About winter in April. Poems about spring. March April May. Spring poems. Now the last snow in the field is melting

April cold

Alexander Anatolievich Gubenko

April is getting old... Rain, coolness, slush,
As if autumn is crying outside the window.
Fields of boundless black earth pulp,
The golden ray does not please with warmth.

Thin birches in a pleasant emerald
Tremble from the dampness and gloom of the day,
And the tender willows on the fabulous dam
They look sadly above the gray wave.

But as soon as the sun breaks through the clouds,
The earth will immediately wake up from sleep.
The coastal meadow will sparkle with tears.
The world will wake up and Spring will bloom!


Alexander Popov

Spring walked along the way
And again in the yard bad weather
Freezing rain falls from heaven
And nature froze in April

But the soul lives in anticipation
Though sometimes not warmed by the sun
On the edge of the birch round dance
Believes in the greenery of blooming summer

Cranes believe in the sanctity of love
Flying over the native plain
And hurries from dawn to dawn
Proud First Flock

But it will break through the blue clouds
Everything is brighter, more cheerful dawns
Let young April be capricious
I am grateful to Spring for this.

Winter, winter

Antonina Teslenko

Winter, winter
Winter in April
On the trembling kidneys lies,
Well what a joke
Spring is not in a hurry for us.
We are not worried
bird song,
A drop does not caress the ear,
Here comes the winter
With special zeal
Snow falls on the ground.
Spring! Ay!
Where did you get lost?
Come to us soon
guide your way.
It seemed to me?
No, I hear
Spring answer:

April snowfall

Vadim Bakulin

Yesterday they still sang drops ...
Today, that sheep's fur,
On the shoulders of young April -
Curly snow is falling.

Houses thawed by the body,
They put on a headdress.
Pure white paper sheet
Shines open space.

Sketches sprang up in the parks
From bird, tiny footprints;
And my city, without preparation,
Again in the occupation of snow.

April pushing the walls,
Winter came flooding in
So rebelliously inspired
As soon as it can be in the spring!

April got lost

Vladimir Bakatin

April got lost
squandered heat along the way.
Outside in February
blue snows lie
furtively rooks
pick up grain at the threshold,
The river does not kiss
flood its shores.

On the edge of the field
the old willows are weeping in ice.
Tired jackdaws scream
over the crosses of wretched churches.
The heart yearns for warmth
the soul asks forlornly -
Where, which way
you got lost, reveler April?

April snow is flying...

Vadim Bakulin

In the middle of spring, unexpectedly and unexpectedly
Winter came, broke into the sleepy city.
Snowflakes near the church smell like incense.
The dome of the sky became white and bottomless.

I go, and the snow moves synchronously with me, -
We both travel without a goal.
And the sky falls like flakes on the branches.
The world is spinning like a carousel.

April snow is flying on bare roofs,
On pavements to melt during the day,
Turn the heads of lovers even more strongly,
And leave a living trace in the souls of sensitive people.
Saying goodbye to April

Vadim Konstantinov 2

Special contribution
In a turmoil in nature!..

He messed everything up and
In your deck!

That wet snow
That rain
Harassing us!..

But we are all tricks
Let's take it down -
Waiting for

Poor Man - April

Elena Kudryashova-Norkevich

Everything purges and purges the poor fellow - April,
Though the starling trill is already spilling.
Won't get away, won't understand why
We are dissatisfied with the snow, we are not happy with it!

Houses and souls are covered with white fluff,
And the snowflakes are laughing, circling the world ....

February snowstorm

Grudanov Evgeny

Though it's April outside
The February blizzard is blowing.
And in the morning frost cracks,
And immediately freezes the nose ...
Then look for him in the snow
And he dives - and not "gu-gu" ...

April snow

Ilya Gurevich

April snow - an anachronism of nature,
A frozen heap hides in the shadows,
But his days, like years,
Already long and correctly counted.

Already flying headlong across the sky
His short-lived star
And soon on the asphalt slope,
Dirty cold water flows.

And the wind will dry the wet spot,
And it will bring the flowers of May bliss ...
That this snow is a speck of dust on the planet!
That our life is like snow!

And our days are melting, and our years are melting,
And ahead - conscious darkness ...
April snow is an anachronism of nature,
And vanity is an anachronism of the mind.

April in a suit

Irina Mikhailova 55

But winter is back… Hello! We didn't wait
And prepare with all my heart for spring,
They threw winter clothes on the shelves,
We must admit that we are not happy for you.

Although I'm sorry, winter, April is the time for jokes,
He started to joke with us like that.
We estimated only more than two or three days
In the spring it is unprofitable to bring down endless snow.

There is a clue: it's not winter - April in a suit,
And under the suit you can already hear drops.
I ask you all - do not remember the winters in vain,
And finally April will come!

Does April know that he is spring?

Irina Sudakova

Cold tones in a frozen frame
Sleepy moon in frosty stars...
And the girl asks her mother:
Does April know that he is spring? -

Buried under a snow blanket
Do not get out of his winter dreams.
The time of spring has already come,
And our April is not ready for April ... "

No, April will have its turn.
The time will come - and he will go to the dressing.
And we will get in the ear - a drop,
and the sun - in the eye, and smells - in the nose.

In spring trills - joyful and sonorous
over roofs, over icicles, over streams
the sun will gallop like a red foal ...
So every spring comes to us -

Let it be slowly, like this - almost until May,
Counting the days, warming the ice with your palm ...
And the heart stops, waiting ...
And the cat shudders - chu, it's coming! ...

Winter doesn't want to leave...

