Essay on literature. Human and nature. Composition on the topic “Nature Stories about the relationship between man and nature

Sections: Literature

Learning goal: To find out how the relationship between man and nature is reflected in works of literature, what problems poets and writers raise, revealing this topic (slide 2).

Educational goal: To prove to students how relevant the environmental problem sounds. To evoke in students a sense of frugality towards nature.


1. Lesson presentation (Attachment 1) ;

2. Exhibition of books;

3. Stand "Nature through the eyes of children";

4. Pictures of landscape painters.

During the classes

Epigraphs (slide 3) :

“To love nature means to love the Motherland”

(M. Prishvin)

“Man, shooting at nature, hits himself”

(Ch. Aitmatov)

“Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
It has a soul, it has freedom,
It has love, it has language.”

(F. Tyutchev)

Teacher's word with elements of conversation:

Today we will talk not just about nature, its beauty, usefulness, but about the relationship between man and nature. Many writers and poets sing of the beauty of nature.

K. Urmanov "Secrets in nature"

This is a Siberian writer who for 70 years did not get tired of looking at the enchanting pictures of the Siberian region.

When you read Urmanov's book, how many marvelous pictures will open up to your eyes - from the “birch in diamonds”, which filled the gray-haired nature-loving writer with “youthful delight”, to the scarlet dawn over a quiet lake, where in the morning water lilies open their white cups with a golden core .

And how many new friends you will find among birds - waterfowl, songbirds - inhabitants of forests and meadows, not only in the books of Urmanov, but also in the stories of M. Prishvin, V. Bianki, K. Paustovsky.

To see in ordinary nature its beauty, its unusualness, you need to be able to peer into nature. Then every blade of grass, every leaf will tell you whole stories.

They write, sing about nature, artists depict pictures of nature on canvases.

Question: Who do you know of the landscape painters?

(Paintings depicting landscapes are used. You need to name the artist).

(slide 4 - Shishkin I.I.), (slide 5 - Levitan I.I.), (slide 6 - Polenov V.D.)

Question: What pictures would you draw while listening to the verse?

Question: Guys, read your favorite poems about the beauty of nature.

(The guys read the poems of Tyutchev, Fet, Yesenin, Merezhkovsky, Pushkin, Baratynsky).

Conclusion: The conversation about the beauty of nature can be ended with the words of B. Ryabinin (slide 9):

People, take a look around!
How beautiful nature is!
She needs the care of your hands,
So that her beauty does not fade.

Question: What are the last two lines of the poem talking about?

Conclusion: The beauty of nature depends on the person.

Question: What poems do you know where nature is destroyed by human hands?

Igor Severyanin (slide 10)

What the park whispers...
About each new fresh stump,
About a branch broken aimlessly
I yearn for my soul to death.
And it hurts me so tragically.
The park is thinning, the wilderness is thinning,
Spruce bushes are thinning...
He was once thicker forests,
And in the mirrors of autumn puddles
He reflected like a giant...
But here they come on two legs
Animals - and through the valleys
The ax carried its booming swing.
I hear how, listening to the buzz
killing axe,
The park whispers: "Soon I won't...
But I lived - it was time ... "

This poem is analyzed by a group of guys:

  1. This poem was written at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1923. Already at that time the theme of man and nature was very important. One can feel the anxiety and pain of the poet himself for what is happening in relation to people to the nature around them.
  2. The main idea of ​​the poem is that a person destroys the park with his own hands, a beautiful corner of nature. And it is worth thinking to all those living on Earth that by destroying nature, we are destroying our own lives, since we are part of nature.

  3. Analyzing this poem, I took two levels - graphic and phonetic. The poem consists of 4 stanzas. Written in two-syllable meter - iambic. It is this size that shows that there is no melody here. The lines sound harsh and abrupt, like the sound of an axe.
  4. I analyzed the sound coloring of the poem. Lots of white gives sound [O]. Apparently, there are a lot of white-trunked birches in the park, a lot of green color - the sound [AND]. Even eat

    Red color - [BUT] After all, the park brings joy to people with its beauty. Then all light tones are replaced by dark ones: gray, brown, even black. It is the color of bare earth and cut down trees.

    There is alliteration here - a combination of hissing and whistling consonants. With this artistic device, the poet shows how the park falls silent, dying, that is, dying.

  5. I analyzed the lexical level.
  1. In the first stanza, the lyrical hero speaks about his state of mind when he looks at the stumps, at the broken branches:
  • Longing to death....
  • Tragically, it hurts me...
  1. In the second stanza, a picture arises of how the once dense and beautiful park is being destroyed. This idea is conveyed by the verb “thinning”, it is repeated three times.
  2. It is in the third stanza that the poet pronounces a merciless sentence on man, calling him an animal on two legs. This is a metaphor. With an ax in their hands, these "animals" destroy the park.
  3. In the fourth stanza, with the help of personification, the poet shows the last minutes of the life of the park. Hears the last whisper of the trees: "Soon I won't...".

There are few epithets in the poem, but there is one “epithet” - a murderous axe, which emphasizes the main idea - a person kills nature.

Teacher's word:

Not only poets are concerned about the violation of the harmony of relations between man and nature, but also writers very often turn to this problem.

Question: What stories have you read? How do they solve this problem?

Prishvin “Blue Bast Shoes”, “Forest Master”, “Pantry of the Sun”.

Paustovsky “Hare paws”, “Meshcherskaya side”.

Astafiev “Why did I kill the corncrake”, “Belogrudka”.

Yakubovsky "In the forest lodge."

A group of children prepared an analysis of the story "Tail" V. Astafieva.

