Dorsal plane. planes and directions. to laboratory classes in animal anatomy

In order to be able to navigate on the body of the animal, indicate the topography of its individual organs and make it easier to study it, the body of the animal was divided into regions, departments, which received a specific name.

Along with the complication of the structure of the body of vertebrates, the conditional division of it into regions becomes more complicated.

In fish, the head, trunk (the area between the head and tail) and tail (the area located behind the anus) stand out on the stem part of the body.

In terrestrial vertebrates, in connection with the development of their limbs, two parts are already distinguished on the body - the neck and the body (therefore, the body means the part without the neck).

In this regard, the head, neck, trunk and tail stand out on the stem part of the body; on the limbs - belts and free limbs (Fig. 7).

HEAD - caput. It is subdivided into the skull - cranium and the face - fades.

For quick and clear orientation in determining the places of damage on the head or when taking measurements in breeding work, regions are distinguished on the skull - regiones (rg.): On the border between the neck and head, the occipital region - rg. occipitalis; in front of her on top of the parietal region - rg. parietalis; in front of the parietal region, the frontal region is rg. frontalis; on the sides of it the area of ​​the auricle - rg. auricularis; between the eye and ear on the sides of the parietal region, the temporal region - rg. temporalis.

On the face, they distinguish - "the region of the nose - rg. nasalis, on which the back of the nose - dorsum nasi, the tip of the nose - apex nasi and the lateral region - rg. lateralis nasi stand out; on the sides and below the latter is the infraorbital region - rg. infraorbitalis, passing into buccal region - rg. buccalis, on which the maxillary, dental and mandibular areas are distinguished; behind the buccal region - the zygomatic region - rg. zygomatica; behind the buccal region, where the large flat chewing muscle is located, lies the chewing region - rg. masseterica.

Below the face, between the lower jaws, are the intermaxillary region - rg. intermandibularis and the area of ​​the hyoid bone - rg. subhyoidea. On the anterior part of the face, its apical or apical part, the region of the nostrils is distinguished - rg naris, the region of the upper lip - rg. labialis superior. In the region of the nostrils and upper lip, there may be a nasal or nasolabial mirror. The pigs have a snout here. There is also an area of ​​the lower lip - rg. labialis inferior and chin area - rg. mental is.

Around the eye - the orbital region - rg. orbitalis, on which the region of the lower eyelid is distinguished - rg. palpebral superios

Rice. 7. Areas of the cow's body

NECK - collum (cervix). It borders on the occipital region, on the sides of which lie: the region of the parotid gland - rg. paratidea, located below the auricle, passing from above into the behind-the-ear region - rg. retroauricularis, and from below - into the pharyngeal - rg. pharyngea; laryngeal region - rg. laryngea lies below behind the pharyngeal region. Along the lower side of the neck from the laryngeal region back to the body stretches the tracheal region - rg. trachealis. Along the neck from the sides of the tracheal region is the brachiocephalic muscle, the region of which is called the region of the brachiocephalic muscle - rg. brachiocephalica. Along the lower edge of this area stretches the jugular groove - sulcus jugularis, in which lies the external jugular vein, from which blood is usually taken from large animals. Below this gutter, the sternocephalic region is rg. sternocephalica; closer to the scapula, in the upper part it is called the prescapular region - rg. prescapularis. The back ventral part of the neck - dewlap - palear.

Above the region of the brachiocephalic muscle is the lateral cervical region, located in the upper part of the neck, - rg. colli lateralis, it still distinguishes the outer edge - margo nuchalis or the dorsal edge of the neck - margo colli dorsalis.

BODY - truncus. It distinguishes the dorsal-thoracic, lumbar-abdominal and sacro-gluteal regions.

The dorsal-thoracic region is a continuation of the bulge and upper regions of the neck, which consists of two parts: in front of the withers - rg. interscapularis and behind the dorsal region - rg. dorsalis.

On the sides and below from the back there is an extensive lateral chest region, from below passing in front of the presternal region - rg. presternalis, bordering on the tracheal, and behind - in the sternal - rg. sternalis.

