Why do hawks have big claws. The hawk is a fast flyer. What does the goshawk eat

September 4th, 2015 , 11:54 am

And their consequences...

Even before the war, while living in the Donbass, Vitya "Eagle" was engaged in training birds.
Actually, Kraba appeared in my hands from his hand.
Now he is busy training and coaching a young female goshawk. Yesterday, I almost lost an eye.
The learning process of some individual birds is quite complex. In particular, they are baited on pigeons.
They hold it on the hand, in a red glove. The hawk distinguishes colors very well and red, the color of blood, attracts and causes aggression. Yesterday, "Eagle" put on a thinner white glove. There were no pigeons at hand and he bought a liver. I decided to change my right hand to my left.
The bird refused to approach for a long time and looked at me very thoughtfully. I armed myself with a plastic chair, knowing full well the consequences of a raptor attack. The female flatly refused to fly on the glove. The Eagle tossed her the familiar red glove. She instantly grabbed the glove with her claws and rushed to the far corner of the basement where she was being held. After rubbing her glove and not finding the usual meat, the female literally burst into tears. She yelled so that her ears were pawned. Deceived, deceived!!!

Finally, Vitya came closer to her and attracted the attention of the bird with a red piece of meat sandwiched in a white mitten. For which he paid.
The hawk soared, and for a start dug into the jeans with its claws. First one leg, then the other. Then the "Eagle" intercepted the bird on the glove, but the hawk, completely stunned by what was happening, grabbed Vitya's face with its claws. Thank the gods, not for long. In a fraction of a second, the female saw the meat and began to intensively absorb it. But even a fraction of a second was enough.
Blood seeped through the jeans. The Eagle's face was literally covered in blood and rapidly turned blue. One claw entered a few millimeters below the eye, the second into the chin.
The spread between the wounds is 10 centimeters. Wow paw!
In a word, wild animals are not toys. Vitya is a professional, accustomed to injuries, but he was completely stunned by what happened. He couldn't even remember how it happened.

The hawk is a bird of prey, which belongs to the subclass of the new-palatine, the hawk-like order, the hawk family (Accipitridae).

According to one version, the hawk got its name due to the speed of flight or gaze, since the stem "astr" means "fast, sharp, impetuous." Some scholars translate the hawk literally as "a bird with a sharp eye or swift, swift flight." According to another version, the name is associated with the bird's diet: jastь "eats" and rębъ "partridge", that is, eating partridges. It is possible that its color is mentioned in the name of the bird, since rębъ can be translated as “speckled, motley”.

Types of hawks, photos and names

Below is a brief description of several hawk species.

  • Goshawk ( he is big hawk)(accipiter gentilis)

It belongs to the genus of true hawks and is the largest representative of its kind. The weight of the bird varies from 700 g to 1.5 kg. The body length of the hawk is 52-68 cm, and the wing length is 30-38 cm. Females are larger than males. For its large size, the bird is also called a large hawk. The feathers of the goshawk are shortish, slightly rounded. The tail is long and also rounded. The plumage of adult birds from above has a grayish-brown or gray-brown color. Below the body is light with transverse brown stripes. Undertail white. The hawk's head is darker. White feathers located above the eyes set off the superciliary ridge that protects the eyes and looks like an eyebrow. The plumage of females is darker than that of males. Young goshawks are brown above with buffy and whitish spots. Their abdomen is light or buffy with dark longitudinal streaks. Among the goshawks living in the northeastern regions of Siberia and Kamchatka, there are completely white hawks, some of them may have grayish spots on the back and abdomen. The claws of the bird are black, the paws and the cere are yellow, the beak is blue-brown with a black tip, the iris is yellow-orange, it may have a reddish tint.

The goshawk inhabits North America, Europe, North and Central Asia, Russia. On the African continent, it is found in Morocco.

  • African goshawk(accipiter tachiro)

Representative of the genus of true hawks. It is a hardy bird with strong paws and claws. The length of her body reaches 36-39 cm. Females are noticeably larger than males. The weight of males is 150-340 g, females - 270-510 g. The back of the African goshawk is gray, in males it is darker than in females. The tail feathers and tail are gray-brown with white stripes. The chest and abdomen are light with reddish-brown streaks. Undertail is white. Legs and eyes are yellow. The cere is greenish gray.

The habitat of the African goshawk includes the central, eastern and southern regions of Africa. The bird lives in the mountains, in the lowlands, in parks and plantations, and is found in both dry and wet forests.

