Bitten by a spider - what to do at home. Harmless in appearance and deadly - a brown recluse spider Bitten by a recluse spider

The brown recluse spider, whose Latin name is Loxosceles reclusa, is a highly venomous arthropod.

The consequences of its bite can be extremely dangerous for human health. In this article, we will look at what a hermit spider looks like, what threatens its bite, and how to help the victim of its poison.

Appearance and dimensions

Recognizing a recluse spider is relatively easy:

  1. Despite the name, the body of Loxosceles reclusa is not always brown in color - it is gray or brown-yellow. The females of this species are slightly larger than the males.
  2. Representatives of this species of spiders have an unusual mark - a brown spot in the form of a violin. This is a feature of adult hermits, but sometimes it is also present in younger individuals.

    Did you know? Arachnophobia is the fear of representativessquad of spiders. This phobia is one of the most common in the world and affects approximately 10% of men and 50% of women. The severity of the phobia can vary in one direction or another.

  3. A clear difference between the brown hermit and other arachnoids is the number of eyes. He has only three pairs of them, while other spiders have four, that is, 8 pieces.
  4. In a calm state, the paws of the hermit are placed on the sides of the body, but in case of alarm, he immediately becomes in a protective position: he pulls his front legs under him, raises the pedipalps and straightens his hind limbs.
  5. The dorsal coloration of adult Loxosceles reclusa ranges from tan to dark brown.
  6. The belly and legs are evenly colored, without stripes or spots. The legs are long and thin, without noticeable spines. The abdomen is covered with fine, short hairs that, when viewed without magnification under a microscope, may appear as soft fur.
  7. The joints of the limbs are slightly lighter in color than the legs.

Where does it live

Loxosceles can be found almost all over the world in warm, tropical regions. This species is distributed in some areas of the United States of America (Southern California, Colorado, New Mexico).

The appearance of these spiders in other countries can happen by accident - they are transported along with cargo by air or across the ocean. In Russia and Ukraine, they have not yet been seen. In nature, brown recluse spiders live outdoors under rocks, logs, and wood debris.

The spider can also live in the same room with people. Hermits are resilient enough to temperature extremes to endure winters in unheated basements or suffocating summer heat in attics, going months without food or water.

During the daytime, brown recluse spiders usually hide in dark, secluded places, living up to their nickname. Adult females rarely travel far from their hiding place, while males and young females are more mobile and prone to long-distance travel.

Video: about the hermit spider It is they who often get into shoes, clothes or bed at night and bite people when there is an accidental contact between a spider and a person.

Occasionally, Loxosceles reclusa can be seen during the daytime moving on floors, walls and other open surfaces. This behavior may be caused by hunger, pesticide use, or other factors.

How it hunts and what it eats

Loxosceles reclusa hunts at night for insects. It does not use a web to capture prey - webs on walls, ceilings, bushes, or trees almost always belong to harmless spiders.

Their presence in the house is also unpleasant for many people, but these spiders also prey on brown recluses, thereby bringing benefits.

Loxosceles reclusa is a medium-sized spider, does not produce hunting nets, so it hunts prey in the classical way: it catches up, attacks, injects poison and immobilizes, killing the victim with poison.
The poison of the brown hermit is deadly to insects - it is a very toxic substance, the nature of which is not fully understood. Loxosceles reclusa hunts only for small insects, whose sizes are much smaller than its own.

Did you know? With the exception of one family (Uloboridae), all spiders are venomous. They use venom to forage for food and when they bite their prey, they constrict the venom glands, sending the venom through their fangs into the victim's body. Spider venom paralyzes prey.


Spiders lay their eggs on a bed of silk, which they prepare immediately after mating. As soon as the laying is finished, the female covers it with a large amount of cobwebs, which makes the cocoon dense and waterproof. Cocoons look like whitish rounded bags, the size of which does not exceed 7–8 mm.

Each cocoon contains about 40–50 eggs. After hatching, little spiderlings grow, gradually increasing in size, going through a molt five to eight times as they mature before reaching sexual maturity.
Loxosceles reclusa become adults about a year after birth, live from 2 to 4 years. Females lay up to 5 egg cocoons during their lifetime. The levels of infestation by these spiders in homes vary greatly, from the presence of one or a few specimens to several hundred.

Consequences and help with a bite

Like other spiders, the brown recluse is not aggressive. The bulk of accidents occur if a person accidentally crushes a spider and the arachnoid comes into contact with bare skin.

