What is healthier pork or beef. What is the healthiest meat? Comparison of nutritional properties

When compiling a diet for her family, every housewife at least once thought about what is healthier: pork or beef. They are quite expensive, so consumers try to get the maximum benefit from their use. Let's try to figure out what nutrients are contained in each type of meat, as well as which product should be preferred when buying.

Let's determine which is better, beef or pork, using the example of a tenderloin fried over a fire. Interestingly, the amount of fat and calories in 100 grams will be approximately the same. But the content of vitamins, macro- and microelements is sometimes very different.

Pork,% of the norm Beef,% of the norm
calories 14.12 (201 kcal) 14.47 (206 kcal)
Squirrels 36.46 (29.9 g) 35.37 (29 g)
Fats 12.46 (8.1 g) 14 (9.1 g)
BUT 0,2 -
IN 1 64,5 5,1
IN 2 21 8,3
Choline - 22,1
AT 5 18 11,4
AT 6 25,8 30,2
AT 9 1,5 2,5
AT 12 32,7 60,3
With 1,1 -
E - 2,7
K - 1,3
PP 25,3 42,8
Ca 0,5 1,6
To 17,8 14,3
mg 8,8 6
Na 4,9 4,5
Ph 36,3 27,9
Fe 7,7 10,8
Mn 0,6 0,5
Cu 6,7 9,1
Se 86,7 60
Zn 24,1 45

As you can see, pork tenderloin is rich in B vitamins, it contains a lot of phosphorus and selenium. The muscles of cows and bulls contain choline, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, liver and nervous system. In addition, this species is the leader in the amount of vitamins PP and B12, it has more copper, zinc and iron.

Thus, it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question of which meat is healthier, pork or beef.

For many consumers, the purchase of meat products depends primarily on what is more expensive: pork or beef. The production of the latter is more labor-intensive, and the cost per kilogram is quite high.

Thus, if the decisive factor in the question "Which meat is better: pork or beef?" is the price, the choice of consumers is obvious. However, one should not forget that it is beef that is considered a rich source of iron and an excellent natural remedy for increasing hemoglobin.

Types of beef steaks: names and features

The taste, smell, marbling and tenderness of the finished steak directly depend on which part of the carcass it was made from. Each such delicacy cut has its own name. If you don't want to get confused when ordering in a restaurant, it's best to study the types of steaks and their features in advance so that you know exactly what dish you want to try.

Benefits of beef for the body

The human body needs proteins to function properly, and meat is the main source of these substances. The benefits of beef have long been proven by science: today even children know that it increases hemoglobin, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens muscles, joints and bones.

Steaks Striploin and Ribeye: differences, taste, preparation

Steaks Striploin, Ribeye, Cowboy - these names alone can whet the appetite of gourmets around the world. Juicy and fragrant beef, dotted with layers of tender fat, is in high demand among restaurant visitors and is considered one of the most delicious products in the cuisines of different countries.

Conditions and terms of storage of beef

Bacteria grow and multiply very quickly in meat, so at room temperature it spoils in a matter of hours. Proper storage of beef is very important for those who want it to retain its taste, aroma and nutritional properties for as long as possible.

Few people doubt the fact that meat is a necessary source of vitamins and nutrients for the human body. Pediatricians and nutritionists recommend adding meat to a child's diet.

The question is what kind of meat to choose? We decided to compare beef and pork.

These popular products often cause controversy and ambiguous opinions not only among ordinary people, but also among experts.


This meat has a burgundy-red hue because it contains a lot of iron. That is why, with a low level of hemoglobin, doctors first of all advise to review the diet.

For young children, pregnant and lactating women, foods high in iron are essential. And contrary to popular belief about the benefits of apples or pomegranates, beef in this case makes up for iron deficiency much faster - it is found in meat in heme form.

What does this mean for us? It's simple: heme iron is absorbed by the body by 20-30%, unlike non-heme iron (where the indicators are more modest and barely reach 10%).

