What kind of snack to take to work. Healthy snacks: recipes and tips. Recipes for snacks at work and at home

When we imagine a working lunch, not the most healthy food appears before our eyes: sandwiches, pizza or pies. Of course, a snack should be quick and satisfying in order to replenish energy and return to the work process, but do not forget about your health. Inadequate high-calorie snacks can reduce productivity!

In addition, they will cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and can ruin your figure. In order to eat right at work, it is important not only to choose healthy meals, but also to stick to an optimal schedule. With it, you will be able to control the feeling of hunger and eat at regular intervals.

Never skip breakfast

Nutritionists have long proven that skipping breakfast guarantees overeating during the day. Breakfast is completely digested by the body and does not contribute to weight gain, because in the morning the metabolism is the fastest, and you can safely eat a large portion. Experts note that the optimal breakfast density should be such that for the next three hours you do not feel hungry.

By refusing breakfast, you are depriving the body of the necessary “recharging”!

In this case, the body will store enough energy and strength for the working day. The best breakfast might be a large portion of oatmeal with fruit (or scrambled eggs with two slices of whole grain bread and cheese). But it is better to refuse meat and cottage cheese, since protein products are not able to give the body the necessary amount of energy in the morning.

Limit your coffee

Of course, a cup of coffee in the company of colleagues helps to cheer up and tune in to the working mood. But do not forget that coffee not only invigorates, but also accelerates the removal of fluid from the body, dehydrating it. Three cups of coffee at work can dehydrate your body and make you feel worse. In addition, do not forget that caffeine invigorates not by itself.

It works by stimulating the nervous system, that is, it makes the body work in an accelerated mode. As a result, already in the afternoon you will feel tired, lack of energy and desire to refresh yourself with something quick and tasty - for example, a chocolate bar. Therefore, it is recommended to drink coffee only in the morning and no more than one cup a day.

Cook your own food

It is not necessary to cook complex dishes that take a lot of time. But you should also not interrupt with sandwiches and a variety of buns. Self-cooked food disciplines and helps maintain optimal weight, but dishes from buffets and cafes are too fatty and unhealthy - but you have to eat them for lack of choice.

Try this: prepare two small containers, in one of which you place your usual portion of food, and in the other - fruit. Eat a main course during your lunch break at work. After a few hours, have a fruit snack. You will be surprised how little food you need to feel full and energized!

It is better to prepare snacks at home than to buy ready-made ones!

By the way, it is not necessary to cook every day. It is quite enough to cook several different dishes on the weekend, which you can vary during the working week. Salads with a variety of meat and fish fillers, meatballs and vegetable stews are considered a universal lunch option.

Plan your snacks

Surely you are used to snacking on sweets, cookies and other not very useful, but tasty products at work. Even if you don’t have problems with your figure, remember: the simple carbohydrates that make up the usual work snacks constantly stimulate jumps in blood glucose levels, periodically raising or lowering your performance.

In order to maintain a consistently high and productive brain activity, you need to abandon spontaneous meals and switch to a system of carefully planned snacks. Between main meals, you can refresh yourself with nuts, dried fruits, cottage cheese, vegetables, banana or apple chips.

Drink plenty of water and tea

Take small breaks every hour for tea. Weak herbal tea will help to relax and get a little distracted from work. In addition, tea can deceive the stomach, giving a feeling of satiety. Also, don't give up water - and if you don't like plain water from coolers, always carry a container with lemon and orange slices, fresh mint and cucumbers with you to give the water a pleasant taste and aroma.

Don't Overeat

If you eat too large a portion, the body begins to work hard on its digestion. Blood rushes to the stomach, significantly reducing brain activity, and this is manifested in the desire to sleep. Productivity drops and you can't wait to go home. That is why homemade food is so useful, pre-prepared and collected in the optimal portion size.

Healthy menu options

Can't think of what to cook for work? There are proven, very satisfying and delicious dishes that are easy to prepare and enjoyable to eat during your lunch break.

Option one

  • Snack 1: sweet pepper cut into strips, a cup of green tea with bergamot.
  • Dinner: portion of spaghetti with tomato sauce and shrimps. Cucumber and tomato salad.
  • Snack 2: two apples.

