A set of exercises to strengthen the back of the child. How to strengthen your child's back muscles. The value of children's gymnastics for the spinal muscles

Poor posture is not just an aesthetic problem. If it is not corrected in time, it can become a source of diseases of the spine and not only. However, do not panic if you notice that the baby does not keep his back completely straight. Most often, timely measures help to correct posture, but it is very important to understand the reasons that lead to its curvature.

Risk factors

Development issues

Usually, a violation of posture occurs during periods of rapid growth: at 5-8, and especially at 11-12 years. This is the time when the bones and muscles increase in length, and the mechanisms for maintaining the posture have not yet adapted to the changes that have occurred. Deviations are observed in most children 7-8 years old (56-82% of younger students).

There are many factors that cause curvature of the spine. For example, malnutrition and disease often interfere with the proper growth and development of muscle, bone and cartilage tissues, which adversely affects the formation of posture. An important factor is the congenital pathology of the musculoskeletal system. For example, with bilateral congenital dislocation of the hip joints, there may be an increase in the lumbar flexion.

An important role in the formation of deviations is played by the uneven development of certain muscle groups, especially against the background of general muscle weakness. For example, shoulders pulled forward are the result of a predominance of pectoral muscle strength and insufficient strength of the muscles that bring the shoulder blades together, and "drooping shoulders" are the result of insufficient work of the trapezius muscle of the back. An important role is played by the overload of certain muscles with one-sided work, for example, the wrong position of the body during games or classes.

All these reasons lead to an increase or decrease in the existing physiological curves of the spine. As a result, the position of the shoulders and shoulder blades changes, resulting in an asymmetric position of the body. Incorrect posture gradually becomes habitual and can be fixed.

Wrong posture

sitting position. Be sure to pay attention to how the child sits at the table during classes: does he put one leg under him. Perhaps he stoops or leans to one side, leaning on the elbow of a bent arm.

An incorrect body position when sitting should include a landing in which the torso is turned, tilted to the side or strongly bent forward. The reason for this position may be that the chair is far away from the table or the table itself is too low. Or maybe the book the baby is looking at is too far away from him.

An asymmetric position of the shoulder girdle can be formed as a result of the habit of sitting with the right shoulder raised high. Take a closer look: perhaps the table at which the child is studying is too high for him, and his left hand hangs down instead of lying on the table top (the same can happen if the table is round).

standing position. The habit of standing with the leg set aside and half-bent, as well as the crooked landing, develops an asymmetric body position. This can exacerbate the lateral curvature of the spine caused by other causes (for example, underdevelopment of the lumbosacral spine).


Another important factor in the occurrence of posture disorders in children should be considered the notorious lifestyle. It is sad, but modern children began to move less. From the age of 3, many kids go to groups early development(primarily mental), then the process of acquiring knowledge is on the rise, and during classes the child is forced to sit for a long time. In addition, children early join watching TV, video products, they can sit for hours at computer games, and on the street, meeting with friends, instead of outdoor games, they enthusiastically discuss the features of the passage and codes of this or that electronic "shooter". What to do, if you want to be modern, follow the modern trends of life. However, a person must develop harmoniously, physical development should not lag behind. The weakness of the muscular corset in our children is primarily due to the lack of adequate physical activity, while with rapid growth, the strength of the abdominal and back muscles is simply necessary.

Recognize in time

In order to notice the deviation in time, parents need to pay more attention to the position of the shoulders and back of the baby. His shoulders and shoulder blades should be at the same level. The correct position of the spine is also important - whether it is curved to the right or to the left, whether the subgluteal folds are located at the same level. These signs of lateral curvature can be seen by looking at the child from the back when he is standing. When viewed from the front, it should be noted whether the clavicles and nipples are at the same level.

In the side view, you can determine such violations as stoop or sluggish posture. This can be done by eye or use a special test. The child stands with his back to the wall so that the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, shins are in contact with the wall, and then takes a step forward, trying to maintain the correct position of the body. (The same test can be used as a good posture exercise.)

If a curvature is detected, it is necessary to examine the baby's back, laying him on a flat hard surface, face down, arms along the body. If the curvature of the spinal column in the prone position is not preserved, then so far we are only talking about a violation of posture, which can be corrected.

