Italian pasta - types, description, cooking time. Why is pasta in naval style so called. Why pasta is called pasta Pasta which pasta

It is the Italians who are deservedly considered all over the world as the "Main Pasta Makers of All Times and Peoples". The Italian encyclopedia of pasta "Atlante Delle Paste Alimentari Italiane" describes over a hundred different varieties of pasta, and Italians never tire of repeating that "pasta is the architecture of taste." The word "Pasta" is translated from Latin as "dough". This is what many flour products of Italian cuisine are called, except, perhaps, pizza

. Moreover, if we perceive pasta exclusively as a side dish, then for Italians pasta is an absolutely independent dish. What makes pasta not just pasta, but a real unique dish? Sauce! Usually, Italian chefs prepare the sauce and pasta separately, and only then mix it in a saucepan or directly on a plate. At the same time, it turns out very tasty, and it’s even hard to believe that this is just ordinary pasta.

A resident of Barnaul turned to us with a question: “A friend told me that it is forbidden to cook naval pasta in cafes and restaurants. The fact is interesting, but she could not explain why they were banned. The husband says that they were excluded from the catering menu due to frequent cases of poisoning. Is pasta in the Navy, cooked in a cafe, really so harmful? If so, do all Barnaul establishments care about the health of their customers?”

Food, naval pasta.

We managed to find out that according to sanitary and epidemiological requirements, catering organizations according to SanPiN are forbidden to cook pasta in a fleet way (paragraph 8.24)

According to experts in response to an official request, the dish was assigned to the department of prohibited because of its danger.

Natalya Nazarova,
Acting Head of the Department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Altai Territory:

The specified dish is classified as a section of epidemiologically dangerous products, the use of which, in case of violation of sanitary standards and cooking technology, can lead to the occurrence of acute infectious and non-infectious gastroenteritis, food poisoning as a result of ingestion and rapid reproduction, and the product of opportunistic and pathogenic microflora, including bacteria groups of Escherichia coli, Salmonella and others.

In 2014, 204 catering inspections were carried out in Barnaul, but no cases of cooking a harmful dish were recorded.

If, nevertheless, experts discover dishes, according to the law, offenders face:

  • up to 1500 rubles for citizens;
  • from 5 to 10 thousand rubles the share of officials and individual entrepreneurs;
  • from 30 to 50 thousand for legal entities and an administrative suspension of activities for 90 days.

This applies to catering establishments. At home, no one forbids cooking a simple dish.

By the way, according to wiki, the dish has served as food for sailors and travelers since the Middle Ages, and all because the ingredients are very nutritious and easy to transport. In Russia, the dish became known at the beginning of the 18th century from the Italians. Minced meat was made from meat and fried with tomato paste, the resulting mixture was mixed with pasta.

Naval pasta gained its main popularity already during the Patriotic War. In the infantry, canned stew was used instead of minced meat, which is why the dish is often called "stew noodles". In the submarine fleet, the same dish was called "pasta with garbage."

In Soviet times, naval-style pasta was even produced in the form of canned food.

Why naval pasta is banned in schools. The ban on naval pasta explained in the Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights

The ban on naval pasta was explained in the Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reports with reference to the agency's website.

According to the committee, according to N.A. Gorbatovskaya, professor of the department "Technology of food products, processing industries and biotechnology" of Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati, the norms of sanitary rules governing the preparation of naval pasta and scrambled eggs are scientifically substantiated.

"In order to prevent pasta from sticking together, when cooking pasta in a fleet way, cold running water or water from untreated containers in rural areas where there is no centralized water supply, which may contain opportunistic microflora, is used. In accordance with the comments of Professor Gorbatovskaya, if the cooking technology and deadlines are not observed storage, this "simple" at first glance dish is a favorable environment for the degeneration of opportunistic microflora into pathogenic, with a high risk of food poisoning among visitors to public catering facilities," the Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights said.

