Got off easy. Nenets governor recalled old ties with rivals of state oil company

In 1974 he graduated from the Tyumen Industrial Institute, in 1987 - the Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas. Gubkin.

He began his career in the Tyumen region. He worked in positions from the operator of the Orgneftekhimzavody trust to the chief engineer of the Fedorovskneft oil and gas production department, and was the head of the Povkhneft oil and gas production department of the Kogalymneftegaz production association. In 1992-1994, he was the head of the department for the organization and activities of joint ventures at the Kogalymneftegaz Production Association.

In 1995-1998 - General Director of ZAO LUKOIL-AIK.

In 1998-1999, he was a member of the board of Polar Lights Company LLC. Since 1998 - Deputy General Director for Oil and Gas Production of OAO Arkhangelskgeoldobycha, in the same year he was appointed General Director of OAO (was in this position until 2000)

Since 1998 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO Arktikneft.

Since 1999, he has been a member of the Boards of Directors of OJSC Murmansk Shipping Company, CJSC Rosshelf, CJSC Halliburton, and a member of the Board of CJSC Varandeyneftegaz.

On June 18, 2000, being the General Director of OAO Arkhangelskgeoldobycha, he was elected a deputy of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly. He resigned ahead of schedule as a deputy of the Assembly in connection with his departure to the apparatus of the embassy for the Northwestern Federal District. From April 2003 to August 2004 - federal inspector for the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

On February 6, 2005, during the second round of elections, he was elected head of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (he was the last of the elected, and not appointed, heads of the subjects of the federation).

Since December 2005 - member of the Government Commission on the issues of the fuel and energy complex and the reproduction of the mineral resource base.

On May 23, 2006, he was arrested by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. A criminal case was initiated against him under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale).

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2006, he was dismissed from the post of head of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug due to loss of confidence, for improper performance of his duties. This is the second resignation of the head of a subject of the federation with such a wording (the first was dismissed from office by the governor of the Koryak Territory Vladimir Loginov in March 2005).

On September 6, 2007, the Oktyabrsky Court of Arkhangelsk was acquitted of all charges except for 1 point - the privatization of an apartment in Arkhangelsk donated to him by LUKOIL, for which he was sentenced to 3 years of suspended liberty. At the moment, the conviction has been fully extinguished.

He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the medal "For the development of the subsoil and the development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia." Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation.

Married, has two daughters and a son.

Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Aleksey Barinov was detained as part of an ongoing criminal case, and Alexander Sabadash, a member of the Federation Council from the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, voluntarily resigned. According to Barinov's lawyer Vsevolod Esakov, the detainee went on a hunger strike.

The governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Alexei Barinov, was the last of the regional heads of executive power to be elected by direct popular vote. After that, the candidates for governors, according to the new law, are presented from the Kremlin.

Governor Barinov was detained in the framework of a criminal case against him, the former chief accountant of the Arkhangelskgeoldobycha firm Sergey Gavrilov, as well as the former deputy director of the company Sergey Goryaev, on suspicion of committing fraud by a group of persons on a large scale (part 3 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ), as well as an attempt to misappropriate entrusted property using official authority (part 3 of article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

An official representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation confirmed to Interfax that the governor and chief accountant of the Arkhangelskgeoldobycha firm, which Barinov headed before his governorship, had been detained. He specified that Barinov and Gavrilov were detained for 48 hours.

"The detainees categorically refuse to testify, referring to Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation," the representative of the Prosecutor General's Office emphasized. As you know, this article, in particular, provides for the right of persons under investigation not to give evidence that can be used against them and their close relatives.

A Toyota Land Cruiser was waiting for Alexei Barinov at the building of the Prosecutor's Office of the Arkhangelsk Region. However, according to news agency "Rusnord", the driver of the governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug was forcibly taken to the police station of the Lomonosov district of Arkhangelsk.

According to eyewitnesses, the police forced the driver Barinov to get out of the car and follow them. The car was also transported by police officers, apparently to the parking lot of the Lomonosovsky District Department of Internal Affairs.

In addition, at the same time, Speaker of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Igor Koshin was summoned for questioning to the Nenets prosecutor Vladimir Ivanov on Tuesday. This was reported to IA "Rusnord" by a source in the Assembly of Deputies of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Nenets TV companies have lost all video recordings of Governor Barinov

Employees of the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia, investigating the case of the head of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, confiscated all archival material from the TV and radio companies of Naryan-Mar, which depicts Alexei Barinov. Marina Mamaeva, the governor's press secretary, told Rusnord news agency that the searches were carried out at the state company Zapolyarye and at the Naryan-Mar shopping mall.

According to Alexander Kozhevin, general director of the Naryan-Mar TV and radio company, representatives of law enforcement agencies took away all the election videos of Alexei Barinov. But "Zapolyarye" lost materials with the participation of the current head of the district, filmed over a number of years, including the period when Barinov served as chief federal inspector in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. For example, a cassette with a recording of the inauguration ceremony of the head on February 18, 2005 also fell into the category of confiscated.

