The wife does not fulfill her marital duty what to do. If the wife refuses to fulfill her marital duty. East is a delicate matter

According to scientists, love exists for three years. Just during this period, grinding and getting used to each other takes place. The same thing happens with an intimate life: at first you are exhausted from desire, you interfere with the sleep of your neighbors, enjoying each other like on your wedding night, and after a while the passion subsides.

It is then that your sex turns into a marital obligation, and its regular absence intuitively makes it clear about the crisis of family relationships. Let's deal with what marital debt implies, together with the portal.

The law on marital debt: legal or moral side?

When concluding a marriage, the spouses undertake to comply with legal acts that are closely related to strengthening the family union, caring for material well-being, equal fulfillment of duties for the upbringing and development of children.

Moral aspects of the concept of marital duty

What is marital debt under the law? This term is now considered only from the moral side, because from a legal point of view, there are no fixed obligations of an intimate nature to the spouses.

The marital duty performed by a husband and wife is not only regular sex, but also constant joint work on maintaining family relationships. Intimate relationships in a marriage without love, understanding and care turn into a routine that kills the feelings of the spouses.

Relationships in an official or civil marriage are not a candy-bouquet period, because there are a lot of factors that can affect their quality. These can be cohabitation with parents, the appearance of children in the family, morally and physically exhausting work, fatigue, etc. However, if there is love in marriage, all obstacles can be overcome together.

Where did the "debt" come from?

The origin and true meaning of the concept of "marital duty" is still unknown. There are only some guesses as to why intimacy in marriage, which should bring pleasure, is called duty.

Earlier, when the concept of marriage for love practically did not exist, women were given in marriage for convenience, including for debts. It is logical to assume that somewhere in that period this slightly contradictory phrase arose.

The wife refuses to fulfill her marital duty: possible reasons

Failure to fulfill marital duty most often offends men. Someone begins to consider his wife untemperamental, cold, sometimes even frigid, and then, almost with amazement, finds out that she has a lover.

The other, on the contrary, makes up for the lack of thrills on the side. Why is this happening? Let's find out the reasons why a wife refuses to fulfill her marital duty, because they often become the main reasons for divorce, as found out:

What to do? How to deal with it? Marital dynamo, intimate boycott and sexual blockade. What are we talking about?

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By clicking on the first link, you can add a new company to the catalog Click on the second link to get a link to the map with current settings By clicking on the third link, you will hide all hints ? When marrying, all young couples are sure that it is their family that will be the strongest and happiest.

How many times a week should a husband perform marital duties?

By clicking on the first link, you can add a new company to the catalog Click on the second link to get a link to the map with current settings By clicking on the third link, you will hide all hints ?

When marrying, all young couples are sure that it is their family that will be the strongest and happiest. svadebka team. What is marital duty in a relationship of spouses? In the first months after the painting, the fulfillment of marital duty gives the newlyweds exceptional pleasure.

But, alas, over time, life and a number of other circumstances of family life after the wedding begin to seize. And one of the frequent problems in families is that the wife refuses to fulfill her marital duty or does it reluctantly. If we are not talking about the lack of love and the presence of a third in a relationship, then we can identify a number of reasons that negatively affect the sexual life of spouses.

What affects the quality of a couple's intimate relationship: Early marriage. As a rule, young newlyweds do not have much sexual experience and eventually begin to annoy each other. As a result, more and more often there is interest, but how is it, on the side; Cohabitation with parents.

Agree, it is difficult to fully relax and enjoy each other when parents are resting behind the wall. Afraid to make an extra sound, the couple is unlikely to decide on experiments. But this is precisely what is important in sexual relations; Accommodation in the same room with children. And the older the children, the more acute the question of the fulfillment of marital duty arises, which, again, has an extremely negative effect on the relationship of spouses; Busy schedule and household chores.

When the day is busy and scheduled by the minute, by the end of the day it can be difficult to find the strength even for a conversation, not to mention sex. And most often it is the tough work schedule that becomes the reason why the husband refuses to fulfill his marital duty; Appearance.

Of course, this moment applies to both spouses. Otherwise, he goes to seek sexual satisfaction on the side. Any of us can fall in love with our own husband again and again.

But if problems arise in a family with sexual satisfaction, it is worth either on your own or with the help of a specialist to understand the psychology of family relationships. The law on marital debt In the fall of the year, Deputy E. Mizulina proposed introducing a fine for men who evade the performance of marital duty or perform it, let's say, without much enthusiasm.

