Leonid barats. After a divorce: Russian actresses who started life anew Leonid Barats and Anna

Actor and director Leonid Barats is loved by many Russian viewers, thanks to the performances of the comic theater "Quartet X" led by him. Some comedies written by Barats were filmed and became the property of the general public, and the actors gained immense popularity among the people. Leonid prefers to be called Lyosha - that's what his parents wanted to call him, but at the last moment they chose his grandfather's name. Until recently, the wife of Leonid Barats was actress Anna Kasatkina.

They met when Leonid - Lyosha studied at the pop department of GITIS and got married in 1991. Anna was Lesha's faithful companion in all his creative endeavors and helped in the creation of the theater, which arose after her husband graduated from classmates at GITIS. When Barats' scripts for the performances "Radio Day" and Election Day "passed the test of time and it was decided to remove them, she became one of the actresses in the films. In addition, she also starred in the comedies What Men Talk About and What Other Men Talk About, along with her husband.

In 1994, they had a daughter with Leonid, who was named Elizabeth. Her younger sister Eva was born in 2003. Anna's main place of work is the Lenin Komsomol Theater. In an interview with reporters, both spouses talked about the fact that their belief that the family is above everything in a person’s life is something in which they are completely in solidarity and therefore happy. Despite this, their nearly 25-year married life ended in the fall of 2015.

Barats hid the fact of his divorce from the public and the media for a long time, but when he was forced to answer questions from meticulous journalists, he said that he continues to have great respect and the warmest feelings for his wife, despite the separation. He added that Anna still remains an actress playing in his theater and behaves very decently in this situation. Leonid refused to clarify the circumstances of the situation, saying briefly that "his heart is not free."

It is not known how the daughters of Leonid and Anna perceived the separation of their parents. Elizabeth, who is 21 years old, is currently studying at the London acting school. She has a boyfriend, and Lisa's parents approved of her choice between them after the meeting. After parting, they maintain friendly relations and together discuss the problems of raising their daughters. The youngest Eva is 12 years old and often needs the support of both her father and mother when she has problems.

There is no question of any property or similar lawsuits in this divorce. Two smart adults, most likely, decided all financial and other matters in concert - amicably, with reasonable mutual concessions, so as not to injure the children and not give food to gossip and gossip. The news, which could become the reason for long sensational publications in the Russian media, remained a simple statement of fact. The ability to behave in a civilized manner in such circumstances is a special gift, peculiar only to strong and well-mannered people. The ex-wife of Leonid Barats, no doubt, has it.

The divorce of the Quartet I star Leonid Barats and his wife Anna Kasatkina came as a real surprise to the artist's fans. The couple lived together for more than 20 years, but still decided to leave. Meanwhile, Leonid Barats did not remain lonely for long. Less than a year after the dissolution of the marriage, the actor was able to find a new love.

Leonid Barats and his new wife: the life of an actor with his ex-wife

Barats received the name Leonid in honor of his great-grandfather, but initially his parents wanted to call him Alexei. And he still can't come to terms with his real name. While still studying at GITIS, Alexei met his future wife, the then-novice actress Anna Kasatkina (later she starred in three of her husband's films). In 1991, Alexei and Anna registered their relationship. Together they lived for more than 20 years, but in 2015 it became known that their family had broken up.

However, the former spouses were able to maintain friendly relations, because they are connected not only by years of marriage, but also by children: 21-year-old Elizabeth and 12-year-old Eva. Girls, like their parents, are passionate about the acting profession. But what will come of it, Alexey does not undertake to judge yet.

The eldest daughter Lisa studied for 2 years at GITIS. And now she entered the acting department in London (in England, Elizabeth lives with her husband Ben). She is a beautiful, charming girl, and in the sense of acting, it’s hard to say whether she will be able to do it. And if we talk about the youngest, then she is only 12 years old. Eva is good. She sings beautifully and plays the piano. Like any girl who grew up in an acting family, she has very little chance of going any other way. After a divorce from Anna, many of Alexei's fans perked up - an enviable bachelor. But in vain the actor's heart is already taken.

Leonid Barats and his new wife: meeting Anna

Actor, member of the "Quartet I" Leonid Barats meets with Anna Moiseeva from Odessa. The couple tried not to advertise their relationship for a long time, so the journalists wondered if the actor had found a new soul mate after a divorce from his wife Anna Kasatkina a year ago.

Anna was born and raised in Odessa. Behind Anna is also a failed marriage with an Odessa businessman. By education - a psychologist. The girl is raising her son Oleg.

According to Barats, he has been maintaining relations with Moiseeva for more than two years.

“Anna and I met a very long time ago, in a common company, it seems about ten years ago. Later, they just started talking, often talking on the phone. So gradually began a platonic telephone romance. Anna is very good, smart, beautiful, feminine. We maintain relations in two cities, I am in Moscow, she is in Odessa. But it’s even easier, because at a distance we miss each other with pleasure, ”said the actor.