Muscle test. There are several simple tests to determine the state of the child's muscular system. To do this, evaluate the baby's ability to long-term tension of the back muscles. The child is placed face down on the couch so that the part of the body above the hips is out of the couch in weight, hands are on the belt (the child's legs are held by an adult). Normally, children 5-6 years old can hold a horizontal position of the body for 30-60 seconds, children 7-10 years old - 1 - 1.5 minutes, 12-16 years old - from 1.5 to 2.5 minutes. The development of the abdominal muscles is determined by the number of continuous repetitions of the transition from a lying position to a sitting position and back (while fixing the legs) at a slow pace, no more than 16 times per minute. The norm for preschoolers is 10-15 times, for children 7-11 years old - from 15 to 20 times, at 16-18 years old - from 20-30 times.

If violations of posture and (or) weakness of the muscular system are detected, the child should be consulted by an orthopedist, traumatologist or physiotherapy doctor. The doctor examines the child, if necessary, additional research methods are performed: radiography, electromyography, etc.

Recently, a new research method has appeared - topographic photometry, which allows not only to diagnose disorders of the musculoskeletal system, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. The method is based on photographing the patient's posture after the doctor marks the main reference points on the child's back with a marker.

We form posture

Since one of the main conditions for good posture is the correct development of the body, you should try to create the most favorable conditions for growth. In particular, it is very important to observe the general hygienic regime: regularity in eating, sufficient exposure to the air, the right combination of work and rest, the use of funds.

It is necessary to strengthen the muscular corset from infancy, but at the same time one should not rush the physical and forcibly plant it when it is not yet sitting on its own, or force the baby to walk at 9 months, or even earlier. Early axial (vertical) loading can cause the development of orthopedic diseases in a baby. Let the baby move more in a lying position or crawl until he sits or rises to his feet.

Of no lesser preventive importance is a group of measures that affect the overall physical development and functional state of the muscular system, since active retention of the body, upper and lower extremities in the correct position is possible only with the active participation of the muscles. For this, special exercises are used.

Lack of physical activity hinders the development of a muscular corset, while with rapid growth, the strength of the abdominal and back muscles is necessary. Properly selected physical activity prevents postural disorders, and also helps to overcome them.

Exercises are selected depending on the type of curvature of the spine: children prone to stoop are recommended to extend the back with effort to the most straightened position, children with forward shoulder joints benefit from circular motions with both hands backward at the same time, moving them back, bending the arms to the shoulders, to the back of the head . With "hanging" shoulder joints, it is useful to abduct the arms through the sides up, raise the shoulders, stretch the arms up with resistance (an adult puts his hands on the child's shoulders). Balance exercises also contribute to the development of correct posture. For example, walking on a bench or a log with your arms out to the sides.

When choosing exercises, the age of the child should be taken into account.

For kids, it is recommended to select exercises of a playful nature. So, for example, children will be happy to perform an exercise in straightening-stretching the spine if they are asked to depict a column of mercury in a thermometer under the rays of the sun. While doing the "Lumberjack" exercise, children "chop wood" by turning the upper body. Exercise "Frog Jump" helps to correct lumbar lordosis.

Preschool children (from 4-5 years old) are able to understand and cope with more complex gymnastic tasks.

If the child is significantly weakened, it is advisable to combine daily exercise with physiotherapy exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominals in a clinic with a physiotherapy doctor.

At the beginning and at the end of each lesson, children should practice correct posture. (A test exercise performed against the wall is suitable for this.) They should be interested in the problem of posture, make them think about it during the day, check it not only during gymnastics, but also during class at the table, on a walk. A child attending a kindergarten can be offered to take care not only of himself, but also of his comrades. Usually this turns into a kind of competition between children: who will find whom more often in a position of incorrect posture. Such competition forces children to be alert and always maintain a normal back position - in the end it will become a habit.