Some people may be bitten in bed, other bites occur when moving things and pieces of furniture, or when a person puts on clothes that the spider has recently chosen for its daytime shelter.

Loxosceles reclusa have very small mandibles and cannot bite a person through clothing. Initially, the bite is painless. Often the victim is not aware of the bite until after 3-8 hours the bitten area becomes reddened and swollen.
Most spider bites remain localized, with recovery occurring in 3 weeks without major complications or the need for medical attention.

In other cases, the victim may develop a necrotic lesion that appears as a dry bluish patch on the skin, with jagged edges, a pale center, and peripheral redness.

Often there is an ulcer inside the lesion. As the venom continues to destroy tissue, the wound may enlarge over several days or weeks.

In the case of the onset of subcutaneous fat necrosis, healing may take up to three years. Complications include local nerve injury and secondary infection. A necrotic ulcer leaves a deep scar after healing.

Often, bites in the early stages (in the first 72 hours) cause people to:

  • fever
  • chills;
  • dizziness;
  • rash;
  • vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • myalgia;
  • arthralgia;
  • maculopapular rash and leukocytosis.

Sometimes hemolytic anemia, hemoglobinuria and kidney failure develop, which can lead to death of a person. The wound must be washed, a sterile bandage and a cold compress applied.

Important!Severe reactions to Loxosceles reclusa venom are more common in children, the elderly, and patients in poor health.

The affected limb should be immobilized, it should be given an elevated position, if necessary, analgesics and antibiotics should be administered. Serum against spider poisoning is effective, but not allowed in all countries for use. The drug can be used only after the removal of inflammation.

Difficulties in diagnosis

Spider bites are difficult to diagnose even for doctors. It is especially difficult to do this, relying only on the appearance of the wound.

Outwardly, a necrotic wound is very similar to the consequences of other diseases:

  • bacterial and fungal infections;
  • gangrene;
  • diabetic or peptic ulcer;
  • an outbreak of the bacterial infectious disease Staphyloccus aureus.

Some time ago, a story about the invasion of spiders on the house of residents of Missouri (USA) made a lot of noise. An unpleasant neighbor turned out to be a brown hermit spider - a brazen and deadly creature. What circumstances preceded the invasion of almost 6 thousand small monsters remained a mystery, but he won this battle, evicting a person from his own home. How to identify a poisonous representative of arachnids and what threatens a meeting with him, we will tell you in more detail.

Let's get to know each other better

Describing the meeting, eyewitnesses often call him a large brown spider. But, as you know, fear has big eyes. In fact, the hermit or Loxosceles reclusa is not large in size - even taking into account the span of the legs, its length is 2 cm. The parameters of the body itself are 5–7 mm.

Why a hermit?

He is called a hermit for his desire for solitude and nocturnal lifestyle. You will not see his web on the ceiling or between plants. He builds a nest in secluded inaccessible places, he likes it to be dark and dry. These are solitary spiders that can live in groups, but do not need it at all. In addition, he is not tied to his fishing ground, going for prey, he goes far from the nest.

Distinctive features of the "portrait"

The brown hermit spider is easy to identify by its appearance, although in the photo it is somewhat reminiscent of a haymaker - a harmless and terribly shy creature.

The arthropod has a dirty brown or dark yellow color, almost uniform on the cephalothorax, abdomen, and legs. A distinctive feature is the pattern on the outside of the cephalothorax, reminiscent of a violin. The spider has long, widely spaced legs. The body is covered with short dense hairs.

There are several other features that distinguish the brown recluse spider from the large order of arachnids.

  1. In addition to the recognizable pattern, it has 3 pairs of eyes, and not 4, like other relatives.
  2. If you look closely, lighter spots are visible on the legs at the joints.
  3. Its web is disordered, sticky, whitish in color, does not have the usual radial pattern.
  4. If the hermit is disturbed, he instinctively assumes a threatening posture - he leans on his hind legs, pulls in his front paws, and raises the second pair (pedipalps).

Where is it found?

The homeland and traditional distribution area of ​​the brown recluse spider is the eastern regions of the United States, from here it migrates in the south and southwest direction of the mainland. There is evidence that Loxosceles reclusa was introduced to Australia. According to the climatic conditions of habitat, suitable regions are the Mediterranean, the subtropical zone of Eurasia. Fortunately, no dangerous arthropod has been seen here yet.

