Ternopil State Medical University. City portal of Ternopil: Universities of Ternopil: Ternopil State Medical University. Gorbachevskiy (Tgmu). Honorary Doctors and Alumni

I.Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University ranks third in Ukraine among higher medical educational institutions of the IVth level of accreditation in accordance with the latest version of the ranking list of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.In the latest ranking list of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine I.Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University.

Almost 600 foreign students from 35 countries study at the university.

Teaching languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian.

Cooperation agreements were signed with universities in 7 countries of the world.

12 years of experience teaching medicine in English.

International Faculty of Ternopil State Medical University

Employees of the Faculty of Foreign Students: 8 professors, 30 associate professors, 17 associate professors, 1 senior laboratory assistant, 3 laboratory assistants.

Currently, the University has the right to enroll and train 100 students in the preparatory department and 500 students in accredited specialties annually.

About 50% of the teaching staff of TSMU have certificates of English proficiency and 80% of foreign students study General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Nursing in English.

T he faculty of foreign students 5 departments, Institute of Nursing and Preparatory Department. Four new departments (Department of Surgery No 2, Department of Therapy No 2, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No 2, Department of Pediatrics No 2) were created to improve organizational and educational work among foreign students; they started to teach international students exclusively from September 1, 2009. The newly created led departments were chaired by a PhD and all departments are fully staffed with English speaking teachers who hold Level 1 English language certificates. The departments have prepared all materials to prepare students for practical exercises, presentations, lectures, syllabuses and guidelines in English and Russian, as well as at least 250 questions for daily tests in the Moodle system for each practical lesson in both languages.

The new departments are fully equipped. Computer classes are functioning, all departments are connected to the Internet, equipped with the necessary phantoms, models and other sets for mastering practical skills. The first foreign students got enrolled at Ternopil State Medical Academy in September 1997. Since then, their number at our university has been steadily growing: in the academic year 2014/2015, over 1,500 foreign students from about 60 countries were educated at Ternopil State Medical University.

Along with the departments that belong to the Faculty of International Students, the international students have classes in all other departments of the University, which belong to the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, and Faculty of Pharmacy. All these departments have English-speaking specialists. Of all the disciplines studied by foreign students, they have methodological support in English and Russian, such as materials for preparing for practical classes, presentations, lectures, teaching materials for students, practical skills algorithms, teaching materials for teachers. All of these materials are available in both print and computer versions, to which students have free access 24/7 via the Internet.
The Institute of Nursing trains nurses in the specialty "Nursing" of the educational qualification level of the junior specialist, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science, Specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics" of the educational qualification level of the Bachelor of Science. The Institute of Nursing operates the International School of Nursing. Students from the United States, Nigeria, Zambia, Ghana and other countries are being trained here in the field of nursing.
The curricula and programs for teaching international students at the Institute of Nursing are identical to those of the University of South Carolina School of Nursing. Consequently, graduates of the International School of Nursing get jobs in Europe and the United States after passing the relevant exams.
In 2009, the Institute of Nursing introduced a new form of education - distance learning - for the Bachelorof Science education level nursing specialty. For this form of education, the university received permission from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, created Internet resources and currently has about 200 foreign students from the US and Canada studying in distance learning. On July 10, 2011 the first graduate distance learning program was held at International Career Consulting, Inc. in NYC. Currently, almost all graduates of distance learning Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs have been recognized in the United States by assessment agencies that belong to the National Association of Credential Assessment Services, as well as in the hospitals where our graduates work.
The preparatory department of the university is also part of the faculty of foreign students. Every year, about 100 students study here. Most students study Ukrainian. The teachers of the preparatory department are highly qualified linguists who have received or are about to receive their PhDs.
Teachers of the preparatory department have published a Ukrainian language textbook for students of the preparatory department and are preparing another textbook for the Russian language. Every year, students of the preparatory department take part and win prizes in interuniversity competitions for the best knowledge of the Ukrainian language.

