Types of military activity. The main types of military activity and their features What is service combat activity

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint students with the main types of military activities; to form in them the conviction that all military activity is aimed at preparing each serviceman, subunit and unit for the conduct of real combat operations.

Time: 45 minutes

Lesson type: combined

Educational visual complex: OBZh textbook Grade 11, General Military Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation


I. Introductory part

Organizing time

Control of students' knowledge:

- What defines the Construction Regulations?

- Which servicemen are subject to the Combat Regulations of the RF Armed Forces?

What is a system and what is its purpose?

- What are the duties for commanders and military personnel before formation and in the ranks?

What is military discipline?

What is military discipline based on?

- When and by whom was the Combat Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation approved?

- What chapters and parts does the Combat Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of?

Main part

- announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

- explanation of new material : § 49, pp. 224-229

The main types of military activity and their features.

The activity of a serviceman is primarily due to his belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Each serviceman is a member of that large group of people who are united under the concept of "Armed Forces", and, therefore, all his activities should be aimed at ensuring the functions and tasks for which they are created.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Defense" - the Armed Forces are designed to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation, for the armed protection of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to perform tasks in accordance with federal constitutional laws, federal laws and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Acting within the framework determined by the mission of the Russian Armed Forces, a serviceman must be ready to perform his duties, which may include:

- participation in hostilities, performance of tasks in a state of emergency and martial law, in conditions of armed conflicts;

- performance of official duties in everyday life;

- carrying out combat duty, combat service, service in the garrison attire, performing duties as part of the daily attire;

- participation in exercises or cruises of ships;

- Execution of an order given by the commander or chief.

All types of military activity of a serviceman should, first of all, contribute to maintaining a high level of combat readiness and combat capability of the unit in which he performs military service.

Proceeding from this, three main elements can be distinguished in military activity: combat training, service and combat activities, and real combat operations.

Combat training.

Combat training - a system of measures for training and military education of personnel of units and subunits, combat coordination of units and subunits to prepare them for conducting combat operations or performing other tasks determined by the purpose of the Armed Forces.

Combat training is primarily aimed at ensuring a high level of combat capability of units and subunits. ( Combat capability- this is the ability of troops to conduct combat operations and perform combat missions in accordance with their mission; combat effectiveness depends on the staffing, combat training and morale and combat qualities of the personnel of units and subunits).

Combat training is designed to ensure a high military-professional level of personnel of units and subunits. It is carried out continuously both in peacetime and in wartime.

In the course of combat training, classes, exercises, live firing, training are conducted, during which military personnel study military regulations, weapons, military equipment, methods of action in battle, and subunits and units work out methods of action when performing combat missions.

Combat training has a number of features. It has a clearly expressed collective orientation and is organized in such a way that in the course of training individual military personnel are simultaneously trained and military units are being prepared for joint actions.

Combat training is mainly practical training aimed at mastering weapons and military equipment by personnel and skillfully using them in combat to ensure superiority over the enemy.

Thus, the main part of combat training is made up of exercises that include repeated repetition of actions aimed at practicing actions with weapons and military equipment and the skillful use of their performance characteristics in combat.

military activity- this is mainly an activity in a team (crew, crew, squad). Consequently, training is carried out both individually and as part of a squad to develop combat coherence.

The highest form of training in units and subunits is exercises in which methods of using weapons and military equipment in combat, combat coordination of subunits, and combat operations are practiced. The exercises are carried out in any weather, on real terrain, with standard weapons and equipment, in an environment close to combat.

In order to maintain constant combat readiness of weapons and military equipment in the units, PCD and days of routine maintenance are planned, during which inspections and maintenance of weapons and military equipment are carried out, as well as work on the improvement of parks and military camps.

The content of combat training is determined by curricula and programs. One of the basic principles of organizing combat training is to teach troops what is needed in a war. Therefore, the fulfillment of the tasks of combat training requires from each serviceman a high level of spiritual and physical qualities, and the mastery of all elements of military activity requires mental stability and physical endurance.

Service and combat activities.

The degree of combat readiness in peacetime should ensure the rapid transition of troops to martial law and an organized entry into hostilities, and in wartime - the ability to immediately carry out the assigned combat missions.

Service and combat activity is primarily aimed at ensuring a high level of combat readiness of subunits and units, that is, the ability of troops to begin military operations in a timely manner in any situation.

Service and combat activities include: combat duty, guard and internal service.

Combat duty- this is the stay of specially allocated forces and means in full combat readiness to perform suddenly arising tasks or conduct combat operations.