The lateral thoracic region is also divided into two parts: the anterior part, where the shoulder girdle (scapula) lies on the chest, and the shoulder, which in many animals goes to the level of the sternal region. Caudal part of the thoracic region - costal - rg. cos-talis - reaches the edge of the chest, called the costal arch.

Lumbar-abdominal. The upper part of this department is the lumbar region - rg. The iumbalis (lower back) is an extension of the back. Below the waist - a vast abdominal region, or simply the belly (belly) - abdomen.

By two transverse (segmental) planes, drawn at the level of the most convex part of the costal arch and at the level of the maklok, the abdominal region is divided into three sections: the anterior region, in front and below, running along the edges of the costal arches (right and left) and behind bounded by a transverse plane drawn along the edge of the convex part of the costal arch. This area is called the area of ​​the xiphoid cartilage - rg. xiphoidea. The middle lateral region is located between the two transverse planes described above. Here are the right and left iliac regions - rg. iliacea. In this area, a hungry fossa (periolumbar fossa) fossa paralumbalis is distinguished, located under the lower edge of the lower back in front of the maklok, and the umbilical region - rg. umbilicalis - a site located in the middle region behind the region of the xiphoid cartilage (in this region the umbilical cord is located in newborns).

On the sides and behind the iliac region lie the right and left inguinal regions - rg. inguinalis, from below, as a continuation of the umbilical region, there is a pubic region - rg. publica.

Sacro-buttock department. In the middle part of this department, above and behind the lumbar region lies the sacral region - rg. sacralis, which passes into the root of the tail - radix caudae. On the sides of it is the gluteal region - rg. glutea, its lower border goes along the line passing from the maklok through the hip joint to the ischial tuberosity.

Gluteal region (buttocks) - rg. glutea (nates) is located in place of the pelvic girdle. Together with the sacral section, the paired gluteal region forms a croup in ungulate animals. The back side of the croup under the tail is called the anal region - rg. analis, here is the anus - the anus. Under the anal region from the anus to the labia in females and the scrotum in males lies the area perineum, or perineum, - rg perineals (perineum).

From the lower border of the gluteal region to the knee joint on the pelvic limb are the thigh - femur and the area of ​​the patella - rg. patellaris, the knee fold rises up from it to the stomach. From the knee to the tarsal joint lies the lower leg - crus, from which the limb ends with a link called the foot - pes, or hind leg.

On the thoracic limb, the region of the shoulder girdle is distinguished - rg. scapularis (to the level of the shoulder joint) and the shoulder area - rg. brachials. These two areas are adjacent to the thoracic region. On the area of ​​​​the shoulder girdle, another area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe scapular cartilage is isolated - rg. suprascapularis, supraspinous - rg. supraspinata and infraspinal region - rg. infraspinata, located along the scapula in front of and behind the spine of the scapula.

From the shoulder joint to the elbow, there is a shoulder - brachium, behind which the edge of the triceps muscle, or the triceps edge, margo tricepitalis, is clearly visible. Between the elbow and wrist joints lies the forearm - antebrachium, below it is the hand - manus, or front paw.

Terms indicating the location and direction of parts of an animal's body. To clarify the location on the body of an organ or its part, the entire body is conditionally dissected by three mutually perpendicular planes drawn along the body, across and horizontally (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Planes and directions in the body

The vertical plane that cuts the body longitudinally from head to tail is called the sagittal plane - planum sagittate. If the plane passes along the body, dividing it into right and left symmetrical halves, then this is the middle sagittal plane - planum medianum. All other sagittal planes drawn parallel to the median sagittal plane are called lateral sagittal planes - plana of the sagittal plane, directed towards the median plane is called medial; the opposite (outer) area is called lateral, it is directed to the side. So, the outer surface of the rib will be lateral, and the one that is visible from the inner surface of the chest, i.e., towards the median sagittal plane, will be medial. The outer lateral surface of the limb is lateral, while the inner one, directed towards the median plane, is medial.

It is also possible to dissect the body with longitudinal planes, but in animals they are located horizontally on the earth's surface. They will run perpendicular to the sagittal. Such planes are called dorsal (frontal). These planes can be used to cut off the dorsal surface of the tetrapod body from the ventral surface. And everything that is directed to the back received the term "dorsal" (dorsal). (In animals it is upper, in humans it is posterior.) Everything that is directed to the abdominal surface has received the term "ventral" (abdominal). (In animals it is lower, in humans it is anterior.) These terms apply to all parts of the body, except for the hand and foot.

