The light bulb burst - how to unscrew it? Step-by-step instructions for removing lamp residue from the cartridge (65 photos). How to simply unscrew a broken light bulb from a cartridge How to unscrew a light bulb base from a cartridge

Many in their lives have encountered a situation where, for certain reasons, the light bulb has broken or burst in the base. This situation is unpleasant because now it is necessary to somehow remove the damaged light bulb and replace it with a working one.

Broken lamp in basement

It is a safe and easy way to remove the remains of a light bulb that this article will be devoted to.

Process features

The situation in which the base of the light bulb remains screwed in, and its glass bulb is very badly damaged, is most typical for incandescent lamps. To unscrew it with your own hands correctly and quickly, and also not get an electrical injury, you need to know the following nuances:

  • First of all, you need to turn off the electricity in the room. Quite often, in a situation where the working light source burst or crashed, the machine turns off the electricity in the room on its own. Therefore, after removing its remains from the base, you will need to turn on the power to the meter;
  • you will need some tool to work. Its steaming use will be the key to the successful extraction of residues with your own hands;
  • to avoid damage to the skin of the hands on the fragments, it is better to wear protective gloves just in case. You also need to take care of the eyes, which in the process of removing residues can get small fragments. Therefore, goggles will also be useful;
  • There are several ways to extract.

Note! The choice of method for unscrewing broken light bulbs depends on the availability of the necessary tools in your home.

It is worth noting that there are several options for removing a damaged light source from the base. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Electricity enabled method

This method does not involve turning off the power. Here your actions will look like this:

  • unscrew the cork from the plastic bottle;
  • to a soft state, melt the edges of its neck with a lighter;

Note! In the process of melting, the edges should not be touched with your own hands, otherwise you may get burned.

Reflow bottle neck

  • after that, we insert the prepared bottle with the neck into the base of the burst light bulb and wait about 20 seconds;
  • now you can safely unscrew the cartridge.
  • In this case, turning on the light, it is necessary to turn away from the light source. If the new bulb is faulty, then at the moment it is turned on, it may blink very brightly and stop working. Such a flash is capable of illuminating you for a while if your gaze was directed at that moment to it.
  • As you can see, this method is quite simple to implement with your own hands. The main thing here is to carefully process the neck of the bottle and not get burned.
  • But this method is still rarely used, since it is preferable to turn off the electricity in order to 100% prevent electrical injury.

Safe twist options

First, it is necessary to touch on a situation where it is unlikely that it will be possible to manage without outside help. As a rule, problems arise in the presence of a light source of a closed type. In such a situation, the base often burns to the cartridge contacts.

Melted Cartridge

And here you will not always be able to do everything with your own hands, since the risk of electrical injury or damage to the cartridge is very high. In this case, you will only have to call a professional electrician.
Now let's talk about safe twisting options. The first one is with the help of special equipment. To remove the base of damaged lamps, there are special tools, as in the photo.

Special tool

You can also use ordinary long or thin nose pliers, which are usually found in a home tool kit.
You need to work with them in the following way:

  • using the selected tool (a kind of pliers), grab the edge of the base of the base;
  • slightly bend its edge inward. This will ensure a good grip;
  • then, with gentle movements, slowly unscrew the base from the cartridge.

Note! When twisting, it is possible to break off pieces of the base. It's OK. Just grab the tool in another place.
This method allows you to quickly and efficiently remove the remains of the light source from the cartridge.

In addition to tools, the most common medium-sized raw potato can be a great helper. The main thing is that it is clean and dry. No skinning required. It is used very simply:

  • cut off the top
  • put on the remains of the lamp;
  • twist.

That's all.


Using various tools and even potatoes, you can easily remove the remains of a broken or broken light bulb from the cartridge with your own hands. The main thing is to de-energize the room before work.

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Many people change light bulbs and are not even aware that for some this simple procedure can turn into quite a big problem. "How to unscrew a light bulb?" - This question is often asked by those who have encountered a problem when the light bulb gets stuck or bursts right in the cartridge. The reasons for the breakdown of a light bulb can be different: it can become rusty, stick to it, or simply break. You need to carefully take out a broken light bulb, otherwise the lighting device can be damaged so that it will be extremely problematic to repair it.

