Floating bath - the key features of the construction. How to open a bath business

Many consider a bathhouse erected on a site with country house a whim, not a necessity. After all, modern country houses already have bathrooms equipped with everything necessary for water procedures. Another thing is a bathhouse in the village. Here it is simply necessary. For many centuries in a village bath, they washed, washed, guessed, were treated, and often sting. A floating bath is also, in most cases, more of a whim than a necessity. Although, what to hide, the bath on the water looks very impressive.

From ancient times, they tried to build a bathhouse near water bodies. In this case, the supply of its water was facilitated. Baths on the water at that time was a rarity. After all, our ancestors understood that those thrown from the bath wastewater would turn a clear body of water into a sewer very quickly. And our ancestors treated good water with care. Modern technologies make it possible to build baths afloat without water pollution. And do it quickly.

Features of the construction of floating baths

Before you start building a floating bath, you should remember one important detail. The law prohibits the construction of any buildings in protected area. On reservoirs, this nature protection zone occupies from 50 meters to half a kilometer. It all depends on the type of reservoir and its size. Therefore, when building a bath on the water, it is necessary to ensure the drainage of wastewater outside the water protection zone. It is also possible to equip the bath with a multi-stage wastewater treatment system. If the artificial reservoir is the property of the owner of the site, then in this case no approvals are required. But you still have to do the drainage, otherwise the reservoir will quickly turn into a swamp. Who wants to live in a swamp?

Design features of a floating bath

It is quite natural that the design of a bath on the water is very different from the design of a conventional one. This applies not only to the foundation, but also to the frame itself.

If an ordinary bathhouse is built, depending on the soil, on a monolithic, pile, columnar or, then the basis of the floating bathhouse are pontoons. Pontoons are either wooden or plastic. The latter are more common. It should be remembered, however, that for the winter plastic pontoons should be pulled ashore along with the bathhouse.

Also, non-self-propelled baths are often used as a basis for a bath. This option provides another benefit. The fact is that barges are watercraft. And the legislation on the nature protection zone does not apply to them.

The bath itself is constructed from the same materials as a regular bath. But they usually take a tree, because it is lighter than a brick. And the weight of the bath plays an important role in this case. Here, the lighter the design, the better.

So that the floating bath does not float away, the pontoons are fixed. They do it in various ways.

1. Pontoons are attached with braces to pipes driven into the bottom of the reservoir. In this case, the pipes should be selected from a waterproof material that can withstand the effects of frost.

2. Pontoons are attached to special loads. Usually these are concrete blocks. The pontoons are attached to the "anchors" with chains. This allows the pontoons to respond to the rise / fall of water in the pond. In this case, every autumn it will be necessary to deliver blocks from the water to inspect their condition and the condition of the fasteners.

3. Concrete blocks are installed on the shore, and pontoons are attached to them with chains.

You can learn more about floating baths by watching this video.

Our craftsmen go to great lengths to make their bath unusual. One of the most interesting options construction on the water. How to build a bath on the water, what you need to know for this, we will tell our readers.

Bath on the water is an interesting and practical option.

What to consider before planning a bath on the water

Before proceeding with the planning of a bath on the water, it is necessary to tell the reader that the bill on the nature protection zone of reservoirs is in force. So, for the river and their sources, the buffer zone is at least 50 m, for lakes at least 500 m. You can build a bathhouse on rafts, but the water used must be diverted outside the buffer zone or pass through a filtration system. For construction on natural reservoirs, it is necessary to collect permits and coordinate the bath project with the local environmental organization.

Turnkey water baths.

For artificial reservoirs, which are easy to arrange on your site, no documentation is needed. But we recommend that you drain the septic tank or perform a multi-stage cleaning. Since the reservoir will be used for taking water procedures after a hot steam room.

What baths are built on the water

Building a bath on the water is not as easy as it seems at first glance. For the basis of the foundation of the bath, either metal pillars or floating plastic pontoons are taken. The structure itself is assembled from a bar or log. Since you should not choose a heavy box. The best option is frame construction.

The project of a bath on the water should be as simple as possible.

The load must be calculated to the smallest detail, so that if the bathers are grouped in one part of the bath, the structure does not turn over or warp. The number of people simultaneously visiting the bath on the water should be strictly regulated. It also takes into account whether the water in your area freezes or not. A bath on pontoons will have to be moved ashore in winter, as the floating structure can simply be crushed by ice. You can use a non-self-propelled barge as a basis for a bath. Of course, the price for such a project is high, but for commercial bath quite payable. So, you can use large floating baths as spa centers or a VIP recreation area.