Combat duty is the performance of a combat mission. It is carried out by duty forces and means assigned from military units and subunits. The duty forces and means include combat crews, ship crews, duty shifts of command posts, etc.

Training of personnel for combat duty is carried out as part of subunits, combat crews, duty shifts before each entry into combat duty.

Military personnel are not assigned to combat duty: those who have not taken the military oath, who have not mastered the combat training program, who have committed offenses that are under investigation, and who are sick.

To ensure the necessary degree of combat readiness, a number of restrictions and prohibitions in their behavior are imposed on the personnel on duty shifts.

So, for example, the personnel of the duty shift when on combat duty are prohibited from transferring the performance of their duties on combat duty; be distracted by activities not related to the performance of duties on combat duty; arbitrarily leave a combat post; carry out work on armament and military equipment that reduces their established readiness.

guard duty It is designed for reliable protection and defense of combat banners, storage facilities with weapons, military equipment, and other materiel.

Guard duty is the fulfillment of a combat mission and requires high vigilance from the personnel, precise observance and performance of their duties, determination and initiative. Those guilty of violating the requirements of the guard service bear disciplinary or criminal liability.

Guards are appointed to carry out guard duty. The guard is an armed unit assigned to perform the combat mission of guarding and defending combat banners, military and government facilities.

The guard consists of: chief of the guard, assistant chief of the guard, guards, guards according to the number of posts and shifts, and other persons. For the direct protection and defense of objects from the guard, sentries are posted.

Guardsmen are appointed, as a rule, from among the soldiers (sailors) sworn in by the Military Oath, who have mastered the appropriate combat training programs and are ready, in terms of their moral and psychological qualities, to carry out guard duty.

Internal service- This is the daily service activities in military units and subunits. It is organized and carried out in accordance with the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is intended to maintain internal order and military discipline in a military unit, ensuring its constant combat readiness and the safety of military service.

Combat training and service and combat activities of military personnel, subunits and units in the aggregate ensure that at any time of the year, at any time of the day, in any conditions, be ready to fulfill their duty to defend the Fatherland.

All military activities are aimed at preparing each serviceman, subunit and unit for the conduct of real combat operations.

Real fighting.

Real fighting- this is a type of military activity for the sake of which the Armed Forces are created and their combat training and service and combat activities are carried out.

Real fighting there is military activity carried out directly in the conditions of combat and aimed at defeating the enemy.

The main features of modern combat are:

- maneuverability, dynamism, rapid and abrupt changes in the situation;

- the unevenness of its development along the front and in depth;

- increased moral, psychological and physical stress of the personnel.

Modern combat requires stamina, initiative, and discipline from every soldier.

The most powerful impact on a person in combat is a danger that is perceived as a threat to life. Therefore, a special place in the course of the battle is played by the ability of a person to control his feelings, emotions and state, the ability to control his behavior and activities.

Armed confrontation requires from a person not only high physical qualities, but also spiritual and moral ones.

The history of wars knows many examples when the outcome of a battle was decided not by superiority in manpower and equipment, but precisely by the moral and psychological readiness of personnel to fulfill their military duty to the end (see Additional materials).

Each serviceman in the process of military activity must constantly strive to develop in himself such qualities as selfless devotion to his people, to the Motherland, confidence in defeating the enemy, courage, heroism, readiness for self-sacrifice, military camaraderie, mutual assistance in battle. All these qualities are acquired in the process of military service in the performance of all types of military activities.

General types and basic elements of military activity.

Features in military activity depend on the type or type of troops. In order to better determine the type or type of troops for military service, where the acquired life experience, certain inclinations and preferences for the type of activity are fully useful, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure of the modern army (studied in grade 10) and from the military post. In the Armed Forces, in accordance with the psychological classification established by the "Guidelines for professional psychological selection in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", military positions filled by soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen are divided into seven main classes of similar military positions, taking into account the uniformity of requirements for the individual psychological qualities of specialists : command, operator, communications and surveillance, driver, special purpose, technological and other military positions. The performance of duties by military personnel is a specific area of ​​human activity, which is broad and multifaceted and requires from a young person, before entering military service, a meaningful and balanced approach to assessing their capabilities and organizing their preparation for military service, taking into account the requirements for spiritual qualities, the level of education and physical qualities.


