What is a banana vegetable or fruit. Banana is a berry or fruit. Useful properties of banana. The use of bananas

Hello dear readers. Remember, quite recently such a delicacy as a banana was a perfect exotic? Some even took time to get used to the yellow African guest and taste its taste.

Now, no holiday is complete without bananas: they are served as a dessert along with fruits, or as an ingredient for cakes, ice cream, a sweet dish to replace cookies, and the list can be continued for a long time.

Surely, many of you, dear readers, have at least once wondered what a banana is - is it a fruit or a berry? I propose to look into this issue together today.

Fruit educational program

To determine which family bananas belong to, I suggest plunging into a school biology course.

The term "fruit" does not exist in science. It has a domestic nature. So it is customary to call all sweet fruits that are large in size.

If we rely on the concept of fruit from the point of view of botany, then under it it is customary to call the fruit. The fruit is the organ of the plant, with the help of which it performs its vegetative function, that is, it reproduces.

One of the varieties of fruits is a berry - a fleshy variety of fruit, which is distinguished by the presence of a peel, as a rule, thin, a large number of seeds inside and juicy pulp.

From this it follows that the banana should be classified as a berry family.

Does it grow on a tree?

But where does such a berry grow? Many of you have probably heard of the banana tree.

But bananas, contrary to prevailing stereotypes, do not grow on trees, including palm trees, as it is customary to draw in books and cartoons.

The banana tree does not exist. The banana plant is a type of herb. And the fruits that we are used to seeing are its berries.

That part of the grass that is above the ground dies after the flowering period. However, after one stem dies completely, a new fruit grows a little further.

Thus, a banana is a plant - a perennial herbaceous type.

In the photo: how a banana grows. Some refer to this tree-like plant as the "banana palm".

Sweet foreigner

Bananas grow in the tropical zone and subtropics, but this fruit is cultivated to a greater extent in South America and in its central region.

Translated from Arabic, "banana" is translated as "finger". This is where the tradition of calling a bunch of these fruits a brush originated.

The historical birthplace of the banana is the Malay Archipelago.

Its flesh has a wide variety of shades: from white and pale yellow to orange.

Banana Facts

  • A funny championship was held in Estonia. One participant ate a dozen of this tropical treat in just a few minutes. The absolute record is more than eighty pieces in one hour.
  • In Japan, a special technical variety of bananas has been developed, which is used for the production of ship gear.
  • In terms of demand, the banana is second only to wheat and rice.
  • A special variety of these fruits grows in the Seychelles. They are gold and black in color. Locals use them as an addition to shellfish
  • But the gray color of the peel indicates a violation of the rules of storage or transportation. Be carefull!

By the way, there is an amazing variety of red bananas. They have a delicate taste.

banana composition

Starch, which is part of unripe fruits, is difficult to digest by the intestines and can cause a feeling of heaviness. Ripe ones are digested very easily even by a child's body and do not cause allergies in both adults and babies.

  1. B vitamins (B1-B6, B9).
  2. Vitamin A.
  3. 15% vitamin C.
  4. Small concentrations of vitamins K and E.
  5. Phosphorus.
  6. Manganese.
  7. Copper.
  8. Low zinc content (find out).
  9. Iron.

Useful properties of bananas

  • Excellent energy drink. A couple of these sunny fruits will help you cope with a heavy mental load. A cheerful state will last for about an hour and a half.
  • Pain reliever. Magnesium and potassium contribute to this. Relieve spasms and pain in the muscles. Prevents the arisen spasms and interferes with their occurrence.
  • Eating fruits reduces the risk of heart disease, heart attack and even stroke.
  • Proven for the stomach. Their pulp coats the stomach walls, thereby preventing ulcers, heartburn, and acidity.
  • These fruits help to eliminate intestinal ulcers and eliminate the appearance of intestinal disorders and normalize the condition of the stool, especially if babies suffer from a problem.
  • Substances contained in bananas promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Bananas contain a large amount of antioxidants that help prevent kidney cancer.
  • Strengthening bones and better absorption of nutrients by the body.
  • Dissolves kidney stones and removes excess water from the body.
  • Tryptophan is a type of acid. It is found in bananas and has a calming effect. Promotes a healthy state of sleep.
  • If you want to make your skin radiant, toned and smooth without the use of expensive creams and surgeries, then this is for you.
  • It relieves a person of stress and depressive moods.
  • Vitamin A contributes to the normalization of vision.
In this video - not only about the properties of bananas, but also about the fact that they are still berries 🙂:

Banana is one of the most any fruit that each of us must buy in the store. And it is not in vain that we all fell in love with this overseas and not so long ago little-known fruit to us. Banana is famous for its high content of potassium, dietary fiber, pectin. It can be a good source of magnesium and many vitamins. In addition, bananas are rich in antioxidants. Therefore, it is worth learning in more detail about all the benefits of bananas for the body, and to whom they can harm.

