Epifantsev was asleep. Vladimir Epifantsev: “I thought that there was no woman suitable for me in nature. Epifantsev's family tragedy

As you know, the film "8 Best Dates" with the participation of Ukrainian actor and sponsor of the Nazis Vladimir Zelensky failed at the Russian box office.

The reason for the failure was the boycott, which took on a large-scale character. The premiere of the film took place on March 3, but on the eve of it, a flash mob started in social networks with photographs of women and children of Donbass killed during the shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the inscriptions: “I bought a ticket - I paid for their murder!”.

Zhurnalistskaya Pravda has written about this on several occasions.

Summing up certain results of the action to boycott the film "8 Best Dates", we decided to conduct a mini-survey of people directly related to Russian cinema, as well as a realistic artistic embodiment of the future that is not far off. And they decided to give the first word to the famous Russian actor who was directly involved in Zelensky's film and played many roles of Russian officers - Vladimir Epifantsev ...

- I think that the boycott of the film "8 Best Dates" is just insanity. There are more pleasant things in life, for example - sex. I'm much more interested in this than this ...nya... I don't care about ...the war and everything connected with it. I do not pay attention to it. People have nowhere to throw their sexual energy, so they kill each other. If they are m…ki, that's their problem. I live in a completely different world.

You all live not by your thoughts, not by your facts. They are simply put into your head by your friends, your media. You do not have your own opinion and ideas about the motivation of certain people. You cannot know what is really going on and you have an idea of ​​the world only thanks to some patterns. You're trying to figure it out instead of making love.

As you can see, the "pacifist" - the actor Epifantsev did not hesitate in expressions, giving a comment to our publication. Conclusions to draw you, dear readers. Just imagine what kind of comments would be received from the direct "hero of the occasion" - Zelensky. It is for this reason that we considered it pointless to interview him. Instead, we got the opinion of Valentin Opalev, a well-known Russian-Ukrainian producer and General Director of Mostelefilm. At one time he happened to work with Zelensky ...

- I haven't seen this film, so I can't say anything. As for the actor Zelensky, he filmed with me about 10 years ago (four-episode "Casanova involuntarily", 2004 - ed.). It was probably one of his first film roles. They were still kvnschik then. This is where our collaboration ended.

They opened their own private company. As far as I know, the film "8 Best Dates" was made by their own team. Just like the previous films in this series. Zelensky is not filmed anywhere except for himself. He himself runs that company, he himself is the main actor and author there. He invites himself. Accordingly, he pays himself. More precisely, he makes money on it. Therefore, if his picture failed at the box office, then this is exclusively his "span".

Comments, as they say, are unnecessary. Zelensky punished himself, which means that the campaign to boycott the film, obviously, was not in vain. The well-known director of the TV series Karpov, Pyatnitsky, as well as the films American Grandpa, Summer Resident, Game. Revenge "- Ivan Shchegolev ...

- I will not watch this film and I do not recommend it to anyone due to the fact that a goblin and a bastard named Zelensky takes part in it. To us, in my opinion, the fate of this so-called actor in Russia is tragic. It would be better for him to forget about such a country altogether. Considering that the picture failed at our box office, Zelensky will also be forgotten. And this opinion, like me, is shared by the majority of viewers, colleagues and experts.

- I did not participate in the campaign against the demonstration of this film in Russia, but I fully support it. Unfortunately, our Ministry of Culture has shown itself to be absolutely immoral. Of course, there are some complex political alignments, but there is also a moral component - our compatriots are dying.

This is not a matter of beliefs and attitudes - it is a matter of human blood. I consider Mr. Medinsky's statement curious and immoral. Where did he, excuse me, find art in this, excuse me, “product”? This is pure consumer goods. Zelensky is not some kind of brilliant pianist who can be forgiven for political convictions, if not any, then many. Therefore, it is ridiculous to talk about culture for a mass product.

When Channel One removed Zelensky's last name from the film's video, it was tantamount to hiding the corpse under the carpet. I do not understand such a strange blindness on the part of television people and their monstrous immorality. Apparently, this channel has some kind of mutual gesheft with Zelensky, which are seriously tied to money.

