How does the heir to the throne of the Arab Emirates. The most expensive and extreme Instagram of the Arab Prince of Dubai Hamdan Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed

Reminds me of a real fairy tale. It is generally accepted that they bathe in luxury, without denying themselves anything. Comfortable planes, yachts, cars for the heirs to the throne in the UAE are a familiar and ordinary phenomenon. They can have fun as they please. However, the older generation of royal dynasties instills in their offspring not only a love for pompous recreation, but also develops in them a talent for wise government in the state so that it prospers every year, and its inhabitants feel secure and happy.

It was in this vein that the 33-year-old Prince Hamdan was brought up. He prefers an active lifestyle, skillfully distributing time between public affairs and his hobbies. Perhaps this is the secret of the fact that today the Principality of Dubai is an economic miracle of the 21st century? Thanks to whom could it appear on the territory of the UAE? Naturally, thanks to the competent policy of the ruling elite. And, of course, Dubai has made its contribution to this process. How does he manage to properly combine work and leisure so that there is enough time for both? Let's consider this question in more detail.

History of the dynasty

Not many people know that the mentioned Prince of Dubai is the son of the Arab Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum. The heir's father is the Prime Minister and Vice President of the Emirates. Historiographers claim that the sheikh's genealogy originates from the ancient tribes of the Bani Yas, who lived in the areas where the cities of Abu Dhabi and Dubai are currently located.

The Arab principality of Dubai was founded by Sheikh Maktun bin Butta in 1833. Since then, this ancient family has ruled it.

Curriculum vitae

The thirty-three-year-old Prince of Dubai was born on November 14, 1982. It should be noted that he is not the only heir in the family. Sheikh Hamdan has 9 sisters and 6 brothers. At home, the boy studied at one of the private colleges.

He spent the years of his youth in Western Europe, namely in Great Britain, where he received an excellent education. First, the prince of Dubai gnawed at the granite of science at the military school of the army, located in the English Sankhdhurst. He then graduated from the College of Economics in London and upon his return home from the School of Administration in Dubai.

State activity

Prince Sheikh Hamdan of Dubai took control of the principality on February 1, 2008, after his older brother "abdicated". In fairness, it should be noted that the parents assumed a similar outcome of the case, so they prepared the offspring in advance for the fact that he would take the reins of the principality into his own hands.

And the Prince of Dubai, Hamdan, justified the hopes placed on him: he is actively involved in the political life of his native country, trying not to miss a single congress and summit.

Back in 2006, he was offered the position of head of the Executive Council of the Emirate. The duties of the young man included the supervision and supervision of government agencies. In this responsible position, the Crown Prince of Dubai, Hamdan, developed and proposed to his colleagues to adopt a strategic plan for the development of the Emirate for the coming years, which was done. The young manager showed his business qualities in another position - the head of the Sports Council of the Emirate of Dubai. He was also entrusted to lead the Institute of Young Entrepreneurs.

Social projects

Sheikh Hamdan devotes a lot of time to solving social problems. In particular, he funds several programs aimed at helping children and animals, often attending charity events. The crown prince even heads a specialized autism center in the Emirates.

Despite the high position and social status occupied in society, Sheikh Hamdan in life is a modest person who does not boast of his regalia and merits. That is why he has earned great prestige among the people.


Dubai Hamdan has a lot of hobbies. He loves to surf the Persian Gulf on scooters and water skis. Also, the young man is interested in the underwater world, practicing scuba diving with pleasure.

Not everyone knows that the sheikh prefers to spend time falconry. He likes skydiving. He, as a rule, is engaged in this business over the artificial island of Prince, he has long been no stranger to jumping - long months of training have an effect.


In addition, the heir to the throne in Dubai once tested the ultra-modern aircraft JETLEV-FLYER, which works in the air thanks to the power of giant water jets. The young man was able to rise up and “soar” against the backdrop of the famous seven-star hotel called Burj al Arab. Sheikh Hamdan loves to get a good dose of adrenaline from time to time.