Moreover, the minimum norm for men under 45 is also stipulated - once a week! Whether the bill will be passed, time will tell. But at the moment, in the Family Code of the Russian Federation there are no obligations and prohibitions regarding intimate relationships in married couples.

Therefore, if a wife or husband does not fulfill their marital duty, it is unlikely that they will be punished according to the law. The exception is the marriage contract. At the same time, the points should not contradict the current legislation - prostitution, humiliation of human dignity, etc. And yet, what is marital duty under the law: The couple equally solves joint issues related to family life; Husband and wife have the right to independently choose their occupation, profession, place of residence and stay; It is the responsibility of spouses to build family relationships based on mutual assistance and respect.

Each of the couple should contribute to the strengthening of the family and participate in its well-being, take care of the development and well-being of children. An emotional and rich intimate life is the key to good relationships and mutual understanding in a married couple.

What should a husband do when his wife doesn't want sex?

But a wise wife can, let's say, correct her husband's shortcomings. Women's wisdom is generally quite mysterious and the most sought-after ingredient of being. Wise women, according to urban myths and legends, are almost omnipotent and capable of doing the impossible. Wise wives are often put as the antipode of sawmill wives, they say, you don’t need to saw your husband, but you need to act somehow very cunningly and wisely, but it’s not clear how exactly. Many men simply do not even notice the efforts of their wife in domestic work, or even grossly devalue them. Like, what's wrong, washed the floor, wiped the dust or cooked chicken in a delicious sauce with vegetables. Others may not, and in general, this is your sacred duty, wife.

Why does a wife not want intimacy with her husband?

What threatens a woman to refuse sex with her husband read once A social network user received an Excel spreadsheet from her husband with a record of all refusals to have sex. According to the document, out of 28 attempts to have sex within a month and a half, three were successful globallookpress In nature, there are a hundred and even more ways to refuse a husband sex. What women do not go to not fulfill their marital duty, and what they just do not come up with.

Rare sex: People around are sure that they have never seen the best couple in their lives, and this is true. And that they don’t want to touch each other at all, only the two of them know. They prefer to endure this in silence: But in vain:

Leave a comment How many times a week should a husband perform marital duties?

But most problems can be solved or not brought to them at all, if you learn not only to listen, but also to hear your husband's wife. Below are the answers of the Muslim theologian Shamil Alyautdinov about solving intimate problems from the point of view of Islam. What should I do if I have lost sexual interest in my wife? How to tell her about it?

Why the wife refuses to fulfill her marital duty -:,.

What to do for a husband when his wife does not want sex Warning: Let's first look at what men usually do when they do not receive reciprocity in the performance of their marital duty. There are habitual strategies of male behavior that could work at some stage of the relationship, but then stopped, or did not work initially. This is the following behavior: A man demands sex, gets sex, insists on sex, begs for sex.

If the wife refuses to fulfill her marital duty The wife does not give ... And from that moment on, she will inevitably consider her husband a weakling. And from this, her weapon will become even stronger.

Question from a reader: is it possible to sue a husband if he does not fulfill his marital duty?

What threatens a woman to refuse sex with her husband

Not every priest dares to speak on this topic in public - then they will definitely label him either an obscurantist or a liberal. Father Daniil Sysoev, who was killed in November of the year, was one of the few who is not afraid to answer people any questions that concern them. AP Question:

According to scientists, love exists for three years. Just for the Wife refuses to fulfill her conjugal duty: possible reasons.

Spousal debt - what is it?

Just during this period, grinding and getting used to each other takes place. The same happens with intimate life: It is then that your sex turns into a marital obligation, and its regular absence intuitively makes it clear about the crisis of family relationships. Let's deal with what is meant by marital debt, along with the Weddingbagolic portal.

If the wife refuses to fulfill her marital duty Info Psychologist's advice What recommendations can be given to spouses experiencing a crisis in intimate relationships? Talk to each other. Most problems are completely solved when the husband and wife begin to talk about them with each other, and try to find the best compromise.

When marrying, all young couples are sure that it is their family that will be the strongest and happiest. But in order for the “reliable rear” to really remain such, both the husband and wife will have to make a lot of efforts, mutual understanding and patience. And just here it is worth talking about such a thing as "marital duty" ..

What is marital duty in a relationship of spouses?

In the first months after the painting, the fulfillment of marital duty gives the newlyweds exceptional pleasure. But, alas, over time, life and a number of other circumstances of family life after the wedding begin to seize.