Option two

  • Snack 1: fruit salad of orange, grapefruit and kiwi.
  • Dinner: lettuce, green onions and two chicken cutlets.
  • Snack 2: plain natural yogurt and one diced pear.

Option three

  • Snack 1: a handful of dried nuts of your choice: almonds, cashews or hazelnuts.
  • Dinner: one baked potato and steamed fish.
  • Snack 2: thinly sliced ​​carrots and a handful of dried apricots.

Remember: eating right at work is very important, because we spend a third of our lives in the workplace. If you correctly plan your weekly menu, not only the stomach, but also the figure will be grateful to you.

What you eat during your working day not only affects your weight and your health. It may also affect your productivity. Fatty, sugar-filled snacks make you sleepy and don't fill you up with energy. At the same time, boredom, lack of time or sleep often make people make the wrong choice. In fact, there are many simple, quick-to-prepare and quite affordable healthy snacks.


Almonds are a great protein food full of healthy fats, and this snack will be quite satisfying. Nuts contain essential nutrients. Almonds contain the most protein and fiber when compared to other nuts, and are rich in vitamin E. The monounsaturated fats from almonds help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Low fat popcorn

This low-calorie snack is worth eating when you want something salty and crunchy. Unlike chips, popcorn is a great source of protein. The main thing is to stay away from oil-filled popcorn.

Fresh fruits

Fruits are full of vitamins and minerals, in addition, this is an excellent natural dessert. In addition, with such a snack, your body stores antioxidants, which are necessary for strong immunity and performance at work.

Dry breakfasts

The brain gets almost all of its energy from glucose, which is the most important of the simple sugars in human metabolism. Take cereal to the workplace - whole grain cereals help the body slowly receive glucose, which allows you to work most efficiently and focus without difficulty.

Dried fruits

Fresh fruit is always good, but you can also try dried apples, bananas, apricots, or raisins for a change. This is a sweet snack full of fiber and potassium.

Protein Bars

Be careful: some of these bars are loaded with calories! Check the ingredients carefully and try to choose bars that contain fruits, nuts and contain no more than two hundred calories.

rice waffles

Rice waffles are a great choice because they are low in calories and come in a variety of flavors. Some are fruit and some are cheese. You can satisfy your hunger without any problems!

salted pretzels

Pretzels are high in salt, low in fat, and have enough carbs to keep you going until lunch or dinner. The main thing is to eat in moderation.


If you want to solve your cholesterol problem, increase your fiber and potassium intake, you should eat an avocado. There are many useful recipes that you can implement with it. For example, cut an avocado in half and eat it with chopped tomatoes and onions.

frozen bananas

It's a great substitute for ice cream full of sugar and fat. A medium-sized banana contains the ideal amount of glucose for brain performance.

Cheese sticks or cottage cheese

If the office has a refrigerator, dairy products will be a good source of protein. Protein helps keep blood sugar levels stable and does not cause drowsiness.

Salad with tuna

Beans in spicy glaze

An ideal way to satisfy the desire to eat something spicy and salty. This snack has protein and fiber to keep you energized and keep your sugar levels from dropping.

Vegetables and hummus

Hummus with vegetables, for example, with carrots, allows you to snack on something tasty and crunchy. You get the perfect ratio of nutrients. Chickpeas are a source of calcium, iron, protein, and fiber, which keeps blood sugar levels from rising too quickly.

Tomato juice

Often you think that you are hungry, but in fact it is enough just to drink a bottle of tomato or vegetable juice without adding salt.

vegetable chips

Dried greens or vegetables are the perfect choice for a low-calorie snack. You can even cook them at home - just bake them in the oven with a little oil.


Many yogurts contain bacteria that are good for the digestive tract. In addition, yogurt is a source of protein, calcium, vitamins, potassium and magnesium.

Japanese edamame beans

This is a flavorless snack that is convenient to eat at work. They don't have extra calories or cholesterol, and beans are a great source of protein, iron, and calcium.

Hard boiled egg

It is an excellent source of protein that satisfies hunger for a long time. But remember that boiled eggs have a rather strong smell.

Apples with peanut butter

An apple provides fiber and carbohydrates, while peanut butter provides monounsaturated fats and protein. This is a tasty and satisfying snack, the effect of which is enough for several hours.