Often, children who have begun an active school life, with its extremely serious emotional and physical pressure on the body, become lethargic and complain of stomach pains. That is why parents, in order to avoid trips to pediatricians and specialized doctors, should pay attention to an already familiar food product called a banana.

Banana is a vegetable or fruit

Many people ask the question: is a banana, what is a vegetable or fruit, where does a banana grow on a tree, or is it a grass.

Until a certain time, many consumers of this "fruit" believed that it grows and sings on trees. Today, almost every child knows about its herbaceous origin. And most importantly, from the point of view of botany, a banana fruit is nothing more than a berry.

The confusion stems from the herb of the same name itself. The fact is that it is the tallest herbaceous plant. Its height can be from 6 to 7.5 meters. That's some grass!

As for the fruit or berry, we still stick to the first one more. Yes, and banana cultivars now have practically no seeds, according to which fruits and berries are classified in botany. But the fact that it should not be attributed to vegetables, that's for sure.

Scientists consider the islands of the Malay Archipelago to be the birthplace of such a habitual at the moment “exotic” berry, cultivated since ancient times. From here, banana seeds, along with travelers across the Pacific Ocean, stocking up with the necessary provisions (in particular, fruits), spread throughout Southeast Asia. Until now, residents of Asian countries are confident that Adam and Eve were tempted by snakes not with an apple, but with a sweet, fragrant and soft to the touch banana.

It should be noted that in many countries such a berry is the main "penny" source of nutrition. These include Burundi, Ecuador, Comoros, Samoa and the Philippines (the annual consumption of bananas here reaches up to 190 kg per capita). That is why in them this product is often equated with rice or sugar cane.

It is customary to collect fruits unripe. During transportation, ripening, they gradually acquire their usual color and gain useful properties.

Modern botanists divide all banana varieties into two main ones: standard (or large) and mini. The latter will differ in skin color (green, yellow, red), size (grows up to a maximum of 12 cm), skin thickness (it is thinner and, as a result, weighs less) and taste (fruits are sweet, with a pronounced pleasant aroma). Also, mini-bananas grow best in Mexico and Ecuador, which are considered the world's main exporters.

In turn, bananas consumed in food are divided into two main groups: these are dessert bananas and plane trees. In stores, we mainly sell just dessert bananas. Sycamores (or plantains) can only be found in large supermarkets in large cities. These fruits are subjected to heat treatment. The pulp of such bananas is hard and not sweet. They can be green or red in color.

Today, bananas are grown in all tropical countries with a humid climate. For many developing countries, such as India, Ecuador, the Philippines and many others, this berry is one of the main sources of income. They are grown on huge plantations and delivered to the countries of America, Europe, and Asia.

Interestingly, not only we love bananas. They are readily eaten by birds and animals. Big lovers of this fruit are monkeys and elephants.

What is in bananas

In order to fully understand the importance of such a tropical food product in human life, it is very important to learn as much as possible about its chemical composition. So, in a banana there are:

  • vitamins such as PP, K, choline, E, C, A (including beta-carotene), individual elements of group B (from B1 to B6);
  • macronutrients represented by magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium;
  • trace elements in the form of zinc, manganese, fluorine, selenium and iron;
  • pectins;
  • fiber (or dietary fiber);
  • water;
  • starch;
  • carbohydrates consisting of fructose, sucrose and glucose;
  • a small amount of fat (up to 0.2 g), which includes polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids;
  • tryptophan (thanks to it, the “hormone of joy” seratonin is synthesized in the human body);
  • most important amino acids;
  • protein (despite the fact that banana fruits are of plant origin).

Banana is not considered a high-calorie food. Depending on the size of the fruit, the total calorie content of a dessert ripe fresh banana varies from 65.5 to 111 calories per 100 grams.

A green dessert banana contains 108 calories. But the calorie content of a dried banana almost triples and amounts to 298 calories.

If you use it fried, cook jam or jam, then the calorie content will increase significantly and will be at least 310 kcal per 100 g of the finished product.

The calorie content of planano bananas is higher than that of dessert bananas and ranges from 90.5 to 146 calories. Dried - 359 calories.

Benefits of bananas for the body

Among representatives of traditional and traditional medicine, the opinion has long been rooted that eating bananas is very beneficial for the body. The main indications were:

Useful properties of bananas

Banana has many beneficial properties. Here are just a few of these properties.