  • Sparrowhawk ( he is small hawk)(accipiter nisus)

It lives in almost all of Europe, except for the very north, as well as in northern Africa. In Asia, the hawk's range covers southwestern China. In summer, the Sparrowhawk lives and breeds in almost the entire territory of Russia, with the exception of the far north. Sparrowhawks winter in the northeastern regions of Africa and in Western, Central and Southeast Asia, on the Arabian Peninsula - in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. The Sparrowhawk is very similar to its relative, the Goshawk, but is much smaller. Because of this, he received the name small hawk. The length of its body is 30-43 cm, and the weight of the hawk reaches 120-280 g. The length of the bird's wing reaches 18-26 cm. The color of these two birds is almost identical: gray or brown plumage at the top, light with transverse stripes at the bottom. Only the stripes of the sparrowhawk have a reddish tint. The undertail of the bird is white, the claws are black, the legs and wax are yellow, the iris is yellow-orange, the beak is brownish-bluish. Females, as in previous species, are larger.

  • light hawk(Accipiter novaehollandiae)

Belongs to the genus of true hawks. It got its name because of its color. But this species has two morphs, or subpopulations: gray and white. The gray morph is characterized by a bluish-gray color on the top of the back, head and wings. The abdomen is white with darkish transverse stripes. In the white morph, the plumage is completely white. The body length of this species is 44-55 cm, and the wingspan of the hawk varies from 72 to 101 cm. Hawks live in Australia, including on the island of Tasmania.

  • Dark Songhawk(Melierax metabates )

Belongs to the subfamily Melieraxinae, a genus of song hawks. These birds got their name because of the sounds they make, which have some melody. They have a body length of 38 to 51 cm. The wings and tarsals are slightly longer than those of other hawks, and the fingers are shorter. The color is mostly gray: darker on the back and head, and lighter on the chest and neck. The abdomen is painted in gray and white stripes. The hawk's legs are red. The dark song hawk lives in Africa, south of the Sahara, inhabiting open forests and savannahs.

  • crested hawk(Accipiter trivirgatus)

Belongs to the genus of true hawks. Inhabits Southeast Asia: west and southwest of India, south of China, the islands of Indonesia, the Philippines and Ceylon, the Indochina peninsula. The appearance and color of the bird are typical for representatives of the genus. Body length 30-46 cm. The back and top of the wings are dark, the abdomen is light with characteristic transverse stripes. A distinctive feature of the crested hawk is a crest, or crest, on the lower part of the nape.

  • European Tuvik ( he is short-legged hawk) (accipiter brevipes)

This is a southern bird, representing the genus of true hawks. It has average parameters: body length 30-38 cm, weight from 160 to 220 g, wing length for the male 21.5 - 22 cm, and for the female from 23 to 24 cm. The fingers of the bird are short. The color of the plumage of the top is brownish or slate-gray, the bottom is whitish with reddish or reddish-red transverse stripes. Juveniles are distinguished by a more brown tone of color on the top and stripes. In the middle of the throat they have a dark longitudinal stripe. Short-legged hawks are found in the south of Europe, in the Balkan countries, in the south of Ukraine, in the Crimea, in the south of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Transcaucasia, in Asia Minor and Iran. For wintering, the tuvik goes to the southern coast of the Caspian Sea, to Syria, Egypt, and the Arabian Peninsula. In addition to the usual food for hawks, it mainly feeds on frogs and lizards.

  • red hawk (Erythrotriorchis radiatus )

A bird of prey from the genus of red hawks. It has rather large forms: the length of the body is 45-60 cm and the wingspan is 110-135 cm. The male hawk weighs 635 g, the weight of females reaches 1100-1400 g. The general plumage of the body is reddish with numerous dark spots. The head and throat are light and covered with black spots. In the coloring of the chest and abdomen, there are both light and brown-red shades. In females, the abdomen is lighter than in males. The red hawk is the rarest bird of prey in Australia. It lives in the savannah and in open forest areas in the north and east of Australia, near water bodies. It feeds mainly on birds, including parrots and pigeons.

Taken from: laurieross.com.au

Ready to hunt. Being on a hill, the feathered one notices every movement at the bottom. As soon as his sharp eyesight noticed the slightest signs of life in the grass, the feathered one is instantly ready to attack.