  1. We have chosen Victor Astafiev's story "The Tail". Astafiev is our contemporary writer. He recently died, but left behind wonderful works. Astafiev is very close to nature, as he grew up on the banks of the Angara, in a village in the bosom of nature. He was raised by his grandmother. It was she who taught him to live in such a way "to hear the pain of everyone." Everyone is not only a person, but also all life on Earth: an animal, a bird, a tree, a wild flower, every blade of grass and insects. Astafiev has a book called "Zatesi". Zatesi are notches on a tree that taiga hunters make in order to find their way back, not to get lost. This book contains short stories (they are called poetic miniatures). Each of the stories also leaves a notch, only not on a tree, but in the soul, heart of the reader, makes you think about moral problems: about cruelty and kindness, about duty, honor, betrayal, about the responsibility of a person to his land.
  2. In the second plot, the writer raises the problem of raising children on the basis of the relationship to nature, to all living things.

There is a boy on the beach. He laughs, he laughs, he chuckles. What is he laughing at?

And here is the picture the boy is laughing at:

Yes, the gopher's tail is funny, it looks like a rye spikelet, from which grain is knocked out. Apparently, the ground squirrel came to the shore to pick up crumbs from hunger. He was caught by merry revelers who were resting here and stuffed into a jar. From the scratches on the walls of the jar, it can be seen that they put him alive. And the words on the newspaper are underlined not with a pencil, but with the blood of an animal. What notches did the writer leave with this story? Many questions arise after this story. Why did people do this? Why is the boy laughing and not sorry? What will he be like when he grows up? So Astafiev makes both children and adults think with his ideas: Who are we? Why are we? Why are we doing this?

Question: Why don't nature and man exist separately? Prove it.

  • Nature feeds, clothes, waters, shoes a person. It educates a person in aesthetic concepts, moral, teaches him.

Question: Why is the environmental problem so urgent right now?

Prove with facts (articles of newspapers, magazines, TV shows, radio shows).

  • Water pollution.

Examples: Irtysh, Lake Ladoga, Baikal, Aral Sea, small rivers.

  • Forest areas.

Fires, unscheduled cuttings.

  • Destruction of rare animals, chemical pollination of fields.

Conclusion: You see that nature asks for mercy from man, for protection.

Question: What poems do you know that show an environmental problem?

Alena Kolokolnikova (Cherlak poetess) (slide 11)

Don't destroy bird nests
Don't kill little birds
For the song thrush to return,
In the spring, the song did not stop.
You are the master, O man!
Let your gun misfire
Don't let blood spill on the snow
Let the river come out of its banks.
Nature asks: "Have mercy!"
Cruelty is fraught with the future,
Think what's ahead?
You can't avoid retribution.
She knows how to forgive everything
Wipe away a tear with the hand of an aspen.
Don't make her suffer
She's a mother -
So be her son.

This poem can be called the cry of the soul of a person who is not indifferent to what is happening in the world around him. The main idea here is that nature cannot be destroyed. Alena Kolokolnikova not only asks, but demands:

“do not not kill...have mercy...”

The last lines are filled with love and tenderness for nature, as for a mother. A mother takes care of her children, and children should also take care of their mother. “She's a mother! So be her son." S. Alekseev(slide 10)

Spare the animals and birds,
Trees and bushes.
After all, these are all words
That you are the king of nature.
You are just a part of it
dependent part.
What is without her and your power
And power?!

In this poem, the main idea is that nature must be protected, all living things should be spared. And man is not at all the king of nature, but only a part of nature. Man is completely dependent on the environment. Nature provides us with food, water and air. It's something we humans can't live without.

Teacher's word:

A man armed with a gun and a machine, a deaf and cruel heart, for the sake of profit, can kill an elk, the hunting of which is prohibited, shoot a duck, after which there will be a brood of helpless ducklings, doomed without a mother to death.

Maybe, having gone on a hiking trip, to commit atrocities in nature, leaving an irreparably destructive mark on the halts.

Or, armed with equipment, break, twist with a winch a lone tree, regally towering over the district.

Conclusion: But man is the “God” of nature, as the hero of Alexander Ivanov's story “The Judge” claims. Him to live in it. Him to protect her.

The same idea can be expressed in verses (slide 11):

Giant people, giant people,
Do you have rifles, nets and traps,
Do you have fearlessness, you have strength forever,
But there must be a heart, a human heart.

The theme of man and nature raises moral issues: kindness and cruelty, raising a child in a family, responsibility and duty to what surrounds us.

Conclusion: To hear the pain of everyone, you need to live by the rule of four "CO":

  • Regret,
  • sympathize,
  • Compassionate,
  • Empathize.

And then there will be less evil on Earth, and more joy.

At the last stage of the lesson, we turn to the epigraphs on the board (slide 12).

Children explain the meaning of the words of M. Prishvin, Ch. Aitmatov and F. Tyutchev

The question at the end of the lesson is: What made me think about literature class?

Students respond in writing.

Interesting stories about forest animals, stories about birds, stories about the seasons. Fascinating forest stories for middle school children.

Mikhail Prishvin


We wandered in the spring in the forest and observed the life of hollow birds: woodpeckers, owls. Suddenly, in the direction where we had previously planned an interesting tree, we heard the sound of a saw. It was, we were told, cutting firewood from deadwood for a glass factory. We were afraid for our tree, hurried to the sound of the saw, but it was too late: our aspen was lying, and around its stump there were many empty fir cones. The woodpecker peeled all this over the long winter, collected it, wore it on this aspen, laid it between two bitches of his workshop and hollowed it out. Near the stump, on our cut aspen, two boys were only engaged in sawing the forest.

- Oh, you pranksters! - we said and pointed them to the cut aspen. - You were ordered dead trees, and what did you do?

“The woodpecker made holes,” the guys answered. - We looked and, of course, sawed off. It will still disappear.

They all began to examine the tree together. It was quite fresh, and only in a small space, no more than a meter in length, did a worm pass through the trunk. The woodpecker, obviously, listened to the aspen like a doctor: he tapped it with his beak, understood the void left by the worm, and proceeded to the operation of extracting the worm. And the second time, and the third, and the fourth... The thin aspen trunk looked like a flute with valves. Seven holes were made by the "surgeon" and only on the eighth he captured the worm, pulled out and saved the aspen.

We carved this piece as a wonderful exhibit for the museum.