The set of exercises given by us can be considered rather preventive. It is primarily useful for practically healthy children, and not only for those who have a violation of posture (for such small patients, depending on the defect, the doctor will select an individual set of special exercises). Treatment of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system is always long, complex, requiring significant efforts not only from specialists, but also from the patient himself. Sometimes serious problems with posture and therapeutic measures make certain aspects of the "public" children's life inaccessible to the child. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of posture disorders, i.e. systematically engage in adequate physical activity and regularly (annually) visit an orthopedist with the child for preventive examinations. In addition, the overall development of the baby can be improved with the help of sports sections, which can be attended from 4 to 5 years old. Swimming (preferably breaststroke, on the back) contributes to the correct development of posture. In addition, volleyball, basketball, cross-country skiing are useful. Try to keep your child interested in sports, and this will allow him to avoid many problems associated with posture.

An approximate set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and abs

(can be performed from 4-5 years to adolescence)

  1. Starting position - standing, hands on the belt. Spread your elbows, bringing your shoulder blades together - inhale; return to i.p. - exhale.
  2. Starting position - standing, legs apart, hands to the shoulders. Lean forward with a straight back - exhale; return and i.p. - breath.
  3. Starting position - standing with a gymnastic stick in your hands. Raise the stick forward up - exhale; return to i.p. - breath.
  4. Starting position - standing, stick in lowered hands. Sit down with arms outstretched forward; return to i.p. The back is straight.
  5. Starting position - standing, stick on the shoulder blades. Lean forward, stretching your arms up (take out a stick); return to i.p.
  6. Starting position - lying on your back on an inclined plane, holding hands on the rail of the gymnastic wall. Bend your legs, pull up to your stomach - exhale; straighten - inhale.
  7. Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body. Bicycle leg movements.
  8. Starting position - lying on your back, arms to the sides. Stretch your arms forward lift your left leg and touch your arm, then your right leg. Accept i.p.
  9. Starting position - lying on your stomach, arms to the side. Raise the body by bending the thoracic spine (reach for the ceiling); return to i.p.
  10. Starting position - lying on the stomach, hands on the belt. Raise the body up and raise the right leg - inhale, return to ip. - exhale. Repeat the exercise by lifting the straight left leg.
  11. Starting position - lying on the stomach, arms bent at the elbow joints, a gymnastic stick is held on the shoulder blades. Raise the body by bending it through a gymnastic stick; return to i.p. Breathing is arbitrary.

A set of exercises is performed daily in the morning or in the evening, depending on the peak of the child's activity, but not earlier than an hour after a meal or 30-60 minutes before it. The pace is slow, you should start with 5 repetitions, bring it up to 10, the whole complex takes 30-40 minutes.

In order for the exercises to work accurately enough, they must be performed intensively, that is, above the usual level of ability of children. At first, easier exercises are given with a gradual transition to more difficult ones. During the lesson, pauses are repeatedly made for rest. It is recommended to rest in a prone position:

  • lying on your back, legs slightly pulled up to the stomach, hands behind the head;
  • lying on the stomach, the chin rests on the hands.

Oleg Malakhov
Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatric Orthopedics, Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. N. N. Priorova, MD
Mikhail Tsykunov
Professor, Head of the Department of Rehabilitation, CITO named after N. N. Priorova, MD
Svetlana Fedorova
rehabilitation doctor, employee of the Department of Rehabilitation, CITO named after. N. N. Priorova

Taking care of your back health should start as early as childhood. Therefore, with children, even from a young age, it is useful to spend small physical education minutes. They will serve as the prevention of various diseases associated with the vertebral section.

Benefits of exercise

The correctness of the formation of the spine will largely depend on the training of the back muscles. The stronger they are, the better the spinal column will be supported in the correct natural position. And thus lower the risk of scoliosis or other diseases of the back.

Everything that strengthens the muscles and helps create a reliable supporting corset will benefit. For example, physiotherapy exercises, sports, massage and gymnastics. If you properly prepare the baby for physical activity and regularly carry out preventive gymnastics, then he is unlikely to need additional exercises to correct his posture in the future and his back will be healthy throughout his life.