The heir to the throne, among other things, an experienced horse rider. He participated in horse racing many times and won prizes at prestigious competitions on numerous occasions. In particular, the Sheikh won first place at the Asian Olympic Games.

He spends fabulous money on the purchase of camels, honoring the Bedouin traditions.

And, of course, the royal offspring cannot do without travel. However, he is more interested in extreme tourism. So, the Prince of Dubai has already traveled to the African continent, where he hunted lions with a photo gun. He also visited the Russian Federation. In our country, he got acquainted with the traditions of falconry in more detail.

Romantic and altruist

Another unusual hobby of Sheikh Hamdan is versification. The young man inherited it from his father. The prince composes on romantic and patriotic themes. He creates his poems under the pseudonym Fazza ("success in everything"). Moreover, his talent as a poet has already been noted by the public.

The sphere of hobbies of the heir to the throne of Dubai also includes doing good deeds, that is, helping people. He is one of the participants in the creation of the "Society without Borders" structure, the purpose of which is to provide support to people with disabilities.

Back in 2006, the prince initiated the Integration Project, which was supposed to help members of society with disabilities to facilitate integration into the social environment.

The Sheikh has also taken care of improving road safety by toughening the penalties for those drivers who ignore the rules of the road. In this case, persistent violators will be deprived of a driver's license for up to 6 months.

Relationships with the opposite sex

Of course, the crown prince of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan, is the dream of any girl, and if you consider that he is charming, handsome and smart, then a whole queue of the fairer sex will line up in an attempt to win his heart. However, Eastern men are wayward, temperamental, and the heir to the throne is no exception.

At the same time, the young man keeps secret the features of his personal life. And girls would give a lot to find out who the wife of the Prince of Dubai is? Earlier, the press wrote that the heart of the "heir to the throne" was not occupied by anyone.

Also, the media mentioned that the sheikh makes rather strict requirements for his potential chosen one, these are the traditions of the East. However, religion allows the sheikh to have as many wives as he wants, so talking about his love interests is quite difficult. Formally, women in the Emirates are not infringed on their rights, but still they dominate here, so the wife is obliged to unquestioningly obey her husband.

And yet, after some time, he revealed the secret of his personal life, saying that his engagement took place in infancy. Such an odious statement was once made by the Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan! The wife of the heir to the throne is his maternal cousin. Her name is Sheikha bint Said bin Thani Al Maktoum. Newspapers several times published photographs in which a young man was depicted with a stranger, whose face was hidden from prying eyes.

Being one of 13 children, and not the oldest, February 1, 2008 Hamdan ibn Mohammed Al Maktoum was nevertheless announced Crown Prince of Dubai. Damn attractive prince instantly became the object of attention of the press, and his personal Instagram has not thousands, but millions of subscribers. So who is he, the chosen one of fate?

Hamdan is 34 years old today, and his life is definitely not boring and far from idleness. In addition to the official positions that the new crown prince is entitled to (Chairman of the Executive Council of the City of Dubai, head of the HN Capital LLP hedge fund, head of the Young Entrepreneur Support League and president of the university), Hamdan has many hobbies to which he dedicates his free time.

The crown prince manages to engage in falconry, cycling, attending races, diving, skydiving, he even writes poetry under the pseudonym Fazza. And at home, in his magnificent estate, not only the family is waiting for the prince, but also exotic pets, among which there are camels, white tigers and lions. Hamdan also owns several thoroughbred stallions who regularly win races.

Of course, the crown prince is not alien to the desire for luxury - he often travels to incredibly beautiful places on the planet, stays only in the best hotels, and also travels on his own yacht or one of his many expensive cars. Not only is the prince fabulously rich, he is also very attractive and still unmarried, which makes him one of the most enviable bachelors on the planet. Moreover, Hamdan is known for his excellent education and desire to help those in need - the prince devotes a lot of time to charity, helps sick children, the disabled and sponsors hospitals.