4 ways: how to remove the base from the light bulb

It often happens that when trying to replace the lamp, it turns out that it cannot be unscrewed. There can be several reasons for a broken light bulb. One of the reasons may be the poor quality of the lighting fixture itself. Manufacturers often save on components by using poor quality materials.

The reason that the light bulb does not unscrew from the base may be poor electrical contact, where the thread connects.

The problem of the inability to remove the light bulb from the base can be prevented. To do this, follow the rules for installing and dismantling the light bulb. It is important that the light bulb is screwed in in accordance with the power of the lighting fixture. The light bulb should be tightly screwed into the socket, but so that it can be easily unscrewed.

How to remove the plinth:

  • For safety, the first step is to wrap the light bulb (if it is intact) with a soft cloth.
  • If the thread is stuck, you can move it with a special spray or, in its absence, an alcohol deodorant. The solution is sprayed onto the place where the light bulb has boiled, and wait until the thread is covered with this substance. After that, you need to try to remove the light bulb again.
  • If the light bulb burst, you first need to get rid of the sharp fragments. You can get the base using pliers or round nose pliers. The base must be spread with pliers and unscrewed. You need to unscrew clockwise.
  • You can unscrew the base using a screwdriver, a wine cork, a lump of folded thick paper.

The main thing is to try to spread the base. This technique will allow you to grab the object well and fix it. An interesting way to unscrew the base is to use a plastic bottle. The neck of the bottle must first be heated and then inserted into the base. This simple trick will allow you to unscrew the light bulb that is stuck in the base.

How to unscrew a light bulb if it is stuck

Many do not think that problems can arise when unscrewing the light bulb. However, experience shows that it is not always possible to simply remove the light bulb due to its breakdown or deformation of the lighting fixture. You can deal with the problem yourself if you know what tools and techniques to use.

Before proceeding with the operation of unscrewing the stuck light bulb, you need to make sure that the safety precautions are fully observed.

The place where repairs are carried out must be completely de-energized. To guarantee complete safety, turn off the electricity by turning off the circuit breaker. For the convenience of work, it is necessary to install a stable table or stepladder.

How to unscrew a light bulb that is stuck:

  • Prepare the main tool: thin-lipped pliers.
  • Knock down all the insides that will interfere with getting to the cartridge.
  • With the help of pliers, try to gently crush the metal of the base inward. Different parts of the base need to be crushed a little bit in different places.

This method can be called radical, since without proper accuracy the base can be trusted. During the work, it is important to pay attention to the fact that you need to hold not the lamp, but the cartridge itself, otherwise it may scroll. If all the steps have been done correctly, then the twisted metal will fall out, freeing the cartridge.

What to do if the light bulb in the chandelier exploded

Anyone can unscrew a light bulb, provided it is intact and accessible. But many are confused when the lamp in the chandelier bursts. Removing residues is dangerous, as careless movement can lead to cuts. It is convenient to remove the remnants of glass and unscrew the base with pliers that have pointed ends.

Users often have a question: “Which way to turn?” – The pliers are fixed on the metal part and then turned counterclockwise.

Another way to unscrew a bulb that has burst is to use electrical tape. A ball is twisted from it so that the sticky side is at the top, and then put to the center and pressed tightly. When the light bulb sticks well, you need to try to pull it out.

An easy way to get a light bulb:

  • Cut the potato in half.
  • Press half of the potato to the light bulb.
  • When the edges of the bursting light bulb crash into the root crop, the light bulb can be unscrewed.

If the light bulb is broken, first of all, you need to take care of your own safety. You can not unscrew the light bulb before all the broken insides have been removed. There are many ways to unscrew a broken light bulb, if one does not fit, you can always try another.

If the light bulb suddenly bursts, do not panic. It can be easily replaced if you know what sequence to act in and what tools to use. A light bulb can burst for many reasons. Its expiration date may end, perhaps there was a voltage drop or the light bulb was of poor quality.

Before attempting to unscrew the light bulb, it is necessary to completely de-energize the lighting line.

A simple solution for unscrewing the cartridge is the use of pliers. In this case, the base must be grabbed as carefully as possible, otherwise there is a possibility of damage to it. It is important to note that the whole operation will take place with the lights off, so you need to take care of the flashlight in advance.