According to the conclusions of Professor Gorbatovskaya, the thickness of the mixture layer during the preparation of an omelet is regulated in order to obtain an effective heat treatment to destroy pathogenic microflora, in particular Salmonella contained in eggs. "With a greater thickness (more than 2.5-3 centimeters), it is technologically impossible to achieve uniform frying of the entire omelette layer. The lower and upper layers of the omelet will burn, and the middle layer will remain undercooked, which is also a risk of salmonellosis," the Committee on consumer protection.

"Based on the competent opinion of a scientist, given that the activities of the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance bodies are aimed at preventing mass food poisoning, the existence of a ban on the preparation of naval pasta in kindergartens, schools and canteens, as well as the regulation of certain issues of cooking are scientifically sound and necessary to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population," the ministry said.

Recall that the ban on macaroni in a naval way outraged Kazakh entrepreneurs. This was stated by representatives of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken".

Why are they called macaroni? Why is pasta called pasta?

Recently, pasta is often called pasta, although in our understanding, pasta has a completely different meaning. There is confusion. Therefore, I would like to find out: is there any difference between pasta and “pasta”, meaning the same dough products in the new fashion? M. Sidorova, Kharkiv

“This question is included in the Top 5 from those who set it as their goal to understand the nuances of cooking,” says the famous Kyiv restaurateur Nikolay Tishchenko. - But, no matter how much someone would like to inflate an elephant out of a fly, you will not find pitfalls here. In the classical culinary school, it is generally accepted that the concept of "pasta" includes all types and varieties, including "pasta". The fashion for pasta came to our country with the popularization of Italian cuisine, where pasta made from durum wheat is usually called this word. In fact, I think you will not be mistaken if you put an equal sign between these two concepts.

Italians, manufacturers of all kinds of pasta, explain on their websites the origin of the word "pasta". It happens to replace the word "dough", which is a thick paste-like mixture.

Naval pasta, as they cook in the navy. Naval pasta with meat, a simple recipe, a classic step by step

Naval pasta is a dish familiar to every family in Russia. This is a simple and very tasty dish. I myself served in the Navy and I can say with confidence that this dish is the most beloved by sailors. One drawback of this dish is that it is very satisfying and after eating it often pulls you to sleep, which makes it difficult to defend the watch - this is a joke!
No one can say for sure how and when this dish and this name appeared. For the first time, "Navy pasta" is mentioned in the book "Cooking" in 1955. But I know that a similar dish was cooked before, only instead of pasta there was homemade noodles, and the cooking technology, maybe a little different. As for the etymology of the prefix "in a naval way", I have no doubt that the name came from the fleet and only then was fixed - first in the ground forces, and then in civilian cuisine.
The fleet has always been supplied and provided with products better than other military branches and formations, and it is quite possible that exotic macaroni appeared in the fleet in the early 40s, and maybe even earlier. And my reasoning is not from the bay, but based on the fact that I want to offer you a naval pasta recipe that the midshipman prepared for us, and he brought it from the Baltic fleet, where many knew this recipe since World War II.

Naval pasta is a classic dish of Soviet home cooking. The recipe for this dish appeared around the 50s of the XX century, and since then it has become one of the favorites in the USSR. Simple, inexpensive, satisfying, what else is needed for popularity? Oh yes, the taste! Naval pasta is a very tasty dish when you cook it from good meat and proper pasta.


  • pasta - 300 g
  • ground beef - 600 g
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • crushed garlic - 2 cloves
  • salt - to taste


Boil pasta according to package instructions.

Finely chop the onion, crush the garlic. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry vegetables for 5 minutes. Put the minced meat and cook for 10-12 minutes, breaking up the lumps with a spatula.

Add tomato paste, stir and heat through, 2 minutes. Pour 0.5 cups of hot water, salt and pepper to taste, simmer for 5 minutes. Drain pasta in a colander and transfer to a frying pan with minced meat, cook everything together for 5 minutes. Before serving, you can sprinkle with grated cheese and fresh herbs.