  1. Through military activity, the armed defense of the Russian Federation is carried out, and favorable external conditions are provided for the socio-economic development of society.
  2. Military activity is subdivided into combat training, service and combat activities, and real combat operations.
  3. Combat training, service and combat activities of military personnel, subunits and units in the aggregate provide the necessary level of combat capability of the troops and the degree of their combat readiness, i.e. ability at any time of the year and day. Under any conditions, be ready to fulfill your duty to protect the Fatherland.
  4. Each serviceman in the process of military activity must constantly strive to develop in himself such qualities as selfless devotion to his people, to the Motherland, confidence in defeating the enemy, courage, heroism, readiness for self-sacrifice, military camaraderie, mutual assistance in battle.

III. Fixing the material:

- What is the reason for the activities of the military?

What does military activity include?

- What is the purpose of combat training?

IV. Lesson summary

V. Homework: 49, pp. 224-229. Assignment: Read § 50, pp. 230-223 on your own.

In military activity, three main elements can be conditionally distinguished: combat training, service-combat activity, and real combat operations.

Combat training- this is a system of measures for the training and education of military personnel, combat coordination of units and subunits to prepare them for conducting joint military operations or performing other tasks. This training is primarily aimed at ensuring a high level of combat effectiveness of units and subunits, that is, their ability to successfully conduct combat operations and perform combat missions.

It is carried out continuously both in peacetime and in wartime and includes classes, exercises, live firing, training, during which military personnel study military regulations, weapons and military equipment, methods of action in battle, and subunits and units work out methods of action. when performing combat missions.

It has a clearly expressed collective orientation and is organized in such a way that in the course of training individual military personnel are simultaneously trained and military units are being prepared for joint actions.

The highest form of combat training is exercises in which methods of using weapons and military equipment in combat are worked out, and combat coordination of subunits and units is carried out. The exercises are carried out in any weather, on real terrain, with standard weapons and equipment, in an environment as close as possible to combat.

Service-combat activity designed to ensure a high level of combat readiness of subunits and units - their ability in any conditions to start military operations on time. The degree of combat readiness in peacetime should ensure the rapid transition of troops to martial law and an organized entry into hostilities, and in wartime, the ability to immediately carry out the assigned combat missions.

Service and combat activities include combat duty, guard and internal service.

Combat duty is the performance of a combat mission. It is carried out by duty forces and means assigned from military units and subunits and are in full combat readiness to perform suddenly arising tasks or conduct combat operations. The duty forces and facilities include combat crews, crews of ships, duty shifts of command posts, etc. Training of military personnel for combat duty is carried out as part of units, combat crews, duty shifts before each intercession for this duty.

Military personnel who have not taken the military oath, who have not mastered the combat training program, who are sick, or who have committed offenses that are under investigation, are not assigned to combat duty.

guard duty It is designed for reliable protection and defense of combat banners, storage facilities with weapons, military equipment, and other materiel.

Guard duty is the fulfillment of a combat mission and requires high vigilance from the military, accurate performance of their duties, determination and initiative. Those guilty of violating the requirements of the guard service are subject to disciplinary or criminal liability.

To carry out guard duty, guards are appointed - armed units assigned to carry out the combat mission of guarding and defending combat banners, military and state facilities. The composition of each guard includes the head of the guard, the guards according to the number of posts and shifts, and the guards. For the direct protection and defense of objects from the guard, sentries are posted.

Internal service organized and carried out in accordance with the Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is intended to maintain internal order and military discipline in military units, ensuring constant combat readiness.

Real fighting- this is a type of military activity, for the provision of which combat training and service-combat activities of the troops are carried out. This activity is carried out directly in combat conditions and is aimed at ensuring that at any time of the year and day, in any conditions and situation, troops can defeat any enemy.

Service and combat activities internal troops is continuous, active, coordinated and interconnected in terms of goals, tasks, place and time military, administrative and economic and other types of activities of districts, formations to military units, carried out independently or jointly with the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, other federal executive bodies authorities of the Russian Federation in order to successfully fulfill the assigned tasks.

Military activity is a combination of various forms of use of troops and methods of military operations, as well as reconnaissance measures used by internal troops in the performance of the tasks assigned to them. It is based on the use of personnel, weapons and equipment, and other means that are in service with the internal troops, and includes: military service, actions in emergency circumstances (emergency situations), participation in special operations, military operations in wartime.

military service - performance of military service duties by servicemen of the internal troops as part of a guard, garrison, outpost, military outfit, as well as as part of military units (subdivisions) in the performance of assigned tasks.

Combat service is subdivided into patrol service, service for ensuring public security during mass events, guard, search, regime-commandant and regime-quarantine.

Guard- an armed unit or part of it, assigned to perform a combat mission of guarding and defending an object (section of the ZATO perimeter, special cargo).

Sentry - armed sentry, performing a combat mission of guarding and defending the post assigned to him.