Kolmakova Olga

Winter doesn't want to leave
Everything covers the city with snow...
Airy white, wondrous bliss
Shrouded at home again...
April shouts: "I am outraged!
Well, what a life! What a leprosy!"
And as a mockery - a white vase
Silently the old maple froze ...
What suddenly happened in this world?
Where does the strength of the cold come from?
Really evil forces of hell
Forged the earth for good? ..
And how can we finally understand
Walking in a vicious circle
What is this snow, what is this blizzard -
The birth of our evil hearts...

April suddenly appeared

Ksenia Grigorovich

April suddenly appeared -
and pretended to be December...
Which politician managed
to joke with the calendar?!

I whisper with frozen lips
hiding a fist in mittens:
"All this is Obama's machinations!


Larisa Yakhimovich

The sun smiles more and more often from heaven,
April glorifies spring with a ringing drop.
Only the outgoing winter does not like fun,
And outside the window again a blizzard is telling fortunes.

A white shroud lies on thin twigs
In the dance of sadness wet, the last snow.
But, waking up from a dream, a fluffy willow
Weaves ribbons of heavenly rivers into braids.

She knows that for a short time the blizzards swagger,
Winter will be driven away by a loud bird trill.
Well, the weather ... The weather, of course, will improve,
And a grouchy bumblebee will fly to visit her.

Spring in April

Lady Rain

This happens once a year, certainly in April:
The city will sink in rain and snow for a week,
Time of spring thaws and winter hangovers,
Gray skies, annoying wet cyclones.

It will seem to people: winters are returning to them.
Somewhere spring, lost, will cry on the sidelines.
The longing for warmth and flowers will become unbearable,
Shoulders and soul will be crushed by a heavy sheepskin coat.

From snowfall, fog, hectic winds
A beautiful Diva will come out in a green cape,
Together with an outlandish yellow mystery cat
Will walk along the river on snow-covered tiles.

Bright Diva on a gray blurry background
The sun will lure, scattering red curls.
Willow balls gently stroked with the palm of your hand,
Generously sprinkling golden powder on them.

The voice will fly into the sky with a sublime song,
Lines about the imminent spring will bring us forty.
The diva will quietly melt away - an incorporeal mirage -
Winter will take with him for the time being and before the deadline.

Lady Rain

I'm sad in the belated April blizzards -
The whole day is kind of gloomy and wintry.
Small birds overslept in the spring,
Forgetting to sing joyful hymns to her.

Or maybe someone mixed up the dates -
There is an old leaf in the calendar.
Now shaggy snow is circling above us,
By adding puddles of watery porridge.

Oh, it's all April decoys,
Blizzard empty curlers.
Now I'm delirious like a chilled monkey,
And the wind turns me like a toy.

Snow covers the narrow path
It seems: a little more and perish ...
And I would like to shout in a fairy tale, stamping my foot:
“I want spring! Snowdrop basket!”

spring morning

Lyubov Dubkova

February phantom
It's white in the window in the morning.
The earth waltzes
Bride to spite everyone!
Short-lived woman's age
And the beauty of the face!
April easy run
Shatter the hearts
Wake up the seeds
And defrost the juice
Tighten the stirrups
And ... shoot in the temple
Messengers of February!
It's not a pity - rightly so!
... Slightly cloudy look
Unwashed glass...

April snowfall

Ludmila Nekrasovskaya

He was beautiful, the April snowfall,
Crushed by big clouds.
The snow fell in heavy clumps
to the first leaf. spring garden
Transformed into winter. whiteness
Attracted, awakened the imagination.
It seemed that the globe of the earth interrupted the movement,
And the snow is saturated with viscous silence.
And suddenly the branches of the breaking groan,
Trees everywhere fall,
A heap of broken trunks,
Wherever you look - from all sides ...
Blind time pacified the run
And, freezing, huddled with fear.
And looked like a straitjacket
Linking the garden and the city, white snow.
I don't recognize familiar places.
I look around and think with anxiety:
How indescribably cruel
Beauty is deadly.

Ah, April!

Maria Sinichka

Ah, April, the long-awaited April,
Why are you suffering bad weather again?
Outside the window a blizzard plays tricks,
Winter has been going on for six months now.

Depressed seedlings in pots,
She would like a warm ray of sunshine,
Only someone is shaking in the sky
Like fluffy pillows, clouds.

White flakes fall down
Covering houses and roads.
Belated, last whim
And winter leaves the halls.

Spring metamorphoses

Maria Sinichka

April tempers us like steel
Throwing it into the heat, then into the cold
And he doesn't feel sorry for us at all
Give him a reason to play.

Then covering the grass with frost,
Gives chills in the morning.
During the day it dips blue into the sky,
Where the sun shines like yellow fruit.

Then the northern breeze will blow,
Slipping through the window sashes
That caresses a warm evening,
Birch will drink juice.

As soon as he can, he entices
In deftly placed nets,
But the law of spring will not change
And May is already aiming at heirs.

Unkind April

Nadezhda Vanicheva

It doesn't matter that spring is stingy with warmth,
the long-awaited April is alienated and severe,
and tufts of snow-white cotton wool hang
on chilled sprouts and flower buds.

It does not matter that the starlings hurried to fly,
worms are mined with difficulty for dessert -
the chants of all their cats were aroused,
so burstingly ringing spring concert.

It doesn't matter that dawns are so often plain -
the sunbeam sinks into the violet haze.
Is it difficult to bring blooming summer,
sheltered for the time being in the warmth of the windows.

Green shoots will curl together,
young sprouts are full of a thirst for life.
It doesn't matter that blizzards are in the weather forecasts,
if you follow the rule - live in spite of!