Formation of the vertebral section in infants

The first year of a child's life is the period of formation of the spine. In a newborn, just born crumbs, it is completely straight. That is why he can only lie in the crib. Further, as the baby grows, bends in the spine gradually appear. Which are essential cushioning for walking, jumping and running. It is important for parents to follow their correct formation, help the baby develop physical activity and avoid the following mistakes:

  • Do not sit down the child earlier than he will independently strive to do this;
  • For the first time putting the baby on the floor with his legs, be sure to hold him on the sides, in the armpits, and not hold him by the arms.
  • Put your baby in a sling, baby carrier and walker no earlier than he learns to sit well on his own. That is approximately from 8-9 months. The time spent in a hanging position should not exceed an hour, with short breaks.
  • When sitting down, do not place the baby completely on pillows without support. Because with this posture, the spine takes the form of a wheel, and the muscles, in turn, relax.

It is worth encouraging crawling in every possible way and stimulating it. After all, this method is ideal for self-strengthening and training the baby's muscles.

Gymnastics for babies on the ball

This set of exercises is designed for children from 6-9 months. If there are no physical contraindications, then it is possible to start gymnastics earlier from 3-4 months, but after consulting a pediatrician first.

  • First, prepare the fitball by covering it with a diaper or sheet. Place the baby with his tummy on the ball, and gently holding the body on both sides, make movements back and forth.
  • From the same position, roll the baby on the ball to the right and left.
  • As your child gets older, increase the difficulty of this exercise. To do this, you need to hold it not by the body, but by the legs. Lingering in each position for 1-2 seconds.
  • Put the baby on the ball with his back and do the same rotational exercises as on the stomach.
  • Lay the baby first on the right side and holding it by the left arm and leg, roll it back and forth. Then do the same on the left side.
  • Put the baby with your feet on the fitball and make springy movements so that the baby tries to make his first jumps.

Gradually, the child himself will learn to keep balance, arching and balancing when performing exercises. This will strengthen his muscles.

Time to perform such gymnastics per day:

  1. For children under 6 months—10 to 20 minutes;
  2. From 6 to 12 months - 30 minutes;
  3. From 1 year to 3 years for 30-40 minutes.

Strengthening the back of preschoolers

In the interval from three to six years of age, children are just beginning to form the correct posture. That is why it is important not to miss the moment of its formation. And periodically carry out prevention in the form of physical therapy or sports activities. For example, sections such as dancing, gymnastics or swimming are perfect. Classes in the pool is the most suitable training even for the spine, which has already begun to undergo deformation.

And it is also worth for the health of the back of a son or daughter, it is worth observing some points:

  • Avoid a hunched back when the child is fully relaxed;
  • You need to rest only with a flat back lying or sitting.
  • Healthy sleep of a student largely depends on a well-chosen orthopedic mattress.

For a detailed implementation of useful exercises for children 3-6 years old, to strengthen the back, see the attached videos:

Exercise Reminder

Exercises for schoolchildren

According to statistics, each student spends in a sitting position from 4 to 7 hours a day. And sitting at a desk, his posture is not always correct, especially when parents cannot control it. In addition, primary school students often carry heavy backpacks. That is why school-age children are more prone to improper formation of the muscular corset.

As a rule, already at school age, children develop an abnormal curvature of the spine. In addition, it has been proven that children with an incorrectly formed posture are more likely to suffer from colds, bronchitis, gastritis and constipation. But, if appropriate measures are taken in time, then it is possible to avoid such problems. To do this, you need to include in the daily schedule of the student regular exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen.

A simple and effective set of exercises for the formation of correct posture in school-age children, see the video:

When the moment of formation of the muscular corset is missed, and the posture of the child has not formed quite correctly, it is recommended to carry out special exercises. They are aimed at straightening the spine and strengthening the muscular corset:

Exercise Frequency

It is better to start strengthening and therapeutic exercises 3 times a week. Then gradually introduce workouts on a daily basis. Also, do not rush to load. Before each exercise, it is recommended to do gymnastics to stretch the muscles. To get acquainted, offer your child a choice of several options for exercises and select only those that he likes and does not cause discomfort.

Important! Exercises are carried out no earlier than 1 hour after a meal or an hour before a meal.