Meanwhile, Russian culture has always stood on a moral basis. This is its essence and this is its core. And do not think that the people "grab" everything. Losses from the film "8 Best Dates" is the only language they understand. It is extremely efficient.

Until we put the moral principle at the head of all our actions, this will continue to happen. People who live outside of it work not only for the destruction of the society around them, they work for self-destruction. I hope that the losses received from the film distribution of this film will explain something to them a little.

Recall that the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky reacted negatively to the demands to “ban shows”, as well as the entry and exit of actors from Ukraine.

“To be like the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture in its vanity to steer culture, portraying a fateful instance, to us, Russia, is ridiculous and undignified. This is not for us. Comedians - in the Comedy Club. We do not participate in synchronous absurdity. And we are not going to deprive our viewers of the right to choose and the opportunity to watch our movies because of someone's unsuccessful trickery,” the minister said.

Thus, on the First Channel, the advertisement of the picture continues to “spin”. Moreover, today on the same channel starts a new series "Red Queen".

One of the main roles is occupied by People's Artist of the USSR, holder of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, member of the Soviet Peace Committee, and now an admirer and sponsor of the Right Sector (an organization banned in the Russian Federation) - Ada Rogovtseva. So to be continued...

Vyacheslav Bochkarev

Epifantsev Vladimir Georgievich - Russian theater and film actor, star of the TV series "Escape", "It all started in Harbin", "Lucky", the films "Genetarion P", "Invincible", "Green Elephant" and many others.

Childhood and family

Epifantsev Vladimir was born in September 1971 in Moscow. His father is Georgy Epifantsev, an actor of the Moscow Art Theater, also known for his work in the films Foma Gordeev (1959), Gloomy River (1969), Do not part with your loved ones (1979). The mother of the future actor, Tatyana Vasilievna Epifantseva, also devoted her life to the theater.

When Vladimir was born, the son Mikhail, who was born in 1968, was already growing up in the family. A little later, in 1974, the couple had a daughter, Natalya.

It is not surprising that Vladimir, who grew up in a creative atmosphere, decided to continue his father's work. At the age of 5, he first appeared on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater in the cast of "Duck Hunt" and "Steelworkers".

At school, Vladimir studied poorly, was an inveterate loser and a bully. After the ninth grade, he was transferred to a school for working youth. He worked in the workshops of the Moscow Art Theater.

Epifantsev's family tragedy

The life finale of the head of the family turned into a tragedy. “Your beginning will be good, the middle is stormy, and the end is terrible!”, predicted his hero in “Gloom River”. This remark turned out to be prophetic. In 1992, George, having sorted out alcohol, crossed the railway tracks without noticing the approaching freight train.

No less terrible fate overtook the elder brother Vladimir. Mikhail Epifantsev in his youth starred in the cult series "The meeting place cannot be changed" in the role of a boy whom bandits killed for seeing too much. But the further acting career did not work out: he was not taken to the theater, he had to serve in the army and work as a salesman. When it turned out that Petya's son was born with cerebral palsy due to a medical error, Mikhail was abandoned by his wife. After that, alcohol and drugs appeared in his life. On November 9, 1998, he died - his heart stopped.

Georgy Epifantsev and his eldest son are buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

Vladimir Epifantsev in the theater

In 1990, on the second attempt, Epifantsev entered the Shchukin Theater School, on the course of Vladimir Ivanov.

As the actor's mother recalled, the theatrical community did not accept him, since Vladimir was not afraid to violate established canons. For example, when he played in the course book The Seagull, Vladimir Etush, who was present at the premiere, shouted indignantly: “Down the curtain! A mockery of the classics! and tried to expel student Epifantsev, who was saved from relegation only by the intervention of a mentor.

After graduating from "Pike" in 1994, Vladimir entered the directing department of GITIS (Pyotr Fomenko's workshop). In the same period, he created the theatrical project "Prok-theater", within which he gave free rein to his unusual vision of classical dramaturgy, staging many very unusual performances: "Jesus Wept", "The Reduction of the Shrew", "Strike at the Textile Factory", "Jet Blood, Romeo and Juliet.