“I did not immediately pay attention to Leonid,” Anna shared. - And later I discovered how smart, interesting, sincere he really is. He spoke so directly and honestly about himself that at first I did not understand - was he joking or was it all true? It didn't take long for me to realize that he was looking after me. True, it took me a while to realize all my emotions. And I am grateful to Leonid for his patience, wisdom and decency.” According to Anna, it is these features that lead them and Leonid through life. “Well, my long legs, of course. Although he claims that I still have many good qualities, ”Anna jokes.

At the moment, Leonid and Anna have not yet got married.

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The birthplace of the actor and producer Leonid Barats is sunny Odessa. The star admits that this city means a lot to him, he knows all its streets, considers it a living being and tries to spend every summer in Odessa. Many viewers are familiar with his character - a radio host named Lesha.

Oddly enough, but among friends, the star is also called Alexei - it happened historically.

The future actor Leonid Barats lived with his parents, as well as with his grandparents. It was customary in the family to arrange literary readings, play associations and, in general, take up free time with creativity.

They raised Barats as a real Jewish boy- instilled in him intelligence, respect for elders and women, politeness.

At the same time, Lesha was very sociable, he easily made friends. By the way, he met his colleague in Quartet I in the first grade - the guys studied together. The actor calls his childhood happy.

The choice of a profession for Leonid Barats became a real problem, since all his relatives gave him different advice on this matter. So the grandmother really wanted to make a pianist out of her grandson and for this she taught him to play the piano. Dad dreamed that his son would follow in his footsteps and become a journalist.

Barats himself dreamed of football, but did not connect his fate with sports. But while still at school, together with Khait, he began performing on stage, participating in pop miniatures. Plus, from early childhood, Barats went to the theater where his grandmother worked, watched performances and even ballet, visited film clubs.

Rostislav always supported a friend, therefore when the opportunity arose to go to GITIS in Moscow, friends did not think for a long time. So they became students of the course of Vladimir Sergeevich Korovin. At first, Barats rented an apartment with a childhood friend, then moved closer to the students.

In the hostel, Leonid Barats became friends with other guys, including a roommate. Student years flew by quickly, but having received a diploma, Barats and his friends were not at a loss.

They organized the theatrical project "Quartet I", which is still alive today. Moreover, now the brainchild of Leonid Barats, Rostislav Khait, Alexander Demidov and Sergey Petreykov has become incredibly popular. On his account, only rating performances, which over time were even screened!

The main activity of Leonid Barats is, of course, the "I Quartet". He not only participates in all his productions as an actor, but is the author of performances. On account of Barats "Radio Day" and "Election Day", "Faster than rabbits" and "Men's conversations ...". True, he wrote the last one not alone, but in the company of Sergei Petreykov and Rostislav Khait.

There is also a page related to cinema in the career of Leonid Barats. True, and on this path it was not without the Quartet I. Twelve of the thirteen paintings in his filmography are adaptations of the performances of this theater or films related to them in one way or another.

At the same time, Barats again acted as a screenwriter and wrote the basis for the films Election Day (2007), Radio Day (2008) and What Men Talk About (2010). he also produced the last two films. In 2018, another tape will be released with his participation as an actor and scriptwriter. It is called " ".

Interesting Notes:

Behind the scenes, Leonid Barats also had the opportunity to work - he dubbed the cartoons Volt, Super Reno, Pirates! Gang of Losers" and dubbing of the animated film "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 3". On television, the actor was noted as the host of the program "I believe - I do not believe" on TNT.

Barats' personal life has been a safe haven for quite some time.- while still a student, he met the future actress Anna Kasatkina and connected his life with her. In marriage, the couple had two charming daughters, Elizabeth and Eva.

The couple lived together for more than twenty years, but in 2015 the shocking news about the divorce of Leonid and Anna spread around the press. At the same time, the couple hid the gap from friends and fans for a long time. It is worth noting that the actor was never embarrassed that his companions were taller than him (Leonid Barats' height is 166 centimeters). The actor is ironic about the fact that he is short and does not take offense at jokes about it.

Leonid Barats is a bright and talented actor, whose fate is inextricably linked with the fate of the popular theater project "Quartet I". Together with other actors of this humorous theater, our today's hero played many bright and memorable roles, thereby earning the love and recognition of the audience.

Currently, Leonid's creative career is on the rise. He acts in films and often appears on the theater stage. Probably everyone knows about it. But what else do we know about the life and work of this extraordinary actor? We decided to collect some interesting facts from his biography today.

Early years, childhood and the family of Leonid Barats

Our today's hero was born in one of the largest cities in Ukraine - Odessa. He was born and raised in a Jewish family. His father, Grigory Isaakovich, worked as a journalist. And my mother - Zoya Izrailevna - was an ordinary methodologist in kindergarten.

Oddly enough, since childhood, Leonid Barats' parents wanted him to choose a creative specialty for himself. Among the main "favorites" were the professions of an actor and a journalist. And our today's hero did not object to such a development of events.

