Ignoring the stop sign. Stop sign for vehicles in traffic rules

Sometimes an attempt to take into account absolutely everything with the help of cumbersome legal language leads to a logical dead end. Our reader Dmitry faced such a situation. The subject of the dispute was the sign" " . He is "Stop", as people like to call it.

Our reader wanted to solve exam tickets for traffic rules, but due to the cumbersome wording in the Rules, he could not immediately figure out exactly where to slow down.

To begin with, here is a term from the SDA:

It is forbidden to move without stopping before sign 2.5 or sign 5.33(horizontal road markings 1.12), and in their absence - before the edge of the crossed carriageway. It is necessary to give way to vehicles moving on the crossed road, and if there is a plate 7.13 - to vehicles moving on main road, and also on the right along the equivalent road. When approaching a section of the road on which a sign is installed, as well as a railway crossing, through which traffic is not prohibited, the driver must stop before sign 2.5 or sign 5.33 (horizontal road markings 1.12).

As you can see, it is rather problematic to understand where to slow down, in front of a sign or the edge of the roadway. Dmitry, when deciding on a ticket, chose the first part of the term - and turned out to be wrong. According to the authors of the task, it is necessary to stop and let cars pass before the edge of the roadway.

Dmitry rightly decided that there was an error in the ticket. He reported about it e-mail ticket compilers.. As it turned out, the organization - the compiler of the tasks is already aware of the problem. The response states that the company made a request to the traffic police on this issue. The inspectors answered something like this: "If there is a stop line in the form of a sign 5.33 or markings, we stop in front of her. If there is no stop line, you need to stop before the edge of the crossed carriageway". The confusing wording, according to the developers, was due to the need to mention the railway crossing.

What will the experts say?

Interestingly, when discussing this issue, a rather heated dispute arose in the editorial office. They decided that if not a philologist, then at least a specialist should put an end to the discussion.

Well, no problem - we turn to our permanent expert on traffic rules Alexander Konoplitsky. Recall that he has many years of experience in the traffic police, an investigator for an accident, the practice of a forensic auto technician and a teacher in a driving school.

In accordance with the definition of the sign according to the SDA, the driver is obliged to stop the vehicle only in front of the sign itself 2.5 "Movement without stopping is prohibited", sign 5.33 "Stop line" or horizontal road marking line 1.12 "Stop line". The main condition here is that the driver must make a stop. Since in the description all of the above is indicated as a listing, the driver can stop in front of any of the listed objects at his own discretion - in front of sign 2.5, or sign 5.33, or horizontal road markings 1.12.

- Well, how do you answer a similar question from a ticket sent by a reader: there is an intersection, in front of it is sign 2.5 "Movement without stopping is prohibited" and there is no stop line. Where do we stop - after the sign (before the edge of the carriageway) or before it?

In this case, in question asked the driver is obliged to stop only in front of the sign 2.5 "Movement without stopping is prohibited", since there are no other objects, he does not have the right to choose. Further, in the very wording of the requirements of this sign, there is a requirement to stop before the edge of the intersected carriageway, provided that all of the above is absent, - sign 2.5 "Movement without stopping is prohibited", sign 5.33 "Stop line", horizontal road marking line 1.12 "Stop line ". So, you need to stop at all intersections where there are none.

To confirm or refute this idea, I turned to a very famous and respected professor in the field of philosophy and logic. From the definition it is not clear where you need to stop in the presence of a sign 2.5 or horizontal road markings, and where - in their absence. Do the words "in their absence" refer to signs 2.5 and 5.33 (horizontal road markings 1.12) or only sign 5.33 (horizontal road markings 1.12)?

The response I received confirmed my thoughts (quote):

"If there is at least one of the indicated conditions - sign 2.5 or horizontal road markings, you need to stop at the existing sign. If there are two conditions - sign 2.5 and horizontal road markings - you need to stop at any of them, at the discretion of the driver. Words" in their absence "refer to both conditions - sign 2.5 or horizontal road markings, therefore, if none of these conditions is present, you need to stop before the edge of the crossed carriageway" .

What happens? Based on this paragraph, the driver is obliged to stop before the edge of the crossed carriageway at any intersection where there is no specified road sign. So it is written in the definition of the sign ... Even if the car driven by it is driving along the main road and there is no sign 2.5 on the road in front of the intersection and all of the above, it is obliged to stop. So it is written in the traffic rules!

I think it could have been put like this:

2.5. Movement without stopping is prohibited- it is forbidden to move at this intersection without stopping in front of sign 2.5 or the edge of the crossed carriageway (in the absence of sign 5.33 or horizontal road markings 1.12 ...

Everything would become simpler and clearer, but alas ... We wanted the best, but it turned out as always ...