“You see,” we said to the guys, “the woodpecker is a forest doctor, he saved the aspen, and it would live and live, and you cut it off.

The boys marveled.

Mikhail Prishvin.


Today, looking at the tracks of animals and birds in the snow, this is what I read from these tracks: a squirrel made its way through the snow into the moss, took out two nuts hidden there since autumn, ate them right away - I found the shells. Then she ran a dozen meters, dived again, again left the shell on the snow and after a few meters she made the third climb.

What a miracle You can't think that she could smell a nut through a thick layer of snow and ice. So, since the fall, she remembered her nuts and the exact distance between them.

But the most amazing thing is that she could not measure centimeters, as we do, but directly by eye with accuracy determined, dived and pulled out. Well, how could one not envy the squirrel's memory and ingenuity!

Georgy Skrebitsky


Sunny day at the very beginning of summer. I wander not far from home, in a birch copse. Everything around seems to be bathed, splashing in golden waves of heat and light. Birch branches flow above me. The leaves on them seem either emerald green or completely golden. And below, under the birches, on the grass, too, like waves, light bluish shadows run and stream. And bright bunnies, like the reflections of the sun in the water, run one after another along the grass, along the path.

The sun is both in the sky and on the ground... And it becomes so good, so fun that you want to run away somewhere far away, to where the trunks of young birch trees sparkle with their dazzling whiteness.

And suddenly, from this sunny distance, I heard a familiar forest voice: "Ku-ku, ku-ku!"

Cuckoo! I've heard it many times before, but I've never even seen it in a picture. What is she like? For some reason, she seemed to me plump, big-headed, like an owl. But maybe she's not like that at all? I'll run and take a look.

Alas, it turned out to be far from easy. I - to her voice. And she will be silent, and here again: “Ku-ku, ku-ku”, but in a completely different place.

How to see it? I stopped in thought. Maybe she's playing hide-and-seek with me? She hides, and I'm looking. And let's play the other way around: now I'll hide, and you look.

I climbed into a hazel bush and also cuckooed once, twice. The cuckoo fell silent, maybe looking for me? I sit silently and I, even my heart is pounding with excitement. And suddenly somewhere nearby: "Ku-ku, ku-ku!"

I am silent: look better, don't shout at the whole forest.

And she is already very close: "Ku-ku, ku-ku!"

I look: some kind of bird flies through the clearing, the tail is long, it is gray itself, only the breast is covered with dark spots. Probably a hawk. This one in our yard hunts for sparrows. He flew up to a neighboring tree, sat down on a branch, bent down and shouted: "Ku-ku, ku-ku!"

Cuckoo! That's it! So, she is not like an owl, but like a hawk.

I will cuckoo her from the bush in response! With a fright, she almost fell off the tree, immediately rushed down from the branch, sniffing somewhere in the thicket, only I saw her.

But I don't need to see her anymore. So I solved the forest riddle, and besides, for the first time I myself spoke to the bird in its native language.

So the sonorous forest voice of the cuckoo revealed to me the first secret of the forest. And since then, for half a century now, I have been wandering in winter and summer along deaf, untrodden paths and discovering more and more new secrets. And there is no end to these winding paths, and there is no end to the secrets of native nature.

Konstantin Ushinsky


Vitya rode on a sledge from an icy mountain and skated on a frozen river, ran home ruddy, cheerful and said to his father:

How fun in winter! I wish it was all winter!

“Write down your wish in my pocket book,” said the father.

Mitya wrote.

Spring came. Mitya ran plenty of colorful butterflies across the green meadow, picked flowers, ran to his father and said:

What a beauty this spring is! I wish it were all spring.

Father again took out a book and ordered Mitya to write down his wish.

It's summer. Mitya and his father went to haymaking. The boy had fun all day long: he fished, picked berries, tumbled in fragrant hay, and in the evening he said to his father:

"I've had a lot of fun today!" I wish there was no end to summer!

And this desire of Mitya was written down in the same book.

Autumn has come. In the garden they picked fruits - ruddy apples and yellow pears. Mitya was delighted and said to his father:

Autumn is the best of all seasons!

Then the father took out his notebook and showed the boy that he said the same thing about spring, and about winter, and about summer.

Vera Chaplin


Serezha is happy. He moved to a new house with his mom and dad. Now they have a two-room apartment. One room with a balcony, parents settled in it, and Seryozha in the other.

Seryozha was upset that there was no balcony in the room where he would live.

“Nothing,” Dad said. - But we will make a bird feeder, and you will feed them in the winter.

“So only sparrows will fly,” Seryozha objected with displeasure. - The guys say they are harmful, and they shoot them with slingshots.

- Don't repeat stupid things! the father got angry. - Sparrows are useful in the city. They feed their chicks with caterpillars, and hatch chicks two or three times during the summer. See how useful they are. The one who shoots birds from slingshots will never be a real hunter.

Seryozha was silent. He didn't want to say that he, too, shot birds with a slingshot. And he really wanted to be a hunter, and be sure to be like dad. Just shoot accurately and just recognize everything in the footsteps.

Dad fulfilled his promise, and on the first day off they set to work. Seryozha gave nails, planks, and dad planed and knocked them together.

When the work was completed, dad took the feeder and nailed it under the very window. He did this on purpose so that in winter he could pour food for the birds through the window. Mom praised their work, but there’s nothing to say about Seryozha: now he himself liked his father’s idea.

— Dad, will we start feeding the birds soon? he asked when everything was ready. Because winter hasn't come yet.

Why wait for winter? Dad replied. - Now let's start. You think how you poured food, so all the sparrows will flock to peck it! No, brother, you need to teach them first. Although the sparrow lives near a person, the bird is cautious.

And rightly so, as dad said, so it happened. Every morning Seryozha poured various crumbs, grains into the feeders, and the sparrows did not even fly close to her. They sat at a distance, on a large poplar tree, and sat on it.

Seryozha was very upset. He really thought that, as soon as he poured the food, the sparrows would immediately flock to the window.

