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Gratitude… What is it for me?

Just politeness or sincere feeling?

How often do I actually feel gratitude? Or am I taking it all for granted? Can I give thanks? Is it easy for me? Do I appreciate what life and people give me? And why is it difficult for me to sincerely accept gratitude? Who needs gratitude more - the one who gives it or the one who receives it?

Such questions arose in me because of the feeling of something beautiful that I had not yet discovered for myself in a sense of gratitude. This article is devoted to the study of this issue.

What do I know about gratitude?

From a pragmatic point of view, it is beneficial to be grateful - then relationships with people are more pleasant and stronger. Feeling gratitude, a person ceases to concentrate on himself, pays attention to other people.

  • Gratitude gives strength, inspiration, speaks of the recognition of a person’s work.
  • Gratitude pleases when it is sincere.
  • Giving thanks is easy when you receive something good unexpectedly.
  • You can thank with words, deeds, gifts, your attitude.
  • Gratitude can be felt for a long time or forgotten in an hour.
  • If you do not thank for the good, then the conscience does not give rest, a stone remains on the soul.
  • Sometimes, gratitude appears when you realize the value of what you have lost. Or when you start doing something yourself and realize how much work it cost others.
  • Gratitude requires a person to understand and feel the value received.
  • When what is being thanked for is done of good will, of one's own choice, unselfishly, this enhances the feeling of gratitude on both sides.

"He who does not like to ask does not like to commit, that is, he is afraid to be grateful."

V. O. Klyuchevsky

Gratitude is a feeling

Gratitude as a sincere feeling, it is difficult to separate from love. Otherwise, it will be more a payment for a service than a feeling. Just an emotional outburst that quickly fades.

Gratitude along with love is a pure joyful feeling that appears between people as from equal to equal. According to their status, people can occupy different positions, but sincere gratitude goes from person to person, and not from status to status. Otherwise, it is simply an attribute of patronage from above or recognition of power over oneself.

What is the difference between gratitude and appreciation? Appreciation- this is evidence of the significance of what has been done by a person, which is accompanied by a sense of duty for what has been received. Gratitude comes from a deep sensual experience and awareness of the value of what is, just like that or in response to goodness. Such gratitude is felt along with unconditional love.

It is curious that the strength of these two feelings is confirmed by the research of scientists. Briefly about this in the video below.

Feelings and emotions of a person are fundamentally different from each other. Feelings are always deep, quiet, even, born inside a person, accompanied by a feeling of fullness and joyful peace. Emotions are often loud, short-lived, stimulated by external circumstances, moving from negative to positive and vice versa. After vivid emotional experiences, one feels empty and tired, as the body has spent energy on producing and throwing into the blood biochemical substances that cause emotional outbursts.

The moment a person is grateful, he cannot be angry. And vice versa: when a person is angry, he does not feel gratitude. Sincere gratitude and emotions of euphoria also cannot go together. This is due to the fact that during emotional experiences, a person’s consciousness is narrowed on his own person. And the feeling of gratitude is turning your attention to the dignity of other people, to the harmony of the world.

When a person calms down his emotional background, he naturally begins to perceive reality more holistically, peace and joy come to what is. Then the heart opens up to a feeling of gratitude, it flows in an even flow of grace.

Gratitude heals

Based on the practice of psychologists, we can talk about the strongest therapeutic effect of gratitude. Thanksgiving for the lessons learned and kindness heals emotional experiences, harmonizes the state of a person and brings him into a positive, resourceful state that contributes to human development. There is such a technique as the “Diary of Gratitude”, in which every evening a person makes notes about what he is grateful for: joy, vitality, calmness, discoveries, meetings, lessons, experiences. There is a practice when a person begins and ends his day with gratitude, lovingly remembering everything that he values ​​\u200b\u200bin his life.

So a person forms and maintains a positive way of thinking, cultivates a sense of gratitude as his inner quality. As a result - improvement of well-being, worldview and relationships in the family, at work, with neighbors. A person who directs his attention to the positive aspects of life becomes less prone to stress and more effectively finds solutions to problems, because more and more often he begins to see a resource for development in different situations.

Also, a positive inner attitude prolongs a person's youth. Such conclusions were made in their studies by scientists in the 90s. 20th century, which was awarded the Nobel Prize. The life of every cell in the human body ends with the birth of new cells due to the energy that is released during the decay of the nucleus. But if the energy of negative emotions begins to dominate in the mind of a person, then at the command of DNA, the process of cell decomposition starts and they become a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Choosing positively or negatively tuned thoughts, emotions and feelings, a person literally makes a choice between his own life and death.