Celery with almond butter

Celery is very low in calories, which is why it is so good for weight loss. It is also an excellent source of vitamins and calcium. If you do not want to eat celery without additives, brush it with nut butter.

Grilled cold vegetables

If you recently had a barbecue, the leftover vegetables from the grill are great to take with you to work. Drizzle them with balsamic vinegar for flavor and be sure not to add any oil.


Learning how to quickly satisfy your hunger is not an easy task, but putting in a little effort on a weekday evening to prepare a healthy snack, you will always stay in good shape and get a boost of energy. You need to forget about harmful chips, mega-calorie chocolate bars, in general, any kind of fast food that noticeably affects your figure.

Motivate yourself, do not be lazy and expand your culinary horizons with interesting dishes for healthy snacks at work. Initially, get yourself or your child a beautiful lunch box - this will be the first step towards a healthy diet.

What to eat at work so as not to get better? What to cook for a snack to study, so that it is satisfying and useful? We offer 15 options for snacking at work or school:

Dairy products (yogurt or kefir)

One serving of ryazhenka contains a large amount of fiber, which contributes to good digestion of food. Milk fluid fills the stomach and saturates it with easily digestible simple proteins. Low calorie content is also a significant advantage of these products - 30 kcal per glass. You are given the opportunity to choose, adding various seasonal fruits will not let you quickly get bored with such a snack. Remember, the shelf life of homemade yogurt is no more than three days, and the addition of berries is possible only immediately before use.

Dairy products such as fermented baked milk or kefir help to improve metabolic processes in the body, remove accumulated toxins from the liver and kidneys, strengthen blood vessels, as a result of which the work of the cardiac system improves.

The positive properties of dairy products are achieved due to the vitamins A, B and C included in the composition, as well as the microelements involved in the biochemical processes of the body.

Crispy balls of chickpeas baked in the oven

Few people know the beneficial properties of chickpeas, but we are all familiar with hummus paste made from this type of legume.

The characteristic features of chickpeas include:

  • helps to get rid of obesity;
  • helps to strengthen general immunity;
  • affects the reduction of bad cholesterol;
  • is a preventive measure against the occurrence of cataracts;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • low calorie content (100 g contains 129 kcal);
  • the absorption of chickpea proteins is achieved many times faster than when using other types of legumes.


  • boiled chickpeas 0.5 kg;
  • olive oil 2 tbsp;
  • greens;
  • spices;
  • salt to taste.

The oven must be preheated to 200 °C. After the chickpeas are boiled, dry them by scattering them on a paper towel. Drizzle the peas with olive oil and add spices and salt. Lay it on a baking sheet in a single layer and send it to the oven for 20 minutes, until a golden crust forms. Stir every 7-10 minutes. To prepare, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and mix again.

energy bar

Look for than to have lunch at work from the store? Then opt for a bar with muesli, nuts and various berries or fruits. This full-fledged snack is more suitable for adults, but for children, you can prepare a delicious energy bar yourself.


  • oatmeal 100 g;
  • butter 3 tablespoons;
  • honey 1 tbsp;
  • sugar 2 tablespoons;
  • dried berries, dried fruits (for example, blueberries, cranberries, dried apricots);
  • nuts.

In a hot skillet, stir together butter, honey and sugar. Remove from heat after the butter has melted. We also mix in flakes, crushed nuts and berries into small crumbs. We spread it carefully in a mold and put it in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20-30 minutes. Then cut into manageable portions.

Cottage cheese

Healthy snack at work can be made from cottage cheese. At lunchtime, it can be easily purchased at the nearest supermarket.

Cottage cheese is a healthy protein food containing easily digestible and highly nutritious casein. The high value of such animal protein serves as a complete alternative to other foods. 250 g of fresh cottage cheese contains a dose of protein necessary for a healthy body. Do not forget about the composition of cottage cheese, which is rich in calcium and phosphorus, which help the formation and strengthening of connective bone tissue. Therefore, feel free to cook curd dishes for yourself and your child.

For an adult, it is better to use low-fat cottage cheese. It can be mixed with herbs and sour cream and wrapped in pita bread rolls. But for children, it is better to choose an option with a fat content of not more than 9% and mix it with dried fruits. Let me remind you that without a refrigerator, this product is suitable for three hours.