“Nothing,” his dad consoled him. “They will see that no one offends them, and they will stop being afraid. Just don't hang around the window.

Seryozha carried out all the advice of his father exactly. And soon he began to notice that every day the birds became bolder and bolder. Now they were already sitting on the nearby branches of the poplar, then they completely took courage and began to flock to the table.

And how carefully they did it! They will fly by once or twice, they will see that there is no danger, they will grab a piece of bread and soon fly off with it to a secluded place. They peck there slowly so that no one takes it away, and again they fly to the feeder.

While it was autumn, Seryozha fed the sparrows with bread, but when winter came, he began to give them more grain. Because the bread quickly froze, the sparrows did not have time to peck it and remained hungry.

Seryozha was very sorry for the sparrows, especially when severe frosts began. The poor fellows sat disheveled, motionless, tucking their frozen paws under them, and patiently waiting for a treat.

But how happy they were for Seryozha! As soon as he went to the window, they, chirping loudly, flocked from all sides and hurried to have breakfast as soon as possible. On frosty days, Seryozha fed his feathered friends several times. After all, it is easier for a well-fed bird to endure the cold.

At first, only sparrows flew to Seryozha's feeder, but one day he noticed a titmouse among them. Apparently, the winter cold also drove her here. And when the titmouse saw that it was possible to profit here, she began to fly in every day.

Seryozha was glad that the new guest was so willing to visit his dining room. He read somewhere that tits love lard. He took out a piece, and so that the sparrows would not drag it away, he hung it on a thread, as dad taught.

Titmouse instantly guessed that this treat was in store for her. She immediately clung to the fat with her paws, pecks, and she herself, as if on a swing, swings. Long pecked. It is immediately clear that this delicacy was to her taste.

Seryozha fed his birds always in the morning and always at the same time. As soon as the alarm clock rings, he gets up and pours food into the feeder.

The sparrows were already waiting for this time, but the titmouse was especially waiting. She appeared out of nowhere and boldly sat down on the table. In addition, the bird turned out to be very savvy. It was she who first figured out that if Seryozha's window banged in the morning, we must hurry to breakfast. Moreover, she never made a mistake and, if the window of the neighbors knocked, she did not fly.

But this was not the only thing that distinguished the quick-witted bird. Once it happened that the alarm clock went bad. No one knew that he had gone bad. Even my mother didn't know. She could oversleep and be late for work, if not for the titmouse.

A bird flew in to have breakfast, sees - no one opens the window, no one pours food. She jumped with sparrows on an empty table, jumped and began to knock on the glass with her beak: “Let's, they say, eat soon!” Yes, she knocked so hard that Seryozha woke up. I woke up and could not understand why the titmouse was knocking on the window. Then I thought - she must be hungry and asks for food.

Got up. He poured food for the birds, looks, and the hands on the wall clock are already showing almost nine. Then Seryozha woke up his mother, father and quickly ran to school.

From that time on, the titmouse got into the habit of knocking on his window every morning. And knocked something like - exactly at eight. It was as if I could guess the time by the clock!

Sometimes, as soon as she tapped her beak, Seryozha would rather jump out of bed - he was in a hurry to get dressed. Still, after all, until then it will be knocking until you give it food. Mom - and she laughed:

- Look, the alarm clock has arrived!

And dad said:

- Well done, son! You will not find such an alarm clock in any store. It turns out you've been hard at work.

All winter the titmouse woke Seryozha, and when spring came, she flew into the forest. After all, there, in the forest, tits build nests and hatch chicks. Probably, Seryozha the titmouse also flew to breed chicks. And by the fall, when they are adults, he will again return to Seryozha's feeding trough, yes, perhaps not alone, but with the whole family, and again will wake him up in the morning for school.

Man and nature in domestic and foreign literature

Russian literature, be it classical or modern, has always been sensitive to all the changes taking place in nature and the world around us. Poisoned air, rivers, earth - everything is crying for help, for protection. Our difficult and contradictory time has given rise to a huge number of problems: economic, moral and others. However, according to many, among them the most important place is occupied by the environmental problem. Our future and the future of our children depends on its decision. The catastrophe of the century can be called the current ecological state of the environment. Who is guilty? A man who forgot about his roots, who forgot where he came from, a man-predator who sometimes became more terrible than a beast. A number of works by such famous writers as Chingiz Aitmatov, Valentin Rasputin, Viktor Astafiev are devoted to this problem.

The name of Rasputin is one of the brightest, most memorable among the writers of the 20th century. My appeal to the work of this writer is not accidental. It is the works of Valentin Rasputin that leave no one indifferent, indifferent. He was one of the first to raise the problem of the relationship between man and nature. This problem is of vital importance, since life on the planet, the health and well-being of all mankind is connected with ecology.

In the story "Farewell to Matyora" the writer reflects on many things. The subject of the description is the island on which the village is located - Matera. Matera is a real island with an old woman Daria, with grandfather Yegor, with Bogodul, but at the same time it is an image of a centuries-old way of life that is now gone - forever? And the name emphasizes the maternal principle, that is, man and nature are closely connected. The island must go under water, because a dam is being built here. That is, on the one hand, this is correct, because the population of the country must be provided with electricity. On the other hand, this is a gross interference of people in the natural course of events, that is, in the life of nature.

Something terrible happened to all of us, Rasputin believes, and this is not a special case, this is not just the history of the village, something very important in the soul of a person is being destroyed, and for the writer it becomes completely clear that if today you can hit the cross with an ax in the cemetery, then tomorrow it will be possible to kick the old man in the face.

The death of Matera is not just the destruction of the old way of life, but the collapse of the whole world order. The symbol of Matera becomes the image of an eternal tree - larch, that is, the king - a tree. And there is a belief that the island is attached to the river bottom, to the common land, with royal foliage, and as long as it stands, Matyora will also stand.

