The collapse of the Bulava project and the white-blue-red power: the revelations of Yuri Solomonov. "poplar", "mace" and "nuclear vertical"

The general designer of strategic missile systems wrote a story.

Nuclear vertical: Events and thoughts. Y. Solomonov. - M .: Publishing House "Intervestnik", 2009.

The release of a book prepared by a high-ranking military leader, statesman, scientist and industry leader is always an extraordinary event. Researchers, historians and, finally, a simple layman are interested in learning first hand how certain decisions were made that influenced the fate of the nation and, without exaggeration, of humanity as a whole. Learn about the heroes of the "invisible" front, who forged the shield of the country; broaden your horizons in the field of weapons, military and special equipment.

Therefore, when I got my hands on the book "Nuclear Vertical", written by Yuri Solomonov, who for a long time was in charge of one of the leading rocket technology developers - the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering and to this day remains its general designer, I eagerly began to study it. , hoping "to join the secrets of creating a nuclear missile shield" of the Soviet Union and Russia.

However, the initial hope was replaced by bewilderment with a certain amount of disappointment. I was not able to find answers to many questions, in particular, to the one that torments many today: was the decision to choose the direction for the development of the new Bulava SLBM not a mistake and, if everything was done correctly, what was the reason for the failures during the tests?

However, the format of the book itself is quite unusual - the narration is not in the first person, as is customary in memoirs, but from a certain "outside observer". The author, as if from the outside, observes the events taking place over several decades, in the period of 1980–2010, describing them in a peculiar abstract form. In many cases, even without reference to dates or indication of the place of the event.

For example, "a meeting of one of the committees of the Congress is underway. On the agenda is a review of the progress of work on the SDI program." Does the author have no information about who and in which committee discussed such important issues? However, then there is a direct speech and the content of the speeches of individual participants in the meeting - is it, it turns out, an invention?

Or: "In the walls of one of the institutes of the Ministry of Defense, a heated discussion is taking place on the issue of adapting the medium-range complex being developed to the conditions for the deployment of US anti-missile defense systems of the Patriot type - the SAM-D modification." Why such secrecy? Is it not possible to specify what kind of institution? I can assure you that the “probable adversary” knows which institution is responsible for what and is no worse than the leadership of the RF Ministry of Defense. But with such omissions, and even from a third person, the book no longer looks like a documentary-historical work, but as a kind of free presentation on a given topic.

But the most surprising thing is something else: representatives of the country's military-political leadership and leaders of science and industry are "ciphered" under pseudonyms (the author warns about the changed surnames in the preface). True, these faces are all well recognizable - but only for those who, as they say, are "already in the know." If the title says "Events and Thoughts", why change the names of people, especially since the author criticizes many of them? However, the criticism contained in the book by Yuri Solomonov is correct and does not even require proof - just look at the current state of the Russian Armed Forces and the defense industry to fully trust the words of the author.

"The totalitarian system suppressed dissent, focusing society's attention on counteracting a powerful insidious enemy" or "The insatiable hydra of the military-industrial lobby fueled the process with their proposals, behind which there was nothing but a struggle for power, influence in society, draining additional resources that bled the country" , is all about the Soviet period, although the same words can be applied to modern Russia.

"The country is literally being torn apart by a flock of wild animals, and there is no force that would be able to put an end to this lawlessness. Strategic nuclear forces are the guarantor of the country's security, which means that it is necessary to find the means necessary to solve this most important state task," he says. the hero of the book is Yuri Solomatin (it must be understood that this is the author himself). "But what kind of support for the defense industry could we talk about when the country's leadership recognized only one mechanism as the only tool for forming the management structure - destruction. Instead of borrowing from what had been developed in the Union and proved its effectiveness, there was a systematic destruction of the very foundations of the national instead, caricature schemes borrowed by blindly copying Western models" - and this, as you can easily understand, is about the newest Russia. And again - words with which it is impossible not to agree. In general, strictly speaking, when in our "very interesting time" a representative of the highest echelon writes so honestly and openly - this is in itself a feat that inevitably arouses the respect and sympathy of the reader.

However, there are some thoughts in the author's judgments with which one cannot agree. For example, Yuri Solomonov for some reason has a negative attitude towards the military class. At least, there is no other way to interpret the following phrase: "Objectively perceiving the limited way of thinking of people in uniform, he (we are talking about one of the representatives of the government. - V.Shch.) nevertheless always knew how to find in their environment, where there is very little personalities, worthy people who can think broadly, thereby creating a team of like-minded people together with representatives of industry. The unconditional approval of the hero of the book, Yuri Solomatin, deserves only those military leaders who agree with his arguments and proposals in the field of developing missile weapons. This is how the visit to the MIT of the new Commander-in-Chief of the Navy is described: "Admiral Kuropatov (this is a pseudonym. - V.Sh.), a short, dense man, entered the office of the general designer without unnecessary posing and panache and after a short greeting, to the surprise of the assembled leadership enterprises, said:

- Colleagues, I came with one purpose - to study. The field of naval strategic nuclear forces is new to me, and I would be very grateful for your help in getting acquainted with the subject."

