Svetlana Loboda: “I was pregnant, and my daughter took my buns, thinking that I just got better. Style of star children: daughter of Svetlana Loboda - Evangelina Daughter of Lobodi

The upbringing of children, the features of overseas medicine, modern musical trends - the popular singer spoke about this and many other things in exclusive interview"TV program".

Svetlana Loboda is now at her peak - the singer has collected almost all the music awards in the post-Soviet space and has taught everyone that tickets for her concerts are sold out with little or no advertising. At the same time, the singer manages to be a diligent mother to two daughters - 7-year-old Eva and little Tilda, who will soon be 3 months old.

“The lifespan of a song has become very short”

- The audience is savoring one of your hits after another - not so long ago everyone was dancing to "Your Eyes", now the female part of the audience is crazy about the SuperStar composition. And what does Loboda herself listen to?

Do you think only women? It seems to me that men also light up Superstar quite well (laughs). I have never had so many amateur videos in which people dance to my song in my entire career. "Superstar" (as SuperStar is translated. - Ed.) Literally blew up the Internet, and it seems to me that this is the very case when the song is not gender-specific. As for my playlist, it's updated regularly and it's a great mix of niche ambient music with powerful explosive tracks from Swedish and American producers. I like to analyze, put into sounds the works of foreign colleagues. Music is becoming more and more sound design, and, unfortunately, there is almost no melody left in it. Therefore, I try to look for real songs among the abundance of sounds, such as the compositions of Woodkid, Florens the Mashine, Radiohead ...

- And what does your eldest daughter listen to? Many parents complain that children now prefer rap, where there is a solid cursing ...

- Eva loves to listen to rap, moreover, this taste was actively influenced by the daughter of my producer Natella Krapivina, who is now, let's say, in the active phase of her teenage years and everything that follows from this. The difference between the girls is 8 years. Once she gave Eve an iPad with her music, and she happily absorbed, and secretly, Scryptonite, Basta and other similar music. And there, as you understand, the vocabulary is completely unchildish. I found out about this when Eva suddenly began to sing along to one of the songs of Jah Khalib in the car, and she knew absolutely all the words by heart. Thus her secret was revealed.

By and large, we cannot escape the influence of black music, and obscene expressions in the lyrics are part of the culture in which this musical movement was formed. But children should be protected from this, of course.

- And how do you instill in your daughter the right musical taste?

- Solfeggio classes, playing the musical instruments. I'm for the classics. Eva, by the way, recently fell in love with Tchaikovsky very much, and this cannot but rejoice me.

- It has always been believed that the most fashionable in the music industry is invented in the West, and then it comes to us. How do ideas come up in your team? What are you studying, what are you following?

– Western music, like world cinema, is a machine that continuously produces content and, in fact, determines trends, both musical and visual. The world has become very small, and the life of a song is very short, so those who actively follow musical trends, but do not forget about national characteristics. It also has taste - we have some difficulties with this. We have lived in isolation for too long, and we still have a lot of work to do on authenticity.

— Who, in your opinion, is currently producing the most fashionable music content in the world?

- Of the world stars, I like Kanye West, Jay Z, Justin Timberlake, Lenny Kravitz, very good production by Taylor Swift.

By the way, you edit your videos yourself. Why? Because it takes a lot of time...

Yes, this has been my hobby for ten years. Rearranging frames is like a Rubik's cube. Of course, we have editing directors, but I myself select the shots that I would like to see in the video, set the accents, and assemble the story. This is a collective work. My producer is also the director of all our video work, and I, it turns out, is the editor.

- After the track "Mood Color Blue" became a hit, the people found out that it was you who produced this song for Philip Kirkorov. The queue of customers has probably already lined up a lot?

— We often receive proposals for producing and have been thinking about a production center for a long time. But when? Time runs so fast, there are many concerts, but I still want to devote myself to my family, children. We will only take on projects that we are truly interested in.

The eldest daughter of the singer was very happy about the appearance of Tilda - Eva is already taking care of her sister with might and main. Photo: personal archive.