Runner, horse owner, poet, heir to the royal family, son of Sheikh Mohammed al-Maktoum, Crown Prince Hamdan bin Mohammed al-Maktoum is shrouded in an enviable halo of power, fabulous wealth and romance. Chairman of the Dubai City Council, President of the Emirate of Dubai Sports Committee, Honorary Patron of the Dubai Autism Research Center and Youth Business Support League, Sheikh Hamdan has long been an eligible bachelor who is still single. Will someone get this handsome man or is there a place in his heart for one single passion - horses?

Roots and branches

Sheikh Hamdan is one of twenty-three (and their number is constantly growing!) Children of Sheikh Mohammed, Prime Minister and Vice President of the United Arab Emirates and head of the emirate of Dubai from the al-Maktoum dynasty. Understanding the intricacies of the family tree of Arab rulers is quite simple. The Maktum clan is descended from the Bani Yas group of tribes that inhabited the emirates of Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The dynasty itself dates back 180 years, since its founder, Sheikh Maktoum bin Butta, founded his own emirate in the Dubai Creek area in 1833. Currently, the ruling dynasty is continued by Sheikh Mohammed al-Maktoum, who in 2006 became the tenth ruler of Dubai. At the moment, the sheikh has nine sons and fourteen daughters. Mohammed is married to Hind bint Maktoum, who is the mother of twelve children, including Sheikh Hamdan. The second wife of the sheikh was the famous (primarily in the world of equestrian sports) Jordanian princess Haya bint al-Hussein, who in 2007 gave birth to Mohammed's girl Al-Jalil, and in January 2012, her son Zayed. Thus, Sheikh Hamdan is the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Dubai and the stepson of Princess Haya.

In the spirit of tradition

Hamdan al-Maktoum was born on November 13, 1982. Despite the fact that from the very birth the prince was surrounded by incredible luxury, he was brought up in the spirit of traditional values. “My father, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is my life guide. I always continue to learn from him, and his experience helps me in solving many strategic issues. My mother, Sheikha Hind, is a true example of a loving and caring mother. She raised me in an atmosphere of absolute love and affection and still supports me, despite the fact that I have already grown up. I will never forget the deep devotion and kindness of my mother. I have great respect for her and I think that any society where mothers are not valued is dishonorable and worthless, says the prince. - I enjoyed a peaceful childhood surrounded by my family and was raised in an environment that allowed me to realize my purpose in life and reflect on the greatness of God. The beauty of the desert gave me a sense of harmony and helped me merge with nature - so I was able to develop my poetic gift, and with the help of my father I got a chance to make the impossible possible.

Hamdan bin Mohammed AL Maktoum at YAMAMAH

School years are wonderful ...

Sheikh Hamdan began his studies at the Sheikh Rashid Private Secondary School in Dubai, built on the English model. By the way, it was founded in 1986 by Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid al-Maktoum, so that the boy did not seem to leave the bosom of the family. The young man continued his studies at the Faculty of Public Administration at the Dubai Government School, and then went to the UK. There he became a student, and then a graduate of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (which, by the way, graduated from Prince Harry, the youngest son of the British Prince Charles and Princess Diana). Later, Sheikh Hamdan attended specialized courses at the London School of Economics and finally, armed with knowledge, returned to his native Emirates. “School days and college were the most wonderful period of my life, and I still remember my peers and friends. A military academy like Sandhurst not only teaches basic disciplines but also teaches virtue, responsibility, and commitment to one's country. These are very important values ​​that people need both in everyday life and at the state level, when they have serious responsibilities.”

From his father, Sheikh Mohammed (left), Prince Hamdan bin Mohammed will inherit power over one

from the richest and most influential regions in the Middle East

The sands of Time

Already from the statements of the prince, one can see that he is a romantic nature - Hamdan is also known as a talented poet. He publishes his poetry under the pseudonym Fuzza. “Fazza represents my poetic personality and personality. This word in the Emirati dialect means a person who selflessly rushes to the aid of all those who are in trouble. My poetry can fill people's hearts with happiness and help ease their suffering. I was very impressed with my father's poetry and also had the chance to meet many poets who helped me to identify and develop my own style. From an early age, my father listened to my poems and gently advised in which direction to move on. Once at a press conference, the prince was asked why he chose such a pseudonym for himself. Hamdan replied that he once met an old man in the desert, whose car was stuck in the sand. He helped pull out the car and was about to leave, without waiting for words of gratitude, but then the old man called out to him and said: "You are Fazza." The prince liked this nickname so much that it became his middle name and poetic pseudonym. Hamdan's poems are mostly romantic and patriotic and, of course, many are dedicated to his main passion - horses.

