Boris Novikov actor personal life family. The curse of the famous skyscraper. Text prepared by Andrey Goncharov

(Sergey Novikov - son of Boris Novikov)
The heir of the famous actor was seduced by an insidious doctor.
We were the first to write about a mysterious story related to the son of the famous actor Boris NOVIKOV. After the death of his parents, the mentally ill Sergei became the only heir to the "kopeck piece" in the legendary house on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. People who called themselves the guardians of Novikov Jr. took over his elite apartment. The man himself, who, without his knowledge, was registered in a wreck in the Tver region, is now in the mental hospital. Alekseeva (Kashchenko). Family friends are desperately trying to get him back to his home.
(Boris Novikov)
Recall that Sergei Novikov disappeared from his high-rise apartment on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment in mid-April. Neighbors and friends could not find him for a month and a half. Finally, hungry and helpless, they found him in the village of Cherkizovo near Moscow. And the living space of Novikov Jr., which is estimated by realtors at $ 500 thousand, has already, as it turned out, been taken over by rogues.
Sergei was shaved bald in the hospital
New mistress (Adezhda BONDARENKO took over the apartment of the NOVIKOVs)
Alexander Tvardovsky knocked out an apartment in a Stalinist skyscraper for Novikov. The poet was shocked by how penetratingly Boris Kuzmich played at the Theater. Moscow City Council the role of Vasily Terkin. Films with the participation of the actor - "Shadows disappear at noon", "Quiet Flows the Don", "Seven old men and one girl" - are loved by the audience to this day. The postman Pechkin speaks in his voice. Despite this, the actor died in poverty and forgotten by almost everyone.
Novikov's elderly wife, the former actress of the Youth Theater Nadezhda Klimovich, understood that sooner or later their mentally ill son Seryozha would be left alone, and began to look for guardians. After her death, the ministers of the Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki, the priest Alexy Yushchenko and the headman Alexander Brodsky, took care of Sergei. They hired a nurse, brought groceries. But when Novikov Jr. became the full owner of the apartment, he suddenly disappeared. After an intensive search, it turned out that Brodsky took the unfortunate man to Cherkizovo near Moscow. And he settled in a hut belonging to a certain Nadezhda Bondarenko, who became the owner of the prestigious apartment of the Novikovs.
Investigators of the Tagansky district police department began checking, but formally everything was according to the law. According to the documents, it turned out that Bondarenko bought a living space for $180,000 from an unknown citizen Sergunov, who had previously allegedly purchased a “kopeck piece” from Sergei Novikov.
Boris Kuzmich always worried about his only son Seryozha
The son of the actor, alas, was never officially recognized as incompetent. And, of course, he did not see any money in his eyes.
mysterious death
Having snatched Novikov Jr. from the hands of Bondarenko, his friends placed him in a psychiatric hospital named after Alekseev.
“In the Moscow region, Serezha was kept in terrible conditions,” says a family friend, actor Nikolai Denisov. - Therefore, the doctors had to work hard to at least bring him back to normal. Sergey now feels better, but he has nowhere to go from the hospital. In order to return the apartment, it is necessary to cancel the sale and purchase agreement through the court, this is now being handled by a lawyer from the Screen Actors Guild. Bondarenko does not appear in court... The worst thing is that in the Tagansky District Department of Internal Affairs they told me that they would not open a criminal case on the fact of fraud. They are not embarrassed that Novikov was discharged from Moscow without his knowledge and on the same day was registered in a hut in the Tver region, where several alcoholics are still registered. By the way, the first buyer of Serezha's apartment Sergunov, in fact, a figurehead, recently died under mysterious circumstances. I was told that he had a criminal record, had drug problems. Maybe his death has something to do with our case? It was possible to find out that Nadezhda Bondarenko also has a dark past.

NOVIKOV gained nationwide fame for half a role in the film "Shadows Disappear at Noon"
In her homeland in the Novonikolaevsky district of the Volgograd region, several people drink too much in rustic wrecks, where she moved them from Moscow and the Moscow region.
Didn't recognize my son
Friends of the Novikov family handed over the diary of Serezha's mother to Express Gazeta. Shortly before her death, Nadezhda Antonovna revealed the secret of why her son became handicapped. It turns out that in childhood, Sergei was a healthy boy with a creative streak. Mental illness was discovered after graduation.
“In 1975, my son was diagnosed with cerebral vasospasm,” Nadezhda Antonovna explains. - On simple sedatives, he felt great for a month and a half. And once he deceived me, saying that he needed to go to see a doctor. From there he called home and said that he still needed to undergo a course of treatment. It turns out that he fell in love with a doctor who was 11 years older than him.