How to unscrew the light bulb:

  • Take a plastic bottle.
  • Melt the neck of the bottle.
  • Insert the melted part into the base and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • The bottle should be turned out the light bulb counterclockwise.

This technique will keep the cartridge safe and sound. A broken lamp can be pulled out easily with a wad of newspaper or electrical tape. When twisting, you should not make sudden movements - everything should happen smoothly and accurately. Interestingly, most often the light bulb breaks due to the fact that the base sticks. It is possible to prevent the base from boiling - this will greatly simplify the task of unscrewing the lamp if necessary. To do this, before installing the light bulb, outline the base with graphite. Graphite will not allow the base to boil.

How to unscrew a light bulb (video)

Many have not encountered the problem when all attempts to unscrew the light bulb fail. But also, many panic when they cannot remove the lamp from the base. How the light bulb is screwed in largely depends on its extraction. A stuck or broken light bulb can be unscrewed in many ways yourself. Before choosing the appropriate method, it is important to ask the question: “Why did the light bulb burst or stick?”. At all stages of work, it is important to remember safety precautions.

Aquaforum - a forum for aquarists and terrariumists > Aquarium and equipment > "Samodelkin" > Technologies > How to unscrew the base of a burnt out light bulb

View Full Version : How to unscrew the base of a burnt out light bulb from the socket

12.09.2010, 23:35

It happens that when replacing a burned-out light bulb, the socket from the old one remains in the cartridge, and the light bulb itself comes off.
In principle, you can turn off the electricity in the house and unscrew the base with pliers. And you can do it differently.

We take a plastic bottle, unscrew the cork and melt the edges of the neck with a lighter so that the neck becomes soft. Of course, you don't have to try it by hand. Just see with your eyes.

We insert the melted neck of the plastic bottle into the base of the light bulb, hold it for 10-15 seconds and calmly unscrew it without turning off the electricity.

12.09.2010, 23:40

cool. 5+


12.09.2010, 23:45

Super. Now I’ll try it, since the lamp has been lying for a long time, just with such a case)

Hooray!!! It turned out) Thanks for the idea) And then I thought that the lamp of the khan)

Yes, an interesting concept….. It should be noted….

13.09.2010, 01:25

however) I once uncovered with tweezers)

It happens that the base is filled from the inside with something like cement or ceramics. Then you can't really add anything, alas.


13.09.2010, 10:15

Repeatedly twisted over the edge of the base with small pliers.

I tried that too. But the base sat dead in the ceiling code27

Well then one of two.
Or, if the base is empty, we bend the edge on one of the sides, and it is a little easier to unscrew the base for the resulting petal.
Or, if it is filled with cement, we gouge / drill a sufficiently deep recess in this cement, and already twist for it. You can make something like a slot for a screwdriver.

13.09.2010, 10:21

As a rule, collapsible cartridges, i.e. the part into which the base is screwed is unscrewed from the cartridge itself. Unscrewed, and there anything. 🙂

The Chinese, alas, do not always guess about this "as a rule". I met a cartridge in which the base contact was made not only from thin tin, but rather from thick foil, and riveted to the back of the cartridge. The device turned out to be disposable: it withstood literally a couple of cycles of screwing in and out of the lamp.

13.09.2010, 18:25

I hope, not to the detriment of the method proposed by the author, I will add one more. We take a piece of dry coarse laundry soap. With a knife we ​​make a bar out of it to insert it into the cartridge. We insert it into the cartridge, turn and unscrew the remains of the base. I hope everything is clear, but the voltage is yellow. turn it off before operation

a piece of dry coarse laundry soap somehow did not understand, on what principle is this? I just can't figure it out, it shouldn't work.

I didn’t even know what problems the replacement of a burnt out light bulb with a fallen bulb was associated with: 024:: 024:
Thanks amused. And Zadornov teases the Americans: 024:: 024:
The Chukchi do not change such lamps at all, they throw them away together with the lamp, the head does not fit into the cartridge: 024:

13.09.2010, 18:42

Opsis! Works great. WHAT SPECIFICALLY is not clear? HOS-VE. The bar, entering the cartridge, clings to the notches of the glass and, when turning, transmits the rotation of the rest of the base. Maybe you decided that the bulb of the lamp is intact? Then everyone knows how. Another way is to insert the pliers into the base and, opening their spouts, also unscrew the base.