What is my horse to me...

What is my horse to me? My strength and courage

This is my essence, my blood flesh.

I wanted to soar into the sky more than once or twice

Or fall on your back, breaking your anger.

You held me, and the bridle, like rags,

Remained in the hand, as if the heart - in pieces!

I burned and dared, the sultry prairie hunter,

The horse flew like an arrow, his whiskey ached.

What is my horse to me? My prowess and dexterity

The pride of my ancestors, their victories in battles.

My Arabian horse gave me skill

Passion to the faithful heart, fearless gleam in the eyes!

On the wings of the wind

“I come from a family that loves horses,” the prince admits. - There is a strong spiritual connection between me and the world of equestrian sport, which is a huge part of my life. I ride whenever the opportunity presents itself, because it gives me a feeling of absolute freedom.” Like many members of the al-Maktoum family, Hamdan is not only excellent in the saddle, but also professionally involved in equestrian sports. He has his own stable, where he breeds thoroughbred riding and Arabian horses, and takes part in distance horse race competitions. The prince performs very, very successfully: he mainly has first and second places in tournaments with the highest distance of 160 km. His main horses are Ainhoa ​​Aksom, Intisar and Yamamah.

The list of Hamdan's victories is endless - for example, he won four tournaments in a row (all in which he took part) at a distance of 120 km in 2014. The prince's main achievement is the team gold medal at the 2006 Asian Summer Games and the gold medal at the FEI World Equestrian Games in Normandy (160 km), which he won in August this year on a purebred Arabian mare Yamamaha (which is translated from Arabic as “little dove"). “The route was extremely technically difficult,” says the prince. - In addition, it was aggravated by the weather and high humidity. I had to make sure that the horse was well protected from the weather all the time. It is not surprising that the number of those who could just finish was small for a championship of this level.” 165 athletes from 47 countries took part in the tournament. At first, the team from the United Arab Emirates took the lead, but by the end of the third lap, only one representative of this team remained on the route - Sheikh Hamdan. Many participants in the tournament were injured on the course, and the rider's horse from Costa Rica tragically died on the route from a collision with a tree. So this victory, indeed, was not easy for the prince and once again confirmed his high sports level.

Prince Hamdan Al Maktoum

with his potential bride Kalila SAID

Adrenaline Rush

The prince is not afraid of danger - on the contrary, he is chasing adrenaline in all possible ways. He is involved in extreme sports - skydiving, flying the JETLEV-FLYER jetpack (which rises into the air on giant jets of water) and the Xcitor paraglider, racing around the Persian Gulf on water scooters and skis and scuba diving. Hamdan also loves to travel: for example, he has been to Africa, where he met with natives and hunted lions with a photo gun, and to Russia, where he participated in falconry. “I swim regularly and just walk a lot at any time of the day,” says the prince. “I also sometimes play football, but still, things do not allow me to be very fond of this sport.”