The simplest option what to eat at work- fruit. For those who are losing weight, it is better to choose unsweetened varieties of green apples, oranges and kiwis are also suitable.

Dieting women should not include bananas in their diet. their glycemic index is 60, which is higher than the norm for weight loss.

Fruit doesn't have to be fresh - try baking an apple in the microwave or oven, cut out the core and stuff it with nuts, raisins or any dried fruit mixed with 1.l. honey. Believe me, such a variety will give you not only satiety, but also a portion of a joyful mood.

Berry, fruit or vegetable smoothie

A strong feeling of hunger that has appeared can be tamed with the help of a berry, fruit or vegetable smoothie (cocktail). As a basis, any dairy products, vegetable or fruit juice, green tea without sugar are used. Additional ingredients: 2-3 types of berries, fruits (you can use frozen) or vegetables. For enrichment with vitamins, flax, sesame or pumpkin seeds are also added. But for a fat-burning effect, grated ginger is put in smoothies.

baked potato

In this option, you can practice with culinary recipes. I would like to move away from the usual concept of fried potatoes in the direction of a more healthy way of cooking. As you know, potato tubers have a high energy value. This is a protein food containing amino acids and vitamin C. Therefore, satisfying your hunger with potatoes, you increase your immunity.

First option:

Prepare seasoning mix and olive oil. Wash the tubers well and cut them into manageable slices, each of which should be dipped in a mixture of seasonings and olive oil. Put on a baking sheet and put in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C for 30 minutes.

Second option:

Boil potatoes in uniforms. Make an incision in the shape of a cross on top and put the cheese mass there (hard or curd cheese with tomato or garlic) and send it to the microwave for a few minutes until the cheese is completely melted.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits contain just an incredible amount of vitamins, minerals and healthy carbohydrates. They can be consumed both independently and added to cottage cheese or sour-milk products.


Nuts are a full-fledged storehouse of proteins, B and E vitamins, as well as various minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, etc.). For example, almonds are among the nuts that uplift the mood with the effect of a charge of vivacity. Especially, this product is relevant towards the end of the week, when the forces are almost exhausted.

But don't spoil yourself too much with it. healthy snack at work, because Nuts are high in calories. The daily norm is no more than 20-30 g.

Sandwiches with hummus paste

Hummus is a chickpea paste. Everyone should know about its beneficial properties, because it is a valuable protein that belongs to easily digestible components. Its low calorie content does not contribute to weight gain, rather, on the contrary, it serves as a good fat burner.


  • boiled chickpeas 500 g;
  • olive oil 3 tbsp;
  • lemon fresh 1.5 tbsp;
  • garlic 1 clove (optional)
  • fresh bell pepper 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Mix all ingredients (except bell pepper). Use an immersion blender to grind them into a thick paste. Too thick mass can be diluted with water in which chickpeas were cooked. Immediately before use, add finely chopped sweet pepper.

Cooked hummus can be spread on whole grain bread or pita bread.

It's important to know! Homemade hummus paste has a shelf life of 7 days when refrigerated.


To healthy snacks at work include muesli. They can be prepared with the milk base of your choice. Before buying, you should carefully study the composition of the package - it may contain various additives, methylated spirits and flavor enhancers. Maximum naturalness is the key to a quality product. It is also possible to purchase flakes separately and cook them with your favorite dried fruits.


A sandwich is a good snack, but it must include the right ingredients. No sausages and white bread should be included in the diet of both adults and children. The most useful bases are whole grain bread, unleavened, with bran. Also invaluable benefits are corn tortillas enriched with fiber. You can put hummus paste on them or use them on their own.

Having dealt with the base, we proceed to the filling. It can be such ingredients: boiled chicken, vegetables, steam fish, cheese.

With this kind of sandwiches, you will be guaranteed a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Black chocolate

Repeatedly conducted studies have become irrefutable proof that it is dark chocolate that helps to control the daily calorie intake. It contains powerful antioxidants, phosphorus and calcium. And all in a 100-gram chocolate bar. Suitable only dark, with a cocoa bean content of at least 75%. As a snack, it is recommended to eat no more than 30 g of dark chocolate.


