Wastes from the production of goods and services. Use and classification of industrial waste. Demonstration video of production waste recycling

There is no general classification of consumption and production waste. Therefore, for convenience, the basic principles of such a separation are often used.

Principles for the division of waste into types

So, the structure of the main principles is represented by the following elements:

  • by sources of education (industry basis);
  • according to the state of aggregation;
  • by production cycles;
  • by directions of use.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

By industry

This classification of waste in practice is most widely used. It is built on a branch principle. The largest share is occupied by the classification of production waste, among which we can distinguish: non-ferrous or coal waste, chemical and

According to aggregate state

Such a classification of wastes allows them to be more accurately identified as liquid, solid or gaseous. Such a division is important when choosing a technology for their storage, further processing or destruction.

Thus, gaseous wastes should be stored in specialized tanks, liquid wastes should be stored in sealed containers, and solid wastes should be stored in containers, at sites or landfills.

To determine the technology of their processing, the classification of wastes by classes, represented by the degree of explosiveness and combustibility, should be used. We must not forget about their toxicity.

By production cycle

Sometimes a classification is used that is organized by sectoral principle.

This allows them to be detailed according to the technological stages of manufacturing the product in order to identify operations during which any by-products may be formed.

An example is the chemical industry, in which, during the synthesis of organic substances, volumetric residues can be formed that are not provided for by the production process (during distillation or rectification).

The above classification of waste by class is aimed at considering the issue of their use as recyclable materials. Therefore, such a ranking reflects primarily quantitative indicators, and only then - qualitative ones.

Physical and chemical properties of garbage

The classification of wastes according to their physical and chemical properties is of great importance when assessing their impact on the environment. This, of course, applies to dangerous and toxic components.

The World Health Organization has developed a classification of waste by hazard class, adopted by the UN in the form of a program for environmental protection. It includes a list of hazardous and toxic components that are released into the same list includes the following substances: arsenic, pharmaceuticals, various organohalogen compounds and, of course, mercury.

As a characteristic of the toxicity of substances, the lethal dose coefficient is taken, at the use of which a lethal outcome occurred in half of the experimental animals.

Separation of waste by hazard

The hazard classification of waste is based on the concentration of toxic substances they contain. Several components are also taken into account.

In recent years, in European countries, the classification of waste by hazard class is based on their environmental friendliness. At the same time, this approach is imperfect, since the process of their assessment as a raw material for further consumption in the manufacturing sector becomes more difficult.

Use of waste as a raw material base for production

One of the main tasks of any commercial and industrial activity is to achieve savings in energy and raw materials. Therefore, in modern economic conditions, there is a convergence of interests of potential consumers and producers who own modern production capacities and technologies for using waste as raw materials.

Unlike primary raw materials, waste cannot be oriented in advance to a specific area of ​​their use. So, the same waste is used in various production areas. Therefore, for a reasonable classification on this basis, it is advisable to know some of their distinctive features. Thus, all waste can be combined into three main groups:

  1. They have such unfavorable characteristics as the lack of uniformity of composition and purity. The reasons for this are the different degree of wear, pollution, climatic factors. Despite the fact that these characteristics are of a stochastic nature, they are used to determine waste processing technologies and the quality of the products obtained, taking into account a complex of economic and environmental problems.
  2. Municipal solid waste, the classification of which is based on the possibilities of use as In other words, a certain set of characteristics is specified that can be measured and included in the technical specifications, as well as regulatory and technical documents responsible for the optimal directions for waste processing.
  3. Since primary raw materials tend to turn into waste during the production process, along with the loss or deterioration of some consumer qualities, updated properties are also acquired that were uncharacteristic of the analogue at the initial stage.

Therefore, the description of waste should be based on the definition for each individual type of characteristics to be measured and the effective direction of its use.

Classification of waste according to technical characteristics

Based on the division of substances that are released during the production process, they can be grouped into two main groups:

  • properties that are important for a particular material, their measurement is carried out without fail when determining traditional ways of use;
  • newly acquired properties, their measurement is needed when identifying new and unconventional ways to use recycled materials.

The determination of the properties of the first group is carried out by studying the relevant scientific literature and regulatory and technical documentation.

