“Famous people of Donbass. Famous residents of Donetsk Message about famous people of Donbass

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Donbass is the birthplace of many famous people. We will talk about a few of them today ...

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Born on February 29, 1932 in the city of Rykovo, now - the city of Enakievo, Donetsk region. Childhood passed in the city of Slavyansk, Donetsk region. During the Great Patriotic War, together with his family, he was evacuated to Bukhara. At the end of the war, he moved with his family to Kharkov. From 1946 to 1947 he studied at the Kharkov vocational school of communications. Then he worked as a mechanic for repairing equipment at the Kharkov telegraph, sang in amateur performances and studied at the Kharkov Musical College. His studies were interrupted by military service. Bogatikov was drafted into the Navy and served in the Pacific Fleet from 1951 to 1955. During the years of service, he sang in the song and dance ensemble of the Pacific Fleet.

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After demobilization, he returned to his old job and continued his studies. In 1959 he graduated from the music school. He got a job in the theater of musical comedy. After that he worked as a soloist of the Donbass Mining Song and Dance Ensemble. He worked from the Kharkov (since 1960), Luhansk (since 1963) and Crimean (1974-1992) philharmonic. In 1969, for the first time, he appeared on television with the song "Dark mounds are sleeping." Member of the Variety Arts Council under the USSR Ministry of Culture from 1970 to 1986. Since 1992 - artistic director of the Crimean Philharmonic. Lived in Yalta. He released 8 audio albums of the "Men's Conversation" cycle, a laser disc "Red Roses". He has lived in Crimea since 1973.

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Died December 8, 2002. He was buried in Simferopol at the Abdal cemetery. -In Simferopol, a monument to Yu. I. Bogatikov was erected. -In Kharkiv, they plan to install a memorial plaque to an outstanding singer. - In the city of Saki, a music school was named after Yu. I. Bogatikov. - In the hero city of Kerch, the city cultural center was named after Yu. I. Bogatikov.

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Volodymyr Sosyura was born on December 25, 1897 (January 6, 1898) at the Debaltseve station (now Donetsk region of Ukraine). According to other sources, the year of birth is 1901 (indicated on the poet's tombstone). His father, Nikolai Vladimirovich, a draftsman by profession, had French roots. Being a restless and multi-talented person, he changed many professions, taught, worked as a rural lawyer, miner. The poet's mother, Antonina Danilovna Lokotosh, was a painter, originally from Lugansk, and was engaged in housework. Vladimir Sosyura graduated from a rural school and entered the agronomic school. From an early age, he worked in the mines of Donbass, took part in the Civil War: first on the side of the UNR, then on the side of the Red Army. After the end of the war, he studied at the Communist University in Kharkov and at the workers' faculty at the Kharkov Institute of Public Education. At that time he was a member of the literary organizations Plow, Hart, VAPLITE, VUSPP. In 1942-1944 Sosiura was a war correspondent. In 1951, he became the object of harassment after an article in the Pravda newspaper. who accused Sosyura of "bourgeois nationalism" for the poem "Love Ukraine", written in 1944.

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Family Vladimir Sosiura was married twice. The first marriage in 1922 was with Vera Kaperovna Berzina, a former political instructor of the Red Army squadron, later a student in Kharkov. Sosyura dedicated the poem "Rabfakovka" to her. The reason for the divorce was ideological differences: We got together with you in May, not yet knowing what the idea meant. I didn’t love Ukraine this time, laughed at it. Sosyura had two sons from this marriage. The second time Sosyura married in 1931 - with Maria Gavrilovna Danilova, who graduated from a ballet school in Kyiv and was 12 years younger. On January 15, 1932, their son, Vladimir, was born. In 1949, Maria Sosiura was arrested for allegedly disclosing state secrets and deported to Kazakhstan. After Mary's return five years later, they re-signed.

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Yanukovych Viktor Fedorovich, Ukrainian, was born on July 9, 1950 in the village. Zhukovka, Enakievsky district, Stalin (since 1961 Donetsk) region. Father - Yanukovych Fedor Vladimirovich (1923-1991). He was a locomotive driver and came from the village of Yanuki, Dokshitsy district of the Vitebsk region, from which the inhabitants went to work in the mines. (From the speech of Viktor Yanukovych in Poland on February 2, 2011, it follows that his father "was born in the Donbas, made friends with a woman from Russia.") Mother - Russian, Olga Semyonovna Leonova (1925 - August 2, 1952), a nurse, worked in the medical unit Yunkom mine. She died when Victor was 2 years old. According to Viktor Yanukovych's own memoirs, he was raised by his grandmother, Kastusya Ivanovna Yanukovych. She is from Vilnius. She replaced Victor's mother, who died early. Before the war, she worked as a hauler at the Yunkom mine. During the war, she was taken to Germany by an Ostarbeiter. Upon returning, Kastusya Ivanovna was unable to restore her work experience due to documents missing during the war. Her pension was 12.5 Soviet rubles. Maternal grandfather, Leonov Semyon Ivanovich, was a prosperous peasant. Fleeing from dispossession, he moved to the Donbass from the Orel, and according to other information, from the Kursk province. Paternal grandfather, Yanukovych Vladimir Yaroslavovich. Yanukovych, in an interview with Gazeta Wyborcza, stated that his paternal grandfather and great-grandfathers were Lithuanian Poles.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801-1872)

