The heaviest snake in South America. The biggest snakes in the world: some are better to stay away from. The thinnest snake

Throughout the existence of mankind snakes aroused admiration and fear in people at the same time. Some people consider the snake a symbol of wisdom and longevity, others argue that the reptile belongs to the other world and is a mythical creature. Rumors, combined with fear, have created many legends around this animal. All myths told about the incredible size of snakes, their bloodthirstiness and gluttony.

Currently, there are also rumors that there are reptiles of incredible size that reach 20 m or more in length. In fact, these are just rumors, snakes of such huge sizes have not been found in nature. However, there are some individuals that are much larger than their ancestors, and we will talk about them today.

10. Gyurza. She lives on the territory of the former countries of the Soviet Union and is considered the largest viper in these parts. On average, its length is 2 m, and its weight is 3 kg. The venom of this snake is toxic, therefore, if bitten, first aid must be provided and immediately go to the hospital.

9. Eastern brown snake. The length of this reptile is 2.5 m. It is most often found in Indonesia or Australia. The brown snake is one of the most dangerous and takes the 4th position in this rating. It is considered dangerous because of the powerful poison and the ability to attack the victim very quickly.

8. Bushmaster. This snake is recognized as the largest in South America, where it is also the largest representative of the pit snake. Most often, the Bushmaster reaches 3 m, but there are also individuals 4 m long. It is also worth noting that with its impressive size, the snake has a weight of only 3 kg.

7. Black mamba. This individual is the most dangerous and poisonous on the African continent. Its length is 4.5 m. It is extremely undesirable to meet with it, so you should avoid abandoned termite mounds and bypass tree hollows.

6. Boa constrictor ordinary. This snake belongs to the false-legged family and reaches a length of 5 m. The reptile feeds mainly on birds or rodents.

5. King cobra. Among the venomous snakes, the king cobra is the longest, reaching a length of 5.6 m. Despite its name, this snake is not a cobra, but forms its own genus Ophiophagus. The bite of this snake in most cases is fatal. When this snake tries to defend itself from a person, it bites without spewing poison.

4. Indian python. It is 6 m long, differs from an ordinary python in that it has light eyes and spots on the sides. Such individuals may still have red or pink stripes along the body.

3. Burmese python. In the top three was an individual that reaches 9 m in length. The snake is recognized as the largest python, which has a brindle color. The weight of this animal is 70 kg.

2. Green anaconda. Relatively recently, this individual was caught in Colombia, after measurements it turned out that its length is 11 m. At the moment, the anaconda is the largest living snake in the world, it weighs almost 130 kg. Usually the length of this species is 7-8 m. You can see this huge animal in New York by visiting the Zoological Society.

Interested in the question: who are the largest snakes in the world? Do you want to know the record holders among reptiles? Then we offer you our unique rating of the largest snakes on Earth.

These frightening animals are capable of putting the enemy to flight by their appearance alone. Let's look at the photos of these mega-reptiles, and at the same time, learn some facts about them.

10th place. Bushmaster (surukuku) - length 4 meters

This giant snake is not only one of the largest in the world, but also one of the most venomous. Surukuku lives in South Africa. The average length is from 2 to 3 meters, however, there are individuals and 4 meters in length. The mass of the surukuku is not so large, it ranges from 3 to 5 kilograms.

9th place. Black mamba - length 5 meters

Who has not heard of this predator. Her name alone inspires horror, because the poisonousness of this snake is known to the whole world! Basically, representatives of this species grow up to three meters, but some individuals reach 4.5 and even 5 meters. In addition, the black mamba is one of the fastest snakes on Earth. The speed of its movement is up to 20 km / h.

8th place. Common boa constrictor - length 5.5 meters

If living in a natural environment, these snakes grow up to 5.5 meters. If you keep a boa constrictor in captivity, then its length will be almost half as much. Boas eat small birds, as well as reptiles and small mammals.