But the adventures of the driver with the participation of this road sign do not end there. Let's carefully read definition 2.41, where it says what a stop is:

2.41. Vehicle stop- intentional suspension of the movement of the vehicle for up to 5 minutes, and also for more than 5 minutes, if it is necessary for boarding (disembarking) passengers or loading (unloading) the vehicle.

As I understand it, an intentional stop is a stop by the driver's intent. He may not want to stop, but the sign is forcing him. It turns out it seems like not a deliberate, but a forced stop.

We read the term 2.9 "Forced stop":

2.9. Forced vehicle stop- termination of the movement of the vehicle due to its technical malfunction or danger created by road users, the cargo carried, the condition of the driver (passenger), the appearance of an object that impedes traffic.

It is also not suitable, since there are no listed reasons for stopping, and the stop was made at the request of the sign.

It turns out that there are three types of stops - a deliberate stop and a forced stop described in the SDA, as well as a stop not provided for by the SDA at the request of a sign.

As a result, you need to stop at all unregulated intersections. Are you not stopping? So you're breaking!

How about in life?

It turns out that there is still an error in the ticket? Let's check in a real situation!

We went to several intersections and saw how the capital's owners comply with the requirements of the 2.5 sign without a stop line. All drivers do exactly as indicated on the ticket - go beyond the sign and stop at the edge of the roadway.

Not by the rules? But it's safe. In the photo, this is not noticeable, but the Saab driver at the intersection of Lenin and Oktyabrskaya streets is obscured by the building on the left and cars parked nearby. In such a situation, it is difficult to assess the situation without driving to the edge of the roadway.

Our verdict

Maybe, based on the traffic rules, it turns out that you need to stop in front of the sign. But what will you see if instead of the roadway on the left and right there is a wall, a fence or parked cars? But this is precisely what will be in front of your eyes in the first place, if you do not drive further, beyond the sign, to the edge of the roadway. In a word, discrepancies in the wording of the sign in the SDA and disputes could have been avoided if it had been drawn up in such a way that not only the compilers themselves understood the true meaning.

Stop sign fines are not always known to drivers. When studying the rules of the road, special emphasis is not placed on it, and yet it is reliable protection motorist from an accident. Compliance with all requirements guarantees a safe trip, as reminded by traffic police inspectors.

When is a stop sign ticket issued?

A stop sign is issued if the driver has not stopped in front of it. In accordance with the rules of the road, this must be done directly in front of him or additional line. They are mandatory, as they mark potentially dangerous areas.

In such places, movement without stopping is not accidental. In accordance with the rules, the sign is installed at railway crossings, in crowded places for pedestrians or at closed intersections. So it’s not in vain that he appears on the sidelines, you need to pay special attention to him.

What is the penalty for driving without stopping?

Priority sign No. 2.5 is subject to the requirement of a mandatory full stop. If the driver asks what fine he will have to pay, he will be surprised. After the protocol is drawn up, the amount will be announced, which varies depending on the situation:

  • stop sign - 500 rubles;
  • Stop line - 800 rubles.

Let the acquaintance prefer not to stop before the lines, one should not imitate his actions. In such cases, the risk of getting into an accident increases sharply, which is confirmed by statistics. If you follow the rules of the road, you can protect yourself from an accident.

Stop sign fine requires in without fail, but often drivers believe that they will not have to face administrative responsibility. The reason for this is the lack of traffic police inspectors who could draw up either. People try to take advantage of this opportunity by calmly driving straight across the line.

If you didn’t stop at a stop sign, you shouldn’t ask what the fine is. Yes, traffic police inspectors do not try to catch violators, since they must independently be aware of the potential danger. If you do not stop before moving without a barrier or at a dangerous intersection, you can get into a life-threatening accident.

Procedure for issuing an administrative penalty

A fine for not stopping in front of a stop sign is issued without fail. The driver must know the procedure very well in order to check that it has been carried out correctly. Otherwise, the actions will turn out to be an offense on the part of representatives of the state traffic inspectorate.

  • Confirmation of violation;
  • Drawing up a protocol;
  • Making a fine.

At every stage there is important features. Car owners should get to know them so that critical mistakes are not made. If you do not have the necessary knowledge, it is worth visiting the autolegal portal to get useful information.

Violation Confirmation

First, the traffic police inspector must prove the violation. If he does not do this, the drafting of the contract is considered an illegal act. Drivers often use this subtlety, because it is difficult to confirm the penalty for not stopping in front of a stop sign. This requires witnesses or video filming. When the necessary evidence is presented, you will have to agree with the statement.