In any case, a project on the water requires a serious approach, since the bath must meet all safety requirements.

How to build a bath on the water from the foundation to the roof

It is easier to build a bathhouse on the ground, since any of the foundations is suitable: monolithic, columnar or tape. The walls are assembled from any material. Only light and moisture-resistant materials are suitable for a bath on the water. The base must withstand wind and waves, as well as loads from above and below. Construction takes place in several main stages:

  • project selection;
  • ground preparation;
  • assembly and fixing of the bath box;
  • finishing.

Let us consider in more detail each stage of the construction of a bath on the water.

Water bath project

We do not recommend taking a typical project for a bath, since when building a structure on the water, you must take into account your own nuances. A competent project can be ordered from specialists. Companies offering to buy finished projects, are also not suitable, since it is necessary to take into account the features of a particular reservoir:

  • square;
  • temperature in winter;
  • features of the bottom of the reservoir.

The project should not be massive, usually a small bath is chosen with a veranda that serves as a relaxation room. Washing combined with a steam room.

When the project is selected, you can start assembling the bath.

Foundation of the structure on the water

As a base for a bath on the water, a pontoon or metal screw piles are used. The first option is easier to assemble with your own hands and it is suitable for reservoirs of any depth. Piles are used for a shallow artificial reservoir, where there is no high waves and the bottom is tight.

The easiest way to install a bath on the water with the help of pontoons.

The pontoon must be chosen with the load capacity that corresponds to your sauna + 500 kg. Additional load is calculated on users and the arrangement of a steam room with a stove.

Pontoon fastening

The pontoon must be fastened with special anchors. Fastening is carried out by various systems:

  • using briquettes and pipes;
  • with the help of chains and weights;
  • by anchoring on the shore.

Fastening with pipes and briquettes

This is a rigid mount using iron pipes that are hammered into the bottom to a depth of at least 1 m. Mounting is one of the most time-consuming, since it will be difficult to install pipes without additional equipment. The diameter of the pipes is chosen depending on the size of the bath project.

Briquettes are attached to the pipes, on which the pontoons stand. The bath, put on such a system, will stand for more than a dozen years, and for the winter it can not be removed from the water.

Fastening with chains and weights

The method of fastening with chains and sinkers is the simplest. Reinforced concrete poles or slabs are used as weights to which chains are attached and thrown into the water near the shore. A pontoon is attached to the chains from above. The chains must be of such length that the weights lie on the bottom, otherwise they will simply drag the structure to the bottom behind them. The chains can be taken a little longer, then the structure will lower and rise during the ebb and flow of water in the reservoir. So, in spring the water level can be 10–20 cm higher, and lower in summer in drought.

In winter, the pontoon, along with chains and sinkers, must be removed from the reservoir, and the bathhouse should be moved to the shore with a crane. The method of fastening is simple, but you will have to work harder, spending a lot of effort and money every autumn. It is easier to install a bath in this way in a shallow place of the reservoir right near the shore. So, sinkers can be reached with winches.

Shore anchorage

Shore mount is suitable for structures that are installed only near the shore. Reinforced concrete piles are driven in on the shore and pontoons are attached to them with the help of iron cables or chains, which float near the shore. The method is the least expensive and durable. For do-it-yourself construction, we recommend choosing this type of pontoon mounting.

Box assembly

The bath box is assembled on special rigid frames, which are fixed to the pontoons with dowels. Since it is envisaged that bathers will run right out of the sauna and jump into the water, the pontoon should not sway and the connection should be as rigid as possible.

The bottom of the box is smeared with clay, which will additionally protect the tree from moisture.

It is more difficult to assemble the frame directly on the water.

It is easier to assemble the frame box on land and then rearrange it onto the frame using a crane. Warming and finishing are carried out already on the pontoon.

When assembling the box, a drain system is mounted dirty water. Water should be collected in a special container that can be placed even under water and from there it is discharged to the shore. You can install a multi-stage filter, but the system will be expensive. Moreover, filters must be changed at least once every three months. Pros: lower costs for a septic tank and maintaining the environmental friendliness of the reservoir.

In small mini-saunas, where there is no washing compartment and dressing room, it is not necessary to install a water drainage system. After the steam room, you can take water procedures right in the pond.

It is not recommended to install a sauna box without an iron frame, since even a small sauna can be unstable, especially in windy weather, when waves rise on the pond.

The roof is assembled in the same way as any other bath, but a simple and lightweight design is chosen.