“Immediately after giving birth I returned to work”

- You named your youngest daughter Tilda. The most famous woman in the world with that name is the British actress Tilda Swinton. Did you remember her when you thought about the name of the baby?

Tilda Swinton is one of my favorite actresses! I love her charisma. She looks like no one else, as if from another planet. So there is a reference to it in this case (smiles).

- And when did you realize that your baby is exactly Tilda?

- I chose the name of my daughter after her birth. I wanted to see the baby, get to know her, and only then give her a name. After all, it largely determines fate. We waited for her birth to ask her daughter if she agreed to be Tilda. She agreed.

Does your daughter look like you?

- Not good. She looks more like a dad (they say that Tilda's father is the leader of the German rock band Rammstein, Till Lindemann, but Svetlana herself does not comment on this. - Ed.).

- What do you affectionately call your daughter?

Tilda will be 3 months old in August. Photo: personal archive.

Are Tilya and Eva similar?

“I think the girls are very similar. Outwardly, that's right. But the character of Til will be even more serious than Evka. She is so serious, wise by experience, as if hundreds of lives are already behind her.

Who is helping you now? How did you arrange your life - after all, there is preparation for a new show, tours, work ahead?

- My mother and nannies help me - they lived with me in America. My younger sister Xenia also helps. We've never spent so much time together. We had a great time! Mom is my rear. And our beloved nanny Lena has already become a full member of the family, she helps me with Eva - she teaches languages ​​and lessons with her. This is a man with whom our family is extremely lucky.

"Does Tilda let you get enough sleep?"

- Baby, thank God, calm, well, as far as this concept is generally applicable to children under one year old. But I still sleep very little, because immediately after giving birth I entered an active work schedule. Two days on tour, then I rush home to the children. It's a bit tricky, but we'll get through it. But what happiness - the family has become larger, life is more fun!

- What gift for Tilda made you especially happy? Now there are so many gadgets for moms interesting and useful ...

- With me in Los Angeles, where the birth took place, there were my friends, a young couple who also had a baby just a month before me. And they guys are very advanced in terms of gadgets and literally gave me all sorts of newfangled things. As a result, I could not even weigh the child without a special application on my phone. At first, it is even a little annoying, but when you realize how convenient and functional everything is, you begin to enjoy how far we have come in just 5-6 years. After all, with Evochka everything was, so to speak, analog. And even smartphones had not yet been invented!

Tight touring schedule, raising daughters - so busy life does not prevent the artist from remaining feminine and sexy. Photo: personal archive.

“Eva received Til in a very adult way”

- Tell me, how is childbirth in America? They say that there doctors, in addition to their immediate duties, also raise the mood of the woman in labor, they almost sing songs.

- Well, I don’t remember that they sang songs to me (laughs). But the fact that everything is easy and simple there is a fact. You literally walk, talk, eat, drink until the last minute, and then all of a sudden - and you have a baby. Everything is organized in such a way that the process of childbirth proceeds almost imperceptibly. Everything is aimed at ensuring that mom does not get tired, feels self-confident and resolves as easily as possible.

Svetlana Loboda in childhood. Photo: personal archive.

- Since you are a nursing mother, you can’t really sit on a diet. How many pounds did you gain during pregnancy?

- Until the 7th month, it was completely imperceptible that I was pregnant. Like the first time, I gained very little - only 8 kg. And she threw them off just as easily. 10 days after giving birth, I performed at the Muz-TV awards. Thanks to the constitution and many years of training, I get into shape very easily and practically do not gain excess weight.

- Many mothers went through such a story: when a second child is born, the elder begins to be jealous of the mother for the baby ...

- Yes, many friends told me about this, but Eva is such an amazing child ... She was waiting for her sister so much, and she is such a kind, gentle and smart child beyond her years that she accepted the baby in a very adult way. She takes care of her and does not have a soul in her.

How is her studies? What subjects does Eve have an interest in?