There are about a dozen naval pasta recipes - with minced chicken, with tomato sauce, with stew. But pasta mixed with fried ground beef remains a classic. The classics are laconic, but this particular taste is still adored by Russians.

In general, most often fresh carrots are also included in the recipe for this second course, but my family asks me to cook without it. I do not use vegetable oil for frying - the fat from the stew is quite enough.

By the way, you can take navy stew for pasta not only pork, but also beef - this is a matter of taste. Braised pork is more tender and soft, while beef is more stringy and tough.

Yes, I almost forgot: do you know how to choose a quality stew? We (in Belarus) have a special GOST for this product. In particular, for stewed pork (never take it with names, such as pork stew in a hunter's way, in a special way, and the like), GOST 697-84 is established. Such a stew should contain ONLY 5 INGREDIENTS: pork, onion, salt, bay leaf, black pepper. Everything! No water, let alone other additives.

Regarding stewed beef: GOST 5284-84 and a set of ingredients, only beef instead of pork. It is clear that the price of such stew is somewhat higher than similar canned meat, but you pay for MEAT.

Naval pasta is a very famous, simple and quick dish to prepare. There are two highlights in my navy pasta recipe, the first is the addition of vegetables, which gives the usual dish a new taste, aroma and vitamins.

The second highlight is that I boil pasta until half cooked and they reach readiness in the sauce, which was formed when stewing vegetables and minced meat, soaking it. It turns out very tasty!

Probably, this technology is known to many, but in our family it was invented by my husband. I used to just make vegetable sauce and pour pasta over it. Somehow, as an experiment, we prepared both options and the husband’s version, in which pasta is cooked in sauce, turned out to be tastier. The main thing is not to spare vegetables, especially tomatoes)))

Naval pasta recipe with minced meat

I love vegetables, so I take a lot of them, you can do it to your taste.

  • durum wheat pasta - 500 grams;
  • onion - 2-3 medium heads;
  • carrot - 1 large root vegetable;
  • sweet pepper - 2-3 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 2 large or 3-4 medium;
  • minced meat mixed (beef and pork) - 0.5-0.7 kg;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • salt, ground pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

Naval pasta recipe

Let's start cooking pasta in naval style with vegetables. It is better to cook either in a cauldron or in a deep and large frying pan.

  1. First of all, we clean the onion and cut it into half rings or quarters of rings. In a cauldron, heat the vegetable oil and spread the onion. Lightly fry it.
  2. At this time, we clean and grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add the stew to the onion. Vegetables should not be strongly stewed, only slightly so that they become slightly soft.
  3. Next, add minced meat to the cauldron, knead it and close the lid of the cauldron. Fry for 7-10 minutes, stirring several times. During this time, the minced meat will reach half-cookedness and juice from vegetables and minced meat will appear.
  4. My sweet pepper, remove the seeds, cut into large enough and send to the pan.
  5. Immediately add chopped tomatoes. It is better to remove the skin from them. To do this, we make a cross-shaped incision on the tomatoes, pour them with boiling water for 1 minute, then pour cold water over them. Stew all vegetables and minced meat over medium heat under a lid to get the maximum amount of sauce.
  6. 10 minutes after laying the tomatoes, add chopped garlic, salt, spices and cook for another 3-4 minutes.
  7. At the same time, boil pasta until half cooked. Cooking time is indicated on each pack, and so, we cook them exactly half the recommended time. Pasta is desirable to take from durum wheat. Water should be taken at least 1 liter per 100 grams of pasta. Bring the water to a boil, be sure to salt before laying the pasta. I like to add literally 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to boiled pasta, you can also add spices and herbs.
  8. After boiling the pasta until half cooked, we throw them into a colander, after leaving a little liquid in case the minced meat and vegetable sauce is not enough.
  9. We shift the pasta into a cauldron, mix with vegetables, if necessary, add a little liquid. Important! The pasta should not float like it does when boiled in water, the sauce should almost cover it. Cover the cauldron with a lid and cook for the remaining time indicated on the package of pasta.