The third planes along which you can mentally dissect the body are transverse (segmental). They run vertically, across the body, perpendicular to the longitudinal planes, cutting it into separate sections - segments, or metameres. In relation to each other, these segments can be located towards the head (skull) - cranially (from Latin cranium - skull). (In animals it is forward, in humans it is up.) Or they are located towards the tail - caudally (from Latin cauda - tail). (In quadrupeds it is back, in humans it is down.)

On the head, directions are indicated towards the nose - rostral (from lat. Rostrum - proboscis).

These terms can be combined. For example, if it is necessary to say that the organ is located towards the tail and towards the back, then they use a complex term - caudodorsally. Both medical and veterinarian will understand you. If we are talking about the ventrolateral location of the organ, this means that it is located on the ventral side and outside, on the side (in the animal on the side - from below, and in humans on the side - in front).

In the region of the autopodia of the extremities (on the hand and foot), the back of the hand or the back of the foot are distinguished - dorsum manus and dorsum pedis, which serve as a continuation of the cranial surfaces of the forearm and lower leg. Opposite the dorsal on the hand are palmar (from lat. palma manus - palm), on the foot - plantar (from lat. planta pedis - sole of the foot) surfaces. They are called anti-back. In the region of the stylo- and zeugopodium, the anterior surface is called cranial, the opposite is called caudal. The terms "lateral" and "medial" are retained on the limbs.

All areas on the free limb in relation to their longitudinal axis can be closer to the body - proximally or further from it - distally. Thus, the hoof is located more distally than the elbow joint, which is located proximal to the hoof.

FGBOU VPO "Ryazan State Agrotechnological

university. P. A. Kostychev"

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology

Department of Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals


to laboratory classes in animal anatomy

(section "Osteology") for 1st year students

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology

specialty 111801.65 "Veterinary"

and direction of preparation 111900.62

"Veterinary and sanitary examination"

Ryazan - 2012

UDC 636.4.591

Antonov Andrey Vladimirovich, Yashina Valentina Vasilievna.

Guidelines for laboratory classes in animal anatomy (section "Osteology") for 1st year students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology in the specialty 111801.65 "Veterinary Medicine" and the direction of training 111900.62 "Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise". FGBOU VPO RSATU. Ryazan, 2012. - 24 p.


Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor V. I. Rozanov,

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor I. A. Sorokina.

Guidelines were reviewed at a meeting of the Department of Anatomy and Physiology of S.-x. animals. Minutes No. ____ dated "____" __________ 2012

Head Department, Doctor of Biol. Sciences, Professor (L. G. Kashirina).

Chairman of the Methodological Committee,

Dr. S.-H. Sciences, Professor (N. I. Torzhkov).

1. Preface

1) Know the Russian and Latin names of bones, their structure and specific features.

2) Clearly represent the location of the bones in the body of the animal.

3) Know the bone composition of each area of ​​the body.

4) Be able to determine the species affiliation of each individual bone according to its structure.

The structure of bones is studied on anatomical preparations and stands using a textbook, this methodological manual, as well as drawings. The final fixation of the material is carried out during training practice by dissecting corpses and living animals.

2. Planes and directions in the body of an animal

To accurately indicate the location of a particular organ or part of the body in the body, planes and directions are distinguished. The planes are drawn parallel or perpendicular to the axis of the body.

Sagittal planes are drawn along the axis of the body, vertically . One of them - median sagittal, or median- passes along the axis of symmetry of the body and divides it into mirror-symmetrical right and left parts. Lateral sagittal planes are drawn left and right parallel to the median sagittal plane. Frontal planes are also drawn parallel to the axis of the body, but horizontally, at different heights. On the head, these planes are parallel to the plane of the forehead. The frontal plane divides the body into upper and lower parts. Segmental planes are drawn perpendicular to the axis of the body and divide it into anterior and posterior parts.