At the moment, there are a lot of ways to strengthen the muscles of the back and the entire child's body as a whole. These include, first of all, swimming, gymnastics, dancing and fitball. Any sports sections where there is a preliminary warm-up and stretching will also be useful. But the most reliable and simple way is still preventive exercises to strengthen the back, which are easy to perform at home at any age. Moreover, properly selected exercises even help to cope with even quite serious childhood diseases - muscle tone and dystonia and asymmetry of muscle tone.

Babies under one year old are called babies. It is at this age that the formation of all musculoskeletal functions of the body occurs. Congenital primary reflexes fade away, others appear, more permanent and meaningful. Massage and gymnastics of the baby, like nothing else, will help the baby to form correctly and on time. As well as improve mood, maintain contact with the mother and improve health.

For different stages of development and specific goals, various options for gymnastics are possible, including therapeutic ones, they are carried out by an experienced specialist. But there are exercises suitable for home use and any age.

Dynamic gymnastics for babies - a set of mobile exercises with tossing, swinging, twisting and hanging the baby. During classes, the position of the body of the newborn quickly changes in space, there are many exercises where the baby is upside down.

There is no definite opinion about dynamic gymnastics for babies. Some parents and doctors consider it useful for an infant, some - dangerous. The only thing in which opinions coincide is that it is impossible to start doing dynamic gymnastics before one and a half to two months old.

Massage and gymnastics of the upper limbs of the baby

Before performing the exercise, you need to lay the baby on his back with his feet towards you. The grasping reflex, which is especially strongly developed in the first months of life, will help here. The child is allowed to grab the thumb of the left hand and the right hand is made, and vice versa. After that, 6-8 massage strokes are performed in the direction from the hand to the armpit and shoulder.


The position of the child is on his back with his feet to himself. The grasp reflex comes in handy again. This time, the baby is allowed to grab both thumbs at the same time. When he holds on to his fingers tightly enough, they begin to slightly pull the baby towards himself. At the same time, his hands should be held with the rest of the fingers. Repeat movements 7-8 times, within 60 seconds.

At an early age, this exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the neck, as the baby tries to keep the head in this position. At a later age, you should raise it higher and higher, along with the muscles of the neck, the shoulder girdle and back will be trained.

You need to lift the child only if he enjoys such a movement. If the facial expression has become preoccupied, whiny, it is necessary to raise the baby lower. Each exercise should bring only positive emotions.

Massage and gymnastics of the lower limbs of the baby

The exercise is performed in the same position, lying on your back, with your feet towards you. The right leg is held by the right hand, the left, respectively, by the left hand. Massage movements stroke the legs in the direction from the foot to the thigh of the baby along the back and outer surface of the leg, ending in the inguinal fold. At the same time, the knees and the area of ​​the anterior surface of the lower leg are not touched. Requires 6 - 8 repetitions. It is desirable to encourage each movement with the words "clever", "well done" and any others.

Reflex exercise

The baby is laid out on the tummy, so that there is support on the hands. The legs at this time should be spread apart. Obeying the innate protective reflex, the child raises and turns his head. At an older age, the baby will independently hold the head in this position, and even later, independently lean on the elbows, then on the hands.

This exercise can be done each time before feeding for 5 seconds - 20 minutes, depending on the mood and development of the baby. Thus, the muscles of the collar zone are strengthened.

Infant back massage

To perform the exercise, the child is placed on the tummy, the hand is located under the chest. Massage is carried out by stroking the back of the baby with the back of the hand, in the direction from the waist to the neck and in the opposite direction. Repeat this movement 4-5 times.

A baby under 2 months old is massaged with one hand, while the other gently fixes the position of the child's body. For children older than 2 months, stroking is carried out with both hands, as the position on the stomach becomes more stable.

Back gymnastics

The chest is placed on its side, the position of his body is gently fixed by the legs with the help of one hand. After that, any two fingers are drawn along the spine along from the sacrum to the neck, then in the opposite direction. The back of the child should straighten up reflexively, the talent reflex of the skin of the back is triggered. Similar movements are repeated on the other side. The result of this massage technique is the development and strengthening of the muscles involved in the extension of the spine.

Massage of the abdomen

To perform a massage of the abdomen, the baby is laid out on his back, with his feet towards him or slightly sideways.