He soon became a prominent figure in Russian avant-garde art. Epifantsev, the director, was never boring for the audience, and Epifantsev, the actor, was called the best among the new generation. The work of Epifantsev could not be attributed to any particular branch of culture. In his productions there was a radical, expressive avant-garde genre, combined with harsh musical and noise accompaniment. His works were imbued with the philosophy of Antonin Artaud and the "theater of cruelty", but at the same time, critics found chastity and tragedy in his works.

Note that Epifantsev soloed in "Caligula", "Macbeth" and "The Seagull", staged on the stage of the theater. Vakhtangov.

Vladimir Epifantsev on TV

In 1997-1998, Vladimir Epifantsev became the host of the author's program "Dream" on the TV-6 channel. The show was conceived as a musical hit parade, but in between Epifantsev also managed to show scenes a la Prok-Theatre. By the way, Anfisa Chekhova became his co-host, bringing a frank flavor to the program. Subsequently, he took part in the Cultivator and Muzoboz programs.

"Dream": Vladimir Epifantsev and Anfisa Chekhova

In the early 2000s, Epifantsev established himself as a music video maker after working on music videos for Lyapis Trubetskoy and the Cockroaches group. His video parody of an advertisement for Tide washing powder is widely known, where instead of a smiling showman with a box of powder in his hands, Epifantsev with a chainsaw ran up to passers-by. The video became a real hit in the era of mobile phones with infrared ports - it was passed to each other by schoolchildren, students, adults.

Vladimir Epifantsev: Tide or decapitation?

In 2008-2009, Vladimir Epifantsev participated in the Russian shows Dancing with the Stars and King of the Ring. In 2010, he became the host of the Brilliant Detective program on the Ren-TV channel. The show aired investigations of real crimes without embellishment and myths. In total, 18 episodes of the program saw the light of day.

Film career

The debut of Vladimir Epifantsev in the cinema was associated with the film by Svetlana Baskova "The Green Elephant". The tape in the "thrash" genre introduced the audience to the conflict between two junior officers of the Russian army, locked in a punishment cell. Epifantsev played a simple Russian man who is not interested in everything new, he is traditional and believes that everything goes on as usual. The neighbor of the hero Epifantsev turned out to be an officer who had "traveled", the role of which was played by Sergei Pakhomov.

Vladimir Epifantsev about the film "The Green Elephant"

The director declared a deep anti-militaristic message of the picture, but in 1999 only a narrow circle of fans of the genre could appreciate it. Sudden popularity covered The Green Elephant in the early 2010s, and the film, full of shock content, instantly scattered into quotes. Among the mass audience, the tape gained fame as the most vile film in history, and critics argued that in no case should you ban The Elephant, because rarely anyone is able to watch it at least half.

A couple of years later, Epifantsev again starred in the arthouse directed by Baskova "Five Bottles of Vodka", the plot of which was based on the relationship between the management and employees of one of the Moscow bars.

Looking ahead, we note that in 2012, the tandem of Epifantsev and Pakhomov could again be seen in Baskova’s drama “For Marx” - about the conflict between the “new Russians” and ordinary workers after the collapse of the USSR. In comparison with the director's previous works, the picture lost in "art-house", but retained an acute social character and was enthusiastically received by critics.

Vladimir Epifantsev does not want to be driven into the framework of the "stars of militants", but one cannot help but list a number of his roles in action-packed militants of domestic production: "Antikiller-2", "Mother Do Not Cry-2", "Death Combat", "Dog Work", " Capture”, “Flint”, “Incorruptible”. One of the most notable works of the actor for several years was the role of special agent Yegor Kremnev in the blockbuster "Invincible", until the "palm" was intercepted by his hero from the TV series "Escape".

"Cinema in the details" with Vladimir Epifantsev

In The Escape, Epifantsev played Kirill Panin, the older brother of Yuri Chursin's character. His character is in jail for killing a politician. The younger brother deliberately ends up in prison in order to arrange an escape for Kirill.