Arrangement of a bath on the water

When arranging a steam room, do not forget that it is impossible to weigh down and overload the structure. The stove is chosen the most simple easy, type of potbelly stove. It is not recommended to use electric furnaces, since there is water around the bath and it will be difficult to make high-quality grounding with your own hands.

A bath on the water is equipped with a minimum, since it is not worth making the structure heavier.

Inside the sauna, a small canopy is made, the walls outside are smeared with clay from below and treated with antiseptic moisture-resistant compounds. The steam room is insulated with polystyrene foam or mineral wool and lined with linden clapboard. For convenience, several benches and a small table are installed. They can be placed separately on a pontoon near the steam room.

It is necessary to equip a small dressing room where you can undress before taking the procedures.

We do not recommend doing the electrical system in the bath with your own hands. You can use lamps on batteries or semi-antique kerosene. They will not only add charm to your bath, but also fill it warm light.

The firewood shed is installed on the shore, as wood is hygroscopic and is able to absorb moisture even from the air. A small supply of firewood can be stored in the dressing room; a special place is equipped for this. More details on the design of the bath on the water can be seen in the photo in this article and video:

Readers should not have questions about how to build a bathhouse on the water with their own hands. The main thing is to choose a small and simple project that does not have to be put on a large pontoon. You can assemble a bathhouse on the shore right next to the reservoir with a veranda overlooking the reservoir, but then the foundation must be coated with clay. Each option has its place and has its pros and cons. Choose the one that is within your power and means. And your bath on the water will be a real highlight that will delight all friends and acquaintances.

You should not try to replace the pontoon with any other structure on the water, the process will be ineffective and will not live up to expectations. Companies offering ready-made constructions of baths on the water will remove the guarantees for the construction of self-assembly. Therefore, if you decide to buy a ready-made version, use the services of professionals. Please note that only companies licensed for this type of activity are engaged in such buildings.

Bath as a business is of interest to a huge number of entrepreneurs, and everyone is looking for answers to whole line questions - is it profitable, where to start, how to open?

Today, a private bathroom is a common occurrence in an apartment and in a private house. Recently, such a pleasure was not available to everyone, because the Russian bath was very popular. In the villages, baths were located in almost every area, and this pleasure found its consumers at any time of the year.

And, if earlier there were only a few owners of bath complexes, today the opening of such an institution for both private and public use is an excellent business.

Choice of direction

AT without fail it all starts with the choice of the concept on which the whole process will be built. There are several options - here are small private buildings, and saunas of various types, and baths in a barrel, and even large public institutions intended for mass visits.

You can choose any option you want future project could be a bath family vacation, and may be a full-fledged elite complex with various types steam rooms and additional types of recreation. Each sample must be checked against the financial model that suits you, and then any business will bring profit and pleasure to regular customers.

First initial stage It is important to decide who will be your target audience. It is the category of people that should be guided by when forming a business plan, etc.

Bath type selection

Entrepreneurship today allows you to combine types, but even with this possibility, you must fully address the needs of the audience, which may vary depending on the region. The examples provided below will allow you to select a category and correctly promote it:

  • The classic Russian bath, which the vast majority of people are accustomed to, assumes a temperature of 50 to 90 degrees, while the visitor can stay indoors for up to 25 minutes continuously. It is convenient to provide additional services here, such as massages and the use of fragrant fresh brooms.
  • It is very profitable for businesses to open Finnish saunas with a different type of steam. The temperature here is much higher, and the residence time should not exceed ten minutes. At the same time, a separate room will be required for additional procedures.
  • Turkish baths are also distinguished by high profitability and payback, while the walls are necessarily made of marble, and a specialized boiler is responsible for heating. The air temperature here is lower than in other types, while the humidity is much higher, which distinguishes these baths from others.

Baths can be either private, in which people will spend time in narrow companies, or they can be public, where you can meet the most different people and make acquaintances. It is convenient to provide separate women's steam rooms for the fairer sex who want to relax in seclusion.

Advantages and disadvantages

You should familiarize yourself with both the positive and negative aspects of such entrepreneurial activity.

  1. It is worth organizing a bath, if only because this service has always been considered extremely popular. Regardless of the type of bath, a person visits it regularly, spends holidays and birthdays here, just has a nice rest. A bathhouse, even with bathrooms and summer cottages, is always popular with people of any class and financial wealth, so the question of payback is not here.
  2. A private bath does not require a large land plot - you can arrange such an institution on your own land, the main thing is to competently cope with the calculations and start construction, already having ready plan.
  3. People who have organized a private bath and have been its owner for many years claim that it is not required to create a business big investments- enough start-up capital, which will go to the manufacture and production of the bath itself, the purchase of equipment and maintenance.