Directions are associated with planes. The direction from the median sagittal plane to the side is called lateral and the opposite - to the median sagittal plane - medial. The direction from the frontal plane up to the back is called dorsal and down to the stomach - ventral. On the neck, trunk and tail, the direction from the segmental plane forward, towards the head, is called cranial, and back to the tail - caudal. On the head, the forward direction is called oral, nasal or rostral and back - aboral.

For directions on free limbs, the following terms apply. The direction from the torso to the ends of the fingers is called distal, and from the ends of the fingers to the body - proximal. The direction towards the dorsal (back) surface on the hand and foot is called dorsal. The dorsal surface of the hand and foot is also called dorsal. The direction from the dorsal surface of the hand to the palm is called palmar or volar, and the direction from the dorsal surface of the foot to the sole is plantar.


Dorsal and ventral- antonyms denoting the location towards the back (dorsum) or stomach (venter). Above the wrist (carpus) and tarsus (tarsus) and from the abdomen to the back, the structure closest to the skull (cranium) will be located cranial (front) in relation to another structure, and the structure located towards the tail (cauda) will be located caudal (behind) in relation to another structure. When it comes to the head, the term "rostral" means the location of the structure closer to the nose (rostrum).
Proximal indicates a location towards the body adjacent to the body of the limb, and the structure located towards the free part of the limb, further from the body, will be distal. Distal, including wrists, term dorsal palmar replaces the term caudal. Distal, including tarsus, term dorsal replaces the term cranial, and the term plantar replaces the term caudal.
Adjectives denoting localization end in -y, and directions end in -o. For example, one structure is located proximally, the tendon runs distally. Vienna goes more proximal.
Sometimes Russian analogues are used in Russian-language literature: cranial - anterior, caudal - posterior, ventral - lower, dorsal - upper, palmar - palmar, plantar - plantar.


An explanation of the use of such terms is given by the example of a dog. Sagittal median plane divides the animal's body lengthwise into right and left halves. Sagittal lateral planes located parallel to the median (right and left). Medial and lateral directions are terms denoting location relative to the median sagittal plane. Medial structures are located closer to it, that is, inside, if the location is directed away from the midsagittal plane, the term is used more lateral, that is, closer to the outside. Segmental (transverse) plane passes through the head, trunk or limb perpendicular to the length of their axis. Frontal plane(also called horizontal, dorsal) runs parallel to the ground and at right angles to the sagittal median plane.

T. McCracken and R. Keiner, Veterinary practice "Atlas of anatomy of small domestic animals", Aquarium Publishing House.



For a more accurate description of the topography and the relative position of individual parts and organs, the entire body of the animal is conventionally dissected by planes in three mutually perpendicular directions (Fig. 1).

Sagittal planes planisagittalia(I) - vertical planes longitudinally dissecting the body from head to tail. They can be carried out in any number, but only one of them is the middle sagittal plane (median) planum medianum cuts the animal into two symmetrical halves - right and left, and it passes from the mouth to the tip of the tail. The direction from any sagittal plane outward is denoted as laterallateralis(1), and inward towards the median (median) plane - the medial medialis (2).

Frontal (dorsal) planes plani dorsalia(III) - these planes are also drawn along the body of the animal, but perpendicular to the sagittal, i.e., parallel to the horizontal plane. In relation to this plane, two directions are considered: dorsal(dorsal) dorsalis(3) - directed towards the contour of the back, and ventral(abdominal) ventralis(4) - oriented towards the contour of the abdomen.

Segmental (transverse) planes plani transversalia(II) - these planes pass across the body of the animal, perpendicular to the longitudinal planes, cutting it into separate sections (segments). In relation to these planes, two directions are considered:

a) on the body cranially e (cranial) cranialis(5) oriented towards the skull and caudal(tail) caudalis(6) oriented towards the tail;

b) on the head oral(oral) oralis(7) or nasal(nasal) nasalis, or rostral rostralis- oriented towards the entrance to the mouth or towards the top of the nose, and aboral(anti-gate) aboralis(8) - towards the beginning of the neck;

Rice. 1. Planes and directions

Planes: I - sagittal; II - segmental; III - frontal.

