What does the name of the Mississippi River mean? The Mississippi River is the "great river". Population and religion

Mississippi length: 5 985 kilometers.

Mississippi basin area: 3,220,000 square kilometers.

Where does the Mississippi flow? the largest and most important in North America, the 4th river in the world in length: if we take the Missouri River as the beginning, its current is 6530 km long; the area, by it and its tributaries, is equal to 3,100,000 square kilometers. The Mississippi originates in northern Minnesota from Lake Itasca, which lies at an altitude of 1,575 meters above sea level, at 47 ° and 95 ° west longitude. Its source was definitely found by the American Skulkraust in 1832. From Lake Itasca, the Mississippi first flows north into Lake Traverse, where it receives several other rivers, and soon turns east and, flowing through Lake Cass and many other lakes, makes twists into all directions to Cross Wing, from where it heads south. On the way to Minneapolis, the Mississippi forms the majestic St. Anthony, from where shipping begins; here the river descends by 66' less than 1.5 km, including here its steep fall from a height of 17'.

Moving further south, a few miles from the city of St. Paul, the Mississippi forms the border of the state of Wisconsin and expands into the huge and picturesque Pepin Lake, bounded by vertical limestone cliffs about 400' in height. Going further south, the river flows on the borders of the states of Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana on the right, on the left - the states of Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. After a winding path, below New Orleans, the Mississippi flows into Gulf of Mexico, at 29° north latitude and 89°12` west longitude. Its most important tributaries are the Missouri, Ohio, Arkansas and the Red River; in addition to them, she receives on the right: Minnesota, Iowa and Des Moine, and on the left - Wisconsin and Illinois. The Missouri is longer than the Mississippi up to their confluence, where the river is called the Upper Mississippi. The average amount of water poured by the Mississippi per second is 675,000 cubic meters. ft. The width of the Mississippi y St. Louis is 1,070 meters, at 1,200 meters, at New Orleans 760 meters, between Cairo and the mouth of the Red River - an average of 1,300 meters, below the Red River - an average of 1,020 meters. greatest depth between the Red River and New Orleans - 4.5 meters. The average speed of the river between St. Louis and the Gulf of Mexico is 110 km per day. The Mississippi River valley contains a vast and fertile, only occasionally undulating; and the works of the southern part of it are very different from those of the north. In the states of Louisiana and Mississippi along its banks there are alluvial plains and lying below the water level and suffering from, although partly protected by artificial embankments and dams.

At the mouth The Mississippi forms a delta 320 km long and 300 km wide, with an area of ​​31,860 square kilometers; 1/3 of this delta is occupied by swamps and lakes; sandbanks greatly impede navigation at the mouth, as a result of which the main branch of the South Pass is deepened to almost 7 m with the help of dams; the delta is crossed by many streams called "bayous" that get their water from the Mississippi when it overflows. The amount of silt carried by the Mississippi into the Gulf of Mexico, according to the calculations of Abbott and Homphrey, will be an average mass per year, an area of ​​1.5 square kilometers.

Tributaries of the Mississippi: The largest right tributaries are Minnesota, Des Moines, Missouri, Arkansas, Red River; left - Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio.

Freezing Mississippi: does not freeze.

Mississippi River- the world's first liar, that's what he called the river famous writer Mark Twain. This name was given to the river due to its wayward nature of the flow. In the lower reaches, closer to the mouth, the river winds its way across the plain as it pleases. In just one spring, it can become either shorter or longer, changing its course, and with it the fate of people who dared to settle on its troubled shores. The word Mississippi, translated from the Ojivbe Indian language, means "great river". The Indians here clearly did not show originality.

The Great Flood of 1927 is reflected in a Led Zeppelin song called "When the Levee Breaks". By the way, I propose to listen to it, so to speak, for the mood. I think this will help to better understand the upcoming story.

River length: 5,985 km.

Watershed area: 3,220,000 sq. km.

Flow direction: predominantly from north to south.