Post - everything entrusted for the protection and defense of the sentry, as well as the place or area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe terrain in which he performs his duties.

Outpost- a full-time unit intended for the direct performance of the service and combat mission of protecting a section of a controlled zone and checkpoints of a closed administrative-territorial formation or an artificial structure on a communication line (some other objects). When performing tasks to ensure the regime of a state of emergency, an outpost is a military detachment assigned to prevent the entry of unauthorized persons and unauthorized passage of vehicles into a protected area. Under these conditions, the outpost is reinforced with armored vehicles (armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles), ZU-23-2, SPG-9, AGS-17, RPG-7, vehicles and mobile (portable) communications, service dogs, is allocated for service from the military unit by order commander of a military unit for up to 7 days. An officer of the regular unit is appointed as the head of the outpost.

The outpost can perform the following tasks:

Prevent the presence of armed citizens in the security zone, take measures to detain and disarm them, up to and including destruction in the event of armed resistance;

Ensure the safety of field agricultural work in the security zone and near it if citizens have passes and applications in the prescribed form, signed by the commandant and the head of the administration of the given district (settlement);

Conduct surveillance and reconnaissance at the approaches to the outpost, settlements, objects located in the area of ​​responsibility;

Prevent armed formations from breaking through the security zone in their area of ​​responsibility in close cooperation with neighboring units;

Carry out, if necessary, check the documents of citizens, and, according to the available data on the presence of weapons, carry out their personal search and search of vehicles.

The equipment of the location of the outpost depends on various terrain conditions. The basis of the location of the outpost is a strong point; taking into account the fact that the outpost must be ready to conduct all-round defense, both main and reserve firing positions are equipped at its location. Depending on the terrain, the outpost is assigned a zone of responsibility within 2-3 km in order to prevent the breakthrough of armed formations through the security zone to settlements (objects). Within the same limits, trenches (positions) can be opened in advance on the ground, which the personnel occupies according to the combat crew. The main attention is paid to the organization of the fire system. For each position, a fire card is issued in accordance with the requirements of the Combat Regulations of the Ground Forces.

From the outpost, fixed and mobile posts can be assigned to firing positions along the boundaries of the strong point, observation posts, patrols and maneuver groups.

Garrison - a subunit temporarily assigned to guard and defend an object (section of the perimeter of an object) and perform other tasks within the time limits set by the senior commander without a daily shift by another subunit.

Methods of military operations. Depending on the current situation and the assigned task, the internal troops use the following methods of military operations: search; blocking; the pursuit; environment; cordon; dispersal (displacement); patrolling; security; escort; accompaniment; observation; demonstrative actions; cover; containment; release; capture; inspection.

In wartime, as well as when participating in measures to eliminate illegal armed formations, if they offer armed resistance, repulse an attack on protected objects, internal troops can conduct military operations.

Search - actions of military units (subdivisions) to detect and detain criminals in their likely locations.

Blocking- actions of subdivisions (units) to isolate the area (object) where an illegal armed formation (criminals, enemy) is located in order to prevent exit from it, to ensure their search and detention.

Environment - actions of formations (military units, divisions) to isolate a detected illegal armed group (criminals, enemy) in order to detain or liquidate them.

cordon- actions of formations (military units) to isolate the area (object) of riots in the settlement, the area of ​​emergency and while ensuring public safety during mass events in order to prevent unauthorized entry (exit) of citizens to this area (to the object).

Dispersal (displacement)- actions of formations (military units) to dissect the accumulation of participants in mass riots into separate groups in order to ensure the removal of the organizers and restore order.

Patrolling - a way to perform a task by a sentry, military detachment on the ground (section of a controlled or restricted zone), route (area) in order to protect public order, monitor objects, lines, directions and sections.

Escort- a method of military operations used for the protection and defense of important cargo during transportation, the evacuated population (refugees) and in other cases from the point of reception to the point of destination and back. Trains (road trains) passing through quarantine areas are also accompanied by military orders of formations (military units).

containment as a method of military operations is used by formations (military units) with a lack of forces and means or when other methods of action are inexpedient or unprofitable.

Release- a method of military operations in order to free from blocking protected objects, military camps, units (subdivisions), military orders.

The pursuit - the relentless movement of units (military units), military personnel behind hiding criminals (violators, the enemy) in order to detain them.

Capture - the actions of units to storm the location of armed offenders, their detention, and with active resistance - liquidation.

Cover - actions of units to ensure the fulfillment of the task by the capture (seizure) group, support it with fire, special means.