(mother of Sergei Novikov)
Nadezhda Antonovna was unable to transfer her son into safe hands
So, the guy had an affair with the attending physician. What happened next is hard to understand. Either the doctor sincerely wanted to improve the health of the young lover and began to stuff him with strong psychotropic drugs, or in such a barbaric way she decided to get rid of the annoying admirer. In any case, the result was terrible.
“Literally a week later I didn’t recognize him,” Novikova recalls. - There was increased salivation, lethargy, the legs could hardly move ... When I met with the doctor and asked what happened, she said that "the process went so quickly." Discharging home, I asked to issue a disability for my son, to which the doctor replied that it was impossible ...
So Sergei Novikov is still considered an absolutely healthy person. To the delight of swindlers who shamelessly robbed a helpless person.
Nadezhda BONDARENKO took possession of the apartment of the NOVIKOVs
Valeria GUSCHINA, director of the Film Actors Guild:
- In recent years, there have been several tragic cases at once, when crooks hunted for the living space of famous people. For example, Marianna Strizhenova, who lived in the Arbat area, unexpectedly sold her prestigious apartment for ... $ 4,200. And just a day after that, she died of a heart attack. Actress Svetlana Chachava was found dead at her home. Her body lay in an unnatural position: as if in the last moments of her life she was crawling to the phone. And the cord from it was torn out. It soon became clear that Svetlana's apartment at the time of her death was officially sold to strangers. Dark stories are also connected with the square meters of the ballerina Olga Lepeshinskaya and the actress Tamara Nosova.
(Boris Novikov is buried at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow)

On July 13, he could have turned 90 years old, but he lived only to seventy-two, there was no money for medicines, and they barely scraped together for food .... He also died in July, 25th 97th year. These days, another Moscow festival was held, but no one remembered it there. A few friends and neighbors buried him, just as modestly as he lived. In a few years, Komsomolskaya Pravda will write about him, and readers will raise money for a monument.

If you have not guessed yet, we will talk about a wonderful theater and film actor, Boris Kuzmich Novikov.

He was born in the Ryazan region, in the small station town of Ryazhsk-1. When the war began, he was 15. Soon the family moved to Moscow, his mother taught Russian at the NKVD school, and Boris, who dreamed of becoming an artist from early childhood, in the 44th entered the theater school-studio at the Moscow Council Theater of Yuri Zavadsky, and in 48 th graduated from it and was accepted into the troupe of the theater. Moscow City Council.

Actors such as Vera Maretskaya, Nikolai Mordvinov, Faina Ranevskaya, Lyubov Orlova, Rostislav Plyatt, therefore Zavadsky did not particularly favor Novikov with roles. From the mid-50s, he began acting in films, "Behind the Store Window" - 55, "Unusual Summer" and "First Joys" - 56, "On the Count's Ruins" - 57th. In the same 57th Gerasimov takes him to the role of Mitka Korshunov in "Quiet Flows the Don".

Then there will be many more films, about a hundred in total. Novikov is rightfully considered the "king of the episode", he brought something of his own to each small role, and from this she was immediately remembered forever.

"Probation period" 1960 Tabakov, Efremov and Novikov.

"Scarlet Sails" 1961

"My friend, Kolka" 1961

So it was in two television series - "His Excellency's Adjutant" and "Shadows Disappear at Noon", it is impossible to forget the jeweler Isaac Liberson, whose son was killed by the Petliurists, and the Bolsheviks took everything away. Remember the phrase - " What can be a male conversation with such soldering?

And Ilya Yurgin, nicknamed "Buy-Sell" from "Shadows disappear at noon", it was the highest class.

In the 61st at the theater of the Moscow City Council, Novikov finally gets the main role. This is Vasily Terkin.