Where does it run: The Mississippi is the main river and communication artery in North America. The river originates from Lake Itasca in Minnesota. The height of the source above sea level is 1575 meters. The section from the source to the confluence of the Ohio River is called the Upper Mississippi. Further downstream, respectively, the Lower Mississippi begins.

On the way to Minneapolis is the beautiful St. Anthony Falls. Behind it begins the navigable part of the river. Here the relief changes to flat. The Mississippi flows slowly from north to south, spilling over a wide valley until it flows into the Gulf of Mexico, 100 miles south of New Orleans.

The path of the river is clearly visible on political map USA. Flowing through 10 states, it is simultaneously natural border for most of them. If we take into account the main tributary - the Missouri, then the river basin already covers 31 states. It cuts from the Appalachians in the east, to the Rocky Mountains in the west, and to the Canadian border in the north. It is the fourth longest river system in the world.

At its mouth, the Mississippi forms a large delta 300 km wide and 31,860 sq. km. Most of it is occupied by swamps and lakes. A large number of sandy shallows was a strong barrier to the development of navigation. Plus, the river often experiences devastating floods. The construction of dams and the deepening of the channel partially solved the problem. But, as always happens, they caused other problems. The deepening of the channel led to the fact that the river lost part of its natural meanders and shallows. And the construction of dams does not allow the river to supply the surrounding areas with fertile silt. It also led to a decrease in the rate of growth of the delta, which has constantly increased throughout history, cutting deep into the Gulf of Mexico.

Main tributaries: on the right - Minnesota, Missouri, Arkansas, Red River; left - Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio.

Characteristic, regime of the Mississippi River

Average water consumption in the river is 12,743 m3/s.

Freezing: does not freeze in the lower reaches. In the upper part, freezing lasts 3-4 months.

Nutrition: The river receives most of its water from snowmelt and precipitation. It is noteworthy that the right tributaries bring mainly water formed by snowmelt in the Rocky Mountains, while the left, on the contrary, mainly feed the river with rain and storm water. The Mississippi regime is characterized by spring and summer floods, as well as rain floods. Floods can reach just the same catastrophic proportions, which happened more than once when snow melt in the Mississippi and Missouri river basins coincided with heavy rains in the Ohio river basin. In this scenario, severe floods occur in the middle and lower reaches. During such catastrophic floods, water flow can increase up to 50-80 thousand m3/sec.

Interesting Facts:

1) After the clay-yellow waters of the Missouri flow into the bluish Mississippi River, their waters flow separately for another 40 km. In the Cairo area, history repeats itself again when, in the already cloudy waters of the Mississippi, the bright Ohio River flows. And, which is already quite unbelievable, but it happens again, but already in the ocean. As satellite imagery shows, the Mississippi does not end when it flows into the Gulf of Mexico. Her fresh water without mixing with the sea, they go around the Florida peninsula and, getting into the Gulf Stream, turn to the north. It is only at the latitude of Georgia that river water finally dissolves into the salty ocean.

2) In literature, the name of the Writer Mark Twain is most closely associated with the river, who described travels and adventures on it in his famous work"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"

3) The Mississippi River is the cradle of jazz. It was on its banks in New Orleans that the great jazzman Louis Armstrong was born.

4) The 19th century is considered the golden age of the river. It was then that river steamers cruised along it in full. Now this tradition is being revived, but steamboats are now ridden mainly for tourist purposes.

Video film 1985: "Mississippi - Ally and Foe":

Also: Mississippi National River and Recreation Area

And to finish off, one more song: "The Road to the Mississippi."

Mississippi (Mississippi), a river in the United States, one of the largest in the world. 3950 km, from the source of the Missouri 6420 km. The area of ​​the basin is 3268 thousand km2. It flows into the Mexican Hall. Main tributaries: Missouri, Arkansas, Red River, Illinois, Ohio. The average water consumption in... encyclopedic Dictionary

Mississippi Mississippi River Mississippi north of St. Louis Flows through the United States Itasca ... Wikipedia

Mississippi (Mississippi, in the language of local Indians big river), a river in the United States, one of the greatest rivers peace. Length 3950 km (from the source of the Missouri 6420 km), the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe basin stretching from the Rocky Mountains to the Appalachians and from the Great Lakes region to ... ... Big soviet encyclopedia

- (Mis sissippi, i.e. big water) the largest and most important river in the North American United States, the 4th river in the world in length: if we take the Missouri River as the beginning, its current is 6530 km long; the area irrigated by it and its tributaries is equal to ... ...

