An apple in the microwave for a child. Cooking quickly and easily: how to bake apples in the microwave. The benefits of baked apples

Every day the child grows, his body needs vitamins more and more. Up to a certain point, mother's milk provides all the needs of the baby, but the time comes for complementary foods. When the child got acquainted with juices and fruits, you can diversify the menu. Mom comes to the aid of modern technology, with the help of which delicious, as well as healthy dishes are obtained.

The baby can be offered an apple baked in a slow cooker. It is good to give such a dessert after vegetable puree. It can be a great addition to milk porridge.

Baked apple - a source of vitamins

Green varieties of apples have always been considered the most useful for feeding babies. They contain all the vitamins needed by the body.

Baked apples have a mild laxative effect, prevent flatulence and fermentation processes in the intestines. Such complementary foods are equally good for both breastfed babies and those who are on artificial nutrition.

Despite all the beneficial properties, excessive or improper consumption of fruits is harmful.

  1. The acids contained in the fruit can irritate the gastric mucosa, which can lead to peptic ulcer.
  2. Sour varieties of apples are not recommended for children, as this causes increased tooth sensitivity.
  3. You need to cook fruits for babies without seeds, they contain too much hydrocyanic acid.

How to choose a fruit for a child

Many mothers try to choose the most beautiful apple for their baby. But here you need to be careful.

For the children's menu, choose green fruits. Pay attention to the skin of the fruit. She doesn't have to be perfect.

A natural apple cannot shine, it should not have a wax coating. Homemade fruits are a guarantee of quality and usefulness. If you cannot purchase such a product, give preference to local varieties. They will enrich the child's body with essential vitamins more than imported "overseas" fruits.

How to prepare food properly

An apple can be given in any form: fresh or mashed. But a small child is unlikely to cope with a whole piece of fruit. For babies, it is preferable to start complementary foods with baked fruits.

There are several ways to bake fruit:

  • entirely;
  • cut into slices.

Recipe for baked apples in a slow cooker

  1. We select apples, wash and clean the seeds.
  2. We put the prepared fruits in the multicooker bowl, add a little water.
  3. We select the “Bake” program, and after a few minutes the dessert is ready.

An apple baked in a slow cooker must be ground with a blender. Then you get a delicious, tender puree.

Today you can bake fruit in the microwave. This will require special dishes.

microwave apple recipe

  1. Wash the fruit and cut into pieces, cleaning the seeds.
  2. Put the slices on a heat-resistant dish, add a little water and cook in the microwave for 5 minutes.
  3. Ready apples can be chopped with a fork, blender or rubbed through a sieve.

The mashed potatoes prepared in the microwave should be well cooled. If it turns out sour, you can add sugar.

How to bake apples in the oven? Cut the prepared fruits, put in a bowl, put in the oven for 20 minutes. Ready puree must be cooled.

Baked apples are suitable for the little ones. You can add them to the diet from 4-5 months. Puree turns out more homogeneous and gentle. Older kids can diversify the menu by adding cottage cheese or pumpkin to a baked apple.

Preparing mashed potatoes

Healthy complementary foods should be in the diet of the baby throughout the year. You can use store-bought puree from jars, but it's better to make a good dessert yourself. It will not take much time, and the efforts made will only benefit the baby. In summer, when the harvest is good, you need to prepare mashed potatoes for the future.

canned baby puree recipe

  1. Peel the apples and cut into small pieces. Add some water and sugar, cook for about 30 minutes.
  2. We lay out the puree in sterile jars and then cook in the oven. We install them on the grill, cover with lids, sterilize for another 40 minutes.
  3. We roll up the finished puree, cool and store in the cold.

Such a dessert will be an excellent source of fiber in the winter season.

Baked apples are a classic dessert in the cold season, whose name alone already evokes associations with early twilight, snow patterns on the window and fire crackling in the fireplace. And if you bake apples stuffed with nuts, dried fruits, cinnamon and honey, then the magical aroma of a winter fairy tale will fill every corner of your home! True, for this you will have to turn on the oven, spend time, dirty a lot of dishes ... But what if we offer you to cook baked apples faster and easier? For this, there are solutions proven by experience: how, for example, to bake apples in the microwave.

