Veterinary care leninsky prospekt. Veterinary clinic leninsky prospekt Veterinary clinic number 1 leninsky

covers vast territories of four metropolitan districts and is ranked among the largest Moscow transport highways. The area covers the territory from the Moscow Ring Road to Kaluga Square. Intersecting with the ring road, it smoothly flows into the Kiev highway.

Highways The main highways can be considered: Komsomolsky and Vernadsky avenues, Profsoyuznaya street, Lomonosovsky avenue. The area also affects the zone of the Third Transport Ring. In terms of width, the route is second only to Leningradsky Prospekt. The indicator reaches the highway within 110m. This is a unique motorway of a radial type, which does not change its name on any of the sections of the route.

History The name was given to the district in 1957. Gradually, the territory expanded, due to the addition of new sections of the highway. For 10 years since 1960, the nearby streets were given names in honor of V. Lenin's relatives and friends. High-rise apartment buildings began to appear along the avenue towards the end of the 1930s. At that time, the area was considered the outskirts of the capital. Its prestige was due to its novelty and transport accessibility. In addition, the avenue allowed for the minimum time to get to the newly built LENINSKY PROSPECT Vnukovo. Between 1957 and 2001, there was a gradual reconstruction of certain sections of the district. Gradually, the avenue was supplemented with new interchanges, the last of which was created in 2001. during the construction of the Third Ring Road.

Industry The area is not rich in industrial enterprises and is mainly of cultural and historical significance. Almost every building along the avenue has a rich history and is of great value. This can be judged by the appearance of monumental buildings.

Administration The local government is located along Leninsky Prospekt, at 62/1.

Current Problems Among the most pressing problems for today's Leninsky Prospekt, the most significant is the lack of well-equipped veterinary clinics. The area is represented mainly by historical buildings in which it is impossible to organize the work of the clinic. At the same time, local residents feel the need to have a veterinary clinic in close proximity to their homes. Many apartments are home to four-legged pets that need timely and qualified assistance. Late or missing vaccination can cause serious infection of the animal and its family members.

Despite the liveliness of Leninsky Prospekt, the problem of caring for homeless animals is quite acute for this area. They need vaccination and sterilization, cats and dogs without owners should be distributed to the appropriate shelters. Today, the issue remains open and burning for local residents. A significant contribution to solving the problem is the construction of a new veterinary clinic on Leninsky Prospekt.

If you are driving from the center along Leninsky Prospekt:
after crossing the Miklukho-Maklay intersection and 26 Baku Commissars, stay in the left lane. Exit from Leninsky Prospekt under the sign Teply Stan, Ostrovityanova. Further, after 200 meters, the first turn to the right and again to the right (the landmark is a high-rise white house with an orange plinth). Move along the house to the sign Veterinary center "MEDVET".
If you are driving from the Moscow Ring Road along Leninsky Prospekt: after 800 meters there will be a congress under the Ostrovityanova sign for an understudy. After turning onto the understudy, you need the first turn to the right. The landmark is a high-rise building with an orange base and the Pyaterochka store. Move along the house to the sign Veterinary center "MEDVET".

Dear clients of our Veterinary Center on Leninsky Prospekt, please note that the entrance to the parking area at the Veterinary Center is through a barrier! To enter the parking area, you need to call +7 499 110 66 86 to the MEDVET SEC and tell the operator the number of the barrier to open it remotely.

Directions from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station (shown in blue on the map). The easiest way to get to the veterinary center on Leninsky Prospekt is by minibus 22m. To do this, leaving the first subway car from the center and passing the turnstiles, you need to turn left in the underpass, then left again. Coming out of the crossing on the left you will see a minibus stop 22m. By taxi, you need to get to the stop at the request of "Leninsky Prospekt, house 123". Coming out of the minibus, you will see a fence with a passage in front of you. Having risen to the house itself, you need to bypass it on the left. Seeing the arch, you need to go into it. After passing through the arch, you need to turn left and after 10 meters you will see the entrance to the veterinary center.

Directions from the metro station Konkovo ​​(shown in purple on the map). The last car from the center. From the metro to the left, at the transition to the right, exit to the city to the left. Ostrovityanova. On the underpass to the opposite side.

Directions from the metro station Teply Stan. Bus number 227, to the stop 9th microdistrict of Teply Stan.

Travel from the metro station Troparevo. The first car from the center, from the glass doors in a straight line to the end and to the left. Pass one house, in the direction of traffic to house 123 (white with orange balconies). The entrance to the clinic is in the center of the house.

Veterinary Services

Home visit by a veterinarian from 405 rubles
Dog chipping from 1182 rubles
Ratologist from 1296 rubles
Veterinary ophthalmologist from 1366 rubles
Veterinarian for a cat from 698 rubles
Doctor Ornithologist from 1058 rubles
Veterinarian for dogs from 745 rubles
Veterinary dentistry from 1091 rubles
Veterinary Neurologist from 1112 rubles
Veterinary cardiologist from 1136 rubles
Veterinary dermatologist from 1243 rubles
Veterinary orthopedist from 1038 rubles
Homeopathy for animals from 1254 rubles
Veterinary Oncology from 1549 rubles
Dentistry for dogs from 1411 rubles

Animal surgery

Diagnostic testing of animals

Animal vaccination

funeral services

Vet clinic Leninsky Prospekt - we are very close!