Fresh vegetable salad will serve well snack at work or study. It is enough to cut seasonal vegetables and put them in a small container, add spicy greens and more lettuce leaves. Drizzle with lemon juice and the dressing is ready.

boiled eggs

Eggs can be boiled both at work (in an electric kettle) and in advance at home. It is better to opt for quail eggs, which contain a large amount of vitamins A and B. Women's beauty lies in these vitamins: health of hair, nails, skin and vision. The daily norm is 5-6 quail eggs.

Many factors depend on the right snack at work or school - this is the figure, performance and, of course, mood. Eat right and make the most of nature's gifts!

There is on the go, and even on the run, doing it while sitting at the computer is extremely unhelpful. But you need to know not only how, but also what it is worth having a snack at work, and which products, on the contrary, must be categorically abandoned.

After all, our usual snacks in the form of chocolate bars with coffee, sandwiches with sausage and white yeast bread, buns and crackers are a real poison for the body. They will not benefit our figure, they will not nourish the brain, they will not energize for a long time.

We will take care of the right snacks at work in advance

It is best to think in the evening about what you will eat tomorrow at work. You can even make a menu for the week and stock up on the necessary products. You can prepare a snack yourself - this will be ideal.

If you don’t have the strength and time to stand at the stove, any fruit, nuts, dried fruits in reasonable quantities can be a great snack for you at work. In addition, you can take kefir and whole grain bread, peeled carrots and fat-free cottage cheese with you to work.

Recipes for delicious and healthy snacks at work

1. Homemade energy bars

We take dried apricots, prunes, dates and raisins in equal proportions. Add a handful of nuts and oatmeal. Grind it in a blender and add honey. We spread the mass in a dense layer on a tray, cover with parchment paper and tamp. Leave the workpiece in the refrigerator overnight, then cut into portions.

2. Curd dessert

Cottage cheese casserole is a great option for a healthy snack. Add to 200 g of cottage cheese 300 g of apple slices, a handful of raisins and chopped dried apricots, 3 eggs, a little sugar to taste. The resulting mass is poured into a baking dish and put in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.


3. Fruit chips

Almost any fruit can be used to make fruit chips. An excellent healthy snack will come from persimmons. We cut several fruits into thin slices, put them on a baking sheet with parchment paper and sprinkle with cinnamon. We send the chips to the oven preheated to 170 ° C for 10 minutes, then turn them over and dry for another 10 minutes. Similar snacks can also be prepared from bananas, pineapples or citrus fruits.

4. Sandwiches

You can build and take a sandwich with you to work from whole grain bread, boiled chicken breast, green salad and a slice of tomato.

5. Homemade yogurt

Take a couple of jars of homemade yogurt with you to work. You can add fruits, honey, muesli to it. To make yogurt, you will need milk and sourdough starter, which can be bought both in a pharmacy and in a supermarket. Then follow the instructions.


Cooking in a hurry at work

1. Sandwich

Make bread and cheese sandwiches. These two useful products are perfectly combined with each other.

2. Oatmeal on kefir

Pour oatmeal with kefir and let it brew for about an hour. Everything, your porridge is ready. Add nuts, dried fruits, honey - everything to your taste

3. Banana dessert

Take 2 bananas, rub them with a fork or spoon, fill them with low-fat yogurt.

4. Microwave Recipes

Jacket potatoes can be easily cooked in the microwave. The main thing is not to forget to pierce the skin, otherwise the potato may explode. In addition, you can cook baked apples in the microwave. We cut the core of the apple from the side of the tail and add cottage cheese with honey to the hole.

Here are the main options for office snacks. Try not to neglect snacks and choose healthy foods for them. The right snack at work will improve your performance.

A busy work schedule and overtime is not a hindrance to proper nutrition. In a series of important cases, you can always carve out a few minutes for a quick snack at work. This will give you fresh strength, and the body will be grateful.