Russian scientist, writer and lexicographer, compiler of the Explanatory Dictionary of Living Great Russian. Vladimir Dal was born in Lugansk in 1801 in the family of a doctor of the mining department, Russified Dane Ivan Matveyevich Dal (Dan. Johan Christian von Dahl). The pseudonym "Cossack Lugansk", under which Vladimir Dal entered the literary world in 1832, was taken by him in honor of his homeland.

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (1894 - 1971)

First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Hero of the Soviet Union, three times Hero of Socialist Labor. From the age of 14 to 35 he studied and worked in Yuzovka (Donetsk). The period of Khrushchev's rule is sometimes called: many political prisoners were released, compared to the period of Stalin's rule, the activity of repressions decreased significantly. Decreased influence of ideological censorship.

Mikhail Lvovich Matusovsky (1915-1990)

Soviet songwriter. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, author of the legendary poems of the song "Moscow Nights", "Where the Motherland Begins" and dozens of other popular ones. Born in Lugansk, studied and graduated from the 13th high school in Lugansk. He would later dedicate his song "School Waltz" to his first teacher Maria Semyonovna Todorova.

Georgy Timofeevich Beregovoy (1921 - 1995)

Georgy Beregovoy- Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union (the only one who was awarded the first star of the Hero for, and the second for space flight).
Honored test pilot of the USSR, lieutenant general of aviation, candidate of psychological sciences, cosmonaut of the USSR No. 12. Born in 1921 near Poltava, shortly after his birth, the family moved to the city of Yenakiyevo in the Donbass. In 1941 he graduated from the Voroshilovgrad school of military pilots. In 1968 he made a space flight on the Soyuz-3 spacecraft. He was the main consultant for the feature films "Moscow - Cassiopeia" and "Youths in the Universe".

Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko

Soviet and Russian mathematician, specialist in the field of multidimensional calculus of variations, differential geometry and topology, theory of Lie groups and algebras, symplectic and computer geometry, theory of Hamiltonian dynamical systems. Active member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. The author of the sensational "New Chronology" - the concept that the existing chronology of historical events is incorrect. Born in 1945 in Stalino (Donetsk), finished school in Lugansk.

Sergey Nazarovich Bubka (born in 1963 in Luhansk)

Soviet and Ukrainian pole vault athlete. The first person in the world to jump over 6 meters. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, champion of the Olympic Games, 6-time world champion, champion of Europe and the USSR. At the age of 37, Bubka took part in the Sydney Olympics (2000). IOC President Marquis Juan Antonio Samaranch called him the most outstanding athlete of our time.

* — abbreviation for "Donetsk Coal Basin".

Donbass is a historically developed region, including Donetsk, Luhansk, Dnepropetrovsk regions of Ukraine and Rostov region of the Russian Federation.

The Donetsk coal basin was discovered at the beginning of the 18th century. Its industrial development began at the end of the 19th century.

** Emigration from Donbass 2014-2016. According to the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, since 2014, 1.6 million IDPs from Donbass and Crimea have been registered. Experts also note that these figures are not true, since not all refugee emigrants are registered.

***Vladimir Dal was born in the village of Lugansky Zavod (now Lugansk) of the Yekaterinoslav Viceroyalty, Russian Empire on November 10 (22), 1801, in the family of Ivan Matveyevich Dal, a doctor in the mining department, and his wife Maria Khristoforovna, nee Freytag.

His father, the Russified Dane Johann (Johann) Christian Dahl (Dan. Johan Christian Dahl, 1764 - October 21, 1821), took Russian citizenship along with the Russian name Ivan Matveyevich Dahl in 1799. He knew many languages, was a theologian and physician. His fame as a linguist reached Empress Catherine II, who summoned him to St. Petersburg for the position of court librarian. Johann Dahl later went to Jena, took a medical course there and returned to Russia with a doctorate in medicine. The Russian medical license reads: “Ivan Matveev, son of Dal, born on March 8, 1792, was awarded medical practice to manage the medical practice in the Russian Empire.” Ivan Dal in St. Petersburg married Maria Khristoforovna Freytag, they had two daughters (Paulina and Alexandra) and four sons, one of whom was Vladimir Dal.

