Rules of the game on the minecraft server. Recruitment to the crafting only team. Minecraft-Moscow Server Code of Game Rules

1 Any person who has passed registration automatically agrees with this set of rules and undertakes to comply with them.
2 Ignorance of the rules is no excuse.
3 Each Administrator has the right to edit this set of rules at any time of the day without notifying the players.
4 The administration of the game server has the full right to block your account for violating one or another paragraph of this set of rules.
5 It is forbidden to impersonate the Administration and moderation of the server, to make imitating nicknames and prefixes.
6 You pay all money for Donate-services at your own peril and risk. It is impossible to return the money spent on Donate-services or purchases in the Online Store under any circumstances.
7 Under no circumstances is the Administrator obliged to return to you things purchased for money or obtained as a result of the gameplay, but lost due to unforeseen circumstances (bugs, kickbacks, wipes, thefts, cleanings, etc.).
8 The reasons for bans can always be found in the list of banned players.
9 Sale of Donate-services is possible only on our website in the Personal Account and the Online Store. Donate account replenishment is possible only from our website! We do not carry out replenishment in other ways and on other resources of the Internet network!
10 All user buildings are the property of the project administration

8.0 This section of the rules applies to all members of the project administration.
8.1 In this section of the rules Moderators people with the title of Intern (Assistant) and above are considered.
8.2 The server moderator must be competent, well-mannered, understanding, tolerant towards all project players.
8.3 The moderator is obliged to observe censorship and speech norms when communicating with the players.
8.4 The moderator is required to always take screenshots of a player's violation, but is not required to provide them to the players.
8.5 The moderator must be able to give an account of his actions to any of the members of the administration.
8.6 The main duty of the moderator is to control the game process and prevent various incidents in time that may lead to a violation of the entire set of server rules.
8.7 The moderator is obliged to indicate a footnote to the relevant paragraph of these rules when they are executed.
8.8 The moderator is obliged to fulfill the instructions (related to the project) of the administration on time.
8.9 The moderator is forbidden to cause damage / damage to the player, if the situation does not require it.
8.10 The moderator has no right to block / interfere / teleport / kick players (including moderators) without a serious reason.
8.11 Moderators are prohibited from moderating on servers to which they (moderators) are not "attached". An exception - visiting a server to which it is not tied is possible only with the permission of the Chief Moderator or Administrator.
8.12 The moderator is forbidden to moderate/administer/play on other game projects.
8.13 The moderator has no right to abuse his rights in favor of himself, friends or third parties.
8.14 The moderator does not have the right to arrange an exchange or trade, supply players (including relatives) with resources if these resources were withdrawn from another player or were obtained using opportunities available only to the moderator.
8.15 The moderator can take time off only after promotion and no more than 14 days within two months. Interns cannot take time off as they go through the learning process. Interns who want to take the day off will be temporarily removed from their position (so there is no point in applying if you need to go somewhere in a few days).
8.16 When removed from a post, the moderator's account is permanently blocked to disable chats and regenerate territories. Only moderators removed of their own free will can count on the return of the account.
8.17 In case of violation of the rules, the moderator's account is temporarily blocked until the proceedings.
8.18 The moderator can be removed from his position if he brings discord in the team and behaves inappropriately towards the players and colleagues, even outside the project.
8.19 The Moderator is prohibited from disclosing to unauthorized persons the contents of the Administration/Moderation conference, etc., personal negotiations with the Administration/Moderation members, etc. To disclose messages from a private conversation, you must obtain permission from the interlocutor. The exception is situations where the text may serve as evidence of a violation of these rules. Outsiders are recognized as all those who do not participate in a conference or a personal conversation.
8.20 Project moderators are prohibited from shielding the misdeeds of any players and moderators.
8.21 Project moderators are not allowed to change the standard prefix, which corresponds to their position.
8.22 A moderator can be removed from his position if he keeps resources that were obtained using a bug or dupe.
8.23 A moderator can be removed from his post if he was absent for no good reason for more than 5 days or for a long low /hlog gettime - get the player's time on the server
/hlog getlogin- get the date and time of the last login to the server "> online.
8.24 For violation of any rule from this code, the moderator will at least receive a reprimand, and at the maximum will be removed.