After such a step, naturally, the admiral earned the respect of Yuri Solomatin and his colleagues. The reader, probably, should also be imbued with respect for the MIT, which turned out to be the only organization in the country where the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy can draw the best and most advanced knowledge about the naval component of the strategic nuclear forces. The only question that arises is: who appointed to the post of commander-in-chief a naval commander who did not understand one of the most important components of the Navy?

It can be assumed that we are talking about Vladimir Kuroyedov, but in 1976-1978 he graduated with honors from the Naval Academy, in 1987-1989 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with a gold medal, in 1994-1997 he commanded the Pacific Fleet , which still has a large NSNF group, and in 1997 served as chief of staff of the Russian Navy for several months. And what, for all these years, he did not learn anything about NSNF and was forced to go to study with the designers of MIT, before the Bulava program, by the way, they were not involved in the design of strategic submarine-launched missiles?

There are some not entirely convincing moments in the book. For example, the author seriously criticizes the proposal of a part of the generals to stake in the development of a ground grouping of Russia's strategic nuclear forces on stationary silo-based missile systems, leaving mobile missile systems "outside the brackets". The head of MIT, Yuri Solomatin (under the pseudonym, as already mentioned, Yuri Solomonov himself is easily guessed) sharply opposes such a short-sighted decision, in his opinion, and ultimately convinces the then Chief of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces that it is precisely such complexes that will become the main force of a retaliatory strike in the event enemy nuclear aggression.

"In the conditions of a retaliatory strike, the effectiveness of stationary mine-based complexes is close to zero, which implies the need to develop mobile complexes," Yuri Solomonov writes.

The idea seems to be correct. The coordinates of the missile silos are not only known to the potential enemy, but - in accordance with the signed international obligations - voluntarily reported by Moscow. And the one who first decides to strike may well succeed, destroy the missile silos and disarm our Strategic Missile Forces. Mobile systems, on the other hand, can be on the march, constantly changing their location, and therefore they are more difficult to detect and, accordingly, hit. But modern space reconnaissance facilities have not only optical, but also high-precision infrared and radar systems, which makes it possible to monitor around the clock in any weather. Yes, and the coordinates of the protected shelters of the mobile Topols and the routes from combat patrols are also known to the potential enemy.

On the other hand, the Russian public is not only trying not to say anything about the progress of work on such programs, but is also angrily indignant if materials on this topic appear in the media. Here, for example, is what the author of the book thinks about this: “Imagine that in some other country belonging to the nuclear club, on the pages of ordinary newspapers, magazines, and other non-specialized media, such a quantity of materials on strategic issues can be published. rocket weapons, it is simply impossible. This phenomenon can be explained by two reasons: the lack of the opportunity to apply one’s, as a rule, superficial knowledge for its intended purpose due to their lack of demand and the fulfillment of a direct order, encouraged financially. One way or another, in the press with amazing frequency, the cycle of which determined, apparently, by causeless hormonal surges, publications appear using arguments that convince only their authors, because it is impossible to understand sometimes outright nonsense, devoid of not only scientific and technical validity, but simply elementary common sense.

Let us leave these words on the conscience of the author, I will only note that materials of this kind appear in ordinary, non-specialized (by specialized, Yuri Solomonov probably meant closed departmental publications that are inaccessible to a wide range of readers) publications and in countries - members of the nuclear club. Except for China. In the USSR, we also knew almost nothing about the Strategic Missile Forces, but since our leadership is building democracy and an open society, be so kind as to experience all its "charms", and not just those that are convenient for you. Yes, and materials on strategic missile weapons do not appear with a frequency determined by "unreasonable hormonal surges", but with a frequency of "bursts" of the Bulava falling into the sea, which our military-political leadership "solemnly promised" to put into service last year, and even earlier. It was not necessary to promise - the public would not have asked. And it turns out that in the open media we publish either "failed unfortunate generalists" or "corrupt scribes." With the same success, using the example of individual stealing representatives of our government or the same defense industry, one can declare the "complete venality" of all officials and all industrialists. So why tar all media workers?