Neuropsychologist, Ph.D. Roger Walsh:

"Gratitude bestows many benefits. It destroys negative feelings - under its rays anger and jealousy melt, fear and wariness evaporate. Gratitude destroys obstacles to love."

It is not for nothing that even before the formation of psychology as a science, religions were prescribed to start the day with gratitude to God. After all, it purifies the inner world of a person, develops noble feelings of honor and human dignity. Gratitude is the wealth of the human soul. The works and studies of philosophers, psychologists, scientists of various directions are devoted to it. More information about this information can be found in the article by A. Khanova "The Phenomenon of Gratitude".

15. See to it that no one repays evil for evil; but always look for the good and each other and all.
16. Always rejoice.
17. Pray without ceasing.
18. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
19. Do not quench the Spirit.
20. Do not despise prophecies.
21. Test everything, hold on to the good.
22. Refrain from every kind of evil.

The main rite of Christian worship is the sacrament or Eucharist, which in Greek means "thanksgiving". Early Christian authors call the Eucharist "the medicine of immortality", "the medicine of life". This sacrament symbolizes communion with God, gratitude, gaining unity with the Almighty, communion with the Divine, with the Love of God. Among the early Christians, the sacrament of thanksgiving to God was held together with the Love Suppers - agapes.

"The relationship between a person and God is based solely on the deep, personal feelings of a person from contact with the spiritual world, his sincere Love and gratitude to God. These true deep feelings of a person towards God are the real, the only value that can be perceived by that world from a person. Moreover, these relations with the spiritual world are carried out without any intermediaries.

Rigden Djappo

In Islam, the quality of Gratitude is inherent in Allah Almighty. To people who thank Him, He grants His Grace:

"Will Allah punish you if you are grateful to [Him] and believe [in Him]? Indeed, Allah is grateful, knowing."

About the gratitude of the Almighty Allah Himself in the Qur'an said:

"If you are grateful, I will surely multiply [mercy] for you."

Quran 14:7

And the Grace of the Most High is the highest good for a person, which lies beyond the limits of earthly life. There are three types of gratitude in the teachings of Islam: gratitude with the tongue, heart and all organs. And all of them are confirmed by the righteous spiritual and moral deeds of a person, united with the Will of Allah.

"You have no other purpose in life than joy and gratitude."

Buddha Gautama Shakyamuni

To help a person who cares about his spiritual self-improvement - meditation "Love and gratitude". This is one of the ancient practices of the Lotus Flower, which helped the Buddha achieve spiritual liberation.

Gratitude to God

The power of love and gratitude releases the vital forces of a person, shackled by negative programs. Lightness, a sense of value and joy of life appear. I felt it when I was able to sincerely say within myself: “Thank You, God, for the knowledge of good and evil, for the experience of every moment of life. Thank You, God, that You are always with me.”

Any experience is gained thanks to the freedom of choice granted to man by the Creator. And this is the value of life: knowing the world in its various manifestations through personal experience makes it possible to grow and become wiser. Personal experience allows you to make an informed choice and establish yourself in it. So the human spirit grows, becomes stronger, freer. Wisdom is a gift from heaven, sensual illumination during the spiritual growth of a person, a gift with the help of which a state of higher enlightenment, all-understanding, all-knowledge is achieved.

Spiritual freedom is the space of love. For a person who finds these highest values ​​in himself, gratitude is a natural response to any life experience. Gratitude is the natural state of a person filled with deep feelings in a continuous dialogue with God. A wise person is always grateful to God.

My exploration of what gratitude is revealed more than I thought. And the next step in self-development for me is a deeper sensory knowledge of the power of gratitude. Instead of evaluating everything that catches my eye, day by day I cultivate a sense of gratitude for what I have. Such filling of my inner world inspires me to create the best in life.

I thank everyone whose work has helped me in a deeper understanding of gratitude. I thank those life lessons that pushed me to search for answers. I thank you, dear readers, because your invisible presence served me as a good support in this research.

What is the article about

If you asked yourself the questions: “what is gratitude?”, “how to be grateful?”, “why give thanks at all?” - means in your life you turned in the right direction.

Many do not even think about the purpose for which they pronounce their next “thank you”. For well-mannered people, this is just one of the habits that allow you to be cultured and fit organically into society, but gratitude makes much more sense.

What is gratitude?