Baking apples in the microwave is so easy that, as is usually said in such cases, a child can handle it. But this time around, the comparison is true: Microwave-baked apples are indeed ideal for baby food, as well as for the diet of breastfeeding and pregnant women. However, for all other sweet tooth they will only bring benefit, pleasure and desire to repeat this culinary experiment as soon as possible, to please themselves and the household with a delicacy.

What are the benefits of baked apples?
The benefits of apples for digestion, fighting anemia and filling vitamin deficiencies are undeniable and widely known. But for some people, fresh, juicy apples can do as much harm as good. We are talking about those who have a sensitive mucosa of the digestive system, who suffer from increased acidity of the stomach, as well as an allergy to fruit pigments. This is how the myth about the universality of apples is broken: it turns out that this fruit, accessible and familiar from childhood, cannot be eaten by patients with gastritis and ulcers. Fruit acids can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, and hard vegetable fiber, which acts like a “brush” for the intestines on healthy people, will disrupt digestion.

After baking, apples do not lose their beneficial properties, but, unlike fresh ones, they cease to irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. They preserve pectins: natural polysaccharides that have a powerful antioxidant effect and cleanse the body of toxic substances. Therefore, baked apples are included in many therapeutic diets to enhance immunity and develop beneficial intestinal microflora. Of course, baked apples are deprived of the lion's share of vitamin C and other substances that are destroyed during heat treatment. But ascorbic acid can also be obtained from other products, and peptides, mineral salts and fruit acids necessary for metabolism in baked apples are not only preserved, but are also better perceived by human metabolism.

How to bake apples in the microwave for a nursing mother?
Diet during pregnancy and lactation imposes certain restrictions on the choice of products, but also puts forward high requirements. How to maneuver between the need for nutrients and prohibitions? On the one hand, apples are rich in iron, vitamins and organic acids necessary for the health of mother and baby. On the other hand, apples, especially sweet and red ones, cause a response in the form of bloating, gas in the intestines and diathesis. The solution for a lactating woman: bake apples in the microwave to save time communicating with the little one and prepare a delicious, healthy and safe snack:

  1. Baked apples with cottage cheese for pregnant and lactating women perform two nutritional functions at once: they provide pectins, minerals (fruits) and protein (cottage cheese). For cooking, you need to choose a large green apple (Simirenko, Granny Smith, etc.), take a tablespoon with a slide of fresh cottage cheese (any fat content to your taste), a teaspoon of high-quality butter, a pinch of sugar. If there are no contraindications, you can add some nuts and / or raisins to taste. The ideal addition would be calcium-rich sesame seeds.
  2. Wash the apple, dry well with a towel. Make sure that there is no dirt left on it and there are no signs of damage (dents, damage, frostbite).
  3. With a sharp knife, cut the apple in half vertically along the core.
  4. Remove the ponytail. Remove the core with bones. Pierce the skin with a toothpick in several places.
  5. Arrange the apple halves cut side up on a saucer. Put sugar in the recess from the core, butter on top of the sugar.
  6. Place the plate with the apple in the microwave and turn on the oven at full power for 2 minutes.
  7. Combine the cottage cheese with the filler or simply grind until smooth (you can do this with a spoon or using a blender).
  8. Spread the cottage cheese on top of the butter in equal amounts on both halves of the apple. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  9. Put the apples back in the microwave and bake for 2 minutes on full power.
The microwaving time for apples in the microwave is for one large apple, but you can bake more apples at the same time by extending the cooking time. In this case, it can be determined in proportion to the serving and / or empirically.