In general, we can recommend reading the book by Yuri Solomonov. A number of interesting facts can be gleaned from it, especially about the adoption of individual decisions in the field of maintaining the combat capability of our country's nuclear missile shield. At the same time, the author himself, as stated in the preface, does not claim the exclusivity of his judgments, which leaves room for criticism and controversy, especially with the participation of those who are mentioned by Yuri Solomonov in this work, albeit in a veiled form.

In the head and soul of this man, the incredibly complex constructions of military-technical progress and the exploits of the greats of the ancient world happily coexist; he, as a historian, with the greatest care, cuts through the gilding of legends in order to reveal to the world the reality of the existence of ancestors and millennia. And put them to the music of poetry.

As the general designer and one of the creators of the nuclear shield of our Fatherland, Academician Yuri Semenovich Solomonov is always at his post: his missiles from the aggressor's nuclear deterrence complex are the best, and everyone knows this.
And today - the publishing house "Fiction" published a new book, the author of which is not a member of the writers' union. But his most striking works have long been in service with the Strategic Missile Forces and our Navy.
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation Yuri Solomonov is known as the creator of land-based and sea-based strategic missile systems, and in the recent past he was the general director and general designer of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. Over the years, the Pioneer, Topol, Topol-M, Bulava, Yars, Rubezh missile systems and many other things were born here, which the time has not come to talk about in the media.

The creator of the naval strategic missile "Bulava", the birth of which was difficult, could not but touch upon its fate. As Solomonov said, all the problems with this missile system are connected with the 1990s, with the collapse of the USSR and Soviet rocket-building cooperation. In addition, in those years, the degradation of professionalism in production began. Many real masters of their craft quit due to chronic lack of money and began to look for another job. Many have grown old and retired without passing on their skills to those who came to replace them. Then it backfired rather sadly. And the fact that the Bulava appeared at all can be considered a miracle. And, of course, the personal merit of its chief designer.

Today all problems are removed. "Mace" is on combat duty, there are no complaints about it from the military.

It is worth recalling that in the story with this rocket, Yuri Semenovich Solomonov acted as a person for whom the concept of Honor is not an empty phrase. After a series of unsuccessful launches, although they were not his fault, the General Designer of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, where the Bulava was developed under his leadership, resigned. So in our country, no one did either before him or after.

You involuntarily recall this step of Solomonov against the background of a series of catastrophes of "Protons" and "Unions" - even in Soviet times debugged to the highest degree of reliability. Serial rockets fall one after another, and effective top managers don’t even blow their heads. Honor and dignity are not about them.

It is interesting that the rocket scientist, who has devoted decades to his work and continues to work, is not sure that our rockets must necessarily surf the expanses of the universe. He considers it absurd to prepare a human expedition to Mars. Let it be studied by automatic stations and robots. And sending a person to the Red Planet is too expensive and completely unnecessary.

Our native planet, as Solomonov said, today is studied much worse than near space. On the ground, under the ground and under the water, there is still a mass of mysterious, completely unexplored. But the very existence of human civilization depends much more on what is happening under our feet than on the answer to the question: is there life on Mars.

Now Yuri Solomonov is preparing a cycle of poems about Russian history. In his opinion, it very strongly and very symbolically resonates with the history of the world, including the Middle East. And from specific historical figures, the author outlined Dmitry Donskoy and Sergius of Radonezh for the "poetic development".

Here is what academician Vladimir Fortov says about Yuri Semyonovich Solomonov: His gift was a revelation for me.

Of all the great Soviet defense workers - and academician Yuri Semenovich Solomonov, of course, is in the first row - no one was noticed in the pursuit of poetry and history. As far as I remember, only Lev Davidovich Landau was professionally versed in poetry. It was genius. He found some brilliant solutions for the atomic bomb. After work, Landau often took a volume of Baratynsky in his hands, he usually read poetry aloud, and so he rested. But Landau did not write poetry. Even jokes.

Poems were written by academician Vladimir Evgenievich Zakharov. Today he has five or six collections. And I am proud that one of his poems is dedicated to me. But Zakharov is amateur poetry. The poetry of Academician Solomonov is of a different kind. First, a comprehensive historical view: Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, Asia Minor and Central Asia, Ancient Persia, Macedonia…

Solomonov is the creator of the nuclear shield of Russia: Topol-M, Bulava, Yars, Rubezh, Wandering Start (BZHRK Barguzin). Solomon also studies the history of the ancient worlds as a scientist, and this gift of his became a revelation for me. Working alongside him (on some issues together with him) for many years, I had no idea that the country's chief rocket scientist was a real poet. His view of history - yes. Deep (and purely personal) assessments - of course.