Gratitude is an expression of gratitude for a good deed. In any case, she thinks so, but she thinks crookedly. You should not limit yourself to the word “good”, because it significantly limits gratitude (but more on that below).

So what is gratitude? In a nutshell: if something turned out to be useful for us, then in return we can evaluate it with our positive thoughts, words, actions. This reaction is called gratitude. So we say: "you're cool, I'm very glad that you were useful to me."

Why should you be grateful?

First of all, it's the only way to truly appreciate life and everything in it. There is no other way to appreciate.

When you thank a person, you let him know that he was useful to you, and you appreciated what he did for you. When you thank fate, the Universe, God, luck for something, you make it clear to the world that all this is dear to you.

The principle is painfully simple: when you appreciate what you have, it speaks of your maturity, your responsibility. Usually such a person gets even more over time. And those who don't appreciate get nothing. For reference, this mechanism runs.

Ungrateful people are not quoted

Let us explain why nature does not like ungrateful people so much. Imagine that you have a very expensive diamond and you need to temporarily deposit it. It is unlikely that you will entrust it to someone who does not realize the true value of the precious stone. You will choose a responsible person who understands jewelry or at least approximately knows how special and rare it is. Such a person simply cannot take lightly your request to look after the stone.

In life, everything is the same, only the Universe itself plays the role of you (or God, or the higher mind, or energy, or nature - the essence does not change from the name, the name depends only on what is easier for you to understand). Instead of a gem, she has in her hands a huge resource in the form of material and intangible wealth, various opportunities, human qualities, a variety of circumstances, and so on. Everything that we can have in our life is in the hands of the Universe.

Just as your stone is dear to you, the Universe treasures its limitless resources. But here is one difference: you can see your stone every day, and that will be enough for you, but the resources must work, otherwise they do not carry any value.

The universe needs to somehow distribute them in such a way that they are all involved. And there are people - beings who are potentially able to work with these resources. From birth, the Universe gives everyone equal opportunities, abilities and qualities.

What happens next? And then people are divided into two categories: grateful and ungrateful. After all, what gratitude is is when you clearly understand how much valuable things fall to you, so you manage your resources very carefully and for the intended purpose.

The ungrateful do not know how to do this, because they cannot realize that in their hands, it turns out, there is something valuable. Now guess who will get more valuables over time? That's why the grateful gain, the ungrateful lose.

This principle can be grasped at least from the word “thank”, which is divided into “give thanks”, and according to what he gave, he will return.

Sounds like fantasy? If so, then you live in a fantasy world.

Gratitude is a universal remedy for any ailments. If you are grateful, then you cannot be a pessimist, you cannot be angry or selfish, but not at all. you can't be bad. The feeling of gratitude always crowds out everything unnecessary over time, so a grateful person is more positive and optimistic (and if not, then over time it becomes so).

The gratitude cycle in nature

If gratitude didn't exist, we wouldn't do anything for each other. because the meaning of your actions in relation to others is lost. Doing something to a person that makes him burst with gratitude from the inside, you begin to treat yourself differently. By these actions, we are trying to manifest and understand ourselves, to answer the question " and who am I?!". Trying only for yourself, you will not be able to find the answer.

Thus, an exchange of thanks was born. You say "thank you" so that you can understand who you are, and you give thanks so that others have the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge about themselves. We cannot take and throw out any of the two directions, then the whole mechanism will stop working.

How to be grateful

Before thinking about how to be grateful, you need to appreciate the scale of the tragedy and understand how grateful you are now. It's easy enough to understand. Ungrateful people are often offended by life and are constantly upset because of what happens to them, they are rarely satisfied with themselves and often complain about injustice.

Only observant people know how to say "thank you". So take your eyes off the floor and take a look at the world around you. In it, we always have something to be grateful for, and this list is quite large. To begin with, we have life, we can be grateful to everything just for this until the end of our days. From the fact that everyone around us has life, it does not cease to be the greatest gift.

Each person has so many opportunities to reveal their potential, an infinity of different activities, people, circumstances, feelings. How can you be indifferent to the fact that life has been given to you, how can you not be grateful for it?!

The world around us is so multifaceted, eternity is not enough to study and understand it. Our trouble is that we have become accustomed, have become distracted observers and have ceased to notice the wonders around.

Back to the point where Wikipedia was wrong. The highest skill is the ability to give thanks not only for good, but also for evil. To understand this, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat, and here we will explain in just a couple of sentences.

