Download changes in the exam in chemistry. The structure of KIM USE. Full changelog

One of the elective subjects indicated by the high school graduate in the application is the Unified State Examination in Chemistry 2018. Chemistry test and measurement materials are prepared in accordance with the Federal Standard for Complete Secondary Education. They are fully focused on the school level. The difficulty lies in the fact that in general education schools only one hour a week is allocated for the study of chemistry. Therefore, in order to successfully pass the Unified State Examination in Chemistry, one must prepare hard and purposefully.

Who chooses chemistry for the exam?

The USE in chemistry is chosen by 11th grade students who plan to further connect their lives with studying at higher educational institutions in this area of ​​training.

  • As a rule, these are graduates striving to enter technical universities that offer chemical specialties as a training profile.
  • It can also be guys who want to enter medical schools, where good knowledge of chemistry is required.

The main documents of the exam

If we talk about the content of the variant of the examination test in chemistry, then here you need to get acquainted with three main documents:

1)Codifier consisting of two parts.

  • In the first part of the document, those elements of content are presented, to check the formation of which all tasks included in the option are directed.
  • The second part of the codifier is called the "List of requirements for the level of graduates' training." Here is a list of skills that a 11th grade student must master in order to complete the assignments.

2) Specification. This is a document that regulates the structure of the exam for the current year. It presents the topics that may be encountered in the exam.

3) Demo version of the exam in chemistry- this is one version of the exam, from which you need to start preparing for the state exam in chemistry.
How to prepare? What to read?

There are a fairly large number of benefits that are auxiliary materials:

  1. The books recommended by the Ministry of Education are chemistry textbooks.
  2. Benefits labeled "FIPI".
  3. Books by the developers of KIM USE in chemistry.

How is the exam version arranged?

Total 34 tasks
1 part part 2
29 short answer tasks 5 tasks with a detailed answer

The time to complete the entire work on the exam is 210 minutes (3 hours 30 minutes).
The maximum primary score is 60.

Part 1 presents tasks of basic and advanced levels of complexity.

In the 2nd part, high-level tasks are given.

Structure and typology of tasks of the 1st part of KIM

Tasks of the 1st part come in two main forms:

  1. tasks with a short answer, which involve establishing a correspondence between the positions of two sets;
  2. Multiple choice of answers from the list provided.

For example, in the 1st task of the basic level, a number of chemical elements can be given (5 elements in total). Next, questions are asked that the graduate must carefully read and give an appropriate answer. The fact that there are two cells in the answer field indicates that there should be two such answers. And only with the correct choice of all answer options, you can get the maximum score for this task.

The second example of tasks is tasks for correspondence between two sets (5th task). So, the formulas of substances can be presented in the left column, and the class (group) of substances to which this or that substance belongs is in the right column. Since 3 substances are given in the left column, the student must establish 3 matches.

If we talk about tasks of a different type, then you can see tasks that contain textual information to a greater extent, where some kind of mental conduct of a chemical experiment and the choice of formulas of substances that will allow you to correctly answer the task presented in the condition of the problem are assumed.

Multiple choice tasks often seem to students to be quite simple and do not require writing reaction equations, formulas of substances. Unfortunately, this is not so. Only if the graduate really prescribes a solution for each task and thoughtfully treats this condition of the problem, then in this case there is a chance to come to the correct answer.

Features of the tasks of the second part

But the tasks from the second part of the test with a detailed answer suggest a higher level of complexity. But this does not go beyond the topics presented in the codifier. The complication is due to the fact that if in tasks of a basic level the test is aimed at one element of the content, then in tasks of a high level of complexity, possession of several elements of the content or several skills is assumed. For example, it is necessary not only to attribute this or that substance to a class or group of substances, but also to remember what properties this group of substances has, sometimes you have to remember the specific properties of the substances discussed in the task.

Five tasks with a detailed answer are aimed at the main, most important sections of the chemistry course. The whole option can be conditionally divided into certain content blocks, many of which are enlarged topics of the school chemistry course. For example, "Structure of the atom", "Periodic laws. Periodic system of chemical elements”, “Inorganic substances”, “Organic substances”, “Methods of knowledge in chemistry”, “Chemistry in life”, “Calculations by chemical formulas, reaction equations”.

What can be used in the exam?

A graduate must bring two subjects to the exam in chemistry:

  1. non-programmable calculator;
  2. black gel pen.

