How to open the game android 7. All Android smartphones have hidden games that almost no one knows about. Activate file encryption for faster file launch and higher security

Last night we learned about the long-awaited release of Android N Developer Preview 5, which owners can now try out. Despite the fact that lovers of high technology have yet to look for all the innovations and fixes, one detail is already known. We are talking about the so-called Easter egg, which is an integral part of every version of the green robot. For example, in Android Lollipop, his role was played by the game Flappy Bird. What has changed this time? Let's find out.

As you probably know, the term "Easter egg" means some kind of game or animation that is hidden in the smartphone settings. You can find it in the "About device" settings submenu. To do this, make a few quick clicks on the version of the smartphone system.

However, this time it's not so simple. According to resource representatives phonearena, if you follow this instruction, a large letter N will appear on the smartphone screen. Another portion of taps on it will cause a small cat's head to appear at the bottom of the smartphone screen. Finally, after tapping on the animal's head, the smartphone will show an emoji called "No entry".

It would seem that this is all. But no. It turns out that after doing everything described in the quick settings menu, the “Empty Dish” icon will appear, which translates as “Empty Dish”. Tapping on it will allow you to choose a treat intended for the cat. If you make the right choice, the animal will appreciate it, which will be confirmed by the appearance of a notification on the desktop.

Of course, the aforementioned Flappy Bird clone in Android L was much more fun, but dealing with the Easter egg in this case is much more difficult. Do you like this evolution? Tell us about it below.

A hidden game was included, reminiscent of the popular Flappy Bird game at the time. In Android 6, the design of the game has changed, but the mechanics have remained. You need to score as many points as possible by leading your robot hero through all sorts of obstacles. You can control the hero only by tapping on the screen (the robot will bounce). Android 7 also has an Easter egg. But this is no longer an action game.

In Android 7, you are invited to feed the cats. First you need to perform standard actions: go to " Settings > About phone" and tap several times on the item " Android version". Then you need to long and hard press the OS logo until a cat appears under the logo (it is recommended to alternate short presses with long ones).

Now you need to click on the cat, fully open the top curtain, select " Change"and find at the bottom of the switch with the name Android Easter Egg. After dragging the switch to the "width", it turns into a plate ( Dish). Now, tapping on the plate, you can put a treat in it. After some time, the system will notify you that a cat has come to the meal. So you can "catch" cats. The list of caught animals can be opened with a long tap on the plate.

Hardcore Android fans know that there are easter eggs hiding in the system. The seventh version called Nougat was no exception. In it, you can activate the game to collect cats. You need to occasionally put a treat in an empty bowl and catch the cat that has come.

The process of activating the Easter eggs is described in detail in the blog, but here I will tell you what is under the hood.

In the game, cats appear with three-digit numbers. Theoretically, there can be 1000 cats from 000 to 999 (in fact, no, the program uses a different algorithm, but this is not important for us).

I became interested in how they are stored in the application. A search on the Internet led me to a resource where the source codes for the Easter Egg are posted.

Later, I found a modified code on Github that allows you to run the game as a normal application on any device, not just on Android 7. A compiled version from these sources can be found on Google Play by keywords Neko Collector.

The second example is more convenient to study, since there is no extra code for activating the Easter egg, which we don’t need.

It wasn't hard to guess that the main magic happens in the Cat class.

Mustache, paws, tail - these are my documents

It turned out that the cats are not stored in the application as separate pictures. Quite understandably, a large number of images will bloat the program. In the folder drawable individual parts of the cat are stored as vector resources. For example, this is how the tail is stored in the file tail.xml.