At the insistence of Plyatt, they glued his nose with potatoes (he has his own with a small hump), but this did not stop him. Tvardovsky, who was present at the premiere, was delighted - "You played Terkin better than I wrote," he said to Novikov. Tvardovsky was then in favor and Novikov could have received an award for the role, but Zavadsky objected, saying that Maretskaya and Plyatt did not receive awards here, and then some Novikov ...

Relations with Zavadsky obviously did not work out, and when Novikov, overcoming his innate modesty, asked him why he was not given roles at all, Zavadsky looked through him and said - "And who are you?"

After that, Novikov immediately left the theater of the Moscow City Council, for a long time he could not get anywhere, Tsarev wanted to take him to the Maly, but the "well-wishers" from the former theater told him such that Tsarev abandoned this idea. But on the other hand, Valentin Pluchek did not respond to gossip and took Novikov to the Satire Theater, where he worked from 63 to 72, continuing to act in films

"Don story" 1964

"Shot" 1966

The wife of Boris Kuzmich was Nadezhda Antonovna Klimovich. They studied together at a studio school, Nadezhda was a beauty and the students wondered why she chose Boris. But Boris managed to fight a little at the front in the cavalry troops, he was witty and charming, he could speak and chat with anyone. His friend Nikolai Denisov, who worked with Nadezhda at the Youth Theater, recalled: "When they got married. Nadenka, as her husband called her, became like a mother to him, took care of him literally like a son. Boris Kuzmich did not memorize texts very well, especially poetry, so she sat next to him and taught with him. So Kuzmich learned the role of Terkin - completely poetic. He was freed by Nadenka from all household chores, and he was rarely at home, filming in several films a year. "After Terkin, Tvardovsky helped with an apartment in a prestigious high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, where he himself lived, next door to Faina Ranevskaya , which he usually greeted - "Hello, my great neighbor!" In the 49th year, Boris and Nadezhda had a son, Sergei. Sergei was often sick as a child, but he studied very well and after graduating from school with a gold medal, he entered the institute. And then there was a complication after a severe flu, a mental disorder. Nadezhda was forced to quit her job and sit with her son. Boris remained the only breadwinner, at that time he was plagued by diabetes, and he had a heart attack in the 66th. But he earned, as I could, starred in films, traveled all over the country on tour... This continued until the 90s.

He himself used to always lend when he was asked, not particularly worried if the debt was not repaid, but he himself could not ask. In the winter of 1997, on the way to the store, he fell and broke his hip. Couldn't recover. Nadezhda Antonovna survived him by 11 years, and in 2008, just like him, on the way to the store, she broke her femoral neck and died the same year. A year before their death they were taken care of the rector of the Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki Father Alexei Yushchenko and the headman of the church Alexander Brodsky. They turned out to be connected with black realtors and in 2009 Sergey disappeared. Only with the help of journalists was it possible to find him half-dead in an abandoned remote village a hundred miles from Moscow. With the help of the staff of the program "Man and the Law", Sergei managed to return the apartment ...

Boris Kuzmich Novikov(July 13, 1925, Ryazhsk, Ryazan province, RSFSR - July 25, 1997, Moscow) - Soviet theater and film actor. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1994).


Boris Novikov was born on July 13, 1925 at the Ryazhsk-1 station (now the city of Ryazhsk, Ryazan Region). In 1948 he graduated from the Yu. A. Zavadsky Studio School and became an actor at the Mossovet Theatre, in 1963-1972 he worked at the Satire Theater.

He was married to MTYUZ actress Nadezhda Antonovna Klimovich. From this marriage, a son, Sergei, was born - an invalid since childhood. The couple took care of their sick son all their lives. The family lived in the famous skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment.

In 1972, due to diabetes, breaks with the theater and works only in the cinema. During his creative life he played in 150 films; among its heroes are truants, artists, foremen, chiefs of motorcades, military men, caretakers, young men and teenagers. He was especially successful in episodic roles, thanks to which he even received the nickname "King of the Episode." Boris Kuzmich also participated in dubbing cartoons; his most famous character is the postman Pechkin from the cartoon series "Three from Prostokvashino". The actor played one of his last film roles in the film "Return of the Armadillo" in 1997, shortly before his death.