Among other memorable films with the participation of Vladimir Epifantsev are "It all started in Harbin" with Danila Kozlovsky and Anna Chipovskaya, where he played the NKVD commissar Valentin Krakhmalnikov, as well as the drama "House" with Sergei Garmash and Bogdan Stupka.

The actor is well known to fans of Viktor Pelevin's work - in 2011, the film adaptation of the mystical novel "Generation P" was released, where Epifantsev played the role of an advertiser Vavilen Tatarsky.

Vladimir Epifantsev starred in the loudest domestic premiere of 2016 - the historical blockbuster Viking, which tells about the life path of Prince Vladimir. Epifantsev got the role of the Varangian Fedor, who, according to legend, was the first Christian martyr in Russia.
In mid-2016, the couple, unexpectedly for others, spoke about the ins and outs of their relationship. It turned out that they had not lived together for over a year. Soon Anastasia was caught in a relationship with the dancer Dmitry Takshin. At the same time, she was still legally married to Epifantsev. In October 2018, the couple began divorce proceedings. It turned out that by this time Anastasia and Vladimir had been living separately for three years.

In the spring of 2017, Epifantsev’s name almost found itself at the epicenter of a scandal when 14-year-old Patimat from Dagestan, who had run away from her parents, was found in the actor’s workshop in Moscow. It turned out that Vladimir corresponded with the girl through social networks, and when she was alone in an unfamiliar city, she did not think for a long time and went to visit him. The actor himself was shocked by this act and called her parents

Vladimir Epifantsev now

In 2018, Epifantsev became the star of the comedy series The New Man. His hero is a professional hockey player Alexander, who at one moment loses his favorite job for a whole year. Once at the very bottom, he tries to return his ex-wife (Tatyana Arntgolts) and daughter, but runs into a rival (Maxim Vitorgan).

Actor Vladimir Epifantsev lives in a gloomy room, illuminated by garlands. There are devilish horns and swastika symbols on the walls, and several ladies bask steadily on two double beds. "Lenta.ru" visited the legendary monastery and publishes the second part (the first - HERE) of the thoughts of its hero - about substances, sexual relations and the fight against the system.

"School makes people scum"

Epifantsev: A man is taught to be a man at school - in this asshole, absolutely bastard place, where there is only envy, only shit: like when the weak are calculated and humiliated by this herd ****** [damaged]. School makes people scum. Bastards come out of it and realize that they are nobody. And because of this, they are afraid, they are afraid of everything. They are afraid of a woman, because a woman is an element, and if a man encounters this element, he will not know how to deal with her ... She will cover him with a copper basin.

And the woman looks and says: “***** [Damn]! Yes, the men are half **** [fools].” And he chooses an unambiguous position - to fool this schmuck. What does it do. And rightly so. They do what a man already has inertia for - to a complete fiasco, to death, to self-destruction. Baba clings to him and helps him to die.

He begins to blame her for this, but she just tells him that he is not fucking needed here, because behind you [women], behind these here, who don’t understand who, we can’t see a normal male with whom it would be zashib, which could be protected, compliment him. Even if he is homeless.

"Real males lie in the garbage"

Lenta.ru: Even?

Yes. Because a fucking male does not mean, ***** [damn it], came out in a coat, with a bunch of attendants, and proclaims some other ideas. It's all done in complexes. Real males - they are lying in the garbage. Because they don't give a fuck, they don't give a shit about it. And a real woman will calculate this, say: “Hey, you are a god, ***** [damn], you are a king.” And he to her - huh? I? Well, if the king said - you have to become a king. And it goes and becomes, because there is this power in it.

And then there are the stupid women. Who understand with their natural instincts what they need to take from the dumpster of a male, and with a social perception system they do one wrong thing: instead of saying “You are the king”, they say: “Listen, you pissing bum! You are a nonentity, ***** [damn], condom, go, do at least something useful, earn money! You are shit! And he's like, "Yes, yes, now..." - and does nothing. This is a very big mistake.

Half naked beauty: A boy asked me here how to turn off your brain with a woman.