Bananas affect the functioning of the digestive tract, whether it is constipation or diarrhea. Eating bananas after each meal significantly improves digestion.

A banana milkshake can cure a hangover. Cold milk soothes the stomach, and bananas with honey reduce accumulated blood sugar levels.

As a rich source, they are good for students and schoolchildren, improve brain function and tone the body.

The presence of potassium and the complete absence of salt make these fruits useful for people suffering from high blood pressure.

It is useful for gastric and duodenal ulcers because it does not contain acid and does not irritate the mucous membrane.

For pregnant women suffering from morning sickness and vomiting, bananas should be eaten between meals.

For quitting smoking, it is a must to include a banana in your menu. After all, they are rich in vitamins C, A, B6 and B12. In addition, potassium and magnesium also help to better endure the nicotine withdrawal period.

Bananas have an antacid effect, i.e. useful for heartburn.

And who wants to lose weight, a banana will be most welcome. It can be eaten as a snack instead of chips, candy, and other high-calorie foods.

Do not throw away the banana peel. This is not only an excellent fertilizer for plant nutrition, but also for health.

If there are warts, place the yellow side of the banana peel against it and secure. It will dry out and disappear over time.

When bitten by mosquitoes, rub the skin of the bite, which will help relieve itching and irritation, and reduce swelling.

For many women, banana face masks are their favorite. After all, they help restore a healthy complexion, remove wrinkles, moisturize the skin well.

The harm of bananas

As is usually the case, even a common food product can show some negative harmful manifestations. Because of them, a banana will have to be consumed with caution:

  • Patients with diabetes;
  • Allergy sufferers (not much, individual intolerance can manifest itself at any time);
  • Children under 7-15 years old (after all, bananas do not grow in domestic gardens and therefore not all children, or rather, their gastrointestinal tract, easily adapt to an unusual fruit);
  • People who have increased blood clotting;
  • An unripe fruit (or green banana) is not well tolerated by the small intestine and can cause gas or pain in the large intestine.

Since the banana is high in potassium, it should be avoided by people who are taking beta-blockers, a type of medication often prescribed for heart disease, in order not to cause a spike in potassium levels in the body.

Too much consumption of bananas is bad for those with kidney problems. This is again due to the high potassium content.

In general, a banana will be an excellent addition to cereals and as a filling cake. It is also used to make juice, jam and preserves.

But in choosing a tropical berry, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • gray peel indicates hypothermia of the fetus (although there is no benefit or harm from it);
  • ribbing indicates too early collection and the need to give the banana time to ripen;
  • brown spots are often repulsive, although not always evidence of the onset of decay;
  • it is better to store the product in a bundle in a cool place (on the balcony or in the refrigerator) for no more than five days.

Bananas are useful and healthy berries (fruits). They must be included in your menu. After all, the benefits from them are much greater than the harm.

Banana nutritional value table and calorie content per 100 grams of product

There is no such thing as a banana tree. The banana plant is essentially a giant grass, and bananas are its berries. According to the definition, a berry is "a soft, juicy fruit containing several seeds".

And grass is "a plant with a fleshy but not woody stem, which, after the plant has flowered and produced seeds, dies down to the ground." However, this definition is not always correct: for example, sage, thyme and rosemary have a stem of just a tree type (although not covered with real bark).

Thus, after flowering, that part of the grass that is above the ground dies. In the case of a banana, we are dealing with a very unusual effect. After the death of one stem, a little further along the root, another begins to grow. Thus, after a few years, the plant, as it were, "passes" half a meter-meter.

Banana came to us from Malaysia, where it has been grown for 10 thousand years. Wild bananas, which can still be found in Southeast Asia, contain large, hard seeds and very little pulp. They are pollinated by bats.

Bananas from your supermarket are a cultivar chosen by growers for their fleshy flesh and lack of seeds. Cultivation gave the plant a sweet, tasty, but sterile: such a banana is not able to reproduce without human help.

Most banana plants haven't had "sex" for 10,000 years. Almost every one of the bananas that we eat with such pleasure is propagated by hand: from the shoot of an already existing plant, whose genetic fund has not been updated for 100 centuries. As a result, the banana is extremely susceptible to various kinds of diseases. Many of its species have already fallen victim to fungal infections such as "black sigatoka" and "Panama disease", which are very resistant to fungicides. And if a genetically modified variety is not developed soon, we can forget about bananas forever.

The problem, by the way, is very serious. Bananas are the world's most profitable export crop. The industry is worth $12 billion a year and supports 400 million people, many of whom live below the poverty line.