Directions: 1 - lateral; 2 - medial; 3 - dorsal; 4 - ventral; 5 - cranial; 6 - caudal; 7 - oral (nasal, rostral); 8 - aboral; 9 - palmar (volar); 10 - plantar; 11 - proximal; 12 - distal.

c) on the limbs - cranial and caudal, but only up to the hand and foot. In the region of the hand and foot, the anterior surface is called dorsal or dorsal dorsalis (3); posterior surface of the hand palmar or palmar(volar) palmaris seu volaris(9), and on the foot - plantar or plantar plantaris (10).

The directions along the long axis of the free limbs are defined in terms of: proximal - proximalis(11), i.e., the end of the leg closest to the body or any link closest to the body, and the distal - distalis(12) - the furthest from the body.

By combining the considered terms in various combinations, it is possible to indicate the dorsocaudal, ventromedial, craniodorsal, or any other direction on the body.

II.OSTEOLOGY (osteology)

Osteology- the doctrine of the bones, which, together with cartilage and ligaments, form the skeleton. The skeleton is a mobile basis of the body, consisting of bones and cartilage, interconnected by means of joints and adhesions. Skeleton sceleton(Fig. 2) is a passive part of the apparatus of movement, which is a system of levers for attaching muscles, as active organs of movement, it is also a support and protection for internal organs.

The entire skeleton is divided into axial and peripheral. To axial The skeleton includes: the skeleton of the head, neck, trunk and tail. The skeleton of the neck, trunk and tail is based on the vertebrae. Together they form spinal columncolumna vertebralis. The skeleton of the body also includes the chest, represented by the thoracic vertebrae, ribs and sternum.

Peripheral skeleton - represented by the skeleton of the thoracic and pelvic limbs.

Rice. 2 Horse Skeleton

A - cervical spine; B - thoracic spine; C - lumbar spine; D - sacral spine; E - tail section of the spinal column.

1 - scapula; 2 - humerus; 3 - ulna; 4 - radius; 5 - bones of the wrist; 6 - bones of the metacarpus; 7 - bones of the fingers; 8- sesamoid bones; 9- pelvic bones; 10 - femur; 11 - patella; 12 - tibia; 13 - fibula; 14 - tarsal bones; 15 - bones of the metatarsus.

Consider the structure of a vertebra using the example of a vertebra from the thoracic region, since only in it can complete bone segment, which includes a vertebra, a pair of ribs and an adjacent section of the sternum.

Vertebravertebra seu spondylus- in its structure refers to short, symmetrical bones of a mixed type. It consists of a body, an arch (arc) and processes (Fig. 3).

Vertebral body - corpus vertebrae(1) - is the most permanent columnar component. At its cranial end is a convex head caput vertebrae(2), on the caudal - concave fossa fossa vertebrae (3), on the ventral surface - ventral crest crista ventralis(4). On the sides of the heads and pits of the vertebral body there are small cranial and caudal costal fossae (facets) fovea costalis cranialis et caudalis (5, 6).

Arch (arc) of the vertebra arcus vertebrale lies dorsally from the body and forms the vertebral foramen together with the body forum vertebrale(7). At the junction of the arch with the body there are paired cranial and caudal intervertebral (vertebral) notches Incisura intervertebralis (vertebralis) cranialis et caudalis (8, 9). From adjacent (adjacent) notches, intervertebral foramens are formed forum intervertebrale. An unpaired spinous process departs dorsally from the arch processus spinosus(ten). On the arches there are small paired cranial and caudal articular (arc) processes for connecting them to each other processus articularis cranialis et caudalis (11, 12); while the articular surface (facet) on the cranial articular processes is facing dorsally, and on the caudal processes - ventrally.

Transverse processes extend laterally from the arch processus transverses(thirteen). They carry an articular costal (transverse costal) fossa or facet fovea costalis transversalis(14) for connection with the tubercle of the rib, as well as a small rough mastoid process processus mamillaris(15) for muscle attachment.