Investigators explained the fact of the seizure as a "necessity that had arisen", leaving the act of seizure in the memory of the TV companies. No documents authorizing the actions taken were presented.

“We dare to assume that the investigating authorities “cleaned up” the television archives of the companies because of the unwillingness to broadcast footage with Barinov’s participation both on Nenets and all-Russian television companies,” says the information department of the administration of the NAO. “The fact is that central channels, as a rule, , willingly buy local TV footage when it reflects the relevance of a particularly significant topic."

Member of the Federation Council from the administration of the NAO Alexander Sabadash voluntarily resigned

Member of the Federation Council from the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO) Alexander Sabadash voluntarily resigns as a senator. "I wrote a corresponding letter about the resignation of the powers of the senator of my own free will," Sabadash said on Tuesday.

In turn, a source close to Sabadash said that "this step is dictated by the fact that Sabadash does not want innocent people to suffer because of him."

Meanwhile, the Federation Council will consider on Friday, May 26, the issue of early termination of the powers of a number of senators, chairman of the chamber Sergei Mironov confirmed to journalists. He said that, in particular, he was talking about the representative of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Alexander Sabadash, who, according to the tax service of St. Petersburg, is engaged in commercial activities that are incompatible with the status of a member of the Federation Council.

In addition, Mironov said, Sabadash "has not represented any power now for more than a year, since his powers as a representative of the district expired last winter."

At the same time, the chairman of the Federation Council reproached the head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Alexei Barinov, for "violating the law, because for several months now he has not sent a representative of the district administration to the upper house of parliament."

Three more senators - a representative of the Duma of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Boris Gutin, a representative of the administration of Primorsky Territory Igor Ivanov and a representative of the Supreme Council of Khakassia Arkady Sarkisyan - wrote letters of resignation of their own free will. Mironov specified that Sargsyan wrote a letter of resignation from May 27. Therefore, the issue will be discussed later.

It should be noted that last Thursday, the deputies of the Nenets District Assembly at an extraordinary session unanimously rejected the proposal of the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Sergei Mironov, to recall Alexander Sabadash, the representative of the NAO in the upper house of parliament. In February 2005, after the Nenets Autonomous Okrug was headed by Barinov, at the first session, the deputies unanimously elected Sabadash as their representative to the Federation Council. However, so far his candidacy has not been approved in the upper house of parliament.

It is noteworthy that Barinov replaced Vladimir Butov as governor of the NAO, who was also subjected to criminal prosecution, but for a completely different reason - in April 2003, he beat a traffic police officer in St. Petersburg. For this, Butov was sentenced to three years of probation with a probationary period of two years, and because of this, he lost the opportunity to run for a third governor's term.

Nenets governor named customers of his business

The Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Alexei Barinov, is sure that his case was fabricated by order of commercial structures. It should be noted that on the eve of the newspaper Vedomosti recalled the conflict between Governor Barinov and Rosneft. But Barinov declares that he does not feel like a criminal or a fraudster. He suggested that competitors of the state oil companies might oppose him.

"The criminal cases initiated against me in the late 90s have, in my opinion, one reason. Then, having headed Arkhangelskgeoldobycha LLC, I began active work with foreign investors in order to get them to deduct dividends from the money they earn on our territory," Aleksey Barinov explained to Kommersant. "But as soon as we started working in this direction, several criminal cases were fabricated. Then the cases were closed for lack of evidence."

“But gradually we began to ensure that investors pay dividends in full to the state and the district from the profits received for oil produced on our territory,” he continued. “The first such payment has already been made this month. Apparently, someone does not like this process very much Apparently, not having come up with anything better, these people brought to light the old criminal case. The executors of it were for the most part those who started it in 1999-2000."

"My deputy has secured the payment of dividends from foreign participants in the Kharyaga PSA since 2006 (the development of this field with reserves of 57.433 million tons of oil is carried out in the NAO on the basis of a production sharing agreement; 50% in the project belongs to the French Total, 40% to the Norwegian Hydro , 10% - Nenets Oil Company," Barinov explained.

But he stated that he did not feel like a criminal or a fraudster. He suggested that "these people represent the interests of foreign investors. They may be competitors of Lukoil or competitors of state oil companies."

Barinov is the last of the popularly elected governors

On December 3, 2004, the draft law on a new procedure for electing governors upon the proposal of the president was approved by a majority of Duma members. And on February 6, 2005, the last elections were held "in the old way": the population of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug elected their own governor. United Russia won Alexei Barinov, who ran as an independent candidate and was supported by Rodina. In the second round, 48.45% of voters voted for him.

Ten days later, the current head of the Primorsky Territory, Sergei Darkin, has already become the first governor of the "new type." His candidacy, presented by President Putin, was unanimously approved by the deputies of the regional legislative assembly.

Meanwhile, the story with Sabadash was not the reason, but the reason for putting pressure on the last elected governor, Alexei Barinov, who did not have relations with the federal center from the very beginning of his governorship. Success accompanied him largely due to the fact that he positioned himself as a strong and active antipode of the previous governor Butov, to whom the Kremlin had great claims, therefore the figure of the independent candidate Barinov did not cause much criticism.