Snow in April

Hope Gorsh

The skies opened up again...
Disaster engulfed the earth.
Winter's last thunderstorm
April washed away overnight.
Mixed up, confused
Spring mean watercolor
And birdies ringing drops
Drowned in the road abyss.
As if rushed back
Winter's crazy chariot
And the horses are madly snoring
Under the ice whip of the charioteer...

April - weather

Nadezhda Kamaeva

Hello! Hello! Weather forecast?
You explain in secret
what time of year is it now?
Winter, spring or maybe summer?

Is it time for boots and parkas
to throw shelves on the far,
and run along the paths of the park
in shorts and a T-shirt?

April doesn't know what he wants
threatens with snow and rain.
And we really want to walk, -
look out the window and wait for the sun!

April threw on a winter mackintosh ...

Hope Kern

April threw on a winter mackintosh
He became gray and gloomy and somehow unattractive.
I put the rays of the sun in my pockets,
And walks the earth sickly drunk.

In the morning froze the lake,
A cold wind blew in everyone's face!
I fell asleep tired - no drops ringing,
Spring doesn't recognize you, April!

Take off your gray mackintosh!
Take away nature's icy trembling!
Blow with the freshness of daffodils and tulips!
Everyone will be happy-drunk from you!


Natalya Alekseevna Isaeva

The weather got bogged down
Snow and rain at random
Consolation to the people
Palm branches aroma.

Good for that weather
Greenery of parks and meadows,
coltsfoot on the slopes
The whole earth is adorned

And the birch trunks are enameled
Purity whitens,
And a transparent veil
Their nakedness is covered.

April snow

Natalia Erbes

All the earth was dry
but the crazy sky suddenly
snowfall erupted,
sprinkle all around
pure white powder.
Snow dropped in spring
fell from the sky on passers-by,
clumsy and funny.
For him, flight is a reward,
with the wind, on the bend ...
And he did not know that they were not happy
on the ground to him already.

Hurry before winter

Nellya Kiseleva

April is tired of the cold
And I'm not happy myself
What instead of sunlight
Rain hung.
And doomedly upset
The kidneys swelled.
The eve of the May turmoil,
But the leaves are sleeping
And the cranes do not chirp,
At least they arrived.
In the fields no plow, no plow
Black beds...
And it doesn't look like April...
Hurry, pre-winter ...
And the cold turns the carousel
With cold rain...

Suddenly it's winter!

Olga Vasileva

Suddenly it's winter
And everything sparkles
Everything around is white - white
The snow is spinning merrily,
At heart light, easy.
It would be nice now, in winter
Put on a fur coat, felt boots,
Fly away for the white haze
And ... do not regret the summer.

April, April...

Olga Kozlovskaya

April, April...
And the snow is stronger
Goes and melts, melts, melts ...
warm me up
And have pity
And he's getting cold...

Say it's April
How to be now?
This all looks ridiculous...
Poured into a glass
thick cocktail
I can't see it with ice...

April, April
You are not shy.
Enjoy sunny days.
Breeds in puddles
Cold snows...

Nature is waiting
Already spring warmth
And the hare of the sun on a date
He rubbed the edge of the glass with his palm.

Grass pigtails green
Sweeps dry wood from the way,
And clouds across the sky in waves
They hurry to the west to wait.

White birches in flocks
Secrets whisper to feather grasses
And they stick to the wind with questions,
About what the streams sing to the fields.

Days go by and I really want
So that the primrose would comfort the heart,
And the grove chirped loudly
Verse of a spring song.

April is like a melting ice cream

Svetlana Chekolaeva

April is like a melting ice cream
With cream and grated chocolate.
And the sun, like a bitten marshmallow,
And clouds from slices of refined sugar.
Spring is so changeable at times
But it's all nature's fault:
Then suddenly fall asleep "semolina",
Then the rain will shed with the taste of tender mint.
I'll make myself tea with lemon
I'll sit comfortably by the fireplace...
I know May will be very soon
Looks like a cocktail of grenadine!

April snow

Tkach Elena

We got snow today...
(It snowed?! Is it a thing that has ever been seen ??)
The morning chills in the white turmoil,
Although April has settled in quite well ...

There is no measure for the surprise of the kidneys:
Opened up to the sun
Yesterday was a prudent evening
No special marks...

We waited: having changed our minds, spring
Reset winter generosity, but again
White fairy tale, not subject to the word,
Outside the snowstorm commotion ...

Flakes of impossible sizes...
How, in delight, shall we not accept such a gift?
... Do not lose, April, the keys of spring,
So that winter does not amuse them ...

April Blizzard

Ella Petritskaya-Friedman

What's going on behind the window!
"Zapurilo" - that's the trouble.
It sweeps so that even cats
fled somewhere.

Hey April! Quite angry!
See, the leaves are green.
Passers-by have snow on their faces
three minutes from spring.

Four steps away from summer
blizzards swept with a howl.
Stop this soon!
Smile with the bright sun!

April snow

Eldar Ahadov

Everything is covered with snow, like a mystery:
No past delights, no resentment ...
Seems like a random whim
Only a blizzard fluffs and circles.
Neither whistles nor trills sound,
Streams do not run through the streets ...
Even the sun, bright in April,
Rays hid in the clouds.
And flies, as if from nowhere,
Covering every fresh trace
Between all those who believe in a miracle,
Long, long white light.


Yuri Eckhardt

Although it's April outside,
Winter is not in a hurry to give up
A blizzard is sweeping on the street,
February snow crumbles.

The cat curled up, hides its nose,
She prophesies cold
And the dog climbed into the kennel -
He's really, really in trouble.