clear<цель>[object number] [additional data] - removes items from the inventory of the selected player. (All things or by ID).
debug - Starts/stops debug mode. (Debug mode is a world type that allows you to check models and textures).
defaultgamemode - allows you to change the default mode for new server players.
difficulty<0|1|2|3>- changes the difficulty of the game, 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - normal, 3 - difficult.
enchant<цель>[level] - enchants a thing in the hands. (level is selected in the command).
game mode [target] - Changes the game mode for the specified player. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Adventure (adventrure, a or 2). Only works when the player is online.
gamerule<правило>[value] - changes several server rules. (True/False)


doFireTick - if false stops fire spreading.
doMobLoot - if false, zombies don't drop items.
doMobSpawning - if false, prevents mobs from spawning.
doTileDrops - if false, items don't drop from destructible blocks.
keepInventory - if true, after death the player does not lose the contents of the inventory.
mobGriefing - if false, mobs don't destroy blocks (creeper explosions don't damage terrain).
commandBlockOutput - if false, the command block does not output anything to the chat when executing commands.
give<цель> <номер объекта>[amount] [additional information] - gives out an item, by the specified ID.
help [page | team] ? [page | command] - shows a list of all console commands that are available to you.
publish - opens access to the game world via local network.
say<сообщение>- Shows all players a message in pink.
spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z] - Allows you to set the spawn point for the player in the selected coordinates. If you don't specify a location, the spawn point will be your current location.
time set<число|day|night>- Allows you to change the time of day. Time can be specified as a numeric value, where 0 is dawn, 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset, and 18000 is night.
time add<число>- adds a value to the current time.
toggledownfall - enable/disable precipitation.
tp<цель1> <цель2>, tp<цель>- moving a player by name to another or to selected coordinates.
weather<время>- changes the weather for a certain period of time (Specify in seconds).
xp<количество> <цель>- Gives a certain player the specified amount of experience, from 0 to 5000. If you enter L after the number, the specified number of levels will be added. In addition, levels can be lowered, for example, -10L will reduce the player's level by 10.
ban<игрок>[reason] - player ban.
ban-ip - ban by ip address.
sorry<никнейм>- ban by player name (Works even when the player is offline).
sorry-ip - removes ban by IP address.
banlist - list of all banned.
op<цель>Gives the specified player operator privileges.
deop<цель>- removes operator privileges from the player.
kick<цель>[reason] - kicks a player from the server.
list - a list of all players on the server.
save-all - force all changes to be saved to the server.
save-on - allows the server to make automatic saves.
save-off - Prevents the server from automatically saving.
stop - terminates the server.
whitelist list - displays a list of players in the whitelist.
whitelist <никнейм>- adds/removes a player to the whitelist.
whitelist - enable/disable whitelist.
whitelist reload - Reloads whitelist (updates by whitelist.txt file)

/kill Deals 1000 damage to the player, which kills them and respawns the last bed they slept on. Useful when the player is lost or stuck in something.
/me Sends an IRC-style message (eg Player slaps everyone around a bit with a large trout").
/tell Send a private message to the specified player.

Teams for players

/register pass register on the server, where pass is your password to enter the server
/login pass authorization on the server, where pass is your password specified during registration
/changepassword old new password change command

/home set sets the home point to your position
/home teleport home
/home invite Player invite Player to your home (vip only)
/home unvite Player kick Player out of your home
/home Player teleport home to the Player (only possible if the Player sent you an invite)
/homedelete delete home point
/home list - list of houses where you are expected
/home ilist - list of players invited to you
/home point set the compass to your home

Private territory:

//wand produces a wooden axe, for WorldGuard
//hpos1 sets the 1st point for WorldGuard (where you are looking)
//hpos2 sets the 2nd point for WorldGuard (where you are looking)
// expand 10 up creates cube space (useful for WorldGuard)
// expand 10 down creates cube space (useful for WorldGuard)
/region claim Name creates your zone where only you can build (where Name is the name of your zone)
/region addmember t1 Player adds a player with the nickname Player to the t1 zone
/region removemember t1 Player removes Player from zone t1
/region remove t1 removes your zone t1

Chests, levers and buttons:

/lwc displays help on commands (russified)
/cprivate set security
/cremove remove protection
/сpublic make the block public (everyone has access, but no one can private it except the owner)
/сpassword set access to the block by password
/cunlock remove the password from the password-protected chest
/cprivate installation is protected with access only for the listed players, if you put a sign in front of the nickname, then the player gets the owner’s rights, example /cprivate karma brzavr @loki gives access to the block only to these players, plus loki has the owner’s rights
/cmodify block access changes, e.g. /cmodify -brzavr underwood will deny access to the block to the brzavr player and give access to the underwood player
/cinfo protection information on the block
after entering the command, you need to left-click on the block. parentheses are not required


/money displays the current amount of your money
/money pay Player 1000 transfers 1000 rubles from your account to Player's account
/money top shows the top of the rich
/money help (/money available commands
/money rank


players can create elevators
/warp name teleport across the warp, where name is the name of the warp, for example /warp shop
/spawn teleport to spawn
/who view the list of online players on the server

List and description of professions in Minecraft:

Hunter (hunter) kills mobs.
Farmer (farmer) grows plants.
Woodcutter (lumberjack) cuts trees and makes boards.
Digger (digger) extracts blocks of clay, earth, sand and gravel.
Miner (miner) extracts blocks of gold, coal, stone, iron, etc.
Builder (builder) builds various buildings from blocks.

Jobs plugin commands: /jobs [job name] List of all commands.

/jobs browse List of available jobs for you.
/jobs join [job name] Select a profession.
/jobs leave [job name] Leave a profession.
/jobs info View job information.
/jobs stats Show statistics.
/jobs admininfo Show information about the player and his profession.
/jobs employ Assign a job to a player.
/jobs fire Fire a player from a job.
/jobs grantxp Add experience
/jobs removexp Take experience.
/jobs promote Level up a professional player.
/jobs demote Downgrade a professional player.
/jobs transfer Transfer a player from one job to another.
/jobs reload Reload the plugin.

clear<цель>[object number] [additional data] - removes items from the inventory of the selected player...

Basic Rules

1.1 By registering, you automatically agree to all the rules of the Youvipas World gaming project.

1.2 Not knowing the rules of the Youvipas World game project does not relieve you of responsibility. Buying any groups, privileges also does not relieve you of responsibility.

1.3 Money spent on paid services is considered as a voluntary donation to improve the Youvipas World project. Reimbursement of funds spent on paid services is not possible. All funds transferred by you to your account account are considered a voluntary donation for the development of the project. Donations cannot be returned under any circumstances.

1.4 The administration of the Youvipas World project is not responsible for incorrectly transferred funds.

1.5 The administration of the Youvipas World project is not obliged to return things lost under any circumstances (bug, wipe, rollback, killing in the PvP zone, cleaning, crashes, etc.).

1.6 The purchase of paid services is possible only on our website and nowhere else. The exception is through the Game Server Owners, and only through their official contacts.

1.7 Reasons for blocking a game account can be found in the banlist.

1.8 The reasons for installing a mute can be found in the mutelist.

1.9 The server administration has every right to kick, ban or stir up a player for violating the order that is not provided for by the rules. The administration has the right to choose the method of punishment and time on their own. If you want to challenge the action of any official, then you need to go to the "" section and create a topic on your question.

1.10 Since it is not always possible to determine the violation of the rules by the user, the final decision remains with the Project Administrators.

1.11 The administrator has the right to seize any property from you if you cannot prove its origin or if it violates the rules of the game server.

1.12 In case of violation of the rules, the account from which the crime was committed is punished, regardless of who was in the game at the time the crime was committed from this account (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, girlfriend, friend, pet and etc.).

1.13 Administration is not responsible for errors in third-party mods and plugins. We cannot find out about all the errors and fix them as they become available.

1.14 Attempts of fraud with payment or misleading the administration are punished by a ban without a refund.

1.15 The administration does not return purchased items that were lost as a result of a murder or removed by the drop cleaning system.