I knew that Solomonov wrote prose. But when I first heard his poems (and Solomonov reads his poems the way only poets read poetry, reveling in rhyme - "linguistics girl"), my mouth opened by itself. None of us, his contemporaries, his friends, knew that he is a poet. Yes, and he himself did not know. This gift was discovered in him already after the 90s, when we - we all - sighed a little, when all this hell, the hell of the 90s, was left behind ... You see, there is people who work through strength. They honestly and conscientiously do their job. But work is always a burden for them. And the Bible says: "The Lord does not give a cross beyond his strength." The school of Academician Solomonov is always real creativity. Always! Solomon works without getting tired, he has been in brilliant shape all his life, and his best students (and there are thousands of them) are a match for him. with a complex character, but he had a rest with students: a lecture is like a rest, young eyes are around you!

And Solomon's poetry, like his entire school, is primarily for the young. It organically complements what is the main thing in his life - strengthening the country's defense capability. We are already 10-12 years ahead of the Americans in terms of missiles. Yes, these are the products of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering and the cooperation of enterprises headed by it that pushed the third world war away from Russia, although after the Crimea the third world seemed inevitable.

Today I do not know a single scientist who would now have such authority in Russia as Solomon. And just as freely (inner freedom for a scientist is an absolutely necessary thing), Solomon writes poetry.

There is such a beautiful science - the theory of functions of complex variables. I passed it when I was studying. And Solomon passed it. This is complex science. But she is very beautiful. beauty and complexity. Like two twin sisters. Here is the poetry of the Hero of Labor of Russia, Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR Yuri Semenovich Solomonov - beautiful and complex. Poetry in one go...

The book of poems by academician Solomonov is indeed a continuation (and what a continuation!) of his work, the work of his life. He must surprise people. He must open. And he writes because he cannot help but write - if something is given to a person, it tears him from the inside, does not give rest, and Solomonov (his working day has been starting at the same time for several decades: 5 o'clock in the morning) writes mostly in the mornings, Saturdays and Sundays, sometimes, if thoughts come flooding in, at night, in absolute silence, when nothing prevents him from plunging into the depths of centuries and having a dialogue with great commanders and thinkers - judging by the published book, they really have what tell each other.


One can argue for a long time about whether it was necessary to start the Bulava project and whether it would have been better to complete the Bark project. This is a separate issue. In our case, another question is important: is the current “vertical of power” a viable state? Can it (as a state) implement complex technical projects that were not a problem even for the Brezhnev USSR? After all, if the decision to implement the project is made, it must be implemented. Otherwise - a tavern, chaos and national disgrace.

And here the book of Solomon paints a merciless picture. There is no state in the Russian Federation. What is called the "state" is incapacitated in everything that does not concern the cut / rollback. Under Putin-Medvedev, the disintegration of state power has been going on and is going on. Its place is occupied by a clearly expressed criminal, bardach system, completely unsuitable for the purposes of the country's industrial and scientific and technological development.

It's just that "Mace" is a good illustration of this progressive paralysis of the state. If a decision is made in the Russian Federation to implement this or that project, this does not mean anything. All the same, then spokes in the wheels and outright sabotage begin. Plus frank meanness and self-interest. Bulava faced these realities in all its glory.

“The history of the creation of military rocket technology in the USSR knew many cases of uncompromising struggle of competitors. However, this struggle continued each time until the final decisions were made by the leadership of the state, after which everything fell into place in accordance with the well-known saying: “After a fight, they don’t wave their fists.” Here, the Ural colleagues, traditional developers of sea-based complexes, and individual officials of the highest level, including the Deputy Prime Minister, and high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Defense, by their actions not only hindered the development process, but in some cases simply blocked it ... "- writes Y. Solomonov.

In an attempt to achieve at least some certainty, the general designer of MIT turned to the head of Roscosmos for help Yuri Koptev(in the book he is listed under the name Kopytov, he headed the RCA/RACA in 1992-2004.) Like, let's convene a meeting with you, let the opponents express all their claims openly, and we will answer just as openly. We will invite experts from the Moscow Region and the Academy of Sciences. (By the way, this is a completely Stalinist style of meetings on controversial issues of development!) But it did not help, because this comrade turned out to be optional and not quite decent. It was spoiled by post-Soviet realities.

“...He felt like a fish in water among that ruling elite, whose intellectual potential was painted mainly in gray tones...

... This was a natural reaction of a person who grew up in the rigid framework of the state administrative machine of the USSR and faced with a lack of elementary executive discipline, when the instructions of the country's leadership on sometimes the most important issues were not carried out - and no one was responsible for this. This could not but give rise to non-obligation in big and small, if a person is predisposed to this, which happened in this case ... "

Koptev acted ugly: he promised to schedule such a meeting, but then canceled it - and did not notify MIT.