Few in nature you can meet such selfless, courageous and formidable birds. We are talking about a representative of the hawk family, which belong to the falconiformes. hawk bird.

In all his behavior, extraordinary strength and power can be seen. His eyesight is much sharper than that of a human. From a great height, he notices the movement of a possible victim for 300 meters.

Its strong claws and huge wings with a span of at least a meter do not give the victim a single chance of salvation. When a hawk moves, its heart beats much faster.

hawk goshawk

It is easy for the eyes to determine the location of the victim. Everything else is a matter of technique. For example, if a partridge becomes a possible victim of a hawk, then this feathered bird usually has a lightning-fast reaction during danger. She flies up in the air in a second.

A meeting with a hawk deprives the feathered even of this second. The heart and lungs of victims are pierced in an instant by sharp claws. predator bird hawk. Salvation in this case is simply impossible.

Features and habitat

Power, majesty, strength, fear. These feelings inspire even hawk bird photo. In real life, everything looks even more intimidating.

Black Hawk

There is birds of the hawk family with lighter tones in plumage, for example, light hawks. There are also meetings with pure white predators, which at the present time they are considered a rarity.

Black Hawk, judging by its name, it has black plumage. To match the cere of his feathered paw. They are also rich yellow. They immediately show great power.

If we compare the wings of a hawk with the wings of other predators, then they are short and blunt. But the tail differs in comparative length and width with a rounded or straight end.

Some species of hawks have long wings, this is more dependent on their lifestyle and habitat.

Hawks are forest birds. They can easily maneuver between trees, take off very quickly and land just as quickly.

Such skills help hawks hunt well. In this case, their small size and shape of the wings serve just as well.

The presence of these can be determined by the drawn-out harsh sounds. Sometimes they are short and sharp. These hawk cries very common in the forest.

In their singing species, beautiful sounds resembling a flute pour from the larynx. Currently hawk calls are used to scare away birds.

This trick is used by many hunters. Thus, many animals show up much faster from their hiding places in order to escape from an imaginary predator.

There is more than enough habitat for hawks. Eurasia, Australia, South and North America, Indonesia, Philippines, Madagascar are the main places of their residence.

Birds are most comfortable in wooded places with sparse, light, open edges. For some hawks, it is not problematic to live in open landscapes.

Those predators whose habitat is temperate latitudes live there throughout their lives. Others, the inhabitants of the northern territories, have to periodically migrate closer to the south.

Character and lifestyle

Hawks are monogamous birds. They prefer to live in pairs. At the same time, males protect themselves, their soul mate, and also the territory of their habitat with great dedication. Between themselves, the couple communicates with intricate sounds.

This is especially noticeable during the construction of a nest by a couple. Birds are very careful. Due to this, they are little exposed to danger and live long.

In feathered nests, negligence is most often seen. But sometimes there are quite neat constructions. Their birds are placed on the highest trees.

For many animals, a pattern has long been noticed - in captivity they live much longer than in the wild. About hawks, we can say that everything happens to them exactly the opposite. Captivity negatively affects the birds and, they do not live to the age to which they can live in free flight.

Birds are active most often in the daytime. Dexterity, strength, swiftness are the main character traits of this bird.


The main food of these predators are birds. Their menu can also include mammals and insects, fish, frogs, toads, and lizards. The size of the prey depends on the parameters of the predators themselves.

Hawks have somewhat different hunting tactics from other predators. They do not soar for a long time in height, but pounce on the victim immediately. They don't care if the victim is sitting or in flight. Everything happens quickly and without delay.

The caught victim has a hard time. The hawk pierces her with its sharp claws. Suffocation occurs almost instantly. After the victim is absorbed by the hunter with all its giblets and even feathers.

Reproduction and lifespan

Hawks are birds that prefer constancy in everything, both in partners and in terms of nesting. Those birds that have to migrate to warm countries, as a rule, always return to their nest.

Preparation of nests for predators begins in advance. For this, dry leaves, twigs, grass, green shoots, needles are used.

Birds have one good feature - they choose one pair and for life. Egg laying occurs once a year, usually 2-6 in a clutch.

hawk chick

The female is incubating. This takes about 38 days. The male takes care of her. He constantly brings her food and protects her from possible enemies.

The hawk chicks that were born are still about 21 days under the full care of their parents, and they are fed exclusively by the female.