1.16 The administration has the full right to refuse to provide services to any user without explanation.

Game worlds and privates

1. Basic provisions:
1.1. By playing on the server, you accept the current rules. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse;
1.2. The administration reserves the right to make changes to the current rules without notifying users;
1.3. The administration is not responsible for cases of causing moral, material, physical or other damage as a result of using this server;
1.4. The main administrators reserve the right to perform any actions with the game characters of the players, as well as with the buildings and elements of the world;
1.5. In case of violation of the rules regarding the player by other players or the administrator, the user has the right to file a complaint with the administration to the email address, in a special topic or by Private Messages on the forum, providing evidence of the violation (screenshots, videos);
1.6. Responsibility for violations lies with the owner of the character, regardless of who committed actions under this character;

Players are prohibited from:
1.7. Impersonate a representative of the server administration.
Punishment: character ban and/or ip ban depending on the severity of the violation;
1.8. When creating a character, give him names related to the server administration (character names similar to the names of administrators), containing admin and gm or parts similar in spelling.
Punishment - character ban;

1.9. Publicly or privately insult or humiliate both the server and the administration staff. Spread rumors, slander about the server and administration.
Punishment - character ban; For repeated violations
ban ip;
1.10. Propaganda of extremism, sex, drugs, racism, violence; nationalist statements, inciting ethnic hatred, depicting Nazi symbols as propaganda of fascism.
Punishment - character ban; In case of repeated violations - ban ip;
1.11. Distribution of links to websites, the content of which is not related to Rekryt.Ru projects.
Punishment - character ban;

1.12. Administration deception.
Punishment - character ban;

1.13. Discuss the punishment imposed by a representative of the administration, with the exception of places specially designated for this by the administration.
Punishment is a warning. In case of repeated violations - the ban of the character;

1.14. Use programs that use client/server vulnerabilities (cheats) in the gameplay.
Punishment - character ban and / or ip ban, at the discretion of the administrator;

1.15. Trading game characters for money (cash/virtual).
Punishment - character ban;

1.16. Advertising of third-party servers.
Punishment - ban character and ip;

1.17. Use server errors of the game (bugs). This refers to the errors of the game systems of the server, and not the bugs of the game itself.
Punishment - temporary ban of the character and / or ip; In case of repeated violations - account ban;

2. Chatting:
Chat rules (clause 2.1 - clause 2.4) govern the global game chat.
Chat rules (clause 2.4 - clause 2.5) regulate the local game chat and private messages.
Chat communication rules (clause 2.6) govern all types of chats, including private messages.
Players are prohibited from:
2.1. Sending messages written mostly in uppercase letters or in a non-standard color; placement of a large number of useless characters, one repetitive phrase, or identical sequences of a non-informative nature (flood, spam), including messages written in foreign languages;
Punishment - mute or temporary ban of the character
, at the discretion of the moderator
2.2. Sending messages with personal insults to the player(s).
Punishment - temporary ban or character ban , at the discretion of the moderator . In case of repeated violations - character ban or ip ban, at the discretion of the administrator;
2.3. Sending messages of humiliating player(s).
Punishment - Warning or Mut , at the discretion of the moderator . In case of repeated violations - character ban or ip ban, at the discretion of the administrator ;

Hidden text

Insult usually differs from humiliation in that in a sentence, if it does not express action, it is usually a noun, not an adjective ("stupid person" - humiliation, "man - g; clearly" - insult). However, much can depend on the context, so victims should consider themselves as such. Personal insults when the one to whom they are addressed considers himself insulted or there is no doubt about it.

2.4. Sending messages designed to provoke the player(s) to violate the rules of the server.
2.5. Sending messages containing humiliation and/or insults to the player(s).
Punishment - warning or mute, at the discretion of the moderator;
In case of repeated violations - temporary ban of the character or ban of the character, at the discretion of the administrator ;
2.6. Threats of violence and/or physical violence in real life.
Punishment - character ban;

3. Communication with representatives of the Administration (Game Moderators and Administrators):
3.1. The appeal should be understandable (in Russian, with a minimum of slang and errors), short, but at the same time as informative as possible, the answer to which has not yet been received;
Punishment - mute or temporary ban of the character, at the discretion of the moderator. In case of repeated violations - character ban or ip ban, at the discretion of the administrator;
3.2. Administrators will never need your passwords from the character, therefore, never tell anyone your password, it should be only yours;
3.3. When making any claims against the work of Administrators or Moderators, you need to understand that if the information provided turns out to be false, sanctions may be applied to you;
3.4. In emergency cases, the player has the right to contact the representative of the administration (can be found here - ). Messages should be short, specific and informative. Write your problem now!