But no way. Everyone, we're already spoiled. Therefore, only drugs. Or, ***** [damn], deep meditation, ten years in Tibet, out of civilization, to clean up all this bullshit. Therefore, when you go to bed with a woman - either you behave like a kid, but you don’t get pleasure from sex, or you take an ecstasy pill. All. Ecstasy, mephedrone. But you can become an addict. You risk. What is a drug addict - this is for whom everything, life stops, only substances remain and some strange state in between. Drug addicts are people who regularly use drugs on a daily basis. That is, they are either heroin addicts or alcoholics. If we are talking about heroin, then tolerance develops here. In this sense, drug addicts are already alcoholics, because the effect of substances has already been reduced to zero, and it is fueled by alcohol. And it is alcohol that kills the body in the first place.

“Fucking at the limit of possibilities, but without nuances”

Are you a drug addict by any chance?

It depends what you mean by drugs. If the influencing substances, then everything affects us. For me, for example, some substances called narcotic no longer affect me the way they did the first time. This experience is over, and I explore this life in other places. I'm not a drug addict, I'm a researcher. But it is easier for someone to call me a drug addict, as I, in turn, can call some people who do not even use illegal drugs, drug addicts. I am a researcher. But I became their specialist, I study this issue. I fall into different states of the bottom. Inveterate drug addicts came to me, who for ten years hacked everything, and they said: only here for the first time in our lives we understood what substances are. Because you have to take them right. The drug is just the key. Then we open the door and already rummage ourselves. But no one fumbles, everyone remains at the level of the key.

What is a door? The door is a connection. The substance is inside, these are hormones. And where are these hormones the most? Here (points to a naked female body). A drug is a sexual desire simulator, any substance, even heroin. That is, it causes the same hormones to work, as during love or sexual arousal. That's why we took a pill - and we should be here (lays down on a woman). And it is better to feel such women.

But there is also a danger there: the danger of falling into the matrix. When you realize that you are no longer in this refinement, full of images and some plastic variations, but when you are stupidly in the matrix, and you are fucking to the limit, but there are no nuances at all. Here you need to stop and think whether you are taking the right substances, whether you are taking them correctly.

"I'm a fucking lover"

I, too, am a typical man with a bunch of garbage in his head, who has never experienced the pleasure of sex, because boyish concepts are what? “Babu needs to ******* [fuck] so that she ends. And you need to push hard, a lot, and to stand. Damn, what if he doesn't get up? - this fear: to come to a woman, and suddenly she doesn’t get up, suddenly she doesn’t finish, she will tell other women - and a chain reaction will start, then she will be ashamed in front of the boys ... Wow, thank God, she got up - and away she went. It seems that there is something there, he is experiencing something, but he is doing all this for the sake of amusing his pride.

And so I was. Women always praised me, I thought: damn it, I'm a fucking lover! ... Balancing is everything. Balancing act that works only on pride, but not on pleasure. Pleasure happens - just now I remembered - when you fall in love. I fell in love four times in my life. Four or five, maybe six. That's when such euphoria - you forget about everything. But all the same, this insanity also turns on there.

And then the love goes away. And what - love is over, and about two years should pass for you to meet the next love. And what should I do? Now, after all, this ********* [inspiring] feeling will not be during sex.

And this is very easy to do. With the help of your perception of a person - whether you know how to perceive a person or not. What do you see in a person and do you see him at all. People don't see each other. It's not their fault, they were taught that way. I would say that the system is to blame, but the question immediately arises: what is the system? This is a natural state, no one invented it. It all happened by itself, by accident.

So now you need to think with your brains and understand that it’s like while taking substances: there is a moment when you go to the bottom and you understand that ***** [kaput], this is hell, you have to get out. Now this is the state of humanity - we must get out. And someone has to scatter brains, because complete garbage is happening.

"A rotten illusion that something can be improved"

There is such ... not a delusion ... what is it called ... That like ten percent of the brain only works in humans. Actually it is not. The whole brain works.

But the person does not use it.