The work of Chingiz Aitmatov "Slaf" cannot leave the reader indifferent. The author allowed himself to speak on the most painful, topical issues of our time. This is a screaming novel, a novel written in blood, a desperate appeal addressed to everyone and everyone. In "The Scaffold" the she-wolf and the child die together, and

their blood mixes, proving the unity of all living things, despite all the existing disproportions. A man armed with technology often does not think about what consequences his affairs will have for society and future generations. The destruction of nature is inevitably combined with the destruction of everything human in people.

Literature teaches that cruelty to animals and to nature turns into a serious danger for the person himself for his physical and moral health.

Thus, the relationship between man and nature on the pages of books is diverse. Reading about others, we involuntarily try on characters and situations for ourselves. And, perhaps, we also think: how do we ourselves relate to nature? Shouldn't something be changed in this regard? (505 words)

Human and nature

How many beautiful poems, paintings, songs have been created about nature... The beauty of nature around us has always inspired poets, writers, composers, artists, and they all depicted its splendor and mystery in their own way.

Indeed, since ancient times, man and nature have been a single whole, they are very closely interconnected. But, unfortunately, man considers himself superior to all other living beings and proclaims himself the king of nature. He forgot that he himself is a part of wildlife, and continues to behave aggressively towards her. Every year, forests are cut down, tons of waste are thrown into the water, the exhaust of millions of cars poisons the air ... We forget that the reserves in the bowels of the planet will someday run out, and we continue to rapaciously extract minerals.

Nature is a huge treasure trove of wealth, but a person only treats it as a consumer. About this story in the stories of V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish". The main theme is the interaction between man and nature. The writer tells how they exterminate white and red fish on the Yenisei, destroy the beast and bird. The dramatic story that once happened on the river with the poacher Zinovy ​​Utrobin becomes the climax. Checking the traps, where the huge sturgeon got into, he fell out of the boat and got tangled in his own nets. In this extreme situation, on the verge of life and death, he recalls his earthly sins, recalls how he once offended his fellow villager Glashka, sincerely repents of his deed, begs for mercy, mentally addressing both Glashka and the king fish, and to the whole wide world. And all this gives him "some kind of liberation not yet comprehended by the mind." Ignatich manages to escape. Nature itself taught him a lesson here. Thus, V. Astafiev returns our consciousness to Goethe's thesis: "Nature is always right."

Ch.T. Aitmatov also tells about the ecological catastrophe that awaits a person in the warning novel “The Block”. This novel is a cry, despair, a call to change your mind, to realize your responsibility for everything that has become so aggravated and thickened in the world. Through the environmental problems raised in the novel, the writer seeks to reach, first of all, the state of the human soul as a problem. The novel begins with the theme of a wolf family, which then develops into the theme of the death of the Mogonkum through the fault of a man: a man breaks into the savannah like a criminal, like a predator. It destroys senselessly and rudely all life that is in the savannah. And this fight ends tragically.

Thus, a person is an integral part of nature, and we all need to understand that only with a caring and careful attitude towards nature, towards the environment, a beautiful future can await us. (355 words)


What does nature teach man?

(According to the work of V. Astafiev)

So that one day in that house

Before the big road

Say: - I was a leaf in the forest!

N. Rubtsov

In the 70s and 80s of our century, the lyre of poets and prose writers sounded powerfully in defense of the surrounding nature. Writers went to the microphone, wrote articles in newspapers, postponing work on works of art. They defended our lakes and rivers, forests and fields. It was a reaction to the rapid urbanization of our lives. Villages were ruined - cities grew. As always in our country, all this was done on a grand scale, and chips flew with might and main. The gloomy results of the harm done to our nature by those hotheads have now been summed up.

Writers - fighters for the environment were all born near nature, they know and love it. This is the well-known prose writer Viktor Astafiev in our country and abroad. I want to reveal this topic on the example of V. Astafiev's story "Tsar-fish".

The author calls the hero of V. Astafyev's story "Tsar-fish" the "master". Indeed, Ignatich knows how to do everything better and faster than anyone. He is distinguished by frugality and accuracy. The relationship between the brothers was complicated. The commander not only did not hide his dislike for his brother, but even showed it at the first opportunity. Ignatich tried not to pay attention to it. Actually, he treated all the inhabitants of the village with some superiority and even condescension. Of course, the protagonist of the story is far from ideal: he is dominated by greed and a consumerist attitude towards nature. The author brings the main character one on one with nature. For all his sins before her, nature presents Ignatich with a severe test. It happened like this: Ignatich goes fishing on the Yenisei and, not content with small fish, is waiting for the sturgeon. At this moment, Ignatich saw a fish at the very side of the boat. The fish immediately seemed ominous to Ignatich. His soul, as it were, split in two: one half prompted to release the fish and thereby save himself, but the other did not want to miss such a sturgeon in any way, because the king-fish comes across only once in a lifetime. The passion of the fisherman takes precedence over prudence. Ignatich decides to catch the sturgeon at all costs. But through negligence, he finds himself in the water, on the hook of his own tackle. Ignatich feels that he is drowning, that the fish is pulling himto the bottom, but he can do nothing to save himself. In the face of death, the fish becomes for him a kind of creature. The hero, who never believes in God, at this moment turns to him for help. Ignatich recalls what he tried to forget throughout his life: a disgraced girl, whom he doomed to eternal suffering. It turned out that nature, also in a sense a “woman”, took revenge on him for the harm done. Nature took revenge on man cruelly. Ignatich asks for forgiveness for the harm done to the girl. And when the fish releases Ignatich, he feels that his soul is freed from the sin that has weighed on him throughout his life. It turned out that nature fulfilled the divine task: it called the sinner to repentance and for this she absolved him of sin. The author leaves hope for a life without sin not only to his hero, but to all of us, because no one on earth is immune from conflicts with nature, and therefore with his own soul.

Thus, I want to conclude:indeed, man himself is a part of nature. Nature is the world around us, where everything is interconnected, where everything is important. And a person must live in harmony with the surrounding world. Nature is powerful and defenseless, mysterious and sensitive. You have to live in peace with her and learn to respect her. (517 words)

Man and nature in domestic and world literature

A person comes into this world not to say what he is, but to make it better.