At the same time, another story is developing: the year is 2004, but for two years now Putin's order to launch work on the modernization of the Topol-M complex in order to expand its combat capabilities has not been carried out. Then Y. Solomonov suggested to the head of the defense industry department of the government apparatus: let me myself prepare a draft government decree, coordinate it with all interested ministries and departments. For the state machine in this case is simply stuck. The head of the department agrees on one condition - the mandatory approval of the project from the Ministry of Defense.

To do this, it was necessary to enlist the support of the head of the General Staff A. Kvashnin and hold a meeting with him with the participation of the head of the main operational department of the General Staff, the head of armaments of the Ministry of Defense and the head of the scientific and technical committee of the ministry. And then it turned out: these military men are against the work on the modernization of Topol-M. Kvashnin risked losing the support of the military department. The head of the scientific and technical committee stated bluntly: “The Ministry of Defense does not need this work!” Nevertheless, Kvashnin endorsed the draft resolution.

Having collected the visas of all the necessary departments on the draft form of the draft resolution, Solomonov had to go through the second round: to collect the same signatures - but already on the “white paper”, the so-called “red form”. In the USSR, this was done - and never caused difficulties. After all, the text has already been agreed upon, it has just been rewritten. In the Soviet Union, mid-level officials collected repeat visas. But not in Russia! Here Solomonov had to go himself. And then the chief of the General Staff began to doubt - should I put a signature?

“The same thought was persistently pounding in my head: “Why should I mind my own business, opposing the virtually non-functioning state machine”?- the author writes. He still managed to persuade Kvashnin, but a heavy aftertaste remained.

From other sources, I know how Solomon all these years tried to meet with the first persons to discuss problems that need to be addressed at the highest level, and failed again and again. It seemed wild. After all, Stalin, and Khrushchev, and Brezhnev always accepted general designers in projects of this level.

But it was already Erefia, not the Soviet Union. Soon after the events described, the Ministry of Finance, headed by Kudrin, began openly disrupting the financing of the mass production of new "poplars" ...


The Votkinsk plant - the only enterprise in the Russian Federation for the production of ground-based ballistic intercontinental missiles - could not switch to the serial production of Topol-M. Government investment was needed. Even the visits of high state authorities to the enterprise did not help.

“In most cases, the attention of various levels of managers when visiting the enterprise was of a non-public, non-ostentatious nature. Based on the results, specific decisions were made every time to help resolve current issues. And, unfortunately, there are more and more of them. The degradation of the military-industrial complex acquired an avalanche-like character, which required constant efforts of cooperation to ensure stable production. The market declared in the country has not become the norm of economic interaction of its participants in the field of special engineering ...

At one of these moments, when the sharpest confrontation between industry and the Minister of Finance was brewing on the issue of resource support for the preparation of mass production of enterprises-designers and manufacturers of domestic strategic weapons, another visiting meeting was held under the leadership of the government. The vertical of power once again failed. The direct instructions of the president of the country were ignored, with good reason it could be stated that a mutual guarantee of irresponsibility was taking shape in the structures of power ... "- writes Yuri Solomonov, referring to the events of 2007.

At that time, M. Fradkov was the prime minister (deduced in the book as Fradkin, prime minister in 2004-2007). Solomonov was pleasantly surprised when, at an offsite meeting in Votkinsk, Fradkov showed himself to be an understanding and efficient boss. Then the author of the "Nuclear Vertical" said: defense engineering works on an utterly worn-out machine park. The preparation of serial production of Topol-M will allow at least a little upgrade of the equipment. There is an instruction from the President of the Russian Federation. But " For two years, the Minister of Finance has been engaged in outright sabotage, ignoring the approval of the Program under various pretexts.

The speech, as you understand, was once again about the unforgettable liberal-moneratrist Alexey Kudrin. Who, even in "Russia rising from its knees", successfully continued the work of Gaidar / Chubais, while remaining untouchable. And Kudrin still doesn't give a damn about the "terrible Putin".

And Solomonov, looking into Fradkov's eyes, continued:

“It is impossible not to mention the process of loss of unique technologies in production and, above all, in materials science. A comprehensive government program with funding is needed.

Finally, the most serious personnel issue. The average age of workers in the defense industry is steadily growing, exceeding 50 years. The enterprises themselves will not be able to solve the problem of rejuvenating the personnel without the state... The task is very difficult, but without solving it, it is simply impossible to count on the preservation of the military-industrial potential in the next 10-15 years...»

Fradkov understood everything. At its meeting (unlike Putin's Novo-Ogarevsky disgrace in 2002), minutes were kept. And then Prime Minister Fradkov was able to interrupt the two-year sabotage, went against the Ministry of Finance - and two weeks later signed two resolutions on the preparation of mass production of missiles. He even gave instructions to prepare a draft program for the preservation and development of materials science. But the hands did not reach the problem of rejuvenating personnel. In connection with the start of Medvedev's nomination for the presidency and the preparations for Putin's transfer to the premiership, Fradkov was removed from his post as head of government.