How to hunt?

The hermit is small in size, does not weave trapping nets, therefore it uses the only possible method of hunting - it kills the victim with the help of poison. It goes out in search of prey at night. Having found an insect or other spider, it attacks and quickly injects poison, immobilizing the victim. Death occurs instantly, since its poison is one of the most toxic substances, the nature of which is not fully understood.

Note! The venom of the spider Loxosceles reclusa is transparent and viscous. It contains dangerous enzymes that, getting under the skin, destroy cellular bonds, start the process of soft tissue death, and cause multiple inflammations.

Life cycle

Brown spiders from the genus Loxosceles are centenarians. The average life expectancy is 2-4 years, some specimens live up to 6 years. The female, before laying her eggs, weaves a dense cocoon. The number of eggs in a clutch is 40–50 pcs. The future offspring of the spider reliably guards, practically without leaving the nest, until juvenile spiders appear. Until the moment of reaching the sexually mature form, the cub molts up to 8 times, while shedding a dense chitinous shell.

Probability of meeting a person

Not only man tames nature, but our smaller brothers are also adapting to coexistence with civilization. So, the brown hermit spider gladly climbs into a dry, warm, and even better, an abandoned room. Probable meeting places with a dangerous arthropod are sheds, attics, empty summer houses, basements, woodpile. It enters houses through open windows and doors. Here it hides from human eyes behind radiators, skirting boards, paintings, between the wall and tightly pushed furniture.

An arthropod attacks when it feels threatened - they crushed it, stepped on it. Shows aggression, if the nest is destroyed, they will suddenly invade the shelter.

Note! In the States, the bite of this spider is not uncommon. Every year up to 7 thousand people suffer from representatives of the genus Loxosceles reclusa. In a third of them, the bite leads to serious consequences. Under unfavorable circumstances, a fatal outcome is possible.

The consequences of a bite

Those who are unlucky describe the bite of a recluse spider as a sharp, sudden prick, the pain of which quickly passes. According to initial sensations, it is easy to confuse it with a mosquito bite. It is rare that the victim immediately seeks help, since the consequences occur only after 6-8 hours. What symptoms appear?

  • Initially painless, after a few hours the bite begins to throb with acute pain.
  • The area of ​​damage swells, reddens, becomes hot.
  • Gradually, the redness and swelling intensifies, spreads - it is under the influence of the toxin that the lesion grows.
  • The head begins to hurt, weakness, nausea appear, the temperature may rise - symptoms of intoxication of the body.
  • A blister appears at the site of skin punctures, which then bursts, forming an ulcer.

It is at this stage that the victims, as a rule, seek medical help. If it is provided late, local necrosis (death) of tissues may occur. The bite site changes radically, turning into a wound, after two days.

Note! Necrosis is a severe, ugly outward wound, when, under the influence of poison, the flesh actually rots. More precisely, the poison provokes a secondary infection, multiple inflammations that disable the vital systems of the body. The treatment of such complications after the bite of a hermit spider takes from 3-6 months to 3 years. A visible scar remains at the site of injury.

According to doctors, this poison is so strong that death does not occur only because of a tiny dose of the toxin. But if it enters the body of an allergic person, a child, a person with weak immunity, the outcome is unpredictable.

Urgent care

  1. The wound should be washed with soap and cold water, disinfected with an antiseptic.
  2. Try to squeeze out poison from a skin puncture.
  3. To slow the spread of the toxin, apply ice to the bite from time to time.
  4. Above the affected area, it is recommended to apply a tight bandage or tourniquet.
  5. You can take an antibiotic, drink an antiallergic drug.

These are only emergency measures that do not cancel a visit to the doctor. At least for insurance purposes.

Potential Hazard Precautions

The possibility of being bitten by a brown spider can be minimized if precautions are taken.

  • Examine clothes, shoes before putting on, bed before going to bed.
  • Wear gloves when cleaning the premises, working in the yard, garden.
  • Do not litter residential, utility rooms with empty boxes, unnecessary things, paper, rags.
  • Install mosquito nets on windows and keep doors closed.
  • "Do not breed" in the house of flies, mosquitoes and other insects that attract arachnid hunters.

And finally. Before you go to an unfamiliar country, take an interest in its poisonous fauna.

Features of recluse spider bite aid:

Gangrenous ecthyma.