7th place. King cobra - length 5.6 meters

In seventh place in our ranking is located. Among the poisonous snakes of our planet, the king cobra is the largest. The length of individual representatives of the species can reach 5 meters 60 centimeters. But on average, these snakes barely exceed 3 to 4 meters. The largest king cobra ever found had a body length of 5.72 meters! She was found in 1937 in the territory of one of the states of Malaysia.

6th place. Hieroglyphic python (rock python) - length 6 meters

The length of individuals of rock pythons, as a rule, is 5 meters. The largest representative of this species had a length of 6 meters and weighed 100 kilograms.

5th place. Light tiger python - length 6 meters

Another 6-meter python is a light brindle. Among the tiger pythons, this species is one of the largest. These snakes live in Indonesia. The length of the average representatives of the species is from 4 to 5 meters, however, there are also 6-meter giants.

4th place. Reticulated python - length 7.5 meters

The record among reticulated pythons was set by Samantha from the island of Borneo - a female reticulated python. However, researchers claim that a specimen was once recorded that reached 12 meters and 20 centimeters in length!

3rd place. Amethyst python - length 8.5 meters

The amethyst python opens the top three. This giant of the snake world lives in Australia, as well as in the Philippines and New Guinea. Usually these snakes grow 5 meters long, but there were individuals whose “growth” was 8.5 meters. Amethyst pythons weigh about 30 kilograms.

2nd place. Dark tiger python - length 9.15 meters

Among the tiger pythons, this species is the largest. The officially recorded record of this species is 9 meters 50 centimeters. However, common dark tiger pythons are 5 meters long and weigh 65 kilograms.

An unexpected encounter with a snake does not bring any pleasant sensations, especially if the snake reaches a huge size. Since ancient times, in one civilization, the snake was considered a sacred animal, and in another, on the contrary, the personification of evil. Despite their size and intimidating appearance, snakes still attract people. A lot of research is being carried out that allows not only to know the genus and family of snakes, but also to create medicines from poisons that help to cure the human body from diseases. The largest snake in the world that lives on earth is considered anaconda, called the green area.

Many may argue that the Reticulated Python is larger than the Area, but if we compare their weight, then the weight of the anaconda is 210-240 kg, and the length can reach up to 9-10 meters. The diameter of the body exceeds 30-40 cm. In one of the US zoos, a python, 12 meters long, was recently kept. Therefore, it is difficult to compare which of them is the largest snake in the world, because scientists have met anacondas that weighed about 250 kg, which is much more than the weight of a reticulated python.

Reticulated python: size and habitat

The reticulated python is practically in no way inferior to the range of the anaconda. This giant lives in Asia. The reticulated python is the longest snake that has a small genus. It is not known how long this genus can still exist on earth, but the number of pythons has decreased significantly. The reticulated python is the longest snake on the planet that is known to mankind.

The tiger python has chosen for itself the territory of river valleys, such as India, Nepal, Myanmar. . The largest specimen is more than 9 m in size. This type of snake is distinguished by the fact that it moves perfectly through the water, dives and at the same time easily climbs trees. It would seem that such a huge python can combine 2 modes of movement.

Another of this genus is the light tiger python. It differs from its "partner" in that there are bright eyes located on the sides of the body. As a rule, it is a reddish or pink light. The largest individual of the light tiger python reaches 6 m and weighs about 80 kg.

King Cobra

Perhaps the most interesting type of snake. The king cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world. It lives in many territories, from the Philippines to the west of Pakistan. Scientists have found that the king cobra lives for more than 30 years and at the same time it is constantly increasing in size. The length of the cobra can reach 6 m, and the weight is in the range of 12-15 kg. The snake has smooth scales and a slender build, which leads people to constantly confuse them with snakes.

The king cobra is considered one of the few representatives that prey on jackals and jaguars. Killing such a snake is difficult, but if it can bite a person, urgent medical attention must be provided.