The second in those elections was "United Russia" Igor Koshin, who won 30.15% of the vote, although the city, and then the district party conference "ER" recommended that he go to the gubernatorial elections as an independent candidate. And the main candidate of the center, also supported by United Russia, Alexander Shmakov came to the finish line only fourth. After unsuccessful elections for themselves, United Russia expelled Igor Koshin from their ranks, but he was simultaneously elected a deputy and headed the legislative assembly, GAZETA notes.

Biography of Governor Barinov

In 1974 he graduated from the Tyumen Industrial Institute, in 1987 - from the Gubkin Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas.

He worked in the Tyumen region, went from the operator of the trust "Orgneftekhimzavody" to the chief engineer of the oil and gas production department "Fedorovskneft".

In 1992-1994, he was the head of the department for the organization and activities of joint ventures at the Kogalymneftegaz Production Association.

In 1995-1998 he was the general director of CJSC LUKOIL-AIK. On March 6, 1998, he was appointed General Director of OAO Arkhangelskgeoldobycha.

In 1998-1999, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Arktikneft, was a member of the Boards of Directors of CJSC Rosshelf, OJSC Murmansk Shipping Company, CJSC Varandeyneftegaz.

On June 18, 2000, he was elected a deputy of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly, retaining the post of head of Arkhangelskgeoldobycha.

He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the medal "For the development of mineral resources and the development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia". Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation. Married, has two daughters and a son.

Alexey Viktorovich Barinov- Head of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug from February 6, 2005 to July 21, 2006.


Born December 30, 1951 in the village of Tashabar, Tajik SSR. In 1974 he graduated from the Tyumen Industrial Institute, in 1987 - the Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry. I. M. Gubkin.

He began his career in the Tyumen region. He worked in positions from the operator of the Orgneftekhimzavody trust to the chief engineer of the Fedorovskneft oil and gas production department, was the head of the Povkhneft oil and gas production department of the Kogalymneftegaz production association. In 1992-1994, he was the head of the department for the organization and activities of joint ventures at the Kogalymneftegaz Production Association.

In 1995-1998 - General Director of ZAO Lukoil-AIK.

In 1998-1999, he was a member of the board of LLC Polar Lights Company. Since 1998 - Deputy General Director for Oil and Gas Production of OJSC Arkhangelskgeoldobycha, in the same year he was appointed General Director of OJSC (was in this position until 2000)

Since 1998 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO Arktikneft.

Since 1999, he has been a member of the boards of directors of OJSC Murmansk Shipping Company, CJSC Rosshelf, CJSC Halliburton, and a member of the board of CJSC Varandeyneftegaz. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the medal "For the development of the subsoil and the development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia." Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation.

Married, has two daughters and a son.

Political activity

On June 18, 2000, being the General Director of OJSC Arkhangelskgeoldobycha, he was elected a deputy of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly from the city of Severodvinsk. He resigned ahead of schedule as a deputy of the Assembly in connection with his departure to the apparatus of the embassy for the Northwestern Federal District. From April 2003 to August 2004 - federal inspector for the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

On February 6, 2005, during the second round of elections, he was elected Head of Administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (until 2012 he was the last of the elected, and not appointed, heads of the subjects of the federation).

Since December 2005, he has been a member of the Government Commission on the issues of the fuel and energy complex and the reproduction of the mineral resource base.

Criminal case

May 23, 2006 was arrested. A criminal case was initiated against him under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale).

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2006, he was dismissed from the post of head of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug due to loss of confidence, for improper performance of his duties. This is the second resignation of the head of a subject of the federation with such a wording (the first was dismissed from office by the governor of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug Vladimir Loginov in March 2005).

On September 6, 2007, the Oktyabrsky Court of Arkhangelsk was acquitted of all charges except for 1 point - the privatization of an apartment in Arkhangelsk donated to him by Lukoil, for which he was sentenced to 3 years of probation. At the moment [specify] the conviction has been fully extinguished.

The trial of the former governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO) Alexei Barinov ended with a sensation. On September 6, the Oktyabrsky District Court of Arkhangelsk sentenced Barinov and two of his accomplices, who had spent more than a year in a pre-trial detention center, to three years probation, after which they were released from custody in the courtroom. And this despite the fact that the state prosecutor demanded ten years in prison for the former head of the NAO. Both parties were dissatisfied with this outcome of the trial - the defense insists on Barinov's complete innocence, and the prosecution considers the court verdict too lenient. Barinov's criminal case was the first in a series of "assaults" on regional leaders that has been going on so far. Then, in May 2006, the arrest of the current head of the region, unexpected for many, happened for the first time in the modern history of Russia and made people talk about the political and economic background of this incident.

Governor's arrest

Barinov was the last popularly elected Russian governor and took up this post in 2005, defeating Alexander Shmakov, who was supported by United Russia and the presidential envoy to the Northwestern Federal District Ilya Klebanov. Before going into politics, in 1998-2003, Barinov was the general director of a subsidiary of the Russian oil giant LUKOIL called Arkhangelskgeoldobycha, and he was not allowed to forget this circumstance of his biography.