Municipal preschool educational institution

Department of Education of the city of Shakhtyorsk

"Miner's nursery - garden number 6"

Additional material

for conducting directly educational activities in the senior group on the topic:

"Famous people of Donbass"

Prepared by:

Kochura Natalia Nikolaevna

"Famous people of my land"

Target: arouse in children interest and pride in the famous people of Donbass.

meet famous people of our region.

Develop cognitive interests, memory. Learn to rejoice in other people's successes and victories, empathize with the losers.

Equipment: photo albums, video presentations.

Famous residents of Donetsk.

Beautiful people live and work in Donetsk, great workers and incorrigible dreamers with their joys and problems. There is a special feature in Donetsk characters that cannot be overlooked. This is durability, like first-class steel, which neither bends nor cracks. Only on Donetsk land could they temper their character and reveal the full power of their talent, the world-famous "golden voice" of Ukraine Anatoliy Solovyanenko, the "bird-man" Serhiy Bubka and the holder of the title "Dancer of the World" Vadim Pisarev. Donetsk region has become a homeland for many outstanding figures of culture, sports, and medicine. Among them: the great composer Sergei Prokofiev, artist Arkhip Kuindzhi, polar explorer Georgy Sedov, founder of Russian cinema Alexander Khanzhonkov, poets Vasily Stus and Vladimir Sosyura, writers P. Baydebur and I. Kostyr, oncologist Grigory Bondar and many other equally outstanding people.

Nonna Mordyukova

"A Cossack girl comes from Donbass" (1925-2008, the village of Konstantinovka)
The first beauty of the Soviet screen often called herself a Kuban Cossack. In fact, the actress was not born in the Kuban, but in the village of Konstantinovka, Donetsk region. A few years later, Nonna's family moved to the Krasnodar Territory. In the village of Glafirovka, Nonna's mother served as chairman of the collective farm. Nonna Mordyukova's childhood dream was to act in films. But before it comes true, Nonna's family will survive the war. The Mordyukovs learned from their own experience what occupation is, constant moving from one city to another ... When peacetime came, Nonna Mordyukova began to realize her childhood dream. Glory came to her while studying at VGIK. She was taken on the role of Ulyana Gromova in the film "Young Guard". After this tape, the actress not only woke up famous, she was awarded the Stalin Prize for her role. At VGIK, the actress not only learned the basics of her profession. While studying at the university, she met her future husband Vyacheslav Tikhonov.

Anatoly Solovyanenko

"Golden-voiced university teacher" (1932-1999, Donetsk)
The future opera singer graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute, then worked there as a teacher at the Department of Engineering Graphics. Maybe the world would not have heard the magnificent voice of Anatoly Solovyanenko if the young man had not started taking vocal lessons from the famous teacher Alexander Korobeichenko. In 1962, Solovyanenko, as part of the Donetsk delegation, went to Kyiv for a creative report. His performance made such a splash that, after listening to Solovyanenko, they were accepted into the troupe of the Kyiv Opera House. It was an unprecedented case, because at that time the golden-voiced Donetsk resident had no musical education. For two years, Solovyanenko underwent an internship at La Scala. He was invited to perform on the world's best stages. In Donetsk, the Opera and Ballet Theater is named after him. Near the theater building there is a monument to Anatoly Solovyanenko, who was nicknamed the “Golden Boy” by the Donetsk people.

Arkhip Kuindzhi

"The Alchemist of Color" (1842-1910, Mariupol)

Arkhip Kuindzhi was born into the family of a poor Greek shoemaker. The surname, which means “goldsmith” in Tatar, is an inheritance from his grandfather. Having lost his parents early, Arkhip earned his own bread: shepherded geese, served with a contractor for the construction of a church, then with a grain merchant, and then attended the city school for some time. From early childhood, Kuindzhi loved to draw. His first paintings were painted on walls, fences and scraps of paper. Growing up, he worked as a retoucher for photographers in Mariupol, Odessa and St. Petersburg. Arkhip Kuindzhi's dream was to enter the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, but he was flunked several times in exams. It is unlikely that Kuindzhi would have believed then that he would become a professor at this academy. Kuindzhi became a real alchemist of color. He perfectly mastered the technique of color, color and halftones. In a number of his paintings, the colors have a special glow and do not fade to this day. The secret of the great landscape painter has not yet been unraveled. Tretyakov himself bought his paintings, and his colleague Ilya Repin admired Kuindzhi's talent: "The illusion of light was his god, and there was no artist equal to him in achieving this miracle of painting."