Paws, eyes, torso, collar, bow, etc. are stored in a similar way. And then all this is collected in the constructor of the inner class CatParts

CatParts(Context context) ( if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) ( body = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.body); head = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.head); leg1 = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.leg1);leg2 = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.leg2);leg3 = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.leg3);leg4 = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.leg4); tail = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.tail); leftEar = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.left_ear); rightEar = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.right_ear); rightEarInside = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.right_ear_inside ); leftEarInside = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.left_ear_inside); faceSpot = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.face_spot); cap = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.cap); mouth = context.getDrawable(R.drawable .mouth); foot4 = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.foot4); foot3 = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.foot3); foot1 = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.foot1); foot2 = context.getDrawable(R .drawable.foot2); adow = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.leg2_shadow); tailShadow = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.tail_shadow); tailCap = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.tail_cap); belly = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.belly); back = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.back); rightEye = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.right_eye); leftEye = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.left_eye); nose = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.nose); collar = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.collar); bowtie = context.getDrawable(R.drawable.bowtie); ) else ( // code for older versions here ) drawingOrder = getDrawingOrder(); )
Since the vector has a wonderful ability to change the fill on the fly, we randomly select colors and generate a unique cat. The main thing is not to overdo it. Do not paint one paw black and the other paw brown.

If you run the program in normal mode, then collecting cats will stretch for hours. Therefore, we replace the code that is responsible for the interval by setting it to 1 second. We quickly fill the screen.

For comparison, the first picture I got on the Android 7 emulator.

And this is a picture taken on an Android 4.4.2 device

Those who study Android programming will find it useful to start services with registration of the JobSheduler scheduler, create dialogs, use SharedPreferences.

In my opinion, the Easter egg turned out beautiful and cheered me up.
Collect cats!

The new Android 7.0 Nougat operating system was released on August 22, 2016. It should be noted right away that Android 7.0 Nougat has many new features that will be available on most smartphones. In this article, we'll show you some tricks and tips for Android 7.0 Nougat that will help you improve your system's security and enjoyment of using this operating system.

Background Services

Keep an eye on active services, this will help you reduce the load on RAM, as well as save battery life. In most cases, background services consume unnecessary resources. So go to developer settings, from there you can stop running services. To restart background services, restart the application or the smartphone itself.

Android Nougat has improved the settings menu. The main menu is hidden in the left margin of the screen and you can access it whenever you need it. Now you can quickly navigate to any section of the settings menu thanks to this improvement.

Tell Google if you know English, German or any other second language

If you are fluent in another language, then you can easily install it in the new OS as a second one. In Talk, this feature is also available. Google search results are displayed in two languages. If you open a website in one of the languages ​​you've specified in your settings, then Chrome won't prompt you to translate that page. The button for deleting languages ​​is a little hidden, but it can be found in the upper right corner of the screen.

Programs are disconnected from the Internet when the device is idle. This increases battery life, but there are some side effects hidden in this. Some third-party apps, such as Messenger or navigation apps, will no longer be able to send you notifications; you may end up missing important messages or missing a turn at an intersection.

You can turn off battery optimization in the battery settings. Instructions for disabling battery optimization are shown in the image below.

The Android notification system was introduced in Android 5.0 in the fall of 2014. Since then, it has been improved and includes several new features. You can now turn off the sound of notifications in various applications.

The setup is ingeniously simple. Press and hold on the desired app until a notification appears, then select the option to receive notifications without sound. In the settings, you can filter the apps by their respective configuration in the Notifications section and change them to your liking.

Let's say you watch YouTube a lot, but you need to do something else at the same time, but unfortunately YouTube stops playing if the application goes into the background. This issue has now been resolved thanks to the split screen feature. Open YouTube, start watching videos, in the lower right corner of the screen, hold down the "Recent" button, select another application.

If you accidentally select the wrong application, press the Home button and then select the desired application in the usual way. It will then appear in the bottom half of the screen. If this area is too small for you, you need to move the area bar a little higher.

If you want to lend your smartphone to a person to make a call, but don't want them to be unable to use another application or be able to go to the home screen in addition, then Android 7.0 Nougat allows you to do this.

Activate file encryption for faster file launch and higher security

In developer options you will find file encryption. This feature has a lot of advantages. One of the more useful ones is that only your user data will be encrypted. You do not need to enter a combination of numbers to unlock or a PIN code during the device boot process. If your smartphone should inadvertently restart, at least your alarm will still function and not be reset and you won't oversleep.