Most bananas come from hot countries, however, paradoxically, Iceland is the largest European banana producer. Bananas are grown in spacious greenhouses heated by geothermal waters, just two degrees south of the Arctic Circle.

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Not all ancient plant cultures have reached modern society. However, these yellow fruits are loved by many even now. Banana is actively used for consumption in raw and cooked form, livestock feeding and industrial needs. Is it a fruit or a berry, how useful it is and how to eat it correctly, we will consider further.

In contact with


Banana is not one, but several plants, united by similar features. As a rule, this concept means the following types of bananas:

  • pointed;
  • heavenly;
  • fruity, etc.

These are large plants with powerful roots, a small stem and a developed false trunk. A height of up to 15 meters and huge leaf plates overlapping each other lead to the question of what a banana is, is it grass or a tree. However, a powerful, seemingly stiff stem, is actually a hollow tube.

According to botanical reference books, banana is a herb. The plant is perennial and can produce up to 300 fruits annually.

The culture is common in Asia and South America. Almost all varieties of bananas can be found in India, the Philippines, Ecuador. Brazil. It is these countries that are leaders in the export of fragrant yellow fruits. With high humidity in the tropics, a banana develops to an adult plant in 1-1.5 years.

The plant grows in open sunny places. Flowers form between its fan-like large leaves. The banana flower looks like a huge bud with a purple-lilac color. Inside are brushes, from which fruits develop in the future. The flower is also eaten raw and used to prepare various dishes.

This is how bananas grow in nature.

Is a banana fruit a berry, fruit or vegetable?

These large yellow fruits are truly amazing and controversial. There is a strong opinion that a banana is. The size of the fruit, its peel and sweet taste, at first glance, confirm this opinion. Other people are sure that a banana is a fruit or a vegetable. After all, in Asian countries it is customary to serve fruits fried or boiled as a side dish.

In fact, a banana is a berry. It has three layers:

  • peel;
  • fleshy middle;
  • inner part.

From above, each fruit is covered with a thick extracarp, under which the pulp is hidden. Banana seeds are hidden in the very core. A similar structure is also characteristic of other berries: watermelon, eggplant, tomato, etc. However, it is more customary to call the fruit a fruit.

How much does it weigh without the skin?

The weight of one banana depends on its species. On average, a fruit with a length of 18-20 centimeters reaches 150 grams. Large bananas weigh more - 200-250 grams. The mass of one small berry (12 centimeters or less) is approximately 100 grams.


At the moment, about 450 varieties of berries are cultivated. However, not all of them successfully tolerate transportation and storage. About 100 varieties of fruit are considered optimal for export. The composition of a banana directly depends on its variety, stage of maturity and type of processing before consumption.

The nutritional value

This concept reflects all the beneficial properties of the berry, contributing to the needs of the body.

Table 1. Banana nutritional value per 100 grams of product

The most rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates are dried unripe Platano fruits (requiring heat treatment). The smallest amount of protein is found in ripe Platano berries.

Mature dessert varieties are characterized by a minimal occurrence of fat and carbohydrates. Fruit of any variety is considered a carbohydrate food.

What vitamins are rich?

Yellow berries have a pleasant delicate taste and delicate aroma. Their pulp contains magnesium, potassium, selenium, vitamin C and other vital substances.

Table 2. What vitamins in a banana are good for humans

The fruits are high in calories. On average, 100 grams of pulp contains 96 kcal.

Table 3. The energy value of a banana, depending on its variety and type of fruit processing

Considering what is contained in bananas, the thought about the benefits of this product involuntarily arises. Indeed, the consumption of berries has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, and even improves mood. However, in some cases, fruits are harmful.

What happens if you eat every day?

This is a high-calorie fruit with an average glycemic index. What happens if you eat bananas every day depends on the amount consumed and individual indicators.

Eating one or two fruits a day is perfectly acceptable for a healthy adult. However, if you are overweight or have diabetes, berries should not be eaten daily.

Bananas are high in fiber, which means they take a long time to digest. Eating fruit before bed can lead to insomnia due to rapid digestive processes. In addition, the consumption of berries invigorates and energizes, which is also inappropriate in the evening hours. How to eat a banana:

  • it is better to eat a berry in the morning before lunch;
  • it is not recommended to combine with fatty and indigestible food;
  • eat fruit as a snack with increased brain activity (before an exam, interview, during a hard day's work).

Depending on the variety, the fruit can be used as a dessert or garnish. The berries are traditionally served with ice cream, cream or salted caramel. They are fried separately or in batter, in heated vegetable oil. Banana, the chemical composition of which includes a large amount of carbohydrates, with this method of preparation becomes even more high-calorie. The food should be consumed in moderation.