Joseph Kobzon

"The Man Who Sang "Victory Day"" (1937, Chasov Yar)
Just before the war, the Kobzon family moved to Lviv. From there, my father went to the front as a political commissar, and my mother, with three children, a grandmother and a disabled brother, went to evacuate to Uzbekistan. Their final destination was the city of Yangiyul, near Tashkent. In 1944, Joseph Kobzon and his family returned to Ukraine, to the city of Kramatorsk. In Donetsk in 2003 a monument to Joseph Kobzon was erected. By the way, initially the singer was against this idea. He laid out his fate from the songs that became fateful for the great country of the USSR. It was he who sang the legendary "Victory Day", "Do not think about seconds down." He forever took the place of the patriarch of the Soviet stage. Any concert ended with Kobzon. He went on stage, stood in a "signature" pose and sang. His authority on the musical, and not only the musical Olympus, is still out of reach. The willpower of this man is amazing. Overcoming a fatal illness, he already once went on stage. And the scene healed him. A few years ago, during his tour, he gave an amazing concert in Donetsk. It turned out that all generations know these songs. The audience stood up and sang along with Yesya. And "Smuglyanka", and "Hava Nagila", and "My dear mother". A real son of Donbass - without nationality, with love for the Motherland.

Sergei Bubka (born 1963)

This name is inscribed in gold letters in the history of athletics. After all, it was Sergey Bubka - the "bird-man" - who set the world record in pole vaulting. He was the first athlete to jump over 6 meters and also the only athlete to hold both indoor and outdoor world records. Sergey Bubka received the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, became the Olympic champion, European champion, two-time USSR champion, six-time world champion, and also the winner of the World and European Cups in pole vaulting. In total, Sergey set 35 world records! Sergei Bubka was born in Luhansk, but serious training began for him in Donetsk, where at that time there were the best gyms and coaches.

Today in Donetsk there is the “Sergey Bubka Club”, which annually holds international competitions “Pole Stars”, and near the regional sports complex “Olympic” there is a monument to the famous pole vaulter.


"People's favorite" (1928, Znamenskoye village, Donetsk region)
One-year-old Leonid Bykov and his parents moved to the city of Kramatorsk, where a few years later he first appeared on the stage of the local recreation center named after Lenin. He dreamed of becoming a pilot, but because of his small stature (136 cm), he was expelled from the flight school. He will fulfill his dream of heaven in years to come, when he shoots “Only “old men” go into battle. Even during the life of Leonid Bykov, the film about the second singing squadron will be awarded the most important prize - people's love. The film will be decomposed into quotes, replicas will be learned and, of course, "Darkie". It seems incredible, but he failed miserably at the entrance exams to the Kyiv School of Actors. However, it is not in the Donetsk nature to give up. Bykov went to apply to Kharkov and did not lose. He starred in 22 films, and he directed 4. Not so many, but the main thing is not the number. He starred in the films "Volunteers", "Maxim Perepelitsa", "Someone else's relatives", "Aty-bats, soldiers were walking", "Aleshkin's love", etc., almost every of his roles is a landmark. When Bykov was 50 years old, he died in a car accident near Kyiv. Anticipating his death, Leonid Bykov wrote in his will: “Just say goodbye and sing my favorite song, “Smuglyanka.” Otherwise, I will rise from the grave and leave you.”

Vadim Pisarev (born 1965)

The native Donetsk resident Vadim Yakovlevich Pisarev is known not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. Vadim Yakovlevich is a People's Artist of Ukraine and one of the brightest Ukrainian dancers, winner of many awards, including "The Best Dancer of the World" -1995, "Person of the Year in Ukraine" -1996, an honorary citizen of Donetsk, New Orleans and Baltimore. Since 1983, Vadim Yakovlevich has been a soloist in the Donetsk Ballet Company and actively participated in the most spectacular international festivals.

Today, Vadim Pisarev is the artistic director of the Donetsk National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, the organizer of the international festival "Stars of the World Ballet", which takes place annually in Donetsk and which was attended by more than 300 outstanding ballet dancers from 25 countries of the world. Finally, Vadim Yakovlevich is one of the most respected contemporary choreographers. .