Barinov was detained on May 23, 2006, when he appeared for interrogation at the prosecutor's office of the Arkhangelsk region. He was suspected of fraud on an especially large scale, as well as embezzlement and embezzlement of entrusted property in the amount of 19 million rubles. According to investigators, Barinov committed these crimes when he headed the same "Arkhangelskgeoldobycha". A similar fate befell the former chief accountant of Arkhangelskgeoldobycha Sergei Gavrilov and former deputy Barinov Sergei Goryaev.

Immediately after the arrest, Barinov went on a hunger strike, saying that the case against him was a "cleverly rigged commercial diversion" staged at a convenient political moment. However, events developed rapidly - the very next day after the arrest, the court authorized the arrest of all suspects, and on May 29 Barinov was formally charged, so far only for the same 19 million. Then, at the suggestion of the Prosecutor General's Office, by decrees of Vladimir Putin, on June 2, Barinov was temporarily removed, and on July 21, he was dismissed from the post of head of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous District due to the loss of presidential confidence. Already on August 7, the NAO had a new governor, Valery Potapenko, no longer popularly elected, but introduced by Putin and approved by the deputies of the regional parliament.

Commercial sabotage

Observers immediately connected the arrest of the governor with the demarche of the district deputies, who just the day before, on May 18, refused to satisfy the request of the speaker of the Federation Council, Sergei Mironov, for the early termination of the powers of Senator Alexander Sabadash. However, later this version was considered unlikely. In addition, it was suggested that the close interest of the prosecutor's office in Barinov is connected with his negative position regarding the possible merger of the NAO with the Arkhangelsk region, of which Klebanov is an active supporter.

Meanwhile, Barinov himself adhered to the version that "the criminal case that has arisen is an order from commercial structures that have oil interests in the Timano-Pechora oil and gas province." And if we take into account that this region, most of which is located on the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, is the only region with significant potential for the growth of oil production in the European part of Russia, and the maximum oil production at the fields of the district is predicted for 2015-20, it is clear that the struggle for control over this territory could not help being drawn into both business and government structures. In addition, the press mentioned that the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug had a conflict with the Severnaya Neft company, owned by Rosneft, to which the regional leadership made large financial claims, and Rosneft supported the same Alexander Shmakov, who lost to Barinov in the elections, who was also supported "United Russia" and Klebanov.

In general, looking at this whole tangle of contradictions from oil, Klebanov, the ruling party and other things, one should not be surprised at the criminal case of Barinov. It is strange that he even managed to hold out as governor of such a dangerous region for such a long time.

75 volumes

And Barinov and his former subordinates, meanwhile, were all sitting in a pre-trial detention center, and in early August, for some reason, the ex-governor was transported from Arkhangelsk to Moscow's Matrosskaya Tishina. And in the case there were more and more accusations. As a result, by the winter it had grown to 75 volumes, and the general list of articles and criminal episodes made up a very impressive list.

Barinov was accused of abuse of office, misappropriation of budgetary funds on an especially large scale and embezzlement of entrusted property by an organized group on a large scale (part 2 of article 286, paragraph "b", part 2 of article 285-1, paragraphs "a", "b" , part 3 of article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), and the charge itself was conditionally divided into two parts.

The first is 12 episodes of the theft of the property of OAO Arkhangelskgeoldobycha and the related legalization of the stolen property, which occurred between 1999 and 2003, including five episodes as part of an organized criminal group, to which the prosecution attributed Barinov, Goryaev and Gavrilov. With their participation, Barinov, according to investigators, committed theft for a total amount of more than 82 million rubles. Among these episodes is the so-called "apartment case", which cost the state the very 19 million that appeared in the criminal case from the very beginning. According to investigators, Barinov, Gavrilov and Goryaev, at the expense of Arkhangelskgeoldobycha, purchased apartments and garage boxes in the center of Arkhangelsk for a total amount of more than 5 million rubles, and they did not pay for these acquisitions. In order to conceal the fact of appropriation of apartments and theft of funds, they drew up a forged act of acceptance and transfer of bills of exchange from the commercial bank "Fondservisbank".

The second part of the charge includes episodes related to abuse of office when spending funds from the reserve fund of the district and misappropriation of budgetary funds when concluding contracts with a number of commercial enterprises that appeared in the case later and related to the period from April 2005 to early 2006, when he was Barinov as governor of the NAO. These crimes of Barinov were revealed as a result of an audit of the targeted spending of federal budget funds, carried out by the Accounts Chamber after the arrest of the governor, in June 2006.

By the end of winter, the former governor finished reading his multi-volume case, and on March 5, the Prosecutor General's Office, in turn, completed the investigation of Barinov's criminal case and submitted it to court. Then the accused was transferred from Moscow back to Arkhangelsk for trial, which began on April 2, 2007.