- (Mississippi, i.e. Big Water) the largest and most important river in the North American United States, the 4th river in the world in length: if we take the Missouri River as the beginning, its flow is 6530 km long; the area irrigated by it and its tributaries is equal to 3,100,000 ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

River emptying into the Gulf of Mexico Atlantic Ocean; USA. In 1519, Spanish. conquistador Alon with Alvarez Pineda examined the sowing. coast of the Gulf of Mexico and discovered the mouth of some huge river, to which he gave the name Rio Grande del ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

Mississippi: The Mississippi River in the USA. Mississippi state of the USA. The Mississippi Territory is an incorporated organized territory of the United States, admitted to the United States as a state in 1817. Mississippi list of US counties of the same name ... Wikipedia

Mississippi- Mississippi. MISSISSIPPI, a river in North America (USA), one of the largest in the world. Length 3950 km, from the source of the Missouri 6420 km. It crosses the United States from north to south along the Central Plains and the Mexican Lowland, flows into the Gulf of Mexico. Main… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Mississippi: The Mississippi River in the USA. Mississippi State of the United States ... Wikipedia

Not to be confused with Mississippi (river). This term has other meanings, see Mississippi. View from Highway 417 near Antrim ... Wikipedia


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One of the greatest rivers of the world.

The length is 3766 km (from is-to-ka Mis-su-ri - 5971 km, the third longest river in the world), the basin area is 3300 thousand km2. Be-ret on-cha-lo from the not-pain-sho-go lake Ai-tas-ka (za-po-ved-nick Ai-tas-ka) at an altitude of 450 m, pe-re-se-ka-et from se-ve-ra to the south of the ter-ri-to-ryu of the country, flows into the Mex-si-kan-sky Gulf of the At-lan-ti-che-sky ocean. Basin-re-ki tse-li-com races-po-lo-women in the pre-de-lahs of the Central and Great rav-nins, with-pa-yes og-ra-ni -chen Ska-li-sta-mi go-ra-mi, from the east - Ap-pa-la-cha-mi, from the se-ve-ra - the edge of the Lav-ren-tiy-sky wagon -you-shen-no-sti. Main pri-to-ki: Min-not-so-ta, Ai-o-va, Des Moines, Mis-su-ri, White-ri-ver, Ar-kan-sas, Red-ri-ver (right -s), Black-Ri-ver, Vis-con-sin, Rock, Il-lee-nois, Cas-ka-skia, Ohio, Hat-chi, Yazoo, Big Black-Ri-ver (le-s) .

According to the morpho-logical structure of the do-li-na and the hydro-logical-logical regime of the Mississippi, once-de-la-et-xia to the Upper Miss-si-si-pi and Lower Miss-si-si-pi. Upper Mis-si-si-pi (from is-to-ka to the in-de-tion of the Ohio River) -go-numerical lakes-ra-mi le-si-stay place-st-no-sti; in Russian there are a lot of horns and ka-me-ni-shy pe-re-ka-ts, the most significant of them are on-ho-dyat-sya the cities of Min-nea-po-lis and St. Paul (in-do-pa-dy Saint-an-to-no). Not even in-to-pa-dov those-even in the gorge-lea with cool-you-from-west-to-you-mi-slope-on-mi. Upper Mis-si-si-pi for-re-gu-li-ro-va-on many flat-ti-na-mi, from Min-nea-po-li-sa and St. Pau -la to vpa-de-niya Mis-su-ri co-oru-same-but 29 dams and locks. Not the same vpa-de-niya Mis-su-ri muddy, dirty-but-bu-ro-go color-that water-yes, this-go-on-the-same 150- 180 km flow in Mississippi in the same Russian-le next to the house from-no-si-tel-but transparent-tho-com. The lower Mis-si-si-pi (from the mouth of the Ohio to the sea) te-even along the broadest equal-no-no, folded al-lu-vi-al-ny-mi from-lo-zhe-niya-mi, shi-ri-na to-li-us in degrees-pen-but increase-li-chi-va-et-sya downstream from 25 to 70- 100 km; Rus-lo re-ki from-vi-li-stoe, with many ru-ka-va-mi and old-ri-tsa-mi. The lower Mis-si-si-pi is not for-re-gu-li-ro-va-na. Almost all over the learning-st-ke Rus-lo border-le-but with natural be-re-go-you-mi wa-la-mi, uk-re-p-len-ny-mi in tse- lyakh for-shchi-you from on-waters-not-ny sys-the-my-artificial dams.