Gaboon viper: the most dangerous inhabitant of Africa

This type of snake is extremely venomous. They belong to the African viper family. You can meet such a viper in Central and East Africa. She is considered the most dangerous inhabitant of these lands, since her poison can kill many living beings. With a length of 2 meters, the Gaboon viper can weigh more than 20 kg. The body shape is slightly different from its relatives: a wide and large head, small eyes and a short tail. It is the largest member of its family. Most importantly, the Gaboon viper has the longest teeth. The bite of the Gaboon viper can be fatal in minutes if the venom is not removed in time.

Snake - Bushmaster

Bushmeister is the largest representative of vipers living in South America. The body length reaches 3 meters. Scientists argue that this kind of snake can reach large sizes, because their body particles develop slowly. Bushmeister has very huge teeth - up to 4 cm. Basically, this representative of the reptile is nocturnal, hunting lizards, rodents, birds and other snakes. The life span of a snake is about 20 years. Bushmeister's scales are rather unusual, if you see such a snake during the day, you can see how beautifully the rays of the sun shimmer over the snake's scales.

tropical boa

Boas belong to the genus of snakes from the pseudo-legged family. This type of snake can be found in the northern part of Central and South America. The main feature by which a boa constrictor can be distinguished is the absence of ovoviviparity and the supraorbital bone. The boa constrictor reaches a length of up to 4 m. The weight can be different, it all depends on the age of the boa constrictor. Also, this type of reptile is found in Madagascar and Reunion.

Black Mamba

The snake got its name from its ancestors, which are mambas Dendroaspis, which in Latin means "tree snake". It is venomous and is one of the most dangerous snakes in Africa. It is worth noting that she is fast and fearless. She stops at nothing, so it is better for such a snake not to be seen. Most snakes are dark olive, olive green, dun and grey. Black mamba cubs are gray at birth, but when they grow up they will acquire one of the above colors.

The length of the mamba can reach up to 3 meters. Very rarely there are specimens reaching 4.5-5 meters in length. Large individuals are dark brown in color, and the ventral side is brown. Scientists have noticed the fact that the mouth of a snake in the open state resembles a coffin. The speed of the snake is up to 11 km/h. If you suddenly meet a snake that fits the description, then it is advisable to stay away from it.


This type of snake belongs to the genus already-shaped. The length of the boiga can reach 2.8 m. Interestingly, the head is shortened along with the muzzle, and sharply limited from the neck, the body is noticeably flattened from the sides. The snake's poisonous teeth are fixedly attached to part of the upper jaw. The main thing is that for a person a bite does not pose any danger.

Boigs live in trees and shrubs. They hunt them and lead their nocturnal lifestyle. To date, more than 30 species are already known that inhabit South Asia, Australia and tropical Africa. On the territory of Central Asia, one species of boiga is found - the Indian boiga. The color of the scales is brown with characteristic spots.


This species of poisonous viper is from the genus of giant vipers. Gyurza translated from Latin means a type of weapon with a specified end. This snake is the largest representative of reptiles that live not only in tropical areas, but also in the lands of the former USSR. The total length of the body with a tail reaches 2 m, and all up to 3.5 kg. Unlike the boiga, the head of the gyurza is large and wide, with a sharp neck interception. Pupils = the snake is vertical and the muzzle is rounded. The head of the gyurza is covered with ribbed scales from above, and their number around the middle of the body ranges from 25-30. During the study of this reptile, the number of ventral, caudal and hind scutes was counted. The number of ventral scutes is 125-180, and the number of undercaudal scutes is 30-55 and 1 common scutellum.

It should be noted that viper venom has a pronounced hemolytic effect, which is second only to cobra venom in terms of toxicity.

To protect yourself from snakes, you must not only avoid contact with them, but also know the first rules of medical care for a bite. But in order to know whether a snake bite can harm human health, it is necessary to distinguish between their types. The above types of reptiles have their own characteristics of life, so each snake acts individually. And for the future, in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from a collision with a dangerous snake, you must avoid large bushes.

After considering the largest species of snakes, we can conclude that they all live in almost the same territory - this is Africa and Asia. But do not forget that today the climate is changing, and you can freely meet one of these species in nature. No matter how terrible they are, nevertheless they must exist on our earth, because if they do not exist, the biological rhythm of nature will be disturbed.