Ah, well, I understand that. Although usually the strength of soap is not enough. Usually the bulb falls off when you try to unscrew the rusted-melted-burnt lamp. Then only pliers, well, or a bottle.

13.09.2010, 18:54

Repeatedly twisted over the edge of the base with small pliers.
Similarly, I only made special pliers with turned jaws.

just did From damn I'm a quitter….

great idea, but in the old fashioned way, I grab the edge with narrow-nosed pliers and twist it.

12.06.2011, 18:22

I once heard about how NASA spent $1 million to invent and make pens that can write in orbit. In the USSR, they managed with pencils.

The same case. Why invent something unnecessary when there is a proven technology for decades. We turn off the electricity - pliers, tongs, side cutters, a fork ... anything that allows you to firmly grasp the edge of the base

12.06.2011, 21:33

The electricity is turned off, the cartridge skirt is unscrewed, now you can unscrew the base with your hands, put the cartridge skirt in place and screw in the light bulb. Turn on the light.

Amused is not the right word. 🙂
I know three ways. In descending order of frequency of use.
1. Using pliers, impudently grab the edge (metal) of the rest of the light bulb base, crushing it, and unscrew it. Always works.
2. The hammer handle is often ideally inserted into the remnants of the light bulb base and unscrewed. Pluses - it does not need to be heated, melted, cut, or insulated ... Minus one: you may not have a hammer in the household that fits the light bulbs ... I didn’t have this.
3. Unroll the chuck skirt.

It is not always possible, because the two hands needed for such an operation often do not fit in the ceiling.
The electricity in the house never turned off. It is enough to turn off the switch (if the phase opens, of course).

Have fun, this is not your topic.
You did not have to unscrew the base between the floors of the racks, where the distance between the aquarium and the next shelf is 13-15 cm. There are dozens of lamps, or maybe a hundred, and every other day, replacement begins every evening. The quality of the lamps is terrible, the bulb comes off, the base is torn with pliers like foil. Anguish for half an hour.
Po4talyon knows this like no one else.

abbot, why are you so nervous?
TC didn't say anything about the horrors you described.

All these are your "offtopic" additions, and the topic is about how to unscrew a stuck light bulb base at home. Read the first post!

On this topic. IMHO if "between the floors of the racks, where the distance between the aquarium and the next shelf is 13-15 cm." a melted plastic bottle will fit in, then the pliers will somehow squeeze through.

TS, I was personally interested in your method primarily because of its novelty and surprise, and not its practical applicability, sorry (unreasonably difficult).

🙂 I already imagined how someone with a melted bottle runs between dozens of shelves with aquariums, and changes almost hundreds of incandescent bulbs every evening. Believe me, it's really funny. I wouldn’t brag about this on the forum, but roll up my sleeves and put the wiring in order.
Po4talyon, what has been said is no offense to you. It's just that the abbot "added fuel to the fire." 🙂

An ordinary potato, take a potato, cut it in half and insert it into the plinth (do not forget to turn off the electricity), unscrew the plinth and potatoes into the trash.

The hidden question of this topic has not yet been answered: how many aquarists does it take to change a light bulb?

Well, if you neigh, here it is:

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How to disassemble a light bulb

  1. incandescent lamp
  2. How to disassemble a lamp with a socket?
  3. How to disassemble CFL?
  4. How to disassemble the LED lamp?

A light bulb that has burned out can be used to create a variety of trinkets and other practical tasks. Therefore, you need to be able to disassemble the light bulb. Inventory for work you will need the following:

  • thin nose pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • protective gloves.

The composition of the lamp is as follows: electrodes with a spiral, a glass bulb and a base. One electrode is connected to the base sleeve, the second - to its central contact. A spiral is located on the electrodes. The insulating glass is located between the sleeve and the contact. During the manufacturing process of the lamp, the sleeve is filled with an inert gas. This is necessary in order to avoid rapid oxidation and burnout of the spiral.

Special care should be taken when working with fluorescent and energy-saving lamps, as they contain poisonous mercury vapor. When parsing such a light bulb, it is important not to break the bulb.

incandescent lamp

The easiest way to work with this variety is that it does not contain harmful substances inside. To disassemble the incandescent lamp, you must perform a series of actions:

  • Grab the soldered contact at the bottom. To do this, thin-nosed pliers are used.
  • Loosen the contact and twist it until the break of the two wires stretched to the body of the glow.
  • Remove contact.
  • Break the base insulation.