Strengthen or weaken?

The berry is known for its delicate enveloping texture. A large amount of fiber in fruits stimulates intestinal motility, helping to promote its contents.

Answering the question of how useful a banana is, strengthens or weakens this fruit, we can say with confidence that it has a laxative effect. It is recommended to include in the diet of people suffering from constipation.

Pre-workout or post-workout use

Athletes seeking to gain mass are sure to consume bananas. However, the fruits can be useful in any type of activity. Banana before exercise is an effective prevention of cramps due to its potassium content. It is recommended to eat the fruit at least 2 hours before the start of classes.

It is best to consume a banana after a workout to close the protein-carbohydrate window. At this time, the body produces a large amount of the hormone cortisol, which negatively affects muscle fibers. Proteins and carbohydrates block its synthesis and increase the effectiveness of classes.

Is it allowed to eat with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract?

Banana is very useful for the stomach. However, with some pathologies, it is worth consuming it carefully.

Gastroenterologists recommend eating yellow fruits for various forms of gastritis, while other fruits and berries should be excluded. Fibrous pulp will benefit patients with a chronic form of the disease and in the acute stage.

Pancreatitis is a pathology expressed in inflammation of the pancreas. Treatment is complex and involves a special diet. Fruits can be included in the diet, but the measure should be observed when consuming them. It is better to consult with a specialist.

With cholecystitis, it is important that vegetable and animal fats are balanced in the diet. Eating a berry is not only possible, but also necessary. The fruit can be consumed both raw and cooked. For example, as part of mousses, jelly, non-sour jam.

For weight loss, mono-diets based on the consumption of one product are popular. According to many, they are useful regardless of how healthy a person is and how much they weigh. A banana without a peel is recommended to be consumed 4-5 times a day. The total weight of the fruit should not exceed 1-1.5 kg.

The berry-based mono-diet is gentle, easily tolerated by the body and does not cause irritation. However, its effectiveness is somewhat lower than losing weight on cucumbers, kefir or buckwheat.

Probability of Allergy

Berry rarely leads to allergies. However, you should make sure when giving a banana to a child that this will not lead to the development of adverse reactions. With special care, it is introduced as complementary foods for babies. In case of any allergic reactions, the consumption of the fetus should be discontinued.

Cosmetic use in the form of masks

Having figured out when it is better to eat bananas, it is worth exploring their use to maintain your own beauty.

The fruit is used in crushed form as an independent remedy or in combination with other ingredients. A good result is the combination with oatmeal, kefir, sour cream. Banana-based mask effectively moisturizes and softens the skin.

A yellow berry will also help saturate curls with nutrients. Ripe fruit must be mashed with a fork, mixed with an egg, burdock oil or cognac. Then cover the hair with cling film and wrap it with a towel.

These bright fruits have a pronounced sweet taste, rich aroma and a light berry aftertaste. Seeing this plant, many are interested in which group the red banana belongs to. In fact, this is one of the varieties of the usual yellow berries.

It is possible to grow a berry from seeds, but you should not eat the fruits. They are not suitable for eating. To obtain a full-fledged plant with the fruits that we buy in the store, it is necessary to propagate by basal processes.

Berries should not be stored in plastic bags. They cause condensation. Paper containers are best. For each stage of berry ripeness, a specific storage method is optimal: in a warm place, in a cool place or in a freezer.

Useful video

Fruits are the fruits of trees and shrubs, and a banana is a perennial herbaceous plant, which is also mistakenly called a banana tree. So what is a banana - is it a fruit or a berry:


  1. Yellow berries are a source of vitamins and minerals.
  2. They rarely lead to allergies, but have a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract.
  3. The fruits are excellent when maintaining a diet for certain diseases and even to maintain their own attractiveness.

In contact with

The well-known banana periodically becomes a cause for controversy. Someone claims that it is a fruit, and someone insistently insists that a banana is a berry. Let's figure it out: is a banana a berry or a fruit?


  • It is customary to call a fruit such a fruit of a plant that contains seeds, with the help of which its further reproduction takes place. Fruits can be fleshy, stone and dry.
  • A berry, according to the rules and norms of botany, is such a fleshy fruit, which consists of juicy pulp, thin peel and hard seeds.

As we can see from the definitions, berries are one of the varieties of fruits. That is, the expression is true: every berry is a fruit, but not every fruit is a berry.

So, in accordance with the observations and conclusions of botanists, a banana is a berry. This berry has a thick skin and many seeds. There are practically no seeds in cultivated banana species, since such species are propagated vegetatively and the plant does not need seeds.

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