She loves to play the piano very much. Even without a teacher, he sits down every day and plays the melodies that he is learning at this stage. We play four hands with her - my daughter loves it. We also learn English, and Eva also asks to start learning Arabic. She still cannot explain why he is to her, but she is eager to study him. And, of course, vocals are her favorite activities. Recently we have shown academic singing, she pulls the notes and vibrates. At first we were all in shock, but now we are used to the fact that Eva can suddenly sing for the whole house.

- You have already said that Eva's dad, choreographer Andrey Tsar, communicates with her. Is this how it is now?

Yes, they are spending the day together today. How else? They love each other, and our unfinished relationship with Andrei does not affect anything.

- The natural desire of any parent is to work hard so that the children have all the best. But at the same time there is a danger of spoiling the child ... Where is the line between strictness and permissiveness?

“I only believe in love and education. A child needs to be loved and shown this love. But at the same time, be quite strict so that there is discipline and respect for elders. Absolutely everything rests on these whales.

- If you try to look into the future and imagine what will happen in 35 years, how would you like to see this future?

- I want to be happy. And for me it means being with my family and doing what I love. There is nothing for me more important than family and, of course, music.

- Then let's get back to music and your new show, which will premiere in October at the Crocus City Hall. What will surprise you?

- This will unexpected decision both for the stage and for drama in general. We will mix cinema, theater, music and give each action on stage a special meaning. We have assembled a team of the best directors, we bring scenery from Europe, we use complex technical solutions and at the same time we do not rely on pretentiousness, chic and brilliance. We don't want feathers and flying peacocks. We want to open new door in the minds of our viewer and guide them through the labyrinths of our ideas.

Svetlana and the leader of the German group Rammstein, Till Lindemann, met a year ago at the Heat Festival in Baku. Photo: social networks.

Private bussiness

Svetlana Loboda was born on October 18, 1982 in Kyiv. She graduated from a music school in piano, conducting and academic vocals, continued her education at the Kyiv Variety and Circus Academy in the department of pop vocals. She was a soloist in the groups "Cappuccino", "Ketch", "VIA Gra". Started in 2004 solo career, recorded on this moment three successful albums. In August, the premiere of the video for the song SuperStar took place.

5 hits of Svetlana Loboda:

  • superstar
  • "Random"
  • "To hell with love"
  • "The revolution"
  • "Your eyes"

The daughter of Svetlana Loboda is a 6-year-old girl who went to the 1st grade this year. A couple of years ago, the artist first showed the public her child. What is the name of Svetlana Loboda's daughter? When is her birthday? Does she look like her famous mother? And who is the father of Svetlana Loboda's daughter?

famous mom

Svetlana Loboda was born on October 18, 1982 in the capital of Ukraine, the city of Kyiv. Girl with young years possessed talent and aptitude for music. Therefore, dad and mom sent Sveta to a music school for a piano class. A couple of years later, the girl underwent vocal training and learned the skills of conducting.

After receiving a musical education, the talented singer applied to the Variety and Circus Academy of the city of Kyiv. While receiving her education, Svetlana Loboda simultaneously participated in the Cappuccino musical group. The group was quite popular in the capital and had a large number of fans.

At 22, a charming and talented artist took part in the casting. Thanks to her bright appearance, beauty and wonderful vocal abilities, she became a member of the mega-popular VIA Gra group at that time. However, after a few months, the singer realized that she wanted to write songs on her own, develop and engage in creativity. With the help of an excellent musician and friend Taras Demchuk, Svetlana recorded the first song "Black and White Winter", the video clip of which was shot by a clip maker in demand in Ukraine and abroad

At the moment, Svetlana Loboda is a popular singer, whose talent and expression are admired not only in the singer's homeland, but also far beyond its borders. The artist performs under the new brand LOBODA. He writes songs, shoots videos, is actively engaged in commercial activities and producing.