First, stroking 5 - 6 times, slightly pressing on the stomach, in a circle, clockwise. The right hypochondrium is the projection area of ​​the liver, massage of this part of the abdomen should be avoided.

Then apply the counter-type massage technique. The left hand is placed with the back on the child's stomach on the lower right square, and the right hand on the upper left square. With weak pressure move the brushes towards each other. Repeat 5-6 times without changing the position of the hands at the beginning of the movement. Thus, the peristaltic movement in the intestine is repeated. This exercise is especially valuable for constipation, bloating, sometimes it reduces the pain associated with improper digestion.

The oblique muscles of the baby's press are strengthened by the following massage technique. With movements covering the child's stomach, stroke the sides with palms in the direction from the lower back to the area above the navel. To put it simply, it is carried out from behind along an oblique line forward and up. Requires 5 - 6 repetitions.

At the very end, the massage is repeated 2-3 times clockwise.

In some cases, the stomach is gently massaged separately and longer for colic, constipation. Often this helps to avoid enemas, laxatives.

Gymnastics to strengthen the abdominal muscles

The position of the baby during the exercise is on the back, legs towards you. Hands lead under the back, and support the head, focus on the child's feet in your stomach. During the exercise, gently raise the baby's arms to an almost vertical position and just as gently lower them back. It is necessary to constantly monitor the presence of support and do all movements very slowly. This gymnastic exercise will help the baby prepare for sitting.

Foot massage

According to acupuncture, it is on the foot that the points of influence on all organs and systems in the human body are located. The delicate skin of the baby makes this effect even more effective.

The child lies on his back, legs towards him. Raising his leg low, with the palm of his left hand under the shin, gently fix the position of the leg. And the other hand is located as follows: the middle and index fingers are on the back of the foot, and the big one is located on the sole. The massage movements themselves are given to the thumb. They draw the number 8 on the foot, stroke from the base of the fingers to the heel. Repeat movements 5-6 times on each leg. For an even greater positive impact, the toes on the child's toes themselves are vigorously massaged.

Foot reflex exercise

The child is still lying on his back, legs towards him. The exercise consists in quickly pressing on the sole in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers, as a result, the fingers of the baby will reflexively bend. After that, they quickly press on the outer edge of the foot, after which the fingers reflexively straighten. Do 3-4 repetitions. These reflexes are most pronounced in the first months of life, and later fade somewhat.

reflex crawl

The baby is laid out on the stomach in a frog pose. Namely, the feet are connected, the knees are bent and divorced. The child's body is very fragile and unformed, and when performing this exercise, it is necessary to monitor safety: do not injure the child and provide a safe space for crawling. The fingers are brought under the back of the sole, without touching the foot itself. Then with your thumbs you need to touch both soles at the same time. The crawling reflex will work, the baby will sharply straighten the legs and move forward. At the same time, the hands should be directly on the surface of the table, otherwise the child will not be able to budge. The reflex movement is repeated 3-4 times.

Massage of the chest area

The position of the child is on the back. The massage process begins with stroking the fingers of both hands at the same time. The right arm moves clockwise from the bottom of the sternum through the armpits and returns to the starting position. The left hand does the same in mirror image. The massage method is stroking, carried out in a circle. Then you should carefully grasp the chest and not hard, but sharply and quickly press on it. This movement activates the respiratory center. The exercise is repeated in its entirety 5-6 times.


Another exciting exercise for the baby is to induce reflex walking. When performing the exercise, the child is practically on his hands, you need to hold him carefully by the armpits. The position is vertical, facing away from you. The legs should touch a solid support, a slight forward lean activates the walking reflex. Children often prefer this exercise to all others; you can perform it separately from general gymnastics. When walking, the foot should rest completely on the surface, but the child should not stand on his own if he does not yet stand up on his own. The chest should not be squeezed by the hands of an adult.

Hand relaxation

The gymnastics complex is coming to an end and the child is already tired. To relax the muscles of the hands, gently shake them lightly. They take the hands, as during a massage, and slightly parting to the sides, shake them slightly. If the tone of the child is still high, you need to wait until the baby is ready for such an exercise. In this case, you can simply iron the handles. Massage of the fingers and palms is considered useful at any age.