It's cold, slippery, no heat,
Everything is frozen around
Spring came? Spring came!
But she suddenly backed off.

She will appear again
And the drops will burst again,
In merry sunshine
April will return.

The selection includes poems by Russian poets about spring. The awakening of nature in March, the melting of snow, the first warm days, the flood in April, the arrival of birds, the blossoming of buds on trees, the flowering of bird cherry in May - all these images have inspired poets at all times!

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

Evgeny Baratynsky

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!
How clear is the sky!
His azure alive
He blinds my eyes.
Spring, spring! How high
On the wings of the wind
caressing the sunbeams,
Clouds are flying!
Noisy streams! Glittering streams!
Roaring, the river carries
On the triumphant ridge
The ice she lifted!
More trees are bare
But in the grove there is a decrepit leaf,
As before under my foot
Noisy and fragrant.
Under the sun most soared
And in the bright sky
The invisible lark sings
Congratulatory hymn to spring.
What's wrong with her? What's wrong with my soul?
With a stream she is a stream
And with a bird, a bird!
murmurs with him,
Flying in the sky with her!

Poems about spring

Alexander Pushkin

Cold winds still blow
And bring the morning frost
Just on the thawed spring
Early flowers appeared
As from a wonderful kingdom of wax,
From a fragrant honey cell
The first bee flew out
Flew through the early flowers
Tell about the red spring,
Will there be a guest soon, dear,
Soon the meadows will turn green
Soon at the curly birch
Sticky leaves will unravel
Fragrant bird cherry blossoms.

Sergei Gorodetsky

Go away, gray winter! Beauties of Spring...

Apollo Maykov

Go away, gray winter!
Beauties of Spring
The golden chariot
Rushing from the mountain heights!
Is it old to argue, frail,
With her - the queen of flowers,
With a whole army of air
Sweet breezes!
And what about noise, what buzz,
Warm showers and rays
And chilikane, and singing! ..
Leave yourself quickly!
She has no bow, no arrows,
Smiled only - and you,
Picking up your white shroud,
She crawled into the ravine, into the bushes! ..
Yes, they will find it in the ravines!
Look - swarms of bees are noisy,
And flies the flag of victory
Motley butterflies squad!


Yunna Moritz

Ding! Don!
Ding! Don!
What is that gentle sound?
This is a snowdrop
Smiling through sleep!

This is whose fluffy beam
So it tickles because of the clouds,
Forcing the little ones
Smile from ear to ear?

Whose warmth is this?
Whose kindness
Makes you smile
Hare, chicken, cat?
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
In the city!

And y poodle - ylybka!
And in the aquarium there is a fish
Smiled out of the water
Smiling bird!

Here it turns out
What does not fit
On one page
Smile boundless, -
How pleasant!
This is the length
That's the width!
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
Around the city!

Vesna Martovna Podsnezhnikova,
Vesna Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova
Spring Maevna Chereshnikova!

The days are fine

Mikhail Plyatskovsky

The days are fine
Similar to holidays
And in the sky - the sun is warm,
Cheerful and kind.
All the rivers overflow
All buds open
The winter has gone with cold,
The snowdrifts became puddles.
Leaving the countries of the south,
The birds have returned.
On each branch of the starling
They sit and clean their feathers.
Spring time has come
It's time for flowering.
And so the mood
All people have spring!


Vasily Zhukovsky

Green fields, groves babble,
There is a tremor in the sky of a lark,
Warm rain, sparkling waters, -
Having named you, what to add?
How else to glorify you
Soul life, spring coming?


Andrey Bely

Everything dried up. And there are already kidneys.
Lilies of the valley will bloom soon, cereals.
Here clouds float like lambs.
Louder, louder spring news.

I am disturbed by the importunate squeak:
Tucked up, grouchy Fekla,
hanging over the street with risk,
wipes window panes.

Here the lime is scraped off with a knife ...
There are cups of poison... Here is cotton wool...
The chest is embraced with April delight.
The wind blows dust outside the window.

The windows are wide open - and screaming, talking,
and the flower stalk sways,
and polishers go out into the yard
kicking furniture barefoot.

The cat crawled out and sits at the trough,
washed with a velvet paw.

Here is a boy in a cotton shirt,
having run, he launched a grandmother at him.

In the sky, the light of evening lights.
Feelings again, as before, fires.
The skies are blue and blue
Clouds, like lambs, wavy.

In the blue distances my gaze wanders.
All earthly aspirations are so pathetic...
A little man in props in the yard
with thunder imports heavy beams.

Winter is getting angry

Fedor Tyutchev

Winter is getting angry
Her time has passed
Spring is knocking on the window
And drives from the yard.
And everything fussed
Everything forces Winter out -
And larks in the sky
The alarm has already been raised.
Winter is still busy
And grumbles at Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it only makes more noise...
Wicked witch pissed off
And, capturing the snow,
Let go, run away
To a beautiful child.
Spring and grief is not enough:
Washed in the snow
And only became blush,
Against the enemy.

The grass is green, the sun is shining

Alexey Pleshcheev

The grass is green
The sun shines;
Swallow with spring
It flies to us in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful
And spring is sweeter ...
Chirp out of the way
Hello to us soon!
I will give you grains
And you sing a song
What from distant countries
Brought along...

April! April!

Samuil Marshak

April! April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields
Puddles on the roads.
Ants coming soon
After the winter cold.
Bear sneaks
Through thick deadwood.
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.