Marry a prince

The love question is still open: in his thirties (on November 14 he celebrates his 32nd birthday), the prince is not yet married. The Sheikh's personal life has been the subject of countless speculations over the years - no wonder, because the prince is a "tidbit" for thousands of girls. He was said to have been engaged from birth to a maternal relative, Sheikha al-Maktoum, but was very close to another distant relative (whose name is unknown) from 2008 to 2013. The relationship ended in January 2013 (and the arranged marriage was immediately canceled for reasons that were not made public) when the prince met a new love. Hamdan fell in love so much that he announced his engagement very soon. His chosen one was Kalila Said, a 23-year-old refugee from Palestine, who grew up in the slums of an Arab metropolis. Young people met while working on a charity project in one of the disadvantaged areas of the capital. You can’t call a girl a money hunter: the prince had to seek her attention for more than three months before she agreed to go on a date, but soon the couple became inseparable. According to rumors circulating in the country, Sheikh Mohammed was not very pleased with the choice of the prince and even threatened to deprive his son of his inheritance, but to no avail. The young man chose love, as a result of which the father reconsidered his position, resigned himself and, it seems, even gave the couple his blessing. However, fans of Hamdan should not despair: in the UAE, the sheikh has the right to have as many wives as he wants. So, Hamdan's father, Sheikh Mohammed, is rumored to have about five wives (hence so many children), and the world knows only about two, and Hamdan's brother, Prince Said Al-Maktoum, also married a girl of low birth, Azerbaijani Natalya Aliyeva. She worked as a waiter in Belarus (where they met), and in the UAE she became Princess Aisha Al Maktoum.

Favorite of the people

In September 2006, Hamdan Al Maktoum was appointed Chairman of the Dubai Executive Council, where he was tasked with overseeing the emirate's government installations. It was thanks to him that the “Dubai Strategic Plan until 2015” was put forward. As President, Sheikh Hamdan has chaired the Dubai Sports Council, the Dubai Autism Center and the Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Young Business Leaders Institute. Despite his fame and a billion-dollar fortune, the prince remains very modest - he is actively involved in charity work, personally oversees several foundations for helping children and animals. “The fact that I am the son of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid does not give me an unconditional right to refuse my duties,” says Hamdan. - On the contrary, I feel that my brothers and I must be more responsible and must take the performance of any work as seriously as possible. From my point of view, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed is the ideal head of the family, who always strives to make time for everyone, despite great worries. At the same time, he teaches us that we must always remain close to the people.”

August 9, 2017, 18:36

Hamdan ibn Mohammed Al Maktoum (born November 14, 1982) is a member of the royal family of the Emirate of Dubai, son of Mohammed Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai.
Is the second of (d) in the family twenty three!) children. "I enjoyed a peaceful childhood with my father, mother, brothers and sisters. I was raised in an environment that allowed me to realize the true meaning of life and reflect on the greatness of God."
After school, he continued his studies in the UK at the Royal Military Academy, along with Prince William and Harry. He then graduated with honors from the London School of Economics.

Sheikh Hamdan is Chairman of the Dubai City Council, President of the Emirate of Dubai Sports Committee, Honorary Patron of the Dubai Autism Research Center and Youth Business Support League. Forbes magazine estimated the fortune of the heir at 18 billion dollars.


Prince Hamdan leads an active lifestyle, the list of his hobbies is huge - skydiving, diving, fishing, falconry, snowboarding, cycling and much more. On account of His Highness there are several awards of prestigious competitions, including the gold medal of the World Equestrian Games, held in France in 2014.


He travels a lot around the world, often piloting himself.


The prince is seriously interested in photography. On Instagram, he also shares his work and gives advice.


Hamdan's pets include such exotic animals as white tigers and lions. Pedigree stallions represent a special passion for the prince, the prince indicated that he was born in a family where horses are adored, riding gives him a sense of freedom.


The heir supports and creates many charitable foundations and participates in the actions organized by them, and also regularly donates blood. Pays special attention to the disabled and sick children.


The prince said that he simply adores children. On his Instagram, there are many photos with the offspring of other members of the royal family and their entourage.


The prince is not married. No kids. He appears in gossip columns as one of the most enviable bachelors on the planet, while his virtues include not only wealth of 18 billion, but also a good education, excellent external data, a broad outlook, and most importantly, kindness and many good qualities.


From his father, Hamdan inherited a love of poetry. The prince himself writes poetry. Basically, these are philosophical, romantic and patriotic lyrics. He publishes poems under the pseudonym Fazza, which means "speed" and "success".