Rocking the baby in the fetal position

For this exercise, you need to give the child's body an embryonic position. From the supine position, the adult takes the baby's feet and hands in his hand. The feet should be connected and the knees separated. With one hand they continue to hold the limbs, and with the other they press the baby's head to the chest. The resulting embryo is swayed in various directions. Each direction is repeated 2-3 times. Rocking helps to develop the vestibular apparatus and the nervous system in the right direction. To achieve a greater effect, the exercise is repeated 3-4 times a day.

Gymnastics on the ball

For the exercise you need a special big ball. The baby is placed on the ball with the stomach, while the legs should be as wide apart as possible. Then the ball is shaken in different directions. Do not swing the ball hard, the child may fall off it. And for the development of the vestibular apparatus, a small amplitude is sufficient.

Later, when the child learns to crawl, you can use the ball to teach him to transfer body weight to his hands. To do this, the child lies with his stomach down on the ball, and rests his hands on a hard surface. The duration of such an exercise depends on the well-being of the child.

Gymnastic exercises with babies are carried out for about 15 minutes. But all children are different, and if the child gets tired before the end of the complex, there is no need to torment him and continue. The rest of the gymnastics complex can always be completed later, when the baby is properly rested and gains strength.

The most important thing is to keep the child in a positive attitude during all the exercises. This will only give him even more desire to engage later. Movements should be smooth, unhurried, affectionate. And the attitude of an adult is friendly and kind. In this case, the lessons will be more useful.

Video: Gymnastics for babies

Therapeutic exercises for babies


Dynamic gymnastics for babies (video)

The article is taken from the site: http://massageonline.ru/?p=882

Aug 25 2011


In order to decide whether your baby has sufficient muscle strength and whether he can acquire the motor skills needed at his age. Try testing your back muscles.

The main muscles of the back include:

The trapezius muscle, which starts from the occipital region and occupies the upper back and acts on the displacement of the shoulder blades and extension of the head.

The latissimus dorsi muscle, which occupies the lower back and the lateral part of the chest, contracts, it lowers the raised arm or pulls the torso to the limbs.

A muscle that straightens the spine, which is located along the spinal column and performs the function of its name.

Testing is carried out from 6 months of age. Raise the child lying on his stomach above the surface of the table or floor, holding him by the waist with his hands. The kid should hold on to the overhang, straightening his back to the position of a swallow.

Now start training, during which you can periodically return to the proposed test, evaluating the results of your work with your child.

Exercises for the muscles of the back of the baby

=== To strengthen the muscles of the back, start training the child at the moment when he is in your arms. To do this, carry the baby during the day with his back to you, hold him with your hand in the pelvis and legs. Try to lean forward slightly with him and straighten up.

At the same time, strive for him to learn to hold the upper half of the body in an upright position on his own. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times, do not forget to secure the child first.

Exercises on a gymnastic ball are useful for back muscles. Lay the child on the ball on his stomach with his feet towards you. Hold it at the beginning in the armpit. Swipe rolling movements away from you, then towards you. It is necessary to achieve the ability of the child to bend in the back in the form of a boat. In this position, it is necessary to linger for up to 8-10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Then, change the direction of movement from side to side, then in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise. We do the same movements 3-5 times.

If the child has become good at the previous exercise, complicate it. To do this, try to hold the baby not in the armpit, but in the hips. Carry out rolling movements in the direction away from you and linger so that the child tries to independently hold the upper half of the body overhanging for up to 3-5 seconds. Return to the starting position to rest the child. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Back massage

Back massage is necessary to strengthen the muscles. This is especially important because the baby in this age interval learns to sit on its own. It is necessary that he quickly learns to keep his back straight, so that the load on the spinal column is correctly distributed and helps to form the physiological curves of the spine.

Lay the baby on his stomach with his feet towards you.

The first reception is stroking. It is carried out along the spine with the hands in the direction up and down. Repeat reception 3-5 times.

Then stroking is carried out with fingertips from the spine along the ribs to the side.