Another positive property of beef is its relative low-calorie content. That is why nutritionists most often suggest eating this type of meat for those who want to lose weight. Beef is well digested, gives energy and enriches the body with valuable amino acids.

Of course, it is important to understand here that the meat must be cooked without the use of carcinogens: it is either boiled and stewed, or baked. So beef will not lose a significant part of its beneficial properties.

With the development of eco-farming in Russia, a new term has appeared - "bio-beef".

Skeptics joke that any meat can be safely labeled as "bio" and "organic", because all cows are real, no matter how they ate and where they grazed. But it's not.

When it comes to bio-beef, it is enough to understand a few important points:

  • grass-fed animals (feed diet is not really natural for cows and their digestion),
  • free range,
  • without antibiotics and growth hormones .

That is, everything happens exactly as it should happen in natural farming. Of course, with this approach, the emphasis is not on quantity, but on quality.

Accordingly, draw your own conclusion - whether beef from large industrial producers is bio-beef.

Of course, the cost of bio-beef is higher than the market price. But there are more benefits - the product is low-fat, aromatic, saturated with B vitamins, zinc, phosphorus, iron, potassium and other important elements.

There are very few farms where free grazing is practiced and the main diet for cows is fresh or harvested grass, both in Europe and in America. Basically it is grain and mixed fodder. Until now, in America, the value of meat is determined by its marbling - the presence of uniform fat inclusions in beef. This is surprising, because a grain diet is not, in fact, natural for cows and their digestion.

The grain is well reflected in the weight gain, but the reserves of vital substances are depleted, the immune system is weakening, and, alas, it is impossible to call such meat full-fledged.

Instead of appreciating meat for its ability to supply vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, we value it for its ability to fill us up efficiently and at a moderate cost.


Pork is considered too fatty and high-calorie meat, so it turns out to be a "outcast" on a children's or diet table. And yet it contains a large amount of amino acids and vitamins that contribute to the proper growth and development of bones. And this is a reason to take a closer look at this product.

Another argument in favor of pork is that it contains the least harmful saturated fats, which modern consumers are especially afraid of.

To choose a good pork, you should look for pieces with an uneven distribution of fat layers - this is usually what meat from an animal from a small farm looks like.

The choice of one or another part of the carcass depends, of course, on the dish for which the meat is bought. But when it comes to baby food, it’s better to take a closer look at the lean pieces where there is less fat. The fattest part of the pork is the brisket, and the less high-calorie (only 180 kilocalories per 100 grams) is the loin.

In addition, lean pieces of this meat are more than a quarter composed of protein - and this, as you know, is an ideal source for muscle growth. Pork is also recommended for people after injuries, as this meat helps to quickly restore tissues.

Therefore, we do not get tired of repeating: cook, stew, bake!

American comedian, Groucho Marx, said: "No, I'm not a vegetarian. But I eat vegetarian animals." Perhaps this joke especially clearly illustrates what we talked about above.

An animal that eats properly, chews fortified grass, will give us, meat-eaters, strong immunity, energy and strength for new achievements.

Verified by an expert:

Alexander Brodovsky - founder of the eco-farm ""

In terms of nutritional properties, it surpasses other types of meat. Pork contains a lot of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12). Pork and lard contain half as much cholesterol as butter. However, with cholecystitis, duodenitis and atherosclerosis, pork fat is contraindicated.


There is a lot of iron in beef, so it is useful for iron deficiency anemia (other types of anemia are best treated with beets, apples, pomegranates). Old beef is more difficult to digest, it is not recommended for children and the elderly to eat it - it is better to replace veal.


Seafood is a great source of easily digestible protein. Seafood protein contains all the essential and non-essential amino acids. Seafood contains the amino acid taurine, which prevents the development of hypertension.

rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is the champion in protein content. Although there is little fat in rabbit meat (only 9%), but in terms of the content of unsaturated fatty acids, this is the richest and most useful product. There are a lot of adhesives in rabbit meat. This meat practically does not cause allergic reactions.