Delicious and healthy pasta in navy style is ready! It can be served at the table, optionally sprinkled with grated cheese and herbs. Bon appetit!

It's so easy and simple to change a familiar dish by enriching it with vitamins! In winter, instead of fresh but rubbery tomatoes, it is better to use canned tomatoes in their own juice. I love tomatoes, I add them to almost all dishes, so in the fall I freeze at least 20 kg of tomatoes, of course you can’t add them to a salad, but it’s very good in cooking)))

I was prompted to write this article by a question that from time to time and in various variations is asked in the comments on pasta recipes, of which there are already many on this site: can I take pasta instead of pasta, and what is the difference between pasta and pasta? I am sure that many readers, having heard this, chuckled - they say that only beginners can have such questions. I completely agree, and I address this article to them, to beginners. Let's dot the i's for pasta and macaroni.

What is the difference between pasta and pasta?

Pasta (colloquially pasta) is a semi-finished product made from dried dough, which must be boiled before use. In this sense, pasta is not only Italian spaghetti, but also Chinese rice noodles, and Japanese and udon, and domestic vermicelli. Since this is a household name, pasta is sometimes called any noodles in general, not necessarily dried, and in this case, pasta, in addition to the varieties listed above, can be considered German spätzle, Hungarian chipetka, and so on. In a word, just pasta, without specification - a very broad concept that can be called almost any dough product, except for baking.

Now for the pasta.

It is believed that the Italian pasta comes from the Latin name for dough, which in turn goes back to the Greek word παστά, which was called barley porridge. Accordingly, the pasta itself, as well as the term denoting it, came to us from Italy, where pasta is a favorite national dish: more than 300 varieties of Italian pasta of various shapes and sizes are known. Thus, I would suggest the following definition:

Pasta is pasta made in the Italian tradition and dishes made from it.

Read on the topic:

Why "in the Italian tradition"? Because spaghetti and other pasta made from durum wheat flour (from which most varieties of Italian pasta are produced) have learned to do far not only in Italy. Not so long ago, I compared Russian and Italian spaghetti from the same price segment, and our pasta turned out to be no worse than Italian. Moreover, the Italian names of pasta forms (at least the most common ones) have also taken root with us, so in the store you will find not only domestic spaghetti, but also penne, linguine and tagliatelle, and in some places not only dried, but and fresh.

However, what kind of pasta to choose in the store is a topic for a separate discussion. For now, it’s enough to summarize that when you meet the word “pasta” in the recipe, you can safely use spaghetti or other pasta made from durum wheat at your discretion.

Varieties of pasta - why are there so many of them and who needs it?

I think, having read about the existence of more than three hundred varieties of pasta, many of you were amazed - why are there so many of them? I suppose the answer to this question lies in the field of cultural studies: I have read a rather interesting version that while in other cultures women spent their free time knitting and embroidering, Italian needlework lay closer to the culinary plane. In addition, let's not forget that pasta has been in Italy since time immemorial (the first mention of Italian noodles dates back to 1154), the regions of Italy were divided, each preparing pasta a little differently, which ultimately resulted in a variety of forms. One way or another, in practice, our interest sounds like this: is there a culinary difference between types of pasta, or can you take any?

It turns out there is.

The fact is that when serving pasta accompanied by sauce, pasta of various forms interacts differently with different sauces: for some pasta, a thicker sauce is more suitable, for some it is vice versa. If you try to create something like a compatibility table for pasta and sauces, you get something like this:

Paste shape Examples Suitable sauce Recipe
Long and thin Spaghetti, linguine Light sauces with seafood, sauces based on cream or olive
long and wide Tagliatelle, pappardelle, fettuccine Thick sauces with meat
shells Conchile Thick cream or meat sauces, larger shells can be stuffed
twisted Fusilli, trophy, Casarecce Light and silky sauces that will stick to pasta curves, such as pesto
tubules penne, rigatoni, pakcheri Hearty vegetable sauces, cheese casseroles, can also be served with meat sauce
small Risoni, stelline Soups, salads, stews
Filled pasta Ravioli, tortellini, cappelletti Tomato or cheese sauces, light oil-based sauce

Intelligible? I hope more than that - provided that you still use this table as a recommendation, and do not deny yourself if you suddenly want to cook spaghetti with pesto.