Is it any wonder, friends, that today the Russian defense industry is falling apart more and more?


Further, Solomon's life deteriorates sharply. In the Russian Federation, the power of gray performers, blindly devoted to the Great Poo, is being established. Androids. Oh, yes, even the furniture maker Serdyukov in February 2007 sat down in the chair of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The current instigator of the transition to the purchase of foreign military equipment and weapons.

Instead of Kvashnin, the chief of the General Staff by that time was Yuri Baluevsky(left out in the "Nuclear Vertical" as General Baluev - head of the General Staff in 2004-2008) Solomonov draws him as an extremely lack of initiative boss, guided by the principle "The best decision is not to make any decisions."

However, Baluevsky became the NGS even before Serdyukov, under the head of the Ministry of Defense, the philologist-“foreign intelligence officer” Sergei Ivanov (headed by the Moscow Region - in 2001-2007). Solomonov writes that this friend of Putin did nothing to help MIT and the Topol-M and Bulava projects in general. Here is a juicy quote from the book.

“The minister is a very peculiar person. The ability to keep a distance, subtle facial features, correct literary speech, the very manner of behavior - everything in him indicated that he presented himself as an intellectual leader. At the same time, the position itself created the image of a large-scale personality.

Knowledge of several languages ​​- an invariable attribute of professional affiliation in the recent past, only complemented the portrait of a high state official of the new formation. Alarming in communication, perhaps, one thing - a very unusual facial expressions. The smile that appeared from time to time, revealing magnificent, albeit artificial, teeth, and designed to arouse the interlocutor's disposition, upon closer examination, turned out to be not so friendly. The reason for this conclusion was given by the eyes - cold, prickly, living their own lives, as if warning: trust is not our method of interaction.

The meeting, the rules of which were worked out to the smallest detail, went on as usual. Reports, questions, answers, comments, sustained in an extremely restrained form - everything is as always. Acquaintance with the information, general satisfaction with the results, the best solution - no solutions ... "

“... A paradoxical situation has arisen: the executive branch, whose official, and indeed sacred duty is to create conditions for the unconditional implementation of its own decisions, has turned into an outside observer, proving the incapacity of the vertical of power ...”

So, I’ll add already, the defense industry was strangled by doing nothing. For Putin's eight-year plan ... After the eight-year Yeltsin pogrom ...

The Topol-M was saved (according to Yu. Solomonov) then not by the General Staff and not by the Ministry of Defense (they almost openly played against it), but by the efforts of the Strategic Missile Forces command. If it wasn't for that, it would be bad.

The author of the rebus book also describes other androids. For example, Boris Gryzlov (Priyomov in the book) and Sergei Mironova. But it is pointless to repeat their portraits: Solomon clearly demonstrates their purely decorative role in the Erefian system. They practically cannot influence the decisions of the authorities.


More interesting are Solomonov's impressions of the meeting on defense problems Dmitry Medvedev.

“...Irritation was in the air. A rather sharp opening speech, the obvious nervousness of the chairman’s behavior, and the expressed desire to quickly end the discussion of very important issues on the whole testified either to his excessive fatigue, or to the importance attached to the meeting with the leadership of the government, the presidential apparatus and directors of corporations.

The speakers instantly felt this mood of the leader and without hesitation, using only the figures known to them, reported on the work done.

Yuriy tried to make proposals to streamline the work of the commission headed by one of the vice-premiers, but the meeting participants were not in the mood for any positive work, which once again demonstrated the efficiency of the system ... "

Thus, the wretchedness with the “insorted” brains did not want to delve into anything. What for? After all, in 2009 it was already decided: why the hell do we need our own defense industry? It's more efficient to import weapons.


The author of the "Nuclear Vertical" just as deadly depicts how the Russian system began to fall into distinct insanity. How a real personnel disaster came after the Soviet managers were replaced by Russian managers in the "zero" years.

“The Soviet system of educating personnel, which, of course, suffered from protectionism, politicization, in some cases planning and community, in relation to the military-industrial complex, fully met its objectives. At the same time, the decisive rule in the appointment to a particular position was the professional qualities of the applicant. The same thing happened in the military environment ...