The next step is rubbing. With the pads of your fingers, with translational spiral movements, pass near the spine on both sides from the bottom up.

Repeat reception 2-3 times.

In this case, the area of ​​​​the spine itself is not recommended to be massaged. Next, change the direction of the rubbing movements. Now your fingers should move from the spine to the side, along the intercostal spaces.

Repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side.

The next step is kneading. The muscles of the lateral surface of the body are stretched in the direction from the bottom up. In doing so, your hands grab and slightly pull the muscles. Then they make S-shaped multidirectional movements, slowly moving along the body. Repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side.

Finish the back massage by repeating the stroking technique.

By Doctor Gorelikova http://massageonline.ru/?cat=6, Tags: ,http://massageonline.ru/?tag=massag

For this, there is a special test for the muscles of the back - it includes:

  • trapezius muscle, originating from the occipital region and located in the upper back. She is responsible for the extension of the head and the displacement of the shoulder blades;
  • the latissimus dorsi, located in the lower back and gripping the side of the chest. In action, it brings the trunk closer to the limbs, and is also responsible for lowering the raised arm;
  • muscle that straightens the spine. It is located along the line of the spinal column.

Rules for preparing for classes

Testing can begin after the baby reaches six months of age. For this, the baby must be placed on the stomach, and then lift the baby, holding it with your hands at the waist. Normally, he should be held to the canopy, while aligning his back to the so-called "swallow". This exercise helps to determine if strengthening the back muscles in children is necessary.

After the level of muscle development and muscle strength are determined, you can start training. It will also be necessary to periodically return to the above test in order to analyze the result of training, note the results and achievements.

Complexes for training

There are special exercises for the back for infants:

  1. It is necessary to strengthen the back of the crumbs in those moments when he is in the arms of an adult. For this purpose, you need to carry the baby with his back to him, supporting his hand under the ass. You can also hold it in this position and lean forward a little and straighten up. This method helps the child learn to independently hold the upper body upright. Exercise must be repeated periodically throughout the day. Be sure to secure the baby and clearly control the position of his body.
  2. helps in the development of muscles. How to strengthen the back of a child with it? It is necessary to put the baby on the ball on his stomach, while his legs should be directed towards the adult. At the beginning of training, it must be held in the armpits. Carry out rolling movements, directing the crumbs away from you, then towards you. In this way, the baby, regardless of age, learns to arch its back in the form of a boat. Do not load, especially at the initial stage of training, the child is strong, it is enough to repeat this exercise three to four times. After that, you can change the direction of movement by turning the baby in a circle (clockwise or counterclockwise).
  3. When the previous exercises begin to come easily to the baby, try to complicate the task somewhat. To this end, support the baby no longer in the armpits, but by the hips. So the baby will independently hold the back of the canopy, first for a few seconds, then the time will constantly increase.

Massage and its role in the physical development of the baby in the first year of life

In addition, there is a strengthening for children. It is also essential, as babies learn to sit up on their own at six months. Therefore, it is important that by this age the baby tries to keep his back straight. This will help to properly distribute the load on the skeleton, it will be a good prevention of various curvatures of any segment of the spinal column.

Massage technique for a child of the first year of life

How to strengthen the back muscles of the baby with massage? First you need to put the crumbs on the stomach. At the same time, his legs should be directed towards an adult.

Massage is carried out in several stages:

  1. Stroking. Move your hands along the spine in an up and down direction. After that, stroke with your fingertips in the direction of the ribs from the spine to the side.
  2. Trituration. In a spiral with the pads of your fingers, rub the area near the spine, moving from the bottom up, then along the growth of the ribs.
  3. Kneading. You need to knead the muscles on the sides of the body, directing movements from the bottom up. In this case, hands should grab and slightly pull the muscles. And at the end of the massage, you need to relax the baby's muscles by stroking.

Regardless of what level of physical development will be found in the child at the initial stage of training, regular classes of parents (or a professional massage instructor for children) will help to catch up with "successful" peers. If a significant lag is found before the start of classes, it is advisable to consult the baby with an experienced orthopedist-traumatologist, and start the classes themselves with a qualified instructor.

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