Inspection - actions of units for checking objects, vehicles in order to detect wanted criminals, seize illegally stored (transported) weapons, ammunition, explosives, narcotic substances and other items and substances prohibited in civil circulation.

Patrol service - combat service of military outfits dressed up from special motorized military units (military units of operational purpose), carried out jointly with the internal affairs bodies in order to protect public order, ensure public safety and fight crime on the streets, transport facilities, and in other public places of cities and towns points.

Service for ensuring public security during mass events - combat service of special motorized formations and military units, operational formations and military units, carried out jointly with the internal affairs bodies in order to protect public order and ensure public safety in the area (place) of a mass event.

guard service - combat service of guards, garrisons and outposts, dressed up from military units and subdivisions for the protection of important state facilities and special cargo, places of special work, facilities on communications, warehouses and military bases of the district departments of logistics and military supply of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, carried out in order to ensuring the safety of objects and their material means, suppressing an attack on an object, the penetration of violators and prohibited items into the object (from the object).

Regime and commandant service - combat service of military units, subunits and military detachments to ensure the state of emergency, protect public order and public safety, carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in areas where a state of emergency has been introduced.

Regime-quarantine service - combat service of military units, subunits and military detachments to ensure isolation and restrictive measures, protect public order and ensure public safety in an emergency area, carried out to eliminate the consequences of accidents, catastrophes, fires, natural disasters, epidemics and epizootics.


military outfit - this is a unit (group of military personnel) assigned to carry out combat service for the protection of public order, ensuring public safety, the state of emergency, for actions in emergency circumstances (emergency situations) and in special operations, as well as for the protection of special cargo on certain modes of transport.

When performing tasks for the protection of public order, the following types of military outfits are assigned: patrol, order guard post, military chain and outfit at the checkpoint.

When performing tasks to ensure the regime of a state of emergency, in emergency circumstances, in the aftermath of emergency situations, other emergency circumstances and in special operations, in addition to the above military orders, the following are appointed from formations (military units): search and search groups; ambushes; patrols; observation posts; checkpoints (including mobile ones); maneuver groups; barriers; search posts and other military outfits.

The number, armament and equipment of military detachments in each individual case are established by the commander of the military unit (combination) and are additionally agreed with the senior operational chief when serving in the protection of public order and ensuring public safety.

The following are appointed to the military detachment: the chief of the military detachment, the assistant chief of the military detachment (if there are more than three people) and the required number of servicemen.

All chiefs of guards and full-time chiefs of military detachments are trained at the training camp, pass tests and are given orders by the military unit.

The protection of objects can be carried out in the following ways: by posting sentries, operational guard duty or mixed.

The method of protection is the procedure for the use of forces and means of guards (garrisons, outposts) and military detachments and the tactics of their actions when performing tasks of guarding and defending an object.

Guard posts are guarded by patrolling in prohibited or controlled areas, as well as periodic observation from guard (observation) towers (platforms) or other places of military service. Some posts can be guarded by fixed sentinel observation from guard (observation) towers (platforms).

When organizing the protection of an object, a sentry, depending on the type of protected object, the degree of equipment of its ITSO, the nature of the terrain and other conditions, is assigned for protection and defense a section of terrain with a length of: when observing from guard (observation) towers (platforms) or other places of military service - up 400 m (in the forest - up to 250 m, on the water - up to 300 m); patrol method - up to 500 m at night and 1000 m during the day. The length of the post for sentries armed with pistols should not exceed 250 m.

Military outfits from special motorized military units perform the tasks of patrol service both independently and together with employees of the internal affairs bodies, and from operational military units and military educational institutions - only together with employees of the internal affairs bodies.

The tasks of the patrol service are: ensuring the personal safety of citizens; protection of public order and ensuring public safety; prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses; participation in the detention of persons committing them.

To perform the tasks of the patrol service, military detachments are assigned:

patrol- is designed to perform the duties assigned to it on the patrol route. It consists of 2 or more military personnel (patrol leader and patrolmen). A patrol route is an established route with the adjacent territory within sight and sound. The length of the patrol route, as a rule, is: for foot patrols - 1-1.5 km;

for patrol by car - 6-8 km. Depending on the conditions of service and the situation, the length of the route can be increased or decreased;

security post - is designed to perform the duties assigned to it by continuously monitoring a certain area of ​​​​the territory (object) within a radius of not more than 300 m. It consists of 2 or more military personnel.

More than 2 patrols (posts of law enforcement) are combined into a patrol group under a single leadership. The basis of the patrol group is a patrol by car. A warrant officer or sergeant is appointed as the head of the patrol group.