In the emerging new social formation of modern Russia, the formation of a hierarchical administrative structure took place in an absolutely chaotic way. The spineless "Yeltsinism", which gave rise to chaos and anarchy in the country, which had catastrophic consequences for the national economy, was replaced by military-police methods of strengthening power, which seemed absolutely logical against the backdrop of the events taking place. Not knowledgeable people were required, but obedient performers. The absence of criticism of the managerial decisions made could help strengthen the vertical of power and, under certain conditions, increase the effectiveness of the management process itself. The danger lay in the very psychology of managers. Once a sense of infallibility has arisen, it is impossible to remove it from the gray matter without surgical intervention, and if this does not happen, then more and more often anomalies arise in the process of preparing and implementing adopted laws and regulations, the frequency of which is largely determined by the health of the economy ... Under such conditions the principle of professionalism in the selection of personnel is replaced by the appointment of "convenient" people, which is why the predominant color scheme of these shots with very rare foreign patches becomes pastel gray tones ... "

Solomonov describes how the General Staff was filled with frank opportunists.

Everything is known in comparison - I will say a hackneyed phrase. Reading "Nuclear Vertical" Maxim Kalashnikov At the same time, he studied another interesting material: an interview with the Expert magazine given by the director of the All-Russian Institute of Aviation Materials, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgeny Kablov. He also talks about the dominance of dullness in the state apparatus of Erefia.

“...I am amazed at the courage with which some people go to any position without any preparation for this. I sometimes run into officials in charge of science and technology policy who have to explain what they need to know after graduating. I'm not talking about knowing some details. Here is the problem. And we need people who understand the problems of science and technology, because they let them through themselves. Therefore, I was attracted by the words of US President Obama, who said that it is necessary to give technocrats, scientists the right to influence the adoption of government decisions ... "

Do you know how Kablov got into the elite in the 1970s while still a young researcher?

“...After graduating from the Moscow Aviation Technological Institute, I was sent to VIAM. Simultaneously with the diploma, I had already prepared a Ph.D. thesis on the modification of silumins, these are aluminum-silicon alloys, and I expected to work on this topic, but they unexpectedly decided to send me to the laboratory of heat-resistant alloys. This was explained by the fact that in the mid-70s, when fourth-generation engines began to be produced, problems with the fatigue strength of turbine blades were discovered. The engines worked only for 50-40 hours, and then the blades broke. And then it was decided to send capable young guys to work on this topic.

I was amazed that I, a young specialist, was entrusted with the solution of the most difficult problem. After analyzing the work already done and the literature, I came to the conclusion that in order to achieve the necessary reliability of the blades, it is necessary to change the manufacturing technology of the casting mold, in the surface layer of which it is necessary to introduce a modifier that allows grinding the surface grain of the cooled blade. My calculations and research showed that cobalt aluminate was suitable for this role, which had to be synthesized from the starting materials and then applied to the mold during its manufacture. To do this, we had to independently develop a special technology ...

We made blades using new technology and gave them for testing. After two weeks, it became clear that we had never had such properties. I still remember this test report. Then, visually, looking at the form, I could determine its quality. Because if the form is of high quality, then the so-called Berlin glaze was obtained on its surface, like Gzhel with majolica. But when I came to my head of the laboratory with these results, he told me: young man, you don’t know the theory well, it’s impossible that such reliability characteristics could be obtained with a fine-grained structure of the material. The fact is that at high temperatures, the destruction of materials as a result of diffusion of the main alloying elements proceeds along the grain boundary. The smaller the grain, the greater the extent of the boundaries. That is, our result contradicted the generally accepted logic of things.

Additional studies were required, which showed that the new mold manufacturing technology made it possible not only to reduce the grain size, but also to improve the quality of their boundaries, which significantly reduced the diffusion permeability and mobility of these boundaries.

When all issues were resolved, it was decided to introduce this process into product 89, which before that could not pass state tests due to engine failure.

- What kind of aircraft are we talking about?

- Su-24. Academician Arkhip invited me Mikhailovich Cradle, the general designer of the Saturn Design Bureau, which developed the engine for it, listened - and I actually get half the foundry to manage for a week. When we did everything and passed the tests, the engine received a 100% service life for the first time. And the minister signed an order that all engine-building plants should introduce my method when casting blades from ZhS6U and VZhL 12U alloys. And I went to all the engine-building plants of a large Soviet country to introduce this process, which is still used and works today ... ”(

That is, in the USSR, people were selected for the elite according to business criteria. In this case, young innovators. By what criteria are personnel selected in Erefia - everyone knows. That is why the USSR went forward, and the Russian Federation is rolling back. And we are ruled by gray cretins, arrogant to hell, unshakably confident in their infallibility. Under Putin, there was a massive expulsion from the management structures of technocrats of the Russian-Soviet temper, they were replaced by stupid androids of the white-blue-red times.

And because the defense industry with them waiting for only one thing - death.