The fiasco of the prosecutor's office

About what happened at the trial, said Obshchaya Gazeta.Ru. The case actually fell apart during the five-month hearing. So, on the main episode of the criminal case - about the appropriation of office apartments by Barinov and his accomplices - the testimony of three experts from the Prosecutor General's Office was heard, who claimed that the money for the apartments in Arkhangelskgeoldobycha had been received in full and there were no victims or claims from the parties, however at the request of the prosecutor, this episode was left in the case. At the same time, the episode in which Barinov was accused of entering into a loan agreement with LUKOIL-Sever LLC, as a result of which the district had unbudgeted debt obligations, was withdrawn from consideration. At the same time, the representative of the company asked the court to take into account the fact that the company has no claims against the defendants, since no damage was caused to OOO LUKOIL-Sever.

The episodes on the waste of budget funds of the Nenets Autonomous District also turned out to be untenable. The speaker of the Nenets District Assembly, Igor Koshin, said at the trial that the deputies fully approved the actions of Governor Barinov in both "episodes": investing extrabudgetary funds for the construction of a Sunday school and preparing documentation for a fish factory.

Among other things, the newspaper writes, after Barinov spent more than a year in the pre-trial detention center, it turned out that during the court hearings the prosecution could not present a single witness or a single victim to the court - all the witnesses who spoke at the trial were witnesses for the defense. At the same time, the position of prosecutor Dmitry Smirnov, in view of the absence of witnesses and victims, was based solely on assumptions and assumptions, and Smirnov usually answered direct questions from the defendants that he "was not obliged to answer them." In addition, the defense several times tried to draw the attention of judge Olga Ivanova to the inadmissibility of confusing witnesses and pressure on them by the state prosecution.

During the debate of the parties, the defendants declared their own innocence, referring to the absence of corpus delicti, victims in the case, as well as facts confirming their guilt, and Barinov's lawyer Sergei Vishnyakov asked the court for full acquittal, compensation, rehabilitation and reinstatement of his client. The state prosecutor, however, demanded that Barinov be sentenced to ten years in a penal colony, Goryaev to nine, and Gavrilov to seven years in prison.

And here is the unexpected ending of a year and a half case - as a result, the court found Barinov and two of his former subordinates guilty in only one episode out of 12, all in the same "apartment case", and sentenced all three to three years' imprisonment on probation, after which they were released in the courtroom. In proving all the other episodes of the criminal activity of the former governor, the state prosecution suffered a complete fiasco - and in the only one that was taken into account by the court, the victory can be considered as conditional as the verdict, which both sides are already going to appeal.

Speaking at a press conference after his release, Barinov said that he assesses his stay in the pre-trial detention center from a positive point of view. "I personally benefited from it: I lost 26 kilograms, I had a lot of time to think, rethink some things in this life," the Dvina-Inform news agency quotes the former governor of the NAO.

And I must say, he really got off lightly. It is impossible to say who should be thanked for this - God, the unskilled work of the prosecutor's office, the courage of the judge who went against the "party line", or, conversely, the change in the direction of this very line somewhere up there, is impossible to say. Only the word "justice", as usual, especially when it comes to criminal cases of high-ranking officials, somehow does not arise. Here quantities of a completely different order come into play - oil, for example.

Tatyana Vitebskaya, Alexander Andryukhin, Oleg Zhunusov, Vladivostok

In the case of the initiation by the speaker of the Federation Council, Sergei Mironov, of the early termination of the powers of four senators, a new twist has emerged. Recall that we are talking about the representative of the Duma of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Boris Gutin, Igor Ivanov from the Primorsky Territory Administration, Arkady Sarkisyan from the Supreme Council of Khakassia and Alexander Sabadash from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO). The speaker's initiative was received with hostility by the regional legislators of Khakassia and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, who do not want to recall their envoys from Moscow. The next day, after the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug refused to terminate the powers of Sabadash, the Prosecutor General's Office conducted a search in the office and home of the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Alexei Barinov.

An extraordinary session of the Assembly of Deputies of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug was held on Thursday. At it, the deputies refused to approve the resignation of Senator Alexander Sabadash.

We proceeded from the following considerations, - Igor Koshin, speaker of the local parliament, told Izvestia. - Firstly, in the event of Sabadash's resignation, the district will not have a single representative in the Senate. Secondly, in March last year, we sent Mironov a proposal to approve one more of our representatives as a senator. But so far we have not received any response from the speaker.

The fact that representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office for the North-Western Federal District (NWFD) arrived in the region became known at the moment when Governor Alexei Barinov and Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO) Igor Koshin gave a joint press conference after voting on the candidacy of Alexander Sabadash. The governor and the speaker learned about it from journalists. “Strange,” said Barinov, “usually we are warned about such visits.” The day after the protest vote at 6.15 pm, a search began in the governor's office.

But the deputies do not intend to abandon the decision: “If Mironov submits the proposal again, what can change for the deputies in a week?” Recent history knows another example of the behavior of the governor in the confrontation between regional deputies and the speaker of the Federation Council. When deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Territory last week refused to approve the resignation of Senator Igor Ivanov, the Territory Governor Sergei Darkin personally convinced them to vote again.

"What were they looking for?"