    Thin nose pliers are also used for this.

  • Loosen the bulb leg and remove.
  • Together with the leg, pull out the hooks, electrodes and the glow body.
  • Clean the inside of the lamp with a piece of cloth.

The base insulator is made of thick glass, the leg is made of thinner glass. During operation, the difference in thickness should also be taken into account. So that the fragments do not scatter throughout the apartment and do not cause a lot of inconvenience to its residents, it is enough to properly equip the workplace. For this purpose, a regular cardboard box lined with a rag or paper sheets is well suited.

After all the “insides” have been pulled out of the light bulb, a container of heat-resistant glass remains. From it you can make a lampshade, frames for crafts, a jar for spices and even a miniature aquarium. If you pour a flammable liquid inside and bring a wick to it, you can get an original lamp or just an additional source of heat.

For some purposes, a glass base with a base is excellent, for some it will only be a hindrance. There are several ways to remove the base:

  • scratch with a glass cutter;
  • dissolve in hydrofluoric acid or a mixture of ammonium nitrate with hydrochloric acid;
  • Bend the plinth where it meets the glass and scrape away the adhesive. After that, the flask is pulled out easily.

The connection in incandescent lamps is not particularly strong, so removing the base is usually not difficult.

How to disassemble a lamp with a socket?

In the process of unscrewing the lamp from the socket, it may break or separate from the base. In this case, you will need to disassemble the cartridge, for which you need:

Wear protective gloves. If the light source is located high, head protection is also useful.
Turn off the electricity, check through the absence of voltage indicator.
Sweep the floor, clearing it of splinters (you can pre-lay it).
Unscrew the plinth using pointed pliers. Unscrew counterclockwise.
If the light bulb socket does not unscrew, then try to loosen it in different directions.
Another way is to move the pliers apart, focusing on the inner walls of the base and unscrew it.

The first way is the easiest and most reliable. In order to make it easier to grab the base with pliers, the edges can be slightly bent with a screwdriver.

How to disassemble CFL?

A compact fluorescent lamp is different in composition from a conventional one; it cannot be disassembled due to the presence of toxic mercury vapor. But it is possible to get to the launch device, i.e. electronic ballast, which is mounted in the housing next to the base. To do this, take a flat wide screwdriver and unfasten the latches.

In older lamps, this is problematic, since the plastic hardens under prolonged exposure to high temperatures, the latches begin to break. If you can’t open it with a screwdriver, you can cut them off by running a knife along the seam several times. You can facilitate this process with the help of a building hair dryer, heating the case with it.

Inside the case there is an electronic ballast, which is connected to the base contacts with small wires. In order to find out the malfunction, you must first check the condition of the filaments with a multimeter. On the board they are labeled A1-A2 and B1-B2.

Unscrewing a broken base from a light bulb is very simple.

The problem may be a blown fuse or damage to the board itself. It is these reasons that most often lead to the breakdown of a fluorescent lamp. But there are others that are much less common - failure of the input limiting resistor, electrolytic capacitor or rectifier diodes.

Troubleshooting usually involves bypassing or replacing parts. To return the disassembled case to its original state, the cut parts must be glued together.

How to disassemble the LED lamp?

A diode light bulb is usually disassembled for repair, which is quite simple. The diode lamp consists of:

  • corps;
  • plinth;
  • light diffuser;
  • drivers;
  • block of LEDs.

Troubleshooting begins with checking the voltage supply to the contacts of the cartridge. If power is present, but the diode does not light, then the problem is not in the cartridge, but in the light bulb itself. You can check it like this: screw any working light bulb into the cartridge.

If the lamp cannot be repaired, but the diodes themselves are working, they can be used to create a new LED light bulb. In the form of a housing, you can use an ordinary incandescent lamp. This allows you to save a lot, because a new ice light bulb is expensive.

I made a site about homemade products myself.

How to simply unscrew a broken light bulb from a cartridge

On our website you will find homemade products, clear instructions will help you to assemble and use the homemade product you have chosen without any problems at home or at work.