Since ancient times, man and nature have been closely interconnected. There was a time when our distant ancestors not only respected nature, but personified and even deified it. So, fire, and water, and earth, and trees, and air, and thunder and lightning were considered deities. To propitiate them, people performed ritual sacrifices.

The theme of man, as well as the theme of nature, is quite common both in domestic and world literature. K.G. Paustovsky and M.M. Prishvin showed the unity of man and nature as a harmonious coexistence.

Why is this theme so often used in the stories of these particular writers? One reason is that they are the mediators of realism in literature. This topic was considered by many writers, including foreign ones, from various angles, both with sarcasm and with deep regret.

The great Russian writer A.P. Chekhov repeatedly presented the motives of man and nature in his stories. One of the leading themes of his works is the mutual influence of man and nature. It is observed especially in such a work as "Ionych". But this topic was also considered by such writers as Gogol, Lermontov, Dostoevsky.

In the work of B. Vasilyev “Do not shoot at white swans”, the main character Yegor Polushkin loves nature infinitely, always works in good conscience, lives quietly, but always turns out to be guilty. The reason for this is that Yegor could not disturb the harmony of nature, he was afraid to invade the living world. But people did not understand him, they considered him not adapted to life. He said that man is no king of nature, but her eldest son. In the end, he dies at the hands of those who do not understand the beauty of nature, who are used only to conquer it. But the son will grow up. Who can replace her father, who will respect and protect her native land. This topic was also considered by foreign writers.

The wild nature of the North comes to life under the pen of the American fiction writer D. London. Often the heroes of the works are representatives of the animal world (“White Fang” by D. London or stories by E. Seton-Thompson). And even the narration itself is conducted as if from their face, the world is seen through their eyes, from the inside.

The Polish science fiction writer S. Lem in his "Star Diaries" described the story of space vagrants who ruined their planet, dug up all the bowels with mines, sold minerals to the inhabitants of other galaxies. The retribution for such blindness was terrible, but fair. That fateful day came when they found themselves on the edge of a bottomless pit, and the earth began to crumble under their feet. This story is a formidable warning to all mankind, which predatory plunders nature.

Thus, the relationship between man and nature on the pages of books is diverse. Reading about others, we involuntarily try on characters and situations for ourselves. And, perhaps, we also think: how do we ourselves relate to nature? Shouldn't something be changed in this regard?

430 words

Man and nature in domestic and world literature

“Man will destroy the world rather than learn to live in it” (Wilhelm Schwebel)

Not what you think, nature: Not a cast, not a soulless face - It has a soul, it has freedom, It has love, it has a language ...

F. I. Tyutchev

Literature has always sensitively reacted to all changes taking place in nature and the surrounding world. Poisoned air, rivers, earth - everything is crying for help, for protection. Our difficult and contradictory time has given rise to a huge number of problems: economic, moral and others, but, according to many, the environmental problem occupies the most important place among them. Our future and the future of our children depends on its decision.

The catastrophe of the century is the ecological state of the environment. Many areas of our country have long been dysfunctional: the destroyed Aral, which they could not save, the Volga, poisoned by the effluents of industrial enterprises, Chernobyl and many others. Who is guilty? A man who exterminated, destroyed his roots, a man who forgot where he came from, a man-predator who became more terrible than a beast. “Man will destroy the world rather than learn to live in it,” wrote Wilhelm Schwebel. Is he right? Doesn't a person understand that he cuts the branch on which he sits? The death of nature threatens the death of himself.

A number of works by such famous writers as Chingiz Aitmatov, Valentin Rasputin, Viktor Astafiev, Sergey Zalygin and others are devoted to this problem.

Chingiz Aitmatov's novel "The Block" cannot leave the reader indifferent. The author allowed himself to speak on the most painful, topical issues of our time. It is a screaming novel, a novel written in blood, a desperate appeal addressed to each of us. In the center of the work is a conflict between a man and a pair of wolves who have lost their cubs. The novel begins with the theme of wolves, which develops into the theme of the death of the savannah. Through the fault of man, the natural habitat of animals is dying. After the death of her brood, Akbar's she-wolf meets with a man one on one, she is strong, and the man is soulless, but the she-wolf does not consider it necessary to kill him, she only takes him away from new cubs.

And in this we see the eternal law of nature: not to harm each other, to live in unity. But the second brood of wolf cubs also perishes during the development of the lake, and again we see the same baseness of the human soul. Nobody cares about the uniqueness of the lake and its inhabitants, because profit, profit is the most important thing for many. And again, the boundless grief of the wolf mother, she has nowhere to find shelter from the flame-spewing colossus. The last refuge of the wolves is the mountains, but even here they do not find peace. There comes a turning point in Akbara's mind: evil must be punished. A sense of revenge settles in her sick, wounded soul, but Akbara is morally higher than a person.

Saving a human child, a pure being, not yet touched by the dirt of the surrounding reality, Akbara shows generosity, forgiving people the harm done to her. Wolves are not only opposed to man, they are humanized, endowed with nobility, that high moral strength that people are deprived of. Animals are kinder than man, because they take from nature only what is necessary for their existence, and man is cruel not only to nature, but also to the animal world. Without any feeling of regret, meat procurers shoot defenseless saigas at close range, hundreds of animals die, and a crime against nature is committed. In the novel "The Scaffold" the she-wolf and the child die together, and their blood mixes, proving the unity of all living things, despite all existing differences.

A man armed with technology often does not think about what consequences his affairs will have for society and future generations. The destruction of nature is inevitably combined with the destruction of everything human in people. Literature teaches that cruelty to animals and to nature turns into a serious danger for the person himself to his physical and moral health. Nikonov's story "On the Wolves" is about this. She talks about a huntsman, a man whose profession is to protect all living things, but in reality, a moral monster who causes irreparable harm to nature.