Pets require regular care. It includes not only proper nutrition, but also vaccination. In addition, a four-legged friend is not immune from illness, so he may need medical attention. Veterinarians of our clinic are ready to provide it. We work around the clock. The veterinary clinic provides a range of services:

  • Consultation
  • Diagnostics
  • Vaccination
  • Prevention
  • Therapy
  • Dentistry

Vet clinic Leninsky Prospekt - we are located near the metro

The veterinary clinic employs qualified veterinarians who will immediately provide assistance to a four-legged friend. They have extensive experience and the necessary level of knowledge of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

The veterinary clinic treats horses, dogs, cats, rodents. The veterinary clinic is equipped with modern equipment and the necessary stock of medicines. Veterinary clinics regularly update equipment and replenish their arsenal with the latest medicines.

In some cases, it is possible to visit the veterinarian at home. The arrival of a veterinarian will save the animal from unnecessary stress associated with transportation. It should be borne in mind that visiting a veterinarian at home is not possible for all diseases. Sometimes special equipment and sterile conditions are required, which are only available in the clinic.

We care about our reputation. The hospital provides the highest quality service at affordable prices. In the veterinary clinic, the animal will receive first-class treatment and follow-up after illness. Staff will advise on care and nutrition.

In addition to treatment, the veterinary clinic provides many additional services. We have a veterinary pharmacy and a shop where you can buy medicines and animal care products. In addition, we maintain a hotel for animals, in which the owners can leave the pet at the time of departure. Animal care is guaranteed.

The veterinary clinic has its own website, where you can find a list of services and price lists. The site sells veterinary drugs, ammunition, feed, vitamins, minerals, care products and much more.

Modern veterinary medicine is in no way inferior to medicine, so many owners do not hesitate to trust the life of their pet to a veterinarian.

  • Animal vaccination

  • Vet appointment

  • X-ray animal

  • Animal Therapy

  • Chipping of animals

  • Histology in animals

  • Animal Skin Research

  • Animal blood test

  • Blood test for babesiosis (cytoplasmosis) in animals

  • Examination of urine and feces in animals

  • Cytology in animals

  • Diagnosis of infectious and parasitic diseases in animals

  • X-ray animal

  • Ultrasound to animals

  • Day hospital - treatment of animals, an integrated approach

  • Intensive Care in Animal Lifesaving

  • Infectious hospital for animals with acute forms of the disease

  • Round the clock hospital. Treatment and care of animals

The veterinary clinic near Leninsky Prospekt metro station provides a wide range of services in a variety of areas. Veterinarians with work experience and invaluable experience, who polish their knowledge every year.

The veterinary clinic near the Leninsky Prospekt metro station gives even seriously ill pets a chance, saving little lives every day.

Veterinarians are ready around the clock to help all affected animals, regardless of species.

The veterinary clinic at Leninsky Prospekt metro station is located in a convenient, quiet location. Convenient parking is provided for visitors. The door of our veterinary clinic is always open, we work around the clock. On-duty veterinarians will provide assistance to cats, birds, dogs, small decorative rodents. Reception is conducted by the best veterinarians with a sensitive heart and golden hands.

The best veterinary clinic near the Leninsky Prospekt metro station is equipped with modern veterinary equipment that allows you to receive at the highest level. The laboratory at the veterinary clinic is always equipped with the necessary drugs for all types of tests. Research and scientific work is underway.

The veterinary clinic at the metro station Leninsky Prospekt has a hospital where animals are placed that need constant monitoring after surgical treatment or in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

A good veterinary clinic near Leninsky Prospekt metro station is located in a convenient and accessible place. It has several rooms, including a day and night hospital, a veterinary laboratory, and an injection room.

You can make an appointment with a groomer to get your ears and teeth cleaned. Conduct hygiene bathing and haircut.

Choose a fashionable haircut from the catalog for decorative dogs by breed.

A card file of patients is maintained, where all appointments and results of treatment are recorded.

Veterinary Services

The number of employees of the veterinary clinic Leninsky Prospekt includes unique doctors. We have our own veterinarian ornithologist and ratologist. There is a veterinarian. Surgical operations on animals are carried out carefully, preserving the fragile health of the wards as much as possible.

The cost of services is in the acceptable zone: vaccination from 800 rubles, extraction of teeth from 400 rubles, castration 1500 rubles, ultrasound from 800 rubles. Phone consultation is free. At the appointment, the veterinarian will always talk in detail about the reasons for the pet’s poor health, suggest the best way out of the situation, and answer questions that arise.

We are waiting for you, we work around the clock and seven days a week.

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