How to unscrew the base of the light bulb from the cartridge

How to unscrew the base of a light bulb from a cartridge using a plastic bottle

Often, when replacing a burned-out light bulb, an unpleasant situation arises when the bulb falls off the base, and the base itself remains screwed into the cartridge. To safely remove it, you need to turn off the electricity and try to unscrew plinth pliers, or you can take our advice.

To do this, we need an empty plastic bottle of any size. Having unscrewed the cork from it, we heat the edges of the neck of the bottle until it becomes soft. Then it is enough to insert the neck into the base of the burned-out lamp, wait a few seconds, and you can unscrew it, even without first turning off the electricity.

How to unscrew the base of a light bulb from a socket using a champagne cork

We take a regular cork, insert it into the base. And we twist. Everything is easier than a steamed turnip! And the way is really good.

And here is a video on how to unscrew the bulb base from the cartridge

  • Heating lamp
  • Boil water in nature
  • How to make automatic watering for indoor flowers?
  • Decorating the bottle with cloth and decoupage
  • Cabinet for papers
  • Suspended ceilings with built-in lights have become widely used in modern interiors. All this elegant design is attached to the natural ceiling of the room using frames made of wood or metal. The suspended ceiling has the function of lighting and hides the flaws of the conventional ceiling.

    From the draft ceiling to the stretch ceiling, there is a space of about ten centimeters, and electrical wiring and lighting fixtures are placed in it. To install light sources, the second ceiling has thoughtful holes. From the side of the room, the lighting set is presented in the form of a decorated ring.

    A cartridge with a lamp and springs for fastening are attached to the body from the inside, their task is to hold the lamp. Inserting a halogen bulb into a false ceiling is not so difficult, the main thing is to connect it correctly.


    To solve the problem of removing a damaged light bulb, you do not need to call a specialist. The process of replacing a light bulb is not that complicated. You should first get acquainted with the basic principles of operation of lamps in a false ceiling.

    Lamps have different power, emit different amounts of heat, differ in energy consumption, price, service life.

    Luminaires are installed on the suspended ceiling, in which several types of lamps are used:

    • Familiar to all incandescent lamps. Currently not very popular due to inefficiency, although they have the advantage of being able to work at any temperature and humidity.

    • Halogen providing very bright illumination. Their advantage is durability, efficiency, compactness.

    • LED. They are considered the most economical, as a result of which they have become the most in demand.

    The order of unscrewing each type of lamp is different, so before removing them it is important to find out what type of light source is.

    Since you will have to replace light bulbs more than once, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the constituent elements and remember their names. All lamps have a protective cover, main body and special clamps.

    But in their design there are other parts, knowing about which, it is easier to dismantle any kind of light bulb:

    • a case invisible from the outside, because it is located in a space under the ceiling, a wire and a cartridge are hidden in it;
    • spring-type antennae, serve to hold the lamps and fix them on the ceiling surface;
    • a protective cover made of plastic or glass, also serves as a diffuser and protects the entire set from dusting;
    • spring ring for fixing the protection cover.

    In order to remove the light bulb, it is not necessary to remove the lamp completely. You usually only have to remove the cover and ring. Light bulbs have different mounting methods, so when choosing a new lamp, be sure to consider the type of its base.

    Plinth types

    There are lamps with a threaded base, like incandescent lamps. In this case, normal twisting is sufficient.

    Other types are very popular:

    • lamps with a pair of pins, they make a click when fixed;
    • lamps fixed by turning;
    • there is a type of "tablet" lamps, it is more often used in false ceilings.

    Withdrawal options

    The first step when unscrewing the light bulb is to turn off the electricity, that is, turn off the power from the electrical panel. Remember: you need to not only turn off a particular light bulb, but turn off all the lights. Not every one of us knows that it is necessary to turn off the phase, and the switch goes to zero. You shouldn't put yourself at risk.

    Next, you need to remove the lamp stopper ring, it serves as a retainer. To remove, it is enough to press the antennae, the lamp easily comes out of its housing and hangs on the contact cartridge. Now you just need to pull it towards you or turn it to the left (depending on what type of lamp) and pull it out.

    Lamps can be without retaining rings. In this case, you have to remove the entire lamp from the nest.

    The easiest way to unscrew the so-called "pills": with one hand, slightly turn the lamp back, wait for a click, pull down and pull it out. The rest of the lamp stays in place.