They photocopied only one document that was on his desk, and they didn’t find anything else,” Viktor Turovsky, spokesman for the governor, tells Izvestia about the actions of the brigade of Deputy Prosecutor General Ivan Kondrat that arrived from St. Petersburg. - Perhaps they were looking for documents related to Barinov's activities as one of the leaders of OAO Arkhangelskgeoldobycha, and this was in 1999. And at night, as far as I know, another group of investigators broke open Barinov's Arkhangelsk apartment, which is now empty, and also conducted a search.

As Yury Shperling, deputy prosecutor of the Arkhangelsk region, explained, the search at the apartment of the head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Alexei Barinov, was carried out on the basis of a decision of the court of the Oktyabrsky district of Arkhangelsk in a case that was initiated by the prosecutor's office back in 2001. Then it was closed, but recently started again due to new circumstances. Barinov is charged with episodes related to the illegal acquisition of real estate during his work at OAO Arkhangelskgeoddobycha and the illegal receipt of funds. With the help of fraud, he allegedly received about 19 million rubles.

The Barinov case has never been closed, - Natalya Vishnyakova, head of the Information Department of the Prosecutor General's Office, told Izvestia. - These fraud-related episodes have not yet been investigated. Prior to this, a tax evasion case was initiated.

"Sabadash is not a reason, but an excuse"

The conflict between the Nenets deputies and the speaker over Sabadash, according to the Prosecutor General's Office, is nothing more than a coincidence. It remains to be astonished how, while under investigation, Alexei Barinov managed to get the state post of federal inspector for the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and then be elected governor. So far, Alexei Barinov has not been charged. In addition, cases were initiated against former deputy director Sergei Goryaev and former chief accountant of the same enterprise Sergei Gavrilov on suspicion of committing fraud by a group of persons on a large scale (part 3 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as well as an attempt to misappropriate entrusted property with use of official powers (part 3 of article 30 and part 3 of article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

But what about Alexander Sabadash, from whom the theater of passions began in Naryan-Mar?

Sabadash is not a reason, but an excuse, - Ekaterina Kurbangaleeva, general director of the Profi-Group agency, a specialist in the relationship of regional elites, is convinced. - Apparently, Barinov crossed the road for a lot of people. In particular, he does not have the best relationship with Rosneft. And the federal center was not satisfied with his victory in the elections. Perhaps Aleksey Viktorovich will not be able to sit out until the end of his term in the chair of the governor. As for Sabadash, he made powerful enemies in St. Petersburg.

Who is Alexey Barinov?

Viktor Filippov

"Kadr" "LUKOIL" Alexei Barinov was delegated to the position of General Director of "Arkhangelskgeoldobycha" (AGD) in 1998. The president of LUKOIL, Vagit Alekperov, describing Barinov's work in Arkhangelsk, noted that "it was Arkhangelskgeoldobycha that became the outpost of LUKOIL in the European North of Russia, the base company that created a springboard for attacking oil in a matter of months" (quote from the book "Time "People. Subsoil", published for the 70th anniversary of the AGD. - "Izvestia"). However, in 2003, the top manager of the largest oil company moved to the modest position of a federal inspector for the NAO. According to unofficial information, this is how LUKOIL got rid of Barinov without a scandal. Soon, all the oil assets of AGD were transferred to Naryan-Mar to a new "daughter". A few months later, Barinov also left the new service - to reduce staff, although a new federal inspector was soon appointed to the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. However, in 2005 he won the gubernatorial election, ahead of, among other things, the protege of Lukoil, Alexander Shmakov.

Nenets order

Governor Barinov will respond to Sergei Mironov's demand before the criminal code

Marie-Louise Tirmaste; Olga Ilyina, Vladimir Pochechikin, Naryan-Mar

[...] As Kommersant found out, immediately upon arrival in Naryan-Mar, a group of investigators went to the district prosecutor's office, after which they requested documents from the parliament session that had taken place on the eve. And at 18.15, as Kommersant was told in the administration of the NAO, a search began in the governor's office. The entrance to the administration building and the passage to the second floor, where the offices of the head and the speaker are located, were blocked by security. At about 9:00 pm, the search in the administration ended and at the time of signing the issue of Kommersant continued in the house of Alexei Barinov. Mr. Barinov himself, according to the speaker of the district parliament, was at a construction site in the district and did not receive any summonses. [...] A Kommersant source in the Prosecutor General's Office told Kommersant that Ivan Kondrat went to the Nenets District on behalf of Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov, and the visit itself was connected with the situation around Senator Sabadash. At the same time, according to Kommersant's information, a group of prosecutors from Moscow arrived in Naryan-Mar.

Viktor Turovsky, head of the information department of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, could not say anything about the criminal case against the governor: "I hear about it for the first time, I don't know anything about the former activities of the head of the district." "Barinov has not been working at Arkhangelskgeoldobycha for three years now," one of the district administration officials noted. When asked by Kommersant whether the searches were related to the demarche of the deputies, Mr. Turovsky said: “The administration has submitted to the parliament a proposal to terminate the powers of Sabadash, the governor has no other powers. He cannot shake the deputies by the chest and demand that they vote for it! "

Aleksey Barinov until 2003 headed the Arkhangelskgeoldobycha company owned by LUKOIL. And in 2003 he was appointed Chief Federal Inspector for the Nenets Okrug. In 2005, after the ex-head of the district, Vladimir Butov, was removed from the election, he won the gubernatorial election in the district against the general director of the Polar Lights company, Alexander Shmakov, who, despite the support of United Russia and the presidential envoy to the Northwestern Federal District, Ilya Klebanov, became only the fourth. It is noteworthy that even then a source close to the embassy told Kommersant that anyway "Barinov will not work for more than a year and they will find something to remove him for."