He died of diabetes at the age of 72 on July 25, 1997, forgotten by everyone, almost in complete poverty. He was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow. The death of the actor was not reported in the press. Later, one of the newspapers wrote about this, and readers raised money for a monument to the actor.


Wife - actress of the Moscow Youth Theater Nadezhda Antonovna Klimovich (died in 2008). Son - Sergey (born in 1949). At first he was mentally healthy, graduated from school, studied at the institute, but at the age of 20, a mental disorder suddenly made itself felt. He lived in his parents' house on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. Without his knowledge, Sergei was registered in an old house in the Tver region, and the apartment passed into other hands. He was treated in a psychiatric hospital. Alekseev (former Kashchenko). Currently, Sergei has been restored to his rights to an apartment in a house on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, where he lives under the supervision of a nurse.

  • "Resentment" by A. A. Surov (May 29, 1948 - premiere), 1st truant, Dir. Vasily Vanin
  • "Oleko Dundich" by A. G. Rzheshevsky and M. A. Katz (1948 - introduction to the play), an old gypsy, Dir. Yuri Zavadsky
  • “The Wedding of Krechinsky” by A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin (March 2, 1949 - premiere), servant, Dir. Vasily Vanin
  • "The Cup of Joy" by N. Vinnikov (March 6, 1950 - premiere), Misha Kargin, Dir. V. A. Kolesaev
  • "Special Opinion" by S. Klebanov, A. Maryamov (May 21, 1950 - premiere), Yura, driver Drobot, Dir.: Y. Zavadsky, A. A. Shaps
  • “Third-year student” by A. V. Borozina and A. G. Davidson (July 21, 1950 - premiere), Viktor Sobolev, Dir.: I. S. Anisimova-Wulf, K. K. Mikhailov
  • "Dawn over Moscow" by A. A. Surov (November 18, 1950 - premiere), Cameraman, Dir.: Yuri Zavadsky, A. A. Shaps
  • "Fashion Shop" by I. A. Krylov (1951 - introduction to the play), Andrei, Lestov's servant, Dir. Yu. A. Shmytkin
  • "A Tale of Turkey" by Nazim Hikmet (March 21, 1953 - premiere), escort, 2nd policeman, Dir.: Yu. A. Zavadsky, E. I. Stradomskaya
  • "The Restless Position" by A. Ya. Kozhemyakin (June 27, 1953 - premiere), editorial worker, driver Tsvetkov, dir. Yu. A. Zavadsky, Yu. A. Shmytkin
  • The First Spring by G. E. Nikolaeva and S. A. Radzinsky (June 21, 1955 - premiere), Stenya Bobrikov, Dir.: Yu. A. Zavadsky, E. I. Stradomskaya
  • "In a Quiet Lane" by A. I. Movzon (December 9, 1955 - premiere), Dir. A. L. Shaps
  • "Three" M. Gorky (November 30, 1956 - premiere), Dir. Mikhail Sidorkin
  • "The Boundless Gave" by N. E. Virta (November 4, 1957 - premiere), Nikita Streshnev, "Denier" Dir. Yu. A. Zavadsky
  • “Battle on the way” by G. E. Nikolaeva, E. Radzinsky (February 3, 1959 - premiere), Dir.: Yu. A. Zavadsky, A. L. Shaps
  • "First Date" by T. G. Sytina (February 18, 1960 - premiere), Dir. O. Ya. Remez
  • "Vasily Terkin" by A. T. Tvardovsky (February 23, 1961 - premiere), Vasily Terkin, Dir. A. L. Shaps

The heir of the famous actor was seduced by an insidious doctor

The heir of the famous actor was seduced by an insidious doctor.

We were the first to write about a mysterious story related to the son of the famous actor Boris NOVIKOV. After the death of his parents, the mentally ill Sergei became the only heir to the "kopeck piece" in the legendary house on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. People who called themselves the guardians of Novikov Jr. took over his elite apartment. The man himself, who, without his knowledge, was registered in a wreck in the Tver region, is now in the mental hospital. Alekseeva (Kashchenko). Family friends are desperately trying to get him back to his home.

Recall Sergey Novikov disappeared from his high-rise apartment on Kotelnicheskaya embankment in mid-April. Neighbors and friends could not find him for a month and a half. Finally, hungry and helpless, they found him in the village of Cherkizovo near Moscow. And the living space of Novikov Jr., which is estimated by realtors at $ 500 thousand, has already, as it turned out, been taken over by rogues.