Here are a little clumsy, but translations :)

The color and smell of your hair
The sweetness of lips, the tenderness of graceful hands
Not in verse, I carried in my soul
All times past and present...
Even the future ones! heart beat,
Shine of bottomless green eyes -
This is my life! The circle is closed
Where we are together in sleepless nights
Enchanted by beauty
We enter the shadow along the lunar path ...
Like death, separation from you.
I'm a little different without you
Gloomy day without you, my light,
The night is dark and the moon is powerless
Light her up. There is no in the world
Better than the one I called cute.

This tired traveler sat down to rest
And he suddenly said thoughtfully: “The prisoner
You are your passions ... How will you continue the path,
If your flesh and soul are corruptible?
And I thought - as if I took a reproach ...
How high I flew before!
I have become different now, I have changed since then -
He drank the water of truth from the source.
I frayed the horse's bridle on the roads,
Destroyed all the castles in the air
I learned to forgive and they forgave me
I saved to save my soul...
How beautiful is this precious day,
He rejoices like a thunderstorm in the sea!
Each one is precious, like a priceless stone,
Looks into the soul, squinting his eyes ...
Smiling - waiting for the end?
The day has come, the heat and the wind reigns,
Night of love, like a sheep to the slaughter,
He is not in a hurry to let him go to the ground.
Only the evening will rush invisibly,
And the sun will go down into the sunset
Horses of time on a chariot
The night is carried - there is no way back!
What a painful moment of waiting...
Day and night, morning-evening, as of old,
I can't stand the night breathing
And again I'll tear off the calendar.
The night is priceless! Like a day, endless
The light of the moon, marvelous stars carnival.
Life is long and, alas, fleeting ...
Happy is he who knows all this!

Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum is the full name of the crown prince, an enviable bachelor of the planet, a billionaire and just a handsome man. How does an Arab prince live?

1. Sheikh is one of 13 children, has 6 brothers and 9 sisters. The fortune of the heir is estimated at a tidy sum, a little less than 20 billion US dollars. Prince Hamdan was born to Prime Minister and Vice President Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and his first wife. This young man is very popular because of his extraordinary image, close to ordinary people.

2 Like many famous children of the heirs, the sheikh was educated in the UK, lived in London for some time, after which he returned home, where duties and business awaited.

3. As befits the crown prince, from childhood he was prepared for the ruling post. So the young sheikh takes an active part in the life of his country, regularly appearing at various congresses, at which he invariably puts on a candour and arafatka.

4. But, when officialdom is over, the prince transforms into a simple, smiling guy who passionately loves formula 1 and horses.

5. Sheikh is confident in the saddle, which even led to his victory at the Olympic Games.

6. It is quite natural that, despite the European education, the prince is different from other crown princes of other countries! For example, his personal life is kept in the strictest confidence.

7. But with small children he can often be seen - these are the nieces and nephews of the Sheikh, with whom he willingly takes pictures. In addition, you can see Hamdan surrounded by tiger cubs, falcons and Arabian horses. In a word, luxury worthy of the level of the gods.

8. But with his wealth, Hamdan does not forget about the poor and does charity work, overseeing several aid funds.

9. It is known that he is engaged to a certain relative on the side of his mother. It should be noted that the bride is chosen by the parents, according to Arab traditions, so it is not surprising that the future of the prince has long been decided.

10. However, sheikhs are allowed to have as many wives as they like, but most likely this will also be the choice of his family, and not his romantic interest.

11. Now the prince holds the post of chairman of the council of Dubai, he is also the president of the sports committee.

12. Hamdan's versatile talents also affect poetry. His Highness writes romantic poetry.

13. How well the prince keeps in the saddle, brought him first place in riding.

14. The prince also breeds camels, which in itself is a rather expensive hobby.

15. It is logical that His Highness flies exclusively by private jet.

16. On the prince's list of hobbies is scuba diving with an elephant.

17. In addition to curating charitable foundations, the sheikh supports people with disabilities.

18. The white tiger cub is the prince's favorite.

19. Hamdan also loves cars.

20. Among the extreme sports that the sheikh does are skydiving. In flight!

21. Mountaineering

22. Hunting with falcons

23. Hamdan is an excellent photographer, always ready to give advice to beginners in this business.

24. With a camera in hand

25. Diving is also a hobby of the heir.

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