How to bake apples in the microwave for a child?
A baby gets its nutrients from milk, but an older baby learns to feed on its own. Microwave-baked apples are the perfect baby food. They are tasty, healthy and awaken the appetite even in small fussy:

  1. Stuffed apples baked in the microwave. Children are famous sweet tooth, but carbohydrates do not harm them and go into energy. Unless, of course, these are natural and high-quality sweets. Therefore, in order to bake an apple for a child in the microwave, take, in addition to the apple itself, homemade jam, jam or marmalade, some dried apricots and pitted raisins. You can use berries that the child likes. Butter, sugar - optional.
  2. Make sure the apple is whole and healthy with no damage. Wash it and dry it with a towel.
  3. Soak dried apricots and / or raisins in boiling water in advance, and then squeeze and dry on a paper towel.
  4. Cut the apple vertically in half. Remove the tail, bones and core with plates. Pierce the skin with a toothpick in several places.
  5. Place the apples cut side up on a plate. Take your baby's favorite plate, because you will serve apples on it.
  6. Place a small piece of butter in the apples' recesses. Also add a little vanilla sugar for flavor.
  7. Microwave apples for 2 minutes on full power. Can be covered with a plastic lid.
  8. Put on the middle of the apple halves of the berry.
  9. Spread the prepared softened dried fruit over the apple halves and microwave again for 2-3 minutes.
  10. Cool apples baked with dried fruits at room temperature, pour over with jam or syrup.
If your child refuses to eat cottage cheese in its natural form and even in the form of cheesecakes, casseroles, try baking apples in the microwave with cottage cheese. Yes, quite a bit of cottage cheese will fit in such a dish. But on the other hand, under the sweet fragrant filling, the baby will eat it without whims, and this is still better than nothing.

How to bake apples in the microwave with honey?
The diet of children and their new mothers has not monopolized the right to enjoy baked apples. It is not at all necessary to give birth to a child in order to bake apples in the microwave and add a fragrant filling to them. If you have no dietary restrictions, feel free to bake apples with cinnamon, sugar and other fillers. As for honey, after heat treatment it becomes useless to anyone, so baked apples with honey must be cooked correctly:

  1. Use apples of any variety, as long as they are whole, healthy and not overripe.
  2. Cut the washed and towel-dried apple crosswise in a horizontal direction, at a height of about 2/3 from the bottom, as if removing the “lid” from it.
  3. Remove the tail from the top of the apple, remove the core with seeds from the bottom. Pierce the skin in several places with a toothpick.
  4. Place a pinch of instant cereal or muesli in the middle of the apple. Sprinkle with a mixture of ground cinnamon and sugar (powdered sugar).
  5. In addition to cereals, you can stuff an apple with chopped nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits.
  6. Put a small piece of natural butter on top of the filling.
  7. Cover the apple with the top without the tail and place it in a suitable bowl with high sides.
  8. Bake the apple in the microwave under a plastic lid for 3 minutes at 100% power.
  9. Remove the lid and, if necessary, cook for 1 more minute at maximum power.
  10. The baking time of an apple can be slightly increased if you like completely boiled pulp. Or, on the contrary, reduce the cooking time if you want to get an elastic, only slightly baked apple.
As for honey, you can add it to a baked apple only after it is ready and cools down a bit. When heated above 50 ° C, honey becomes useless, and above 60 ° C, useful substances in it are converted into carcinogens that are poorly excreted from the body and poison it. Therefore, cook baked apples with honey in stages and, of course, use only natural bee honey without sugar and other substitutes.

In compensation for this minor inconvenience, you get the huge benefits that baked apples bring. You can eat them with a spoon, scraping out of the skin as if from a cup, or together with the peel, which becomes softer after baking and contains dietary fiber. Feel free to pour over microwaved apples with syrups, toppings, chocolate sauce or yogurt. On the festive table, they can be decorated with a cap of whipped plums and sprinkled with coconut flakes. At the same time, the nutritional, biological and dietary properties of baked apples remain at their best, but such a dish looks truly exquisite. Bon appetit and good health!

Baking apples in the microwave will give you the opportunity to please your family with a delicious and healthy dessert, quite simple and easy. If autumn turned out to be fruitful and you have a lot of apples, then baked apples in the microwave are a great way to find a use for them, at the same time benefiting your body. And if you are also an apple lover, then after spending quite a bit of time, you will enjoy the cooked dish immensely and, perhaps, in the future, baked apples in the microwave will become your favorite dessert or signature family recipe.