To carry out patrol service in the internal affairs bodies, a unit of at least a platoon is allocated.

The leadership of the military outfits from the military unit is carried out by the duty ho to the military outfits;

military chain- a military outfit designed to cordon off an area (area) in order to prevent unorganized passage of citizens into it, as well as to create guide corridors for the movement of citizens and delimiting rectangles (squares) at the places where participants in mass events are located. Military chains can be: reinforced - with an interval between military personnel of less than 1 m; normal - with an interval of 1-2 m and rare - with an interval of more than 2 m; single-row and multi-row. The strength of the military chain can be from a squad to a company.

Vehicles, portable obstacles, ropes and other means are used to strengthen military chains;

Checkpoint - a military outfit designed to perform the task of assisting employees of the internal affairs bodies in ensuring access control or restricting the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Two or more servicemen are appointed to its composition; if necessary, the checkpoint is enhanced by armored vehicles.

As a rule, the checkpoint is combined with the traffic police post. In all cases, police officers with vehicles are included in the checkpoint.

From the composition of the order at the checkpoint, groups are created for checking documents and inspecting vehicles (from employees of the internal affairs bodies), cover (from the military personnel of the internal troops), reserve (from the military personnel of the internal troops) and a persecution group from the traffic police, reinforced by the military personnel of the internal troops.

The duration of service at the checkpoint for one unit can be from 1 to 3 days. Personnel are armed with fixed service weapons with ammunition, special personal protective equipment and active defense (bulletproof vests, helmets, handcuffs, rubber sticks, tear substances), electrophones, surveillance equipment (binoculars, night vision devices), devices for forced stopping of vehicles.

Motor transport and railway checkpoints are equipped with inspection platforms. Their number at road checkpoints is set on the basis of: one site (passage) for the passage of 20 vehicles per hour. Sentinels are posted at motor and railway checkpoints and inspection teams are appointed.

Rice. 4.1. Scheme of organization of service and engineering equipment of the checkpoint:

1 - guardroom; 2 - kitchen; 3 - toilet; 4 - lighting el. station; 5 - trench for an armored personnel carrier; 6 - sentinel mushroom; 7 - rigid barrier; 8 - product "Ezh"; 9 - reinforced concrete blocks; 10 - road signs; 11 - spotlight PAS; 12 - platform for detained cars and citizens; 13 - trench; 14 - checkpoint; 15 - wire spiral; 16 - the progress of the message; 17 - signal mines.

Engineering and technical support of the checkpoint includes:

1) engineering barriers on the approaches to the checkpoint, which are designed to detect violators and delay their progress. Inextricable: wire nets on high and low stakes, wire spirals, slingshots, hedgehogs, barbed wire and tape, AKL spirals, inconspicuous obstacles. Explosive: special mines SM and combined;

2) checkpoint fences and a platform for detained citizens and vehicles are made in the form of wire fences with warning signs from a chain-link mesh and other improvised materials.

3) stationary anti-vehicle barriers are arranged in the form of gouges, barriers made of reinforced concrete structures, stone, flexible and rigid barriers;

4) portable anti-vehicle barriers are installed in the form of "hedgehogs", products "Ezh-m", "Diana", MZP packages in a throw;

5) from the technical means of protection, detection devices of the type "AL MAZ" and "TREPAN G" are used;

6) a guardhouse (a place for rest, heating and eating) is created from trailer VS-12 m. It is also equipped with a reliable place for storing weapons.

The place for deploying the checkpoint is chosen on such sections of the road on which traffic is impossible or difficult (on a bridge, crossing, viaduct, at a crossroads, etc.)

curfew as part of a department, a platoon is appointed to maintain security measures, public order, suppress illegal actions during the curfew period and complicate the situation in the village.

The commandant's post includes: a group for stopping and inspecting vehicles; cover group; patrol group; a reserve, as well as a security group, which in turn is divided into: a post for the protection of recreation areas for personnel; a post for the protection of military equipment and a post for the protection of detained offenders. The armament and equipment of the personnel of the commandant's post - a fixed service weapon, a bulletproof vest of the 5th class of protection, a steel army helmet, a special carbine KS-23, a special equipment "Bird cherry-10", a flashlight, binoculars, portable radio stations, a product of BR, a knapsack gas generator "Cloud".

Rice. 4.2. Scheme of engineering and technical equipment of permanent

commandant's post (option):

1 - defensive structures; 2 - anti-ram obstacles; 3 - barriers made of barbed wire or tape; 4 - backup power plant; 5 - guardroom; searchlight installation; 7 - portable road signs of the "STOP" type, speed limit, other dangers; 8 - barriers; 9 - devices for forced stop.