Gradually, the kids try to get on the wing, but the parents do not stop caring for them yet. They become sexually mature after 12 months, then they leave the parental abode. Hawks live for about 20 years.

The hawk is a bird of prey. For a long time, the hawk suffered from persecution by man because of his hunting for birds. In addition to thrushes and jays, doves, partridges and pheasants also became prey for the hawk, and humans also hunt them. The same applies to mammals, among them are not only squirrels, but also hares with rabbits, that is, game. Therefore, the hawk was considered a pest, and any hunter tried to shoot him. At the same time, no one realized that pigeons, partridges or pheasants were becoming rarer not because of hawks, but because their habitat was being disturbed. Today, the hawk and other predators have been left alone. Now the number of these birds in Central Europe is gradually increasing, although not as fast as we would like.
The hawk lives in the forest and makes its nest in a tree. Tries to pick a taller tree. This is the center of his hunting or, as ornithologists say, feeding area. This area is large for hawks - 100 - 150 square kilometers.
Hawks are fierce predators. Falling from a height at high speed, they inflict mortal wounds with their sharp claws on the victim.

The female usually lays three or four eggs and incubates them for a month, a little more. And the male brings her food. Then he brings food to the chicks. But it wears, not feeds them. Many birds of prey have this custom: the male is the breadwinner, the female is the nurse. In hawks, this order is observed especially clearly. Carrying food to the nest, the hawk announces this from a distance with a special signal. The female flies out to meet, takes the prey from the male and sits down not far from the nest to “cook dinner”. She cleans the prey from feathers or skins, then brings the meat to the nest and distributes it to the chicks.
The male cannot do this. If the female dies, he will still carry food to the chicks and throw them into the nest. And it will do this even when the chicks die of hunger (after all, they are not able to eat prey on their own).
Hawks have bright yellow eyes. In chicks (and not only hawks) - always black. Eyes - a signal: I want to eat! If the chick is full, he turns his back to his mother. Black beads are not visible, and for the parent this is a signal - that's enough, you can stop feeding!
All this applies to the small hawk, a smaller copy of the big one. He is also a forest dweller, but prefers to settle on the edges, in river valleys. The nest is also made on a tree, but unlike the large one, which uses the nest year after year, each time it builds a new one, close to the old one. Since it is much smaller, then its prey are smaller animals. (Quail or partridge is the limit.) And the feeding area is three to four times smaller.
No matter how big the hawks are, they feed exclusively on birds and mammals. The size of prey depends only on the size of the bird.
The genus of hawks includes 47 species, among which the most typical representative is a large hawk, or goshawk (Accepiter gentills).
The goshawk is distributed throughout the globe, except for the Arctic. But in general, he is not very afraid of the cold, as well as the heat. Yes, in fact, there is never heat in the forest, and from especially cold lands for the winter he flies to Asia (if he lives in the Eastern Hemisphere) and to Mexico (if he lives in the Western Hemisphere). It does not fly from other places. Avoids large forests. Leads a sedentary lifestyle.
Strong diurnal bird of prey. The female is noticeably larger than the male. Its wingspan is up to 125 cm. The wingspan of the male is about 105 cm. The total length of the bird is 52 - 68 cm, weight 0.7 - 1.5 kg. Adult birds are dark gray above and light gray with dark gray transverse streaks on the chest and belly. Young birds are brownish above, the chest is light buffy with dark longitudinal streaks.
Relatively short and wide wings and a long tail allow the hawk to maneuver well in flight. Females are more likely to take large prey. They feed mainly on birds and rodents. The goshawk is not picky: a tiny kinglet or a wren will catch it, a dove, a pheasant - well. Black grouse - will cope with it. The robber is real.
The hawk needs varied, sheltered landscapes. Nests are always located on tall trees. Since ancient times, the goshawk has been used as a stalker for hunting game birds.