How to bake apples in the microwave?

Cooking baked apples in the microwave is easy, you just need to choose a recipe: choose the filling and sauce to taste. The filling can be walnuts, cottage cheese, any berries, raisins, pumpkin and even oatmeal. As a sauce, you can use vanilla, milk, honey, take your favorite jam or just pour over hot chocolate.

How long to bake apples in the microwave?

The baking time of apples depends on the power of the microwave, the size of the fruits and their variety. Larger, firmer apples will take a little longer to bake. Remove the dish from the microwave a little before it is cooked. So you let it settle and avoid overheating.

Microwave baked apples have one little secret: they need to be pierced - then they will not crack, and your dessert will look beautiful and appetizing.

Apples in the microwave with honey


  • apple - 1 piece;
  • honey - an arbitrary amount.


Wash the apples thoroughly, cut off the top with a sharp knife, carefully remove the core with seeds with a spoon. Make sure that the bottom of the apple remains, otherwise the filling will have nowhere to lay. Pierce the peel in several places with a fork. We spread the prepared apples in a microwave oven dish, pour a few teaspoons of water on the bottom of the dish. Fill the center of each apple with honey. Honey will take a little more than 1 tbsp. spoons for one apple. We cover the form with a lid and put in the microwave for 2-3 minutes at maximum power. The apple should become soft, but do not forget that it should not overheat.

Apples with cottage cheese in the microwave

If you like cottage cheese, then you can cook baked apples with more complex fillings. Apples with cottage cheese cooked in the microwave are very useful for both adults and children.


  • apple - 2 pieces;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • raisins - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon.


Thoroughly wash and prepare the apples according to the above recipe "Microwave Apples with Honey". For the filling, grind or mince 100 gr. cottage cheese, add sugar, egg, cinnamon in the amount according to the recipe. All products are thoroughly mixed. My raisins (preferably pitted), dry on a napkin and add to the curd mass. Mix again, fill the middle of the apples with the resulting filling. We cook baked apples with cottage cheese in the microwave for 3-4 minutes at maximum power. Readiness is determined in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Before serving, baked apples in the microwave can be poured with your favorite sauce or sprinkled with grated nuts. You can serve dessert for both lunch and dinner. This will delight you and your family with a delicious dish.

Now you can see for yourself that baked apples in the microwave cook easily and quickly - yes, the recipe can be anything. It all depends on the tastes of your household and your imagination.

25.02.2012 04.09.2016 by gotovlyu v mikrovolnovke

Delicious and healthy, especially for children and those who care about their figure, dessert is microwave-baked apples with a minimum amount of sugar, which, by the way, can be replaced with honey or any jam (but honey is better) and other fruits in the filling.

microwave baked apple recipe

Cook as many apples as you need dessert servings "for now." Baked and lain for a long time are not very tasty.

You will need:

  • apples - 1 per person;
  • sugar (honey, jam) - to taste;
  • raisins or a mixture of nuts and raisins for the filling - a handful, depending on the size of the apple;
  • cinnamon - to taste;
  • butter - from a quarter to a half tablespoon.

Instead of raisins, you can use any other fruit, preferably not sour. For example, finely chopped pear, banana, figs, dates, peaches, ginger, as well as lemon juice and nutmeg.

Cooking: wash the apples, remove the core (carefully remove so that the bottom of the apple remains), prepare the filling, which must be thoroughly crushed and mixed with sugar or honey.

Place (set) the apples in the mold. Put the filling in each, butter on top and sprinkle with sugar or pour over with honey (jam, syrup). Pour a couple of tablespoons of water into the mold.

Heat at full power, uncovered, for 2-3 minutes (the larger or firmer the apple, the longer it takes). The apple should become soft.

Now you need to cover it and let it stand for 4-5 minutes. Serve a delicious dessert!

A ball of ice cream or whipped cream, as well as any cream, is perfect for it.