The exam will give you:

  • the periodic system of chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev;
  • table of solubility of acids, salts and bases;
  • electrochemical series of voltages of metals (series of activity of metals).

The Ministry of Education does not intend to make any changes to the KIM USE in chemistry in the 2017-2018 academic year.

The date of the exam in chemistry will be announced in January 2018.

You can find out about the results of the exam in chemistry in 2018 at your school or on the official website of the exam.

For more information about the features of the exam in chemistry, see the video clip:

The introduction of the Unified State Examination in Russia provided an opportunity for graduates to apply to 5 educational institutions at the same time, and for three specialties. In total, 15 applications for admission to educational institutions are obtained. But the State Exam itself is not only a test, but also a stress for children and parents. Changes made annually to the USE structure cause uncertainty and reduce results. How to pass the exam? A question that worries parents and students in grade 11.

At first glance, the changes introduced to the USE look significant. But this is only at first glance.

In 2017, the USE test materials in chemistry changed to a greater extent. Firstly, there were less than 34 of them (it was 40). Assignments are categorized by topic, not by level of difficulty. Questions with one answer are excluded, but they have not changed in complexity. The maximum number of primary points decreased by 4 (60-64).

Changes in the KIMs of the USE for 2017

No. Job numbers What changed
№22, №23 Difficulty level increased (from basic to advanced)
№1, №2, №3 Test tasks are replaced by more complex ones with two and three answers. The second task for compiling a sequential series on a certain basis of elements
№12 In the topic of organic chemistry, a task of the basic level appeared
№5, №16 Removed from KIMs
№9, №10 merged
№9, №17 Change in points (maximum number - 2 points)

In 2018, if there are changes in KIMs in chemistry, they will not be significant. All the necessary materials are provided on the FIPI website. The demo version of KIMs 2017 will make it easier to prepare for the exam. The site provides options for exam questions for several years. If you doubt your knowledge, follow several options. The theoretical part of the exam can be found in the topics of the codifier on the FIPI website. During the exam, students are provided with tables for use:

  • periodic table of elements;
  • activity series of metals;
  • electrochemical series of voltages.

Tables will greatly help in completing assignments. Some tasks can be completely completed using tables (for example, questions No. 1, No. 2, No. 3), but for this you need to be able to use them, find the necessary information.

KIMS consist of two parts of different complexity. The first part includes 29 questions, which must be answered in the form of one or more numbers written in sequence. The second part is more difficult, includes questions from 30 to 34. Tasks 30-32 for writing the reaction equation. 33, 34 - tasks of a high level of complexity. This part requires a detailed answer with a correct record of the solution. Response formatting is also appreciated. There are two answer sheets for the first and second parts.
Knowledge of theory will also help graduates. The theoretical part includes a block: the basics of theory, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, the application of chemistry in life.

Block number, section, number of topics:

I The structure of the atom 1

  • Periodic system of chemical elements. Law of D.I. Mendeleev. 4
  • Chemical bonds and structure of substances. 3
  • Chemical reactions. ten

II Classification, chemical properties of simple substances, chemical properties of oxides, bases, acids, salts. eight

III Theory of structure, classification, types of bonds, chemical properties of various organic compounds. Properties of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. nine

IV Fundamentals of experimental chemistry. eight

  • Industrial production of chemicals: methods, principles. 4
  • Calculations of substances by formulas and equations of reactions. nine

The date of the 2018 chemistry exam will be announced at the beginning of the year. Whether or not to take the exam in chemistry, graduates decide, as long as it is not a compulsory subject. This exam is needed for admission to a medical university, a pedagogical university (the department of "chemistry and biology"), an agricultural university (agronomy, veterinary medicine), to obtain the profession of a biotechnologist.

The exam in chemistry in 2018 will undergo some changes. Some of them are significant. They will be discussed in this article. In particular, it will talk about how the structure of the exam is changing and what is new in it.

Changes and their meaning

The USE in Chemistry 2018 is taken by both students in the 11th grade and graduates of colleges and technical schools who want to continue their studies at the university, which means that preparation for the USE in chemistry must be done carefully.

The main changes in the exam in chemistry are associated with the absence of a part with a choice of answers. Now even the simplest tasks require a short written answer. This eliminates the possibility of guessing the answer and motivates to prepare tests more efficiently.

They inform that the total number of USE tasks in chemistry has increased to 35 due to the addition of the sixth to the second part. Introduced tasks with a common context. For example, in this form, No. 30 and No. 31 are presented. Here, the assimilation of material on the topic "Redox reactions" and "ion exchange reactions" is checked.