Drawing up a protocol

Movement without stopping is prohibited, the fine is small, but even for its registration you will need a protocol from the scene. At this stage, it is also advised to take an interest in the actions of the traffic police inspector. In some cases, fabulous details turn out to be on paper, among them a collision with a stop line. This is a serious offense, so you should not sign such documents. It is worth pointing out all the errors in the description of the place, so as not to lay out a tidy sum later.

Registration of a fine

You can always check with the traffic police inspector what the fine for the stop sign is, and he has no right to deceive the driver. If this happens, you can safely record the conversation, and then report a serious offense in the execution. Moreover, instant payments were canceled several years ago, so you should not agree to persuasion. Broadcast Money an official is punished in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, which means that payment of the specified amount will have to be made later.

Is there cheating?

Violation of a stop under a stop sign is not considered a serious traffic violation. A small amount of a fine rarely interests traffic police inspectors, so about cheating we are talking in rare cases. Although there are still moments when drivers are faced with similar misconduct. They should be stopped, for which you will have to submit an application to the prosecutor's office for an audit. Yes, it will take some time, but the fight against corruption, even on such an insignificant scale, is useful for every car enthusiast.

The rules of the road accurately describe all the signs that the driver should know. Let the stop be not so important, but even it should not be overlooked. Regular issuance of fines gradually leads to a worsening of the situation, so a person has a “chance” of deprivation driving license for some time. It is better to try to avoid such mistakes, especially since they can save lives.

The STOP sign is a priority sign for moving traffic. He obliges the driver of the car to make a mandatory stop for a few seconds before continuing on his way. In fact, this is a more strict variation of the “Give way” graphic symbol.

What does the sign look like

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Road sign 2.5 "Movement without stopping is prohibited" is known to both pedestrians and drivers. In most countries of the world, it is depicted in the same way: four white letters are applied to a red octahedron. letters: STOP. The edging of the figure is also made in the form of a white stripe.

A special geometric shape is necessary so that the sign can be recognized even if it is dirty, vandalized, covered with frost or snow.

Letters in black and of blue color. The UN Convention explains that the word "stop" does not have to be written in Latin: each state has the right to approve a sign made using its official alphabet.

In our country, only the first variety is used. In addition to it, an information plate 6.16 is provided, which is used in conjunction with marking 1.12 "Stop line" or instead of it, denoting the border on the roadbed in front of the intersection.

These graphic images they perform a slightly different function: they inform the driver where he needs to stop before the traffic light in order to wait for the green signal.

Where and in what cases is it installed

Symbol 2.5 is posted by road services:

  • at intersections (both regulated and those where there is no traffic light);
  • before the railway crossing;
  • at the exit from the secondary road to the main one;
  • near the quarantine posts.

In other words, the STOP sign is necessary where driving without stopping the car can lead to serious consequences: that is, on dangerous sections of roads. It is often accompanied by the graphic symbol 1.23 "Caution children".

If traffic lights are turned on at the intersection, then the set symbol is not guided, but acts on the basis of light signals.

The main mistake made by drivers is to slow down to a minimum without actually stopping. Such an action would be a violation of the administrative code, which would entail a meeting with a traffic police inspector.

Another common situation: two cars drive up one after another to the sign, the one in front stops, fulfilling his demand, the second is forced to do the same.

Many believe that after the first driver has started off, you can follow him without stopping the movement. This is not so: near the graphic symbol, you should again come to a complete stop for a few seconds.

Where to stop by the rules

In most cases, the STOP sign is placed together with marking 1.12 on the roadway. In this case, the driver of the car must stop in front of the line.

If it is absent, then it is necessary to stop moving before reaching the edge of the carriageway that is planned to be crossed, giving way to all vehicles moving along it.

When crossing the rails or at the entrance to the quarantine post, it is also necessary to stop in front of the marked markings (stop line). If it is not applied, the car must stop moving in front of the sign.

Important! Do not allow the bumper of the car to be above the markings. Many believe that if the wheels have not reached the border indicated by it, then there is no violation in this.

The fixation camera will certainly respond to such an action, and the driver will receive a decision on the imposition of penalties.

Area of ​​effect

The STOP graphic road symbol is not equipped with accompanying plates about the length of its action, since this zone is located directly where it is installed.

In this place, it is not allowed to cross an imaginary line passing along the carriageway of the roadway, that is, the slightest arrival “behind the sign”.

The main point here is that you should see it in time in order to brake. In order for the driver to have time to stop, the symbol is usually placed at some distance from the intersection of two roads, and not at the intersection itself.

It happens that on a “blind” turn it is impossible to predict the presence of a sign in advance. Therefore, the driver should slow down and prepare for the possible need to make a stop.