Rice. 3. Thoracic vertebra

1 - vertebral body; 2 - head of the vertebra; 3 - fossa of the vertebra; 4 - ventral crest; 5 - cranial costal fossae (facets); 6 - caudal costal pits (facets); 7 - vertebral foramen; 8 - cranial intervertebral (vertebral) cuttings; 9 - caudal intervertebral (vertebral) notches; 10 - spinous process; 11 - cranial articular processes; 12 - caudal articular processes; 13 - transverse process; 14 - costal (transverse costal fossa (facet); 15 - mastoid process.

CERVICAL VERTEBRAE vertebrae cervicales .

In mammals, the neck skeleton is formed by 7 vertebrae with a few exceptions (in the sloth - 6-9, in the manatee - 6). They are divided into typical- similar in structure to each other (according to the account 3, 4, 5, 6), and atypical(1, 2, 7).

A characteristic feature of typical cervical vertebrae (Fig. 4) is the presence of biramous (bifurcated) transverse costal processes (4) and intertransverse (transverse) foramens - forum transversarium(5), - located at their base. In typical cervical vertebrae, the rudiments of the ribs grow to the transverse processes, therefore these processes are called not only transverse, but also transverse costal - processus costotransversarius.

Rice. 4. Typical cervical vertebrae of a horse

1 - head of the vertebra; 2 - fossa of the vertebra; 3 - spinous process; 4 - transverse costal processes; 5 - transverse hole; 6 - cranial articular processes; 7 - caudal articular processes;


In cattle typical cervical vertebrae have relatively short bodies (the vertebrae are almost cuboid), the heads are hemispherical, the spinous processes are short, rounded, thickened at the ends, their height gradually increases from 3 to 7, and the ventral crests are well defined.

At the pig the vertebrae are short, the arches are narrow, the interarch foramina are wide (the distance between the arches of adjacent vertebrae), the heads and fossae are flat, the spinous processes are relatively well developed, the ventral crests are absent, there are dorsoventral foramina at the base of the transverse costal processes (the lateral vertebral foramen are forum vertebrale laterale.

In order to more accurately describe the topography and the relative position of individual parts and organs, the entire body of the animal is conditionally dissected by planes in three mutually perpendicular directions. The following planes are mentally drawn: vertical - sagittal, as well as frontal and horizontal - segmental (Fig. 1.3-1.6).

Sagittal planes cut the animal's body from top to bottom into right and left parts, and only one of them - the median sagittal plane - divides the animal's body into equal symmetrical (right and left) halves; lateral sagittal planes divide the body of the animal into unequal and asymmetrical parts.

Frontal planes cut the body into upper, or dorsal, and lower, or abdominal, parts.

Segmental planes pass in the transverse direction and divide the body into transverse segments, or segments.

To clarify the position of the organ and the direction of its parts, the following topographic terms are used: dorsal - directed in animals on the back (up); ventilation- to the stomach (down); medial - inside; lateral- outside; cranial- to the head; caudal- to the tail (for the head: oral- to the mouth aboral- from the mouth); proximal - to the axial part of the body; distal - from the axial part of the body; dorsal(on the limbs) - to the back (front) surface of the limb; palmar (volar) - to the anti-back (back) surface of the food limb, and plantar- to the anti-back (back) surface of the pelvic limb.

Rice. 1.3.


I- median (sagittal);

II- transverse (segmental);

III- dorsal (frontal);


  • 1 - nasal; 2 - rostral (oral);
  • 3 - aboral (caudal); 4 - caudal;
  • 5 - lateral; 6 - plantar; 7 - dorsal;
  • 8 - medial; 9 - cranial; 10 - ventral;
  • 11 - palmar; 12 - proximal;
  • 13 - distal; 14 - axial; 15 - abaxial

[Pismenskaya V.N., Boev V.I. Workshop on anatomy and histology of farm animals. M.: KolosS, 2010, p. 13]

Rice. 1.4.

BUT- longitudinal; AT- frontal; With- transverse sections of the body:

ah- segmental planes; with- middle segmental plane; her- frontal plane: directions:

  • 1 - dorsal (dorsal); 2 - ventral (abdominal);
  • 3 - cranial (cranial); 4 - caudal (caudal);
  • 5 - dorso-cranial; 6 - dorso-caudal; 7 - proximal;
  • 8 - distal; 9 - dorsal (dorsal); 10 - volar;
  • 11 - plantar; 12 - medial; 13 - lateral;
  • 14 - ventro-cranial; 15 - ventro-caudal

[Klimov A.F. Anatomy of domestic animals.