Dmitry Khaladzhi

"Bogatyr from Donbass" (1979, Komsomolsk, Donetsk region)
He never ceases to amaze everyone with his records, which overturn all ideas about the capabilities of the human body. Dmitry Khaladzhi's achievements have been repeatedly recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. He lifted a hundred pounds of salt, an anvil was set on his chest, on which a blacksmith worked, trucks drove over his body. At the age of four, little Dima received a burn. 35% of the body surface was affected. Doctors forbade him even to engage in physical education at school. Looking now at Khalaji - the record holder of the Guinness Book of Records, it's hard to believe it. Donetsk Hercules is now actively touring. In the fall, a tour is planned as part of the Moscow circus troupe around the cities of Russia.

Ruslan Ponomarev

"The youngest king of chess" (1983, Gorlovka)
The brilliant chess player comes from Donbass. His mother was a primary school teacher, and his father worked as an engineer at a car repair plant. He taught Ruslan to play chess when the boy was 5 years old. At the age of 9, at the qualifying tournament for the championship of Ukraine “under 12”, Ruslan reached the final and became a first-class player. It is interesting that one of the games he won then still remains his fastest tournament victory. Ponomarev made a swift and brilliant career in the world of chess. In 1998 he became the youngest grandmaster in the world, in 2002 - Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. In the same year he became the youngest world chess champion (according to FIDE). “In my free time I read, mostly detective stories. I listen to music according to my mood, I prefer symphonic music. My younger sister is indifferent to chess, but she is passionate about playing the violin, she studies at a music school. And our mother is a romantic, a great lover of fiction. It was her idea to call me and my sister Ruslan and Lyudmila - right after Pushkin, ”the youngest king of chess said in an interview.

Lilia Podkopayeva (born in 1978)

Answering media questions, who do you consider the pride of your city, 33% of the polled Donetsk residents named sportsman Serhiy Bubka, 25% - businessman Rinat Akhmetov, Olympic champion Liliya Podkopayeva and the President of Ukraine received 13% of the votes.

Thanks to her talent and exceptional diligence, L. Podkopayeva became the owner of 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals only at international competitions, not counting national championships. 1995 - the absolute world champion (Japan, Sabae), winner of the European Cup. 1996 - the absolute champion of Europe (Great Britain, Birmingham). 1996 - the absolute champion of the Olympic Games (USA, Atlanta).

Vitaly Starukhin (1949-2000)

Vitaliy Starukhin is a favorite of football fans, a legend of Ukrainian football, one of the best forwards of Shakhtar Donetsk. Vitaly is a man with an unusual biography. He started playing football relatively late, but, having got on a large field, he made a rapid career. Vitaly played for the Stroitel club in Poltava, from where he was literally stolen by FC Shakhtar, and although the USSR Football Federation banned Starukhin from playing for the Donetsk club, he continued to play under different names.

Starukhin's legendary achievement is 26 goals scored during the USSR Championship. The Ukrainian striker was recognized as the player of the year. At the age of 35, Starukhin was forced to end his career as a football player - at Shakhtar, his services were abandoned in favor of younger athletes. Then Starukhin continued to work as a coach, inspector and participated in veteran matches, where he scored goals no worse than when he was at the zenith of glory.

In 2010, the society of waste heap experts named one of the waste heaps of Donetsk near the Shakhtar stadium after Vitaliy Starukhin, and Vitaly Starukhin's Star was installed on the Shakhtar Walk of Fame near the Donbass Arena.

Georgy Beregovoy (1921-1995)

Georgy Timofeevich Coastal pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. He received his first Star in the fiery year of 1944, and the second - for a feat in space exploration. He spoke very modestly about himself: “I am a pilot. Profession man. It was as a pilot, as a private in my profession, that I had the opportunity to fight in the Patriotic War, to test new aircraft in the post-war years, to participate in space exploration. The title of one of Georgy Timofeevich's autobiographical books "Three Heights" is very symbolic. Attack pilot, test pilot, cosmonaut - three goals that our countryman set for himself at different times, three heights that he mastered. Having become a lieutenant general of aviation, Beregovoy transferred his experience and knowledge to young space argonauts for a long time, working as the head of the Cosmonaut Training Center.
Georgy Beregovoy never forgot about the land that gave him a ticket to heaven. He always returned with great joy to his beloved Donetsk region, supported his countrymen.

Beautiful people live and work in Donetsk, great workers and incorrigible dreamers with their joys and problems. There is a special feature in Donetsk characters that cannot be overlooked. This is durability, like first-class steel, which neither bends nor cracks. Only on Donetsk land could they temper their character and reveal the full power of their talent, the world-famous "golden voice" of Ukraine Anatoliy Solovyanenko, the "bird-man" Serhiy Bubka and the holder of the title "Dancer of the World" Vadim Pisarev. Donetsk region has become a homeland for many outstanding figures of culture, sports, and medicine. Among them: the great composer Sergei Prokofiev, artist Arkhip Kuindzhi, polar explorer Georgy Sedov, founder of Russian cinema Alexander Khanzhonkov, poets Vasily Stus and Vladimir Sosyura, writers P. Baydebur and I. Kostyr, oncologist Grigory Bondar and many other equally outstanding people. Famous residents of Donetsk glorified and continue to glorify not only our city, but the whole of Ukraine!