For wastes with newly acquired properties, methods are required that are unified as methods for measuring their properties, as well as identifying other necessary properties.

Classification of household waste

Household waste may include household items unsuitable for subsequent use, food products and goods that have lost their consumer properties. This category also includes municipal solid waste, the classification of which is determined by the following elements: garbage and household waste.

The composition of this type of waste depends on such factors: the level of development of the region and the country, the cultural level of the population and its customs, the season, etc. About a third of all MSW is packaging material, the amount of which is constantly increasing.

The classification of household waste is based on the multi-component and heterogeneous composition, low density and instability (the ability to rot). Residential buildings, as well as trade, sports and other enterprises and organizations are accepted as sources of waste generation.

Such waste includes the following types:

  • cardboard (paper);
  • bulky materials;
  • food waste;
  • metals and plastics;
  • leather and rubber;
  • glass, textiles and wood.

This is a generalized classification of waste.


Among the so-called garbage, we can distinguish its main types that need to be recycled.

  1. Appliances. Its disposal is necessary for all enterprises that do not want to have problems with regulatory authorities. To carry out this process on your own, you need to have legal grounds for this, confirmed by the relevant documentation. In the absence of such permission, the business entity may have trouble. Therefore, the best option is to contact a company that deals with waste disposal professionally.
  2. Plastic, foam, paper, etc. In other words, the material that the package is made of. The processing of these wastes includes their crushing, and only then it is formed into briquettes and used as secondary raw materials.
  3. Fluorescent lamps. They are quite attractive for recycling, as the electronic unit, base and flask are valuable raw materials. It is known from practice that this garbage cannot simply be thrown away due to the fact that it contains mercury. However, when handing over for recycling, many processing companies require that this raw material be delivered by the supplier themselves, and this is an additional cost.
  4. Batteries. Today, collection points for this type of garbage have already begun to appear. Therefore, the main emphasis of the state should be placed in the direction of propaganda, advertising and the awakening of consciousness among the population. This product, like fluorescent lamps, is also hazardous to the environment. One battery can pollute about 20 square meters. meters of land around and the time of its decomposition - a quarter of a century. It is also necessary to remember that inside it are such harmful metals as mercury, cadmium and lead.

Harmful waste in medicine

The classification of waste in medicine is based on the specialization of the respective institutions. These are mainly used bandages and gauze, human tissues, pharmaceuticals or blood.

All garbage from medical facilities attracts special attention, as it can pose a potential hazard to the environment.

All waste from healthcare facilities, depending on the level of toxicological, epidemiological and radiation hazard, are divided into five hazard classes.

Thus, class A is represented by non-hazardous waste, which includes substances that have not been in contact with the biological fluids of patients and infectious patients. This class includes non-toxic waste.

Class B includes infectious waste. This may include materials and instruments that are contaminated with secretions from patients. It also includes organic matter after operations.

Hazard class B - very hazardous waste, which includes garbage from microlaboratories, as well as materials that have been in contact with patients with dangerous infectious diseases.

Class G - waste, similar in structure to industrial waste. These include: chemicals, cytostatics, as well as devices and equipment that contain mercury.

Hazard class D - radioactive waste, which includes waste from medical institutions containing radioactive components.

Summing up what has been said, we can say with confidence that the correct disposal of all types of waste can be a guarantee of environmental friendliness, and this is so necessary in our difficult modern world.

Wastes are substances or objects formed during the production of any work or during consumption. They are disposed of, recycled or they are subject to burial.

In the twentieth century, industrial or consumer waste has grown at such a rate that it has created an important problem in metropolitan areas and in large industries. Garbage occurs when a person gets rid of unnecessary things or products, as a result, considerable territories are clogged with garbage.

Waste classification

In the Russian Federation there is a classification catalog of waste, where each of its types, depending on the origin, has an identification number.

Garbage with common characteristics corresponding to its classification system is a type of waste. They are:

  • household;
  • the military.

According to their composition, they are represented by the following groups of substances:

  • biological;
  • man-made.

By state of aggregation:

  • hard;
  • liquid;
  • gaseous.

Industrial and consumer waste are considered two large groups into which all generated waste is divided.

Industrial waste includes products that are not purposefully produced, but are formed upon receipt of the final product.