Member of the Parliament of the Nenets Okrug Viktor Fomin believes that the prosecutor's raid in Naryan-Mar is directly related to the conflict around the member of the Federation Council, the owner of the St. Petersburg vodka holding Liviz, Alexander Sabadash: rude, impudent. Where were they before, when he worked at Arkhangelskgeoldobycha? This is arbitrariness and lawlessness. These are the methods of criminals. The most important thing is that Barinov has absolutely nothing to do with it - the deputies voted." “The governor is charged with five-year-old episodes – this is nonsense! If there are complaints against the governor, send a check,” Speaker Koshin was also indignant.

Nenets governor recalled old ties with rivals of state oil company

Marie-Louise Tirmaste; Olga Ilyina, Naryan-Mar

On Saturday, new searches took place in Naryan-Mar in a case initiated against the head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO) Alexei Barinov under the articles "Fraud on a large scale" and "Theft or embezzlement of entrusted property." On Sunday, the governor was questioned by the district attorney's office. The administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug considers this case dead and explains it by the intrigues of oil companies.

[...] On Saturday, another 18 investigators from the prosecutor's office and the FSB arrived in Naryan-Mar, searched the reception room and office of the head of the NAO and his house. On Sunday, the governor was also interrogated, who has not yet been charged.

On Saturday, Deputy Prosecutor of the Arkhangelsk Region Yuri Shperling said that the criminal case against the Arkhangelskgeoldobycha company (Mr. Barinov headed it in 1998-2002), which was investigated in 2000-2001 and was closed, resumed due to new circumstances. "We are investigating two main episodes, there is evidence of a third crime," the prosecutor said. "Punishment for each is up to ten years in prison."

The prosecutor's statement caused indignation in the district administration. "The prosecutor is talking nonsense when he talks about the crimes allegedly committed by the governor," Viktor Turovsky, head of the administration's information department, told Kommersant. "The question arises: where has he been all these six years?" According to Mr. Turovsky, the governor's case is "dead". "No charges were brought against him, they did not even take a written undertaking not to leave," the official stressed. “In fact, it would be interesting to know how much federal funds have been spent on all prosecutorial teams that are now arriving in full planes, and who will pay for it,” Igor Koshin, speaker of the parliament of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, told Kommersant. build a school in one of our villages." At the same time, he linked the initiation of a criminal case with the refusal of the Nenets parliament to recall Senator Sabadash, asking the question: "Why such a sharp interest in a case that was closed five years ago?"

However, the refusal to recall the senator, it seems, was only a pretext for initiating a case. As they say in the environment former head of the NAO Vladimir Butov, compromising information on the current governor in the FSB and the Prosecutor General's Office was still during the 2005 gubernatorial elections. And when the Protest newspaper "Nerm Yun" published some materials compromising candidate Barinov and he turned to the prosecutor's office, the investigators unofficially told the journalists that they were "working in the right direction." "Now the time has simply come, and these documents have been put into action," a Kommersant source is sure.

There may be several answers to the question why the prosecutor's office has taken up the Nenets governor right now. One of them is the unwillingness of the rich autonomy to unite with the neighboring Arkhangelsk region. The Kremlin's attempts to persuade the NAO to merge were stubbornly opposed by the former governor, Butov, but even under Alexei Barinov, this issue did not move forward. "The head's position on the unification is the same: as the residents say," Viktor Turovsky explains. "But the situation is such that the residents will say no at the referendum." At the same time, Mr. Turovsky agrees that the initiation of a criminal case may be indirectly related to the association. “The idea, perhaps, is this: to hook the governor, persuade him to resign and appoint an accommodating person who will carry out all the Kremlin’s plans,” the head of the information department suggested. 10 million rubles".

On the other hand, Kommersant's sources claim that Governor Barinov is in fact inclined to unite with the Arkhangelsk region, from which he comes from, but the center is now lobbying for the unification of the NAO with the Komi Republic. A Kommersant source in United Russia said that the party's Central Election Commission had already begun unofficial preparatory work on the merger of the NAO with Komi by ordering sociological research on this issue. At the same time, the chances that the population of the district will agree to merge with Komi are much greater than with Arkhangelsk. "The Nenets have more traditional ties with Komi, both geographically and economically. In addition, the level of income in the republic is comparable to income in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug," one of the party members explained to Kommersant.