The tactics of the curfew is based on setting it up during the curfew in areas of major road junctions, important facilities, squares, airports and other crowded places. When leaving the curfew for the period of termination of the curfew, the personnel perform the task as a guard post; reinforcement of recreation areas for personnel, weapons and military equipment is being organized.

When organizing the service of this type of military outfit, it must be taken into account that the commandant's post can serve no more than 12 hours.

Search party - military outfit sent for reconnaissance, search, prosecution and detention of offenders. The size of the group depends on the nature of the task and can be from a squad to a platoon. The head of the group, as a rule, is the officer or warrant officer of the unit from which the military detachment is assigned.

Barrier - military detachment up to a platoon, designed to block the likely directions of movement of the wanted, blocking areas of operations. Observation posts, secrets, patrols can stand out from the barrier.

Investigation group- a military detachment consisting of two to five military personnel, designed to search for and detain criminals in places of family and other ties, as well as in passenger transport.

Search post- a military detachment consisting of two or more servicemen, designed to detain wanted persons in places of their possible appearance or on the routes of probable movement.

ambush - a military detachment consisting of three or more armed servicemen, secretly located in a precisely defined place to capture criminals according to reliable data received in advance.

Watch - a military detachment consisting of two or more armed servicemen sent along a certain route for reconnaissance, inspection of the area in order to detect offenders. A cynologist with a search dog may be appointed to the patrol.

observation post - military detachment consisting of two or more military personnel, designed to monitor certain areas of the terrain, settlements, individual buildings, etc. Observation posts can be sent directly from units and other military detachments.

maneuver group- a military outfit (from a squad to a battalion), designed to carry out, together with employees of the internal affairs bodies, combat service to control the situation, prevent (suppress) illegal actions in a fixed area (on a section, route), as well as to assist military units.

The most combat-ready subunits, reinforced with armored vehicles, special means and means of supporting service and combat activities, are assigned to the maneuver group. The battle order of the group depends on the nature of the task being performed and may consist of observation posts, patrol groups (patrols), patrols, law enforcement posts, ambushes, cover groups, capture groups and other military outfits.

The maneuvering group serves in a certain area (section) or on a route.



Blocking group is assigned to isolate the area where the enemy may be located and prevent him from leaving the search area. It consists of outfits that block the most probable directions of enemy movement from the area of ​​operation.

The blocking line must meet the following requirements:

Pass through tactically advantageous terrain, have convenient approaches (entrances) for quick occupation by its units;

Ensure good visibility and shelling in front of the front and on the flanks of subunits, secrecy of the location of personnel and fire weapons and their interaction;

Allow to quickly maneuver forces and means when the situation changes;

Favor management and communication.

When determining the blocking threshold, the following are taken into account:

Time of violation of the forbidden or regime zone (detection of the enemy);

The time elapsed since the violation (detection);

The probable location of the enemy at the time of the decision, the speed and probable direction of his movement;

The time required for the units to reach the boundaries of the organization of service on it.

The blocking line must be occupied by subunits and military detachments before violators (saboteurs) can enter it.

The composition of a blocking group and the size of sectors for subunits depend on the number, armament, and nature of the enemy's actions, the size of the blocking area, the availability of forces and assets, terrain conditions, and visibility.

Blocking density does not have to be uniform, it depends on the importance of direction, terrain conditions and time of day. During the day, the blocking density can be:

In a closed area - one outfit (2-3 people) for 25-75 meters;

On the open - one outfit (2-3 people) up to 150 meters.

Capabilities of units to block the area

At night (in conditions of limited visibility), these norms are reduced several times.

In winter, 1-2 control lines are laid at the blocking line in order to detect traces of the enemy who has passed through the blocking line.

The combat formation of a blocking group consists of the combat formations of subunits deployed at the line of blocking, fire weapons and a reserve.

The squad at the line of blocking performs combat service as a barrier and is usually located in three or four groups, outfits (observation posts, patrols, secrets).

2. One of the most important varieties of human activity is military activity. Its goals are set out in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Defense". These include the repulse of aggression directed against our country, the armed defense of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation, and the fulfillment of tasks in accordance with international treaties.

Conventionally, military activity can be divided into three main types: combat, combat training and everyday.

combat activity- This is the main type of military activity. It is carried out in the course of hostilities, the main types of which are offensive and defense.