The singer does not like to advertise her personal life, but it is known that at the end of 2009 she began dating choreographer Andrei Tsarev. For several months, young people tried to hide their relationship from publicity, but they were regularly spotted together in public. In 2010, Svetlana officially announced her relationship with Andrei. As a result, Tsarev became civil husband Loboda.

Evangeline King

The name of Svetlana's daughter is Evangelina, she was born on April 9, 2011, in a musical family. Her father is a Ukrainian dancer and choreographer Andrey Tsar, with whom the popular artist lived in civil marriage about 3 years old. Young people separated in 2014, when the girl was only 3 years old. The daughter of Svetlana Loboda stayed with her mother. According to Loboda's fans, who follow her life and work, the girl looks like an artist and not only in appearance.

Eva's hobbies

Evangelina Tsar is actively engaged in vocals, plays the guitar, drums and masters the children's piano. She composes songs, collects puzzles, dances a lot, sings and translates stories for her mother and nanny. in English. The girl is quite active and cheerful, loves to be photographed and pose in front of the camera lens.

According to the girl, Svetlana Loboda is quite democratic in education. She never scolds the girl, and if something is not clear to her daughter, she explains. He asks not to abuse flour and periodically refuse sweets. Eva's dad takes an active part in the upbringing of the girl, teaches her to dance and plays kwacha with her.

The daughter of Svetlana Loboda secretly said that she loves corn, vermicelli, rice and sweet desserts. True, it is not the mother who cooks food for the girl, since she is often on tour, but the nanny or her assistant.

The girl does not hide the fact that she has many fans whom she sympathizes with. However, the popular mom claims that this is wrong and there should be one single boy.

An event in a girl's life

This year, on September 1, the doors of the secondary school were opened for the daughter of Svetlana Loboda. According to the singer, at the interview for admission to educational institution The selection committee, after talking with the girl, concluded that Eva is developed beyond her years and already knows the 3rd grade program, inclusive.

Svetlana believes that music lessons are very important for Evangelina, and this is regardless of whether she chooses a career as a singer in the future or not. Loboda promised that as soon as her daughter got used to regular school, she will give it to the musical. In order for Eva, like a mother, to master other musical instruments.

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of the daughter of businesswoman Ivanka Trump and her husband, real estate and media tycoon Jared Kushner - Arabella Rose, and today the daughter of singer Svetlana Loboda and choreographer Andrey Tsar - Evangelina becomes the heroine of our column.

She even speaks English with toys. In the morning, when I wake up, I say: "Hello, good morning!", And Eva answers me: "Mom, good morning! How are you today?" I try to support her in everything she does. I am sure that in order for a child to learn something, you need to encourage him, participate in his life. So I give myself to my daughter without a trace every free minute.

Svetlana Loboda with her daughter Evangelina

The fact that Svetlana spends every free minute with her daughter, her Instagram followers have long been convinced, as well as the fact that Eva is growing up as a bright personality like her mother. It's about not only about hobbies (Eva is also fond of music), but also about clothes. She loves bright colours- pink, red, blue, yellow, often wears things with prints - from floristry and stars to logos and prints in the form of animals and cartoon characters. As Eve grows very active child, in her wardrobe there are a lot of universal comfortable things: loose T-shirts and warm sweatshirts, leggings in all shades of the rainbow and jeans - the same as mom's, only in a mini version.

Mini-versions of mother's things are a separate issue, because mother and daughter often dress, if not in the same clothes, then in the same style. On vacation, they wear similar swimsuits and tunics; for outings, they have similar denim jackets and cotton shirts. Will it be similar creative way Eva with her mom's career, time will tell. But one thing is for sure: with such talented parents, Eva has every chance of succeeding.

Click on photo to view gallery Svetlana Loboda with her daughter Evangelina

Svetlana Loboda with her daughter Evangelina

0 16 July 2018, 18:05

After months of speculation about who her father is, Svetlana Loboda... continues to intrigue fans! In a recent interview with HELLO! The 35-year-old singer frankly spoke about both her daughter and her relationship with 55-year-old Rammstein soloist Till Lindemann, who is credited with paternity of the star's child.