This cannot be proven, but for some reason such an assumption exists. And it is true. Because now we are in that day, in that hell, when ... hysteria. I turn on the TV, or rather, I come across it somewhere - I don’t have a TV - and I think: *****! And people are watching it. I complain all the time that people are wrong, some are not like that ... You need to feel sorry for them, they all watch TV, they listen to the radio, they go to the polls, they elect, they shout, they try to improve something! And they live in this rotten illusion that something can be improved.

And you live like this freely, have sex, thoughts, fucking states. Sometimes you take pictures. And suddenly I get to these shabby, I try to explain to them what I mean, what I want to say by this. They can't understand it - they have a telly in their head! They read magazines, *****, they communicate with friends who tell them something. They clog their heads - and that's it. Then ten percent of the brain really works.

"Killing people instead of kissing and sucking their dick"

Pretty Woman: And do you think the brain works completely with drugs?

A lot of strange things happen with drugs, you can't say exactly what it is. But these strange things definitely make you forget about all this bullshit. The first time I took the drug, I forgot what a television was. It was regular ecstasy. Then I said: what the hell are you, what TV?! A person can be such a source ... and it's so interesting to watch.

As a child, I was taught that the sources of information are very important. Where does one get knowledge from? From books. This is even taught in colleges. This is a system. And this happens because people turn into a herd, and they are controlled by the authorities. Moves them to conquer territories, take money and kill as many people as possible. Instead of kissing them, lick their ***** [clitoris] and suck their *** [dick]. They shoot bullets at them, at those beautiful bodies with finely organized internal nervous systems.

And you suddenly realize that it's not just uninteresting - it's a nightmare. It's like a one-celled state.

“I can’t have collective sex the way I proclaim it”

Here. The only things that are taboo for me are alcohol and heroin, because my relatives died from them. I never took substances, two years ago I tried ecstasy - it seemed to me that it was necessary - and I understood what sex is. Sex is a state, it's anything that opens you, gives you the opportunity to live without boundaries, troubles and without a thought process.

Because the brain must be turned off. I still can't do it. I'm still in terrible pens. I can't have collective sex the way I fucking proclaim it. I do not know how. I did not learn to relax in a team. In general, I am silent about swinger clubs - vipers. But I'm working on it.

"Milk Party"

Here. But I had such parties - ****** [tin]! They are all very different: from suicidal BDSM fights to complete eclecticism. For example, there was once a person, probably 20, and it was a single organism. People talked, talked, they immediately sucked someone off, an artist stood and drew everyone, at one end people rolled on the floor, fucked, at the other they fucked and talked, someone ate there ...

Another girl was standing, I remember, and I was lying next to her. And she also drew everything that happened. I tell her: show me boobs. She's like, "Well, I have, you know, they are now ... I, in short, breastfeed, and they are filled with milk." And all of them - EVERYTHING, the whole party - wum heads at her. "GIVE MILK!" And everyone began to drink this milk.

We called it the milk party. And when we were all drunk, two witches got up, one of whom had been sleeping naked all this time, put on gloves: “And now we will teach you all to finish!” - they turned to the women. And they put them all on all fours and fucked with these gloves to squirt, to scream, to ora. They jumped like snakes in a frying pan. They flooded everything - they littered it, shit flew out of someone's ass, but it was happiness, everyone didn't give a shit that it was shit. milk party (lights up). But that was a long time ago, and, fortunately, I got out of this hell.

"We switched to the dumbest sex drug"

Those were the substances. I sometimes bought a lot of different drugs. The last time I said that there would no longer be so many different substances - and in principle there should not be many different ones, there should be one thing - that day I had seven drugs. I took them all into myself: mescaline, 2C-B, butyrate, cocaine, LSD, MDMA, ecstasy, something else. Methamphetamine, what ****** [kaput]. There was also Lyrica! And when I accepted it all - I realized that yes, now I'm going to die.