The administration of the district, in turn, is sure that the governor was ordered by oil companies that compete with successfully operating in the NAO LUKOIL. "The governor connects his criminal case with the intrigues of Rosneft and Polar Lights," Mr. Turovsky explained. and the state-owned Rosneft, surprisingly, is not. Now the administration is trying to recover a debt of 900 million rubles from the state-owned company through the courts." To confirm this version, Mr. Turovsky said that during the searches in the administration, all documents related to LUKOIL were seized.

"I do not rule out purely economic interests of the company, which owes $20 million to the district budget," speaker Koshin agrees. "We are talking about Severnaya Neft, a subsidiary of Rosneft." Speaking of Rosneft, Kommersant's interlocutors emphasize that its board of directors is headed by Igor Sechin, deputy head of the presidential administration, who is considered the leader of the Kremlin's group of security forces. "What is happening in the district is a banal redistribution of property, as was the case with Khodorkovsky, and it comes from Staraya Ploshchad," ex-governor Butov's entourage is sure. A Kommersant source in United Russia suggested that the criminal case had been initiated by the presidential embassy in the Northwestern Federal District, recalling that plenipotentiary Ilya Klebanov almost openly spoke out against Alexei Barinov, with whom he did not have a relationship during the election campaign. Then the plenipotentiary stated that candidate Barinov did not have "the main qualities - independence and statehood."

How criminal cases were initiated against governors

In February 1996 a case was initiated against the Governor of the Vologda Oblast Nikolai Podgornov (bribery, abuse of authority and embezzlement). On May 17, 1996, he was removed from his post. On December 4, 1998, he was sentenced to a year of probation and amnestied. In 1999, after a review of the case, he was sentenced to seven years, on June 15, 2000 he was amnestied.

December 31, 1996 against the head of Mari El, Vladislav Zotin, a case was initiated for exceeding his powers and obstructing the exercise of voting rights of citizens; on December 22, he lost the election. On May 14, 1997, the case was dismissed for health reasons of the accused.

October 2000 a case was initiated against the head of the Kursk region, Alexander Rutskoy, in connection with the illegal privatization of a service apartment. On October 22, he was withdrawn from the elections. Two years later, the court recognized the privatization as legal.

October 2000 a case was initiated against the Smolensk Governor Alexander Prokhorov (embezzlement and illegal financing of road construction). In May 2002, he lost the election. On September 22, 2004, he was sentenced to three years and amnestied.

In January 2002 against the head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Vladimir Butov, a case was opened on abuse of official position, on April 10, 2002 - for failure to comply with a court decision. In December, both cases were closed due to "rehabilitating circumstances." On August 22, 2003, a case was brought against him for beating a traffic police inspector. On December 31, 2004, the governor was sentenced to three years' probation.

April 25, 2002 a case was initiated against the governor of the Kursk region Alexander Mikhailov (embezzlement and fraud in the purchase of housing). On January 27, 2003, the case was closed for lack of corpus delicti.

September 30, 2003 Tver Governor Vladimir Platov was accused of exceeding his powers and causing damage to the budget of 463 million rubles. On December 7, he lost the election. November 11, 2005 sentenced to five years in prison. On April 27, 2006, the Moscow City Court reduced the sentence to three years of probation.

October 27, 2003 against the governor of Kamchatka, Mikhail Mashkovtsev, a case was opened on charges of negligence, and on March 17, 2004, on charges of abuse of power. On December 19, he was re-elected governor. On June 10, 2005, the prosecutor's office dropped the case "out of remorse".

May 17, 2004 The prosecutor's office of the Saratov region charged Governor Dmitry Ayatskov with abuse of position and abuse of power. On July 7, the charges were dropped.

June 1, 2004 a case was initiated on the facts of misuse of funds by Yaroslavl Governor Anatoly Lisitsyn. On August 20, he was charged with abuse of authority. On April 4, 2005, the cases were dismissed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

December 28, 2004 The Samara prosecutor's office opened a criminal case against Governor Konstantin Titov (abuse of office). On February 24, 2005, Mr. Titov was reclassified as a witness.

Barinov Alexey Viktorovich

Born on December 30, 1951 in the village of Tashabar, Tajik SSR. In 1974 he graduated from the Tyumen Industrial Institute, in 1987 - from the Gubkin Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas. He worked in the Tyumen region, went from the operator of the trust "Orgneftekhimzavody" to the chief engineer of the oil and gas production department "Fedorovskneft". In 1992-1994, he was the head of the department for the organization and activities of joint ventures at the Kogalymneftegaz Production Association. In 1995-1998 he was the general director of CJSC LUKOIL-AIK. On March 6, 1998, he was appointed General Director of OAO Arkhangelskgeoldobycha. In 1998-1999, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Arktikneft, was a member of the Boards of Directors of CJSC Rosshelf, OJSC Murmansk Shipping Company, CJSC Varandeyneftegaz. On June 18, 2000, he was elected a deputy of the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly, retaining the post of head of Arkhangelskgeoldobycha. On June 3, 2003, he was appointed federal inspector for the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. On August 10, 2004, he was removed from his post "due to staff reductions." On February 6, 2005, he was elected governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the second round (gained 48.45% of the vote).

He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the medal "For the development of mineral resources and the development of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia". Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation. Married, two daughters and a son.

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