4. Duties of administration representatives:
Moderators are designed to ensure the gameplay on the server and provide the necessary assistance to the players.
4.1. Obliged to be loyal to the players, politely and culturally communicate with them;
4.2. Helping players, provided that the question / request does not contradict any ethical standards, server rules, game mode and does not affect the game balance;
4.3. It is forbidden to interfere with the game process of the server players, with the exception of specially stipulated cases described in the administration charter;
4.4. It is forbidden to "pump" characters, give the character characteristics / items and other elements of the gameplay, unless it is stipulated by other rules (for example, contests and promotions);
4.5. Representatives of the administration are obliged to keep evidence of the guilt of the punished within 14 days;

A list of all moderators, administrators and main administrators can be found on the administration page.
Insults and disrespect to the players on the part of the representatives of the administration are punished in accordance with the Charter of the administration.

Post has been edited by Administration: 05 June 2019 - 18:23
application of clause 2.4 - clause 2.5 to personal communications

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: matvei7733 said

Good day to all, my name is Matvey, and I decided to create my world portal, and a complex of servers called crafting-only , immediately please note that we are not minecraft-only!

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: how we differ from minecraft only

Because I already had 3 or 4 people claiming that we stole their author's idea at first they assured me thatthe name of the project, this is the name itself, and what it translates I. I got the impression that they know English at 0.2%, after which I translated to them:
craft-only: only-make (build / build / craft)
minecraft-only: only - mining craft

But after,these same people began to drag methat kraft-only is a brand, and it is not translated . Well, here, I no longer knew what kind of disease to pick up for them! I explained to them what I would steal if I added a suffix or a prefix. for example: "minecraftIK" or "MIRkraft"
After that, they finally fell behind (threatening me with the prosecutor's office)

We are recruiting a team for our project.
we have:
1) Server(90%)|===_|
Hi-Tech server: A mixture of plugins (economics, decor, realism, hi-tech.) And mods (starting from the simplest ones, ending with global ones),

MCMMO server: the most common RPG server, but with an improved gaming TAB,

creative server: server in creative game mode, with two decorative mods,

SandBox, dayZ and clanWars servers: nothing to add here..

FUN server: you can consider our main server, it has game modes: smash and hunter games (to be completed, it remains to be assembled)

2) Website (98%)|===-|

Completely ready, it remains to collect
It includes:
Personal Area
Block Store
clan system
Skin system
Your own monitoring
dle engine

3) launcher (100%) [====]
Everything is ready and adapted, add more until I can

4)Add. information
Of course, we keep everything on hosting, we have 60 slots on the servers, all kinds of licenses are bought on the site, everything is paid for. Every voice in our team is important to us! We are a new, ambitious project with fresh ideas

Who do we need:
Admins/ Helpers : (7/7)
Moderators: (1/4)
Java coders(1/2)[salary available*]
PR/CEO optimizers(0/5) [possible salary* ]
Sponsor(0/1) [receives between 20-60% of all income ]

1. You must be at least 14+
2. You must call your position for at least 50%
3. You must have a program Skype

Submission form:
1) Your name, age
2) How old are you
3) What position suits you
4) Your nickname on Skype

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: accepted

  1. Your name, age: Novel
  2. How old are you 15
  3. Which position suits you: moderator
  4. Your nickname on Skype: belog81
1. Andrey

2. 15
3. Administrator (full maintenance of the server assembly)
4. theft-left

1) Ivan
2) 14 years old (will be June 15)
3) Administrator
4) ganselot craft

1. Alexander
2. 18
3. Administrator (have good knowledge)
1) Alexander
2) 16 years old
3) Administrator
4) Delirus15

1) Vladimir
3) Administrator
4) Vova_Hack

1) Maxim
2) 16
3) helper, deputy ch. administrator
4) maxeremin95

1. Cyril
2. 14
3. Administrator, Java coder (I can write small mods for minecraft).
4. kirill_45_45

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: for naive owners, and opening date

Click to reveal...

Sponsor - then say ... And how much do you want to receive? How much to give?
And if possible, tell us about the CEO of the optimizer (what he does)

Have questions?

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