Then we switched to the dumbest sex drug ever. But the most interesting part of it is already over. When a dead end comes, you don't know how to get out of there. It is not easy to stop using it, but it is necessary. For me, this is a creative process, a creative euphoria. The main thing is to have people nearby who inspire you for this work. Moreover, he is the most, one might say, planting a drug. It’s very easy to get hooked and get carried away there, unlike MDMA with its strange side effects, which, in principle, should not exist if you read Shulgin’s book, but, apparently, such Russia is such crappy MDMA here.

My upbringing was simple: do the fucking opposite. Do not be like everyone else, scum. I felt that you are like everyone else - change, no matter in what way, all means are good. The main thing is to be different. Imagine that you are told: “I am a drug addict, I have taken drugs, and I tell you: never take, never. Stay clean! If I were now offered to return all this back, I would never do it.

"You're a dried piece of shit"

How can you give such advice? How can people be warned against anything? Who do we make of people in this way? We make followers. Life stops, there are no more sensations, no more feelings. Nothing else affects you. They just kick you. And you're a dry piece of shit. Everything you need to reach yourself. You must take and go to the black forest. ********* [shuffle] on a snag, rip your face open, sew it up yourself. And then go out and say, "Yes."

And the rest look and think: "Let's not go there, it's good that you went and looked for us." And they do not notice how they are kicked like pieces of dried shit. And nothing affects them.

"Sex, Love and Chips"

Drugs are substances that work. Through influence we see. There is an opinion that drugs see for you. No. We see drugs. There is power, there is a society that has chosen for itself what drugs are and has named a certain list of narcotic substances. Excluding from this yet sex and love.

Beauty: And chips.

Soon they will do this so that this list will include sex, and love, and chips. They said - yes, this is the most simple and convincing: mephedrone, heroin affects us, so they were included there. And it turns out - everything affects us. Everything in the world is drugs. Books, walk in the park. Eat a banana. Sperm is also a drug.

I would say this to any person: if you want to touch freedom in some of its forms, to some of its sides, this will not work without substances. They will say: “No! All this can be achieved without drugs! For example, meditation, yoga classes! Bullshit. Nothing will help.

All of the above is a creative experiment and may not coincide with the real life of Vladimir Epifantsev.

Alena Kozhevnikova brought food

The Investigative Committee became interested in the circumstances of the friendship between 45-year-old Vladimir Epifantsev and a 14-year-old schoolgirl from Dagestan, Life.ru reports. The famous actor is suspected of pedophilia.

Some time ago, it became known that 14-year-old schoolgirl Patimat fled from the Dagestan city of Kaspiysk to Moscow to Vladimir Epifantsev. The actor himself admitted that he has been friends with the girl for two years, helping her develop creatively.

As a result, law enforcement officers found the girl in the creative workshop of Epifantsev. The police took the found schoolgirl away and told her parents that they could already take Patimat home. At the same time, Epifantsev himself refused to testify.
The Investigative Committee is currently interested in what happened, suspecting a well-known artist of pedophilia. As noted, now this department will deal with the scandalous story.

“First of all, because the question concerns a minor. Secondly, also because materials of erotic and pornographic content were found on the actor’s social network page with the participation of girls whose age is not obvious. Epifantsev’s followers on social networks include teenagers," an informed source said.
Last year, a video became popular on the Internet, in which Epifantsev dirtyly pesters women who, apparently, are extras. He insistently offered one of them to "suck", and the second, who wanted to take a selfie with him, "suck ***". The artist posted these videos on his Instagram, which has now been deleted.

The actor himself claims that sex is very important to him, and this is one of the reasons why he keeps his body in good shape by exercising regularly and maintaining a strict diet, the details of which he does not disclose.

As Ruposters Life wrote earlier, the wife of the famous actor Vladimir Epifantsev has not been living with him under the same roof for more than a year. The reason for the separation of the couple was the emotional instability of Epifantsev and the desire of his wife Anastasia Vedenskaya to start life from scratch.

Updated on 31/03/17 20:37:

“I had a strong conviction: I was not created for a quiet family life, the role of husband and father is not suitable for me. But now I understand that I was wrong ... " Photo: Mark Steinbock

Dad also wrote plays, staged them himself and played several actors at once. And "Gloomy River" is my favorite movie, I know it by heart. He is a symbol of our family. On the set of "Gloomy River", which took place in Sverdlovsk, my parents got married, and my mother became pregnant with Mishka.