Sparrow hawk (Accipiter nisus) is represented by 6 subspecies. A medium-sized predator with a body length of 28-38 cm, with a wingspan of about 65 cm in males; in females - up to 80 cm. The wings are rounded, the tail is long. A wavy flight path is characteristic. The plumage of the sparrow hawk is black with transverse white stripes on the ventral side. The Sparrowhawk is a good hunter.
It lives in most of the territory of Eurasia - from Western Europe and North Africa east to the Pacific Ocean. In Europe, the main habitats are Scandinavia and Russia.
The Sparrowhawk needs a varied landscape with lots of small birds. The basis of its diet is made up of birds the size of a thrush and smaller. Sparrowhawks ambush their prey. They fly well, run on the ground and swim in the water, besides, they have excellent hearing, so it is often impossible to hide from the hawk.
Sparrowhawk is the main enemy of forest birdies. This is a real ace: rounded wings allow him to easily maneuver through the trees, chasing prey. The hawk has strong paws, on the fingers of which there are sharp claws.
They usually nest on coniferous trees, more often on spruces. Nests are lined from the inside with soft moss and foliage. The birds build a new nest every year. The clutch contains 5-7 eggs, which are always incubated by the female for 1 month. When the chicks hatch, their loud piercing squeak becomes audible from the nest. This means they are hungry. Then both parents start looking for food for their chicks.
The main food of the sparrowhawk is birds and small mammals, although it often preys on amphibians and reptiles.
In the Crimea and the Caucasus, autumn hunting with hunting sparrowhawks for migratory quails has long been practiced (hence the name of the species). Hawks are also captured in the fall, tamed and trained for a few days, used during the fall hunting season, and generally released.

Slightly larger than the Sparrowhawk Cooper's hawk (A. cooperi) from North America: total length 40 - 46 cm, weight 380 - 560 g. This bird is known for its aggressiveness, especially when protecting nests, including from humans.

Short-toed hawk (Accipiter soloensis). This hawk is very rare in Russia. Only a few times its nests were found in the broad-leaved forest near Vladivostok and these birds were met during seasonal migrations on the coast of the Amur Bay and Lake Khanka. The diet of the hawk is dominated by small birds. The nest is located on the tops of tall trees. The number in Russia is unknown. The main range covers Korea, China, Taiwan. Listed in Appendix II of the CITES Convention.

A special group of hawks are the singing hawks of the Melierax genus living in Africa, which really have a strong voice.

The buzzard or buzzard (Buteo buteo) is a large hawk with a wingspan of up to 135 cm. Broad-winged and relatively short-tailed. Coloring - various shades of ocher. The bottom is lighter with dark longitudinal streaks.
Buzzards are the most common diurnal birds of prey in the forest zone of Eurasia. There are about 10 subspecies.
Buzzards hunt in open spaces and can soar for a long time, catching rising air currents. The main prey are voles, shrews, chicks, snakes. In Central Europe, wintering buzzards often stay near highways, picking up small animals hit by cars.
Buzzards nest along the edges of forests and groves. Large nests are usually located high in the trees. In the spring, pairs that have occupied a nesting site announce this with meowing cries. Pairs can exist for several years. The size of the clutch and the success of raising chicks directly depend on the number of small rodents - the main prey of buzzards.
The red-tailed buzzard lives in the taiga. When tracking prey, this large hawk can sit on top of a tree for hours or circle in the sky. Buzzards prey on small rodents, frogs, salamanders and small birds. It is not uncommon for buzzards to steal poultry chicks.

Common honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus). Easily confused with the buzzard of the same size and color. The coloration is extremely variable, but there is a wide dark stripe along the edge of the tail. It is also difficult to distinguish birds in flight by silhouette.
It lives in zones of mixed and deciduous forests - from France to Altai. In Central Europe it occurs from the foothills to the highlands, but mainly during nesting.
The choice of food depends on the availability of habitable biotopes. More often these are light deciduous and mixed forests. The basis of the diet of the honey buzzard is made up of earthen wasps and bees, which it eats at all stages of development. Amphibians, reptiles, young small birds and, less often, small rodents serve as additional food.
Honey beetles make long-distance flights to wintering grounds in Equatorial and South Africa. Such migrations are not typical of other European diurnal birds of prey.

It is believed that the generic name "hawks" is composed of two Proto-Slavic roots - "str" ​​(speed) and "rebъ" (variegated / pockmarked). So the name of the bird reflects the colorful pattern of the chest plumage and the ability to quickly capture prey.

Description of the hawk

True hawks (Accipiter) are a genus of predatory birds from the hawk family (Accipitridae). They are not too large for diurnal predators - even the largest representative of the genus, the goshawk, does not exceed 0.7 m in length and weighs about 1.5 kg. Another common species, the sparrow hawk, grows to only 0.3–0.4 m and weighs 0.4 kg.