Sergei Bubka (born 1963)

This name is inscribed in gold letters in the history of athletics. After all, it was Sergey Bubka - the “bird-man” - who set the world record in pole vaulting. He was the first athlete to jump over 6 meters and also the only athlete to hold both indoor and outdoor world records. Sergey Bubka received the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, became the Olympic champion, European champion, two-time USSR champion, six-time world champion, and also the winner of the World and European Cups in pole vaulting. In total, Sergey set 35 world records! Sergei Bubka was born in Luhansk, but serious training began for him in Donetsk, where at that time there were the best gyms and coaches.
Today in Donetsk there is the “Sergey Bubka Club”, which annually holds international competitions “Pole Stars”, and near the regional sports complex “Olympic” there is a monument to the famous pole vaulter.

Lilia Podkopayeva (born in 1978)

Answering media questions, who do you consider the pride of your city, 33% of the polled Donetsk residents named sportsman Serhiy Bubka, 25% - businessman Rinat Akhmetov, Olympic champion Liliya Podkopayeva and the President of Ukraine received 13% of the votes.
Thanks to her talent and exceptional diligence, L. Podkopayeva became the owner of 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals only at international competitions, not counting national championships. 1995 - absolute champion world (Japan, Sabae), winner of the European Cup. 1996 - the absolute champion of Europe (Great Britain, Birmingham). 1996 - the absolute champion of the Olympic Games (USA, Atlanta).
The author's element of Lilia Podkopayeva - "Double forward somersault with a turn of 180 degrees" has not been repeated by anyone in the world so far.

Grigory Bondar (born in 1932).

Grigory Vasilievich Bondar is one of the most talented practitioners and theorists of surgery and oncology in the world. Bondar published more than 700 scientific papers, created more than 70 inventions in the field of medicine. He owns the research of universal methods of surgical interventions in oncology. Today, Grigory Vasilyevich is in charge of the department of oncology organized by him. logy, performs more than 500 operations annually, is the CEOm of the Donetsk Regional Antitumor Center, constantly carries out diagnostics, conducts active scientific and social activities. Among his awards are the title of Hero of Ukraine, Orders of Merit of I and II degrees, the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, the title of Honored Scientist of Ukraine, the Badge of Honor of the President of Ukraine and the Diploma of the European Parliament from Brussels. Truly, a person's life can be extremely useful and productive if natural talent, purposefulness and exceptional diligence are present in it.

Vitaly Starukhin (1949-2000)

Vitaliy Starukhin is a favorite of football fans, a legend of Ukrainian football, one of the best forwards of Shakhtar Donetsk. Vitaly is a man with an unusual biography. He started playing football relatively late, but, having got on a large field, he made a rapid career. Vitaly played for the Stroitel club in Poltava, from where he was literally stolen by FC Shakhtar, and although the USSR Football Federation banned Starukhin from playing for the Donetsk club, he continued to play under different names.
Starukhin's legendary achievement - 26 goals scoredduring the championship of the USSR. The Ukrainian striker was recognized as the player of the year. At 35 Starhin was forced to end his career as a football player - in Shakhtar, his services were abandoned in favor of younger athletes. Then Starukhin continued to work as a coach, inspector and participated in veteran matches, where he scored goals no worse than when he was at the zenith of glory.
In 2010, the society of waste heap experts named one of the waste heaps of Donetsk near the Shakhtar stadium after Vitaliy Starukhin, and Vitaly Starukhin's Star was installed on the Shakhtar Walk of Fame near the Donbass Arena.

Leonid Bykov (1928-1979)

We all remember Petya Mokin from "The Tamer of the Tigers", unrequitedly in love with his childhood friend Lenochka Vorontsova and Maxim Perepelitsa - an unlucky, but kind and cheerful guy, and, of course, a submariner Alyosha Akishin from the film "Volunteers". In each In the picture, Leonid Bykov created a unique image, but the Maestro from the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle” will remain in our memory forever.
Director, screenwriter and actor - it's all Leon
id Bykov, the favorite of millions of viewers. Few people know that Leonid Fedorovich Bykov is a native of the village of Znamenskoye, Donetsk region. Leonid Fedorovich is not only an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, but also a People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. His roles and extraordinary directorial work left a bright mark in the history of Russian cinema.

Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971)

Nikita Khrushchev is one of the few politicians whose name was heard all over the world. The fate of Khrushchev was connected with the Donbass for 20 years - Nikita Sergeevich began his career in Donetsk. The political figure of Khrushchev is rather controversial. His most famous achievements are the debunking of the cult of Stalin and the rehabilitation of political prisoners of the USSR, the abolition of sectoral ministries, the support of the space program and the flight into space of Yuri Gagarin, the construction of the Berlinskoth walls, anti-religious campaign and permission for abortion. The most famous expressions of Nikita Khrushchev are “Politicians are all the same: they promise to build a bridge even where there are no rivers”, “We will show you Kuzkin’s mother!”, “When a person eats, he becomes kinder” and many others.
In Donetsk, a memorial plaque was installed on the building of the DonNTU building with an inscription that N.S. Khrushchev.

Arkhip Kuindzhi (1842-1910)

A.I. Kuindzhi is a brilliant landscape painter. Born in the town of Karasu near Mariupol, he lost his parents early and lived in great poverty. From an early age he was fond of painting, drawing on any suitable material - on walls, fences and scraps of paper. Being a mature artist, he especially liked to paint landscapes of Ukrainian nature. A real sensationKuindzhi's paintings - "Birch Grove" (1879), the legendary "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper" (1880), "Dnepr in the Morning" (1881) - became famous. These paintings played a huge role in the development of Russian landscape painting, and not only in p landscape. In them, Kuindzhi showed people again what they had forgotten since the time of the ancient Russian masters - Kuindzhi showed people color and paint.
Loud fame and oblivion, wide popularity and misunderstanding fell to Arkhip Kuindzhi, but he always remained a modest and very kind person. His students were subsequently outstanding artists, Ilya Repin and Nikolai

The most famous person in the city is its founder. Of course, outside of Ukraine, few have heard of the industrialist, engineer, metallurgist, and also the very first and main resident of Donetsk, John Yuze. But in the Donbass, this person is known to everyone since school. John Hughes founded a metallurgical plant and a working settlement called Yuzovka on the banks of the Kalmius River. Subsequently, the settlement turned into the city of Donetsk, which became one of the industrial centers of Russia and Ukraine. In Donetsk, the ruins of Yuz's house have been preserved and a monument to the famous founding father has been erected.

Sergto her Prokofiev

Sergto her Prokofiev

Sergei Prokofiev is one of the few world-famous musicians who has become famous both as a composer and as a performer of his own works. Sergei Prokofiev comes from the village of Sontsovka, Bakhmut district, Yekaterinoslav province, which is now referred to as the village of Krasnoe, Krasnoarmeisky district, Donetsk region. Sergei Prokofiev wrote his first opera at the age of 9, gave his first concert at the age of 17, and at 27 he toured Europe, America and Japan. You are probably familiar with his most striking musical works - this is the opera "War and Peace", the ballets "Romeo and Juliet", "Cinderella". The monument to Sergei Prokofiev has not yet been erected, but the sculptors of the city are already working on it.

Nikita Khrushchev is one of the few politicians whose name was heard by the whole world and about whom there is so little documentary evidence. The fate of Khrushchev was connected with the Donbass for 20 years - Nikita Sergeevich began his career in Donetsk. In the house where he once lived, they wanted to make a museum, but the building was demolished and the exhibits disappeared. There was only a memorial plaque on the building of the DonNTU building with an inscription that N.S. studied here. Khrushchev. The political figure of Khrushchev is rather controversial. His most famous achievements are the debunking of the Stalin cult and the rehabilitation of political prisoners in the USSR, the abolition of branch ministries, the support of the space program and the flight into space of Yuri Gagarin, the erection of the Berlin Wall, the anti-religious campaign and the promotion of abortion. The most famous expressions of Nikita Khrushchev are “Politicians are all the same: they promise to build a bridge even where there are no rivers”, “We will show you Kuzkin’s mother!”, “When a person eats, he becomes kinder” and many others.



Petya Mokin from "The Tamer of the Tigers", Maxim Perepelitsa, director, screenwriter and actor of the film "Only Old Men Go to Battle" - all this is Leonid Bykov, a favorite of millions of viewers throughout the USSR. Few people know, but Leonid Fedorovich Bykov is a native of the village of Znamenskoye, Donetsk region. Leonid Fedorovich is not only an Honored Artist of the RSFSR, but also a People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. His roles and extraordinary directorial work left a bright mark in the history of Russian cinema.