Depending on the level of difficulty, the grading scale undergoes changes. Next, we will analyze how exactly the scale has changed in some tasks.

Estimating some tasks

Task number 9, which has an increased level of complexity, focuses on testing knowledge on a topic related to the chemical properties of inorganic substances. It is necessary to establish a correspondence between the substances and products of the resulting reaction. The maximum score for it is 2 points. In the basic level No. 21, knowledge on the topic of redox reactions is tested. It is necessary to establish a correspondence between the components of the two sets. Correct execution will bring the examiner 1 point

Foundation Level 26 tests the student on topics such as the experimental foundations of chemistry and understanding of the most important substances produced by industrial methods. The task score is also 1 point.

Nos. 30 and 31 are classified as a high level of difficulty. Each of them is estimated at 2 points, aimed at knowing the reactions in substances.

The tasks of the 2nd part involve a detailed answer and checking from 2 to 5 elements. Depending on the number of required elements, the score for each task varies from 2 to 5 points. Let's list the tasks of this part:

Added new tasks 9 and 31, simplified 10, which is the twenty-first in the exam in chemistry in 2018.

All changes are aimed at improving the student's knowledge and testing procedures and his ability to navigate chemistry. The primary score is maximum 60, for universities it is recalculated according to the 100-point mark.

How will the exam take place?

The examinee is given 210 minutes to complete the entire work of the USE 2018 in chemistry. Each task has a specific time limit:

  • Basic level of difficulty - performed within 1-3 minutes;
  • Up to 7 minutes can be spent on an increased level of difficulty;
  • The last tasks of a high level of difficulty 2 parts are completed up to 15 minutes.

Each version of the examination paper is stored in KIMs and is opened only in the presence of students. In addition to the tasks themselves, an additional table of chemical elements, the solubility of substances in water, as well as electrochemical stresses in metals is issued. It is allowed to use a non-programmable calculator. Drafts are issued only at the request of the student.

Exam Demo

A demo version of the exam in chemistry has already appeared on the official fipi portal. It is approximately similar to those that will be on the official exam. Each task is written in detail, indicating the number of points. At the end, the correct answers are given and it is written, for which the maximum number of points is given. The demo version of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry will be useful to everyone who is going to take this exam, especially when applying to the chemistry and medical faculties, as well as to construction institutes for architecture.

  • Download demo: ege-2018-himi-demo.pdf
  • Download archive with specification and coding:

In 2017, 74,000 Russian graduates chose chemistry as their third core subject when passing the Unified State Examination. The minimum threshold of 36 points was overcome by about 78% of the examinees, which is a percentage more than a year earlier. A certificate in chemistry is a pass for admission to the desired specialty in many leading universities in Russia. Of the elective subjects, chemistry is consistently in 5th place, behind social science, physics, history and biology.

For everyone who plans to take the exam in chemistry in 2018, we have collected the most up-to-date information about possible innovations and advice from experienced teachers on effective preparation. The material will cover the following questions:

The choice of such a subject as chemistry as an additional subject in the unified state exam for the majority of test participants is not a spontaneous decision. Most often, chemistry is taken by students of specialized classes, as well as graduates of schools and lyceums with in-depth study of chemistry and biology. This means that a student who has studied mathematics or philology in depth to successfully pass the exam in chemistry in 2018 will not have enough information contained in the standard program, and will need to make a lot of efforts for effective preparation.

But, the result is worth the effort, because high scores in this subject make it possible to enter universities in such areas as:

  • Faculty of Chemistry, after graduating from which you can get the specialty of a chemist or biochemist, pharmacist or chemical analysis laboratory assistant.
  • Agronomy faculties, giving diplomas of an agronomist, agrotechnician, breeder, botanist or plant grower.
  • Faculty of light industry technology, producing qualified technologists in various areas of training.
  • Construction specialties leading to a degree in engineering or architecture.
  • Higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, preparing future firefighters, fire safety engineers and state supervision inspectors.

To enter some specialties, the “Russian language + basic mathematics + chemistry” bundle will be enough, but some universities want to see in 2018, in addition to high USE results in chemistry, also a certificate in biology, physics or natural science, confirming the level of knowledge of the applicant.

Information about the required subjects can be found on the official portals of universities.

Dates of the exam in chemistry in 2018

The exact dates allotted for tests in the subject "chemistry" in 2018 will be known only by the end of the calendar year. At the moment, we can only speak with confidence about the periods allotted for the delivery of the preliminary, main and additional sessions of the USE.