    Light bulbs with E14 and E27 cartridges are even easier to maintain: they are replaced according to the familiar scheme with an ordinary standard cartridge. We unscrew, as always, the old bulbs, and just twist the new lamp back. Here it is only important to choose the size for 14 and 17.

    When replacing any light bulbs, pay attention to the type and size of the base. When unscrewing halogen lamps, they should not be touched with bare hands, they easily leave marks that give a dim light in the room. In addition, lamps touched with greasy fingers burn out quickly.

    This is especially true for models with a G4 or G9 base. They have a special design - the lamp body does not have additional fasteners, so to remove the bulb, you just need to pull it down.

    When working with halogen products, do not forget to wear gloves or hold the lamps with napkins. If they are not at hand, wrap the bottom with ordinary paper tape. No contamination of halogen lamps should be allowed.

    For easy removal of the light bulb, you can completely dismantle the lamp body from the false ceiling by carefully prying the decorative circle with a screwdriver. Then the inner part opens and you can easily bend the clamping pins and pull the case out of the suspended structure. You can also remove the cover to replace it.

    To work with LED lamps, you need to know that in many of them lamps and fixtures are one. So, it is necessary to remove the lamp completely. It is not in the ceiling film, but has a mounting platform. If you carefully bend the lamp, two expanding springs are visible - these are the fastening elements. When removing the lamp, they should be held by hand, otherwise the ceiling can be easily damaged. The springs must be bent inward, pulled towards you and pull out the lamp. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to follow simple rules. Although LED lamps are the most durable, sometimes they also have to be changed.

    Having unscrewed the light bulbs in false ceilings at least once, this can be easily dealt with in subsequent cases. But if the lamp or the lamp itself is damaged, the work is complicated by the risk of cuts, pricks with small pieces. Professional advice and tried and tested folk techniques will come to the rescue.

    For this work, pliers with pointed ends are useful. They need to grab the metal part of the lamp and slowly turn it in the opposite direction until the lamp is removed.

    You can roll a ball out of electrical tape with the sticky side out, attach it to the center, press lightly so that the bulb sticks to the ball. After that, it will spin freely.

    And the weak half of humanity - women, solves the problem with a raw potato: you need to cut it into two halves, press one of them on a worthless light bulb and unscrew it calmly.

    The lamp can not only burst, but also get stuck. It seems to stick to the cartridge, and just like that you can’t unscrew it. In such cases, it all depends on the structure of the lamp. If the model allows, both the cartridge and the light bulb are unscrewed. Then it's easy to remove it.

    And if the design of the lamp does not allow such a reception, the light bulb can only be broken. But before that, you should wrap it with a cloth to protect it from splinters. The remaining base must be disconnected with pliers and pulled out.

    If the LED lamp bursts or sticks, it is easier to replace it, since it changes with the entire body.

    If a chandelier is hung on a false ceiling, to replace the light bulb in it, it is necessary to remove the entire device.

    To do this, proceed as follows:

    • first remove the cap covering the hook on which the chandelier hangs;
    • put your hand in the gap under it;
    • take the chandelier in the place of its attachment and carefully remove it, while pulling out the electrical wire;
    • disconnect the wire by removing the insulation.

    The chandelier has been removed from the ceiling. If it is heavy, before descending from the stepladder, you should call someone for help. Now it is easy to unscrew and change the burnt out light bulb.

    In the next video, you can visually see the options for unscrewing light bulbs from the cartridge.

    Possible problems

    When replacing lamps, you may encounter the following problems:

    • Mustaches beat on the fingers. If they are too strong, removing the lamp may damage the ceiling. To solve this problem, it is enough to hold the springs firmly so as not to damage the fingers and the ceiling. The light source must not be allowed to hang on the film, it is necessary to ensure that the springs get into the fastening ring behind the film.
    • At one time, the workers who installed the ceiling could leave bare parts of the wire behind it. To eliminate this problem, even after a complete blackout of the house (apartment), it is better to wait a few minutes before starting work. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting an electric shock.

    In almost every room in our home, lighting bulbs are used, which help to perform any work in the dark or simply makes spending time in the room much more enjoyable. But there are situations when the lamp burns out and breaks. In such a situation, you get not only an unpleasant scattering of fragments on the floor, but also the remains of a light bulb in the cartridge. Most of the inhabitants who are faced with this immediately look for a way to unscrew a burst light bulb from a cartridge.