Consumption waste

Consumer waste includes objects and materials that have become unusable and products that are unnecessary to a person or their remains that have appeared in the system of urban activities.

The most common varieties:

Household waste - solid raw materials, which are formed as a result of human household activities, are removed through the use of sewers.

Industrial waste

Industrial waste can be in solid, gaseous and liquid form. They are obtained as a result of chemical, mechanical thermal transformations of substances of natural and anthropogenic origin.

Garbage from certain products - residual raw materials that cannot be used or substances and energy that have arisen during technological processes that cannot be disposed of.

Return raw materials

Some waste used in the same production is recyclable waste. They consist of residues of raw materials and other types of materials generated during activities or in the provision of services. Since returnable waste loses most of its properties, it can be used in conditions with reduced product requirements or increased consumption.

Very often they are not used for their intended purpose, but only in auxiliary production, as an example - machine waste oils used to lubricate not very important technical units. At the same time, the raw materials that are left, as well as materials transferred according to technological processes to other divisions as full-fledged raw materials. By-products, which are obtained as a result of the operation of the technological process, are not considered returnable raw materials.

Garbage that cannot be used in the same production, but can be used in other industries, is considered a secondary raw material.

Recycling of raw materials

Types of production and consumption waste that do not make sense to process at this stage of production development form irretrievable losses. They are first neutralized, and if there is a danger, they are buried in special landfills.

The cheapest way to get rid of garbage is its burial. This method is considered the easiest - throw something in a landfill, but this does not solve the problem.

Before burying such products, they are transported to a designated place where they are stored indefinitely, and where their hazardous effects do not affect people and nature.

Burning. This is the most common and cheapest disposal option. It is carried out in several ways:

  • Chamber.
  • layered.
  • in a fluidized bed.

With this disposal option, the waste is disposed of at a very high temperature, ensuring complete incineration of the waste. With this method, toxic components are partially absorbed. The negative side of the method is that the gases and smoke generated as a result of combustion have a bad effect on the air in the area. To date, industrial incinerators have a cleaning system. The ash left after burning is taken out and buried. Advantages of the method:

  • small cash costs;
  • the resulting heat is used to generate electricity or for heating;
  • the amount of work is significantly reduced.

The main and perhaps the only drawback is toxicity, in this regard, the method is unsafe for nature. To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to use a system for cleaning gases that are released during the incineration of waste.

Industrial waste is used materials, raw materials and other elements that have lost their qualities. The source of waste depends on the specifics of the enterprise (metallurgical, light, heavy, chemical). They are formed in various industries, but in the future they are either disposed of or reused.

MSW of industrial enterprises

Industrial waste can be of various types:

  • hardware;
  • plastic;
  • ash and slag;
  • leather;
  • rubber;
  • glass;
  • wood;
  • paper and cardboard;
  • Construction Materials;
  • textile;
  • food leftovers, etc.

Rules for the treatment of industrial waste

Waste is collected at enterprises and sorted according to hazard classification. There are documents that regulate waste management. After collecting garbage, it must be taken to landfills and disposed of. This can only be done by companies that have special licenses. They must ensure the safe transport of materials and use special equipment. Hazardous toxic substances must be transported in sealed containers. Those materials that are suitable for recycling must be sent to the raw materials processing factory.

Characteristics of industrial waste

To determine the future fate of waste from industrial facilities, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of these materials:

  • in what industry was formed;
  • at what stage of production the waste appeared;
  • its impact on human health;
  • what harm is done to the environment;
  • the amount of garbage;
  • whether it can be recycled;
  • what disposal methods to use.

Toxic elements in industrial waste

Many types of industrial waste contain toxic elements that not only harm the environment, but also negatively affect human health. Such materials cannot be reused. They need to be disinfected and then disposed of. For this, there are special burial sites and landfills for high-risk waste. Toxic hazardous types of industrial waste include devices that work with chemicals, oil products, devices that contain chemicals, substances used in laboratories and medicine, gas pumping equipment. These and other types of waste must be handled with great care.