We are used to the fact that the snake has a small thickness and a length of up to one meter, but the longest snakes in the world reach truly gigantic sizes, and there are documented facts about this. The snake is a mysterious, bewitching animal and has always attracted the attention of man. In some cultures, they are considered the embodiment of evil, while in others they are revered as a deity. As of 2017, there are 3631 species of snakes in the world, some of them very long. Our rating is dedicated to these creeping creatures, the size of which is hard to believe.

10. Levant viper or gyurza Length 2 m

Opens the ten longest snakes on the planet levant viper. Its dimensions and appearance are more familiar to our nerves, since it usually has a length of 1.9-2 m, and weighs up to 3 kg. Although she has the very last place in the TOP-10, the toxicity of the venom of the gyurza is second only to the cobra. It has a calm brown color with a dark pattern on the back, and differs from other members of the family in sharp scales on the head. The Levant viper loves an arid climate and a territory without vegetation; it is common in the Transcaucasus, the states of Africa and Asia.

9. Eastern (reticulated) brown snake Length 2.4 m

This is another species of relatively small snakes inhabiting our planet. So Eastern brown snake is at the end of the ranking of the longest snakes in the world. The maximum length of representatives of this species, which was recorded, is 2.4 m. The usual dimensions of this snake, belonging to the asp family, fluctuate within one and a half meters. Recognizing the snake is real, rather, by scales than by color, as it has a wide variety of brown shades, from coffee to bright chestnut, with a yellow and black pattern. This reptile lives in New Guinea and Australia. There is also an eastern indigo snake, common in the United States. It is not brown, but black and blue, with a transverse and longitudinal pattern. The favorite food of asps is mice, so they are often seen near residential buildings and farms.

8. Surukuku or Bushmaster Length 4m

This viper. The average length is 2.5-3 m, but larger specimens are also recorded: up to 4 m. The weight of this representative of the pit snake is 3-5 kg, but even such impressive dimensions do not add aggressiveness to the surukuk, like that of the eastern brown snake. bushmaster shy and cautious, and rarely seen by humans. While waiting for his prey, he is able to sit in ambush for more than one week! It differs from other snakes in its bright coloration: large black diamonds on a yellow-brown body.

7. Black Mamba Length 4.5m

This reptile boasts sizes up to 4.3-4.5 m, although its usual size is 2.5-3.5 m. The snake is noticeable in that in Africa, where it is found, it is considered the most poisonous. Also Black Mamba- one of. In pursuit of the victim, at a short distance, she is able to move at speeds of over 11 km / h. Cases have been recorded when the snake developed a speed of 18-19 km per hour. Mamba has the reputation of a merciless killer. Its venom is highly toxic. . They named it so because of the open mouth resembling a coffin, the inner cavity of which is black, like the whole snake. Young specimens have a lighter tone, but "with age" individuals turn black. The species is found not only in Africa, the snake loves the continental climate and feels great in the desert, wooded areas or mountains.

6. Indian python or light brindle Length 4.6m

The largest snakes in the world, after all, are pythons, and the real representative among them will be the “smallest”. The reptile lives in South and Southeast Asia, in India. Its average length is 3-4.5 m. In Pakistan, people met pythons 4.6 m long, and in India up to 6 m. The weight of such a snake can be 50 kg. The appearance of a light python is distinguished from a dark one by bright eyes in spots, pinkish or reddish stripes on the head, yellow or beige spots. This snake is unpretentious and adapts to any conditions, moves excellently in water, on the ground and through trees. Because of their calm nature, people are not afraid to keep pythons at home to catch mice and rats.