The main disadvantage of this area is called a long payback and high costs for utilities You can't save on water.

public baths

An entrepreneur does not always choose a scenario for himself in which the bathhouse is private and secluded. Today, the fashion for public baths is returning, which we know from old films and stories of the older generation. Is it profitable to create such an institution, what are the features of such an enterprise?

Today, a public bath is radically different from what we used to see in the days of Soviet Union. The requirements for them have increased significantly, and now it is a space for relaxation with large quantity steam rooms, cozy atmosphere and a variety of services that anyone can use.

Consider these points:

  • Mandatory availability of individual showers;
  • in addition to steam rooms, it is necessary to provide a place to relax;
  • it is recommended to organize a swimming pool in the building;
  • You can also sell snacks and drinks here.

Here, the entrepreneur is waiting for complex accounting, and at the initial stage, you need to do a lot of calculations. But with a competent approach, the institution will bring enormous profits. Take care of additional services that will make the client come back to you again and again, as well as polite and helpful staff that will leave a positive impression on the visitor.

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The documents

The creation of any private business involves the mandatory execution of all necessary documentation. Only in this way will you ensure the legitimacy of your business, avoid unpleasant situations which can cause serious financial damage. It is recommended to collect a package of documents in advance, since in this way you will be able to open an institution at the time strictly set by your plan and avoid additional costs.

To register a business, you will have to contact the local tax office and obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur in terms of sports and recreation organizations. In this case, you will be set a tax that is mandatory for payment, and you will perform all actions already as an officially registered person.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is usually quite inexpensive, is issued within three days and does not require the mandatory presence of a lawyer. Only after obtaining this status, you can engage in activities and open your own business.

In the future, you will have to go through several inspections, which include sanitary and epidemiological and fire. After checking, they must issue papers confirming full compliance with the requirements, and after that your activity is considered completely safe and permitted.

Note! If your company will be engaged in the sale of food and alcoholic products, you must obtain the appropriate permits. Otherwise, you face a fine and the inability to sell such products.


You will have to select employees with a valid health book, among which will be the following professionals:

  1. One or more attendants.
  2. Administrator.
  3. Cleaners.
  4. Kitchen staff, if available.
  5. Masseur.
  6. Inventory Specialist.

Be sure to include in the expense item wages workers, so your task will be greatly facilitated.

Video: home business in the Russian bath.


The calculation of expenses must be made in strict accordance with the region, the scale of the institution. This is the only way to determine the starting capital, deal with future profits.

Initial costs include the following:

At the same time, you should pay attention to the purchase of all accessories for visitors, which will include brooms, bathrobes, towels and other services. With proper pricing, the provision of all services, including the rental of halls, barbecue facilities and other opportunities, with an average workload, you will receive about 220 thousand rubles a month, of which 70 thousand is net profit.

A bath is not only a pleasure that hundreds of people have been striving for for many years, but also an opportunity to earn good money, while getting the opportunity to independently carry out wellness procedures.

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The Russian bath has always been a popular holiday destination. After a major closure public baths built in Soviet time, private baths and saunas have become widespread among the city dweller. With the growing popularity of baths, competition in this area is only increasing. The profitability of this business is estimated at 30-50%. Return on investment from 1-3 years (see also bath business plan)

In contrast to the common recommendations for placing a commercial bath in buildings from 100m2, we suggest considering the idea of ​​building a small complex consisting of several detached houses. Clients will be offered hourly rental of sauna houses with a capacity of up to 10 people.

How much money do you need to open a commercial bath

The construction of swimming pools, salt rooms and other complexes is not expected, as it costs additional investments, and the price of the project may rise to 3 million rubles or more.

In our case, a mini-complex of three bath houses will cost a little more than 1 million rubles. new investments

  • Bath from a bar "turnkey", 3 pcs. — from 700,000 rubles.
  • Administrative building - from 150,000 rubles.
  • LLC registration, license for alc. — from 60,000 rubles.
  • Connection to engineering networks - from 150,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - from 50,000 rubles.

Total - from 1,110,000 rubles.

What system of taxation to choose for a commercial bath. OKVED code

If you plan to trade in alcoholic products, then you must purchase a license "for the sale of alcohol and alcohol-containing products" in accordance with Law No. 171 FZ. In this case, you will have to register an LLC, since a license for the sale of alcohol individual entrepreneurs cannot be obtained.