Lamb is well suited for the nutrition of the elderly, and young lamb is also good for children. It contains a lot of fluorine, which protects teeth from caries. Lamb fat is low in cholesterol. Moreover, lamb contributes to the prevention of diabetes by stimulating the pancreas.

bear meat

Bear meat is dangerous because it can be affected by trichinosis, and even thorough heat treatment does not kill trichinella. Trichinosis is a very dangerous disease, this disease is recorded, as a rule, in people who have eaten bear meat.

Chicken meat

Very tender meat of domestic chicken improves the work of the stomach. But chicken broth can be harmful for stomach and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis. Chicken stomachs are very useful for those who have reduced production of enzymes in the body.


Sea fish is considered the most useful: it is rich in iodine, manganese, copper and zinc, which are necessary for the normalization of metabolism. In addition, sea fish is a source of useful trace elements such as lithium, bromine, iron, boron, fluorine, as well as essential amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan).

Meat is perhaps the most important product of our daily menu...

Deciding to take on our own figure, we often opt for low-calorie diets ...

At the same time, we have to calculate our daily diet so as not to go beyond a certain number of calories. Since meat is a staple food, let's talk about its calorie content and decide which meat is best to consume in order to contribute to the process of losing weight.

- what is meat made of?

Meat is perhaps the most important product of our daily menu. Besides the fact that it has exceptional culinary qualities, it is a source of vital energy for the human body. Meat is perfectly combined with other products (cereals, vegetables, pasta), it quickly and permanently satisfies the feeling of hunger. That is why most nutritionists tend to believe that a diet without meat can hardly be called complete. Let's look at why this food product is so useful and what is included in its composition?

Meat includes:

  • Muscle;
  • Connective tissue;
  • Nerve fibers;
  • Adipose tissue;
  • Bone.

It is a real treasure proteins and other nutrients that stimulate the activity of the body. Meat must be consumed without fail by those people who are engaged in active physical labor, as well as those who are in the phase of active growth (children, adolescents).

In order to determine the need of your own body for this product, repelled by its calorie content, it ranges from 120 to 500 kcal depending on the type. Caloric content directly depends on the percentage of proteins, fats and trace elements, as well as vitamins in the meat.

The next indicator on which depends calories- these are lipids i.e. fats. In lamb, the percentage of fat can be from 1 to 26%, in chicken from 5 to 38%, pork is the fattest and, as a result, the most high-calorie in it from 27 to 60% of lipids.

Separately, it is worth talking about the vitamins and minerals that are contained in meat. These are B vitamins, iron, nicotinic acid, phosphorus and pyridoxine. Rabbit meat is unique in terms of its content of nutrients and low calorie content.

Also, the calorie content of meat directly depends on what type of heat treatment it is subjected to and what part of the animal carcass is used. If you want to reduce the number of calories, then it is better to cook meat for a couple or boil, and for cooking, choose sirloins without a fat layer. Meat contains nitrogenous and nitrogen-free compounds, which are extractive substances. It is they who during the heat treatment determine the taste and aroma of the product. Once in the human body, they stimulate the production of gastric juices, while having no energy value, they help food to be absorbed faster.

How many calories are in different types of meat?

Let's try to find out how many calories are in 100g of meat of different varieties.

Pork calories . It belongs to fatty meats, it contains a large amount of vitamin B1, which takes an active part in carbohydrate metabolism and regulates the smooth functioning of the nervous system. If pork is lean (young animal, sirloins), then its energy value is 160 kcal. If the meat is fatty, then its calorie content is about 500 kcal.

beef calories . It is an indispensable source of such vitamin as B12, it promotes active cell growth and regenerative processes in the human body. Also in beef in a fairly large amount contains zinc and iron. Calorie content of beef meat -190 kcal.

poultry meat calories . Lean varieties are quite low in calories, so chicken contains 165 kcal, chicken meat 156 kcal. Fatty varieties of poultry (duck, goose), on the contrary, are quite high in calories - 308-364 kcal.