Boris Zakhoder

The swallow flew away
For distant lands...
Come back, Swallow!
April is outside.
Come back, Swallow!
Just not alone:
Let with you, Swallow,
Spring is coming!

bird cherry

Sergey Yesenin

Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And golden branches
What curls, curled.
Honey dew all around
Slips down the bark
Spicy greens underneath
Shines in silver.
And next to the thawed patch,
In the grass, between the roots,
Runs, flows small
Silver stream.
Cherry fragrant,
Hanging out, standing
And the green is golden
Burning in the sun.
Brook with a thundering wave
All branches are covered
And insinuatingly under the steep
She sings songs.

Hello, spring first grass!

Sergei Gorodetsky

Hello, spring first grass!
How did it dissolve? Are you happy with the warmth?
I know you have fun and crush there,
They work together in every corner.
Stick out a leaf or a blue flower
Everyone hurry young root
Earlier than willow from tender buds
The first one will show a green leaf.


Elena Blagina

The stoves are still burning in the houses
And the sun rises late
We also have on our river
Calmly walk through the ice;
Back to the wood shed
Won't go straight
And in the garden under the trees
A snowman is napping with a broom;
We are all warmly dressed
In sweatshirts, in cotton pants ...
And yet signs of spring
In everything, everything is already visible.
And how the roofs got warmer
And like the sun in sight
Drops, falling, sang,
They bustled like crazy.
And suddenly the road got wet
And the boots are full of water...
And the wind is gentle and lingering
Winded from the south side.
And the sparrows cry to each other
About the sun, about its beauty.
And all the funny freckles
Sit on one nose...


Viktor Lunin

Waking up from a dream
With a soft spring brush
Draws buds on the branches
In the fields - rook chains,
Over the revived foliage
- The first stroke of a thunderstorm,
And in the shade of a transparent garden
- A lilac bush near the fence.


A. Maykov

The swallow rushed
Because of the blue of the sea
She sat down and sang:
"No matter how angry February is,
How are you, March, don't frown,
Be at least snow, at least rain -
Everything smells like spring!

After the flood

I. Bunin

The rains have passed, April is getting warmer,
All night - fog, and in the morning
The spring air is definitely dying
And turns blue with a soft haze
In the distant clearings in the forest.
And the green forest slumbers quietly,
And in the silver of forest lakes
Even slimmer than his columns,
More fresh pine crowns
And delicate larches pattern!

Warmth in the sun. Spring

Athanasius Fet

Warmth in the sun. Spring
Takes his rights.
In some places the depth is clear in the river,
Grass is visible at the bottom.

I am waiting

M. P. Chekhov

I'm waiting for the snow to melt
And flies fly everywhere
And they will announce the overgrown shore
Discordant croaking of a frog,
When the lilac blossoms
Fragrant lily of the valley will glance,
And the hot day will be refreshed
Thunderstorm unexpected, blessed.
I'm waiting for the flute in the fields
Suddenly sings unpretentiously,
And her sullen corncrake
He will answer with a shy twitch.
I'm waiting, and the snow is falling harder,
Severe frosts are cracking ...
Oh summer, where are you? Where are the dragonflies?
Where is the vociferous nightingale?

Green Noise

Nikolai Nekrasov

The Green Noise is coming,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Playfully divergent
Suddenly the wind is riding:
Shakes alder bushes,
Raise flower dust
Like a cloud: everything is green -
Both air and water!
The Green Noise is coming,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Like drenched in milk
There are cherry orchards,
Quietly noisy;
Warmed by the warm sun
The merry ones make noise
pine forests,
And next to the new greenery
Babbling a new song
And the pale-leaved linden,
And a white birch
With a green braid!
A small reed makes noise,
Noisy cheerful maple ...
They make new noise
In a new way, spring ...
Goes-buzzes, Green Noise,
Green Noise, spring noise!


V. Orlov

Spring passed
Along the edge
Through the spring
blue dreams,
And quietly shone
On the girl's face
There was a girl
In a green skirt
Ringing blue dew.
And jealous
redhead girl,
The earth breathed.
And not in vain
On this spring morning
Where light legs
dandelions blossomed,
As if
golden freckles

Raging hollow water

I.A. Bunin

Raging hollow water
Noisy and muffled, and drawn out.
Migratory herds of rooks
They shout both cheerfully and importantly.

Black mounds are smoking,
And in the morning in the warm air...
thick white couples
Filled with warmth and light.

And at noon puddles under the window
So spill and shine...
With the bright warmth of the sun
Bunnies flutter around the hall.

All darker and curly birch forest...

I.A. Bunin

The birch forest is getting greener and darker and curly;
Lily-of-the-valley bells bloom in the thicket of green;
At dawn in the valleys it blows warm and bird cherry,
Nightingales sing until dawn.

Trinity Day is coming soon, songs, wreaths and mowing soon...
Everything blooms and sings, young hopes are melting ...
O spring dawns and warm May dews!
O my distant youth!

spring thunderstorm

Fedor Tyutchev

When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbles in the blue sky.

The young peals are thundering,
Here the rain splashed, the dust flies,
Rain pearls hung,
And the sun gilds the threads.

An agile stream runs from the mountain,
In the forest, the din of birds does not stop,
And the noise of the forest, and the noise of the mountains -
Everything echoes cheerfully to the thunders.

You say: windy Hebe,
Feeding Zeus' eagle
A thundering cup from the sky
Laughing, she spilled it on the ground.

The last snow in the field is melting...

A.K. Tolstoy

Now the last snow in the field is melting,
Warm steam rises from the earth
And the blue jar is blooming,
And the cranes call each other.
Young forest, dressed in green smoke,
Warm thunderstorms impatiently waiting;
All springs are warmed by breath,
Everything around loves and sings;
In the morning the sky is clear and transparent,
At night the stars shine so bright;
Why is it so dark in your soul
And why is the heart heavy?
It's sad for you to live, oh friend, I know
And I understand your sadness
Would you fly away to your native land
And you do not feel sorry for the earthly spring ...