Combat training activities(it is carried out in order to ensure successful combat activities) consists of a system of measures for the training and education of military personnel and the preparation of subunits and units for joint military operations. In its process, military personnel conduct classes and training in various subjects of training, live firing, as well as exercises - the most effective form of field, naval and air training of personnel.

daily activities covers almost all other aspects of the life of military personnel. In each military unit, it is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They regulate this activity in order to maintain internal order and discipline in subunits and units, ensuring high combat readiness, training of military personnel, organized performance of other tasks and maintaining the health of personnel. Fulfillment of their duties in daily activities helps the soldiers to endure severe trials in a combat situation.

Military activities place high demands on servicemen in terms of professional training, education, health status, physical fitness and psychological stability.

Ticket number 23

1. The main elements of human life. The importance of the regime of work and rest for the harmonious development of a person, his spiritual and physical qualities.

1.B The basis of a healthy lifestyle is the correct organization of life, which involves a reasonable alternation of the main elements: work, rest, nutrition and sleep.

The quality and duration of sleep are important for human life. Fast falling asleep, calm and deep sleep are facilitated by a constant bedtime, walks in the fresh air, dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, fresh air, comfortable temperature, cleanliness and silence in the sleeping room.

Nutrition is one of the most important functions of any living organism. It is of great importance for every person. Non-compliance with the diet (time and number of meals) leads to disruption of the functions of the digestive system, to a decrease or increase in appetite, and then to various diseases associated with metabolism.

The mode of work and rest is the correct alternation of periods of work and rest, their duration, rational distribution of time in during the day, week, month, year.

One of the fundamental principles of the regime is its strict implementation, the inadmissibility of frequent changes. If there is a need to transition to a new regime, then such a transition should be gradual. These requirements are due to the fact that the body gets used to a certain rhythm, it develops a system of conditioned reflexes that facilitate the performance of certain of its functions.

The second principle of the regime is that all types of activities planned in it should be feasible for the body and not exceed the working capacity of brain cells, and rest should ensure their full recovery.

Free time can be spent in different ways, depending on interests. It is important that it must have an active action component.

Any violation of the regime leads to a breakdown in the well-established system of reflexes, and this can lead to negative changes in the state of health, primarily fatigue and overwork.

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Military service is a type of human activity that not only has a high social significance, but goes beyond the ordinary, associated with special conditions. Armed defense of the Fatherland at all times was considered an honorable duty and duty of every citizen. At the same time, the army has always been considered as a particle of society, therefore, it reflects all the socio-economic and political processes that take place in society, as well as all the laws of the international situation.

The end of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century. characterized by the emergence of a number of hotbeds of military tension, which are associated not with problems in relations between states, but with the strengthening of international terrorism. Therefore, in the new XXI century. there is a need for armed defense of the country, and consequently, military professional activity retains its high social significance. What are the characteristics of this activity?

Military-professional activity is activity for the defense of the Fatherland. It contains numerous components. First of all, these are the following two main types: activities in combat conditions

(combat activity) and activities in normal (peaceful) conditions

Let's take a closer look at these activities.

combat activity

This is the activity of military personnel to achieve the goals of armed struggle. It should be noted that combat activity is very specific in terms of its goals and tasks, conditions, means, difficulties, and psychological content. It has its own psychological patterns, a certain internal structure, goals, motives, ways through which a number of factors influence its course: military-political, military-technical, ideological and psychological, type of weapon, team leadership, educational work carried out in battle, combat and psychological training of personnel.

The psychological content and structure of combat activity is affected by the fact that in combat complex tasks associated with danger to life, destruction of valuables, huge destruction, losses in people and equipment, various deprivations and inconveniences are solved. The conduct of combat is associated with an increase in moral and legal responsibility for the precise performance of duties, and requires extreme mental and physical exertion of all the forces of military personnel.

As mentioned above, any human activity has its own motives. Combat activity is no exception. If we talk about the motives for the start of hostilities at the state level, then the main reason here is almost always the emergence of a real threat to the integrity and security of the country. In turn, the conduct of hostilities involves the manifestation of a certain activity on the part of specific people (military personnel). At the same time, the activity of people in combat conditions (combat activity of military personnel) has its own motives, which include: needs, feelings, desires, aspirations, interests, ideals, beliefs, etc.

Undoubtedly, the most important need in combat is the desire of a person to survive. This is a normal, genetically determined need for self-preservation. However, in different people it can manifest itself in different ways and can have different consequences - both for a particular person and for his social environment. For example, one person actively and purposefully masters military equipment and modern combat techniques, because he understands that the one who is better prepared is more likely to survive in battle. At the same time, another person in a combat situation seeks to avoid dangerous situations, tries to hide behind the backs of his comrades, i.e., shows cowardice [36].

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