Svetlana Loboda long time she hid her second one (even many of the artist’s close circle did not know!), And after birth she was in no hurry to reveal her name to the public. But at last the secret ceased to be a secret: it is Tilda!

Loboda came up with the name after the birth of the child, but still she doubted to the last - she had to make sure that the baby that was born was exactly right. After "acquaintance" with my daughter, all doubts disappeared:

I really liked this name, and it was very symbolic. The name Tilda is very strong, beautiful, iconic. When she was born, I looked at her and realized that she was definitely Tilda. She can't have another name, it suits her perfectly. She is a bit like the heroine of Scandinavian fairy tales. Eyes, facial features, very meaningful, interesting look. She looks like a cartoon character

- says Loboda about his daughter.

And he adds that Tilda looks more like her father than her:

She has will power. Energy. And sadness in the eyes.

The name Tilda is very similar to the name of the Rammstein lead singer, Till Lindemann, who, according to many, is the father of the child.

They started talking about this novel last summer, when the couples made at the Heat festival in Baku flew around the network: Till was clearly fascinated by Svetlana, who turned his head in just a couple of days.

It is not surprising that when it became known about Loboda's pregnancy, the German artist was immediately recorded as a father. Now, after such an unambiguous name chosen for the daughter, rumors are multiplying: Tilda is in honor of dad, Internet users are sure.

Loboda herself answers all questions on this subject evasively - and ambiguously:

It seems to me that any woman dreams that Till would be the father of her child. I can say that he is an amazing man and just incredible person. And the whole world knows what kind of artist he is. And it seems to me that the fact that my daughter's name is Tilda is already a big carte blanche in life.

He is very caring. Incredibly talented. It seems to me that any person appears in our life to teach us something. You have to try to find everything. possible options in order to study people who are near and dear, to learn from them. Especially if they are older than you.

Lindemann, by the way, is also in no hurry to tell how things are in reality - and rumors about a love affair with the singer. However, gossip is the last thing that worries the star now. She is focused on work and daughters:

You know, I still can’t realize that I am a mother of two children. It was a miracle, a gift of fate... To my eldest daughter Eva (from her marriage to the choreographer and dancer Andrey Tsar. — Note. ed.) now I am seven years old, and I have already forgotten how it happens when a child is born, you have to remember everything again. For the second month I have not slept - feeding, colic and other joys of motherhood.<...>Relatives persuade to go to artificial feeding but I'm against it. I will do this as long as possible.

But everyone goes through this, we are not the first. We'll manage. But we have such a new miracle. Is this not happiness?

It's interesting that social life at the same time, Loboda also manages to lead - as part of the 2018 World Cup, she attended several events at once, delighting the guests with her performances. Next in line are concerts in the fall, for which the singer is actively preparing.

Source HELLO!

Yesterday it became known that Svetlana Loboda became a mother for the second time. She confirmed the information about the birth of her daughter to HELLO.RU, and today she posted the first photo of the baby on Instagram. The girl's face is not visible in the picture: following the tradition established by other star mothers, Svetlana will probably hide the girl from too much public attention for as long as possible.

Thank you for making this miracle possible

Svetlana accompanied the photo with a short caption.

Svetlana Loboda with her newborn daughter

The daughter of Svetlana Loboda was born in Los Angeles, at the Cedars Sinai clinic, where Madonna, Christina Aguilera, Kim Kardashian and Irina Shayk once gave birth. Fans began discussing Svetlana's pregnancy in March of this year, attributing paternity to Rammstein's lead singer Till Lindemann. At the BraVo awards, the singer first confirmed the news about the imminent replenishment.

I'm going on a little vacation to record a new album, do a new big show and get ready for myself. important event for every woman - to the birth of a baby. Already in June, again in the ranks, again at concerts,

said the star from the stage of the Kremlin Palace.

Recall that Svetlana is already raising her daughter Eva, who was born in 2011.

Click on photo to view gallery Svetlana Loboda with her daughter Eva

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