From an early age, he often visited his father to work, studying the world of Soviet journalism from the inside, and at the same time attended amateur acting classes at his native school. Both of these activities - journalism and acting - really liked the young Odessa citizen, and therefore for a long time the painful choice of a profession was the main difficulty in his life.

In the end, Leonid's friendship with another Odessa schoolboy, Rostislav Khait, became the decisive factor. They had known each other since first grade. They attended acting classes together, and later began to communicate closely outside the school walls. Some time later, young actors began to make plans to conquer the Moscow theater scene. Having waited for the end of school, two friends gathered simple belongings and went to enter GITIS. Surprisingly, the entrance exams turned out to be successful for both of them.

Leonid Barats about the first of April

While studying at a theater university, Rostislav introduced Leonid to two other young actors - Kamil Larin and Alexander Demidov, who already had good experience in theater and cinema by that time. Friends began to spend a lot of time together, and subsequently decided to continue their cooperation in the future. Thus, at some point, the idea of ​​​​creating a comedy theater - "Quartet I" appeared.

Within the framework of this project, each of the participants acted not only as an actor, but also as a screenwriter and producer. All performances were created by joint efforts, and this approach very soon began to bear fruit. The first performance of the young team was directed and staged on the training stage of GITIS. However, later the "Quartet I" began to perform frequently outside the institute's walls.

Star Trek by Leonid Barats, films and theater

In the Quartet I, our today's hero began performing in 1993. During this period, Leonid Barats was able for the first time to feel like a popular theater actor. The audience always came with pleasure to all the performances of the group. Well-known critics also favored him.

Thus, in just a few years, the comedy project "Quartet I" has become very popular in Moscow and beyond. In the mid-nineties, the actors began to go on tour for the first time in the cities of Russia. Some time later, tours around the cities of the CIS were also added to this.

As for the creative work of Leonid Barats, in this context it is worth noting that it was he who made the most tangible contribution to the success of the team. Having written the script for the play "Radio Day", he proved himself to be a talented playwright, thereby predetermining the overall success of "Quartet I".

Quartet I - Leonid Barats about Prokhorov and elections

The named production for many years became the main hit in the repertoire of the comedy theater. Actually, it was from her that the triumphant ascent of the young team to the heights of the theater stage began. The performance “Election Day”, which became a logical continuation of the first part, also strengthened the glory of the Quartet I. Leonid Barats again became the author of the script for the new project. Other actors took part only in some adjustments to the original text.

In 2008 and 2009, a cinematic adaptation of both performances was also released. The films "Radio Day" and "Election Day" were a great success at the box office, and soon the fame of the "I Quartet" became even more global. Such Russian stars as Sergey Shnurov, Leva and Shura Bi-2, Andrey Makarevich and others took part in the films.

Subsequently, Leonid Barats starred in two more films based on the previous performances of the Quartet - What Men Talk About and What Other Men Talk About. In addition, in the 2000s, our today's hero appeared on the screen in several music videos (for songs by Svetlana Roerich, Agatha Christie, Bravo with Valery Syutkin and Combination).

Another "optional" job for a talented native of Ukraine was also the work on dubbing various American cartoons. So, in particular, Rino from the cartoon “Volt” and Darwin from the animated film “Pirates. Gang of Losers. Concluding the topic of "cartoon" creativity, we note that Leonid Barats is also the author of the script for the cartoon "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf".

Personal life of Leonid Barats

For many years now (since 1991), our today's hero has been married to actress Anna Kasatkina, with whom he once studied at GITIS. In particular, it can be seen in three films of the Quartet I at once - in the films Radio Day, What Men Talk About and What Other Men Talk About. The happy spouses have two children - Elizabeth (born 1994) and Eva (born 2003).

In everyday life, Leonid Barats likes to play music (the actor plays the piano well), and also play football. It is also well known about his political views. In particular, our today's hero has repeatedly taken part in protests against the Putin government, and also openly criticized some bills.

Cases where a man enters middle age and at the same time achieves great fame are not uncommon. Usually behind such a man is a faithful and loving wife who brings up their common children and provides for life.

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Leonid Barats

Leonid Barats broke up with his wife and colleague, actress Anna Kasatkina, after 24 years of marriage. The family had two daughters, the eldest of whom is already married and lives in England. Leonid Barats said that the marriage fell apart on its own, without the involvement of third parties - he and Anna tried to save the family, but did not succeed. According to him, he maintains a warm relationship with his ex-wife. He introduced his new lover to the public quite a long time after the divorce - this is a young woman, a psychologist from Odessa named Anna.

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The actress said that she experienced a breakup for a long time, but she coped with the loss, married the composer Dmitry Marin and left sadness from what she experienced in the past. Both Sexte and Matveev had children in new marriages. And Matveev and Boyarskaya again worked in the same film - the next film adaptation of Anna Karenina.

Mostly those who are not to blame for anything - the children of a separated couple - suffer from divorces. The breakup of parents does not always go unnoticed for them, especially if the divorced mother and father do not exert enough strength to smooth over the trauma. The editors of the site invite you to read about the most “unlucky” children of Russian stars and what ruined their lives.
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