Feeling burning pain for the perishing nature, modern literature acts as its defender. Vasiliev's story "Don't Shoot the White Swans" evoked a great public response. For the forester Egor Polushkin, the swans he settled on the Black Lake are a symbol of pure, lofty and beautiful.

Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera" raises the theme of the extinction of villages. Grandmother Daria, the main character, takes the news that the village of Matera, where she was born, has lived for three hundred years, is living out her last spring. A dam is being built on the Angara, and the village will be flooded. And here grandmother Daria, who worked for half a century without fail, honestly and selflessly, receiving almost nothing for her work, suddenly resists, defending her old hut, her Matera, where her great-grandfather and grandfather lived, where every log is not only hers, but also hers. ancestors. The village is also pitied by her son Pavel, who says that it does not hurt to lose it only to those who "did not water every furrow afterwards." Pavel understands today's truth, he understands that a dam is needed, but grandmother Daria cannot come to terms with this truth, because the graves will be flooded, and this is a memory. She is sure that "the truth is in the memory, whoever has no memory has no life." Daria is grieving at the cemetery at the graves of her ancestors, asking their forgiveness. The farewell scene of Daria in the cemetery cannot but touch the reader. A new village is being built, but it does not have the core of that village life, that strength that a peasant gains from childhood, communicating with nature.

Against the barbaric destruction of forests, animals and nature in general, the pages of the press constantly sound the appeals of writers who seek to awaken in readers the responsibility for the future. The question of attitude to nature, to native places is also a question of attitude to the motherland.

There are four laws of ecology, which were formulated more than twenty years ago by the American scientist Barry Commoner: "Everything is interconnected, everything has to go somewhere, everything costs something, nature knows this better than we do." These rules fully reflect the essence of the economic approach to life, but, unfortunately, they are not taken into account. But it seems to me that if all the people of the earth thought about their future, they could change the environmentally dangerous situation in the world. Otherwise, a person really "... will destroy the world rather than learn to live in it." All in our hands!

925 words

Man and nature in domestic and world literature

It is impossible to imagine a person without nature.

Indeed, this connection cannot be overlooked. Great writers and poets admired and admired nature in their works. Of course, nature served as a source of inspiration for them. Many works show the dependence of man on his native nature. Away from the Motherland, native nature, a person fades, and his life loses its meaning.

Also society as a whole is connected with nature. I think thanks to her it gradually develops. Despite the fact that man exists due to nature, he is also a threat to it. After all, under the influence of man, nature develops, or vice versa, is destroyed. V.A. Soloukhin is right in saying that “for the planet, a person is a kind of disease, every day causing irreparable harm to it.” Indeed, sometimes people forget that nature is their home, and it requires careful treatment.

My point of view is confirmed in the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”. The protagonist of the novel, Yevgeny Bazarov, adheres to a rather categorical position: "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it." It seems to me that with such an attitude to nature, Yevgeny Bazarov shows his indifference to the nature in which he lives. Using everything that he needs, Eugene forgets about what consequences this can lead to.

In the story of V. G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matyora" the attitude of man to nature is clearly manifested. The main theme of the story is the history of the small village of Matera. For many years the village lived its calm, measured life. But one day, on the Angara River, on the banks of which Matera is located, they begin to build a dam for a power plant. It becomes clear to the villagers that their village will soon be flooded.

From this story it follows that a person can control nature as he pleases. In an attempt to improve life, people are building various power plants. But they do not think about the fact that this small village has stood in this place for many years and it is dear to mankind as a memory. And because of the buildings, people destroy their memory and value.

It seems to me that for a long time man perceived nature as a pantry from which one can draw indefinitely. Because of this, unfortunately, more and more environmental disasters began to happen. An example of this is the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986. The destruction was explosive, the reactor was completely destroyed, and a large amount of radioactive substances was released into the environment.

Thus, we can say that the impact of man on nature in most cases is deplorable. But, fortunately, modern society has begun to realize the importance of caring for nature. Environmental problems that arise under the influence of man on nature, and which the writers so want to convey in their works, make a person think about the well-being of nature. After all, nature is a home for every inhabitant of the planet and, I am sure, for literature, this is the main value that the great masters of the word urge to preserve. 426 words

Nature: trees, flowers, river, mountains, birds. This is everything that surrounds a person every day. Familiar and even boring ... What is there to admire? What to admire? This is how a person thinks, who from childhood was not taught to notice the beauty of a dew drop on rose petals, to admire the beauty of a newly blossomed white birch, to listen to the conversation of waves running ashore on a quiet evening. And who should teach? Probably a father or mother, grandmother or grandfather, the one who himself has always "been captured by this beauty."

The writer V. Krupin has a wonderful story with an intriguing title "Drop the bag." It is about how the father taught the daughter, “blind” to the beauty of nature, to notice the beautiful. One day, after the rain, when they were loading the barge with potatoes, the father suddenly said: “Varya, look how beautiful it is.” And the daughter has a heavy bag on her shoulders: how do you look? The father's phrase in the title of the story seems to me a kind of metaphor. After Varya throws off the "bag of blindness", a beautiful picture of the sky after the rain will open before her. A huge rainbow, and above it, as if under an arc, the sun! The father also found figurative words describing this picture, comparing the sun with a horse harnessed to a rainbow! At that moment, the girl, having known beauty, "as if she had washed herself", she "became easier to breathe." Since then, Varya began to notice the beauty in nature and taught her children and grandchildren, as she had once adopted this skill from her father.

And the hero of V. Shukshin's story "The Old Man, the Sun and the Girl", an old village grandfather, teaches a young city artist to notice the beautiful in nature. It is thanks to the old man that she notices that the sun that evening was unusually large, and the river water in its setting rays looked like blood. Gorgeous and mountains! In the rays of the setting sun, they seemed to move closer to people. The old man and the girl also admire how between the river and the mountains “the dusk was quietly fading away”, and a soft shadow was approaching from the mountains. What will be the astonishment of the artist when she finds out that the beautiful was opened before her by a blind man! How much one must love one's native land, how often one must come to this bank to see all this, already blind! And not just to see, but to reveal this beauty to people...