    Safety first

    The first thing to do in such a situation is to ensure the safe execution of work. Do not forget that the lighting device is powered by a 220 V network, and in a broken lamp, current-carrying elements become bare. Therefore, before approaching the cartridge, be sure to remove the voltage.

    It should be noted that simply pressing the switch that turned on this particular chandelier is not always enough. Since the switching device may not break the phase circuit, but break zero. This option is only acceptable in situations where you have an indicator screwdriver to verify that there is no potential. Or if you unscrew the light bulb from the cartridge in dielectric gloves.

    The best option is to turn off the introductory machine in the apartment. If you have a sectioned power supply by rooms or consumers, you can turn off the desired lamp with a separate machine, leaving all other nodes energized. In the event that the power supply of the entire apartment is turned off, please note that there will be no lighting and there will be nothing to connect to. Therefore, take a portable flashlight or light a candle in advance so as not to cut yourself on the sharp edges of a broken light bulb in the dark.

    Ways to remove a broken light bulb

    There are several ways in which you can remove the remnants of the light bulb and base from the socket. Choose one specific of them should be based on the current situation and the funds available to you.

    Figure 1: light bulb construction

    Method number 1. The use of pliers.

    The most common way to unscrew a broken light bulb from a cartridge is with pliers, thin-nosed pliers, or other derivatives of this tool. But, this method is relevant in situations where, after breaking the glass bulb, the base protrudes slightly beyond the cartridge, otherwise there is a high probability of damaging the cartridge itself. And you will have to change not only the light bulb, but also the cartridge.

    The whole procedure consists of the following actions:

    Method number 2. Disassembly of the cartridge.

    The best way is to disassemble the cartridge, it allows you to safely remove the stuck base, but this option is not suitable for all models of lamps. Those in which the cartridge is not removable or it is closed by the elements of the chandelier do not allow you to unscrew the burst one by this method. Structurally collapsible models consist of a case and a contact plate, the case can be divided into two parts.

    To use this method you will need:

    • Turn off the voltage at the entrance to the apartment;
    • Unscrew the case into two halves - as a result, you should have contacts with the lid, and unscrew the shirt with the base and the remains of the light bulb;
    • After that, you will see that the base is twisted into a sleeve, if it has become attached to it, it should be tucked with thin-nosed pliers, a screwdriver or lightly hit from the back;
    • Unscrewing the remnants of the light bulb when the cartridge is in your hands is much easier.

    Method number 3. Plastic bottle.

    If, due to the design features of the lamp or the ceiling, you cannot get the tool to the fragments of the light bulb and remove them, an ordinary plastic bottle and a lighter will help you. The entire extraction process consists of the following steps:

    Method number 4. Champagne cork.

    This method is suitable for those situations when, when the light bulb was destroyed, the leg (stengel) also fell out of it, or it can be pulled out painlessly.

    Rice. 5: Remove leg

    As a result, the rest of the bulb will unscrew along with the cork. It should be noted that if glass fragments remain at the edges, they must be removed so as not to damage the fingers during twisting.

    Method number 5. We use potatoes.

    Almost every home has fresh potatoes. This method is suitable for those cases where sharp glass fragments remain at the edges. Turn off the voltage at the input board first.

    You only need to cut the potato in half or in another ratio so that the rest has a cut and fits comfortably in your hand.

    Rice. 7. Cut the potatoes

    Along the cut line, the potato is carefully put on the leg and planted on glass fragments so that the vegetable sits tightly.

    Rice. Step 8: Put a Potato on a Light Bulb

    It is then used as a handle to unscrew the remains of the bulb from the socket.

    Rice. 9: bulb in potato

    It should be noted that it is not necessary to pre-wash or soak the potato. Since it will become slippery and a tightly seated base may not succumb. The potato itself is already wet at the cut point, so after twisting, be sure to wipe all surfaces and wait for them to dry before screwing in the light bulb, reapply voltage and turn on the light.

    Another potato can be replaced with a piece of laundry soap, but, depending on its consistency and shape, a bar may not be suitable to unscrew a broken light bulb.

    Video instructions

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