How to cook pasta?

Let's move on to the most burning part of our story - the practical one. The fact is that for all its seeming simplicity, the correct preparation of pasta has its own nuances. Italians who try pasta in most of our restaurants will say that it is overcooked, but to our traveler, pasta in a Roman trattoria, on the contrary, may seem undercooked out of habit. The thing is that in Italy they prefer pasta to the degree of readiness when a slight resistance is still felt inside, as if every spaghetti has the thinnest string hidden, requiring little effort to bite it. When you get used to such a paste, you will find that it really tastes better than boiled, and in addition it is better digested. Here are some detailed tips on how to cook pasta no matter what sauce you serve it with.

  • The classic ratio of ingredients when cooking pasta is very easy to remember: 1000 g of water + 100 g of pasta + 10 g of salt per serving. With proper skill, you can cook pasta in less water, but this proportion is guaranteed to give the pasta enough space to cook evenly and not stick together.
  • First bring the water and salt in a large saucepan to a boil over high heat, and only then add the pasta. The water will stop boiling for a while, so let it come back to a boil, after which you can reduce the heat.
  • Sometimes it is advised to add a spoonful of olive oil to the water so that the pasta does not stick together, but I do not recommend doing this. Just stir the pasta once every one or two minutes with a long spoon so that it moves freely in the pan and it definitely does not stick together. No need to rinse boiled pasta!
  • As mentioned above, Italians cook pasta to the degree of readiness, which they call, which translates as "to the tooth." In order to catch the moment when the pasta is no longer undercooked, but not yet completely cooked, start tasting the pasta 1-2 minutes before the expiration time indicated on the package. As soon as you realize that this is it - immediately drain the water. I will add that the above applies to dried pasta, but not to fresh: it will not be possible to cook it to the state of al dente with all your desire, so just cook according to the instructions on the package.
  • At the end of cooking the pasta, scoop up a ladle or two of the water in which it was boiled and save it - you will need it to thin the sauce if it turns out that it turned out to be too thick. Unlike ordinary water, such water will not make the sauce watery due to the starch that has been boiled into it from the pasta.
  • If you have prepared the sauce in an appropriately sized saucepan, add the pasta to the sauce, not the other way around. Otherwise, the pasta can be combined with the sauce in the same pan where it was just cooked.
  • 0

Wrong approach to the problem. In other countries, some Russian names are also pronounced in Russian with their own accent or distortion of words, for example, in many films they show how foreigners entering their bar ask for “Russian vodka”, they do not pronounce this thing somehow differently, since written on the bottle. Let in English letters, but the words "vodka". What do they call black caviar? "Balyk". There is such a fish dish, salted or dried, but black caviar does not have to be called by the name of this dish. For some reason, English-speaking foreigners call black caviar "balyk"?

In the comedy horror film The Addams Family, I don’t remember the name of the main character exactly. But I'm sure that many of them watched two brothers dancing a dance called "mommy", the dance takes place with the help of knives. Or their movements in the ending, they throw knives up and catch them with their mouths or something. Shouting the wild word "mommy", not mommy. The word "mommy" means nothing to me.

In other words, saying: you notice a speck in the eye in foreign names, we do not see the beam in our own, which are pronounced abroad, and it looks quite ridiculous. I will not delve into books and films. What other Russian-language words are pronounced abroad, distorting their pronunciation. It's just that I advise you to read or watch a movie, at one time it was considered a masterpiece, but now it does not lose its relevance, which is called A Clockwork Orange.