Appearance, like the anatomy of a hawk, is determined by the area and lifestyle. The predator has excellent eyesight, 8 times sharper than the human one. The brain of a hawk receives a binocular (volumetric) image due to the special arrangement of the eyes - not on the sides of the head, but somewhat closer to the beak.

The eyes of adult birds are yellow/yellow-orange, sometimes with a hint of red or reddish-brown (tyuvik). In some species, the iris brightens slightly with age. The hawk is armed with a strong hooked beak with a characteristic feature - the absence of a tooth on top of the beak.

It is interesting! The hawk hears perfectly, but distinguishes smells not so much with the nostrils as with ... the mouth. If a bird is given stale meat, it will most likely grab it with its beak, but then it will certainly throw it away.

The lower legs are usually feathered, but there are no feathers on the fingers and tarsus. The legs are powerful muscles. The wings are relatively short and blunt, the tail (wide and long) is usually rounded or straight cut. The color of the top in most species is darker than the bottom: these are gray or brown tones. The general light background of the lower part (white, yellowish or light ocher) is always diluted with transverse/longitudinal ripples.

Character and lifestyle

The hawk lives in the thicket of the forest and nests in the highest tree to survey its hunting grounds of about 100-150 km². This forest hunter deftly maneuvers in dense canopy, turning vertically/horizontally, suddenly stopping and taking off sharply, as well as making unexpected attacks towards the victims. The compact size of the body and the shape of the wings help in this bird.

A hawk, unlike an eagle, does not soar in the sky, looking out for living creatures for a long time, but unexpectedly attacks any (running, standing or flying) object, lying in wait from an ambush. Grasping, the predator squeezes it tightly with its paws and bites with its claws, stabbing and strangling at the same time. The hawk devours the prey whole, along with hair/feathers and bones.

If a steep “ki-ki-ki” or a drawn-out “ki-i-i, ki-i-i” comes from the forest, then you heard the vocal part of the hawk. Much more melodic sounds, similar to the sound of a flute, are made by song hawks. Once a year (usually after breeding), hawks, like all birds of prey, molt. Sometimes the molt drags on for a couple of years.

How long do hawks live

Ornithologists believe that hawks in the wild can live up to 12-17 years. In the forests of North America, under the nests of hawks, hummingbirds like to settle down, fleeing from their natural enemies, squirrels and jays. Such fearlessness is easily explained - hawks prey on squirrels, but are completely indifferent to hummingbirds.

Classification, types

The genus of hawks includes 47 species, the most common of which is called Accepiter gentills, the goshawk. Birds of the Eastern Hemisphere fly to Asia for the winter, those of the Western Hemisphere fly to Mexico. The goshawk is prone to a sedentary lifestyle, but avoids settling in large forest areas. In flight, the bird demonstrates an undulating trajectory.

Accipiter nisus (sparrowhawk) is represented by six subspecies, living from Western Europe and North Africa east to the Pacific Ocean. The highest population density in Europe is observed in Russia and Scandinavia. Nests lined with foliage and soft moss are built on coniferous trees, more often on spruce trees. The couple builds a new nest every year. The Sparrowhawk is an excellent hunter who needs a varied landscape with a huge number of small birds.

It is interesting! In the Caucasus / Crimea, autumn quail hunting with hunting hawks is popular, which are caught, tamed and trained for several days. Once the hunting season is over, the sparrowhawks are released.

The Sparrowhawk can be recognized by its conspicuous black plumage with transverse white lines on the abdomen.

Range, habitats

The genus Accipiter (real hawks) has taken root in all corners of the globe, excluding the Arctic. They are found almost throughout Eurasia, ranging from the forest-tundra in the north to the southern points of the mainland. Hawks have adapted to the climates of Africa and Australia, North and South America, the Philippines, Indonesia and Tasmania, as well as Ceylon, Madagascar and other islands.

Birds inhabit savannahs, tropical jungles, broadleaf and coniferous forests, plains and mountains.. They prefer not to climb deep into the thicket, choosing open light edges, coastal forests and light forests. Some species have learned to live even in open landscapes. Hawks from temperate latitudes are adherents of settled life, and birds from the northern regions fly away for wintering to southern countries.

Hawk Diet

Birds (medium and small) are of the greatest gastronomic interest for them, but if necessary, hawks eat small mammals, amphibians (toads and frogs), snakes, lizards, insects and fish. The predominant part of the menu is made up of small birds (mainly from the passerine family):

  • oatmeal, sparrows and lentils;
  • finches,
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