Hazard classes

According to the degree of harmful impact on the environment, there are five hazard classes of industrial waste:

  • 1 - the most dangerous waste containing mercury and galvanic sludge. These materials cause irreversible harm to the environment and can lead to an ecological disaster.
  • 2 - high hazard class. The influence of substances of this group is eliminated only in 30 years. These include batteries, oils, paints, varnishes, elements with lead and acids.
  • 3 - medium danger. After the impact of these wastes, the environment is restored within 10 years. This is machine oil and objects with lead.
  • 4 - practically non-hazardous substances, since the harmful effects are eliminated in just 3 years. Most often, construction waste is included in this group.
  • 5 - class of non-hazardous waste. These are metals, paper products, wood and other materials. All these wastes can be recycled and do not harm the environment.

The procedure for the disposal of industrial waste

Regulations have been developed for the disposal of waste from enterprises. First, the waste is collected and stored in a designated area. Then they are divided into those that will be disposed of and those that will be recycled. It is worth noting that they will be sent for animal feed. When all the points are settled, then the waste is removed. Garbage sent for disposal will be disposed of at a landfill. Often, liquid waste is washed into water bodies, but before that they need to be disinfected.

Export Features

For the export of industrial waste, the company must have a license for this activity. Transportation of garbage is carried out by specially equipped transport. Often, waste is transported in an already sorted state, which is done in advance in accordance with a special register. Each type of material has its own requirements for transportation. For example, waste of the 1st hazard class must be transported very carefully in special containers so as not to harm the environment.

Disposal Supervision

To reduce the harmful impact of scrap on the environment, there are disposal control mechanisms. Special bodies control the implementation of sanitary and environmental standards. It also supervises the process of waste disposal, from its collection to complete destruction. All organizations involved in recycling are constantly checked. These and other measures help to protect the natural environment from the impact of industrial waste.

The legal definition of the concept of “production and consumption waste” is given in the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On production and consumption waste”. In Art. 1 of the said Federal

Law No. 89-FZ is determined by:

production and consumption waste (hereinafter referred to as waste)- the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, other products or products that were formed during the production process or

consumption, as well as goods (products) that have lost their consumer properties.

The management of production and consumption waste, in addition to the above-mentioned Federal Law of 24.06.1998 No. 89-FZ "On Production and Consumption Waste", is also regulated by a number of legislative and by-lawsacts, as well as the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes. It was the ratification of the Basel Convention by Russia in 1995 that in many respects became an incentive for the development of national Russian legislation in this area.

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002 “On Environmental Protection” defines the basic requirements in the field of environmental protection when handling waste in Article 51.

Article 51 Requirements in the field of environmental protection when handling production and consumption waste

1. Production and consumption waste, including radioactive waste, shall be subject to collection, use, neutralization, transportation, storage and disposal,

the conditions and methods of which must be safe for the environment and regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

discharge of production and consumption wastes, including radioactive wastes, into surface and underground water bodies, into catchment areas, into the subsoil and onto the soil;

placement of hazardous waste and radioactive waste in areas adjacent to urban and rural settlements, in forest parks, resorts, medical and recreational areas, on animal migration routes, near spawning grounds and in

other places where a danger to the environment, natural ecological systems and human health can be created;


hazardous waste and radioactive waste in the catchment areas of underground water bodies used as sources of water supply, for balneological purposes, for the extraction of valuable mineral resources;

import of hazardous waste and radioactive waste into the Russian Federation for the purpose of their disposal and neutralization.

The main terms in the field of waste management are defined in Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”.

waste management- activities for the collection, accumulation, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of waste;

waste disposal- storage and disposal of waste;

waste management- the use of waste for the production of goods (products), performance of work, provision of services or for obtaining

waste disposal- waste treatment, including waste incineration and disinfection at specialized facilities, in order to prevent the harmful effects of waste on human health and the environment;

waste transportation- movement of waste using vehicles outside the boundaries of a land plot owned by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur or provided to them on other rights;

waste accumulation- temporary storage of waste (for a period not exceeding six months) in places (on sites) equipped in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, for the purpose of their further use, neutralization, placement, transportation.

2. Mechanisms of legal regulation in the field of production and consumption waste management.

1. Accounting, maintaining registers and cadastres.

1.1. Maintaining state waste inventory

Federal Law No. 89-FZ, Article 20. State Waste Cadastre

The State Waste Cadastre includes a federal waste classification catalog (FKKO approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated December 2, 2002 No. 786),

the state register of waste disposal facilities, as well as a data bank on waste and technologies for the use and disposal of various types of waste.

Regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 26, 2000 No. 818 "ON THE PROCEDURE FOR MAINTAINING THE STATE CADASTRE OF WASTE AND CARRYING OUT THE CERTIFICATION OF HAZARDOUS

1.2. Waste certification.

Waste passport - a document certifying ownership

waste to waste of the corresponding type and hazard class, containing information about their composition. For waste of I - IV hazard class, a passport must be drawn up. Passport of waste I - IV hazard class is compiled on the basis of data on the composition and properties of these wastes, assessment of their hazard. The procedure for certification, as well as standard forms of passports, is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. By order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated 02.12.2002 N 785, a hazardous waste passport was approved.

2. Licensing

Federal Law No. 89-FZ, art. 9

In accordance with Article 12 "List of activities for which licenses are required" of the said Federal Law

No. 99-FZ "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities" only the following types of waste-related activities are subject to licensing:

waste neutralization and disposal activities I- IV hazard classes.

Cm.: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 28, 2012 No. 255 "On licensing activities for the neutralization and disposal of waste of I - IV hazard classes"

3. Rationing

Regulated by Article 24 of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", Article 18 of the Federal Law No. 89-FZ.

Production and consumption waste generation standards and limits

for their placement are established in order to prevent their negative impact on the environment in accordance with the law.

3.1. Waste generation standards

WASTE GENERATION REGULATION- the established amount of waste of a particular type in the production of a unit of production.

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities whose economic and other activities generate waste (with the exception of small and medium-sized businesses),

develop draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal. Small and medium-sized businesses that generate waste as a result of their economic and other activities submit to the authorized federal executive authorities or executive authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in accordance with their competence, reports on the generation, use, neutralization, and disposal of waste in a notification procedure.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 16, 2000 No. 461 "On the RULES FOR DEVELOPING AND APPROVING NORMATIVES FOR WASTE GENERATION AND LIMITS FOR THEIR DISPOSAL", in order to establish standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities submit to territorial

bodies of the authorized body:

a) a statement on the establishment of waste generation standards and limits on their disposal, indicating the following information:

full and abbreviated name, including company name, organizational and legal form of the legal entity, its location, state registration number of the entry on the creation of the legal entity and data of the document confirming the fact of making

records of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - for a legal entity;

surname, name and patronymic

individual entrepreneur, his place of residence, details of the document proving his identity, state registration number of the entry on state registration as an individual entrepreneur and data of the document confirming the fact of making an entry about the individual entrepreneur in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs - for an individual entrepreneur;

b) the following documents:

a copy of the license for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of hazardous waste (for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities engaged in the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of hazardous waste);

draft standards for waste generation and limits for their disposal;

a copy of the license for the use of subsoil plots for the purpose of dumping toxic and other hazardous wastes (for a legal entity - a subsoil user that has a license to use subsoil plots for the purpose of dumping toxic and other hazardous wastes).

3.2. Waste disposal limits

Waste disposal limits are set in accordance with the standards of maximum permissible harmful effects on the environment by authorized federal

executive authorities or executive authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of waste management in accordance with their competence.

Limits for waste disposal, developed in accordance with the standards of maximum permissible harmful effects on the environment, quantity,

the type and hazard classes of waste generated and the area (volume) of their disposal facility, establish the maximum allowable amount of waste of a particular type, which is allowed to be placed in a certain way for a specified period in waste disposal facilities, taking into account the environmental situation of this territory.

4. Economic regulation

Establishment of fees for waste disposal within the limits and for over-limit disposal. The basic rates of the fee are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation for waste of each hazard class.

5. Legal liability.

Article 4.1 of Federal Law No. 89-FZ establishes five classes of waste hazard depending on the degree of negative impact on

environment and in accordance with the criteria established by the federal executive body responsible for state regulation in the field of environmental protection:

  • Class I - extremely hazardous waste (for example, mercury lamps);
  • Class II - highly hazardous waste (for example, waste containing lead);
  • Class III - moderately hazardous waste (for example, used car oils);
  • Class IV - low-hazard waste (for example, waste of bitumen, asphalt in solid form);
  • Class V - practically non-hazardous waste (for example, foam plastic waste).