SHEI "Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Ya. Gorbachevsky of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine"
(State Higher Educational Institution "TSMU named after I.Ya.Gorbachevsky Ministry of Health of Ukraine")
original name Ukrainian DVNZ "Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Y. Gorbachev Ministry of Health Protection of Ukraine"
Motto Cogitare et bonum facere
Year of foundation
Rector Kovalchuk Leonid Akimovich
students 3500
Foreign students 1500
The doctors 89
professors 79
Location Ukraine Ukraine, Ternopil
Legal address 46001, Ternopil, Maydan Volya, 1, tel. (0352) 52-44-92, fax (0352) 52-41-83, e-mail: [email protected]
Website tdmu.edu.ua
Related images at Wikimedia Commons

Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Ya. Gorbachevsky of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (ukr. DVNZ "Ternopil State Medical University named after I.Ya. Gorbachev Ministry of Health Protection of Ukraine" listen)) is a higher medical educational institution in Ternopil, Ukraine.

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    ✪ Ternopil State Medical University named after I Ya Gorbachevsky, TDMU - 55 years

    ✪ Ternopil State Medical University named after I Ya Gorbachevskiy, TDMU named after Gorbachevskiy



Ternopil State Medical Institute with a medical faculty was organized by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR dated April 12. In 1992, by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 1, 1992 No. 363, the Institute was named after the outstanding scientist, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a native of the Ternopil region Ivan Yakovlevich Gorbachevsky. On January 30, 1997, according to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 92, the institute received the status of a medical academy. According to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 17, 2004 No. 831-r, by order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated December 2, 2004 No. 596, the academy was reorganized into Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Ya. Gorbachevsky.

Ternopil State Medical University named after I. Ya. Gorbachevsky is headed by Korda Mikhail Mikhailovich, doctor of medical sciences, professor.

The main stages of the development of the university

  • in 1961, for the first time, 203 doctors graduated with a diploma from the Ternopil Medical Institute;
  • in 1994 the institute was accredited according to the IV level of accreditation;
  • in 1995, the Faculty of Nursing was opened to train specialists in the specialties "Nursing" and "Laboratory Diagnostics". In 2000, it was reorganized into the faculty of undergraduate and junior medical specialists, and since September 2002 - into the medical college of the academy. On October 4, 2005, the TSMU Medical College was reorganized into the Educational and Scientific Institute of Nursing;
  • Since 1997, the publishing house "Ukrmedkniga" has been functioning, which has become the base for the CMC for WMO of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
  • Since 1997, in all courses, as well as in clinical residency, the training of foreign citizens has begun, since 2000, the preparatory department for foreign citizens has been functioning. Introduced teaching in English. As of October 1, 2012, 1166 foreign students from more than 60 countries of the world are studying at the university.
  • in 2000, for the first time, admission was made to the Faculty of Pharmacy, which began training pharmacists, since 2001, the faculty has been training future clinical pharmacists, since 2003 - cosmetologists;
  • in 2004, the training of specialists in the specialty "Dentistry" began. In 2009, the first graduation of dentists was held.
  • in 2004, the house of the Gorbachevsky family was renovated in the village. Zarubintsy, Zbarazhsky district, where the estate-museum of I. Ya. Gorbachevsky was organized.

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Academician I. Ya. Gorbachevsky, a monument to the scientist was erected near the morphological building.

  • Since 2006, a graduated nursing education has been introduced. Since September 2009, the training of bachelor nurses in distance learning has begun.
  • in 2010, licenses were obtained for the right to train students "Medical and preventive work" (educational qualification level specialist) and "Biology" (educational qualification level bachelor);
  • in 2012, a license was obtained for the right to train students in the direction of "Human Health" (educational qualification level bachelor);

Scientific schools are developing at the university: surgeons (corresponding member of NAMS of Ukraine, prof. L. A. Kovalchuk), infectious disease specialists (corresponding member of NAMS of Ukraine, prof. M. A. Andreichin), pediatricians (corresponding member of NAMS of Ukraine Prof. I. S. Smiyan, Prof. O. E. Fedortsiv, Prof. N. V. Banadiga), pharmacologists (Prof. M. P. Skakun, Prof. K. A. Posokhova), morphologists (Prof. Ya. I. Fedonyuk, Prof. K. S. Volkov, Prof. M. S. Gnatyuk).