And one of the frequent problems in families is that the wife refuses to fulfill her marital duty or does it reluctantly. If we are not talking about the lack of love and the presence of a third in a relationship, then we can identify a number of reasons that negatively affect the sexual life of spouses.

What affects the quality of a couple's intimate relationship:

Nature is so laid down that a woman is more calm about the intimate side of the issue; on the contrary, it is very important for a man to receive “satiation” and pleasure from his wife. Otherwise, he goes to seek sexual satisfaction on the side.

Any of us can fall in love with our own husband again and again. One has only to take care of oneself, wrap the spouse with care and attention, develop and be an interesting companion, they are not afraid of sexual "discoveries".

A morally and physically satisfied man is unlikely to go "to the left." But if problems arise in a family with sexual satisfaction, it is worth either on your own or with the help of a specialist to understand the psychology of family relationships.

marital debt law

In the fall of 2016, deputy E.B. Mizulina proposed introducing fine for men who evade the fulfillment of marital duty or perform it, let's say, without much enthusiasm. Moreover, the minimum norm for men under 45 is also stipulated - once a week! Whether the bill will be passed, time will tell. But at the moment, in the Family Code of the Russian Federation there are no obligations and prohibitions regarding intimate relationships in married couples. Therefore, if a wife or husband does not fulfill their marital duty, it is unlikely that they will be punished according to the law.

The exception is the marriage contract. Here you can specify how many times a week the wife / husband should perform marital duty and other important points for you. At the same time, the points should not contradict the current legislation (prostitution, humiliation of human dignity, etc.).

And yet, what is marital debt under the law:

  • Pair equally resolves joint issues related to family life;
  • Husband and wife have the right to independently choose their occupation, profession, place of residence and stay;
  • It is the responsibility of spouses to build family relationships based on mutual assistance and respect. Each of the couple should contribute to the strengthening of the family and participate in its well-being, take care of the development and well-being of children.

As many say, you didn’t give up and suffer alone. Why are families falling apart so much today? The answer is simple - there is no mutual understanding, there is no mutual desire. Just become boring or worldly fuss (being) Took away all the beauty and romance. Well, where to go from this being, what to do in order to actually become a happy person. Most of all, you need to look deep into yourself. Change something inside yourself and then everything will go uphill and everything will work out. And romance and passion and a great desire ... Everything will return, only you need the right priorities, they need to be valued and respected with feelings, you can’t play. And then you will not sit alone like a fool.

Let's talk about one question - why does the wife refuse her husband sex?

How often do you hear from men "The wife does not give, I don’t understand the reason, I don’t know what to do" ... Is it possible to reason with her?

I want to start with one parable. From the life of animals. From the sex life of gorillas.
Behind them - one male and five females, biologists have been watching for several years. And they noticed: some representatives of the weaker monkey sex often and persistently offer sex to the male, depicting an extreme degree of readiness. At the same time, the one who is already pregnant is the most active - she clings to her "husband", the father of her unborn child. Why, one wonders, if the goal has already been achieved and the continuation of the family is ensured? And then, it turns out that the male is not distracted by other females. According to scientists, such behavior became a harbinger of monogamy in humans.
Salt of the parable: even monkeys understand that the male needs sex, that he strengthens the family. But some people don't understand this.

"I'm tired - my head hurts - I want to sleep"
Sexless - psychologists use this term to denote a disgusting phenomenon that has struck both Western and Russian society. Namely, the lack of regular sexual intercourse between spouses. It happens, of course, that husbands also deprive their wives of intimate attention. But women are more often denied intimacy. And men, tormented by their libido, hear: "I'm tired - my head hurts - I want to sleep." Or quite offensive: “Where did you go?”

Psychologists have found the answer. But you won't believe how simple and straightforward it is.
The author of one song sings these words: "You refused me three times, that's how you are ..."
An amazing experiment was conducted by a sex therapist from Australia, Bettina Arndt. She asked 98 men and women (spouses) to keep anonymous diaries of their intimate lives for a year. And tell them the truth. After getting what she wanted, the researcher wrote a whole book
"Why Women Quit Sex and Other Bedroom Battles."
Bettina did not make a shocking discovery, discovering that there are many reasons. And they are usually different for everyone. But I did come across a few common ones.
First: most wives for some reason believe that sex should be only when, there and the way they want. But at the same time, they do not convey their thoughts to their husbands. And they just refuse. Like, he should understand. And he, the goat, does not understand. And climb. And offended even then.
In other words, wives make husbands guilty of untimely harassment. And they themselves are offended by them - such is the female logic. And this resentment, in turn, becomes a reason for refusal ...
Second: the wife holds some kind of spite against her husband, even a very small one: for example, she didn’t take out the garbage, didn’t ask how she was doing at work, her mother-in-law said nasty things. And, pouting, "punishes" the deprivation of intimacy. But again, does not state the reason for the sex strike. They are silent as hell.
But, even saying those very notorious “I'm tired - my head hurts - I want to sleep,” many women omit the details. Or maybe they really had a hard day at work. And they are so preoccupied with her that there is not even a place in their head for thoughts about sex.
But dear readers, what is the conclusion: the bedroom is not a battlefield for psychics, and husbands are not quick-witted telepaths. They need to be explained in detail. And do not bring the matter to deep resentment.