Microwave baked apples with honey

It is much tastier and healthier to take honey instead of sugar and make it according to this recipe:

  • apple - 1
  • honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • raisins or other dry and simple fruits - 1 teaspoon
  • butter - 1 teaspoon
  • cinnamon or other spices - to taste
  • almonds or other nuts - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking baked apples in the microwave

Remove core with seeds. Cut off the top.

In a bowl, mix raisins, honey and butter, add chopped almonds (optional). Put the mixture inside the apple.

Place the apple in a microwave bowl, pour some water into the bowl, sprinkle the apple with cinnamon. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, leaving a small space for steam to escape. Bake the apple on full power for 5 minutes or until the apple is tender. (Check every 2 minutes.)

Transfer the apple to a plate and pour over the cooking liquid. Serve warm.

Eat and enjoy!

Recipe for microwave-baked apple slices

Undoubtedly, a whole baked apple looks very beautiful, it can be served as a dessert to guests. But no less tasty will turn out cut into circles or slices.


  • sour apples - 750 grams
  • sugar - 100 grams + 3 tbsp. spoons
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • cloves or cinnamon, or your favorite spices - 1 teaspoon
  • cookies - 120 grams
  • milk - 80 ml.


Peel the apples from the skin and seeds, cut into slices and put in a bowl.

Mix in another bowl 100 grams of sugar, flour and 0.5 teaspoon of cinnamon. Sprinkle this over the apples and stir until the slices are completely incorporated into the mixture. Cover the bowl with a lid and cook on full power for 3-4 minutes or until the apples are tender.

In a separate bowl, break the cookies into small pieces, pour in the milk and add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Stir. Drizzle the hot apples with this mixture with a tablespoon.

Mix the remaining (0.5 tsp) cinnamon and the remaining (1 tbsp) sugar and sprinkle over the apples.

Cook again, but uncovered for 4-6 minutes or until a toothpick comes out dry.

Serve warm.

If you don’t want to mess around with such a complicated (although complicated) recipe, then make it easier.


  • apples - 600 grams
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • cinnamon - to your taste
  • any sweet berries and fruits, such as strawberries, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fruit syrup.


Peel the apples from the peel and seeds, cut into slices and put in a bowl. Put berries or fruits here too (large ones also need to be cut). Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and stir.

Bake in the microwave for 5 minutes on full power. Then add berries or fruits and cook. Check for readiness with a fork, if necessary, add a minute and check again.

Remove from microwave, mix with the resulting juice. Add syrup to taste, about 1 tbsp. spoon, if you do not put fruit.

Delicious with whipped cream on top or with vanilla ice cream to serve alongside a serving of baked apples.

step by step recipe with photo

A delicious dessert happens not only in a restaurant. From the available products, you can independently prepare such a delicacy that everyone will just lick their fingers. All you need is apples and sugar. No, we will not cook jam, mashed potatoes, jams, although these sweet preparations can also act as a dessert. They will wait until next year, but for now we will cook apples baked with sugar in the microwave. By the way, a microwave oven can be replaced by an ordinary oven or even a slow cooker (in case a microwave is not used in the house or it does not exist at all). The baking time, of course, will increase, but the result will be almost the same: soft, juicy apples in a sweet jelly-like filling will appear on your plate.


  • fresh sweet and sour apples - 2 pcs. (quantity depends on desired serving)
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons with a slide


1. Wash the apples well, you don’t need to remove the peel, it will act as a kind of bowl for baked apple pulp. Sweet fruits don't fall apart as much as sour ones. A well-ripened sweet apple will become soft when baked. But a little greenish just dries. Therefore, to make the dessert tasty, juicy, with a lot of pulp, choose sour fruits after all.

We put them on a plate with small sides. Cut off the top with a knife, making a small indentation.

2. Fill it with sugar.

3. We send a plate of apples to the microwave to bake for about 5 minutes. They will hiss, seethe, sometimes shoot. Nothing terrible happens in your household appliance, the skin just cracks, apples secrete juice, which will turn into jelly with melted sugar.

Baked apples can be served with vanilla ice cream, but you can offer nothing but the dessert itself.

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