In this version of the operating system, the developers have prepared for us a mini-game called Neko Collector, where you need to collect cats. To activate this game, you need to perform a series of actions?

  1. We go to Settings.
  2. In the menu we go to the About phone section
  3. Next, you need to tap three times on the version of Android.
  4. After these steps, a large letter N should appear. Tap on it several times and for the last time make a long press. The activation sign of the Easter egg is the appearance of an emoji in the form of a cat.
  5. We move the cat emoji to the quick settings panel.
  6. Open the notification curtain and find the bowl icon on it and tap on it.
  7. We choose a treat for our cat and close the notification curtain.
  8. A notification should appear, after which we open it and the cat will be added to your collection.
  9. You can share the caught cats with the help of social networks.

Our article will introduce and help everyone to try out the benefits of Android 7.0 and 7.1. The official release of Android 7.0 (codenamed Nougat) took place on August 22, 2016, the new OS became available for Nexus and Pixel smartphones, and is now getting to other devices around the world.

How quickly time flies - you almost do not have time to follow the updates. And, of course, someone could easily miss the release of Android Nougat.

It is not enough to install a new OS, because it has yet to be sorted out and familiarized with new features. Here are some practical recommendations that will help you get to know many of the features of the new Android version without leaving the checkout.

Please note that everything written here applies to Android 7.0 and 7.1 on Google devices. Many smartphone manufacturers are changing the operating system in their own way, adding features and changing the interface. So on some gadgets, menu items and names may differ or be completely absent.

How to quickly switch between open apps in Android 7

Switching between apps is much easier on Android Nougat: double-tap the Recent Apps button (the square to the right of the Home button) to navigate between the two most recently opened apps (similar to the Alt+Tab keyboard shortcut on a PC).

Speaking of this button, in the seventh version it received a new function: open any application, press and hold it or click on it once. Recently opened applications will be displayed, select the one you need and drag it to the top of the screen. This is how the split screen mode is activated, in which two open applications take up half the screen. To return to normal browsing, press and hold the Recent Apps button again.

How to copy text

Need to copy text from one app and paste it into another? Let's do it in multi-window mode. Select the desired text, then click on it, hold and drag it to another window. If the application itself supports this feature, the text will be inserted automatically.

A little-known fact: using the above mode, you can view two browser tabs at the same time, for example, Chrome. Open a new tab in Chrome, press and hold the button "Recent applications" and click on the icon in the form of three dots (upper right corner of the screen). We are looking for the option “Move to another window”.

And one more trick related to our now favorite button. Some of you may already be aware that you can remove apps from recently launched apps by dragging them to the left or right side of the screen. The new version of Android has an option to completely clear the list of recently closed applications (at one time, many third-party smartphone manufacturers introduced this option in their versions of Android). We wind to the very beginning of the list and find it.

The home button on Android 7.1 will show the most frequent actions

On an Android 7.1 device, press and hold the Home button. The most frequently used functions across apps will appear on the screen, such as calling your favorite contact in the Phone app or opening a new tab in Chrome. (For those who have Android 7.1, but nothing comes out, you can use the Google Start launcher.)

Quick jump to settings

Need a quick jump through system settings? Nougat has a quick navigation menu. To find it, click on the icon in the form of three horizontal lines in the upper left corner.

For those who are stuck in the Applications section, you can quickly scroll through the list by moving your finger down the right edge of the screen. The fast scroll interface will appear.

How to set up and what can be seen in the Android 7 quick settings panel

The quick settings panel on Nougat has undergone several subtle but important innovations. First, if you swipe down from the top of the screen, several shortcuts will appear for quick access to various options, such as , and Airplane Mode. Also, a switch is attached to each to quickly turn on and off a particular function.

If, while on the main screen, swipe down twice or with two fingers, an extended list of available tools will open, where clicking on any of the icons opens additional settings (if the selected function has them).

In all sections of the quick settings panel, by long pressing on any of the icons, you go to the corresponding system settings window.

The Quick Settings toolbar is fully customizable. Open the panel and click on the "Edit" button, which should be in the lower right corner or on the pencil in the upper right side of the screen. This option allows you to move, add, and remove icons from the panel.