Turkey in the bush

How to have a tasty, satisfying and quick snack at work? They come to mind first. Of course, not from the nearest diner, but cooked at home with the right ingredients. The turkey sandwich is exactly what you need. Boil 200 g of turkey fillet in the evening. Make a vegetable mix with shredded carrots, 3 cauliflower florets, a tomato, ½ bell pepper, and 8-10 chopped olives. Drizzle vegetables with olive oil and leave overnight. In the morning, dry 2 slices of whole grain bread, brush with sweet mustard, put mixed vegetables and chopped turkey between them. If you want to make a sandwich more satisfying, then add two tablespoons of your favorite pate to the filling, and lingonberry sauce will help to add a piquant note. Snack on this sandwich at work and it won't be long before hunger strikes.

Cookies for inspiration

Drinking a cup of tea at the workplace is not forbidden. An excellent office snack for her will be dietary oatmeal cookies. Mash a banana with a fork, sprinkle it with ½ tsp. vanilla sugar and pour in 80 ml of milk. Gradually pour a glass of oatmeal, mixing them with a banana mass. Add 50 g of chopped cashew nuts and light raisins, after scalding it with boiling water. Let the dough soften for 20-25 minutes, and then with a spoon dipped in water, spread the miniature cookies on a baking sheet with parchment paper. We bake it for 10-15 minutes at 180 ° C. Such a healthy snack at work will fill you with positive energy until the end of the working day.

Incendiary dried fruits

Why is it useful to have a snack at work without interrupting the work process? Homemade muesli bars. We chop into small pieces 120 g of dried apricots, prunes and figs or any other dried fruits that are at your fingertips. We grate a banana and a pear, flavor them with the juice of 1 lemon. We combine dried and fresh fruits, pour 50 g of brown sugar and 2 cups of toasted oatmeal flakes. We tamp the mass on a baking sheet with baking paper with a layer of 1 cm and cut lightly with a knife to make it easier to break the finished bars. We put the muesli in an oven preheated to 160 ° C for 30 minutes. Complement this healthy snack at work with juice or yogurt, and a burst of energy is guaranteed.

On curd clouds

Light but hearty cottage cheese dishes for a snack at work are a win-win option. Diet cheesecakes require a minimum of preparations, and they will bring a lot of joy. Mix in a bowl 500 g of low-fat crumbly cottage cheese and 3 tbsp. l. honey. Add 2 eggs, 50 g of washed raisins and 5 tbsp. l. sifted oatmeal. We knead the dough from the curd mass, form cheesecakes and fry in oil until golden brown over medium heat. And now we send them to the oven at 180 ° C for literally 7-10 minutes. This maneuver will make it more tender and airy. A tasty, and most importantly, healthy answer to the question of what to take for a snack to work is ready.

Fruit Celebration

Fresh fruit is the best snack at work without harm to the figure. Especially if you make a low-calorie salad out of them. We cut hard persimmon, sweet apple into identical cubes, add a few grapes and strawberries. We combine all the ingredients in a bowl and season with 70 ml of white yogurt or lemon juice. Fry 50 g of coconut flakes in a dry frying pan - it will add seductive tropical notes to the salad. Just add it right before we taste the salad. This light snack at work will help kill the worm, and at the same time cheer you up.

apple salute

How to eat right at work? First of all, once and for all forget about fast food. If you are sometimes drawn to, make them from apples. We remove the core from 2-3 apples, leaving them whole and with a peel. Then cut them into thin circles with a hole in the middle. Mix 100 g of sugar with 250 ml of mineral water and bring to a boil. Marinate apple slices in this mixture for 30 minutes and put on a wire rack to drain the liquid. Bake the chips on a baking sheet with parchment paper at 100 ° C for 30 minutes on each side. At the very end, you can sprinkle them with cinnamon. Such a proper snack at work will not affect the figure.

pumpkin pep

How to eat while sedentary? Drink plenty of fluids, don't forget about protein and vegetables. A hearty winter smoothie meets all these requirements. Coarsely chop 150 g of pumpkin pulp and bake for 30 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200 ° C. We shift it into a blender bowl, add a chopped banana, 30 g of ground walnuts, pour in 200 ml of drinking yogurt. Beat the ingredients into an airy mass, put ½ tsp. cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg and mix well. This pumpkin pie flavored rainbow smoothie will liven up your office menu and brighten up the rest of the day with a pleasant aftertaste.

Fill up your piggy bank of recipes with these dishes - they will definitely come in handy. If you have your own interesting options for snacking at work, be sure to leave a description of them in the comments.

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