We can conclude that we are taught to notice the beauty in nature by people endowed with a special flair and a special love for their native land. They themselves will notice and tell us that one has only to look at any plant, even the simplest stone, and you will understand how majestic and wise the world around us is, how unique, diverse and beautiful it is.

(376 words)

"Relationship between man and nature"

What role does nature play in human life? People have been thinking about this since ancient times. This problem became especially urgent in the 20th century.Icentury, which resulted in global environmental problems. But I think that mankind would not have survived even to the present time, if writers and poets did not constantly remind us that man and nature cannot exist separately, if they did not teach us to love nature.Nature is a big and interesting world that surrounds us.

The story "Do not shoot white swans" is an amazing book about the beauty of the human soul, about the ability to feel the beauty of nature, understand it, give all the best that is in man, mother nature, without demanding anything in return, only admiring and rejoicing in the wonderful appearance of nature .This work depicts different people: thrifty owners of nature, and those who treat it consumerly, doing terrible things: burning an anthill, exterminating swans. This is the "gratitude" of tourists for the rest, enjoying the beauty. Fortunately, there are people like Yegor Polushkin, who sought to preserve and preserve the natural world and taught this to his son Kolka. He seemed strange to people, those around him did not understand him, they often scolded him, even beat his coven friends for Yegor's excessive, in their opinion, honesty and decency. But he did not take offense at anyone and responded to all occasions in life with a good-natured remark: “It must be so, since it is not like that.” But we get scared, because people like the Buryanovs are not uncommon in our lives. Striving for profit, enrichment, Fedor becomes stale in soul, becomes indifferent to work, nature, people. AndB. Vasiliev warns: indifferent people are dangerous, they are cruel. Destroying nature, the forest, harassing tons of fish, killing the most beautiful swan birds, Buryanov is not far from raising his hand against a person. What he did at the end of the story. In Buryanov's soul there was no place for kindness, love for people, for nature. Spiritual, emotional underdevelopment is one of the reasons for the barbaric attitude to nature. A person who destroys nature destroys himself first of all, cripples the life of his loved ones.

Thus, in Russian literature, nature and man are closely interconnected. The writers show that they are part of one whole, live by the same laws, mutually influence each other. The narcissistic delusions of a person who imagines himself to be the master of nature lead to a real tragedy - the death of all living things and people, in the first place. And only attention, care and respect for the laws of nature, the Universe can lead to the harmonious existence of man on this Earth.

372 words

Yana Kazakova
Summary of the lesson "Man and Nature"

nature and man.

Target: explain to children the relationship man and nature(water man, man-air) survival conditions human.

Tasks: Cultivate love and respect for nature, wisely spend what is in it, protect and protect nature. Accumulation of knowledge about living and non-living nature, interconnection and interaction of all natural objects of ecology.

preliminary work: 1. Examining illustrations and talking with children.

2. Conducting an experiment with water (dirty or clean water).


1. Story-conversation.

caregiver: Guys, look what I brought you! This picture shows nature that surrounds us. Do you know what is nature?

Nature is that that us surrounds: sun, flowers, plants, animals.

And what do you think, man relates to nature? Is it part of it? Why?

Children options.

caregiver: Yes, that's right, it does. Man is also created by nature..

She is alive and inanimate nature. And what do you think about the inanimate nature?

Children: sun, water

caregiver: What about living nature?

Children: animals, plants, etc.

caregiver: Guys, what do you think what conditions are necessary for living a living nature?

Children: Options (we need air, water).

caregiver Q: Why do we need air?

Children A: To breathe.

caregiver: In order for all people to be healthy, what kind of air is needed?

Children: Clean.

caregiver: For example, there is a lot of dust in our room and therefore the air is not clean. And in order for it to be clean, you need to ventilate the room, do wet cleaning. Who do you think pollutes the air? The air, guys, pollutes factories (shows illustrations, because they release harmful and poisonous gases. Cars that emit exhaust gases from exhaust pipes also pollute the air.

caregiver: Why do plants and animals need clean air?

Children A: To breathe.

caregiver Q: Why is polluted air dangerous?

Children: Dangerous because it is difficult for them to breathe.

caregiver Q: Where is the cleanest air?

Children: In the forest, on the sea, in the mountains.

caregiver: Guys, what do you think, without which it cannot live human?

Children: Without water and air.

caregiver: For what man needs water? Why do they drink it?

Children: They drink water because you can't live without water.

caregiver: Guys, what kind of water is considered clean?

Children: Pure water - transparent, no bad smell, no bad taste.

caregiver: Sometimes it seems to us that the water is clean, for example, in a stream, lake.

But you can’t drink it, it can be dangerous to health, and sometimes to life. She is polluted. Who pollutes it?

Children: People.

caregiver: Many people throw water into the trash, factories dump waste. The water supply comes from the river, but this water can also be drunk, only boiled, because harmful substances and microbes still remain in this water.

2. Physical education minute: The game "The Frogs and the Heron" .

Here from the hatched rotten

The frogs jumped into the water.

Will croak: "Kwa-ke-ke".

It will rain on the river.

caregiver: And now we will conduct an experiment. Pour clean water into one jar and dirty water into the other. We filter dirty water through a strainer - you see, the water is still dirty. Such water can be seen in a river, lake, and how bad it is for fish, plants and other inhabitants in such water. They may die.

caregiver: Each of us has running water at home. And we wash our faces every day, wash the dishes, drink water, but we still need to save water. How?

Children: Close the tap.

caregiver: In order for all water bodies to remain clean, it is not necessary to pollute the water, it is necessary to protect rivers and lakes. Therefore, it is necessary to teach everyone not to pollute, to save water.

3. After the story - conversation, the teacher asks questions children:

1. What will happen to us if there is no water? Why?

2. Why man needs water?

3. Why can't you drink water from a river, lake, etc.?

4. What should be done to make the air clean?

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Retelling a story requires not only memorization of the text, but also thoughtfulness in words, in the content of the story.

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