The waste hazard class determines the amount of payment for waste disposal, the procedure for handling such waste, and the requirements for their disposal.

An example of a curious jurisprudence:

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation composed of:

having considered in open court a civil case on the application of Gazprom transgaz Ukhta LLC to challenge the Sanitary Rules for Determining the Hazard Class of Toxic Production and Consumption Wastes. city ​​N 144

Sanitary rules that differentiate waste into four hazard classes were introduced in order to establish and prevent the harmful effects of toxic waste on the environment and human health. In turn, the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2001 N 511 "On approval of the Criteria for classifying hazardous waste as a hazard class for the environment

natural environment" established five hazard classes of waste according to the degree of their possible harmful effects on the environment.

In view of the foregoing, the Sanitary Rules and Article 20 of the Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste", paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

Federation dated October 26, 2000 N 818 "On the procedure for maintaining the state cadastre of waste and carrying out certification of hazardous waste", paragraph 5.3.7 of the Regulations on the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 N 401, which entrusted Rostekhnadzor with the authority to maintain the state cadastre of waste and state accounting in the field of waste management, as well as to conduct

work on certification of hazardous waste.

Industrial waste is different from household waste. Often, during the production process, substances belonging to the first hazard classes are formed. This means that if such compounds enter the natural environment, they will lead to the destruction of all living things and irreversible disturbance of the balance of the ecosystem. Therefore, it is important to properly dispose of these wastes.

Industrial waste is substances, materials and products generated at different stages of the production process and unsuitable for subsequent use to obtain products at the enterprise.

Wastes obtained in production after various types of impacts on the feedstock may differ in their state of aggregation and be solid, gaseous or liquid.

It has been established that in modern conditions of functioning of industrial enterprises, the share of waste generated is 0.1 part of the amount of all raw materials used in production processes.

Classification of production waste

The classification of industrial waste implies its division into the following types:

  1. Waste is returnable. Such substances and materials may remain in production for further use in work processes other than those from which they were formed. They are not required to be of high quality. Often these wastes are used as consumables. For example, machine oil waste is used to lubricate the components of technical devices of the least important purpose.
  2. Recyclables. This group includes scrap that cannot be involved in the current production process, but is a valuable raw material for other industries.
  3. Irrevocable losses. These are wastes, the processing and use of which is impossible and inexpedient, therefore they are recognized as irretrievably lost. They are taken out of the enterprise, stored, in special cases they are subjected to neutralization and subsequent burial in specially designated areas.

In addition, industrial waste, like consumer waste, is divided into hazard classes from the most harmful to practically safe.

In the course of the activity of enterprises, as waste materials and losses, the following are formed:

  • metal materials;
  • plastic components;
  • ash and slag accumulations;
  • leather, rubber, glass products;
  • remnants of wood and fur;
  • waste paper (maybe you will be interested to read about);
  • construction and textile materials;
  • remains of biological origin;
  • fertilizer components;
  • oil-containing mixtures, as well as radioactive elements, mercury, lead, arsenic, antimony compounds, etc.

All of the above is only a small part of the waste from industrial enterprises, some of which can lead to an environmental disaster.

Characteristics of industrial waste

The fate of waste produced by enterprises depends on its characteristics:

  • source of education, i.e. industries;
  • the stage of the production process at which it was obtained;
  • impact on the human body and the state of the environment;
  • quantitative indicators (mass, volume, etc.);
  • recyclability;
  • possible suitable methods of disposal.

Disposal of industrial waste

Under the recycling of waste in the context of this article, we mean their destruction.

The implementation of the removal and disposal of each type of industrial waste occurs in accordance with the established hygienic classification, accepted standards and legislative acts.

Consider the main methods and some of the nuances of the elimination of industrial waste unsuitable for processing, depending on their type:

  1. Inert trash. Its warehousing is carried out jointly with MSW. Also, such industrial waste can be used for backfilling ravines and pits, building garage areas, etc.
  2. Garbage that quickly decomposes in the process of vital activity of microorganisms. Stored in landfills and landfills with solid waste.
  3. Low-toxic waste, poorly soluble in water. For this group, a list of materials has been compiled, according to which they can be disposed of at landfills together with MSW. This list includes: textiles, technical rubber, polymers, electrical insulation, asbestos-cement, graphite, abrasive materials, etc.
  4. Oil-like mixtures. Incinerated with MSW.
  5. Compounds with increased toxicity and little polluting the atmosphere. They are transported to specially equipped landfills.
  6. Highly toxic industrial waste. They are neutralized in a certain way, after which they are buried in compliance with special safety requirements.