And they met just a month before the start of filming. This was in 1967. Mom then studied at the Moscow Engineering and Economic Institute and worked part-time as extras. And on the set of the film “Anna Karenina”, an already well-known actor and simply handsome Georgy Epifantsev, who happened to be on the set by chance, sat down with her - he just drove in to meet someone from the film crew. He began to compliment the girl, to charm her. Mom said that love between them broke out instantly, at first sight. Since that meeting, they have never parted.

And my mother, without a second's hesitation, went for her lover on a film expedition. Parents lived in perfect harmony for 25 years. Even though my father drank heavily. Mom turned a blind eye to everything, forgave him everything. My father was an incredibly bright personality, very strong physically, hardy and ... a convinced drunkard. He did not suffer from this at all and did not lose face. Dad died 14 years ago. Unexpectedly, absurdly - he was hit by a train ...

- Vladimir, sorry for the direct question: didn't you inherit from your father a destructive passion for alcohol?

Until the age of 15, I tried everything that is supposed to be, probably, for every teenager: vodka, technical alcohol (barely pumped out, miraculously remained alive), drugs. But I quickly grew sick of these dubious pleasures. It was not at all interesting to waste life on such boredom. I got a drive from someone else: I went in for sports or creativity - I was fond of painting, photography, composing "heavy" music, poetry. And from the theater just a fan.

- Love for the theater still overpowered all other hobbies?

Absolutely right. I saw only one way - to a theater university. Therefore, after the school of working youth, where I completed my studies after the 8th grade of a general education school, after chopping off 2 years at a mechanical plant, I began to storm theatrical universities. But nowhere did they dare to accept such a marginal as me into their ranks. At that time, I was seriously fond of “heavy metal” and looked defiant: I had a braid to the waist, wore metal rivets, collars, gloves, massive chains. All these things were heavy, sharp, dangerous, I was constantly taken to the police. Of course, I did not put on all the uniforms for the exams, but my appearance on the members of the selection committee still had a frightening effect.

“Unlike my father, who graduated from school with a gold medal, I was known as an ignoramus, a round loser, barely made it to the 8th grade ... At the same time, I saw only one way for myself - to a theater university in the footsteps of my father” Photo: Mark Steinbock

The next year, I tried again. This time all the metal was removed, leaving only a pigtail. He came to the Shchukin school and immediately flew off the audition. On the same day I went to the hairdresser, got a haircut, and the next morning I came to an audition with another teacher. And he became a student of "Pike". But my brother was never able to enter the theater school. Although I believe that he was very talented both as an actor and as an artist. (As a child, Misha acted in films: together with his father he played in the film “We are together, mother”, and in the television series “The meeting place cannot be changed”, he played a small but memorable role for the audience as a boy - an accidental witness to a store robbery. - Approx. ed.) In the late 80s and early 90s, Misha played almost all the main roles in the theater-studio "Album" - Ilya Shilovsky staged performances there. As adults, my brother and I somehow moved away from each other. We had different companies, different interests. He dabbled in all sorts of rubbish, drugs. And one day… suddenly died of heart failure. At 28 years old. Looking back, I am very sorry that when my brother needed it, I did not take part in his fate, I could not help him. He himself was young, stupid, did not know how to navigate this life, he learned, you know, from his mistakes ...

- By the way, how did you study at the Shchukin school? Really, like at school, for deuces?

Offend. I was "excellent" in almost all subjects, only English was lame. He gnawed at theatrical science like a man possessed. With rapture I communicated with interesting people - novice actors, artists. The first phrase I heard in the walls of the "Pike": "Do not try to do something new. Everything was already there." I did not like it. I thought, “You are wrong. I wasn't here. And for 4 years you, excuse me, will have to endure my innovative themes and ideas. In my 3rd year, I began to travel to international festivals with my first productions, and in my 4th year, I also entered the directing department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts, in the studio of Pyotr Fomenko.

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