ring Railway (Moscow Ring Railway), taking into account stops, will take passengers 84 minutes.

According to the portal, the entire journey along the ring will take 84 minutes. Head of Business Unit Management Department Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Schneider said that this is taking into account stops and acceleration-deceleration.

Moscow Ring Road (old name) will be the second metro circuit. It will intersect with the metro with convenient interchange nodes. The test launch of the ring will take place in July. Passengers will be able to use the railway from September.

On the ring, 54 kilometers long, there will be 31 stations and 17 transfers on the metro line. All city tickets and benefits on the ring will remain valid.

It will be possible to drive along the Moscow Central Ring in 84 minutes at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, the Agency reports. Moscow ".
"We expect the train to make a full circle, taking into account stops, in 84 minutes. The route speed will be about 40 kilometers per hour, taking into account acceleration-deceleration and stop times", - said the head of the business unit management department Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Schneider.
The Moscow Ring Railway will become a full-fledged second metro circuit, which will be integrated into the Moscow subway system using convenient transport hubs. The test launch of the second metro ring is scheduled for mid-July, and the railway will open for passengers in September.
The length of the Small Ring will be 54 kilometers. It will run 130 pairs of trains with an interval of 5-6 minutes during peak hours. All rolling stock is planned to be equipped with energy-saving electrical equipment.
There will be 31 stations with transport hubs (TPU) on the ring. There are 17 transfers to 11 metro lines and 9 transfers to the radial directions of the railway.
. . . . .

Today it became known how long it will take to travel from point A to point A on the Moscow Ring Road. Test runs of trains have shown that it will be possible to drive a full circle along the Moscow Central Circle in 84 minutes at a speed of 40 km/h. This was reported to journalists by the head of the business unit management department Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Schneider.
Deputy Mayor, Head of the Moscow Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development Maxim Liksutov said that the MKR received the official name "Moscow Central Ring". Earlier it was reported that passenger traffic on the Moscow Ring Road is planned to be launched in autumn 2016. In the first year of operation, the MKZHD should carry approximately 75 million passengers.

A full circle on the Moscow Central Road (formerly MKZHD) will be 84 minutes, the news agency reported. Moscow " with reference to the head of the Business Block Management Department Passenger Transportation JSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS " Maxim Schneider.

. . . . . The route speed will be about 40 kilometers per hour, taking into account acceleration and deceleration and stop times," Schneider said.

Recall that the Moscow Ring Railway (MKZhD) was given the official name - the Moscow Central Road. Now on the subway maps it is called "second ring".

Already this autumn, the metropolitan metro will be connected to the new ring. MCD is a modern, electrified line with completely new traffic safety devices. According to preliminary calculations, after its input circle line The Moscow metro will be unloaded by 15%.

This is the time for a full circle of driving around the MCC.

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The average speed of trains will be about 40 km/h. Passenger control and screening of passengers at the stations will be carried out by Russian Railways employees using metal detector frames.

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In some sections of the ring there is a third way for the maneuvering movements of trains.

The highway will be opened for passengers by the end of 2016. 31 stations will be opened, including 17 with transfers on the metro line.

The average speed of trains on the Small Ring Railway will be 40 kilometers per hour. They will be synchronized with the metro, and transfers between the metro and the Moscow Ring Road will be free.

. . . . . All city tickets and benefits will be valid for paying for travel on the Small Ring.

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