A.N. Pleshcheev

Again in the spring my window smelled,
And breathe more joyfully and freely ...
In the chest, the oppressive longing fell asleep,
A swarm of bright thoughts comes to replace her.

The snows have come down... The fetters of ice
Do not weigh the sparkling waves ...
And the plow is waiting for the distant, dumb
The fields of my native side.

Oh, how would I from these stuffy rooms
Rather, I wanted to go there - to the open space,
Where there are no crackling and soulless phrases,
Where the vitiy of the corrupt choir does not thunder.

To the fields! into the fields! familiar nature
Bashful beauty beckons to itself ...
To the fields! there is the song of the risen people
Free and powerful sounds.

Spring (The snow is already melting...)

A.N. Pleshcheev

The snow is already melting, streams are running,
Spring blew through the window ...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

clear blue sky,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
Again a long time passed.

And the heart is so strong in the chest
Knocking like it's waiting for something
As if happiness is ahead
And winter took care of!

All faces look merry.
"Spring!" - you read in every glance;
And he, like a holiday, is happy with her,
Whose life is only hard work and sorrow.

But frisky children ringing laughter
And carefree birds singing
They tell me who is the most
Nature loves renewal!

On the spring thaw

Tatyana Gusarova

There is a bug on the thaw
He warmed a barrel in the sun,
Soon the worm came out
And behind him is a spider.

The sun hid behind the mountain
And went home
And a bug, and a worm,
And, of course, a spider.

On the thaw again
Tomorrow will be sunbathing
Beetle, worm and spider.
They will heat ANOTHER barrel.

spring feast

Tatyana Gusarova

Willow golden
Bloomed in the grove.
Butterflies and bees
Invited to visit:

I'll set the tables
There is something to eat.
fresh pollen
I will feed you.

Hungry, sad
Early spring.
And on the branches of the willow
The feast is on the rise!

About icicles

Tatyana Gusarova

Spring came. Streams run.
They murmur, they laugh cheerfully.
And their sharp noses
Icicles hung from the roof.

In the sun, the poor fellow is very
They suffer, they suffer.
They only have evening and night
The runny nose stops.

And in the afternoon again trouble noses.
Merging with the noise of the street,
Not just dripping water -
The life of an icicle is leaving.

Poems about other seasons:

What do we associate April with? Of course, with spring, when trees bloom, leaves turn green, flowers bloom and smell. This is the time of the awakening of nature after hibernation. This month we ourselves change, become more sensitive and amorous. You have probably heard about the spring exacerbation. This month, you can please your friends in different social networks by sending them a beautiful status about April or post such a saying on your page to cheer yourself up every day. You can find such statuses on our new entertainment portal, which is the custodian of a large number of sayings. We are constantly adding new statuses so that you always have a wide choice.


The first sunny day, the spring breeze is blowing. Sparrows cheered up in these warm hours, and icicles shed tears and hung their noses.

In the mornings frost, the whole day of drops, sunny and sonorous, April comes to us.

Cool statuses about April: I'm going to dive into a snowdrift with happiness that it's already April.

Let April deceive you with rain, let it torture you with insomnia.

The snow is spinning ... flying ... flying ... He doesn't care that April is coming ...

Without spring, my tears will freeze like ice, and the air of April is still so far away.

Touching your lips for the last time, drops fall from the sky, April leaves without saying goodbye, I remain with the hope of May.

Spring is the time when long nails meet thin tights...

Spring is such a time when even trousers cannot hide your high spirits.

Spring walks the planet, and we are again sitting in the Internet.

Spring, waking up, looks gloomy at the slush, snow and ice. He yawns lazily and the alarm clock resets to April...

April! April! Drops are ringing in the yard. Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads.

April, when he said goodbye, was silent and smiling, as if admitting that he would not come again.

April… The neighbor threw away the Christmas tree… Weakling!

She's eighteen, can't sleep again - read novels, smoke out the window. She would be glad to give herself to the prince, but the princes do not seem to care. She, however, also almost does not care - June is not soon, April is in bloom. Coffee is slowly cooling in the kitchen. Rain, hours of uniform knock.

If a blizzard is swept up, then hello, damn it, April.

Snow will come after the showers, all in holes until the April days. But we do not care about the winter and ourselves, we are together and warmer from this ...

Don't trust anyone for the whole month of April!

Spring came and April came, everything is like a year ago, but we are already together now.

Dear Santa Claus, give me this boy and don't care that it's April.

Without spring, my tears will freeze like ice, and the air of April is still so far away.

Only in April there can be sun, snowstorm and puddles on the same day.

You squeeze your fist, believe that everything will be so good and April will smile again ...

For everyone, winter is like winter, but with us it is postponed to April. Crap

It’s good in the forest in April: it smells of leafy preliminaries, different birds sing, nests are built on trees;

April is a narcissistic eccentric, he sews a green jacket for himself.

April is the cruelest month, drives violets from the dead earth, draws memory to desire, marries flabby roots with spring rain.

April and November are so similar - damp and dark that you can only tell by the calendar.

Empire of Eternal Sleep: Slush, April. Spring.

So, March is over, the cats in my head have subsided and Aprils have begun)

My crystal April! The heart does not change, even dreams about you are all remembered ...

Men look like April when they are courting, and December when they are already married.

Puddles froze in the yard and a blizzard has been blowing since morning. So a kind, affectionate April comes to visit us.