Institutes and faculties

  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Faculty of International Students
  • Educational and Scientific Institute of Morphology
  • Educational and Scientific Institute of Biomedical Problems
  • M. P. Skakun Educational and Scientific Institute of Pharmacology, Hygiene and Medical Biochemistry
  • Educational and Scientific Institute for Modeling and Analysis of Pathological Processes
  • Educational and Scientific Institute of Nursing
  • Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education

Honorary Doctors and Alumni

  • Antoniv Vasily Fedorovich - Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
  • Chekan Ivan Sergeevich - Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology of the Bogomolets National Medical University.
  • Tsymbalyuk Vitaliy Ivanovich - Academician of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, Deputy Director of the Institute of Neurosurgery named after Academician A.P. Romodanov of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Neurosurgery of the National Medical University named after A.A. Bogomolets.
  • Sitar Leonid Lukich - Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Surgical Treatment of Aortic Pathology of the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after Academician N. M. Amosov of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.
  • Seimivsky Daniil Antonovich - Professor, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Pediatric Urology of the Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Chief Pediatric Urologist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
  • Maltsev Vladimir Ivanovich (09.06.1948-23.05.2008) - Minister of Health of Ukraine (1994), Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical Research of the State Pharmacological Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Therapy and Rheumatology of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. L. Shupyk.
  • Drogovoz Svetlana Mefodievna - Professor, Honored Worker of Public Education of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Pharmacology of the National University of Pharmacy.
  • Miner Miroslav Yaroslavovich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Ternopil University Hospital.

e-mail: [email protected] website
Admission Committee (tel.): (0352) 25-46-61, 25-15-72
Free education:
[there is]
Paid training:
[there is]
Postgraduate education:
[there is]
Postgraduate, doctoral studies:
[there is]
Military department:
[there is]
[there is]
Preparatory Department:
UPE preparation courses:
general information
Type of educational institution:
Type of ownership:
Accreditation level:
Tuition per year (UAH):
from 9980 to 16700 (bachelor), from 10300 to 18220 (specialist)
Form of study:
Qualification level:
junior specialist, bachelor, specialist, master
Number of students:
Number of applications per seat of licensed volume:
Number of applications for one place of the state order:
Average score of UPE applicants:
The average score of the certificate of applicants:
Areas of training

Ternopil State Medical University. Gorbachevsky (TSMU) trains bachelors in the following areas:

The medicine.


Laboratory diagnostics
Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Biology. 3. Physics or mathematics*;
Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Biology. 3. Chemistry or physics*.

Information about the university

general information

Training is carried out in 10 specialties.

More than 3,200 students study at the university, including about 500 foreign citizens from 28 countries of the world. Introduced teaching in English.

Ternopil State Medical University. Gorbachevsky (TSMU) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

Ternopil State Medical University. Gorbachevsky (TSMU) was founded in 1957 as the Ternopil State Medical Institute; in 1992, the Institute was named after Academician Ivan Yakovlevich Gorbachevsky, a native of the Ternopil region; in 1994, the institute was accredited for level IV; in 1997 - received the status of a medical academy, in 2004 - a university.

Ternopil State Medical University has 5 faculties - medical, dental, pharmaceutical, foreign students and postgraduate education, uniting 41 departments.

In Ternopil State Medical University, on the basis of theoretical departments, there are 5 educational and scientific institutes:
Institute of Morphology, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Institute of Pharmacology, Hygiene and Medical Biochemistry named after MP Skakun, Institute of Modeling and Analysis of Pathological Processes, Institute of Nursing.

Training is carried out in 10 specialties.

Forms of education: full-time, evening (for bachelors), by state order and on a contract basis.

More than 3,200 students study at the university, including about 500 foreign citizens from 28 countries of the world. Introduced teaching in English.

Among the 549 scientific and pedagogical workers of the Ternopil State Medical University, two thirds are its graduates. 86 doctors of sciences, professors and 297 candidates of sciences, associate professors work at 41 departments, including 3 corresponding members. NAMS of Ukraine, 9 Honored Workers of Science and Technology, 2 Honored Workers of Education, 1 Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, 3 Honored Inventors, 3 Honored Doctors of Ukraine.