Lamb calories. Lamb is the most high-calorie of all the considered meats.

rabbit meat calories . This is a very valuable dietary product, which is recommended to be included in the daily diet of both adults and children. The amount of protein in it is several times higher than the percentage of fat. Meat is rich in B vitamins and trace elements necessary for the human body. Rabbit meat is distinguished from other types of meat by its high degree of digestibility. The calorie content of rabbit dishes is 156 kcal.

Daily replacement of one serving of any meat (pork, beef, veal, lamb and products from them) with chicken or turkey reduces the risk of developing coronary heart disease by 19% and sudden death). Scientists from Harvard came to this conclusion after evaluating the results of the Nurses' Health Study, in which more than 84,000 medical women aged 30 to 55 were observed for 26 years.

At first they were all healthy, but as they got older, the burden of diseases accumulated, and experts assessed how they were related to nutrition, lifestyle and other factors. These nurses have already given humanity a lot of advice on what to do in life and what to refrain from. In this latest work, protection against CHD is not just about chicken. Scientists generally evaluated the more useful to replace meat proteins. Indeed, one portion of it per day increases the risk of coronary artery disease by 16%, and two - by 29%. It turned out that among protein products, the best substitute is nuts: their daily portion instead of meat reduced the risk of coronary artery disease by 30%. Replacing one meat dish with fish reduced the risk by 24%, and low-fat dairy products - by 13. As you can see, in this rating of meat substitutes, poultry takes the penultimate place, overtaking only cottage cheese, cheeses and sour-milk products.

Breast and legs apart

Of course, in real life it is difficult to replace one meat dish with chicken every day - it quickly becomes boring. And in relation to us, the Russians, we need to talk about the refusal not only from cutlets, steaks and all kinds of entrecote, but also from sausages and sausages - after all, they also go through the department of meat dishes. There is another Russian aspect that can weaken the usefulness of American advice: chicken in our country and in the USA are two different products. Remember: why is the chief sanitary doctor Onishchenko fighting only with Bush's legs, and not with breasts or chicken in general? This is exactly what is left to us from the American table. The Yankees prefer the most useful part of the chicken - the breast (it has less harmful fats and cholesterol), the legs are sent to us, and the rest is allowed for fast food and processing. Please note: skinless breasts have 11 times less fat than Bush legs and 14 times less fat than wings!

Be like the Yankees

With regard to white meat chicken, so popular in the US, these figures can be multiplied by 2 - it is the leanest. Even if the skin is skinned from the thighs (it contains the most fat and cholesterol), there will be 4.5 times more fat in them than in the breast, and 9 times more than in white meat. In terms of the content of harmful cholesterol, Bush's legs are in the lead, and there is little of it in the breast and fillet from it, but there are a lot of useful proteins.

In a word, we need to learn to love American-style chicken - not juicy, but dry and without a fried crust. In terms of harmful substances formed during cooking, chicken is not much inferior to meat: at high temperatures, carcinogenic heterocyclic amines and harmful end products of glycolysis are also formed in it. There are especially a lot of them in a deliciously crispy crust. However, chicken has one advantage that is not associated with fats: it has less so-called gems than meat. These substances give the red color to blood and meat, and the pinkish color to chicken. They form toxins that contribute to the development of colon cancer. And studies have shown that poultry, unlike meat, does not increase the risk of such tumors.

Expert opinion

Victor Konyshev, MD, nutrition specialist:
- The undoubted advantage of chicken meat over cattle meat is its easier digestibility. This property is used in dietary nutrition for a number of diseases.

In addition, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in chicken meat is slightly more favorable for the absorption of calcium than, for example, in beef. However, the latter has more iron. The meat of waterfowl (goose, duck) is somewhat richer in essential linolenic acid than the meat of chickens and cattle. When comparing poultry and mammals, it is important to consider the age of the animal, the category of the product, and which parts of the body are in question. Chicken breasts contain less animal fat (and this is good) than legs, but legs have more healthy iron than breasts.

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