New mistress

Knocked out an apartment in a Stalinist skyscraper to Novikov Alexander Tvardovsky. The poet was shocked by how penetratingly Boris Kuzmich played at the Theater. Moscow City Council the role of Vasily Terkin. Films with the participation of the actor - "Shadows disappear at noon", "Quiet Flows the Don", "Seven old men and one girl" - are loved by the audience to this day. The postman Pechkin speaks in his voice. Despite this, the actor died in poverty and forgotten by almost everyone.

The elderly wife of Novikov is a former actress of the Youth Theater Nadezhda Klimovich- understood that sooner or later their mentally ill son Seryozha would be left alone, and began to look for guardians. After her death, the ministers of the Church of St. Nicholas in Kotelniki took care of Sergei - priest Alexy Yushchenko and headman Alexander Brodsky. They hired a nurse, brought groceries. But when Novikov Jr. became the full owner of the apartment, he suddenly disappeared. After an intensive search, it turned out that Brodsky took the unfortunate man to Cherkizovo near Moscow. And settled in a hut belonging to a certain Nadezhda Bondarenko, which became the owner of the prestigious apartment of the Novikovs.

Investigators of the Tagansky district police department began checking, but formally everything was according to the law. According to the documents, it turned out that Bondarenko bought a living space for $180,000 from an unknown citizen. Sergunov, who had previously allegedly acquired a "kopeck piece" from Sergei Novikov.

The son of the actor, alas, was never officially recognized as incompetent. And, of course, he did not see any money in his eyes.

mysterious death

Having snatched Novikov Jr. from the hands of Bondarenko, his friends placed him in a psychiatric hospital named after Alekseev.

Serezha was kept in terrible conditions in the Moscow region, says a family friend of the actor Nikolai Denisov. - Therefore, the doctors had to work hard to at least bring him back to normal. Sergey now feels better, but he has nowhere to go from the hospital. In order to return the apartment, it is necessary to cancel the sale and purchase agreement through the court, this is now being handled by a lawyer from the Screen Actors Guild. Bondarenko does not appear in court... The worst thing is that in the Tagansky District Department of Internal Affairs they told me that they would not open a criminal case on the fact of fraud. They are not embarrassed that Novikov was discharged from Moscow without his knowledge and on the same day was registered in a hut in the Tver region, where several alcoholics are still registered. By the way, the first buyer of Serezha's apartment Sergunov, in fact, a figurehead, recently died under mysterious circumstances. I was told that he had a criminal record, had drug problems. Maybe his death has something to do with our case? It was possible to find out that Nadezhda Bondarenko also has a dark past.

In her homeland in the Novonikolaevsky district of the Volgograd region, several people drink too much in rustic wrecks, where she moved them from Moscow and the Moscow region.

Didn't recognize my son

Friends of the Novikov family handed over the diary of Serezha's mother to Express Gazeta. Shortly before her death, Nadezhda Antonovna revealed the secret of why her son became handicapped. It turns out that in childhood, Sergei was a healthy boy with a creative streak. Mental illness was discovered after graduation.

In 1975, my son was diagnosed with cerebral vasospasm, explains Nadezhda Antonovna. - On simple sedatives, he felt great for a month and a half. And once he deceived me, saying that he needed to go to see a doctor. From there he called home and said that he still needed to undergo a course of treatment. It turns out that he fell in love with a doctor who was 11 years older than him.

So, the guy had an affair with the attending physician. What happened next is hard to understand. Either the doctor sincerely wanted to improve the health of the young lover and began to stuff him with strong psychotropic drugs, or in such a barbaric way she decided to get rid of the annoying admirer. In any case, the result was terrible.

Literally a week later I didn’t recognize him, ”recalls Novikova. - There was increased salivation, lethargy, the legs could hardly move ... When I met with the doctor and asked what happened, she said that "the process went so quickly." Discharging home, I asked to issue a disability for my son, to which the doctor replied that it was impossible ...

So Sergei Novikov is still considered an absolutely healthy person. To the delight of swindlers who shamelessly robbed a helpless person.

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