Thus, there are two main methods for the disposal of industrial waste:

  • burial;
  • burning.

The most common today is the disposal of industrial waste by the burial method. This method is implemented on special land plots called polygons. Usually next to them there are enterprises that provide disposal of unsafe waste. In the process, methods of thermal and physico-chemical waste treatment are used, the result of which may be completely or partially neutralized garbage. The burial is carried out in special pits, the entire territory allotted for them is fenced with barbed wire.

There are a number of requirements for the location of landfills: sites cannot be located in the territory of mining, in mountainous environs, in swamps, close to underground sources of drinking water, in green urban areas, etc.

Incineration means reducing the initial volume of industrial waste by 85% or more. The process is carried out at an incineration plant, where high-temperature furnaces of various design solutions are installed. The modern thermal method of waste disposal is pyrolysis, the essence of which is the burning of materials under anaerobic conditions. In order to destroy harmful components, oxidative and dry pyrolysis are used.

Utilization of liquid industrial waste, which is not extremely toxic to the environment, is carried out by passing wastewater through the treatment facilities of the enterprise. The process involves mechanical, biological, physical and chemical stages, as well as disinfection of treated effluents.

The listed methods of elimination and disposal can reduce the negative impact on nature and the human body of production waste, but do not solve the problem completely.

The following video tells about the modern landfill for industrial non-radioactive waste, the technologies used on it.

Features of disposal of hazardous production waste

Existing recycling technologies are currently not applied to hazardous industrial waste (classes 1-3). Their disposal is carried out in special ways using special technical means. The main methods used for the disposal and disposal of hazardous wastes include: cementing, encapsulation in glass (and other types of fixation), exposure to microwave radiation, incineration and sterilization under high pressure conditions, and disposal in a carefully designed landfill.

Landfill is a popular way to dispose of hazardous liquids. Working off in liquid form is pumped into special wells, consisting of pipes: external, protective and for direct injection.

In addition, special combustion methods are used to eliminate harmful liquids, for example, in atomized form and over a layer.

The activities for the disposal of hazardous substances require high professionalism, good knowledge of the process technologies and the equipment used from the employees.

Important! Incorrect and unauthorized liquidation of production developments can lead not only to a large-scale environmental problem, but also to criminal liability of persons managing the enterprise.

Recycling of production waste

Methods for processing industrial waste:

  • mechanical - grinding and separation;
  • biochemical - neutralization of workings through the use of special types of microorganisms and further use as recyclable materials;
  • diffusion - includes drying, crystallization, distillation;
  • chemical - changes the properties of the original substance;
  • thermal - processing of garbage (for example, tires and tires) into fuel by burning raw materials in pyrolysis plants;
  • hydrodynamic - includes a number of methods: sedimentation, filtration, separation of the mixture in centrifuges, etc.

These methods involve obtaining new products useful for various branches of life from waste materials. As an example, we give the process of processing metallurgical slags, because it is one of the main components of the total mass of industrial waste generated.

Conventional slag conversion technology consists of:

  • preliminary disassembly and sorting;
  • grinding in crushing plants;
  • metal release;
  • control sorting;
  • transportation of the product to the consumer.

The process uses such types of equipment as screeners, crushers, magnetic separators, conveyor belts for manual sorting of raw materials.

Recycled slag from metallurgical industries is used for road construction, agriculture, obtaining building materials, etc.

The main goals of industrial waste processing are to reduce their negative impact on the environment, to reduce the area allocated for waste storage, and, of course, to make a profit from the production and sale of new products.

The recycling of industrial waste is aimed at protecting the environment and human health, as well as conserving often non-renewable natural resources. But some business leaders are unwilling to spend money either on waste disposal or recycling, which leads to disastrous consequences. To improve the situation, you need to change the minds of people.

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