“Unreasonable, absolutely far-fetched reform of the public administration system(Putin's reform of the government in 2004 - approx. M.K.) in relation to the military-industrial complex, it created an atmosphere of irresponsibility for the state of his health and, as a result, ongoing, sometimes already irreversible, degradation.

Thanks to the incredible efforts and support of the miraculously surviving professional managers in the White House apparatus, who withstood unprecedented pressure from the ambitious, incompetent administrative elite, it was possible to keep the huge ship of cooperation between developers and manufacturers of strategic weapons afloat. It seemed obvious that the Ministry of Defense should become a natural support in this most difficult situation. However, this did not happen. Moreover, burdened with its own problems of reform, involved in the redistribution of property and setting itself the goal of more actively influencing industry through property processes, the leadership of the department threw out the baby along with the water. Due to the lack of any experience, not understanding the real mechanisms of the functioning of the defense industry, acting by authoritarian methods, not disdaining the use of behind-the-scenes tools, exploiting the trust of the country's leadership, it ultimately opposed itself to the interests of the state ... "

“... The huge margin of safety of Soviet industry allowed this, without exaggeration, the most developed sector of the economy to stay afloat, but by the end of the century it became obvious: a radical intervention of the state was required, without which further movement forward became impossible ...

The complexity, diversity of contradictions, obscured by the "manual" media, repeatedly aggravated by the financial and economic policy of the authorities, who do not believe in the intensive path of the country's development and relied on its financial and industrial prosperity, did their job: the high technologies mastered with such difficulty disappeared forever, all highly professional personnel turned out to be less in demand, the lack of labor motivation in the defense industry acquired real contours, which more and more turned into a duty rather than a creative need.

What was said was complicated by the itch of endless reforms in the structures of the military-industrial complex, the meaning of which, due to their closeness and inconsistency, was simply impossible for the participants in the reform process to understand ... "


“Ill-considered, superficial managerial decisions, each time changing their form, did not affect the substantive part of the reform, led to the expected results ... Demonstrating at the present stage of their development clear signs of systemic ill health due to the loss of an obvious connection between the real economy and its finances, these ( capitalist) relations significantly accelerated the process of degradation of the defense industry ... "

“The proclaimed campaign to create vertically integrated structures - holdings, the participants of which were united according to the principle of shop affiliation, was gaining momentum. An involuntary analogy with the deplorable experience of creating economic councils in the 50s of the last century did not set one in an optimistic mood ... "

It would seem that a holding should be created from all the enterprises included in one MIT production complex. Holding for the production of the only intercontinental ground complex of the Russian Federation - Topol. But the Ministry of Defense is against the Institute's proposals. Anatoly Serdyukov has his own plans. He is the only one of all departments who does not agree. And he addresses over the head of Prime Minister Putin directly to Medvedev with his draft decree.

“And now the newly-minted Demiurge, the head of the defense department, holding a position that is undoubtedly significant in the hierarchy of power, but being still a member of the cabinet, did not agree with the opinion of the government and turned over his head to the president of the country. The case is unprecedented in the history of government.

The current stalemate, regardless of its outcome, testified to one thing: the authorities are in a systemic crisis, the basis of which, along with the objective difficulties of the formation of a new Russia, is the process of placement of personnel, which, as you know, decide everything ... "

This is how Academician Solomonov describes the situation that developed around the defense industry complex of the Russian Federation at the end of Putin's second term, in the first half of the bear kingdom and at the beginning of Serdyukovism.

Who said that we have a KGB oprichnina and a dictatorship? NS is a mess. No dictatorship will allow what is happening in Russia. This is a crisis of power itself, a stinking finale of the anti-Soviet-anti-Russian project.

Truly, one smart defense engineer was right when he said: “Maxim, our designers are world-class players, to whom the Americans respectfully take off their hats. And the current rulers are scum, mediocrity, gray rabble. They just subconsciously hate constructors. That's where all the troubles come from. This is envy, Maxim, the usual envy of mediocrity in relation to talent.

Thus, a new Country of Fools was successfully built, in which the military-scientific-industrial complex simply has no place. He is doomed to disappear. And Elita Durakov hopes to buy everything abroad.


Workers of the defense complex of the Russian Federation!

If you have not forgotten how to think yet, join the ranks of the opposition. For your industry is a candidate for mortification. As are you. You have to be a complete idiot to expect something good and reasonable from this government.

We, the opposition to this degenerate system, this bydlocracy, will save the defense industry. Here are our suggestions on what needs to be done in strategic rocket science -

All, comrades, the masks have been thrown off and the hour has struck. The system turned to the defense industry complex of the Russian Federation with its disgusting muzzle - the muzzle of a corpse-eater, marauder and destroyer. Only in the struggle can we defend our lives and the Future...

M. Kalashnikov

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