Necrotizing cabbage soup and vasculitis. Necrotizing fasciitis.

Gangrenous pyoderma.

Nodular polyarteritis.


For the effective treatment of most bites, only supportive measures are sufficient.

Mild localized reactions are treated with ice, cold wet compresses, elevation of the bite site, and mild analgesics. Cold limits sphingomyelinase D. Necrotic areas of the skin require the usual local treatment of wounds and ulcers. Surgical debridement is usually not needed.

■ Antibiotics and tetanus toxoid are prescribed according to indications.

To prevent severe necrosis, dapsone is given at a dose of 50-100 mg/day orally.

■ Data on the use of systemic steroids are inconsistent.


A sufficiently high degree of suspicion of a bite is needed to make an appropriate diagnosis.

■ Brown recluse bites can cause a severe dermal necrosis reaction that can be mistaken for other systemic diseases.

A characteristic dark violin-shaped mark is located on the back of the spider. The wide base of the "violin" is located closer to the head, and the neck of the "violin" points in the direction of the abdomen.

Gardeners, summer residents, tourists and travelers often encounter representatives of arachnids - spiders that hide in old pantries, in dry grass, in tree crevices. By accidentally disturbing their habitat, you can provoke a bite. Spider venom can cause local swelling and pain, a severe allergic reaction, and in the event of an attack by a hermit or karakurt, general intoxication of the body and even death. How to determine the degree of damage and what to do if bitten by a spider?

How dangerous is a spider bite

Spiders are predatory insects, each of them can be called poisonous, since the poison helps them defend themselves and get their own food.

The poison of a large spider can cause serious damage to health, while small representatives of arthropods, as a rule, do not pose a danger. Due to their size, they are not able to damage the skin, and the dose of their poison will not be enough for a person to feel its effect on the body.

Among the dangerous spiders, the following types are most common:

  1. Karakurt (black widow) - lives in the forest-steppe zone, on the slopes of rocky ravines, in fields and wastelands. Likes dry sheds and cellars. It is found in the countries of Central Asia, in Kyrgyzstan, in the south of Europe and Russia. The body of the karakurt is smooth, black, without hairline, relatively small. A distinctive feature is the characteristic red-orange spots on the back. This representative of arthropods is deadly. The venom of the female karakurt is extremely toxic, its components cause pathological changes in soft tissues and have a neurotoxic effect, followed by paralysis of the nervous system. The black widow poses the greatest danger to children, pregnant women and the elderly, a fatal outcome is likely in patients with severe concomitant diseases. A bite to the face, neck or lip can cause severe swelling of the mucous membranes, which is fraught with serious complications.
  2. Brown Recluse - It can be found in tree roots, under rocks, in basements and garages, behind furniture and baseboards. There are representatives of this species in the United States of America. The body of the hermit is not always brown, there are yellow and even gray ones. Their distinguishing feature is the pattern on the back in the form of a violin. Such spiders do not show aggression towards humans, however, if you accidentally disturb its habitat, the insect will begin to defend itself. The danger of the poison lies in its hemolytic effect - it causes soft tissue necrosis with penetration into the internal organs.
  3. Yellow spider Sak - weaves web bags under stones and logs. Lives in most European countries. Despite its small size, its bite is extremely dangerous, as it causes tissue death at the injection site.
  4. Brazilian wandering spider - does not weave a web, hides in crevices, under logs and stones, as well as in fruit boxes and in people's dwellings (including old blankets). Found in the southern regions of America. Poison can provoke a severe allergic reaction. And in a fragile child's body will cause severe consequences (up to death).
  5. Birdeater - lives in the crowns of trees, shrubs and in burrows. Found in Africa, South America, Italy and Spain. All its subspecies are poisonous, but the degree of toxicity of their poison is very small.

    Tarantulas are often kept at home as exotic pets.

  6. Steatoda - lives in forests, in crevices of trees and in hollows. It is a close relative of karakurt, found in Asia, Europe and America. It has a black or dark brown color with characteristic light spots on the back. Attacks a person rarely, only in case of self-defense. The venom contains neurotoxins that can cause partial paralysis.
  7. Tarantula - found in the steppe, desert and other arid places, as well as in the forest-steppe zone. Found in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Russia. Tarantula venom does not have a lethal effect, despite the fact that this spider is considered one of the largest representatives of arachnids. With a bite, violations of the nervous and cardiovascular systems are possible.