When you enter the Mississippi Bay of Mexico, for-mi-ru-et is a wide delta (area 23.9 thousand km2). Ver-shi-na del-you on-ho-dit-sya above the city of Ba-ton Rouge, in the place from de-la-ny from the river to the right-to-mouth-to-go pro-that-ka Old Re-R-Ver, I-one-nyayu-shche-go-Xia with the river Red-Ri-Ver. Ru-word-way network del-you is composed of two main ru-ka-vov - le-vo-go, main-no-go Mis-si-si-pi (continuation-re -ki in pre-de-lah del-you, about 515 km long) and right-of-go (about 220 km), consisting of pro-to-ka Old River and ru-ka-wa At-cha-fa-laya. The left ru-kav falls into the open, deep part of the Gulf of Mexico, dividing into a number of large ru-ka- vov and not-big-to-to-to-kov in the pre-de-lahs of the modern del-you Ba-liz (type of "bird's paw"). The main seaside routes (from west to east) are South-West, South, Lutr. Shi-ri-na-do-to-kov in the del-te Ba-liz from me-nya-et-sya from a few meters to 1 km, depth-by-to from 1 to 30 m. - cut system of lakes (Grand Lake, Six-mile-noe, etc.). In-my-mo-we-not-de-st-vuyu-shchih del-to-vy ru-ka-vov on top-no-sti del-to-howl equal-no-we saved-no-liss os-tat-ki of ancient rus-sels, the so-called bayu (not-big-to-to-to-ki with a very slow te-che-no-it, sometimes overgrown shi ras-ti-tel-no-stu). There are many lakes in the del-th (Mo-re-pa, Pon-char-train, Sal-va-dor, etc.). An important part of the hydro-graphic network of del you is water-but-bog-lot land.

Pi-ta-nie mixed-noe, snow-th-th and pre-f-de-voe. Right pri-to-ki pri-no-syat mainly thawed waters (re-zul-tat melting snow in the Rocky Mountains), left-vye - pi -ta-yut Mississippi is basically up-w-de-you-mi in-da-mi. For re-zhi-ma re-ki ha-rak-ter-ny ve-sen-not-years-her-lo-vo-die and low autumn-not-winter-me-jen. Hours are stormy to-well-de-pa-water-ki, the most you-so-some of them are about-ra-zu-yut-sya when co-pa-de-ni thawing dream -gov in the basins of the Upper Miss-si-si-pi and Mis-su-ri and you-pa-de-niya plentiful do-zh-days in the bass-this-not Ohio. In the bass-this-not the Mississippi, not-red-ki-strong on-water-non-niya, sa-my time-ru-shi-tel-noe - in 1927 (would-la for something-p-le - on the territory of about 600 thousand km2). In 1993, they left the banks of the Mississippi - Mis-su-ri, Il-le-Nois, Des Moines and Vis-con-sin (for-p-le-but 60 thousand km2 of land). The average long-term flow of water at the hydro-logical site of Viksberg (about 750 km from the bay) is 15980 m3 / s (go-to-howl volume of one hundred 504 km3). In the seasonal co-le-ba-ni-yah of water-no-go hundred-ka ho-ro-sho you-de-la-yut-sya many-go-water-ny (ve-sen-not -years-her-lo-vo-die in Feb-ra-le-Ju-ne) and small-lo-water-ny (me-zhen in Ju-le-yan-va-re) period , for some, 59.5 and 40.5% of the year-to-the-th hundred co-from-vet-st-ven-but. The most frequent water months are April (14.3% of the year before the hundred), May (12.6%) and March (12.4% ), the most low-water - September-October and October-October (4.1% of the first hundred). Maximum average monthly races of water (52-54 thousand m3 / s) are observed in February-ra-le, ap-re-le and May , mini-no-small (about 2900 m3 / s) - in october-re. In the pre-de-lahs of the Mississippi Delta, there is an additional runoff of the Red River and you-no-sit in the Gulf of Mexico on average 582 km3 / year.