The taxation system in our case will be USN 6% of revenue (or 15% of profit). OKVED 93.04 "Physical and recreational activities." Description of services

Service list

  • Hourly sauna house rental. Payment can be either per person or total, for example, 800 rubles per hour for up to 10 people;
  • Services of a massage therapist and a hairdresser;
  • Sale of bath accessories: brooms, soap, shampoos, washcloths, etc.;
  • Sale of cooling and alcoholic drinks, fast food, beer snacks.

Reservations can be made by phone or by advance payment.

Do not forget to think over the issue of security, as sometimes the object will be visited by violent companies who, after five mugs of beer, simply do not want to leave the premises on time.

Cleanliness is the key to health

Cleanliness and hygiene are very important in the provision of such services. It is worth at least once to prick on this - the client will not return. Therefore, after each visitor, a thorough sanitization of the premises should be carried out.


Bath location

For the location of the complex of baths, a land area of ​​​​10 acres is required. It is good if such an area is owned and the cost of buying a plot is not required. If the business is located on land plot, which was used for housing needs, then it should be transferred to the appropriate type of permitted use.

Step-by-step plan for opening a commercial bath

Sauna houses can be built by a hired team, and the material can be bought separately, or you can purchase a turnkey bathhouse, which will be ready for work in a few days. You can choose a very different material, from which only now they are not building: timber, log, frame technology, sandwich panels, brick, brick + timber, etc. However, timber is considered the most economical and practical material.

A turnkey log bath measuring 4x6 meters will cost about 230 thousand rubles. The complex of three buildings will cost 690 thousand rubles. The capacity of one house is about 10 people. At the same time, the room will include everything you need: a steam and washing department, a rest room.

How to choose equipment for a bath

Since such objects are fire hazardous and the inspection authorities impose increased requirements on them, the bath project is being developed according to the recommendations of the fire supervision and SES. The set of rules is contained in SNIP II - L 13-62. During the construction of the premises, ventilation hatches must be provided. Walls need to be sheathed hard rocks wood not treated with combustible substances.

The interior lining of the room is best made of linden. The rest room must be equipped with benches, a table and a TV. It is also necessary to have an administrative building where a bar, cash desk and staff will be located.

Building a complex is one thing. No less complicated procedure is the connection of communications. In this case, you will need "full stuffing": gas, water, electricity, sewerage. It is good if the site is already prepared and all communications are connected. And if not? With water and sewage, everything is more or less clear, but with gas and electricity, everything is not so simple. In this case, it is difficult to determine the cost of connection, and the connection time is frightening - from 6 months or more. It all depends on the remoteness of pipelines and power lines, as well as on the "appetite" network companies. Ultimately, the cost of this stage can be from 100 thousand rubles. and higher.


At the stage of searching for a labor collective, problems may also arise. As a rule, wages in such a business are not high, so people are not willing to follow the ads. Be that as it may, the bath complex needs: an administrator, attendants and security guards. If we want to provide additional services, then we need to find more masseurs, bathers, and even hairdressers. By the way, it is better to hire a massage therapist on an ongoing basis and combine his work with the duties of a steamer.

For a small bath complex, the following staffing is also suitable:

The total payment fund will be about 70 thousand rubles per month. Marketing

Advertising and promotion

untwisted baths with good service booked weeks in advance. Achieving high attendance is the main "bread" of this business. The growing competition in the bath business every year requires the entrepreneur to regularly search for tools to promote his business.

The most common methods include:

  • Advertising in the media;
  • Creation of a website and pages in the social. networks;
  • Carrying out regular promotions. For example, when ordering a bath from 8 people - 1 hour as a gift;
  • Planning a flexible system of discounts, including for regular customers;

How much can you earn on bath services

The most important thing is not to “overdo it” with the price of the service, but also not to make it too low. The hourly price of renting a sauna house depends on many factors:

  • The presence of competitors;
  • Solvency of the population;
  • Availability of additional services.

As a rule, the price in many regions of Russia is in the range from 100 to 600 rubles per hour per person. Or the whole complex is rented, then the price is from 700 to 1500 rubles, regardless of the number of people.

The main revenue of the bath, as a rule, falls on weekends. One bath house these days works for 10 hours. Peak attendance is Saturday. Rent a bath, on average, will be companies consisting of 4 people. This means that about 40 people will visit the bathhouse in one day off. With an average check of 200 rubles per visitor, the revenue from one bath will be: 200 * 40 \u003d 8,000 rubles. From three bathhouses: 24,000 rubles for one day off. 8 days off per month (Saturday and Sunday). Total 24,000 rubles. * 8 days = 192,000 rubles per weekend per month.

Weekdays cannot boast of such attendance. So all 5 weekdays will bring only 50% of the revenue for 2 days off. Total: 96,000 rubles.

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