Black widow, tarantula, steatoda, tarantula, Sak, Brazilian wanderer and other poisonous spider species - photo gallery

Yellow spider Sak
Brazilian wandering spider
brown recluse spider
Karakurt, or Black Widow

Non-dangerous spiders include:

  • common cross - it is distributed throughout the world, its bites do not harm a person;
  • house spider - live in the crevices of windows and walls, indoors, their bites do not cause severe intoxication of the body;
  • an ordinary horse - they are found in gardens and summer cottages, they like to bask in the sun and are not at all dangerous for humans;
  • flower side walker - live in flowers and feed on insects, cases of human bites are not described;
  • knitter spider - they build cobwebs near the water, they do not pose a danger to humans.

Brownie, cross and other spiders harmless to humans - photo gallery

flower sidewalk
Spider knitter
brown house spider
Common cross

Consequences and manifestations of a bite

Suspecting a bite, first of all, one should try to determine whether it was inflicted by a spider and what kind of arthropod could attack.

Local clinical manifestations have certain similarities regardless of the type of spider. They are presented:

  • pain of varying degrees of intensity;
  • severe redness of the skin;
  • swelling, burning and itching in the area of ​​​​the bite.

Initially, only the bites of the hermit spider are painless, swelling and itching appear only on the second day, after which an ulcer and a black scab (spot) form in the damaged area.

Other characteristic symptoms of a spider bite include:

  • rash on the body;
  • rise in temperature to critical levels;
  • intense headaches until loss of consciousness;
  • increased heart rate and heart rate, jumps in blood pressure;
  • muscle spasms and even cramps;
  • general weakness with increased sweating;
  • ache in the joints;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • anxiety, overexcitation and delirium;
  • uncharacteristic color of urine;
  • pain in the abdomen and chest.

Pain in the right side, as with appendicitis, with numbness of the bite area are characteristic of the attack of karakurt. A bluish puncture site surrounded by white and red rings is a sign of a recluse attack.

If you are allergic to spider venom, you may experience:

  • swelling in the bite area;
  • difficulty breathing up to suffocation;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • anaphylactic shock.

The general morbid condition and local manifestations of intoxication persist for a week, after which a small scar remains at the site of injury, which becomes invisible over time. However, in the event of an attack by a dangerous poisonous spider, the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bite may become dead. Tissue necrosis is sometimes complicated by infection, as a result of which its length increases, and the healing process stretches for months.


First aid at home

At the time of first aid, as well as with the bites of non-dangerous spiders, you can alleviate the effects of intoxication at home. For this, the following algorithm of action is provided:

  1. In order not to bring an infection into the wound, the bite site must be washed with running water and soap, and then lubricated with an antiseptic solution.
  2. In order for the poison, along with the blood, to be more slowly transferred throughout the body, the bitten limb (leg / arm) should be fixed and immobilized. It is strictly forbidden to take a hot bath - heat, expanding blood vessels, will contribute to the spread of poison.
  3. With the help of a pressure bandage, it is necessary to localize the site of the spread of the poison, pulling the damaged area just above the bite. In this case, the material must not be tightened too much, otherwise the general blood supply to the tissues will be disturbed.
  4. Apply ice or any cold compress to the bite.
  5. It is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible - this will speed up the elimination of toxins from the body.
  6. With a slight allergy to spider venom, you can take an antihistamine, for example, Suprastin or Tavegil.

If a child or an elderly person has been bitten, or the condition of the victim is rapidly deteriorating, it is urgent to consult a surgeon. Immediate medical attention should also be resorted to when there is a suspicion that the attacker is a hermit spider or karakurt. Treatment in this case will be provided by the introduction of antivenom.

Relieve signs and symptoms

As part of the hospital, immediately after the attack of dangerous spiders, a specific serum is introduced for medicinal purposes to prevent severe intoxication of the body.

Further drug therapy depends on the degree of damage and the individual's response to a toxic poison. It may include treatment with the following drugs:

  • calcium gluconate - an intravenous solution with mandatory cardiac monitoring will quickly relieve the patient of pain;
  • glucocorticosteroids - hormonal agents will help in the treatment of a severe allergic reaction to the toxic spider venom;
  • antihistamines of local and general action - ointments and tablets will reduce swelling, relieve itching and burning in the bite area;
  • antibacterial ointments - necessary for the treatment of ulcerated areas.