5. Common boa constrictor Length 5.5 m

This type of long snake belongs to the false-horned family and lives in Central and South America, as well as in the Caribbean. It has a balanced disposition, which is confirmed by the proverb "calm, like a boa constrictor." There is no need to talk about the exact length, since scientists have found ten species of common boa constrictor, the coloring and size of which vary, depending on the habitat. The average size of one of the longest snakes in the world ranges from 3 to 4 m, but individuals up to 5.5 m in size have been recorded more than once. The boa constrictor does not have poison, but kills its victim, squeezing it with its body. They feed on birds, lizards and rodents. They live alone, connecting only for mating, so they are often pets and specimens for exhibitions and private collections.

4. King Cobra Length 5.7m

King Cobra counts. Most often it can be seen in India, South and Southeast Asia. This reptile is truly called the most dangerous snake on the planet, since it is born already with teeth and poison, and even a baby cobra is dangerous for an animal or a person. These creeping ones are 5.7 m long and they grow all their lives. And cobras live for a long time: up to 20-30 years. Cobra venom is deadly and begins to act after 15 minutes. after a bite. Having met a person, the cobra rises to a vertical position, making contact with his eyes, in this position it can move freely and make a lightning bite. She can also control the amount of poison, saving it for a larger victim. They act on the psyche of man and animal and barking sounds that a cobra is capable of making.

3. Burmese python or dark brindle 5.8m length

Among pythons with a color like a tiger, this species will be the largest. It lives in such Asian countries as China, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and also in India. Record length Burmese python was 8-9 m with a weight of 70 kg, but most often there are specimens with a length of up to 5.8 m. Such dimensions make it possible to put the tiger python on the third line in the ranking of the longest snakes in the world. Pythons love swampy areas, tropical rainforests. They are excellent swimmers, and light-weighted juveniles are agile climbers of trees. A calm python, sitting in a secluded place, can determine the location of prey using thermolocators, capturing thermal radiation and smell. He eats birds, rodents, monkeys, but can attack a pig or a goat. These snakes are often kept as pets, although this is expensive.

Among tiger pythons there are albinos, which have a very beautiful yellow-white color.

2. Reticulated Python Length 7.5m

The reptile lives in Southeast Asia and in some sources it is reticulated python called the longest snake in the world. This is not entirely true, it is reliably known that the largest representative of this species was 7.5 m in length. The name of the python was Samantha, and he lived in the Bronx Zoo (New York). The snake died in 2002. It is also worth considering that the python loses weight to the anaconda. This type of snake got its name for a black pattern that looks like a fishing net. The color is dominated by brown, yellow and gray colors, which helps the snake to disguise itself as tree bark or fallen leaves. The reticulated python loves to live near water, in grassy areas. It can often be seen in grassland, where it poses a serious danger even to cattle. These snakes prey on rodents, monkeys, birds, but, if possible, attack goats and pigs. Like all pythons, this species is not poisonous. Now these reptiles are protected by law, as they could completely disappear due to their capture by humans for valuable skin and meat. The ban on the destruction of the reticulated python plays a huge role in the restoration of the population of a unique species.

1. Giant green anaconda Length 9m

Anaconda can rightfully be considered not only, but also itself. These reptiles are not poisonous, but live and hunt mainly in the water. The habitat is the tropics of South America. The average length of the anaconda is 5-6 m, and the largest was measured in Colombia and was 11.5 m long.

The maximum length of the largest anaconda, officially confirmed, is 9 m, and the weight is 130 kg.

She eats small and medium rodents, turtles. Just as boas, these snakes strangle their prey, but do not break its bones, but swallow it whole, it takes up to two months to digest especially large prey. Anaconda does not attack people. The snake has a green color of olive tones, with black circles along the entire length. She can be recognized by the orange-yellow stripes on her head. Females are more powerful than males, and their weight can reach up to 100 kg or more.

The longest snakes that have ever lived on the planet are considered to be representatives of a species that has become extinct more than 58 million years ago. Zoologists who discovered the remains of giant snakes gave them a name Titanoboa, and after studying they came to the conclusion that they could be 13 meters long and weigh more than a ton.

Recognized as the smallest snake in the world Barbados narrow-mouthed snake (Karl's snake). The maximum length of adults of this species does not exceed 10 cm.

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