No need for romance, it's better to go straight to bed.
“I love my wife,” someone says, essentially confirming the conclusion of the Australian researcher. - I want a wife all the time, although we have been together for 20 years. And she didn't tell me. And all the talk on this topic does not give anything. She doesn’t go to the doctor: “I’m not sick!” Physically healthy - porn turns on her, but knowing this, she doesn't allow her to turn it on. And nothing helps: we go on holidays, go to restaurants, and go to dances - romance is more than enough ... "
Bettina explains that passion, and even elementary lust, which pushes the newlyweds into each other's arms, cannot last forever. And even more so, it manifests itself equally in both spouses. Yes, even after many years. The production of the sex hormones responsible for it - passion - fades away in about 18 months.
The researcher has found the most primitive production enhancer - sex. But how can one “treat” with sex, if it is just not there?! Very simple, says Bettina. I can't through. Through "tired - my head hurts - I want to sleep."
A woman must realize the perniciousness of sexless, understand how painful it is for a loving husband, destructive for a family. And do not refuse, always agree when the husband asks. Unless, of course, she had an attack of appendicitis.

So many families are falling apart right now. People get divorced, despite the long years they lived together. And all because passion fades, there is no tenderness and affection, there is no mutual understanding and love passes. It is not difficult to end relationships and divorce when problems arise. It is much more difficult to save a family, solve these problems and rekindle the fire of love and passion that has gone out. One of the pleasant parts of marriage is its intimate side. Marital duty is a family obligation that is a manifestation of love between two people. The lack of sexual intimacy between spouses leads them to distance themselves from each other. Over time, this affects mutual understanding, which leads to quarrels, scandals, and ultimately to. Of course, it also happens that husbands deprive their wives of intimate attention. But often a married couple does not have sex for the reason that the wife does not want a husband, and this can be seen from such signs as fatigue, excuses “headache” or “I want to sleep.” Therefore, among men who do not get what they want from their spouse, the question of why the wife does not want sex with her husband remains relevant.

Why does a wife not want intimacy with her husband?

There can be a lot of reasons why a wife does not want a husband, and they are all individual. In a woman, the need for physical intimacy may arise due to fatigue and lack of sleep. When she comes home after a hard day's work and instead of resting she is still standing by the stove and sink, she wants to get into bed as soon as possible just to rest. In this case, it is necessary to ask the husband to also help with household chores so that both partners have the strength and desire for the intimate part of the relationship.

Sometimes a wife does not want to sleep with her husband, and for the reason that he offended her with something, said something wrong or did not do it. This can be either a serious quarrel or a banal one - they didn’t take out the trash or didn’t fulfill some other request. Thus, she begins to take revenge on her spouse as punishment by refusing sex. But in order to maintain harmony in the family, you should not mix intimate with some everyday problems. Since the lack of sex will not solve them, but will only aggravate everything. Psychologists believe that even after quarrels and scandals, a married couple should sleep together. Thus, sleeping on different beds is the first thing that most alienates partners from each other and cools their love.

It often happens that a husband simply does not satisfy his wife in bed. Conducting surveys, experts say that many women who want to go on some kind of experiments in sex do not talk about their own desires to their partner. Soon they completely refuse him, demonstrating their unwillingness and secretly offended that in some magical way he himself did not guess to offer it. However, such actions ultimately do not lead to anything good.

For both partners to enjoy intimate relationships, you just need to talk and share their desires and preferences. In addition, you need to study your own body and learn to feel your partner. Then there will be harmony not only in bed, but in everything else.

Sexologists believe that if there are no serious health problems and medical contraindications, then a married couple should not deprive themselves of the pleasure of the intimate side of their marriage. Therefore, it is necessary to add variety to your sex life and not be afraid to experiment. After all, sexual intercourse between spouses is an important component of a family union, which expresses warmth, affection and love for each other.

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