The sky is crying, the month of April, the month of prohibitions, poor health, no longer a pack a day, eyes brighten, and I alone was left under the sky, do you believe?

April-Snegogon. A stream from all slopes as water rushes. April drives the snow away and drives away the winter with it, which is why they called it "Snegogon". The dark and damp earth is exposed, the soil is preparing for flowering, the forest wakes up from the singing of birds.

April: ringing music drops

Description of the nature of April (I - II week).
April begins its offensive with heavy snowmelt. The sun is already high above the horizon, and in the daytime the average air temperature exceeds 0 ° C. The air, which is getting warmer every day, carries the smell of spring through the natural expanses of forests and rivers with light winds. Flood all around. Streams sparkle in the sun in a string, joyfully murmuring run down the slopes of the roads, finally freed from snow blockages.

Alder is blooming, and this is a sure sign of a warm and stable spring. Gradually heated by the sun, the snow descends from the trees, freeing the bark from the winter shackles. Snow also comes off the ground, only remaining for a long time in the darkest places, hidden from the sun's rays, in the form of a dry dark crust. On the rivers, the ice cracks and breaks, then to float many ice floes. On the banks of the ponds, the ice becomes thin and viscous, and thawed patches form in places.

April in the folk calendar

"April - the pike breaks the ice with its tail"

Well, the long-awaited pleasant days have come when you can safely take off your thick outerwear, exposing your hands and cheeks to the rays of the sun. A cheerful drop clattered, because April 4 has already passed - Vasily-Solnechnik. It was still frosty in the morning, and by day the ringing music was dropping.

From April 7, they meet a real spring on the day of the Annunciation. It is believed that from this day on, winter, if it does not finally go away, then admits its defeat. From April 9 - the day of the Matryona-Mentor - lapwings arrive. Ice cracks on the rivers, ice floes float, the day of Marya's arrival comes - April 14, and, as they said, Marya came - she brought floods.

Spring in Russian poetry

A.N. Pleshcheev devoted a considerable part of his work to the theme of spring. His most famous poem on this topic is "The snow is already melting." It leads the listener into an atmosphere of anticipation of happy moments, joyful happiness from the coming spring. Spring nature is depicted here very gently and in the right artistic way. Poems like this make me want to read it again.

The snow is already melting, streams are running,
Spring blew through the window ...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

clear blue sky,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
Again a long time passed.

And the heart is so strong in the chest
Knocking like it's waiting for something
As if happiness is ahead
And winter took care of!

April: the birth of warmth

Description of the nature of the second half of April (III - IV weeks).
By the middle of spring, the average air temperature exceeds +5° C, nature awakens. On open flat surfaces, the first gently green shoots of future grass appear, warmed by the rays of the sun. The snow is melting day by day, exposing the bare ground, on which the first thin stalks of blades of grass are about to sprout. In shady places, under powerful tree trunks and in lowlands, where the rays of the spring sun hardly penetrate, there is still a lot of snow with hard edges of dark gloomy snowdrifts. Along the roads and clearings, streams continue to playfully murmur, intertwining in a string and sparkling with glare of rays in the bright April sun. Gulls and mallard ducks return from the warm regions by the flood.

The forest and slopes of the banks of the river are filled with the joyful voices of birds. Birds unite in pairs, the brightest time in the animal world comes - the mating season. The forest, still bare and damp, is filled with musical sounds. Everywhere life is born.

A series of warm days in the folk calendar

"Antip pours water on the floodplains, Vasily gives a couple to the earth"

The first rains wash away the remnants of snow and clean the soil, preparing nature for the vegetation period. The first buds with tiny leaves stretch to the sky, closer to the gentle rays of the coming summer. Birds are busy with important work, making nests. The weather seems to be stable, the sun warms the air up to 10 degrees Celsius, when suddenly the sun disappears behind the clouds and a wave of cold wind rolls over the fields. And here already Ruf and Anton Polovod on April 23 and 24 released water in all districts of spring. Just then, Vasily-Pariysky - on April 25 - drenched the earth with warmth, so much so that the bear came out of the den.

In April there are still no leaves, no greenery, but the first bunches of flowers from the forest peep out in places where the water has receded. April prepares nature for the upcoming landscaping, which the close brother of the month of May will already do. Already the bees are beginning to curl at the first flowers. The trees are bare, the water has receded, and now May is coming. But it was not there. Winter has not completely left the gates. A couple of days, and even capture it, covering it with frost, and, perhaps, with unexpected snow, showing that it will return. But now it is already difficult for winter to return, because May and a warm prelude are ahead.

Spring in Russian painting

(Painting by Yu. S. Zhukovsky "Old Manor")

The Russian painter Yulian Stanislavovich Zhukovsky very beautifully conveys the spring landscape in the painting “Old Manor” (1910), which depicts a quiet forest river, and around it there is only awakened tender greenery. Most of the picture is occupied by a birch grove. Slender birch trees have just begun to put on their spring clothes, they are waiting for a miraculous transformation, reflected in the still water.

From cold rains to winter snows. All animals are in minks until spring, but we are not afraid of fuss. After all, we are together!

Understanding came in January, pain passed, faith knocked on the door in February, hope came in March, life was learned in April, patience was learned in May, June brought us together, and happiness awaits us in July.

Finally spring is April. With melted snow, all the worries and problems of a cold winter will go away.

April has come. We survived the winter, during which a lot has changed. Rather, I have changed. Now I am secretive, frustrated, proud and lonely, but still alive and able to love.

Best Status:
Letter to Santa Claus: “Dear grandfather, I really want that girl ... so what if April!”

Men remind me of months. When they look after a girl, they are like April and May, when they are busy, then December.