With soft tissue necrosis, surgical intervention is indicated to excise the damaged area.

Folk remedies and homeopathy

Spider bites without severe complications can be treated with folk remedies. For example:

  • parsley or tea tree juice will help relieve irritation and itching - a couple of drops to the puncture site;
  • An infusion of crushed garlic with vinegar can reduce pain.

In homeopathy, there is a remedy - Latrodectus mactans, which can be taken as an adjunct to general detoxification therapy.

Precautionary measures

In most cases, spiders attack a person for the purpose of self-defense, therefore, first of all, you should not provoke an insect into self-defense: you cannot pick them up, play with cobwebs, or stir up their home.

To avoid accidental encounters with arthropods, you can follow the following recommendations:

  • when relaxing in nature, it is necessary to wear clothing that covers all parts of the body and use a headdress;
  • before going to bed, you should carefully inspect the tent and use a special canopy that needs to be tucked under the bed;
  • in dachas and gardens, it is recommended to carefully inspect clothes and shoes before putting them on;
  • you can’t walk without shoes in forest glades and in the habitats of spiders;
  • at home, it is better to use plastic containers for storing things, rather than cardboard boxes, which spiders can easily get into;
  • the premises must be kept clean, in this case, spiders are less likely to hide;
  • in dark corners, you can hang glue traps or apply an insecticidal spray, such as Bros aerosol to control spiders or Raid to instantly kill insects.

Brown recluse spider bite - video

To avoid a poisonous spider bite, you need to take precautions both at home and in nature. And if an attack occurs, you should immediately provide emergency assistance and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

The brown recluse is one of the most venomous spiders in the world. It belongs to scientists to the arthropods of the order of spiders, the family Sicariidae. The genus that this spider belongs to is called Loxosceles.

Poisonous spiders are the most terrible animals for us. They quietly steal up and can strike what is called "in the back." Who would want to become a victim of this eight-legged creature? Probably few who want it!

If a person still happened to be bitten by this insidious creature, then tissue necrosis occurs at the site of the bite, which is deadly!

What does this little eight-legged monster look like?

The size of this hermit spider is small. If he spreads his legs, then their span is from 6 to 20 millimeters. It is not always possible to even notice this deadly spider right away. The females are larger than the males.

The body color is predominantly brown. But there are also yellow and gray representatives of this species. On the upper part of the cephalothorax, the hermit spider has something resembling a violin.

A distinctive feature of this species is the presence of only 6 eyes, instead of 8. The abdominal part and legs are covered with small hairs.

In what part of the world can we expect this creature to attack? In other words, where does the brown recluse spider live?

The territories of his residence are considered: the middle west of the United States. Further, the range goes south - to the Gulf of Mexico. But the state of California was not included in the list of his "homes", although representatives of arachnids similar to the brown spider live there.

Recluse spider lifestyle

Brown recluse spiders are nocturnal predators. Like most spiders, they weave spider webs into which prey is caught.

Almost the rest of the day, except at night, they sit in secluded places - among the roots, under stones, in the minks of rodents. But sometimes they become close "neighbors" of people, which is a very dangerous circumstance for the latter.

What does an insidious spider eat?

All living things that fall into his web and become food for him. Basically, its prey is insects, as well as other spiders.

Reproduction of poisonous "hermits"

In secluded places, away from prying eyes, the female brown recluse spider lays eggs. The eggs are in a whitish bag, "woven" by the female personally from the web, the size of which can reach 7.5 millimeters in diameter. During one mating season, 30 to 50 eggs are laid.

Young individuals born into the world undergo many molts before reaching adulthood. Each molt for a spider is a very unpleasant and even painful condition. Maybe that's why some spiders are so mean and bite so hard?

In their natural environment, brown recluse spiders live up to two to four years.

A week later…

How to protect yourself from the bite of a hermit spider?

In fact, these eight-legged creatures are not at all aggressive, they themselves rarely attack for no reason. But if you disturb the spider... for example, when he climbed into the linen, and you started cleaning... then you should not expect mercy - he bites so bites!

Immediately after the bite of a brown spider, tissue necrosis occurs, that is, their necrosis. As a rule, an adult healthy person with strong immunity, except for an unpleasant wound, is not in danger, of course, if you see a doctor in time. But little children and elderly people, as well as sick people, were less fortunate. Their body is not able to easily resist the toxins contained in the spider's venom. Therefore, there were cases with a fatal outcome.

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