Based on the experience gained from American and European higher medical educational institutions, Ternopil State Medical University introduced a new form of organizing the educational process on a credit-modular system using "one day" methods, lines of practical skills, practice-oriented Z-system of education, semester test control knowledge of students by an independent university testing center, a network training system based on Internet technologies, which is an analogue of the modern European system (Vienna Medical University) and is fundamentally different from that adopted in other Ukrainian universities.

The introduction of an independent university-wide testing center eliminated the possibility of corruption at the Ternopil State Medical University.

Material and technical base of Ternopil State Medical University

Over the past 13 years, the material and technical base of the Ternopil State Medical University has been cardinally strengthened. All departments, a library with 4 reading rooms and branches at all clinical departments and educational and scientific institutes have been computerized, a computer center has been organized, 32 computer classes with access to the Internet. A publishing house "Ukrmedkniga" was created with its own printing complex, which provided Ukrainian-language textbooks and manuals for higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine of III-IV levels of accreditation by 60%, and I-II levels of accreditation - by 80%.

Training is carried out in 10 specialties.

More than 3,200 students study at the university, including about 500 foreign citizens from 28 countries of the world. Introduced teaching in English.

general information

Training is carried out in 10 specialties.

More than 3,200 students study at the university, including about 500 foreign citizens from 28 countries of the world. Introduced teaching in English.

Ternopil State Medical University. Gorbachevsky (TSMU) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

Ternopil State Medical University. Gorbachevsky (TSMU) was founded in 1957 as the Ternopil State Medical Institute; in 1992, the Institute was named after Academician Ivan Yakovlevich Gorbachevsky, a native of the Ternopil region; in 1994, the institute was accredited for level IV; in 1997 - received the status of a medical academy, in 2004 - a university.

Ternopil State Medical University has 5 faculties - medical, dental, pharmaceutical, foreign students and postgraduate education, uniting 41 departments.

In Ternopil State Medical University, on the basis of theoretical departments, there are 5 educational and scientific institutes:

Institute of Morphology, Institute of Biomedical Problems, Institute of Pharmacology, Hygiene and Medical Biochemistry named after MP Skakun, Institute of Modeling and Analysis of Pathological Processes, Institute of Nursing.

Training is carried out in 10 specialties.

Forms of education: full-time, evening (for bachelors), by state order and on a contract basis.

More than 3,200 students study at the university, including about 500 foreign citizens from 28 countries of the world. Introduced teaching in English.

Among the 549 scientific and pedagogical workers of the Ternopil State Medical University, two thirds are its graduates. 86 doctors of sciences, professors and 297 candidates of sciences, associate professors work at 41 departments, including 3 corresponding members. NAMS of Ukraine, 9 Honored Workers of Science and Technology, 2 Honored Workers of Education, 1 Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, 3 Honored Inventors, 3 Honored Doctors of Ukraine.

Based on the experience gained from American and European higher medical educational institutions, Ternopil State Medical University introduced a new form of organizing the educational process on a credit-modular system using "one day" methods, lines of practical skills, practice-oriented Z-system of education, semester test control knowledge of students by an independent university testing center, a network training system based on Internet technologies, which is an analogue of the modern European system (Vienna Medical University) and is fundamentally different from that adopted in other Ukrainian universities.

The introduction of an independent university-wide testing center eliminated the possibility of corruption at the Ternopil State Medical University.

Material and technical base of Ternopil State Medical University

Over the past 13 years, the material and technical base of the Ternopil State Medical University has been cardinally strengthened. All departments, a library with 4 reading rooms and branches at all clinical departments and educational and scientific institutes have been computerized, a computer center has been organized, 32 computer classes with access to the Internet. A publishing house "Ukrmedkniga" was created with its own printing complex, which provided Ukrainian-language textbooks and manuals for higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine of III-IV levels of accreditation by 60%, and I-II levels of accreditation - by 80%.

Training is carried out in 10 specialties.

More than 3,200 students study at the university, including about 500 foreign citizens from 28 countries of the world. Introduced teaching in English.

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