I will never forget that wonderful rainy April day when you came up to me with an umbrella. Many years have passed since that walk in the cool rain, and we are still happy together.

I want to call you and tell you everything that's going on in my heart. About the fact that winter is over and April and spring are in my soul, that I no longer suffer. But I won't call or tell you, because I still love you.

Why is April such a vulgar month that all my friends have birthdays in December ...

Men look like April when they are courting, and December when they are already married.

Under the windows, cats meet April, the neighbor fucks his head with a nine drill, a duel - who has stronger nerves, he repairs me, I'm his rapper

June gave you to me, and April took you away ...

Puddles are frozen in the yard. And a blizzard is blowing in the morning. So, kind, affectionate April comes to visit us.

January helped me figure it out. February taught me to believe. March gave reason to hope. April taught me how to live. May taught me to be patient. June brought to you. July is waiting for us together ...

Empire of Eternal Sleep. slush. April. Spring.

girlfriend stumbled at 8 in the morning calls and asks: Polin, what is April? and under the bed)))) xD

The last time touching your lips .... drops fall from the sky ... April leaves without saying goodbye, I remain with the hope of May ... ..

Without spring, my tears will freeze like ice, and the air of April is still so far away.

Spring, waking up, looks gloomy at the slush, snow and ice. He yawns lazily and the alarm clock resets to April...

Puddles are frozen in the yard. And a blizzard is blowing in the morning. So, kind, affectionate April comes to visit us.

April, when he said goodbye, was silent and smiling, as if admitting that he would not come again.

April .. It was raining .. And yet we met .. We walked that evening in the rain .... And that spark that flew between us, I will never forget that moment .. It's been 2 years, and we still love each other madly.

Men look like April when they are courting, and December when they are already married.

what is the month of April so vulgar that all my friends have birthdays in December ...

Without spring, my tears will freeze like ice, and the air of April is still so far away.

My crystal April! The heart does not change, even dreams about you are all remembered ...

April, when he said goodbye, was silent and smiling, as if admitting that he would not come again.

May April deceive you with rain, may it torture you with insomnia

The month of April… Two blondes are talking.

If a blizzard is swept up, it means hello fucking April.

... now spring has come and April has come, everything is like a year ago, but we are already together now.

Already April .. go chtol to throw out the Christmas tree ...

In mid-March it will be warm. then warm April, and there the summer is not far away.

You squeeze your fist, believe that everything will be so good and April will smile again ...

April is a wonderful month

It’s already April .. go chtol to throw out the Christmas tree ...

You squeeze your fist, believe that everything will be so good and April will smile again ...

Men look like April when they are courting, and December when they are already married.

She's eighteen, can't sleep again - read novels, smoke out the window. She would be glad to give herself to the prince, but the princes do not seem to care. She, however, also almost does not care - June is not soon, April is in bloom. Coffee is slowly cooling in the kitchen. Rain, hours of uniform knock.

So, March is over, the cats in my head have subsided and Aprils have begun)

Every year on the third Thursday of April, according to the ancient Icelandic calendar, Girls' Day is celebrated. The holiday served as an occasion for acquaintances and the beginning of romantic relationships. On this day, men were supposed to take care of the girls and give them gifts. The tradition is maintained even today, especially since such ways of expressing feelings as flowers, chocolate and champagne are now available.

My crystal April! The heart does not change, even dreams about you are all remembered ...

April is too sad a time to spend alone. Everyone seems happy in April. Some, throwing off heavy jackets, talked in the sun, others played catch-ball, others loved. And I was completely alone. Haruki Murakami

April will be soon You would ... If you can’t come, at least dream ..

Why is April such a vulgar month that all my friends have birthdays in December ...

Dear Santa Claus, give me this boy and don't care that it's April

Spring, waking up, looks gloomy at the slush, snow and ice. He yawns lazily and the alarm clock resets to April...

April. Something has changed. Became more secretive, more deceitful. Less talking, more silence. disappointed in many ways. but alive. perhaps the most important.

April will be soon You would ... If you can’t come, at least dream ..

and I don’t want summer, because the person I really like is in my class..and we won’t see each other all summer.. [my dream is eternal April]

For everyone, winter is like winter, but with us it is postponed to April.

... now spring has come and April has come, everything is like a year ago, but we are already together now. -

- Without spring, my tears will freeze like ice, and the air of April is still so far away.

Touching your lips for the last time ... drops fall from the sky ... April leaves without saying goodbye, I remain with the hope of May ... ..

I'm going to dive into a snowdrift with happiness that it's already April

What are you doing? -Waiting for April) -What will happen in April? -April

April… Two blondes are talking. . I only met this guy last night. . . But I remember one winter evening we chatted so sweetly ...

April, when he said goodbye, was silent and smiling, as if admitting that he would not come again.

The sky is crying, the month of April, the month of prohibitions, poor health, no longer a pack a day, eyes brighten, and I alone was left under the sky, do you believe?

Puddles froze in the yard And in the morning a blizzard sweeps Means Good, affectionate April comes to visit us.

May April deceive you with rain, may it torture you with insomnia.

empire of eternal sleep. slush. April. Spring.

Dear Santa Claus, give me this boy and don't care that it's April.

The sky is crying, the month of April, the month of bans, poor health, no longer a pack a day, eyes brighten, and I alone was left under the sky, do you believe?

For everyone, winter is like winter, but with us it is postponed to April. Crap

The beginning of November ... and then they ask me the question: “Has April already passed?” P.S. At first I answered “yes”, and then I thought about what month it is =)

I'm going to dive into a snowdrift with happiness that it's already April

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