Vitaliy Starukhin is a favorite of football fans, a legend of Ukrainian football, one of the best forwards of Shakhtar Donetsk. Vitaly is a man with an unusual biography. He started playing football relatively late, but, having hit the big field, he made a rapid career. Vitaly played for the Stroitel club in Poltava, from where he was literally stolen by FC Shakhtar, and although the USSR Football Federation banned Starukhin from playing for the Donetsk club, he continued to play under different names. Starukhin's legendary achievement - 26 goals scored during the USSR Championship. The Ukrainian striker was recognized as the player of the year. At the age of 35, Starukhin was forced to end his career as a football player - at Shakhtar, his services were abandoned in favor of younger athletes. Then Starukhin continued to work as a coach, inspector and participated in veteran matches, where he scored goals no worse than when he was at the zenith of glory.

(Born in 1963)

This name is inscribed in golden letters in the history of athletics, because it was Sergey Bubka - the “bird-man” - who set the world record in pole vaulting. He was the first athlete to jump over 6 meters and also the only athlete to hold both indoor and outdoor world records. Sergey Bubka received the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, became the Olympic champion, European champion, two-time USSR champion, six-time world champion, and also the winner of the World and European Cups in pole vaulting. In total, Sergey set 35 world records! Sergei Bubka was born in Luhansk, but serious training began for him in Donetsk, where at that time there were the best gyms and coaches. Today in Donetsk there is the “Sergei Bubka Club”, which annually holds international competitions “Pole Stars”, and near the regional sports complex “Olympic” there is a monument to the famous pole vaulter.

(Born in 1937)

The voice of this native of the Donetsk region has been familiar to many since childhood. Iosif Davydovich Kobzon is not just a person, but a whole milestone in the history of Soviet and Russian pop music. A well-known performer, showman, deputy of the Russian State Duma, member of the board of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, member of the presidium of the public organization "League of Nation's Health" considers Donetsk land to be his homeland. In Donetsk, a lifetime monument was erected to Joseph Davydovich on the square near the Youth Palace. Iosif Kobzon is a stage record holder. He held a record number of concerts per day - 12, performed at the longest concert in time - 12 hours and 40 minutes, recorded about 3,000 songs, visited more than 100 countries on tour, was the first to negotiate with terrorists in Nord-Ost, became an honorary citizen of 29 cities of the CIS, and also entered the Russian Book of Records as the most titled artist.

(Born in 1932)

A person's life can be extremely productive if he is accompanied by natural talent, purposefulness and exceptional diligence. Grigory Vasilievich Bondar is one of the most talented practitioners and theorists of surgery and oncology in the world. Grigory Vasilievich published more than 700 scientific papers, created more than 70 inventions in the field of medicine. He owns the research of universal methods of surgical interventions in oncology. Today Grigory Vasilyevich is in charge of the department of oncology organized by him, performs more than 500 operations annually, is the general director of the Donetsk Regional Antitumor Center, constantly conducts diagnostics, and is active in scientific and social activities. Among his awards are the title of Hero of Ukraine, Orders of Merit of I and II degrees, the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, the title of Honored Scientist of Ukraine, the Badge of Honor of the President of Ukraine and the Diploma of the European Parliament from Brussels.

(Born in 1965)

The native Donetsk resident Vadim Yakovlevich Pisarev is known not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. Vadim Yakovlevich is a People's Artist of Ukraine and one of the brightest Ukrainian dancers, winner of many awards, including "The Best Dancer of the World" -1995, "Person of the Year in Ukraine" -1996, an honorary citizen of Donetsk, New Orleans and Baltimore. Since 1983, Vadim Yakovlevich has been a soloist in the Donetsk Ballet Company and actively participated in the most spectacular international festivals. Today, Vadim Pisarev is better known as the organizer of the International Ballet Stars Festival, which takes place annually in Donetsk and has been attended by over 300 outstanding ballet dancers from 25 countries. Finally, Vadim Yakovlevich is one of the most respected contemporary choreographers.

(Born in 1950)

Speaking about the most famous residents of Donetsk, one cannot fail to mention the First Person of the State. Viktor Yanukovych is a well-known figure not only in Ukraine, but also in the world political arena. And this is another reason for Donetsk to be proud of the achievements of its fellow countrymen. Despite the fact that the first after school educational institution was an ordinary mining technical school, and the first profession was a worker of a metallurgical plant, Viktor Yanukovych managed to grow up to the position of general director of an industrial enterprise, and graduate from two higher educational institutions, and receive a degree already being a high-ranking official . In 2002, Yanukovych was appointed to the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine, and in 2010, in the second round of voting, he won the majority of votes in the presidential election. Yanukovych's main foreign policy achievements as president include Russian-Ukrainian rapprochement, the direction of integration into the European Union, and the final rejection of Ukraine's entry into NATO.

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