In this film, it is even better to read the book, many Russian words are used in English. It looks wild, but generally entertaining. And by the way, yes, I associate pasta with some kind of long noodles with holes in the middle, which had to be cooked for a very long time, stirring constantly so as not to stick to the bottom, and then washed in water and into a frying pan.

I cook pasta according to a recipe that people who work with me did not tell me, but they have relatives in Italy. One day their daughter came to visit. By the way, she practically does not speak Russian, a little English. I tried to talk to her in Russian. But she began to wave her arms and head, which she understands very poorly in Russian, so I tried to talk to her in English. In English, we quickly understood each other. Then she told me how to cook pasta at home.

No matter how paradoxical it may look, she takes a slow cooker, pours water, throws spaghetti, turns on the “Steam cooking” mode. The time she said is best 8 minutes. And then it's a matter of technology. That is, you must have the pasta sauce prepared in advance. I tried to write down the composition, but then I realized that it was all useless. We need special cheese, tomatoes, butter, some herbs that I can’t find there, and therefore at home I made everything from our cheeses, tomato paste or ketchup, and various herbs, of which I have several dozen names.

It turned out quite well, by the way, pasta or spaghetti, which I bought in the store, they are called Russian-made spaghetti, they do not need to be thrown into boiling water for a long time like old ones, and then washed. Really ready in 8 minutes. True, I never got used to throwing them in their entirety, so that later it is wound on a spoon or fork. I prefer to break them 5-7 centimeters for pasta, but this is my own business.

Today, the hero of my story will be pasta - a true masterpiece of Italian cuisine. I’ll tell you more about what pasta is, a little about its origin, and most importantly, how pasta differs from pasta familiar to all of us from childhood.

Pasta and its history

From the ancient Greek pasta is "flour mixed with sauce." The history of pasta has been known since the time when mankind learned to grow cereals. And the first pasta recipe was nothing more than ordinary: they mixed water and flour, shaped it (rolled it out, made tubes, shelves, ribbons, etc.), and then dried it in the sun. So the progenitors of pasta appeared.

In ancient Rome, such flour products spread due to the problem of food storage: there was enough food, but there was nowhere to store it; pasta, in turn, solved this problem due to its ability to long-term storage.

There is an opinion that tubes made from rice flour came to Europe thanks to Marco Polo, who brought them from China to Venice as a souvenir. However, other sources confirm the existence of pasta in Italy before the wanderings of the famous traveler.

Interestingly, in the 15th-16th centuries, pasta dough was kneaded with the feet, then squeezed through a sieve. And in the middle of the 19th century, the Italian engineer Cesare Spadanchini made a world breakthrough - he designed a pasta press, thanks to which the production process became massive and convenient, and pasta acquired a more or less modern look.

Today, pasta comes in many shapes and forms, both traditional and innovative (in the form of letters, cars or the Eiffel Tower).

  • Long pasta should be cooked in plenty of water.
  • Sheet pasta - lasagna or cannelloni - is not boiled, but baked. In this case, the sauce needs to be liquid so that it is well soaked.
  • The thicker and shorter the pasta, the thicker the sauce should be.
  • Soft wheat pasta is boiled for 5–7 minutes, hard wheat pasta for up to 17 minutes.
  • In order for the pasta not to stick together, during cooking, add a few tablespoons of olive oil to the pan.
  • When preparing the sauce, remember: first add solid foods that take longer to cook, and at the very end - spices and herbs.
  • The sauce should not be brought to a boil.
  • Sauce cannot be reheated.
  • The most common ingredients for sauces are: olive oil, parmesan, garlic and spices: black pepper and chili, nutmeg, basil and oregano.

Pasta or pasta?

In this controversial issue, it is worth noting that pasta is any pasta made from dough, and pasta is a type of pasta.

For those who follow the figure, there is another significant difference. The composition of Italian dry pasta includes flour only from durum wheat. It has a positive effect on the body: it is easily digested, improves metabolism. And pasta, to which we are so accustomed, is most often made from soft varieties of wheat, which does not have the best effect on the figure.

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