Follow our content. As soon as the date of the exam in chemistry is officially approved, we will definitely tell you about it.

Changes in KIMs in chemistry in 2018

The changes that affected all areas last year did not bypass such a subject as chemistry, and therefore we can hope that in 2018 graduates will not face significant changes in KIMs.

  1. In 2018, you will definitely not meet test questions with a choice of one answer at the exam.
  2. Even the simplest questions now provide for a short answer, which can be represented by a word or a number.
  3. A possible departure from the gradation of tasks according to the level of complexity is also discussed. In the 2017-2018 academic year, questions can be grouped by topic, which should make them easier to understand.

Full changelog

job numberMaximum scoreWhat changes have taken place
7 2 Similar to task No. 8 of 2017
8 2 Similar to task No. 11 of 2017
9 2 Task No. 9 of increased complexity, refers to the section "Characteristic chemical properties of inorganic substances." It is necessary to establish the correspondence of reactants and reaction products
10 2 Similar to task No. 9 of 2017
11-15 1 (each)Similar to assignments No. 12-162017
16-18 2 (each)Similar to assignments No. 17-19 of 2017
19-20 1 (each)Similar to assignments No. 20-21 of 2017
21 1 A simplified version of task No. 10 from the Unified State Exam 2017. The score was lowered to 1. Refers to the section "Redox reactions" It is necessary to find matches for 3 elements, instead of 4 previously.
26 1 A simplified version of the assignment under the same number in 2017. Refers to the sections "Experimental foundations of chemistry" and "General ideas about industrial methods for obtaining the most important substances." Instead of 4 matches, now you need to find 3. The score for the task has been reduced from 2 to 1.
30 2 A simplified version of the task of an increased level of complexity from the Unified State Exam 2017. The score for the task has been reduced from 3 to 2. Refers to the section "Oxidation-reduction reactions". Students will need to choose substances and correctly write down the reaction that occurs between them.
31 2 New task. Refers to the section "Ion exchange reactions". It involves a detailed answer with the choice of substances from the list and the compilation of an ion exchange equation between them.
32 4 Similar to task No. 31 of 2017
33 5 Similar to task No. 32 of 2017
34 4 Similar to task No. 33 of 2017
35 3 Similar to task No. 34 of 2017 with a decrease in the score from 4 to 3

The rest of the tickets will not differ significantly from 2017. In 180 minutes, the examinees will have to cope with 36 (and not 40, as it was before) tasks, divided into two blocks.

1 block- questions that can be answered in a short way, which will need to be entered on the appropriate form

2 block- tasks with a detailed answer, the progress of which will also be evaluated by the commission.

To pass the minimum threshold for passing the exam in chemistry this year, it will be enough to score a minimum of 36 points, which is more than realistic for any student who knows this subject well. A somewhat more difficult task will be for those who claim a high result. You can’t do without good preparation, because for a 100-point result it’s not enough just to know the formulas and understand the basic concepts.

Preparation for the exam in chemistry

As in any other subject, in chemistry it is important to know the theory. Textbooks and special manuals for preparing for the exam will help to catch up or improve knowledge on certain topics.

The KIMs stipulate that the test tasks are designed to control knowledge on the following four topics:

  1. chemical element;
  2. substance;
  3. chemical reaction;
  4. knowledge and application of substances and chemical reactions.

Topics are considered quite extensively and include information from the chemistry course for the entire period of study at school. Therefore, there is a lot of work to be done.

Experienced chemistry teachers who prepare students for the successful passing of the exam recommend:

  • Remember the three main tables. They are attached to tasks in chemistry and can become indispensable helpers for you in solving a number of problems.
  • Pull up the math! Most of the students who did not reach the desired high score made mistakes in mathematical calculations.
  • Get a notebook in which write out the main thing, repeating each topic.
  • Make charts and tables. This makes it easier to remember bulky or difficult-to-perceive information.
  • If you can't do it without a calculator, get a non-programmable model with the ability to calculate basic trigonometric functions at the beginning of the year and get used to working with it.

Irreplaceable experience is also provided by solutions to trial tasks, which can be downloaded from the official website of the Unified State Examination and last year's tickets. If you have doubts about your own abilities, contact a tutor. But, it is necessary to start preparation as early as possible (preferably in the 10th grade, or from the very beginning of the 11th grade), since it is simply impossible to learn everything in 1-2 months.

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