Sometimes the conditions of the terrain or weather even in the event of a traffic stop, they prevent the person sitting behind the wheel from assessing the traffic situation.

It may be recommended to “move” forward a little and stop again to make sure that it is safe to continue driving. If a traffic jam has formed on the roadway, in no case should you go beyond the sign, even if the stop has already been made.

You should wait until it becomes obvious that passing through the intersection is possible, and only then move off.

Sometimes, in order to avoid such unpleasant situations, a symbol is placed on the road in advance, indicating the need to give way. It warns of approaching a place where it will be necessary to brake and stop.

An additional information plate indicates how many meters the driver will have to overcome before the STOP sign.

STOP control

A rather rare analogue of the graphic symbol "STOP" is the prohibitory sign "Control" (3.17.3). It obliges the driver of the vehicle to stop moving on the section of the roadway where there is a checkpoint.

It could be:

  • police post;
  • entrance to a road that is private property;
  • border zone;
  • zone where quarantine is introduced;
  • evacuation zone;
  • area in which the state of emergency is in effect.

Very often, the symbol 3.17.3 is unreasonably placed at the entrance to sea beaches and resorts. Therefore, each driver should be aware of the above cases for which this sign is intended.

When stopping by the traffic police, you should ask which of the points the installation of a graphic road object belongs to.

When drawing up a protocol for non-compliance with the ban, the decision can be appealed through the court, since in this case it will be unreasonable.

STOP line

This graphic road object is informational. It notifies the driver of the requirement for the driving mode in this section, indicating the place where braking should be done.

This symbol is a rectangle with a white background, on which the inscription "STOP" is printed in black in Cyrillic.

The sign is placed mainly in the following cases:

  • at unregulated crossings over railway tracks;
  • at intersections where traffic is controlled by a traffic light or a traffic controller.

The plate can be located directly on the traffic light pole, or on a separate holder, as well as above the traffic lane from above. The redundant function is performed by marking 1.12 "Stop line" applied to the coating.

This is a wide transverse strip, made of white paint with reflective properties, which limits the route of the car at the entrance to the intersection.

This object is necessary to reduce the probability, since it does not allow you to make an exit to where the transport is moving in a perpendicular direction.

If the green signal is lit for the driver, then it is not necessary to stop in front of these two road objects. When the traffic light regulation is turned off, the intersection becomes unregulated.

Here you should already be guided by the established priority signs: when you are on a secondary road, you need to look left and right, and let those who have an advantage pass.

Penalties for traffic violations

If a person sitting behind the wheel of a moving car ignores the requirement of the STOP road sign and does not stop moving along the roadway for at least a couple of seconds, this will be considered a violation.

Responsibility for such an act is provided for in Part 1. The traffic police inspector will issue a decision to impose a sanction on the driver in the form of a fine, the amount of which will be 500 rubles.

A person who has committed a violation on the territory of the capital or in St. Petersburg will be brought under Part 5 of Art. 12.19 of the code and will pay already 2000 rubles.

If, in case of non-compliance with the order of behavior prescribed by the sign, an obstacle is created for the normal movement of the rest of the transport, the punishment will be determined based on Part 4 of Art. 12.19 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

In this case, the violator will also have to pay the amount in 2000 rubles. In Moscow, as well as on the territory of St. Petersburg, such an action will be punishable by a fine of 3,000 rubles.

Part 2 contains punishment for non-compliance with the requirements of traffic rules on the need to make a stop in front of the sign "Stop line" or the corresponding markings 1.12. The driver who ignored these graphic objects will be punished with the amount 800 rubles.

We must not forget about the responsibility that the delay in paying the fine entails. By law, the entire amount must be transferred to the account of the Ministry of Internal Affairs no later than 60 days after the decision becomes legally binding.

In case of non-compliance with the deadline, a person may face:

  • double fine (while the obligation to pay the first remains);
  • appointment of compulsory works;
  • application of arrest.

If the driver is sure that he is right, he has 10 days to file a complaint with the court against the unreasonably issued decision by the inspector.

It is best to use a video camera in a controversial situation. mobile device to capture what's happening. So the person will be much more likely to defend his case in court.

If the decision is canceled and the case is dismissed, nothing will have to be paid. Moreover, the driver has every right to submit statement of claim to the judicial authorities, in which he may demand compensation for moral damage caused by the unfair actions of the police.

If the misconduct is obvious, the fine should be paid as soon as possible. According to the current code, if the driver manages to do this no later than 20 days from the issuance of the decision by the inspector, then he has the right to transfer only half of the amount. However, the fine will be considered paid in full.

In most Russian cities, traffic jams on the streets are a daily occurrence. One of the reasons for their formation is the departure of cars at intersections when this cannot be done.

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