In terms of experience and benefit for a person, there is as much meaning in the negative as in the positive Therefore, it would be completely wrong to deprive this moment of your gratitude. So sometimes these statements a la are touching: “Yoly-paly, there are so many problems in this life, well, how can you be grateful ?!” - so therefore we should be grateful that there are difficulties due to which all the conditions for our growth are provided.

Regardless of whether you are a grateful person or not, here are two simple exercises. They won't take up much of your busy schedule, but the results will be amazing if you do them right.

Instruction 1. Letter of thanks

Instruction 2. How to be grateful every day

Is it possible to say that a millionaire is always happier than a poor one? Or is a mother of many children always happier than a childless woman? Is the driver of a new Mercedes happier than a bus passenger? Or is a young promising guy happier than a decrepit old man?

The answer to all questions is unequivocal: no, it is impossible to say so. And here is the paradox: having what you want, whether it be health, youth, prospects, wealth, does not automatically mean being happy. And vice versa, happiness can sometimes be noted in the eyes of people who seem to have so little ... However, depending on which side to look at it.

No matter how difficult the state of happiness may seem to understand, we can CHOOSE it ourselves, and it is very simple, you just need to understand HOW to do it.

In the article, we talked about the power of Acceptance. Today we will talk about the importance of Gratitude.

Why is it so important to be grateful?

Look around, look at yourself and think about how much valuable you have! For some reason, all this has become familiar, ordinary ... Do you have a head on your shoulders? There is! Most have arms and legs too! There is a roof over your head, relationships, children, friends, soulmate, work! There is health, sports loads, opportunities to develop, move, grow, travel! There are cute pets, interesting activities, sweet memories, great wishes, and wild dreams too!

You probably have some of the above, which means that you are the happy owner of what thousands of other people only dream of! But are you happy?

How often have you been grateful for what you already have?

Gratitude for the good that is already there is a great power to attract abundance into your life! The more you concentrate on the presence in your life of valuable people, relationships, things, objects, states, the more this comes into your life! And vice versa, the more you concentrate on the absence of something - of course, it will be very difficult to get it!

The easiest way to focus on abundance is to be grateful for the good things you already have! Feeling Gratitude allows a person to experience the joy of simple things, which sets him up in a positive way and increases satisfaction with his own life.

Psychological research conducted at the Kwansei Gakuin University showed that people who are used to expressing gratitude in everyday life are more optimistic, have a more harmonious life, and even physically feel much better than those who are not used to being grateful.

Sincere Gratitude to loved ones, expressed both verbally and through actions, strengthens relationships.

A group of researchers at the University of Florida found that the verbal ability to express gratitude directly leads to increased relationship satisfaction.

Being grateful is easy!

Here are some effective exercises that allow you to experience Gratitude as often as possible.

1. Morning Thanksgiving and setting for a beautiful day

Keep a small notebook under your pillow, which you will take out as soon as you wake up. Write in it gratitude for a new morning, for the wonderful thing that lies ahead today, for having a clear intention to realize your plans and live a bright day filled with light and pleasant events!

Daily performance of this exercise gives a positive attitude for the coming day, inspiration for the implementation of the planned and good mood.

2. Evening Thanksgiving

Write down in your diary all the positive things that happened during the day, write down also everything for which you feel Gratitude.

Daily performance of this exercise allows you to concentrate on the positive, and as a result, your opinion of yourself as a successful and happy person is becoming more and more stronger. In addition, magnificent events will begin to come to life more and more often!

3. Gratitude to loved ones

Say as often as possible to your loved ones that you are very grateful to them for specific actions and simply for the fact that they are in your life! Make small nice gifts as a token of Gratitude to your loved ones. Thank colleagues, co-workers, attendants, random passers-by…

By constantly doing this exercise, you reinforce in people the desire to repeat those actions for which they are thanked; strengthen their self-confidence, make relationships stronger and more positive. At the same time, you yourself feel an incredible spiritual uplift!

And of course, remember the spontaneous Gratitude! An unexpected pleasant event happened - immediately thank the universe, God, yourself for it! An interesting idea came to mind - how great it is to be filled with gratitude to her! Feel an incredible upsurge of energy - Thank you for it!

I don't think it's worth emphasizing that Gratitude should always be sincere, come from the very heart!

Develop the habit of giving thanks whenever you are filled with joy, harmony and satisfaction! And then you will increasingly begin to realize that being happy is as simple as rejoicing at the new day that has come!

Thank you for your attention and for the results that you will get when you regularly perform the above exercises!

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