The settings of the first six icons from the quick settings panel will be displayed if you call up a short view of the so-called “curtain” (swipe down on the main screen once).

Mode "at work"

If you use the gadget at work, look in the quick settings panel for the At work mode item. It switches between a user's work profile, where settings and apps are set for work purposes, and a personal one, with user apps.

You can add additional tools to the quick settings panel using third-party applications. For example, using Weather Quick Settings , you can add a small weather tile, and Ringer Modes will allow you to change the gadget's sound mode with one touch.

Night mode on Android 7

Android 7.1 supports a new night mode that is only available on select models. If you're lucky, you'll find the Night Mode feature in the Quick Settings panel. It makes it easier to read the screen at night.

You can also set this feature to turn on automatically when needed. In the "Settings" menu, open the "Screen" section, look for "Night mode", click on the inscription "Turn on automatically" and select the option either "During the dark" or "Custom schedule". (It is easy to guess that this setting will only be on the device where there is a "Night mode").

Notifications in Android 7

Notifications in the seventh version of the mobile OS are divided by application, so if you receive, say, three new messages to your Gmail mail, a notification about this will be displayed in its own block on the notification panel. Clicking on a notification opens a mini-block with more detailed information, which you can expand to get quick access to options related to the notification (for example, send to archive or reply to a message).

Is an app sending notifications too often? Press and hold any of its notifications (or slightly move it to the right or left and click on the gear that appears). From here, we can mute all subsequent notifications or disable them altogether.

The Android Do Not Disturb mode has received a new useful feature on Nougat: you can set the silent mode for the whole night, and in the morning, when the alarm rings, it will turn itself off. To activate this option, go to "Settings", then - "Sounds and vibration", find the item "Do not disturb", select "Automatic rules". Add a new rule, click on the line "Time" and enter any name. Set the days and times when the gadget will be in silent mode. In the "Do Not Disturb" section, either "Alarm only" or "Only important ones" should be selected, and do not forget to turn on the option "Next alarm overrides the current stop time."

Additional functions

Stop squinting! Especially for those who have vision problems, Nougat has a zoom option. Going to the "Screen", we are looking for the option "Scale of the image on the screen."

Want to make the words bigger, but keep everything else the same? To do this, in the "Screen" section there is a line "Font size".

If you need to reduce the amount of Internet traffic consumed, Nougat has a new Data Saver Mode, which limits the amount of outgoing and incoming mobile data of an individual application (both in the background and in the active mode). We go to "Settings" and go to the "Data transfer" section and click on the item "Traffic saving".

Multiple system languages ​​on Android

Are you fluent in two or three languages? On Android 7.0 and 7.1, it is possible to install several system languages ​​​​and switch between them without any problems. Going to the "Language and input" section in the system settings, click on the "Languages" item, where we can add new languages ​​to the list.

Medical card in the phone

For emergencies, a kind of medical card was added to the seventh version of Android, which, among other things, indicates contacts for communication in case of an emergency (will be displayed on the locked screen) and blood type. To enter this data, in the settings menu, click on the "Users" item and see the line "Emergency Data".

Now you can change the voice of the system in such a way that it will growl or squeak (it's funny to listen to both). We go to "Settings", then - "Special. Opportunities" and click on the option "Speech Synthesis", where we can set the pitch of the voice.

Have you ever had one earpiece inserted in your ear, but want to hear the sound of both channels? In this case, in the section "Spec. Opportunities "there is an option" Mono sound ".

Hidden features of Android 7

Those who need to go through the smartphone's memory, move or copy files, should definitely try out the improved file manager. Having opened the "settings", go to the "" section, at the very bottom we find the "Explorer" option. This is the file manager.

Want to experiment? We go to the quick settings panel, long press on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen to unlock the hidden options System UI Tuner. After that, a new line should appear in the settings menu at the very end of the list " System UI Tuner». Here, various user settings are waiting in the wings, for example, the appearance of the status bar and managing different types of notifications.

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