At the tributaries of Mis-su-ri (in 1953-1967) and Ar-kan-zas (in 1963-1970), a number of large dams and water no-lisch, which led to a two-fold decrease in a hundred of weighed na-no-owls at the mouth (because these have -yut higher turbidity of water). AT late XIX century, it was about 500 million tons / year, in the 1st half of the 20th century - approx. 400 million tons/year, at the end of the 20th century - 210 million tons/year.

The average weight on the coast of the Mississippi is 0.43 m. , if you are along the ru-ka-va Mis-si-si-pi, having very small inclinations of the water-top-no-sti, dis-pro -country-nya-yut-sya at a distance of up to 400 km from the za-li-va. Particularly-lo-nyon-nye waters in the tidal phase in me-jen can dis-pro-stray at the bottom at a distance of up to 240 km. On a be-re-zhe del-you, sometimes tropical hooray-ga-ns, co-pro-in-g-give-sya curtains-m-ym wind-rum, strong wave-no-no-eat, on-drive-on-higher-no-eat water levels. Among the most-bo-strongest ones would be cheers-ga-ny Bet-si (1965), Ka-mil-la (1969), Fre-de-ric (1979), Kat-ri -on (2005). At the time of hurrah-ga-na Kat-ri-na in the bottom-call-yah ru-ka-wa Mi-si-si-pi we-li-chi-na-go-na pre-you-si- la you-with-that protective dams (about 7 m), in many places they were pro-ditches, most of the city lass for something-p-len-noy; in the state of Louisia-na, about 1,600 people perished. According to many estimates, this hooray is the largest natural ka-ta-st-ro-fa in the history of the United States.

Mississippi is an important transport art of the country. River-noe su-do-move-st-vo osu-sche-st-v-la-et-sya from the mouth to Min-nea-po-li-sa and St. Po-la, ocean-an-su -yes, under-no-ma-yut-sya through the corner-lub-lyon-ny South-Western ru-kav and further along the ru-ka-woo Mis-si-si-pi to the city of Ba-ton- Rouge In-per-rek del-you pro-ho-dit Be-re-go-howl canal, connecting port-you in-be-re-zhya from-cover-of-that part of At -lan-ti-che-sko-go ocean and Mek-si-kan-sko-go bay. The Mississippi is connected with the basin of the Ve-li-kih lakes and the St. There are 241 species of fish in the waters of the basin-this-on-the-ki river. Ob-va-lo-va-nie and straight-le-nie Rus-la Lower Miss-si-si-pi, as well as you-cutting forests and osu-she-nie floodplains for races -shi-re-niya of agricultural lands led to the destruction of the same 80% of the flood meadows. Wastes from agricultural lands you-call for-dirty-not-the waters of the river pes-ti-qi-da-mi and tok-sich-ny-mi ve-sche-st-va -mi, de-fi-tsit ki-slo-ro-da and ev-tro-fi-ro-va-nie of a series of vo-do-to-kov and vo-do-yomov. On the Mississippi (down the river) are the big cities and the ports of Min-nea-po-lis, St. Paul, Daven-port, St. Louis, Memphis, Ba-ton Rouge, New Or-le-en.

The first European ex-pe-di-tion under the command of E. de Soto reached the Mississippi in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe modern city of Memphis in 1541 and descended to the mouth; is-pan-tsy on-zy-wa-li her Re-coy of the Holy Spirit.

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