T. 1. M .: Selkhozgiz, 1955, C 33]

Rice. 1.5.

  • 1 - head; 2 - chest and but-head area; 3 - dewlap;
  • 4 - axillary region; 5 - shoulder area;
  • 6 - presternal region; 7 - area of ​​the ulnar tubercle;
  • 8 - forearm area; 9 - wrist area; 10 - pastern area;
  • 11 - cardiac region; 12 - sternum region;
  • 13 - region of the xiphoid cartilage; 14 - costal region;
  • 15 - hypochondrium area; 16 - the abdominal region is lateral;
  • 17 - umbilical region; 18 - groin area;
  • 19 - area of ​​the fetlock; 20 - region of the coronary joint;
  • 21 - hoof area; 22 - area of ​​the metatarsus;
  • 23 - lateral metatarsal region; 24 - area of ​​the mammary gland;
  • 25 - area of ​​​​the common calcaneal tendon; 26 - lateral fold;
  • 27 - lateral region of the lower leg; 28 - lateral knee region;
  • 29 - acetabular region; 30 - region of the ischial tuberosity;
  • 31 - anal area; 32 - lateral area of ​​the thigh;
  • 33 - region of the root of the tail; 34 - gluteal region;
  • 35 - sacral region; 36 - maklok area;
  • 37 - lumbar region; 38 - the region of the hungry fossa (circumbar);
  • 39 - region of the thoracic vertebrae; 40 - interscapular region;
  • 41 - area of ​​the scapula; 42 - brachiocephalic region

[Pismenskaya V.N., Boev V.I. Workshop on anatomy and histology of farm animals. M.: KolosS, 2010, p. 12]

Rice. 1.6.

When dismembering the animal's body into anterior and posterior halves in the segmental plane of the common center of gravity, the cutting plane passes through the body of the XI thoracic vertebra and the liver. When dividing the anterior half, the plane of the cut lies between the last cervical and I thoracic vertebrae, then along the anterior edge of the ribs and through the shoulder joint and separates the neck from the chest. When dividing the posterior half, the cutting plane is located between the last lumbar and I sacral vertebrae, separating the lower back from the sacrum, then through the iliac wing, then through the abdominal cavity and cuts off the patella with a part of the lower epiphysis of the femur, i.e. the cut passes through the knee joint.

Thus, the first quarter includes the head-cervical part, the second and third quarters (one lies in front of the plane of the common center of gravity, the other behind) - the sterno-lumbar part, and the fourth quarter - the sacro-caudal part. Then each quarter is sawn in the plane of their centers of gravity into front and rear (eighth) parts. When dividing the first quarter of the head-cervical part, the cutting plane passes through the occipito-atlantic joint and divides it into two natural sections - the head and neck. When dividing the second quarter, the plane of the cut goes through the V thoracic vertebra and heart, to the limbs - through the elbow and carpal joints. When dividing the third quarter, the cutting plane passes through the II lumbar vertebra, kidneys and large intestine. When dividing the fourth quarter of the sacro-caudal part, the cutting plane separates the sacrum or tail and runs through the hip and tarsal (hock) joints.

The general patterns of the structure of a living organism also include uniaxiality, metamerism and antimerism, due to the mobility of the animal.

There is another regularity in the structure of the body: the brain tube runs along the back, and the splanchnic tube runs ventrally from it. With the end of the growth and development of the organism, the structures of the organs stabilize, and their interconnection, interdependence, interdependence and interaction not only remain, but also continue to develop and improve.

  • 1. What are the main properties of living organisms do you know?
  • 2. What is the significance of cuts through the general and partial centers of gravity of the animal?
  • 3. What planes and directions are used to more accurately indicate the location of an organ or part of an organism in an animal's body?
  • 4. What are the names of the planes and directions of the limbs?
  • 5. Name the areas of the bone base of the head.
  • 6. What areas is the stem part of the body divided into, what is their bone base?
  • 7. Give a description of the region of the thoracic and pelvic limbs.
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